Equipment for bone processing. Use of meat industry waste in feed production. domestic and foreign lines

Meat and bone meal is a valuable product that is used in livestock and poultry farming. It contains protein, which is simply necessary for a balanced diet of poultry and livestock. Not a single poultry farm or livestock farm can do without this product. That is why the production of high-quality meat and bone meal deserves the attention of investors and businessmen.

  • Meat and bone meal manufacturing technology
  • What equipment to choose for the production of meat and bone meal?
  • Sales channels and profitability

The mixture of meat and bone meal is a homogeneous powder of dark Brown. The size of the granules should not exceed 12 mm. Bone mixture for dogs and animals has a specific smell, but it should not smell rotten or musty. One of the important characteristics of meat and bone meal is fat content. According to its degree, the product is divided into classes.

The raw materials from which bone meal is made are residues after slaughter, veterinary confiscations, waste from meat processing plants and dead livestock. Raw materials may contain fatty and non-fatty components. Before processing, it undergoes veterinary and sanitary control.

Meat and bone meal manufacturing technology

Today there is a known method that involves grinding raw materials and heat treating them with heated steam. It always goes through the stages of degreasing and drying.

Bone mixture for dogs and animals is prepared as follows:

1 The raw material enters the grinder. All bones and cartilage are crushed there.
2 The material goes through the conveyor into the dryer. There it is cooked.
3 After this, the mixture of future meat and bone meal is transported via a screw conveyor to another grinder. The raw material after it becomes like minced meat.
4 In a centrifuge, the bone mixture for dogs and animals is dehydrated and defatted. The liquid that is formed after this operation enters special settling tanks. There the fat is separated from the water. Water is again involved in the technological process.
5 The substance again enters the drying area. There the moisture is completely released from it.
6 After secondary drying, the mixture for dogs and other animals is crushed again. After this comes the stages of sterilization and packaging.

The first grinding of the bones is carried out using a roller with holes no larger than 60 mm. The secondary procedure takes place in the disintegrator. There, the bone mixture for dogs and animals is brought to a paste-like consistency. The diameter of the resulting particles does not exceed 1.5 mm. The secondary grinding operation involves heating. Steam is supplied to the installation. The temperature of the mixture is maintained at 60 degrees. Dairy industry waste is often added to the ground waste bones at this stage. They help dissolve particles and bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency. With the help of dairy production waste, the fat content of future meat and bone meal is also regulated. To remove solids, the mixture is placed in a centrifuge. There the solid component of the substance is released, which will be sent for drying.

The production of meat and bone meal has its own risk factors. The main ones:

  • bacterial effects on raw materials (rotting, exposure to pathogenic bacteria);
  • oxidation of raw materials (rancidity).

The fresher the raw materials, the better the final product. Bacteria, which are already abundant in meat production waste, multiply even faster in a warm room. After sterilization, the bacteria themselves die, but the exotoxins they produce remain. That is why you need to pay great attention to the cleanliness of equipment.

Blind spots always harbor a lot of bacteria. It is recommended to fill them with bran with antibacterial additives. It is almost impossible to maintain devices and installations in sterile cleanliness in such conditions. After the end of the shift, it is recommended to run a mixture of antibacterial additives and bran throughout the system. Once a week you need to carry out mechanical cleaning.

What equipment to choose for the production of meat and bone meal?

To implement this technological process, you will need the following equipment for flour production:

Usually it represents a single technological line. As an example, we can give two configurations:

Second line:

Sales channels and profitability

You cannot talk about the success of any enterprise if sales are not established finished products. The most important consumer of meat and bone meal will be farms. Moreover, the mixture of meat and bone meal is used as an additive to food for birds, dogs, cats and livestock. Even larger quantities of this mixture are purchased by enterprises that produce food for dogs and cats. They add it to produce nutritious and healthy formulas for pets.

Agricultural enterprises and private gardeners also purchase a mixture of meat and bone meal. Fertilizers for indoor flowers and plants are made from it. open ground. It can be supplied to specialty stores and garden centers. All kinds of nurseries for dogs and other animals buy the product in large quantities. Interesting fact, in America bone meal is used as fuel for industrial needs. There is no such practice in our country yet.

How much money does it take to produce meat and bone meal?

To open a workshop where bone meal will be produced for livestock and dogs, you will need from 3.5 to 5 million rubles. Costs include the cost of purchasing equipment, installing it, renting premises and the initial purchase of raw materials. If we take into account that the enterprise will produce 45 tons of meat and bone meal per month for dogs and animals, then the revenue will be 960 thousand rubles.

Bone meal on the market costs about 18 thousand rubles per ton. These are wholesale prices. Production profitability is 25%. At stable work and the sale of all inventory, investments in the business will pay off in 2 years.

In the meat industry, in the process of processing livestock raw materials, the main products (meat and meat products) and waste (blood, bone, category II offal, raw fat, horn-hoof raw materials, hide raw materials, non-food raw materials, cane) are obtained, which are secondary raw materials(VS).

Every year, the Russian meat industry produces about 1 million tons secondary resources, of which about 20% is industrially processed.

In the future, schemes should be widely implemented complex processing livestock raw materials, allowing them to be used more rationally, as well as to increase the volume and range of products produced.

Schematic diagram the integrated use of raw materials in the meat industry is presented in Fig. 1. As you can see, waste from the meat industry serves as a valuable raw material for feed.

In the costs of production of poultry and livestock products, the cost of feed makes up the largest part (50...75%), therefore, reducing costs and improving product quality directly depend on the cost and quality of feed.

Feeds of animal origin are distinguished by their high content and completeness of protein necessary in animal diets.

Increasing animal productivity and the quality of meat products is impossible without optimizing diets for basic nutrients, vitamins and other components.

Processing bones into feed meal

IN last years At meat industry enterprises, the production of dry animal feed (meat and bone) has increased significantly. If in 2000 their production amounted to 189 thousand tons, then in 2008 it increased to 482 thousand tons. However, this is still significantly less than in 1990, when the country’s meat industry enterprises produced 598 thousand tons meat and bone feed.

IN modern conditions it is necessary to introduce resource-saving technologies for bone processing at meat processing plants, taking into account their production capacity. When choosing a particular technology, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the morphological and chemical composition of this raw material, depending on the type of meat being processed, the availability of technical means and the possibility of using and selling the resulting products.

Offered various options bone processing for use in meat processing plants with a capacity of 3...5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and over 30 tons of meat per shift, based on chemical composition specific bones of the animal skeleton, as well as the presence of cuts of fleshy tissue on them (Tables 1, 2).

Thus, beef bones with a high fat content (for example, tubular bones) are proposed to be degreased and processed into edible bone fat. For the processing of tubular bone, the Ya8-FOB vibration degreasing line and its modification Ya8-FOB-M are successfully used, which allows the processing of any types of bone to produce bone meal with a fat content of less than 10% (manufacturer - Askond-promoborudovanie LLC, Moscow). Edible fat is used in cooking and in the manufacture of canned food.

Vertebral, thoracic, and sacral bones of cattle, characterized by the presence of a significant amount of fleshy tissue cuts, are recommended to be used for the production of meat-and-bone semi-finished products or subjected to mechanical additional deboning. It is advisable to use the resulting bone residue for the production of edible fat, dry edible broth, feed meal or a protein-mineral component intended for the production of food products for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, and meat mass - for the production of minced products.

To implement efficient processing bones in enterprises with a capacity of up to 15 tons of meat per shift, lines can be recommended where, due to short-term processing and moderate temperature conditions a high yield of high-quality edible fat and feed flour is ensured.

The best results and environmental safety of production are achieved when using the Ya8-FLK bone processing line (manufacturer - Askond-Promoborudovanie LLC). It is distinguished by its ability to process all types of bone and bone residue and ensures almost complete elimination of losses while simultaneously increasing the yield of high-quality edible fat and biologically valuable feed meal.

The need to process all waste from slaughterhouses and sausage shops for the production of meat and bone meal contributed to the creation of the Ya8-FOB-MA20 line (manufacturer - Askond-promoborudovanie LLC) with a productivity of up to 1 t/h of any raw material, except blood, which does not have time to dry in screw dryers continuous action. But before this, the blood is perfectly coagulated in a vibrating extractor (fat separator) and the coagulant is separated from the water in a centrifuge
(Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Line Ya8-FOB-MA20:

1 - power chopper;

2 - auger-prepressor;

3 - grinder pump;
4 - vibration grease separator Vzh-0.3;

5 - low power grinder pump;

6 - scraper conveyor 4.2 m;

7 - three-section drying unit with increased productivity;

8 - conveyor 3.2 m;

9 - hammer crusher;

10 - three-section drying unit with adjustable performance;

11 - hammer crusher;

12 - storage hopper;

13 - settling centrifuge;

14 - coarse fat separator;

15 - fine fat separator;

16 - pump AVZh-130;

1 7 - container with coil 2 m 3;
18 - container heated with live steam 2 m 3;

19 - table for disassembling the separator drum;

20 - capacity 0.2 m 3

Technical specifications lines Ya8-FOB-MA20

Modifications of the line with batch dryers have been developed, allowing the processing of any raw material, including dead animals, with guaranteed sterilization of flour and fat: Ya8-FOBMA-05P - up to 500 kg/h of raw materials and Ya8-FOB-MA06P - up to 1000 kg/h h (manufacturer - Askond-promoborudovanie LLC).

At low-power enterprises, where the amount of waste per day does not exceed 1...2 tons, mini-lines of two modifications are used - steam and electric. For example, on the ML-A16 line, up to 800 kg of raw materials are processed per change using steam, and on the ML-A16-01 line - without steam. The productivity of the ML-A16M (Fig. 3) and ML-A16M-01 lines is up to 1500 kg per shift, and the ML-A16M2 and ML-A16M2-01 lines are up to 3000 kg per shift (manufacturer - Askond-promoborudovanie LLC) .

Rice. 3. Mini-line ML-A16M for bone processing:

1 - raw material grinder;

2 - centrifuge;

3 - screw conveyor (5 m) with a hopper;

4 - dryer SK-1.5;

5 - pump;

6 - screw conveyor (1.2 m)

To obtain feed bone meal of higher biological value at the All-Russian Research Institute of Meat Industry named after V.M. Gorbatov has developed a fundamentally new waste-free technology that allows for short-term processing of bones during moderate temperatures dry method (without contact with water, hard steam). A Ya8-FLK technological line has been created for processing bones, in which the degreasing process takes place in two stages: first, for 11 minutes. due to conductive heating to a temperature of 85...90°C with continuous removal of melted fat and resulting juice vapors, and then by filtration centrifugation for 3...4 minutes. at a temperature of 70...80°C. Defatted bones are subjected to continuous drying for 30...35 minutes, crushing and sifting. The resulting feed bone meal contains on average 70% more protein than meal produced using traditional technology.

As a result of research conducted at the All-Russian State Research Institute of Animal Husbandry, the increase in live weight in experimental animals that received a diet with bone meal produced using new technology was 6.2% higher, and feed costs per 1 kg of weight gain were 0.3 feed lower. units than when using traditional bone meal. It has been established that the digestibility of protein, fat and fiber in bone meal produced by waste-free technology, also higher by 3.5, 26.4 and 54.3%, respectively. The advantage of the developed technology for the production of bone meal was also shown by hematological studies. Thus, the hemoglobin content in the blood of experimental animals was higher than that of animals in the control group. The results indicate the effectiveness of the production of bone meal using the developed waste-free technology, and its possible use as a source of digestible protein, and not just phosphorus-calcium salts.

Thus, bone processing allows for the most efficient use of it, taking into account market conditions and the technical capabilities of a particular enterprise. In addition to obtaining economic benefits, the recommended technologies are aimed at improving the environmental safety of production.

Production of protein feeds from keratin-containing raw materials

Keratin-containing raw materials obtained from meat processing plants (horns, hooves, hair, stubble, wool) occupy a relatively small volume of total number not formed food waste. However, taking into account the number of livestock processed in meat processing plants, this type of non-food waste constitutes a significant amount, which must be considered as a raw material resource for the production of protein animal feed. The main method of processing is hydrothermal processing of horn-hoofed raw materials under pressure in autoclaves various designs. The process of obtaining the final product in dry form occurs in one apparatus - a vacuum boiler or in two - in a vertical autoclave and a vacuum boiler. In the first case, the raw materials are boiled in water under a pressure of 0.3...0.4 MPa at a temperature of 138...142°C for 4...5 hours, then the water is drained and the mass is dried under vacuum for 3...5 hours. In the second case horn-hoofed raw materials are first treated with hard steam under a pressure of 0.25...0.3 MPa for 5...7 hours, and then loaded into a vacuum boiler, where short-term sterilization occurs at a pressure of 0.1...0.12 MPa for 30 minutes ., after which the mass is dried for 3...4 hours. The dried product, after cooling, is crushed into particles less than 3 mm in size, resulting in a feed additive that contains less than 68% protein, no more than 6% fat with 9% moisture. The product yield is 53% by weight of fresh (not stored) horn-hoofed raw materials. The results of research at the All-Russian State Research Institute of Animal Husbandry showed that feeding pigs with compound feed, in which 7% of the used meat-and-bone meal was replaced with a feed additive from keratin-containing raw materials, provided the same average daily gains in live weight of animals and the quality of pork as in the control group (100% meat-and-bone meal) .

At the All-Russian Research Institute of Meat Industry named after. V.M. Gorbatov developed a hydro-thermochemical method for processing keratin-containing raw materials, when it is subjected to hydrolysis with an alkaline reagent under a pressure of 0.2...0.3 MPa for 5...6 hours. The resulting hydrolyzate is neutralized with acid up to 7 units. pH. As a result of this treatment, the degree of keratin hydrolysis reaches 78...79%. The hydrolyzate contains 20...25% dry matter, including 15...16% protein. It is also characterized by the presence of 15 microelements and has a high emulsifying ability.

Processing animal blood for feed purposes

One of the most valuable secondary raw materials in terms of nutritional and biological properties and relatively cheap is the blood of slaughtered animals.

At industrial processing blood it is divided into plasma and formed elements. Blood plasma consists of water (on average about 90%), protein (7.5...8%), other organic soluble substances(1.1%) and inorganic compounds(0.9%). Plasma contains enzymes, biologically active amines and hormones, free amino acids, products of the final breakdown of proteins, as well as hundreds of different proteins, each of which performs its own specific function.

One of the latest achievements in the production of blood products is aerosol-dried plasma, which preserves the biological activity of functional proteins, in particular immunoglobulins.

Abroad, a product such as aerosol drying plasma is used in industrial scale only the last 15 years. The dry plasma production scheme includes aseptic collection and cooling of blood; adding an anticoagulant; separation into fractions using a centrifuge, reverse osmosis or ultrafiltration; aerosol drying.

Due to its high nutritional value, digestibility of basic substances and other qualities, blood plasma as a protein raw material is widely used in the food, dairy, meat, baking, confectionery, and feed industries.

The preservation of aerosol-dried blood plasma immunoglobulin fractions in the animal’s intestines varies from 54 to 90%. In terms of the content of nutrients and biologically active substances, blood plasma is close to high-quality fishmeal (Table 3).

The use of aerosol-dried blood plasma in the production of prestarter feed for suckling piglets turned out to be especially beneficial, and its inclusion (6...7%) in the feed of young animals for two weeks allows reducing the weaning age by 7...8 days. Data from scientific and practical research show that with proper feeding and maintenance, early weaning (17...21 days) compared to traditional weaning has a number of advantages. This is an increase in average daily live weight gain by 26%, a reduction in feed costs per unit gain by 10%, and a reduction in the time it takes to reach slaughter standards. Fewer veterinary preparations and medications are spent on raising piglets.

At the Gulkevichsky breeding farm ( Krasnodar region) conducted a series of experiments to comparatively study the effectiveness fishmeal and aerosol-dried blood plasma as part of diets balanced for all nutritional elements in strict accordance with detailed pig feeding standards. After this, the results obtained in the experiments were tested under production conditions on 80 animals. It was found that feeding experimental piglets with aerosol-dried blood plasma contributed to an increase in the average daily increase in live weight by 16.6% compared to the control group.

Piglets fed blood plasma reached a live weight of 100 kg 19 days earlier than their peers fed fishmeal.

Calculations showed that the cost of 1 kg of increase in live weight of piglets in the experimental group was 3.89 rubles. less than in the control group (31.68 rubles), and the level of profitability is 18% higher.

Thus, to compensate for the deficiency of biologically active substances in the diets of young pigs within two weeks after weaning, it is recommended to include 7% blood plasma instead of high-quality fishmeal.

Processing waste from the meat industry using dry extrusion

TO the latest techniques processing of biological waste includes extrusion technologies. They allow you to combine and carry out quickly and continuously in one machine (extruder) a number of operations: almost simultaneously mixing, compressing, heating, sterilizing, cooking and molding the product. In a short period of time, processes corresponding to long-term heat treatment occur in the raw material. In modern extruders, depending on the nature of the material being processed, the temperature can reach 200°C, and the pressure can reach 4...5 MPa. At the same time, the negative effects of treatment are minimized due to its high speed. The processed material is in the extruder for no more than 20...30 s, therefore extrusion technologies are usually classified as short-term high-temperature processes.

The development of extrusion technology has made it possible to propose new methods of waste disposal Food Industry, fur farms, pig farming and poultry farming.