Cheremsha - planting and care in the open field. When to plant wild garlic in the fall in open ground. How to grow wild garlic in the countryside Cheremsha growing from seeds buy

Vitamin spring greens are always welcome on the dinner table. Not so long ago, ramson became very popular - a delicate salad herb with a garlic flavor and aroma. To replenish vitamins, diversify the diet and update the range of healthy greens in the garden, you need to know how to grow wild garlic.

What is wild garlic

This is a perennial bulbous plant, part of the same family with and onions. A plant with an early growing season. Its greenery breaks through the snow and cold ground already in early April. The bulbs of the plant are small, 1 to 2 cm in diameter, depending on the variety. Plant height varies from 15 to 40 cm.

Wild garlic is valued for its delicious greens with a light garlic aroma. Young leaves have a record high amount of ascorbic acid, as well as amino acids and bioflavonoids. After studying the composition and useful properties of the plant, its wild thickets began to quickly disappear due to active collection along with the bulbs. Today wild garlic is listed in the Red Book of many countries.

So what is wild garlic and where does it grow? Bear onion is the second name of wild garlic. It is found in the European part of Russia, in Belarus, Western Europe. Grows in deciduous and mixed forests, lowlands, near marshes, along river banks. It loves moisture and partial shade, so it is almost never found in coniferous forests. Young greens, wild garlic bulbs and flower arrows, which are pickled and fermented, are eaten.

Greens are added to salads, sauces, arrows are used as. When collecting wild garlic in natural conditions, it is done as early as possible in April-May, since by the flowering period the leaves become stiff and acquire too rich taste and aroma.

How wild garlic breeds, varieties

Under natural conditions, the bear's onion reproduces by bulbs and seeds that ripen in August. In a few years, a whole meadow of wild garlic develops from 5-6 bulbs. Aggressive collection of greens greatly weakens the bulbs, which degenerate after 2-3 years.

How to grow wild garlic in the garden? For this, both bulbs and seeds are used. In the first case, you can get greens in a year, in the second - in 2-3 years. When buying seeds, pay attention to the timing. Ramson seeds lose their germination after a year. There are 2 types of wild garlic and several varieties. Kinds:

  1. Victorious onion is a large plant up to 70 cm high, the rhizome of which consists of several bulbs. The leaves are broad lanceolate, garlic op taste and aroma. Flowers smell like honey, decorative;
  2. Bear onion - a plant up to 40 cm high with thin leaves, like a lily of the valley, white fragrant inflorescences, tender and juicy greens. Listed in the Red Book.

Ramson garden or cultivated is represented by three varieties: Bear cub, Bear ear and Bear delicacy. They differ in leaf size and yield. The most fruitful is the Bear's Ear, which gives up to 2.5 kg of greenery from 1 m 2. It is grown in whole plantations in open ground and greenhouses.

Planting bulbs

How to breed wild garlic in a summer cottage quickly and effortlessly? For this, planting bulbs is suitable. Sometimes greens in the market or in garden centers are sold whole with young bulbs. Such a plant can be brought home, cut off some of the greenery and plant the bulbs in properly prepared soil. To do this, in the summer cottage, they choose a place under the crown of a large tree, near the western wall of the outbuilding or at where direct sunlight does not fall.

The soil is prepared like this:

  • mix 1 part of peat with 2 parts of sod land;
  • add leaf humus, which can be collected in the forest;
  • vermiculite is also added if the soil is too heavy.

Before planting, the site is dug up, weeds are removed, and filled with prepared soil. It is better to do this in the fall. How to plant wild garlic with bulbs in open ground? The bulbs are planted in grooves to a depth of 10 cm. The distance between the planting material is 15-20 cm. Plantings are watered every day for a week for rooting. To maintain soil moisture, mulch with rotted foliage. The best time for planting bulbs is early May.


How to grow wild garlic from seeds? Under natural conditions, seeds become viable only after winter stratification. Without it, friendly and high-quality shoots will not work. Under artificial conditions, stratification is carried out in a refrigerator or on a glazed loggia, where the air temperature does not fall below -3 ° C.

Stratification of wild garlic seeds at home - stages:

  • soak the seeds in warm water for 1 hour;
  • ignite river sand in the oven;
  • pour sand into a shallow container;
  • sow seeds from above, without deepening the soil and without moistening;
  • cover with a lid or polyethylene, put in a cool place (refrigerator) for 3 months.

Periodically, the container is taken out of the refrigerator and checked for mold and mildew. After 3 months, the seeds are ready for planting. Of course, growing wild garlic from bulbs is a simpler process, but a lot of planting material is obtained from seeds.

Sowing seeds

Growing wild garlic bear's ear seeds involves planting young bulbs in open ground only after a year, and getting greenery after another 2 years. After stratification, the seeds are placed in trays with moistened soil and sprinkled with 1 cm of peat on top. The container is placed in a warm, dark room, covered with polyethylene on top. Shoots will appear in 3-4 weeks. These are thin hairs that need to be dived after 2-3 weeks.

It will take the plant almost a year to form a bulb. All this time, pots with wild garlic are kept at home or in a greenhouse, regularly watered and fertilized with complex fertilizers.

How to plant wild garlic in spring? In May, after an increase in the average daily air temperature, the strengthened sprouts are planted in grooves, the distance between which is 50-60 cm. The current and next seasons, the bulbs are watered and fed abundantly, allowing the green mass and root system to grow. Greens are not cut.

If there is no shady place on the site, and the site itself is high, wild garlic is grown in greenhouses, where they maintain high humidity and protect the plants from the bright sun. In such conditions, juicy greens are obtained from March to October. Planting and caring for wild garlic in greenhouse conditions does not differ from that produced when growing a plant in open ground. The main thing is watering, weed removal and regular top dressing.

Plant care in the country

Growing wild garlic in the country is a laborious process only in the first 2 years. The most important thing is to create conditions for the plant to form a full-fledged bulb. If the plant for the 3rd year gives a good increase in greenery and releases a flower arrow, then everything is done correctly and you can harvest vitamin products for all future seasons.

If the soil is heavy on the site, groundwater lies close to the surface, plantings are regularly loosened to increase aeration. Weeds are regularly removed, especially wheatgrass, which damages soft young wild garlic bulbs. Water plantings as the soil dries. Bear bow does not like stagnant moisture.

Organic matter is added to the soil in early spring. This is rotted manure or nitrogen fertilizers. Later, the plant needs phosphorus and potassium to develop the peduncle and produce seeds. These elements increase the frost resistance of garden crops, so they can be applied at the end of summer.

The time for collecting wild garlic for greens lasts from April to May, and the shadier the place of growth, the juicier and tastier the greens. In the sun and in the heat, wild garlic becomes smaller, the leaves coarsen. Bulbs for edible purposes are harvested in August after the seeds have been collected.

Sowing without stratification

If a small plantation of wild garlic has already formed in the country, plantings can be updated with freshly harvested seeds without artificial stratification. This refers to the planting of wild garlic before winter in open ground.

The seeds of the plant are harvested in August and left stored in a cool place until October. Since autumn, a plot is prepared for sowing, weeds are removed, loosened, and humus is introduced. In mid-October, when the air temperature drops rapidly, the seeds are scattered over the surface of the prepared area, lightly covered with a rake, and sprinkled on top with dry foliage collected on the site.

After natural stratification, young sprouts appear in spring. As a rule, seedlings are not always friendly due to unstable weather conditions. Home stratification gives the best result, therefore, for laying the first bed or plantation, wild garlic is grown from seeds in seedlings.

How to grow wild garlic on a windowsill

To obtain spicy juicy greens, wild garlic is grown all year round on the windowsill. To do this, choose a northern window into which bright sunlight does not fall. The pot is chosen with a diameter of 40 cm, and a depth of about 30-40 cm, so that the bulbs can give a powerful root system and develop a dense bush.

Land for a pot is taken in a deciduous forest - light, nutritious, breathable. 10-15 bulbs are planted in one pot. It is better to transfer the plant from the forest in early spring, when the greenery is just beginning to break through the soil and snow, or in late autumn, when the wild garlic has faded. But in autumn it is difficult to find bulbs in the forest, you need to know the exact place where the bear’s onion grows.

How to grow wild garlic all year round at home? In the first year after planting, the plant is not disturbed by cuttings. The bulbs should be strong and well rooted. Do not allow the soil to dry out and bright sunlight. In winter, a pot of wild garlic is placed in a cool place away from batteries so that the greens do not dry out. Can be placed on a table in the back of the room.

In addition to watering, wild garlic is fed once a month with complex mineral fertilizers for salad greens. It is better to use liquid top dressing. Every year the plant develops one additional bulb, so after 3 years the pot is changed to a larger one in diameter or a spicy clearing is planted in two containers.

From a pot, wild garlic can be transplanted into a garden or greenhouse from spring to autumn.

If the seeds of the plant are not needed, and the arrows are not eaten, the flower stalks are cut off so that all the nutrients go to the development of new leaves and bulbs, and not the formation of fruits. If wild garlic liked the care and indoor microclimate, it will provide the family with vitamin greens all year round.

Bear onions are unique in their composition and useful properties, so they try to prepare greens for future use in a variety of ways. These are freezing, pickling, pickling, boiling, salting. In Europe, whole festivals are held in honor of the plant, where people are introduced to the cultivation of the plant and treated to dishes prepared from it. Here she is - a valuable wild garlic!

How to grow wild garlic - video

A representative of the onion family - wild garlic - won the love of summer gardeners with its spicy and aromatic properties. In fact, this is a wild plant, but it is also available for cultivation in the backyard. The article will tell you how to plant this plant with seeds, as well as how to harvest it in your country house.

Cheremsha is of several types. However, most often this word means the Bear Onion variety, which can be found in bunches on the shelves of markets. This forest dweller looks like a lily of the valley, tastes like garlic. The bulbs of wild garlic are oblong in shape, about 1 cm in length. The stem is trihedral, up to 40 cm high. In the forest, wild garlic protects itself from destruction: it grows in swamps or deaf more often, fades before the start of haymaking. However, today the plant is still in the Red Book.

People value wild garlic for its taste and healing properties, which is why there was a fashion for its cultivation in the backyard. The process is simple. It is only necessary to take into account a few nuances. In summer practice today there are two ways to cultivate bear onions:

  1. In shady gardens or in partial shade near farm buildings.
  2. In the beds next to vegetables and other plants.

wild garlic bush

The task of the first option is to reproduce the natural habitat of wild garlic: in the shade, dampness, lowlands - places where only weeds usually grow. The plant almost does not need care and gives a vitamin harvest in early spring. For growing garden bear onions, fertile neutral soil is needed. The bulbs will be at a depth of 7-15 cm - the earth should be loose, airy. A shadow is not required in this case.

How to plant and grow wild garlic

The principle of growing wild garlic is similar to the cultivation of traditional perennials. You can breed a plant when it reaches the age of 4 years. They do this:

  • seeds;
  • bulbs.

The disadvantage of bulb propagation is that one shoot next year will replace only one plant. Bulbs are rooted in late summer - early autumn or mid-spring. The foliage is harvested after 3 years. If you intend to dig up the bulbs, break off the flower umbel during the budding period, and then you will get larger tubers.

If you want to plant wild garlic with seeds, remember: after flowering (the plant throws out an umbrella of rounded white flowers), the fruit with planting material will ripen in June-July. You can collect seeds in the forest, but, firstly, it is not easy to find the place where wild garlic grows, and secondly, it is illegal due to the fact that it is in the Red Book. Ideal seeds are those that have already ripened, but have not yet crumbled.

Advice. The shell of the bear's onion seeds hardens quickly, so they need to be germinated in a freshly harvested state. Otherwise, they will lose their viability. It is rational to buy them from mid-summer to autumn. Check the packaging date carefully.

Seeds can immediately be planted in mulched soil - they will appear by September, or they can be sown before winter. You can also do this after stratification at t 0 ... -3 ° C for 80-100 days. The first year of wild garlic should be spent in a box. On the second one, it can be planted in the ground, deepening by 0.5-1 cm.

In order for the plant to take root in the soil, choose a place that warms up well in the spring. Do not allow the soil to dry out all year round. The plant will sprout next spring. You can cut the leaves after 5 years.

Attention! Seeds sown in the spring after stratification will sprout only a year later. For this reason, it is worth planting them before winter, in containers.

How to care for wild garlic and harvest

To grow bear onions, you need to be patient. The annual wild garlic is a small sprout with one leaf, the two-year-old is slightly larger in size. An adult plant is a small shrub consisting of several leaves. A normal harvest in one place, bear onions can bring no more than 7 years.

There are no innovative techniques in caring for a plant:

  • water frequently;
  • loosen the earth;
  • keep plantings clean;

Ramson does not require special care
  • get rid of weeds;
  • fertilize wild garlic with mineral fertilizers and organic matter.

And in the first year or two, this will not be needed either. After the growing season is over, mulch the beds with peat, divide the bush and transfer it to a new site.

Advice. When picking the leaves, try not to damage the inflorescences. The seeds in them will ripen, fall nearby and increase your "plantation" next year.

When the wild garlic grows to cut the leaves, start doing it immediately after the snow melts. Lastly, collect the arrows - until the seeds of the plant become milky waxy. Arrows are superior in taste to leaves and lend themselves perfectly to pickling. Pluck the bear's onion in May, remembering to leave the bulbs in the soil. Leaves should be collected no more than once every couple of years, and in no case should you touch everything at once. Bulbs for further harvesting should be dug in late autumn.

Like cultivated onions, wild garlic can be grown in jars or pots in winter. To do this, plant the bulbs at the end of October: the harvest will already be around the Christmas holidays. Difficulties in the process of growing and a long wait will be rewarded with the first spring greens on your table.

Cheremsha: video

Now is the time to start preparing for growing wild garlic at home. Growing wild garlic in a pot is not as easy as cultivated varieties of garlic. Native to the "garlic-scented lily of the valley" is considered to be the North American mountain slopes, shady and damp litter of deciduous forests. Ramson appears in the spring as one of the first plants, covering entire carpets of garlic-scented greenery.

Cultivate wild garlic began not so long ago. In Western restaurants, the demand for it has increased and the collection of wild garlic in the forest has become a threat to this plant species. Now wild garlic is being researched at universities, and agrobiologists are working on practical methods for growing wild garlic under controlled conditions. I do not have the opportunity to collect it in the forest, so next season I will try to grow some wild garlic at home.

Growth cycle of wild garlic

Ramson grows under the canopy of beech, birch, maple, poplar, oak and linden forests. The plant likes among nettle, cinquefoil, ginseng.

Seeds germinate in March and early April in cool, shady places with high humidity, abundantly decaying foliage and soil rich in organic matter. As the temperature rises, wild garlic sheds a leaf and throws out a stem with a flower by June. Seeds ripen by September. Such conditions, unfortunately, cannot be created in the garden on the windowsill.

How to grow wild garlic at home

If it is difficult to grow wild garlic in the garden, but it is possible, then performing this feat in a pot on the windowsill is a real challenge. Ramson needs a shaded place, under fruit trees in a garden. And how to create similar conditions for her at home?

It is much easier to grow wild garlic from bulbs than from seeds, but I have no idea where I can get these bulbs. We are not looking for easy ways, we will grow wild garlic from seeds.

Stratification of wild garlic seeds

Seeds of wild garlic require mandatory at temperatures up to 0 ° + 3 ° C, at least three months. Seeds should not be older than last year - they deteriorate very quickly. Since the seeds lie for a long time, they need to be stratified in wet sand. Perhaps a glazed loggia is also suitable, where the temperature does not drop below zero.

Soil preparation

Ideal would be forest land, with a rotten leaf. Suitable and garden soil under a pear, an apple. The main condition is a lot of humus, organic matter, the soil must breathe, be well moistened. If there is no way to bring land from the forest, then the purchased soil must be flavored with organic fertilizer or compost. Prepare a dead leaf for mulching or any organic mulch - bark, larger sawdust, wood chips. Do not take coniferous waste, only fruit or deciduous waste.

Sowing wild garlic

After stratification, we sow the seeds, preferably in containers or spacious deep pots. In the first year, we will try to grow bulbs for the next season. The earth must be damp. We fill the container by two thirds, distribute the seeds over the surface in 10 cm increments, sprinkle with a thin layer of soil and moisten from the sprayer. We mulch, cover with a film, but with holes for air access. We hide in a dark cool place. After a couple of weeks, we are looking for a place warmer, but without access to sunlight. As soon as shoots appear, we put containers with wild garlic under the windowsill away from direct rays.

After two seasons, the roots of the bulb will drop to 20 cm, this must be taken into account when choosing a container for planting wild garlic.


The soil for wild garlic should always be moist. For such specific moisture lovers plants, I prefer to use a spray bottle during the day, I try not to flood, but also not to leave the surface dry.


The first season of wild garlic will serve you as an ornamental plant, we will start cutting the greens only the next year, it is recommended to suffer even 2 years with the harvest.

When harvesting, try to cut off a leaf from a bush so that the wild garlic bulb can receive nutrition and grow stronger, because the plant is perennial and the harvest for the next season will depend on the bulb.


As soon as the wild garlic fades (this does not always happen in the first year), and all the leaves move away, you can pack the container in perforated film and put it in a dark, cool place. A container with wild garlic bulbs should not freeze and the earth should not dry out.


After 2-3 years, wild garlic bulbs can be dug up and the bushy plants can be divided. If flowering at home is successful, you can collect your seeds for further propagation.

Wild garlic is one of the first plants that break out of the cold soil in early spring. I always look forward to going to the garden and waiting for its tasty and juicy leaves to appear to enjoy the first fresh salad. After all, wild garlic, or as it is also called wild onion, bear onion , victory onion is a very useful plant. It is ahead of crops such as green onions and garlic in terms of vitamin C content. The use of wild garlic is that it is a natural antioxidant, activates the immune system, due to the presence of allicin in wild garlic. Wild onion is used to treat intestinal infections and scurvy, it has antihelminthic, bactericidal properties, helps in the treatment of cough and bronchitis. Thanks to its vitamin composition, wild garlic strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents cholesterol from accumulating in the blood, stimulates digestion, cardiac activity. It can be used for food both raw and fermented, pickled, salted, added as a filling to flour products. Ramson grows freely in the forest, but since it is listed in the Red Book, it is strictly forbidden to collect it, but you can grow it on your site. And for those gardeners who have not yet acquired this useful plant, I will tell you in what ways you can breed it on your site.

It's been 12 years since I first had a burning desire to tame a forest savage. I dug up two dozen plants in the forest along with bulbs and planted them in the garden. Every single one took root and in the first year formed ornamental thickets, decorated with white flowers.

Agricultural technology of wild garlic

When planting any plants, you need to try to create conditions that are as close to natural as possible. Cheremsha is quite unpretentious. Both sunny and not very lit areas of the garden are well suited for its cultivation. It can take root everywhere, this has become a real find for me. Cheremsha grows with pleasure where, until that time, nothing wanted to grow - in the shade, under a fence, under a tree. This year I want to experiment with planting in the shade under a walnut, there I haven't gotten anything at all so far.

If you plant a wild onion in a good sunny spot, you will have to remove weeds, water the plant and plant it much more often. Also, the leaves will become smaller and coarser. Seeds should be planted at a temperature of 18-20 degrees, it is then that their germination is greatest. At lower temperatures, germination drops significantly.

How to propagate wild garlic

Ramson can reproduce in 2 ways - seeds and bulbs. It will be possible to find out whether the plant has taken root only a year after planting. The main disadvantage of bulb propagation is that each shoot creates only one new ovary. Not all of the new plantings will be accepted - the germination rate in this case will be small.

Growing wild garlic from seeds

It is better to propagate plants vegetatively, by bulbs. But if you can’t get planting material, you will have to sow with seeds. Preparation for planting seeds must be done in advance. They can be purchased at a flower shop or collected from the plant itself during ripening. When buying seeds, you should pay attention to the fact that they are round and smooth. If they are wrinkled, then the percentage of germination will be low. Here it is necessary to take into account small subtleties. In nature, wild garlic seeds ripen very early, in July. They crumble and lie, not germinating, until the next spring. Therefore, our seeds can be sown in September. It is necessary to dig shallow grooves (about 1 cm), fill the seeds there at a sufficient distance from each other (about 10-15 cm). The distance between the rows should be about 20 cm. Then the seeds are buried in the ground, and sprinkled on top with a thin layer of peat, humus or leaves.

In April, part of the seeds will give the first shoots. Some die from self-digestion, so you should not count on one hundred percent germination.

To get a lot of seeds that can germinate, they should be collected when they are ripe, but not crumbled. For sowing, the freshest seeds should be used, in which the seed coat has not had time to harden, and it hardens very quickly. Immature seeds from green capsules, when they turn into a yellow-brown color, have a high germination rate, but this is such a short time that if a day is late, the seeds spill out onto the ground. Actually, this is why a large amount of self-sowing is formed, and the purchased seeds do not want to sprout for a long time and stubbornly.

It is better to sow in a pot, which is then dug into the garden. This avoids tedious and lengthy weed control and eliminates the risk of losing crops. Seedlings will appear next spring. They will be small and squishy. During dormancy and stratification, many seeds die from autolysis (self-digestion). Death increases in warm season up to 72% of the total. So you should not count on one hundred percent germination. The resulting seedlings need to be planted on a well-fertilized and weed-free bed. After a year or two, the plants are planted in a permanent place. I usually do this in the spring, when the plants are clearly visible and there is no risk of chopping the bulbs with a shovel when digging.

Stratification of wild garlic seeds

Also wild garlic can be sown in the spring. But in this case, you first need to stratify. The seeds are frozen for 3 months at a temperature of about 0 degrees, and then mixed with wet sand. In April, the seeds are planted in the usual way.

Growing wild garlic bulbs

My first experiments showed that it is better to propagate wild garlic with bulbs. They can be planted in August-October or the next year - in April-May. The main disadvantage of the vegetative method is the low multiplication factor: every year each shoot forms only one replacement bulb. With this method, crops are harvested in the third year of plant life. It is better that the bulbs for transplantation should be with a ready root system.If the roots are withered, the probability of engraftment is close to zero, roots do not grow in spring. We plant the bulb so that 2/3 is in the ground, carefully dig in the roots and spill it abundantly so that there are no voids left. In the spring, before flowering, we water often, periodically it is possible with fertilizer.

In the first year after transplanting, the plant will only grow to half its normal size due to the unpreparedness of the root system. It will be possible to judge whether the bulb has taken root only in the fall - in September-October a new replacement bulb should form. When choosing a planting density, you need to remember that the horizontal roots of wild garlic grow up to 20 cm, this does not mean that you need to plant bulbs strictly one at a time. When there are up to 20 bulbs in a curtain, they can not be planted, they do not crush each other, and the distance between curtains should be 40-50 cm.

After the death of the ground part of the plant in July, you can stop watering altogether. If wild garlic was planted in an open place, do not forget to add a little earth, humus or leaves. As a rule, every tenth plant blooms, giving up to 120 seeds. Therefore, by planting 100 plants, you will provide yourself with seeds for a plantation, which you can not only look at, but also treat yourself to a spring vitamin salad, and more than once. Ramson responds well to watering and humus with an increase in vegetative mass and sugars, and vitamin "C" is not measured there anyway.

If flower stalks are found on the transplanted plants, then they must be broken off so that they do not deplete the transplanted bulbs.

Soil preparation for wild garlic

Lighting should not be too bright, wild garlic grows best in partial shade. In such conditions, its leaves become softer, larger and more tasty. If there is too much sunlight, then the leaves become coarse, and sometimes even dry out.

Ramson requires well-moistened soil, but constant flooding is best avoided. Bear onions especially do not like excessive moisture. In early spring, the plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral, loose. In acidic soil, wild garlic grows very poorly. But it can grow well in both sand and clay.

Watering and fertilizing wild garlic

Since wild garlic can be grown in the same place for quite a long time, a good filling with organic matter is required. It is best if it is humus from the leaves of hazel, elm or birch, in the amount of 1 - 2 buckets per 1 sq. m. The soil will be light, loose, breathable. But before that, it must be cleaned of weeds with special care and processed to a sufficient depth, based on the fact that the roots of a bear's onion penetrate 15–20 cm, and that of a victorious one - 30–40 cm. onions do not tolerate them, the victorious one puts up with slightly acid ones. Components of success:

  • Do not forget about watering in drought while the aerial part of the plants remains;

  • Do not loosen the soil deep, but add mulch from leaf humus, which will keep it loose and moist, and in addition, will serve as an excellent fertilizer for wild garlic;

  • If there is no humus, use infusions of organic fertilizers as a top dressing (mullein 1:10, bird droppings 1:20), but not fresh manure;

  • When growing wild garlic, it is important not to let weeds grow. Especially dangerous are nettles and couch grass, the rhizomes of which can pierce the bulbs through.

Protection from pests and diseases

Pests rarely harm wild garlic. When damage appears on the leaves, it is necessary to water the plants with a salt solution (100 grams per bucket of water). The next day, the remaining salt is washed off with plain water from a watering can.

Sometimes a plaque appears on the wild garlic, similar to rust. In this case, the affected plants are watered with a solution of copper oxychloride (1 spoon per 10 liters). A small amount of liquid soap is also added to it. After 1-2 weeks, spraying must be repeated. Leaves should not be eaten after spraying, it is better to wait a few weeks. But then they will need to be washed thoroughly.


The first harvest in young strong wild garlic plants grown from seeds can be harvested in the third year of life, depriving them of individual leaves. On a victorious bow, for example, you can cut off the top two leaves, and leave the bottom one. All leaves cannot be cut off, because they will not grow over the summer and the plant will not be able to accumulate enough nutrients to form a new bulb.

In large adult wild garlic plants, you can remove all the leaves at once, but do not do this every year so that the plantings have time to recover. It is reasonable, when growing wild garlic, to start several small plots and cut them in turn, giving others the opportunity to rest. In general, about 2-3 kg of greenery can be harvested from 1 m 2 during the summer.

The most delicious, tender and healthy are young shoots, leaves and petioles of wild garlic, grown in early spring, when it is not yet hot. At the end of April, they have the most vitamins and other biologically active substances, mineral salts. But, growing wild garlic, it should be remembered that with such an early cutting of leaves, the bulb is more difficult to recover. If you cut the leaves later, it is better for the bulb, but not so healthy and tasty for us. So you have to look for a compromise, but most importantly, remove the wild garlic leaves before flowering.

With strong growth, wild garlic can also be used in winter, for which the bulbs are transplanted at the end of October into flower pots and put on the windowsill, and in January bright emerald green appears.

Be sure to plant this plant in your area. After all, you probably have such areas where wild garlic will feel like the queen of the garden and supply you with useful spring vitamins every year. from the network

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