Disposal of solid household waste. Construction of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills Disposal of industrial and household waste

Neutralization of leachate from solid waste disposal sites

Storage of municipal solid waste (MSW) at landfills is the most common, simple and cheap method of waste management, however, despite the implementation of technical measures to prevent pollution atmospheric air, soil, hydrosphere, landfills currently remain environmentally hazardous enterprises.

Thus, as a result of the processes of anaerobic decomposition of solid waste in the body of the landfill and the penetration of atmospheric precipitation into the body of the landfill, a filtrate is formed, which is a brown-brown liquid with a mixed odor of aromatic hydrocarbons, ammonia, putrefactive compounds, etc.

The composition and amount of leachate depends on the composition of solid waste, and this, in turn, depends on the diet of the population and the availability of household services, climatic zone and season of the year, etc. For a large landfill in the Moscow region, the average amount of leachate ranges from 300 to 800 cubic meters. days

The average filtrate indicators of the Moscow Region solid waste landfills “Dmitrovsky”, “Khmetyevo”, “Timokhovo” are given in Table. 1. High toxicity of the filtrate makes necessary to create for its neutralization at treatment facilities. The purification process is significantly complicated by the fact that the initial composition of the filtrate is not stable and undergoes significant changes when stored in storage ponds.

Under the influence of anaerobic microorganisms, denitrification processes occur in the body of the landfill, resulting in the formation of compounds containing reduced nitrogen, ammonia and amine derivatives. These compounds, as a rule, are surfactants and, in addition, 453 have a high chemisorption capacity, binding heavy metals with variable valence into complexes. Such complexes are stable and are not destroyed, for example, by biological methods. The above characteristics indicate the specific composition of the filtrate and the content of a large amount of heavy metals and other contaminants. Filtrate indicators such as BOD5 (exceeds 1000 mg O2/l) and COD (exceeds 5000 mg O2/l) indicate a significant content organic compounds, which practically eliminates the possibility of discharging untreated filtrate onto the terrain or into fishery reservoirs. The total toxicity of the filtrate, determined by biotesting using a cellular test object, exceeds the standard by thousands of times. The content of heavy metals is 454 orders of magnitude higher than the discharge standards: cadmium, zinc, lead, manganese, chromium, arsenic and a number of other metals. Currently, none of the filtrate purification technologies in Russia has been pilot tested or implemented. One of the reasons for this situation is the complexity and high cost of technology.

The authors propose to consider the landfill as an enterprise with a water circulation system that does not normally discharge water into natural reservoirs. The water formed during the filtrate purification process is partially evaporated in the evaporation pond, and partially used for irrigation of the landfill for the purpose of evaporation, preventing dust and fire. The basic technological flow diagram for filtrate purification is shown in Fig. 1.

The filtrate is collected in the homogenizer 1 and then enters the precipitating reactor 2 for cleaning. When air is bubbled through the filtrate, ferrous and ferric iron are oxidized. The iron hydroxide flakes then help to accelerate the process of settling fine particles. Alkalinizing the solution removes manganese from it. When the pH of the filtrate is brought to 455 10-11, ammonium nitrogen passes into the form of NH3 and is blown out of solution. At the same time, the solution is disinfected. After separating the precipitate, the filtrate is neutralized (pH 7-8), passes through filter 3 and enters the electrolyzer-settler 4, where chlorine compounds, heavy metals, and petroleum products are removed.

The water formed in settling tanks 5 and 6 after compaction of the sludge and sedimentation of the foam is removed to the evaporation pond, and the sludge from these devices and reactor 2 is disposed of in a landfill. Some types of industrial waste can be used as reagents in the technology. The hardware design of this technology does not require the use of original device designs: capacitive structures made of reinforced concrete and bulk filters are traditionally used in wastewater treatment facilities, and electrolyzers (electrocoagulators) are widely used in wastewater treatment systems, for example, at chemical and petrochemical enterprises, in systems for extracting metals from wastewater from electroplating shops.

Simplification of the technology of leachate neutralization and its hardware design makes the implementation of landfill wastewater treatment systems more feasible, and therefore increases the degree of their safety for environment.

Destruction hazardous waste

Particular attention should be paid to such activities as the accumulation, storage, transportation and disposal of toxic and radioactive waste.
Radioactive waste is not only a product of nuclear power plants, but also waste from the use of radionuclides in medicine, industry, agriculture and science. Collection, storage, disposal and disposal of waste containing radioactive substances are regulated by the following documents:

· SPORO-85 Sanitary rules for radioactive waste management. Moscow: Ministry of Health of the USSR, 1986;

· Rules and regulations on radiation safety in nuclear energy. Volume 1. Moscow: Ministry of Health of the USSR (290 pages), 1989;

· OSB 72/87 Basic sanitary rules.

For the neutralization and disposal of radioactive waste, the Radon system was developed, consisting of sixteen radioactive waste disposal sites. Guided by the Government Decree Russian Federation No. 1149-g dated November 5, 1991, the Ministry of Atomic Industry of the Russian Federation, in collaboration with several interested ministries and institutions, developed a project state program on radioactive waste management with the aim of creating regional automated systems for accounting for radioactive waste, modernizing existing waste storage facilities and designing new radioactive waste disposal sites. Choice land plots for storage, burial or destruction of waste is carried out by authorities local government in agreement with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

The type of container for storing waste depends on its hazard class: from sealed steel cylinders for storing highly hazardous waste to paper bags for storing less hazardous waste. For each type of industrial waste storage facility (i.e., tailings and sludge storage facilities, industrial wastewater storage facilities, settling ponds, evaporation storage facilities), requirements have been determined for protection from contamination of soil, groundwater and surface water, and for reducing concentrations harmful substances in the air and the content of hazardous substances in storage tanks within or below the maximum permissible concentration. The construction of new industrial waste storage facilities is permitted only if evidence is presented that it is not possible to switch to the use of low-waste or waste-free technologies or use the waste for any other purpose.

Radioactive waste is buried in special landfills. Such landfills should be located at a great distance from settlements and large bodies of water. Very important factor protection against the spread of radiation is the container that contains hazardous waste. Its depressurization or increased permeability
may contribute to the negative impacts of hazardous waste on ecosystems.

Selecting a disposal site for highly toxic waste

Selecting a burial site for highly toxic waste In order to select a site for the disposal of radioactive (as well as any highly toxic) waste, you must be sure that the rocks in the selected location do not have increased permeability and connection with deep horizons.

To do this, it is necessary that the place chosen for burial is not intersected by tectonic disturbances. Until recently, this problem had no solution, since there were no methods to map tectonics. One example of what the burial of toxic substances in a tectonic disturbance zone leads to is the Krasny Bor landfill, created in the 60s, for the disposal of highly toxic waste from chemical production, near Kolpino. As it turned out, this object is intersected by tectonic disturbances, as a result of which traces of buried waste are found both in agricultural fields and in the upper reaches of rivers at very significant distances from the landfill territory.

The method of spectral seismic profiling (SSP), developed several years ago, makes it possible to unambiguously identify zones of tectonic disturbances, regardless of the thickness of the sedimentary cover. The SSP method makes it possible to identify tectonic disturbances at any thickness of the sedimentary cover - both a zone of fragmentation of the crystalline basement hidden by moss and vegetation in the conditions of the Kola Peninsula, where there is no sedimentary cover, and a zone of tectonic disturbance in the conditions of Siberia, where the thickness of the sedimentary cover is very large.

If a reinforced concrete waste tank is in a zone of tectonic disturbance, then the situation develops as follows:

Due to the presence of a zone of reduced bearing capacity (in other words, increased compliance) of the soil under the reservoir, part of this reservoir seems to sag. Since reinforced concrete cannot bend, micro-damage begins to accumulate.

As a consequence of the accumulation of microfractures, the permeability of the reservoir increases, and the substance stored in the reservoir begins to appear outside.

As soon as this is found out, the tank is dismantled in order to make a new and good one, the leaked substance is removed from the soil, and cement mortar is injected into the soil in this place.

In fact, the injection enters an area of ​​reduced load-bearing capacity, and by increasing the pressure on the ground from the side of the cement injection, the rate of sinking into the ground in this place increases even more, and the new tank fails even faster. This happens all over the World. The blame for this lies with those scientists who declare the presence of elastic deformations in both rocks and concrete and reinforced concrete. Experiments show that these media have no elastic deformations.

I discovered that the listed rocks do not have a zone of elastic deformation back in 1980. He has repeatedly reported on this at conferences and seminars. Oddly enough, no one objected, but they refused to accept this point of view, citing the fact that it would harm mining and construction science. But is it science if it is not based on an experimental basis?

Both mining and construction sciences (as well as theoretical acoustics of solid media, as shown on my website) represent a set of equations, most of the arguments of which cannot be determined in experiment. This is what is called scientism. The purpose of this science is to be a feeding trough for the people who serve it, who call themselves scientists.

How scientism gets into science: in order to become a dissertation, the work must have mathematical attributes. To do this, they hire a mathematician who writes a fantasy on a given topic in the required volume. Another component of the dissertation is acts of introduction into the national economy (now, probably, it is called differently, but changing the name does not change anything). The price of such an act ranges from a banquet to admission to graduate school for the next blockhead. Over the course of a quarter of a century of work at LGI, hundreds of dissertations were completed before my eyes. I can’t name one that would have been done according to a different scheme. I’ll say right away that we're talking about about mining and construction science and seismic exploration. I really wish things were different outside of these areas.

On the other hand, according to the laws of psychology, a person who once lied in science (including getting dirty with plagiarism, defending a fake dissertation, declaring the discovery of a non-existent effect) dies as a scientist. You can’t afford to make a mistake with material that has been stolen or ripped off. So after this you have to do not study science, but prove that you are not a swindler.

Sooner or later, the bullshit that led a person to candidate or doctoral dignity will end up in textbooks, become the foundation for the next generations of scientists, and end up in regulatory documents. Otherwise, how could seismic exploration, which in principle cannot provide any information, end up in SNiPs as a recommended method for geotechnical surveys?

When I talk about the complete lack of information in traditional seismic exploration, this often causes misunderstanding on the part of people unfamiliar with the deep problems of this field of knowledge. Her idea is too simple to allow yourself to doubt it. The obviousness of this idea is comparable to the obviousness that the Earth is flat and all heavenly bodies revolve around it.

But in physics there is and cannot be anything obvious and no axioms. Physics is a set of really existing effects and phenomena, and what cannot be confirmed experimentally is not physics. At best a hypothesis, at worst a fallacy or even a hoax. When in the 20s of the twentieth century, during the very first seismic measurements, it was not possible to isolate an echo signal, confusion arose due to the fact that the mathematics, formed on the basis of mental ideas, describing echo signals, had reached such a level that it was announced that the development of theoretical acoustics of solid media as a separate science. In fact, if with the help of mathematics it is possible to describe any conceivable situation that arises during the propagation of elastic waves, then acoustics falls entirely within the purview of mathematics.

There was only one difficulty: none of the theoretical provisions of the acoustics of solid media, none of the mathematical solutions turned out to be impossible to confirm experimentally. How, however, to refute it. Even such a fundamental position as the constancy of the speed of sound propagation in homogeneous media.

However, the confusion did not last long. Scientists have learned to exploit the very fact that the primary idea of ​​seismic exploration is elementary. This is done very simply. Carrying out survey work in full, using drilling, as well as all known geophysical methods, the report indicates that all information was obtained using seismic exploration alone. Seismic exploration itself, of course, is also used, but the interpretation of its results comes down to the ability to match (roughly speaking, adjust) them to the results obtained by other research methods.

This is exactly how, for example, West Siberian oil was discovered using seismic exploration.

That’s right, with the help of seismic exploration, surveys are being conducted all over the world in order to select a place for the disposal of radioactive waste. Well, the results are obvious here, and that’s where I started.

Try ordering seismic surveys with a strict condition not to use any other research methods. Neither geological nor geophysical. And without knowledge, of course, of the already existing geological information for this region. You won't succeed. I have carried out this experiment several times, and I am convinced of its results.

I think everyone should ask why this is being done. After all, someone who deceives cannot help but fear exposure. The fact is that the cost of seismic work is more than 90% of the total cost of research. Or, in other words, if you order geophysical surveys in full, you will spend 10 times more money than if you did without seismic exploration.

So, we again turn to the topic of waste disposal. This time, the reason was the legislative initiative of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources to ban the disposal of certain groups of waste. Let's look at the draft resolution and possible consequences its acceptance.

Currently, there is no norm in environmental legislation that would determine which waste can be buried in a landfill and which cannot. Such standards are found only in sanitary regulations. Therefore, the need to put things in order in this matter has been brewing for a long time.

Solid household and industrial waste. What is their difference? According to the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste” (as amended on July 3, 2016; hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 89-FZ), only the concept of “solid municipal waste” (formerly – Federal Law No. 89-FZ) has a clear definition. municipal solid waste). Accordingly, everything that is not MSW is classified as industrial waste by default, with the exception of radioactive or biological waste, which a priori cannot be disposed of in conventional MSW landfills or industrial landfills.


Issues of waste disposal at landfills are regulated by several sanitary regulations. A landfill for waste disposal can be of two types − MSW landfill And special landfill for industrial waste.


Waste disposal— isolation of waste that is not subject to further disposal in special storage facilities in order to prevent the release of harmful substances into the environment.
Municipal solid waste- waste generated in residential premises during consumption individuals, as well as goods that have lost their consumer properties during their use by individuals in residential premises to satisfy personal and household needs. MSW also includes waste generated in the process of activities legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and similar in composition to waste generated in residential premises during consumption by individuals.
Waste disposal facilities— subsoil plots provided for use in the prescribed manner, underground structures for waste disposal I-V classes dangers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on subsoil.
Polygons— a complex of environmental structures designed for storage, isolation and disposal of solid waste, providing protection from air pollution, soil, surface and groundwater, preventing the spread of rodents, insects and pathogens.

Landfills for solid waste disposal are designed, operated and reclaimed in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions for the design, operation and reclamation of landfills for municipal solid waste (Moscow, 1998; hereinafter referred to as the Instructions).

According to the Instructions, solid waste includes waste economic activity population (cooking, cleaning and routine repairs of apartments, etc.), including waste from heating devices for local heating, large household items, packaging, waste from courtyards, streets, squares, waste from the care of green spaces, etc.

At the same time, it is allowed to bury some types of industrial waste at MSW landfills, subject to special conditions. Thus, Appendix 9 to the Instructions contains a List of industrial waste of hazard class IV, accepted at municipal solid waste landfills without restrictions and used as an insulating material. This list includes waste such as aluminosilicate sludge, asbestos crumbs, bentonite, gypsum, slate, thermal power plant slag, lime and other relatively inert waste, which, when in contact with MSW and the environment, will not potentially harm the environment great harm. That is why they are used to isolate layers of MSW at a landfill.


The IV hazard class of waste in this case is given according to the sanitary classification of waste in accordance with SP “Sanitary rules for determining the hazard class of toxic production and consumption waste”:
. Class 1 - extremely dangerous;
. Class 2 - highly dangerous;
. Class 3 - moderately dangerous;
. Class 4 - slightly dangerous.
Unlike the environmental classification, which has five waste hazard classes, here there are only four. The class is determined by calculation or experimental method based on various hazard parameters of waste components in accordance with these sanitary rules.

In addition, Appendix 10 to the Instructions proposes a List of industrial wastes of hazard classes III and IV, accepted at municipal solid waste landfills in limited quantities and stored together, which provides standards for the disposal of certain industrial wastes per 1000 m 3 of MSW. This list includes waste from the production of acetic anhydride, rubber, polystyrene plastics, electrical insulating materials, waste from the suspension and emulsion production of styrene copolymers, etc. These materials also have low reactivity, do not oxidize easily, and are a good buffer material when mixed with MSW.

Appendix 11 to the Instructions contains a List of industrial wastes of hazard classes IV-III, accepted in limited quantities and stored under special conditions. For example, activated carbon and trimmings of leatherette are accepted provided they are laid in a layer of no more than 0.2 m, and non-returnable wooden and paper containers should not contain oiled paper to avoid fire.

Hygienic requirements for solid waste landfills are specified in SP “Hygienic requirements for the design and maintenance of landfills for municipal solid waste” (hereinafter referred to as SP According to SP, waste from residential buildings, public buildings and institutions, trade enterprises, public catering, street waste, construction waste and some industrial waste of III-IV hazard classes can enter MSW landfills.

List of such waste in each case agreed with Rospotrebnadzor. Toxic industrial waste is buried only after neutralization at special landfills, the same applies to radioactive and biological waste. Waste from medical institutions (now called medical waste) according to SP is allowed to be buried at a solid waste landfill.

Let us remind you that according to SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the management of medical waste” (hereinafter referred to as SanPiN for medical waste there is its own classification of danger.

from SanPiN

2.1. Medical waste, depending on the degree of its epidemiological, toxicological and radiation hazard, as well as negative impact on the environment, is divided into five hazard classes (Table 1):
Class A is epidemiologically safe waste, similar in composition to municipal solid waste (hereinafter referred to as MSW).
Class B - epidemiologically hazardous waste.
Class B - extremely epidemiologically hazardous waste.
Class G - toxicologically hazardous waste of hazard classes 1-4.
Class D - radioactive waste.

SP contains an important clarification: collecting recyclable materials directly from a garbage truck is not permitted. This must be done at the waste collection stage or afterwards at special sorting stations in compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Industrial waste can be buried with MSW provided that the toxicity of the mixture of industrial waste and household waste does not exceed the toxicity of household waste according to analysis of the water extract. The main indicator characterizing the danger of waste is the content of toxic substances in one extract, as well as BOD and COD:

from SP

8.2. Industrial waste of hazard class 4, accepted without quantitative restrictions and used as an insulating material, is characterized by the content of toxic substances in the water extract (1 liter of water per 1 kg of waste) at the level of a filter from municipal solid waste (MSW), and according to integrating indicators — biochemical oxygen demand (BOD total) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) — not higher than 300 mg/l, have a homogeneous structure with a fraction size of less than 250 mm.
8.3. Industrial waste of hazard classes 4 and 3, accepted in limited quantities (no more than 30% of the mass of solid household waste) and stored together with household waste, is characterized by the content of toxic substances in the water extract at the level of filtrate from solid waste and BOD values ​​of 20 and COD 3400 - 5000 mg/l O2.

Thus, some types of industrial waste may well be disposed of in a solid waste landfill, while other types can be disposed of exclusively in industrial waste landfills. The design and operation of industrial waste landfills is carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.01.28-85 “Landfills for the neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste”, which not only specifies the standards for the design and operation of landfills, but also describes in detail:

What groups of industrial waste can be accepted at the landfill;

Under what conditions are they accepted?

What methods of pre-treatment, neutralization, and disposal should waste undergo at sorting stations or special treatment plants before entering the landfill.

In practice, the process of transferring waste to disposal is as follows. The enterprise has a list of waste that it is obliged to transfer to a licensed organization. If an enterprise wants to transfer waste for disposal to a MSW or industrial waste landfill, the list must be checked with the license for receiving waste from this landfill. The names, codes and hazard classes of waste must be the same. Provided that the enterprise has waste passports, as well as the readiness of the landfill to accept its waste, a transfer agreement is concluded.

Often, enterprises, in order to simplify the waste transfer process, strive to send for disposal not only MSW and permitted industrial waste, but also waste of class I and II according to environmental classification. Moreover, if this waste ends up in a landfill mixed with MSW, it is difficult to visually identify it, as a result waste that is potentially highly hazardous to the environment and humans is buried. Most often, the total mass of MSW includes mercury-containing lamps, oily rags and paper, and packaging materials contaminated with hazardous substances.

In addition to toxicity, these wastes, when buried, also cause indirect harm to the environment, because most industrial wastes are potential secondary raw materials, the reuse of which can save a significant amount of resources. It is this approach to waste management that has been adopted in the West and is beginning to be implemented in our country.


The percentage of recycled raw materials in Russia is relatively small, although according to the State report “On the state and protection of the environment of the Russian Federation in 2015”, the percentage of waste use/neutralization is generally growing: in 2014, 46% of waste was used/neutralized, in 2015 - 53%. Moreover, this is mainly waste from the mining industry - overburden and host rocks, which can be used as material for backfilling quarries, reclamation, etc. relatively simple and profitable.


Due to the need to implement state policy to reduce total number waste disposal, the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources has developed a draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the List of types of waste, which contain useful components, the disposal of which is prohibited.”

The resolution was developed in order to implement clause 8 of Art. 12 Federal Law No. 89-FZ, which states: “The burial of waste that contains useful components that are subject to disposal is prohibited. The list of types of waste that contains useful components, the disposal of which is prohibited, is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.”

The project provides a list of waste groups that are expected to be step by step enter burial ban in order to stimulate them reuse(see table).

This resolution will apply to common system mechanisms for stimulating environmental users to dispose of waste from production, such as extended responsibility of producers for the disposal of waste from the use of goods, development, approval and implementation of regional programs in the field of waste management, incl. with MSW.

The list of waste groups itself corresponds to the list of finished goods, including packaging, subject to disposal after they lose their consumer properties (approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 24, 2015 No. 1886-r). The ban on burial is due to the fact that this waste contains useful components: ferrous and non-ferrous metals, incl. mercury, polymer materials, rubber, glass, paper and cardboard. To implement the resolution, it is necessary, first of all, to establish flows of receipts data waste on usage: at the collection stage - introduce their separate collection; at the sorting stage - to isolate useful components of waste from total mass TKO.


Today, the highest percentage of recycling is achieved for the group of waste ferrous and non-ferrous metals (up to 98%) and waste glass containers (up to 94%), as well as waste tires and tires (up to 78%). There is a network of recycling companies for this waste, it is easy to collect and deliver it to the processing site, and the cost of receiving the waste is favorable for the supplier companies.

These data apply only to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs; for the population, according to various estimates, the collection of recyclable materials from waste does not exceed 2.5%. This state of affairs is due to the fact that separate waste collection has not been established among the population, there is no network of waste sorting plants, and the overall profitability of collecting recyclable materials from the population tends to zero. The country has a network of waste sorting plants and a network of waste processing plants, but they are all operating at half capacity due to a lack of supplies of raw materials. Moreover, for some factories, raw materials are purchased abroad (for example, cullet - in Estonia).

Let's consider the situation for each group of waste that is supposed to be prohibited from being buried.

Waste paper and cardboard

Paper production in Russia is gradually increasing its pace. Approximately half of the total volume of uncontaminated paper and cardboard waste generated is subjected to recycling. The waste paper collection rate is about 30%. The release of paper from the MSW mass is only 1.5%, while such paper is wet and contaminated and is of little use as a raw material for production.

Waste paper and cardboard are waste products subject to producer responsibility (recycling standards have been introduced since 2016 at the level of 5-10%), which strengthens the effect of the draft resolution. Waste paper processing plants are underutilized.

Waste of thermoplastic products: waste of packaging made of polymer materials

Waste from thermoplastic products is mostly waste from conventional plastic bottles. Their number is constantly increasing, while in our market 80% of plastic products are domestic production. However, about 13% of plastic waste is recycled, the rest ends up in landfills. Plastic waste recycling market in last years is developing, in Russia there are up to 4,000 enterprises for processing such waste, but all of them operate at 50-60% capacity.

Their manufacturers are also responsible for the waste of plastic packaging products; the recycling standard in 2016 was set at 5-10%, in 2017 - 10-15%. Producer responsibility, together with a ban on disposal, will contribute to the development of a collection and recycling system.

Waste glass and glass products: glass containers and packaging

In 2015, 186 thousand tons of glass waste were generated, the collection percentage was no more than 38%. Preparation of cullet causes a lot of difficulties (for example, sorting light and dark glass, cleaning from dirt, etc.). Recycled glass is used in the glass industry, in building materials etc. As already noted, the demand for cullet in Russia is satisfied through imports. Sorting glass is a very expensive undertaking, so it is preferable to carry out separate collection initially.

The list of goods subject to disposal after they have lost their consumer properties includes:

Sheet glass, bent and processed;

Hollow glass, including containers and other glass closures.

The introduction of a ban on waste disposal will require the functioning of a system of selective collection of glass containers, the development of a market for the circulation and recycling of cullet and glass packaging waste.

Scrap and waste of ferrous metals. Scrap and waste containing non-ferrous metals

The high percentage of scrap metal collection today is due to reasonable prices for receiving this recyclable material. The profitability of collecting and transferring scrap has ensured the development of a good infrastructure for receiving metals, which is why packaging recycling standards are also high - 20% in 2016 for cans made of ferrous metals.


It is much cheaper to obtain aluminum from recycled materials than by smelting it from aluminum-containing minerals.

Waste equipment and other products containing mercury

Mercury is a very toxic substance, so the burial ban is intended, among other things, to reduce the danger of mercury pollution of the environment.

Mercury, mercury-quartz, fluorescent lamps;

Impulse relays containing mercury;

Valves, mercury thermometers;

Mercury-zinc cells and batteries, mercury-containing galvanic cells, etc.

Russia produces 68 million mercury lamps annually, while consumer enterprises generate 15 thousand tons of waste containing mercury, and approximately 13 thousand tons of them are transferred for neutralization. Gradually, the amount of mercury-containing waste will decrease, because Alternative light sources are entering the market. Disposal of such waste together with MSW is unacceptable, because can cause poisoning of soil, groundwater and subsequently the population. In general, the disposal of waste containing mercury, according to official statistics, today does not exceed 62.7% of the volume of their generation, according to expert estimates - no more than 40%.

Computer, electronic, optical, electrical equipment that has lost its consumer properties

Waste from electronic and electrical equipment is increasing in volume every year. This waste contains many valuable components, plastic, metals, and also toxic substances. About 50 million tons of waste electrical and electronic equipment are generated annually in the world, incl. in Russia - from 0.9 to 1.4 million tons. The system for accounting for the generation and management of such waste in Russia is poorly developed, so it is difficult to say exactly what percentage of generated waste is disposed of. According to experts, no more than 5-8% of the volume of waste generated in this group in Russia is collected and processed, and the bulk of waste comes for processing from legal entities.

Significant volumes of waste of this type are selected from municipal waste and are dismantled by private individuals to recover precious metals. At the same time, hazardous substances after disassembly end up in MSW streams, and are often simply thrown away, causing enormous harm to the environment.

There are about 70 companies in the Russian Federation different regions advertise recycling services for such equipment, but many do not have recycling facilities.

Reasons for the lack of an industry for processing this waste in Russia:

There is no motive for the owner/producer of waste, the owner of secondary raw materials;

The collection infrastructure of the population and enterprises is not developed;

Insufficient number of trained recyclers of such waste.

At the same time, existing large processing companies note underutilization of capacities. Large chains of electronics stores often replace outdated equipment with an additional payment for new ones, while old equipment handed over to recycling companies.

The list of goods subject to disposal after they have lost their consumer properties includes the following groups of goods:

Computers and peripheral equipment;

Communication equipment;

Household electronic appliances;

Optical instruments and photographic equipment;

Rechargeable batteries;

Electric lighting equipment;

Household electrical appliances;

Non-electric household appliances;

Hand tools with built-in electric motor;

Industrial refrigeration and ventilation equipment.

Waste of tires, tires, inner tubes

Tires and tires are the largest waste of rubber products. Tire production volumes in Russia are growing, half of them are exported. According to statistics, 77% of the volume of waste tires and tires is sent for recycling, which is a good indicator, however, according to experts, only 10% is recycled, and 20% is burned, while the volume of waste generated is several times greater than official data. Recycling plants are underutilized, raw materials are in short supply, and the resulting recycled rubber is also not in demand.

A promising direction is the production of crumb rubber, the consumption volumes and popularity of which have increased in Russia. The structure of the crumb rubber market is dominated by products of Russian enterprises; at the same time, there is an increase in imports of crumb rubber. The structure of consumption of crumb rubber is dominated by the production of rubber products - 36%, the share of rubber and other coatings is estimated at 20%, tires and tires - at 15%.

The main problem in the domestic production of crumbs is the lack of a system for collecting used tires for subsequent processing.

Tires, tires and rubber tubes are included in the list of goods subject to disposal after they have lost their consumer properties. In 2016, a recycling standard of 15% was established for this group of goods, and in 2017 - 20%.

A ban on the disposal of such waste will contribute to the formation of waste collection and disposal infrastructure and the utilization of existing production capacities.

Municipal solid waste

One citizen produces up to 400 kg of MSW per year; more than 50 million tons of unutilized MSW are accumulated in the country every year, while according to various estimates, no more than 5-8% of the total volume of waste is recycled.

Disposal of useful components contained in MSW is advisable only if waste is collected separately, because Selection of valuable components from a mass of waste is expensive and unprofitable.

The content of components that can be recycled directly depends on the morphological composition of MSW (it is influenced climate zone, degree of improvement of housing, number of storeys, type of fuel, etc.). Most MSW consists of paper, cardboard, food waste, plastic. In this case, the profitability of transporting the valuable fraction of MSW to the consumer must be taken into account. The most cost-effective transportation of non-ferrous metal scrap as a fraction of MSW.

Conditions under which sorting of MSW before disposal is feasible and economically beneficial:

The capacity of the total MSW flow is at least 100 thousand tons/year;

The amount of waste fractions in the total volume of MSW is at least 20-30% of the total volume of MSW;

The transport distance is no more than 100 km, except for the transportation of non-ferrous metal waste, where it can reach 1000 km.

The introduction of a ban on the disposal of unsorted MSW will require the construction of waste sorting complexes and waste processing plants.

international experience

International experience in the field of waste recycling reuse shows good results thanks to accepted international agreements.

Council Directive European Union 1999/31/EC dated 26.04.1999 “On waste disposal at landfills” obligated member countries to develop a MSW management program. In addition, she introduced a ban on placement at landfills certain types waste, for example car tires and liquid waste. The document stipulates that only pre-processed waste can be delivered to the landfill, which predetermines the need to increase the number of waste processing plants.

The second important document is Directive of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union 2008/98/EC of 11/19/2008 “On waste and the repeal of certain regulations.” The purpose of the document is also to reduce the volume of landfills. The most important content is the introduction of quantitative goals for the processing of a number of types of solid waste.


The draft resolution fits into general policy states to reduce the amount of generated and disposed waste, increase the amount of recycled waste and generally reduce the harmful impact of waste on the environment. Subject to competent implementation of the resolution and timely appearance of infrastructure for separate collection waste, waste sorting complexes, approval of transparent territorial waste management schemes, the result will not be long in coming, especially if the implementation of the project is stimulated by economic mechanisms.

Waste disposal must take place in specially organized landfills. Landfills for waste disposal are environmental structures designed for regular centralized collection, removal, neutralization and storage of non-recyclable waste. The number and capacity of landfills for each region are justified by technical and economic calculations.

In the EEC countries, landfills for waste disposal are divided into landfills for hazardous, household and inert waste. This classification is largely arbitrary, since it is not always possible to draw a clear line between hazardous, non-hazardous and inert waste, since this line can change over time under the influence of various factors.

Disposals of solid household waste in our country must comply with the sanitary rules stipulated by the Hygienic Requirements for the Design and Maintenance of Landfills for Solid Waste (SP - 98), developed by the Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after. A. N. Sysina.

When designing landfills, it is necessary to be guided by SNiP 2.01.28. - 85 "Landfills for the neutralization and disposal of toxic waste. General provisions according to design", according to which non-recyclable toxic waste of classes I, II and III, i.e. extremely hazardous, highly hazardous and moderately hazardous, are subject to disposal at landfills.

In accordance with current building codes Landfills should have three facilities, which can be located at different sites: 1) a workshop for disinfection and initial processing of waste with the aim of completely neutralizing it or reducing the hazard class, as well as reducing the volume of waste to be buried; 2) waste disposal area; 3) a garage of specialized vehicles intended for transportation and disposal of waste.

When organizing waste disposal sites, the following are important:

* right choice sites;

* creation of necessary engineering structures;

* procedure for filling the landfill with waste;

* depth of waste pre-treatment;

* conducting environmental monitoring;

* control over the formation, collection and transportation of biogas;

* control over the formation, collection and removal of filtrate.

In accordance with modern requirements, waste disposal must be equipped with the following separate engineering structures:

* compacted base made of mineral layers in combination with artificial materials;

* passages;

* facilities for collecting seepage water and purifying it;

* facilities for the collection and utilization of released gas;

* structures to protect the landscape through land reclamation.

Landfills are located in clear, open, well-ventilated, non-flooded areas where the necessary engineering work can be performed. A sanitary protection zone must be created around the landfill at a distance of at least 3000 m.

The landfill can be located at a distance of at least 200 m from agricultural land and transit highways and at least 50 m from forested areas.

The burial site should be located at a slight distance from the main transport routes and be connected to them by a good quality road.

Lack of space for waste disposal nearby major cities can be reduced by organizing a network of transfer stations where waste will be sorted, crushed and accumulated by type. This will reduce their volume and use more distant landfills for disposal.

Landfills are located in areas with low-filtration soils (clay, loam, shale, etc.) with a filtration coefficient of no more than 0.00001 cm/s. The groundwater level at its greatest rise should be at least 2 m from the lower level of the buried waste (usually buried 7-15 m).

The main structural elements of a waste disposal site are the containment liner, the protective lining layer, the leachate drainage layer and the top cover. To ensure tightness, mineral (clay) coatings and polymer film materials (for example, polyethylene) are used. high pressure), asphalt concrete coatings, and soil reinforcement with bentonite.

The disposal site must be equipped with a reliable system for collecting and removing leachate. To ensure good drainage, a highly porous layer of some material, such as crushed stone, is laid over the entire base of the storage facility on top of the sealing coating.

To ensure reliable control, regulation and limitation of leachate release from the storage facility, the top coating, which is also made from mineral raw materials (clay) or from a polymer film, is important. Drainage pipes are placed at a distance of no more than 20 m from each other.

Before establishing a landfill, the composition of the waste should be determined, as it affects the scope of engineering activities that must be performed to create an orderly disposal site that meets environmental requirements.

There are two main types of burial: above ground and underground.

Underground burials- mines, voids, wells, old oil fields and other workings - are used mainly for the disposal of hazardous and radioactive waste.

Above ground burials various types (Fig. 8.1) are used to place household and construction waste, as well as industrial waste with a precisely measured small content of toxic components.

Dump type burials have the following advantages:

* the base of the burial is located on the earth's surface;

* available good opportunity control over compaction of placed material;

* water drainage occurs without the use of pumps;

* the ability to monitor the condition of drainage systems.

Disadvantages of dump type burials:

* difficulty assessing the stability of slopes, especially when high altitude burial;

* high shear stresses at the base of the slopes;

* the need to use special building structures to increase the stability of burial;

A- dump type of burial; b- burial on the slopes; in ■ Burial in pits; G - burial in an underground bunker; 1 ■ moves; 2 - waterproofing; 3 - concrete

Burials on the slopes in contrast to the considered dump-type burials, they require additional protection burial bodies from sliding and from being washed away by water flowing down the slope. Protection is carried out using building structures.

Burial in pits V to a lesser extent affects the landscape and does not pose a sustainability hazard. However, it requires drainage of water using pumps, since the base is located below the surface of the earth. Such burial creates additional difficulties for waterproofing the side slopes and the base of the waste disposal, and also requires constant monitoring of drainage systems.

Behind - From-

Burials in underground bunkers in all respects they are more convenient and environmentally friendly, however, due to the large capital costs of their construction, they can only be used to remove small amounts of waste. Underground burial is widely used for isolating radioactive waste, as it allows, under certain conditions, to ensure radioecological safety for the entire required period and is the most economical effective way handling them. Without going into details of the organization of underground storage facilities for radioactive waste, it should be noted that the most difficult problem is choosing a disposal site with optimal geological conditions.

Waste placement at the landfill should be carried out in layers no more than 2 m thick with mandatory compaction, ensuring the greatest compactness and absence of voids, which is especially important when burying large-sized waste.

Compaction of waste during disposal is necessary not only to maximize the use of free space, but also to reduce subsequent subsidence of the burial body. In addition, a loose burial body, having a density below 0.6 t/m, complicates the control of filtrate, since many channels inevitably appear in the body, making its collection and removal difficult.

The degree of waste compaction depends on the equipment used, the nature of the waste and the method of its disposal. For waste compaction, conventional road machines are used, such as crawler bulldozers with power from 50 to 120 kW, KM-305 rollers, as well as special heavy compactors with steel gears. The use of compactors allows the burial body to be compacted to 0.7 - 0.8 t/m.

Layer-by-layer covering of the entire base with small layers of waste of uniform thickness is more appropriate than laying waste over the entire height of the burial, but in separate areas.

However, sometimes, primarily for economic reasons, the storage facility is filled section by section. The main reasons for sectional filling are the need for separation various types waste within one landfill, as well as the desire to reduce the areas where leachate is formed.

When assessing the stability of a burial body, one should distinguish between external and internal stability. Internal stability is understood as the state of the burial body itself (stability of the sides, resistance to swelling); External stability refers to the stability of the burial ground (subsidence, crushing). Insufficient stability can damage the drainage system and waterproofing. Subsidence is possible due to the following reasons:

Displaces water from wet waste;

An increase in the volume of voids due to the outflow of biogases formed as a result of microbiological processes;

Crushing waste due to mechanical loads.

Some experts believe that the laid layer of waste after compaction should be sprinkled with soil daily, which reduces the risk of transmission of infections by rodents and birds, as well as eliminates contamination of the area in windy weather. At large areas This is not always done at the landfill due to technical and economic difficulties. It is more advantageous to use polymer films, synthetic degradable foams and other materials for temporary covering of the burial body.

After the burial is completed, it must be waterproofed from above and the land must be reclaimed. Such burials must be protected from further penetration of sediments and seepage water. This is not done immediately after the burial is completed, but after the end of biological processes in his body and the complete cessation of gas emission. Otherwise, a closed burial may turn into a time bomb.

Since modern requirements for waterproofing are not met when burying waste in unorganized landfills, these landfills are a source of groundwater and soil pollution. To waterproof existing landfills, technology has been developed to create lateral and horizontal barriers around the old landfill. Lateral isolation is created by drilling vertical wells into which special materials are injected that block the lateral migration of harmful substances from the body of the waste storage facility.

If contaminated waters are connected to deep-lying aquifers, then additional isolation of the base of the landfill is required using horizontal wells, which is carried out by drilling from the open side (if any) of the pit or by drilling inclined wells. Ozokerite (a product of brown coal extraction) or liquid glass and other silicate materials are used as waterproofing materials.

An important element of landfill management is environmental monitoring, the purpose of which is to identify any undesirable impacts on it in order to take the necessary corrective actions. The objects of monitoring are air and biogas, groundwater and leachate, soil and burial body. The scope of monitoring depends on the type of waste and the design of the landfill.

Due to the catastrophic shortage in our country of industrial waste landfills equipped in accordance with the rules, the practice of burying industrial waste together with municipal solid waste is practiced. The maximum amount of industrial waste allowed for storage at household waste landfills is standardized by a document approved by the Chief Sanitary Doctor.

In the Moscow region, industrial waste is accepted for disposal together with municipal solid waste such large polygons, such as "Timokhovo" with an area of ​​64 hectares, "Salaryevo" (50 hectares), "Shcherbinka" (50 hectares), "Iksha" (40 hectares), "Khmetyevo" (25 hectares).

The main condition for accepting industrial waste to these landfills is compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the protection of atmospheric air, soil, ground and surface water.

The main criterion for the acceptance of industrial waste is the composition of the filtrate at a pH of 5 - 10 and a temperature of 10 - 40 ° C, the inability of the waste to explode, spontaneous combustion, release of toxic gases, or generate intense dust. Their humidity should be no more than 85%. The maximum quantities of industrial waste that can be stored in solid waste landfills depend on their hazard class. Thus, waste belonging to hazard class IV is accepted without restrictions and can be used as insulating materials. The list of such waste is given in table. 8.1.

Table 8.1

Waste group and type code

Type of waste

Aluminosilicate sludge SB-g-43-6

Asbestos-cement scrap

Asbestos crumb

Bentonite waste

Spent graphite for calcium carbide production

Boiling lime, limestone, sludge after lime slaking

Chalk chemically precipitated solid waste

Aluminum oxide in the form of spent briquettes (in the production of A1CIZ)

Silicon oxide (in the production of PVC and AIСІз)

Paronite waste

Sodium sulfate salt melt

Silica gel (from non-toxic gas dehydration adsorbers)

Silica gel production sludge from filter presses (contains clay and silica)

Soda granular sludge

Soda-cement production distillation waste in the form of CaS04

Molding core mixtures free of heavy metals

Chemical water treatment and water softening sludge

Sodium chloride sludge from wastewater from the production of varnish epoxy resins

Non-standard bleach

Slate production solid waste

Slag from thermal power plants, boiler houses operating on coal, peat, shale or solid waste

Waste grinding materials

The aqueous extract of toxic substances from these wastes corresponds to the solid waste filtrate, and the biochemical and chemical oxygen demand does not exceed 300 mg/l.

Industrial waste of hazard classes III and IV, the water extract of which also corresponds to solid waste in terms of the content of toxic substances, but has a biochemical and chemical oxygen demand of 3400 - 5000 mg/l, is accepted for disposal together with solid waste with restrictions. Their weight should not exceed 30% of the mass of solid waste. The list of such waste and the maximum volumes of their disposal per 1000 m of solid waste are given in table. 8.2.

Table 8.2

Maximum norms for joint disposal at solid waste landfills of industrial waste of hazard classes IV and III, accepted with restrictions (per 1000 m3 of solid waste)

Waste group and type code

Type of waste

Maximum amount of industrial waste, t

VAT residues from acetic anhydride production

Resita waste (cured formaldehyde resin)

Solid waste from the production of foaming polystyrene plastics

Getinaks electrical sheet Sh-8.0

Adhesive tape LSNPL-0.17

Polyethylene tube PNP

Fiberglass laminated fabric LSE-0.15

Glass fabric E2-62

Electrical sheet textolite B-16.0

Fenoplast 03-010-02

Copolymers of styrene with acrylonitrile or methyl methacrylate

Polystyrene plastic

Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plastic ABS

Some types of industrial waste belonging to hazard classes III - IV, also limitedly accepted for disposal at solid waste landfills, require special burial conditions or preliminary preparation at the place of generation (Table 8.3)

Table 8.3

Limit norms for the disposal of industrial waste of IV and III hazard classes (per 1000 m of solid waste), requiring compliance with special conditions

Waste group and type code

Type of waste

Limit quantity, t

Special storage or preparation conditions

Activated carbon produces vitamin B-6

Laying in a layer of no more than 0.2 m

Cellulose acetate butyrate waste

Pressing into bales measuring no more than 0.3*0.3 m in a moistened state

Wood and sawdust-shaving waste

Chrome flap

Laying in a layer of no more than 0.2 m

Non-returnable wooden and paper packaging

Should not include oiled paper

Trims of leatherette

Laying in a layer of no more than 0.2 m

Bleaching earth

Bagging in wet condition

At the same time, the total amount of all industrial waste of hazard classes IV and III accepted for disposal at a solid waste landfill should not exceed 100 tons per 1000 m of solid waste. Industrial waste that is capable of spontaneous combustion due to chemical reactions in the thickness of the stored mass or emit vapors and gases that form explosive or toxic mixtures with the air or gases of the landfill.

Until recently, one of the most modern in our country was the Krasny Bor landfill for disposal and processing of industrial waste near St. Petersburg. The landfill is surrounded by a ring canal that drains groundwater and surface water from the surrounding area into the Bolshaya Izhora River. The landfill accepts sludge from sewage treatment plants and all industrial waste, with the exception of radioactive waste and those subject to regeneration.

All waste accepted for disposal at the landfill must have a passport with technical characteristics waste, waste brief description measures for the safe handling of them during burning and burial.

Combustible waste is burned at the landfill in special furnaces at a temperature of about 1000 °C. The layout of the polygon is shown in Fig. 8.2.

I- area for neutralization of inorganic waste; II - non-combustible organic waste disposal site; III- burial site for particularly hazardous waste; IV- thermal waste treatment area; V- administrative area; VI- garage; 1 - gearbox and weight; 2 - chemical laboratory; 3 - administrative building; 4 - boiler room

The landfill with an area of ​​58 hectares was created in 1969 and was designed for operation for 10 - 15 years, but is still in operation. Currently, 1.5 million tons of toxic waste have already been buried at the Krasny Bor landfill, which has led to its overflow and severe ecological situation Around him.

More advanced landfills for the treatment and disposal of industrial waste were planned to be built in all major industrial regions of the country in the early 90s.

Waste disposal in Moscow is associated with very large disadvantages and difficulties. The main ones are: the lack of free land plots near the city, the constant increase in the distance of waste removal, the lack of transport, equipment and fuel for the removal and processing of waste, as well as for the preparation of the landfill and its control. Average range waste removal from Moscow to burial sites is 80 km, and from the cities of the Moscow region 40 km.

Such remoteness of waste disposal sites from the sources of their formation leads to numerous unorganized dumps of garbage and industrial waste, which do not have any preparation and subsequent control. In 1997 alone, 140.5 thousand tons of toxic waste were buried in unauthorized landfills in the country, and of the registered waste disposal sites with a total area of ​​14 thousand hectares, 15% did not meet the current requirements for landfills.

One of the main methods of solid waste disposal throughout the world remains burial in the near-surface geological environment.

Waste disposal means the isolation of waste that is not subject to further use, in special storage facilities in order to prevent harmful substances from entering the environment.

Solid waste landfills. Design, construction and operation

Traditional landfills - places for passive storage of solid waste, do not meet modern environmental safety requirements. Currently, a new concept is emerging for the development of landfills, where a complex of processes of processing, recycling, waste neutralization, and disposal of their final residues is carried out.

Landfills for solid waste are environmental structures for the centralized collection and disposal of waste, ensuring the protection of the atmosphere, soil, surface and groundwater from pollution, preventing the spread of pathogens. Compared to landfills, this is a more advanced facility in sanitary, hygienic and environmental terms. The features of polygons are:

  • - waste compaction, which allows increasing the load per unit area;
  • - layer-by-layer waste cover;
  • - measures to prevent the penetration of landfill leachate into the soil and groundwater;
  • - collection of biogas (if necessary).

Combustion of solid waste is not allowed in landfill areas, and measures must be taken to prevent spontaneous combustion.

All work on storing, compacting and isolating solid waste at landfills is fully mechanized, and after their closure, the site is reclaimed. However, solid waste landfills (unlike toxic industrial waste landfills) are intended primarily for waste disposal and do not provide for their special processing.

Along with household waste, some industrial waste may be buried in solid waste landfills. The conditions for the placement of industrial waste at solid waste landfills are regulated by SP “Hygienic requirements for the design and maintenance of solid waste landfills.”

It is prohibited to accept waste suitable for use in landfills. national economy as secondary resources, as well as radioactive and biologically hazardous waste. When waste enters a landfill, radiation monitoring must be carried out.

It is allowed to place industrial waste with W at solid waste landfills<85%, безопасные во взрывоопасном отношении, токсичность водной вытяжки которых не превышает токсичности фильтрата ТБО.

Toxic industrial waste of hazard class IV that meets these requirements can be accepted into solid waste landfills in unlimited quantities (in agreement with Rospotrebnadzor authorities). They are used to isolate layers of solid waste, as an insulating inert material in the middle and upper parts of the landfill maps. Examples of this type of waste can be construction waste and waste from certain industries: broken brick, concrete, ash and slag waste from thermal power plants, chalk, limestone, graphite, asbestos chips, etc. Such waste must have a homogeneous structure with the size of individual fractions not exceeding 250 mm. The BOD of waste water extract should not exceed 300 mg/l.

Toxic industrial waste of hazard class III is accepted in limited quantities (no more than 30% of the mass of incoming solid waste). They are mixed with solid waste in such a ratio that the aqueous extract from the mixture is no more toxic than the solid waste filtrate. The BOD of waste water extract should not exceed 5000 mg/l. The conclusion about the possibility of accepting waste is given based on the results of analyzes of landfill laboratories or specialized certified laboratories of enterprises that supply waste.

Toxic industrial waste of hazard classes I-III must be accepted at special landfills.

The city public utilities department annually approves and transmits to the landfills a list (list) of enterprises indicating what kind of waste and in what quantities it is allowed to accept from them. The laboratory of the landfill carries out selective control of delivered industrial waste.

Landfills are located outside cities and other populated areas. The size of the sanitary protection zone is 500 m from residential buildings to the boundaries of the landfill. The placement of wells for drinking purposes is prohibited in the sanitary protection zone. The placement of solid waste landfills must be consistent with the master plan or development project for the city and its suburban area. Before designing a landfill, the customer and interested organizations (department for architecture and construction, environmental authorities, Rospotrebnadzor, hydrological service, etc.) determine the area and site for the landfill location.

The following requirements are imposed on the nature of the soil and the location of groundwater.

  • 1. According to hydrological conditions, the best for the foundation of landfills are clays and heavy loams (possessing water-resistant properties, i.e. waterproof, with low filtration coefficient values ​​not exceeding 10-5 cm/s).
  • 2. There should be no outlets of groundwater and underground water in the form of springs and springs.
  • 3. In geomorphological terms, preference is given to flat surfaces (to prevent the filtrate from being washed away by precipitation or groundwater into water bodies). Exhausted clay quarries, ravines, and areas free of valuable tree species are also allocated for the landfill.
  • 4. Groundwater must be at a sufficient depth (over 2 m) to allow waste to be stored at great depths for economic reasons.
  • 5. The groundwater level must be at least 1 m from the base of the landfill.
  • 6. Swamps with a depth of more than 1 m, areas flooded with water, areas of geological faults, and areas located closer than 15 km from airports cannot be used as a landfill.
  • 7. It is not allowed to place solid waste landfills in sanitary protection zones of water supply sources and in water protection zones, in protection zones of resorts, recreational areas, in places where fractured rocks come to the surface.

The area of ​​land allocated for the landfill is selected based on its service life (20-25 years or more), and can reach several hundred hectares. When a site is allocated for a landfill, an assignment is issued for its further use after the landfill is closed. Areas of closed landfills are used to create forest park complexes, for the construction of sports grounds, gardens and vegetable gardens, the construction of open warehouses for building materials and non-food containers, etc. The use of the territory for capital construction, especially housing, is not permitted. The laying of underground communications is also prohibited in these territories due to the release of toxic and explosive gases for a long time due to the decomposition of the organic part of the waste.

The design of landfills is carried out in accordance with the “Instructions for the design, operation and reclamation of landfills for solid waste”. - M.: Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, 1996. The solid waste storage area is the main structure of the landfill, occupies 85-95% of the landfill area, is divided into operation queues (each queue is calculated for 3-5 years of solid waste reception). A pit is designed over the entire area of ​​the storage area to obtain soil for intermediate and final isolation of solid waste layers (thus, the base of the landfill is obtained in the form of a huge trough). The average pit depth is about 1.5 m, it is calculated from the condition of the balance of excavation work and the groundwater level (GWL), which should be 1 m below the bottom of the pit.

For landfills receiving less than 120 thousand m3 of waste per year, a trench storage system is recommended. In this case, working maps (trenches) are arranged, the dimensions of which are: length - 30 ... 150 m, width at the top - 5 ... 12 m, depth - 3 ... 6 m. The trenches are arranged perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing winds, which prevents the spread of solid waste.

The waste is laid in layers and compacted with bulldozers or road rollers layer by layer to a depth of 2 m, then isolated with a layer of soil 0.25 m thick. In winter, construction or industrial waste is allowed to be used as an insulating material: thermal power plant slag, broken brick, concrete, lime , chalk, gypsum, asbestos cement. To reduce the area of ​​the storage area, the landfill is loaded in multi-layers (up to a height of 60 m). In this case, a gentle external slope is arranged (angle of slope 15? C). After filling the landfill, its surface is covered with plant soil (0.6...1.5 m thick), previously removed during the construction of the landfill.

The service life of a landfill can be increased by grinding or briquetting (pressing) waste into large blocks. These methods can also be used together, because shredding waste improves the quality of briquettes. Grinding is carried out by impact hammer crushers or mills with grinding wheels (balls). At the same time, grinding and chopping of waste occurs, its volume is reduced to 50%, the material becomes humus-like, the smell and fire hazard are sharply reduced. An obstacle to grinding is the presence of ungrindable and large-sized objects in the garbage. Therefore, waste sorting is necessary before shredding.

Briquetting is used mainly abroad (in the USA, Japan, Spain). Standard molds are used that compress unsorted waste from an initial density of 0.2...0.25 t/m3 to a final density of 1.1...1.2 t/m3. The briquettes have the shape of a prism with dimensions of 1.1 * 1.1 * 2.5 m, their weight is 3 tons. Pressing is carried out at special sites (waste transfer stations), then the briquettes are transported to the landfill by special machines. Briquettes at landfills are stacked in stacks 5 - 8 m high. In this case, both the height of storing briquettes and the side slopes can be significantly greater than what is allowed when backfilling the landfill.

The briquetting method has the following advantages:

  • - the service life of the landfill increases by 2 - 3 times (due to waste compaction, the working volume of the landfill is used more efficiently);
  • - the operation of the landfill is facilitated (briquettes are stored like bricks);
  • - wind blowing of debris is eliminated;
  • - rodents, flies and birds are not attracted;
  • - there is no fire hazard (briquettes do not ignite);
  • - the volume of compressed waste is 5 - 10% of the original;
  • - there is practically no seepage of water inside the briquettes (20 times less than for compacted soil);
  • - the release of biogas from briquettes is sharply reduced (by about 20 times, while at conventional landfills it is about 200 m3/t of solid waste).

The closure of the landfill is carried out after the area allocated for burial has been exhausted and the landfill has been filled to the design level. Then the surface of the landfill is reclaimed to ensure the subsequent beneficial use of the occupied territory. The direction of reclamation determines the further intended use of the reclaimed areas. The most acceptable areas for closed landfills are the following areas of reclamation: agricultural, forestry, recreational, construction (non-critical structures).

Reclamation of closed landfills is carried out in two stages. The technical stage includes a study of the state of the landfill body and its impact on the natural environment, as well as preparation of the territory for subsequent intended use (territory planning, leveling, terracing, formation of slopes, creation of reclamation cover, construction of a biogas removal system, road construction, etc.). The biological stage includes measures to restore the territories of closed landfills for their further intended use (a set of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative measures). This includes soil preparation, sowing perennial grasses, and plant care. Green spaces are planted along the slope and terraces are arranged. Further use of the territory after completion of reclamation work is permitted no earlier than one year later.

Reclamation of the territory of the closed landfill is carried out by the organization operating the landfill, with the participation of the enterprise that carries out the further intended use of the land. To carry out reclamation, separate design and estimate documentation is developed.

When selecting sites for landfill sanitation, potential environmental constraints must be taken into account. In the thickness of the already closed landfill, processes of decomposition of the organic part of the waste by microorganisms take place over the course of 50-100 years. All this time, the landfill remains a potential source of environmental pollution. There are two main problems here.

1) Emission of gases during waste decomposition.

In the first days, with free access of air, as well as in the upper zone of the landfill (no more than 1.5 m deep), an aerobic process occurs, which is accompanied by the release of CO2 and an increase in the temperature of the waste. After all free oxygen has been consumed, as well as at lower horizons, the process of anaerobic digestion begins with the release of biogas, which is a mixture of methane CH4 (40 - 65%), carbon dioxide CO2 (35 - 40%), hydrogen sulfide H2S and small the amount of other impurities. Biogas is formed as a result of the activity of bacteria. The process is accompanied by the release of heat, which maintains a relatively high temperature in the waste mass (30 - 40o C). This creates the potential for CH4 explosions and unpleasant odors. The release of gas makes it difficult to carry out reclamation work and requires special installations for its removal. Therefore, on the sites of former large landfills and landfills, it is economically profitable to establish the industrial use of biogas - methane. Its calorific value is 6 kW/h (1 m3), and that of natural gas is 9.5 - 11 kW/h. The use of biogas is possible in at least 5 - 10 years in fuel or power plants. Biogas must be removed from the most active zone, which usually lies at a depth of 2 - 6 m from the surface of the landfill.

The gas collection system of the landfill includes:

  • - vertical gas collection wells (wells with a diameter of 0.6 - 1.2 m, inside of which there are perforated pipes);
  • - horizontal gas receiving perforated (holey) pipes made of polyethylene, laid in the thickness of the waste.

The gas is discharged through a pipeline system into special collection tanks and then supplied for recycling (combustion). The compressor unit creates the vacuum necessary to transport biogas to the place of use. A typical backfill landfill can produce gas for 10 - 12 years, its maximum productivity occurs in the 4th year, and then it slowly decreases. In Russia, biogas has been produced from landfills since 1996. Mytishchi and Serpukhov.

2) Release of filtrate during waste decomposition. The process of waste decomposition is also accompanied by the release of filtrate - a specific dark brown liquid with a high content of salts (nitrates, chlorides, sulfates). Leachate is formed when rain, ground or surface water comes into contact with waste. Part of the filtrate evaporates from the surface, the other penetrates deep, where it causes a slow biothermal process of waste decomposition with an increase in temperature to 30C. The leachate must accumulate in the trough, remain within the landfill and not pollute surface water bodies and groundwater. When there is a large amount of precipitation, the filtrate is taken from the bottom by pumping units and sprayed over the surface of the waste to intensify the evaporation process. Leachate is also collected by the drainage system. Drainage is made of plastic perforated pipes laid with a slope in a layer of highly porous material (crushed stone).

The filtrate collected and discharged by the drainage system is extremely toxic and is more polluted than sewage. Its mineralization is up to several tens of g/l, COD reaches 6 g/l, and high concentrations of heavy metals are observed. In this regard, it is necessary to clean and neutralize it. Leachate can be discharged into sewer networks for further neutralization together with urban wastewater (if the volume of filtrate does not exceed 5% of the wastewater supply to treatment plants, otherwise the quality of wastewater treatment deteriorates and corrosion of installations increases). Therefore, various leachate treatment methods are used at landfills: physicochemical, chemical and biochemical. In this case, the final and by-products of purification (sludge, adsorbents, ash, waste gases) must be neutralized and, if possible, disposed of.

Waterproofing the base of the landfill in the absence of suitable soils is provided in the following ways:

  • - viscous waterproofing is carried out in the form of a soil-bitumen impervious screen, with the treatment of the base soil with organic binders or waste from the oil refining industry (bitumen or oil with the addition of cement) to a depth of 0.2 - 0.4 m with one or double impregnation, depending on the composition of the waste disposed and climatic conditions;
  • - film waterproofing is carried out from two layers of polyethylene film, each 0.2 mm thick, stabilized with soot, between which a layer of sand is laid. An underlying and protective (upper) sand layer is also installed. This is an effective and cheap method, but it has significant drawbacks (the need for careful surface planning, the complexity of joining the film seams, the possibility of chemical decomposition of the film by waste components).

The landfill is equipped with an access road connecting the existing transport highway with the storage area, which has a hard surface (asphalt, reinforced concrete slabs), designed for two-way traffic, with a slope of up to 8.

The economic zone of the landfill with an area of ​​0.3-1 hectares is designed at the intersection of the access road with the border of the landfill. It houses household and industrial buildings for personnel, a shed or garage for placing machines and mechanisms, a workshop for repairing machines and mechanisms, a checkpoint, a weighing room, warehouses and other facilities.

Let's consider a group of engineering structures of the landfill.

Water supply at large landfills (more than 360 thousand m3/year), with an operation period of more than 15 years, is provided from artesian wells. In other cases, containers are washed using watering machines (that is, the water supply is provided with imported water in agreement with the Rospotrebnadzor authorities).

Removal of wastewater from container washing (water disposal) is carried out either according to a drainless scheme (the wastewater settles in sludge sumps and is supplied for evaporation to the surface of the working surfaces of the landfill), or using the city sewerage system (if there is a sewer collector at an economically feasible distance).

A control and disinfection zone is set up at the exit of the landfill and includes a reinforced concrete bath for washing the wheels of garbage trucks. The bath is filled with a 3% aqueous solution of an effective disinfectant - Lysol and sawdust.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete tank or fire extinguishing pond with a capacity of 100 m3. Water consumption for external fire extinguishing is 10 l/s.

External lighting of the landfill area is provided by floodlights installed on masts 16 - 20 m high in a green zone 5 - 8 m wide, arranged along the perimeter of the landfill.

A light fence around the perimeter of the entire territory of the landfill; it can be replaced by a shaft up to 2 m high or a drainage trench more than 2 m deep.

Landfills, especially poorly equipped ones, can be a source of environmental pollution. In waste disposal sites, the deterioration of the environmental situation is associated with pollution of almost all components of the environment: the atmosphere, soil, surface and groundwater. In this regard, it is necessary to monitor the environment at waste disposal sites (the disposal site itself and the surrounding area).

Landfills have the most active effect on groundwater. In waste storage areas, the formation of anthropogenic aquifers with a high level of pollution is possible. The main source of pollution is the filtrate, which is unique in its toxicity. Therefore, landfills are equipped with devices for monitoring the quality of groundwater (GW). Monitoring wells are being designed in the green zone of the landfill. One well is installed upstream of the landfill along the hot water flow in order to take water samples that are not influenced by filtrate from the landfill. Downstream of the landfill along the flow of hot water, two wells are laid at a distance of 100 - 200 m from each other; they take into account the influence of the landfill on the state of groundwater.

Surface water is controlled above and below the landfill, as well as in drainage ditches. If in samples taken downstream the concentrations of pollutants significantly exceed the background levels, it is necessary to develop appropriate measures.

Atmospheric air is polluted due to the release of large amounts of gaseous harmful substances (methane, hydrogen sulfide, etc.), thermal pollution, dust and small fractions that are carried by the wind from the landfill. Monitoring the state of the atmosphere involves quarterly sampling of atmospheric air over waste areas of the landfill and at the border of the sanitary protection zone for the presence of compounds released during the biochemical decomposition of solid waste.

Monitoring the condition of soils in the zone of possible influence of the landfill is provided for using chemical, microbiological and radiological parameters. The ecological state of the soil cover is assessed by the degree of salinity with easily soluble salts, contamination with heavy metals, the presence of organic pollutants, and the reaction of the environment.

Disposing of waste in landfills has a number of disadvantages:

  • - long-term alienation of significant areas of land resources;
  • - possible contamination of surface and ground waters;
  • - release of toxic impurities and toxic gases into the atmosphere;
  • -irretrievable loss of valuable waste components.

Consequently, a transition from landfill disposal of solid waste to their industrial processing is necessary. At the same time, the cost of constructing landfills is approximately 4 times cheaper than biochemical recycling and composting.

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