Russian newspaper Russian weapons. RG weapon

The program talks about ground and air armament Russia, the most modern samples and promising developments. About modern equipment - from cold steel to firearms.

In addition to weapons, there are reports on the introduction of new weapons to the Russian army. Reportings and surveys of military enterprises, interviews with designers and specialists. Doors are open everywhere for the authors of the program, you will forget about other military programs, this one contains all the best and most interesting.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 04/17/2013)

A ticket to the future or a pass to the landfill: what fate awaits the Russian MiG-31 interceptors. Nine circles of weapons hell: why every new rifle, pistol or machine gun must undergo inhuman tests. Flowers for sappers: a giant "dandelion" will do mine clearance.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 05/09/2013)

BTR is dead, long live BTR. Sergei Lyaskovskiy, found out what replaced the eightieth armored personnel carrier at the parade on May 9, 2013). Il - at the finish line. Alexander Sofronov visited the final stage of flight tests of the latest military transport aircraft. In the "No Comments" section: preparation of Russian pilots for the Victory Parade.

Russian weapons (air from 15.05.2013)

American "Patriot" or Russian "Antey": what anti-aircraft missile system will be in service with Turkish air defense. Spare parts are yours, helicopters are ours: the first Russian-Italian aviation plant. Unearthly technologies: how and where space satellites are created. The storm of all living things: the tests of the "Terminator".

Russian weapons(broadcast from 06/12/2013)

How can the Russian defense industry cope with the shortage of young personnel? An airplane instead of a textbook: MAI trains specialists for the country's aviation industry. precision weapons: one rocket - one tank. Unique shots: refueling a combat aircraft in the air.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 06/26/2013)

It's time for the favorite to retire: what can replace the legendary S-300. Multimillion-dollar contracts, tough competition: what the 50th Paris Air Show in Le Bourget will remember. Why did the Swiss create a cybercat? How black holes are born: a factory where stealth submarines are assembled.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 09/19/2013)

New defense concerns will appear in the near future - these are Kalashnikov and the United Rocket and Space Corporation. MAX number eleven. What did the participants and guests remember about it? Launchers S-300 is the main product of the Obukhov plant. Sergei Lyaskovskiy visited one of the oldest defense plants in Russia.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 10/16/2013)

What is the future of the Russian space program? Parade of fire and steel: a special report on the weapons exhibition in Nizhny Tagil. Stealth tank and sprinter robot: a story about the latest military developments - in a review of world news. What will the aircraft of the 21st century be built from?

Russian weapons(broadcast from 10/30/2013)

Why does the Russian defense industry have a personnel shortage? Details in the heading "Actually". How to assemble a fighter? Excursion to one of the largest aircraft factories in Russia. Cheaper doesn't mean better. What prevents Turkey from buying Chinese anti-aircraft missile systems? What is a thermal imager and why is it needed?

Russian weapons(broadcast from 11/13/2013)

Today the program includes a new anti-ship system and a modern radar. Fulfill and exceed the plan: Tagil gunsmiths reported on the progress of the state defense order. From the ball to the ship: what will protect the maritime borders of Russia. Combat pests: how to ruin enemy electronics without even touching them.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 11/27/2013)

How many C-400s will the Russian military get? What are silent mortars? This and much more in the heading "Actually". There was "Gorshkov", became "Vikramaditya". Sergei Lyaskovskiy attended the ceremony of handing over the new aircraft carrier to the Indian naval forces.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 12/12/2013)

In this issue, the film crew of the Russian Weapons program found out where high-precision sniper rifles what they fill modern fighter, and studied in detail the process of creating aviation electronics.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 12/25/2013)

The strength of the division in one train: in Russian army military railway missile systems will return. Engines that turned the world upside down: a report on one of the oldest rocket and space enterprises in the country. Soldiers of the 21st century: when combat humanoid robots will appear in service.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 01/01/2014)

Tagil gunsmiths reported on the state defense order. From the ball to the ship: what weapons will protect the sea borders of Russia? "Browning" from the printer and haute couture body armor.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 01/07/2014)

How many S-400s will the Russian military get and what are silent mortars? There was Gorshkov, became Vikramaditya. The ceremony of handing over the new aircraft carrier to the Indian Navy. Why is a training rocket dangerous for American cruiser? Military technology at the service of civilians.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 03/19/2014)

Experience of generations and new technologies. How does one enterprise coexist with the traditional handmade and robotic machines? Hunting rifles at the Tula Armory are assembled and decorated by hand.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 04/02/2014)

Double sanctions. Who will be worse off from breaking military-technical relations with Russia? Project 476. Where and who assembles the latest military transport aircraft, Sergei Lyaskovskiy found out. materials special purpose. Alexander Safronov found out how impenetrable glass and ultralight composites are made.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 04/17/2014)

The all-penetrating power of RPGs: Alexander Safronov tested the most popular grenade launchers in the world. Combat railguns: when electromagnetic guns will appear in the arsenal of the army. Most high tech: where and how are Russian space satellites created. Seven-ton skydiver: unique BMD landing footage.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 05/09/2014)

Weekends are canceled: why the builders of the Vostochny cosmodrome will not celebrate May holidays? "Typhoon" is approaching: Alexander Sofronov arranged a test drive of the newest Russian armored vehicle. Flights in reality and in virtual space: Sergey Lyaskovskiy appreciated the simulator for the new Russian fighter.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 05/14/2014)

When will the Mistrals reach Russia? Competitors "Swifts" and "Knights". Sergei Lyaskovskiy got acquainted with the new aerobatic team, which competes in entertainment with aces from Kubinka. Progress Engine. Alexander Sofronov visited an enterprise where they create power plants for cargo launch vehicles.

Russian weapons(broadcast from 06/11/14)

When will the world's largest cruiser return to service, and what will GLONASS look like in six years? The second life of a stormtrooper. Alexander Sofronov found out where the Russian combat aircraft. Space constructor. What is unique about the latest Angara launch vehicle, and when it will go into space, Sergei Lyaskovskiy will tell.

Russian weapons. Air from 09/03/14

RG-6 hand grenade launcher firearms? and got the best answer

Answer from Eygeny[guru]
Here is the evidence for this
A firearm is a kinetic weapon in which to disperse and eject a projectile (mines, bullets) from the bore, the pressure force of gases generated during the combustion of a propellant explosive (gunpowder) or special combustible mixtures is used. It combines a means of direct destruction (artillery projectile, mine, bullet) and a means of throwing them to the target (cannon, mortar, machine gun, etc.). (On the second basis, it can also be considered a type of throwing weapon.) It is divided into artillery and small arms and grenade launchers.
RG-6 or 6G30 (GRAU index) - hand-held revolving grenade launcher. It was developed in 1993 at TsKIB SOO by designers Valery Telesh (creator of the GP-25) and V. A. Borzov.
On this moment is in service with the Russian army

Answer from Oleg Timoshin[guru]
Well, if they fight back like a club, then at that moment he will be in the rank of cold))

Answer from Nikita Semyonin[newbie]

Answer from Nekit Zakharov[active]
depending on how to use. if you shoot, then a firearm, and if you beat them in the manner of a club, then there will be a cold weapon))

Answer from Vladimir[guru]
Hand revolver grenade launcher. Gunshot.

Reform of the Armed Forces. There hasn't been such a controversial topic in a long time. But now we will not consider the reaction of society to the so-called. "new image" of our army or the moral side of things. Let's talk about the financial side of things.

Only for new weapons from 2011 to 2020 it is planned to spend total 19 trillion rubles. And the possibility of increasing this amount cannot be ruled out. Such an order of numbers cannot but attract attention, it even got to the point that now former minister Finance of Russia A. Kudrin lost his post due to disagreement with the volume of the military budget.

And in fact, why almost two dozen trillion? By 2015, it is planned to update most of the fleet of vehicles ground forces And military aviation. For reference: one copy of the Su-34 front-line bomber costs more than a billion rubles, and the Air Force needs more than one or two of these aircraft. The price of the MiG-29 fighter of the latest modifications is not much less than that of the Su-34. In general, it can be noted that almost everything relatively complex in Russia has a corresponding price. Although a little pleased with the fact that similar foreign samples are not cheaper.

These same 19 trillion rubles, as you might guess, will go not only to the direct purchase of weapons, part of them is intended to finance research and development on relevant topics. That is, the conclusion suggests itself that by the 15th year the troops will receive new equipment and new weapons, and by the 20th one should already expect the appearance in the troops of those types of weapons that are just appearing on the drawings. It will be the new armored vehicles of the Armata family, and the expected S-500 air defense system, and further development patrol ships project 11540, etc.

On the face of it all looks good and optimistic. But practice is always trying to make adjustments in everything. As you know, in any country and in any industry, only the development of allocated finances is always carried out just in time. The rest of the time is almost always not enough. Will the rearmament of our army add to the list of victims of this pattern? Let's be honest, it can replenish. The state defense order for this year has so far been contracted for only 95%, and this is in October. First Deputy Defense Minister A. Sukhorukov says that the remaining five percent of the contracts have not yet been concluded due to disagreements between the Ministry and the United Shipbuilding Corporation. These discrepancies, in turn, come from an undeveloped pricing system. Those. The Ministry of Defense requires USC to provide accurate estimates for work under contracts (in order to be sure that the price does not increase in the course of work), but it cannot provide such documentation for a number of its internal reasons. So the Alexander Nevsky and Yuri Dolgoruky submarines (Project 955 Borey) and Severodvinsk (Project 885) will not enter service this year.

The same situation with the terms "sick" and Russian aviation weapons. Due to internal problems of the Irkut Corporation, the first training aircraft The Yak-130 will go to train pilots only next year, and not this year, as planned.

And the air defense system this year will also not receive two regiments of S-400 air defense systems. Recall that due to delays in the supply of the first two regiments, the director of the Almaz-Antey State Design Bureau I. Ashurbeyli lost his post.

But there are also positive ones: Russian Helicopters and the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering are fully coping with their obligations to supply helicopters and Yars strategic missiles, respectively. Another one happy news: The state defense order for 2012 may avoid the fate of the order for the current year. At least at the moment, more than 460 enterprises have already expressed their willingness to participate in tenders, and half of the applications have been approved by the Ministry of Defense.

Also next year, the construction of two factories will finally begin at once, which will collect anti-aircraft missile systems. The Ministry of Finance did not approve this construction for quite a long time - they believed that the two new plants would be too expensive pleasure for the country, even despite their benefits in the long run. As a result, a compromise solution was found: only half of the construction will be financed from the state budget, the rest will be invested by private companies. Production at the new factories will start in 2016.

The general figures that have been announced regarding the upcoming purchases of equipment are as follows: the fleet will receive 8 submarines project "Borey", two dozen non-strategic boats of project 885, 15 frigates and 35 corvettes. IN Air Force more than 600 aircraft and almost a thousand helicopters will depart by 2020 different types and appointments. The air defense and missile defense forces will have to receive 56 divisions of S-400 systems, which will be simply impossible without new factories.

But with strategic missiles, tanks and small arms almost nothing is clear. Information on the first is classified, and on the last two points there are no new samples ready for delivery to the troops.

At the moment, 8 years before the end of the rearmament program, it is impossible to say for sure whether it will be possible to carry it out completely and on time. But it is still too early to make forecasts - negative or positive - after all, the program was launched only this year and has not even really gained momentum.

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