The combat composition of the air force. Military equipment and weapons of the Air Force. Air Force The Air Force is a branch of the Armed Forces designed to strike at aircraft, - presentation. What types of structures operate in the army

Types of military equipment and weapons of the Air Force: Long-range aviation Long-range aviation Front-line aviation Front-line aviation Army aviation Army aviation Military transport aviation Military transport aviation Special aviation Special aviation Anti-aircraft missile troops Anti-aircraft missile troops Radio engineering troops Radio engineering troops

Let's consider them in more detail: Long-Range Aviation naval forces the enemy and the destruction of his important military, military-industrial, energy facilities, communication centers mainly in the strategic and operational depth. It can also be involved in aerial reconnaissance and mining from the air. The main types of strategic and long-range bombers Tu-160, Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3. The main types of strategic and long-range bombers Tu-160, Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3.

Front-line aviation Front-line aviation is the main strike force of the Air Force, solves tasks in combined arms, joint and independent operations, is designed to destroy enemy troops and objects in operational depth in the air, on land and at sea. It can be used for aerial reconnaissance and mining from the air. The main types are Su-24M, Su-25, Su-27, MiG-31, MiG-29, Su-24MR.

Army aviation Army aviation is intended for aviation support of the Ground Forces by destroying ground, mainly small-sized, armored mobile targets of the enemy, mainly at the forefront and in tactical depth, as well as for solving the problems of comprehensive support for combined arms combat and increasing troop mobility. At the same time, army aviation units and subunits perform fire, airborne transport, reconnaissance and special combat missions.

Military transport aviation Military transport aviation is the means of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and provides air transportation of its troops, military equipment and cargo, as well as airborne landings. The main types include aircraft of various modifications: An-124, Il-76, An-26, An-22, An-12. The main types include aircraft of various modifications: An-124, Il-76, An-26, An-22, An-12.

Special aviation Special aviation is designed to solve special tasks: long-range radar detection and control, reference electronic warfare, reconnaissance and target designation as part of reconnaissance and strike complexes, providing control and communications, refueling aircraft in the air, conducting radiation, chemical and engineering reconnaissance, evacuating the wounded and sick, searching and rescuing flight crews.

Anti-Aircraft Missile Troops Anti-Aircraft Missile Troops (ZRV) are designed to cover important administrative-political industrial, economic and military installations and other objects of the country from air attacks. The SAMs are armed with unique anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) S-300PM, which are superior to the best foreign counterparts, and have high capabilities to destroy all modern air attack weapons, in the entire range of altitudes and flight speeds, in radio interference conditions. The SAMs are armed with unique anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) S-300PM, which are superior to the best foreign counterparts, and have high capabilities to destroy all modern air attack weapons, in the entire range of altitudes and flight speeds, in radio interference conditions.

Radio-technical Troops missile troops and aviation, as well as to control the use of the country's airspace. They are equipped various types modern radar stations and complexes, which make it possible at any time of the year and day in the conditions of enemy electronic countermeasures to detect air attack weapons at long ranges and in a wide range of altitudes, to determine their exact coordinates and nationality. They are equipped with various types of modern radar stations and complexes, which make it possible at any time of the year and day in the conditions of enemy electronic countermeasures to detect air attack weapons at long ranges and in a wide range of altitudes, to determine their exact coordinates and nationality. The basics include: The basics include: Radar "Opponent-G", Radar "Nebo-U", "Gamma - DE", "Gamma-S1", "Casta-2" Radar "Opponent-G", Radar "Nebo- U", "Gamma - DE", "Gamma-C1", "Casta-2"

Air Force (Air Force) - view Armed Forces, designed to protect the bodies of higher state and military administration, strategic nuclear forces, groupings of troops, important administrative and industrial centers and regions of the country from reconnaissance and air strikes, to gain air supremacy, fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy from the air, increase mobility and ensure the actions of formations different types of the Armed Forces, conducting integrated reconnaissance and performing special tasks.

The Russian Air Force consists of associations, formations and military units and include types of aviation: long-range, military transport; front-line (it includes bomber, assault, fighter, reconnaissance aircraft), army, as well as anti-aircraft troops: anti-aircraft missile troops, radio engineering troops.

Long-range aviation- the main strike force of the Air Force, capable of effectively hitting important objects of aviation groups, carrier ships cruise missiles sea-based (SLCM), energy facilities and facilities of the highest military and state administration, nodes of railway, road and sea communications.

Military transport aviation- the main means of landing troops and military equipment in the interests of operations in the continental and ocean theaters of war, it is the most mobile means of delivering materiel, military equipment, food, units and subunits to specified areas.

Front-line bomber and attack aviation designed primarily for air support of the Ground Forces in all types of military operations.

Frontline reconnaissance aviation designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance in the interests of all types and branches of the troops.

Frontline Fighter Aviation designed to destroy enemy air attack weapons when solving the tasks of covering groupings, economic regions, administrative and political centers, military and other facilities.

Army Aviation designed for fire support of the Ground Forces. It is also entrusted with the tasks of combat and logistic support. During the battle army aviation strikes at enemy troops, destroys his airborne assault forces, raiding, forward and outflanking detachments, provides landing and air support for his own assault forces, fights enemy helicopters, destroys his nuclear missiles, tanks and other armored equipment.

Anti-aircraft missile troops designed to cover troops and facilities from enemy air attacks.

Radio engineering troops are designed to detect enemy air attack means in the air, identify them, escort them, notify the command, troops and civil defense bodies about them, to control the flights of their aircraft.

Armament and military equipment of the Air Force

Strategic supersonic bomber with variable geometry wing Tu-160- designed to destroy the most important targets with nuclear and conventional weapons in remote military-geographical regions and deep in the rear of continental theaters of military operations.

Strategic missile carrier Tu-95MS- designed to solve strike missions to defeat the most important targets in remote military-geographical regions and in the deep rear of continental theaters of military operations.

Heavy military transport aircraft An-22 ("Antey")- designed to transport heavy and large-sized military equipment and troops over long distances, as well as for landing by parachute and landing method.

Heavy long-range military transport aircraft An-124 ("Ruslan")- is intended for the delivery of troops with standard military equipment and weapons from the deep rear of the country to theaters of military operations (theater of operations), the transportation of troops between the theater of operations and inside the rear zones, the reinforcement of airborne assault forces with heavy military equipment, the delivery of cargo to the forces of the fleets to the ocean theater of operations, the transportation of heavy and oversized national economic cargoes.

Front-line bomber with variable geometry wing Su-24M- Designed to destroy ground and surface targets in any weather conditions, day and night, in the tactical and immediate operational depth of the enemy territory.

Attack aircraft Su-25- designed to destroy small-sized mobile and stationary ground targets in conditions of visual visibility day and night, as well as low-speed air targets at the forefront in tactical and immediate operational depth.


  1. The Air Force consists of long-range and military transport aviation, front-line bomber and attack aviation, front-line reconnaissance aviation, front-line fighter aviation, army aviation, anti-aircraft missile and radio engineering troops.
  2. The air force is intended for air strikes against enemy groupings, his rear and transport.
  3. The Air Force leads aerial reconnaissance and organize air transportation.
  4. The military transport aviation of the Air Force is capable of landing and dropping airborne assault forces, transporting troops and military equipment over long distances.


  1. What branches of aviation are part of the Air Force?
  2. What types of anti-aircraft troops are part of the Air Force?
  3. What are the main aircraft in service with long-range aviation?
  4. In what type of front-line aviation served legendary heroes Great Patriotic War Alexander Pokryshkin and Ivan Kozhedub?


  1. Prepare short message on the purpose of the anti-aircraft troops and their weapons and military equipment.
  2. Prepare a message about the heroic deeds and records of the famous Russian pilot of the First World War, Pyotr Nesterov.
  3. Using historical literature, write an essay on the topic "Chief Air Marshal A. A. Novikov - Commander of the Air Force during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."
  4. Using special materials and the Internet, prepare a story about one of the modern military pilots.

Any state at all times needed devoted people who would be ready to come to his defense at any moment. After all, humanity throughout its history has used violence to conquer the weaker. Therefore, martial art has become an integral activity in every state. In this case, it should be noted that people engaged in such a craft have always enjoyed honor and respect in society. This fact is not surprising, because they were always at risk. The work of such people was associated with the performance of dangerous tasks. To date, the essence of military craft has changed somewhat. However, the status of military personnel remains the same. This sector human activity highly developed in many modern states. Speaking specifically about Russian Federation, then this country has one of the most combat-ready armies in the whole world. The armed forces are made up of several professionals. Against the background of the whole structure Russian army military aviation is allocated. This sector of the armed forces plays a significant role. At the same time, the majority of citizens of the Russian Federation tend to serve in the aviation industry, which leads to the existence of many educational institutions that produce specialists in this field.

Air force concept

The tasks of military aviation

Any division combat type exists to perform certain tasks. Modern military aviation of Russia in this case is no exception. A large number of different areas of activity are assigned to this functional element of the armed forces. Considering given fact, it is possible to identify the most relevant tasks military aviation Russia, for example:

  • protection of airspace over the territory of the state;
  • destruction of enemy manpower from the air;
  • transportation of personnel, weapons, provisions;
  • conducting reconnaissance activities;
  • defeat air fleet enemy;
  • combat assistance to ground forces.

At the same time, it should be noted that the modern military aviation of Russia is constantly evolving. This leads to the expansion of its functional tasks. In addition, the current legislation may impose other obligations on aviation.

Combat strength of aviation

The new military aviation of Russia, that is, the formation of an independent Russian Federation, is represented by a large number of different equipment. To date, as part of this sector of the armed forces, there are various technical specifications aircrafts. All of them are suitable for combat missions of any kind and complexity. It should be noted that the military aviation equipment belongs to the domestic manufacturer in full. Thus, the following devices are used in the activities of military aviation:

There is also a special aviation sector, which includes devices used for atypical tasks. This includes refueling aircraft, air command posts, reconnaissance aircraft, as well as aviation guidance and radio detection systems.

Promising innovation

The armament of the state is effective only if it is constantly developed. To do this, it is necessary to invent new technologies that will help in the implementation of the tasks of the military sector. In the aviation industry today there are several innovative developments. For example, the family of fighters will soon be replenished with new aircraft of the 5th and 4th generation, which include the T-50 (PAK FA) and MiG - 35. Transport aviation did not stand aside. Soon, new aircraft will appear in the fleet of this type of aircraft: Il-112 and 214.

Training in the relevant sector

One should be aware of the fact that the military aviation of Russia consists not only of aircraft, but also of people, personnel, which directly performs the functional tasks of the represented sphere of the armed forces. Therefore, the availability of qualified personnel is essential. For the training of specialists in the mentioned field, Russian military aviation schools operate in our state. In such educational institutions, qualified professionals are trained for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Qualities required for admission to specialized educational institutions

Aviation schools of Russian military aviation are special places of education. In other words, to enter this kind of institution, a person must possess a number of certain qualities. First of all, you need to be in excellent health. After all, management aircraft associated with high stress on the body. Therefore, any deviation from the norm will put an end to the career of a pilot. In addition, pilots wishing to write an article must have the following characterizing aspects:

  • have high level performance in general education subjects;
  • have high stress resistance;
  • a person must be ready for team work;

In this case, all the moments presented are not inherent in all people. However, the military sphere is a rather specific type of activity that requires employees with a special temperament. If a person in future profession attracts only the form of a Russian military aviation pilot, then he clearly should not work in this area.

List of schools

For everyone who wants to join the ranks of professionals in the military aviation of the Russian Federation, special educational establishments. It should be noted that in order to enter such places, it is necessary to have all the qualities listed above, pass a competition and a series of test exams. Every year, the requirements for applicants to specific educational institutions of military aviation change. As for the choice of a particular university, it is quite large. Today, the following specialized schools operate in Russia:

Thus, everyone who wants to connect their lives with flying in the sky can safely enter the presented educational institutions, which will later give them the opportunity to do what they love.


Thus, in the Russian Federation today, the flight sector of the armed forces is quite well developed, which is supported by the corresponding photos. Russian military aviation is experiencing a moment of technical evolution. This means that in a few years we will see completely new aircraft in the sky. In addition, the state does not spare funds for the training of specialists in the relevant field of military art.

Formation of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the Russian Federation (1992–1998)

Decay process Soviet Union and the events that followed markedly weakened the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces (Air Defense). A significant part of the aviation group (about 35%) remained on the territory of the former Soviet republics (more than 3,400 aircraft, including 2,500 combat aircraft).

Also, on their territories, the airfield network most prepared for basing military aviation remained, which, in comparison with the USSR, was almost halved in the Russian Federation (primarily in the Western strategic direction). The level of flight and combat training of Air Force pilots has sharply decreased.

In connection with the disbandment a large number radio engineering units, a continuous radar field over the territory of the state disappeared. was significantly weakened and general system air defense of the country.

Russia, the last of the former republics of the USSR, has begun building the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces as an integral part of its own Armed Forces (decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 1992). The priorities of this construction were the prevention of a significant decrease in the level of combat capability of formations and units of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, the reduction of personnel through the revision and optimization of their organizational structure, the decommissioning of obsolete weapons and military equipment, etc.

During this period, the combat strength of the Air Force and Air Defense Aviation was represented almost exclusively by aircraft. fourth generation(Tu-22M3, Su-24M/MR, Su-25, Su-27, MiG-29 and MiG-31). The total strength of the Air Force and Air Defense Aviation was reduced by almost three times - from 281 to 102 air regiments.

As of January 1, 1993, the Russian Air Force had combat strength: two commands (long-range and military transport aviation (VTA)), 11 aviation associations, 25 air divisions, 129 air regiments (including 66 combat and 13 military transport). The aircraft fleet was 6561 aircraft, excluding aircraft stored at reserve bases (including 2957 combat aircraft).

At the same time, measures were taken to withdraw Air Force formations, formations and units from the territories of far and near abroad countries, including the 16th Air Army (VA) from Germany, 15 VA from the Baltic countries.

Period 1992 - early 1998. became a time of great painstaking work by the governing bodies of the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces to develop a new concept of military development of the Armed Forces of Russia, its aerospace defense with the implementation of the principle of defense sufficiency in the development of the Air Defense Forces and the offensive nature in the use of the Air Force.

During these years, the Air Force had to take a direct part in the armed conflict on the territory of the Chechen Republic (1994-1996). Subsequently, the experience gained made it possible to carry out the active phase of the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus in 1999-2003 more thoughtfully and with high efficiency.

In the 1990s, in connection with the beginning of the collapse of the unified air defense field of the Soviet Union and former countries- members of the Warsaw Treaty Organization, there was an urgent need to recreate its analogue within the boundaries of the former Soviet republics. In February 1995, Commonwealth countries Independent States(CIS) signed an Agreement on the creation of a Joint Air Defense System of the CIS Member States, designed to solve the tasks of protecting state borders in the airspace, as well as to conduct coordinated collective actions of air defense forces to repel a possible aerospace attack on one of the countries or a coalition states.

However, assessing the process of accelerating the physical aging of weapons and military equipment, the Defense Committee State Duma Russian Federation came to disappointing conclusions. As a result, a new concept military development, where before 2000 it was planned to reorganize the branches of the Armed Forces, reducing their number from five to three. As part of this reorganization, it was necessary to unite in one form two independent species Armed Forces: Air Force and Air Defense Forces.

A new kind of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1997 No. 725 "On priority measures to reform the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and improve their structure", by January 1, 1999, the the new kind Armed Forces - Air Force. In a short time, the Air Force High Command developed a regulatory framework for a new branch of the Armed Forces, which made it possible to ensure the continuity of control of Air Force formations, maintaining their combat readiness at the required level, and fulfilling the tasks of combat duty in air defense as well as conducting operational training activities.

By the time of unification into a single service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Air Force consisted of 9 operational formations, 21 aviation divisions, 95 air regiments, including 66 combat aviation regiments, 25 separate aviation squadrons and detachments based on 99 airfields. The total number of aircraft fleet was 5700 aircraft (including 20% ​​training) and more than 420 helicopters.

The Air Defense Forces included: an operational-strategic formation, 2 operational, 4 operational-tactical formations, 5 air defense corps, 10 air defense divisions, 63 units of anti-aircraft missile troops, 25 fighter regiments, 35 units of radio engineering troops, 6 formations and intelligence units and 5 parts of electronic warfare. In service there were: 20 aircraft aviation complex radar patrol and guidance A-50, more than 700 air defense fighters, more than 200 anti-aircraft missile divisions and 420 radio engineering units with radar stations various modifications.

As a result of these activities, a new organizational structure Air Force, which included two air armies: the 37th Air Army of the Supreme High Command ( strategic purpose) (VA VGK (SN) and 61st VA VGK (VTA). Instead air armies front-line aviation, the Air Force and Air Defense armies were formed, operationally subordinate to the commanders of the military districts. The Moscow District of the Air Force and Air Defense was created in the Western strategic direction.

Further construction of the organizational and staffing structure of the Air Force was carried out in accordance with the Plan for the Construction and Development of the Armed Forces for 2001-2005 approved in January 2001 by the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2003, army aviation was transferred to the Air Force, in 2005–2006. - part of the connections and parts military air defense equipped with anti-aircraft missile systems (ZRS) S-300V and Buk complexes. In April 2007, the Air Force adopted an anti-aircraft rocket system new generation S-400 "Triumph", designed to destroy all modern and promising funds aerospace attack.

At the beginning of 2008, the Air Force included: an operational-strategic association (KSpN), 8 operational and 5 operational-tactical associations (air defense corps), 15 formations and 165 units. In August of the same year, parts of the Air Force took part in the Georgian-South Ossetian military conflict (2008) and in the operation to force Georgia to peace. During the operation, the Air Force carried out 605 sorties and 205 helicopter sorties, including 427 sorties and 126 helicopter sorties for combat missions.

The military conflict revealed certain shortcomings in the organization of combat training and the control system Russian aviation, as well as the need for a significant renewal of the Air Force aircraft fleet.

The Air Force in the new look of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

In 2008, a transition began to the formation of a new image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (including the Air Force). In the course of the measures taken, the Air Force switched to a new organizational and staffing structure, more appropriate modern conditions and the realities of the times. The Air Force and Air Defense Commands were formed, subordinate to the newly created operational-strategic commands: Western (headquarters - St. Petersburg), Southern (headquarters - Rostov-on-Don), Central (headquarters - Yekaterinburg) and Eastern ( headquarters - Khabarovsk).

The Air Force High Command was assigned the tasks of planning and organizing combat training, the long-term development of the Air Force, as well as training the leadership of the control bodies. With this approach, there was a distribution of responsibility for the preparation and use of forces and means of military aviation and the duplication of functions was excluded, both in peacetime and during the period of hostilities.

In 2009–2010 A transition was made to a two-level (brigade-battalion) command and control system of the Air Force. As a result total Air Force formations were reduced from 8 to 6, all air defense formations (4 corps and 7 air defense divisions) were reorganized into 11 aerospace defense brigades. At the same time, an active renewal of the aircraft fleet is taking place. The fourth-generation aircraft are being replaced by their new modifications, as well as modern types of aircraft (helicopters), which have wider combat capabilities and flight performance.

Among them: front-line bombers Su-34, multirole fighters Su-35 and Su-30SM, various modifications of the MiG-31 supersonic all-weather long-range fighter-interceptor, the An-70 medium-range cargo military transport aircraft of the new generation An-140-100 type, a modified attack military Mi-8 transport helicopter, multipurpose helicopter medium range with Mi-38 gas turbine engines, combat helicopters Mi-28 (various modifications) and Ka-52 "Alligator".

As part of the further improvement of the air (aerospace) defense system, a new generation of S-500 air defense systems is currently being developed, in which it is planned to apply the principle of separate solution of the tasks of destroying ballistic and aerodynamic targets. The main task of the complex is to combat the combat equipment of medium-range ballistic missiles, and, if necessary, with intercontinental ballistic missiles in the final section of the trajectory and, within certain limits, in the middle section.

The modern Air Force is the most important integral part Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Currently, they are designed to solve the following tasks: repel aggression in the aerospace sphere and protect against air strikes command posts of the highest levels of state and military administration, administrative and political centers, industrial and economic regions, the most important objects of the economy and infrastructure of the country, groupings troops (forces); destruction of enemy troops (forces) and facilities using conventional, high-precision and nuclear weapons, as well as for air support and combat operations of troops (forces) of other branches of the Armed Forces and military branches.

The material was prepared by the Research Institute ( military history)
military academy General Staff
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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