Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces. Fake: Nuclear explosion in Balakleya

Marginal websites from time to time disseminate information that Ukraine secretly owns nuclear weapons. This time, the network spread information that on the territory of Ukraine The Internet publication Veterans Today (VT) wrote about this. Later, the Russian translation of this news spread in the Russian segment of the blogosphere, including on such Russian sites as INFO-MAKS.

Veterans Today, where the article was first published, bills itself as "an independent online magazine about national security, geopolitical stability and domestic policy". In fact, the site functions as a blog, where anyone can write an article, the site administration at the same time may disagree with this point of view. On home page The site states that most of the correspondents are "military veterans or military journalists."

Material published on behalf of Jan Greenhal. The author describes himself as a researcher military history, an expert in the study of state terrorism and the role of special services in the manipulation of the population "and so on.

This time, Ian Greenhalgh in his article "EXCLUSIVE: Nuclear Explosion in Ukraine" tells that at least one nuclear charge was detonated during the explosions of a military warehouse in Balakliya. The article is full of conspiracy theories, half-truths and outright manipulation.

The author begins the article by saying that "this is a little story that has been in the shadows." He also states that since they are a non-profit news organization, they do not have the goal of vilifying anyone or entertaining the public. At the same time, the author emphasizes that everything written is just “a hypothesis based on professional experience in nuclear physics and expert research in the field of nonproliferation nuclear weapons". In addition, he hints that he allegedly has access to classified information: “knowledge of the topic is based on access to the databases of such serious organizations as the CIA and the IAEA, access to the most high levels secrecy."

Several versions of a nuclear explosion during a fire at a warehouse in Balakliya are put forward in the article.

The first is that “nuclear weapons of Soviet production have become unstable due to the shelf life,” which is why “storage has become critical.”

The second one is " nuclear warhead thrown out during the explosion of other ammunition" - which explains the "non-classical detonation".

One of the videos cited by the author really shows a powerful explosion during a fire at an ammunition storage depot, which even before was compared in terms of power by marginal media with a nuclear one. This video is currently unavailable because the YouTube channel it was posted on has been deleted.

The fact that this explosion does not have visible signs of a nuclear one, the "expert" explains by the fact that it was a "non-classical nuclear detonation."

This photo is actually a screenshot of a video that was taken back in 2013. Then in June there was a fire at the training ground of the village of Nagorny (Samara region, Russia). But this photo is not shown. nuclear explosion.

Despite the inconsistency of all these "evidence", the author makes a sensational conclusion that Ukraine illegally possesses tactical nuclear missiles, and to confirm this version, he shows a photo of the military against the background of Tochka-U.

But even here the author manipulates the facts. Firstly, Ukraine has never hidden the presence of the Tochka-U tactical missile system (or SS-21 according to NATO codification) in service - it can be seen during military parades in Kiev. Second, tactical missile system the divisional link "Point" has warheads, which can be both in special (nuclear and chemical) and in conventional equipment. That is, it can be used with different types warheads, optionally with nuclear ones. Therefore, the photo with which he illustrates his “sensations” is not at all proof that Ukraine is using nuclear missiles.

Recall that in 1994 Ukraine signed the Budapest Memorandum - international treaty, which secured the non-nuclear status of Ukraine in exchange for security guarantees.

It should be noted that this author regularly publishes anti-American or pro-Russian articles. The site itself has been repeatedly accused of spreading pro-Russian propaganda, conspiracy theories, and has also been accused of anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic views.

During the explosions of military depots in the Ukrainian city of Balakleya, at least one nuclear weapon was detonated.

Here's a little story behind the scenes.

[Editor's Note: There is always a desire among visionary bloggers to find something dramatic, albeit fictional, in the media to inspire conspiracy theorists. We, as a non-profit news organization, would also like to entertain the public in this way, but we try to refrain from such gestures as best we can. So when the opportunity arose to speculate with everyone about the nuclear explosion in the Ukrainian city of Balakleya, we took a pause, keeping silent about what we observed in Ukraine - at least until Jeff Smith, our expert on nuclear weapons, met with others nuclear physicists and did not share his findings with us.

When reading this material, keep in mind that this is not just a theory, but a hypothesis based on professional experience in nuclear physics and expert research in the field of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, in particular research on Ukraine, Russia and nuclear issue Iran.

We contend that Soviet-made nuclear weapons somehow ended up in Ukraine, and due to the period of storage, some of the charges became unstable. Our experience suggests that this is quite possible and according to our involved experts, at least one of the devices in storage has become critical.

Our knowledge of the topic is based on access to the databases of such serious organizations as the CIA and the IAEA, access at the highest levels of secrecy. This knowledge allows us to affirm everything said above and below.

As Jim Dean reported earlier this week, a spectacular series of explosions at an ammunition depot took place in the Ukrainian city of Balakleya, on territory owned by the Kyiv government.

The cause of this terrible holocaust was attributed to sabotage, after which Russia was identified as the culprit. Nevertheless, no direct evidence of sabotage or participation in all this by Russia has been reported in the media.

Our nuclear weapons expert Geoff Smith, having studied the video of the detonation, is almost absolutely certain that a nuclear explosion took place in Balakliya. The nuclear explosion can be seen in this video at 2:17:

We cannot say that a classic nuclear detonation occurred, since there was no bright electromagnetic flash and a terrible shock wave, followed by a typical nuclear cloud. On the other hand, we also do not know whether it was a deliberate detonation, or whether a nuclear warhead was simply thrown away when other munitions exploded. And in the future, in one way or another, it non-classically detonated (during the explosion, the critical mass was mechanically damaged and the device did not work according to the protocol).

In the frame below, you can see plasma rain falling from a growing mushroom cloud.

This is a sure sign that it was a nuclear explosion, and not some other.

It is officially and widely assumed that Ukraine gave up all its nuclear weapons in the 1990s, immediately after the collapse of the USSR, but we have every reason to believe that Ukraine illegally possessed SS-21 short-range tactical nuclear missiles

Below are two examples of pieces of an SS-21 rocket found in Balakliya, in the area of ​​debris.

Back in January, Gordon and Jeff commented on the sudden dismissal of Tom Countryman from the US State Department.

In our opinion, the reason for this was the concealment by Countryman of the fact of Ukraine's illegal possession of tactical nuclear weapons. We believe that Russia knew about this and, at the first opportunity, attacked the warhead storage depot - new president The United States gave Putin the green light for this.

This story also has a preamble. In particular, some experts, as well as many conspiracy theorists, argue that almost immediately after September 11, Iran secretly went to Ukraine and acquired several nuclear weapons as a “temporary insurance”, since the United States could strike at any moment, and its own nuclear program Iran was to give results only after years.

According to reports, Iran tried to destroy the American aircraft carrier group moving towards it, using a Soviet thermonuclear charge with a capacity of 550 kilotons. A few years ago, we were provided with evidence of this episode, in particular evidence of the sale and transfer to Iran nuclear device. According to our data, Iran has possessed nuclear weapons since at least 2007.

Although, again, we do not exclude that the documents provided to us are not a high-quality fake. An even older episode of the Bush/Blair dossier sex scandal, which resulted in the attack on Saddam and the assassination of Dr. John Kelly, who claimed that Iraq bought three South African nuclear bombs who disappeared from the British military base in Oman in 1990.

If you do not know this story, then google it - you can find a lot there. If you don't find anything, we will raise this story and retell it again.

In the area of ​​​​the city of Balakliya, where the largest ammunition depot in Ukraine is on fire and explodes, the radiation background has increased significantly. This, in particular, is reported by the portals "Tsargrad" and "Russian Spring" - referring to the data published by local residents in social networks.

"According to local media, the permissible norms have already been exceeded many times over. Posts in in social networks. Many residents are looking for a way to leave the city or offer to take fellow travelers with them. As representatives of the Luhansk Republic stated, the Ukrainian military could set fire to the warehouses themselves to hide the shortage," Tsargrad TV journalists write.

"According to locals, as a result of a fire at the ammunition depot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the region, the radiation background has increased several times,” confirms Channel Five.

“Very bad news. It is reported that in the Balakleya area, where the arsenal is burning down, units of the RCBZ troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being deployed,” military experts write.

“None of us has a dosimeter, somehow no one thought about it. But many, many people say that the background is increased. People try to leave Balakliya as soon as possible: it’s better not to risk it. Especially here, in the Kharkov region during the Soviet era , already was nuclear explosion: then in 1972, the gas, burning like hell, unsuccessfully tried to put out a nuclear explosion, ”said Sergey V., a resident of Balakliya, to

“There was a photograph in VKontakte with a dosimeter, where the background is three times too high, against the backdrop of the city and smoke from explosions, it is unlikely that this is a photoshop. We won’t take risks, we’re going,” added another resident who wished to remain anonymous.

“There are no nuclear weapons in Balakliya, of course, as well as in the whole of Ukraine. Therefore, rumors about a secret warehouse of nuclear weapons, even at a tactical level, are nonsense. But there are shells with depleted uranium cores. And in the case of explosions such as there are now , this depleted uranium can "stain" the earth, the air and increase the background, "said the ex-officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who reasonably asked not to disclose his name.

“Of course, the background cannot increase tenfold, but it’s quite a couple. But this is not dangerous after they find radioactive areas and carry out degassing,” he concluded.

In addition, according to the official website of the city of Balakliya, "there are several facilities in the region that create radiation risks."

For example, in the region there is KHDMSK, where sources of ionizing radiation from Kharkiv, Sumy and Poltava regions, KIPT are stored.

“In addition, the objects of radiation hazard include the Institute of Metrology, the Institute of Medical Radiology named after S. P. Grigoriev of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Kharkov Regional Clinical Cancer Center,” they write on the Balakleya website.

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from me - an interesting version emerges, in order to hide the nuclear explosion in Balakleya, the latest significant news from the murder in Kyiv of ex. deputy of the State Duma, an explosion in the metro in St. Petersburg and an incomprehensible shelling of an airfield in Syria, out of 59 missiles fired, as they wrote, 36 types did not fly. True, the second version is already looming here, that some of the missiles were simply sold or exchanged, the usual gesheft. All this time, not a day without news.

It turns out that one of the world's Jewish organized crime groups in Ukraine hid tactical nuclear weapons and planned to use them, and when it began to come out (due to a fire), a cover operation began. And, interestingly, even Trump’s relatives are taking part in this, according to recent reports, they began to write that they say Trump’s daughter Ivanka insisted on shelling the airfield.
An interesting picture begins to emerge, according to which all the arrows are transferred to habat.

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Author: Info-Max -

March 27, 2017

During the explosions of military depots in the Ukrainian city of Balakleya, at least one nuclear weapon was detonated.

Here's a little story behind the scenes.

[Editor's note: there is always a desire among visionary bloggers to find something dramatic, albeit fictional, in the media to inspire conspiracy theorists. We, as a non-profit news organization, would also like to entertain the public in this way, but we try to refrain from such gestures as best we can. So when the opportunity arose to speculate with everyone about the nuclear explosion in the Ukrainian city of Balakleya, we took a pause, keeping silent about what we observed in Ukraine - at least until Jeff Smith, our expert on nuclear weapons, met with others nuclear physicists and did not share his findings with us.

When reading this material, keep in mind that this is not just a theory, but a hypothesis based on professional experience in nuclear physics and expert research in the field of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, in particular research on Ukraine, Russia and the Iranian nuclear issue.

We contend that Soviet-made nuclear weapons somehow ended up in Ukraine, and due to the period of storage, some of the charges became unstable. Our experience suggests that this is quite possible and according to our involved experts, at least one of the devices in storage has become critical.

Our knowledge of the topic is based on access to the databases of such serious organizations as the CIA and the IAEA, access at the highest levels of secrecy. This knowledge allows us to affirm everything said above and below.

Below are two examples of pieces of an SS-21 rocket found in Balakliya, in the area of ​​debris.

Back in January, Gordon and Jeff commented on the sudden dismissal of Tom Countryman from the US State Department.

In our opinion, the reason for this was the concealment by Countryman of the fact of Ukraine's illegal possession of tactical nuclear weapons. We believe that Russia knew about this and attacked the warhead storage facility at the first opportunity - the new US president gave Putin the green light for this.

This story also has a preamble. In particular, some experts, as well as many conspiracy theorists, argue that almost immediately after September 11, Iran secretly went to Ukraine and acquired several nuclear weapons as “temporary insurance”, since the United States could strike at any moment, and its own nuclear program Iran was to give results only after years.

According to reports, Iran tried to destroy the American aircraft carrier group moving towards it, using a Soviet thermonuclear charge with a capacity of 550 kilotons. Several years ago, we were provided with evidence of this episode, in particular evidence of the sale and transfer of a nuclear device to Iran. According to our data, Iran has possessed nuclear weapons since at least 2007.

Although, again, we do not exclude that the documents provided to us are not a high-quality fake. An even older episode of the Bush/Blair dossier sex scandal, which resulted in the attack on Saddam and the assassination of Dr. John Kelly, who claimed that Iraq bought three South African nuclear bombs that disappeared from the British military base in Oman, should also be remembered. in 1990.

If you do not know this story, then google - you can find a lot there. If you don't find anything, we will raise this story and retell it again.

There are no underground storage facilities on the territory of the military base.

According to him, the main working version of the investigation is sabotage. Experts will be able to carefully work at the scene and establish the final cause of the fire only after the explosions stop and the area is cleared. According to Matios, all members of the daily outfit. The military prosecutor said that last year security measures were strengthened at these warehouses: security and fire prevention.

"We watched all of 2015 and 2016 at three or four arenas one typical launch mechanism aircraft and dropping incendiary devices or articles. The modernization of aircraft allows them to move away and return with the appropriate cargo up to 100-150 kilometers," Matios said.

In the meantime, Deputy Defense Minister Igor Pavlovsky confirmed that there could not be nuclear weapons in Balakliya, because there supposedly are no appropriate underground storage facilities for storing them. "There are no underground facilities at this arsenal," he said.

Photo gallery On the territory of the arsenal in Balakliya, two powerful explosions are heard every hour - State Emergency Service (6 photos)

As previously reported, the web has video of the consequences of a large-scale fire in a military warehouse near the town of Balakleya in the Kharkiv region. On March 24, engineering and sapper units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine arrived at the scene near Balakleya. They began demining the territory adjacent to the sites with weapons. It is noted that as of the morning of March 24, the intensity of the explosions has significantly decreased. Single detonations are recorded with a frequency of one explosion for 15-20 minutes.

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