What professions are in demand through 5. Interesting facts about the labor market in Europe. What skills will the professions of the future require from specialists?

Before every school graduate, sooner or later, the question arises of what to do next. Of course, we do not take into account the lucky ones who early age demonstrate a talent for a particular occupation or science, because for them life is simply unthinkable without a favorite thing. The majority of modern applicants, when entering a university, chooses such professions as a lawyer or an economist. Undoubtedly, owning these specialties, you can count on successful career. However, you should be prepared for the fact that today these professions are very popular, when looking for a job, you will certainly face very high competition. And over time, this situation will only worsen. Therefore, today we propose to analyze the research of specialists and find out what professions will be in demand in 5 years.

Sphere of marketing and management

Due to the fact that life modern man permeated through with the most diverse advertising (billboards on the streets, commercials on television and radio, banners on the Internet, leaflets and posters in stores and even entrances, layouts in the press, etc.), the market will constantly need appropriate specialists. Therefore, the list of the most demanded professions in the near future, first of all, includes employees in the field of marketing and advertising. In today's market, trading companies, as well as firms providing services, require a variety of employees. Recruitment agencies annually note an increase in demand for a lot of professions in this area: from ordinary sellers to chief marketers. And today, not only people are required who are able to sell goods on the spot with high quality, as well as competently organize all work processes, but also specialists who know how to profitably present this or that product or service to a potential consumer, thereby encouraging him to make a purchase.

Programmer - the profession of the future

IN Lately The field of computer technology is developing at a truly incredible pace. In this regard, answering the question: “What professions will be in demand in 5 years?”, It can be said with confidence that programmers will be needed, system administrators and other specialists versed in modern computers. Also, people involved in the development will have great popularity. software and information protection. In addition, professions in demand in the future will include specialties related to the creation and support of Internet sites: these are designers, developers, content managers, etc. It should be noted that the field of IT technologies is developing at such a fast pace that that some already popular specialties are not even being taught in universities yet. Therefore, in order to succeed in this business, one should always be, as they say, in a trend, sometimes independently acquiring the necessary knowledge and experience.

Economists and financiers

Despite the fact that today there is a lot of talk about an overabundance of young professionals in this field, as a result of which they face great competition and sometimes have to look for work outside their specialty, real professionals in this field have always been and will be in demand. After all, it is worth at least analyzing the situation in almost any city in our country. A few years ago, we could not have imagined that we would be surrounded by so many banks and other financial institutions. Moreover, every year the number of these organizations is steadily growing, and the population is offered more and more new banking services and products. In this regard, these institutions are constantly in need of true professionals in their field. Speaking about what professions will be in demand in 5 years specifically in the field of finance and economics, one can name such specialties as a financial analyst, loan officer, accountant and manager.

Physicians and teachers

Undoubtedly, such necessary professions in any country as doctors, nurses, etc. will always be in demand. However, the absolute disadvantage of these specialties in our country is quite low level wages. Nevertheless, if you feel a vocation in medicine or pedagogy, then you can count on success, which will be expressed not only in the recognition of colleagues, but also in monetary terms. So, having become, for example, a famous doctor in a particular field, it is quite possible to open your own medical center. A talented teacher can always establish his own or development center.

Construction industry

It is safe to say that representatives of the most diverse will always be in demand. After all, today both large and small cities are developing rapidly, in connection with which new buildings and structures are constantly being erected. Residential complexes are being built shopping centers, architectural monuments are being reconstructed, etc. The professions that are in demand in the future in this area are practically no different from modern realities: these are engineers, designers, foremen and workers of various construction specialties.

The sphere of hotel and tourism business

Despite the fact that the tourism business in our country is not developed to the same extent as in some other states, specialists in this field are becoming more and more in demand among employers every year. Indeed, today many companies cooperate with foreign partners who often visit local offices and, accordingly, need accommodation, as well as an excursion program. So, professional administrators who are able to qualitatively organize the work of an entire institution (for example, a hotel) are in special demand today. I would like to note that a mandatory requirement for specialists in this industry is fluency in English.

Working specialties

Due to the fact that today working professions have a very low popularity among applicants, every year a variety of industries are faced with an increasing shortage of these specialists. In this regard, applicants for such vacancies practically do not face competition and are in great demand among employers. The unconditional disadvantages of working professions can be called low wages, and also, as a rule, not the most comfortable conditions labor. However, you should not give up such specialties in advance. After all, a true professional in his field always has the opportunity to count on decent wages and promotion career ladder especially when there is a shortage of such workers.

New specialties that will be in demand in the near future

Since technology is developing at a very rapid pace, today there are already completely new professions that no one could even think of a few years ago. So, we can say with confidence that in five years there will be a steady demand among employers for specialists in the field of innovative technologies. For example, already some educational establishments began to train professionals in the field of nanomedicine.

So, we found out what professions will be in demand in the labor market in 5 years. In short, these are financiers and economists, doctors and educators, builders, hotel and tourism specialists, workers, as well as professionals in the field of nanotechnology. Now we offer to find out which areas of activity are most in demand for male and female representatives.

for men

For representatives strong half of mankind in the next 5-7 years, the following specialties will be especially promising: engineer, IT specialist, financier, physician, ecologist and builder. It should be noted that all this is the future. Therefore, investing today in your education, you can confidently count on a decent return in a few years.

The most demanded professions for women

To date, the most popular and sought-after specialties for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are the following: manager, accountant, administrator, assistant manager, lawyer, Sales Representative, secretary, marketer, dispatcher and realtor. According to employees recruitment agencies This situation is unlikely to change in the next few years.

To your choice future profession it is necessary to approach with all responsibility, because it will depend on this step how happy a person will become.

It is work that we devote most of our conscious life to and therefore those who choose a specialty frivolously subsequently regret it very seriously.

On what basis should you choose a profession

All works are divided into two types: "monetary" and "by vocation". There is also a mixture of them, when a person becomes a master in what the soul lies in and can get a lot of money for it. So, doctors with extensive experience and professional skills earn well, for example, a talented surgeon can receive about 200 thousand rubles a month, which is equal to the salary of a deputy.

Decide what to strive for in life, you need as early as possible. Those who want to live beautifully and not be below the poverty line should focus on such profitable professions as a programmer, engineer, and there is always an option to try yourself in business. And those who want to be useful to people and society, to feel that they do not live in vain and help those in need, should choose a profession “by vocation”.

If you correctly analyze the situation in the country, you can roughly calculate what professions will be in demand in 5 years or more.

What “money” professions will be relevant in 5 years

To date, leadership among current professions all over the world, including in Russia, holds the specialty "Programmer" and its branches, such as:

  • Web Designer;
  • Application developer;
  • Information security specialist.

General programmers are also highly valued, especially if they are proficient in object-oriented languages, for example, good specialists by Sea Sharp earn in large companies up to 250 thousand rubles. However, in the future, due to the fact that the industry will come a large number of people, we can expect high competition in it and, as a result, a drop in demand.

"Engineer" is also quite a profitable profession, and the biggest money in it is received by those who bear great responsibility for the lives and health of people. Of course, not all industries are now on the rise, but military production will definitely always need an influx of personnel.

Working specialties in industry today are not very relevant, but in the future a large influx of production from abroad is expected in our country and such professions manual labor, as a turner, miller or locksmith, will again become relevant and well-funded.

What professions “for the soul” will be relevant in 5 years

Specialties "by vocation", in general, are not very profitable, but you can get rich at the expense of them if you do your job well. Unfortunately, public sector employees cannot receive big money because now their budget is greatly reduced. A public sector specialist can make good money by providing private services. For example, teachers who work outside of school or personal and family doctors are well paid.

The relevance of budgetary professions is due to their low pay, so there is rarely serious competition, but it is present in the private sector. In 5 years, due to the increase in family spending on education and medicine, such representatives of useful professions as:

  1. Tutors;
  2. educators;
  3. Babysitting;
  4. Private fitness trainers and instructors;
  5. Security guards and private detectives;
  6. Personal doctors.

In addition, psychotherapists will be highly valued in the near future. The fact is that today the threat of depression hangs over humanity, which, according to the World Health Association, is now the most common mental illness. The situation will only get worse in the future.

Private psychotherapists earn good money because they are often approached by people in "monetary" professions who do not feel satisfied with their work and feel unhappy in life.

A person's profession determines a lot in his life. This applies to both the material side and the spiritual. To each young man I want to realize my ambitions, dreams, plans for life. It often happens that a mistake in choosing a profession and further lack of demand destroys all these plans to the ground. In order to prevent this from happening, you should familiarize yourself with the list of the top most demanded professions today and in the near future. Of course, each country has its own economic situation and the level of demand in certain professions. However, there are averages that highlight the special interest of companies in some specialists around the world.

Top most in-demand professions in the world:

  1. IT specialists. Programmers, application developers are needed right now to improve the efficiency of sales, production and closer communication with customers.
  2. Engineers. Manufacturing needs new technologies, development of new or optimization of existing projects to reduce costs and stay ahead of competitors.
  3. Business analytics. big business today is fraught with serious risks. Any transactions should be preceded by a serious analysis of professionals.
  4. Ecologists. Global problem maintaining the health of the planet is still relevant and new ideas and enthusiasm are constantly required to solve it.
  5. Doctors. Humanity is not getting healthier. Rather, the trend is reversed. Medical care is required today by all segments of the population.
  6. Marketers. In an era of oversaturation of the market with goods, it is increasingly difficult to attract a buyer with a low price and good quality. A beautiful presentation, bright packaging, an interesting accompanying offer are important to him - all this is part of the work of a marketer.

Top in-demand professions in Russia

Russia is a special country with a unique path of economic development. Today, Russia has relatively underdeveloped manufacturing, but there are many resources and finished goods that need to be sold. Under these conditions, the former professions will be in demand here as well next year.
Top in-demand professions 2017 in Russia:

  1. Sellers;
  2. Managers;
  3. Marketers;
  4. Logistics, carriers;
  5. Consultants.

Top in-demand professions 2017

Young people graduating from educational institutions very soon are already interested in what specialties are in the top 10 in-demand professions in 2017. Given the constantly changing political and economic situation, this question is really relevant, because every graduating specialist is interested in a successful start to his own career. Today, the top 10 most in-demand professions in 2017 look like this:

  1. IT-shniks. IT professionals are already popular today, but will not lose their relevance in a few years. As before, humanity needs to maintain computers, create new programs and applications.
  2. translators. In the conditions of developed international relations in business, the profession becomes popular. Specialists in the field of Oriental languages ​​acquire special value.
  3. Doctors. New diseases are constantly being replaced by new ones, viruses mutate, take on new forms, and mortality from diseases is high.
  4. Teachers. Despite the cataclysms, the population of the planet is increasing, and the number of children who need upbringing and education is growing accordingly.
  5. Carriers. The scale of trade relations is obvious to everyone, but in order to sell goods, it is not enough to find a buyer, it is necessary to organize high-quality delivery.
  6. Ecologists. The perennial problem will only get worse in the future. Preservation of nature is a global task of all mankind.
  7. Managers. The demand for the profession is due to the popularity of trade relations and market economy in many countries. The ability to profitably sell is the key to a stable future not only for a local organization, but for the country as a whole.
  8. Engineers. Along with the development of trade, industry is also actively advancing. Production does not want to stand still and needs new engineering solutions in design, construction, and application of technologies.
  9. Service specialists. Call-center workers, operators make up a huge army of people without whom no large enterprise can work. These people carry the piano so that others can play it.
  10. Mechanics. People who work not only with their heads, but also with their hands have always been in demand. It's great when there is a wide variety of all kinds of machinery and equipment. But, at the same time, it is important to be able to repair this technique in a timely manner.

Top in-demand professions in 5 years

The term for obtaining the initial level of higher education (bachelor's degree) is 5 years. Serious enough time for the country to have significant changes up to the change of power and the course of economic development. It is possible that today's top in-demand professions of the future will lose their relevance and it will be very difficult for graduates to find free vacancies. How to avoid a difficult situation? There is only one way out - you need to act proactively. Even now, the economic situation in the country and the world can be predicted and roughly imagine the top 10 in-demand professions in 5 years. The following specialists will be among the leaders in demand:

  1. Gerontologists. The planet is changing, getting older and requires close study.
  2. Specialists in the search for energy alternatives. Unfortunately, the resources of the planet will run out sooner or later and new sources will soon be required.
  3. Africa Specialists. Potentially the richest continent today is the least developed of all the rest in the world.
  4. City farmers. This specialist will grow vegetables and fruits in an aggressive urban environment, almost on the roofs of high-rise buildings.
  5. Urban ecologists. This profession was invented by the authors of Forbes magazine and may soon be relevant. People suffocate in a dirty urban environment, technologies for building environmentally friendly cities can be in demand.

Top 10 demanded economic professions

Today there are no countries whose life would not be built on economic laws. Specialists who are able to predict profits, calculate losses, analyze one or another niche in business, have been highly valued since the time when countries and peoples began to market relations with each other. Economic specialties will be in demand in the future.
Top most demanded professions in 2017 in the economic sphere:

  1. Auditor;
  2. Accountant;
  3. Marketer;
  4. Financier;
  5. Economist;
  6. Merchandiser;
  7. Sales Manager.

Perhaps you will be interested.

The labor market is constantly evolving and changing. The most demanded professions have been losing their popularity for 10 years, giving way to new specialties. So in last years legal and economic specialties have become much less relevant than in the past decade. But completely new vacancies have opened up, for example, an SMM manager and a life coach. The interest of employers in certain specialists is important when choosing a faculty.

Career choice is always difficult task. It is necessary to focus not only on what professions will be in demand in 10 years, but also what kind of competition will be after graduation. Wherein modern market work toughens the requirements, so to really succeed, you need to become a sought-after professional.

You should also choose a business that will be interesting to do. In addition to specialized education, such personal qualities as teamwork skills and knowledge of English will be useful. Schoolchildren should also ask what professions will be in demand in 5-10 years in order to put the right emphasis on basic education.

10 most demanded professions

On this moment The top 10 in-demand professions look something like this:

1. Engineers, architects and designers;
2. Service sector - mainly consulting and travel services;
3. Logistics;
4. IT-sphere;
5. Medics;
6. Chemists, including pharmacists;
7. Psychologists;
8. Ecologists;
9. PR-specialists;
10. Marketers.

In general, the top 10 most in-demand professions include mainly those areas that are now rapidly developing and will be relevant for quite a long time. So, engineering areas, which topped the top 10 in-demand professions in 2017, are still experiencing a shortage of students. IT, medicine, ecology and the chemical industry place increased demands on applicants, so these markets are not expected to be oversaturated either.

The service sector, psychology and logistics in our country is still quite underdeveloped, therefore it has a great potential for development. PR and marketing specialists can count on employment due to the fact that these areas are among the 10 most demanded professions in the world.

10 most in-demand professions 2017

One of the main areas of employment in recent years has been construction, which also lacks highly qualified specialists. In general, while the labor market most of all needs engineers, designers and architects. The existing number of narrow profile engineers does not meet the needs of the construction sector, while only a few students choose these directions.

Also, the list of professions in demand for the next 10 years includes logisticians and operators, since the delivery service has clear trends and resources for development. High demand remains for specialists in IT and PR spheres.

The most in-demand professions for the next 10 years

The 10 most demanded professions in Russia in 2017 were replenished with demand for environmentalists and chemists. This was primarily facilitated by the energy crisis, the threat of depletion of gas and oil fields and the deterioration environmental situation. There is also an increasing demand for psychologists, doctors and pharmacists.

The pharmaceutical direction is included in the most demanded professions in 10 years for girls and practically guarantees high paying job. medical technology are constantly developing, and the field needs young professionals who are familiar with the latest achievements of science.

Demanded professions in 10 years

To predict what the most demanded professions will be in Russia in 10 years, one can pay attention to the experience of countries that have gone a little ahead in economic development. In Europe and the USA, the most tempting prospects await specialists in the field of IT, nano and biotechnology. Chemists and power engineers are in demand.

Specialists in the field of ecology, as well as medicine, are popular, especially psychiatrists, anesthesiologists and surgeons. Logisticians and engineers also find work without difficulty. Among the humanitarian specialties, journalists, PR-specialists and representatives of the tourism business are in the lead.

Perhaps you will be interested.

To begin with, we should consider those specialties that simply cannot be irrelevant, since people always need them. Bright - doctors. It's about first of all, about classical specialists - surgeons, therapists, endocrinologists, oncologists, ophthalmologists, psychologists. However, some professions that have become very fashionable in our time will remain relevant. In particular, the services of plastic surgeons and nutritionists have been and will continue to be in high demand.

Of course, good veterinarians will always remain in demand, because not only people need to be treated.

People need good, high-quality food, so cooks do not lose their relevance. We are talking about specialists working in restaurants, cafes, but also those who prepare food in hospitals, kindergartens, schools and other similar institutions. If you're looking for a more modern take on the profession, check out the exotic cuisine and how to cook the most original and popular dishes.

What specialists are always needed

Construction technologies are constantly changing, but people who know how to build houses are always needed. However, it is important to consider that a representative of this profession needs to be ready to study the features of new materials and technologies and constantly gain experience. But as a result, you can become a very sought-after professional with a high salary.

Newly built houses need to be refurbished, so professionals such as interior designers, painters, workers who can install plumbing, install flooring and wall coverings are always needed.

Before building a building, you need to design it, as well as determine the location of communications in it. This means that engineers and architects will also not be left without work. This is especially true for specialists who are able to work with non-standard projects and create original buildings, while not forgetting about their strength, durability and convenience.

Another profession, whose representatives will not be left without work, is connected with trade. Good sales assistants are needed everywhere, and the demand for this profession has not decreased even with the advent of shops. You can find work in kiosks and hypermarkets, and you can choose any goods and services for sale.

A profession is one of the most important attributes in the life of every person. An erroneously chosen specialty can ruin a person's whole life; also, a correctly chosen destination can transform fate. For right choice it will be useful to look into the future.

Internet, communications

The Internet and IT are the most dynamically developing areas of business. There are more and more sites, applications and IT companies, competition and industry capitalization is increasing every year. IT specialists will definitely be in demand in 5 years.

Web industry programmers will also not be left without work. PHP and JavaScript are the most in-demand languages ​​these days. However, new tools are also emerging. The Erlang language allows you to reduce the server load, it is it that is used to create cloud services and messaging systems for Vkontakte and FaceBook. Another direction of programming is the creation of NoSQL databases.


Any enterprise is forced to sell its goods and services - otherwise it would be completely. The ability to sell is one of the most important, marketing specialists will no doubt be in demand on the labor market in 5 years. It is not necessary to obtain an expensive MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree. A good marketer should be able to establish public relations, understand Internet technologies (including being able to promote products in in social networks). Note that for a marketer, experience is more important than the quality of a diploma (as opposed to IT and engineering). If you're good at selling, you can always start your own business (or find a partner).

Technology, engineering

Being an engineer was prestigious in Soviet time, the prestige of the profession is expanding in our days. There are no prerequisites for the importance of engineering specialties to lose its relevance. Engineers are needed to put scientific advances into practice.

Nanotechnology is a completely new branch of science that requires scientists and specialists. The unique developments of nanotechnologists made it possible to create a TV-newspaper and "smart" robots "Ivo". Dozens Russian universities introduced the specialty "Nanotechnology", there is no doubt that scientists-engineers will not be left without work in the world's largest enterprises.

New opportunities

You can create your own profession. Professions of the future, such as the “video blogger”, the creator of interactive training courses, the stand-up humorist, appeared quite unexpectedly. Doing something useful to people and by investing a part of yourself in your business, you can discover your profession of the future. Moreover, you will have an undeniable advantage in this profession - the right of a pioneer. You will be more famous than others, be a recognized expert in your niche.

It is impossible to keep up with fashion - rapidly changing trends and many trends do not allow you to accurately follow all the current trends without stepping back from them. But stay stylish, wear elegant things, make sure that the image reflects internal state, any woman can - it is in this that the ability to remain always fashionable is manifested.


The biggest mistake you can make is blindly following fashion. Choose your clothes, taking into account your age, lifestyle, personal preferences. An important role in this is played by the creation of a basic wardrobe, which is based on classic, proven and always things, and the elements that are relevant in a certain season should be no more than 1/3 of the wardrobe volume. Always remember that any thing has a classic basis, so experiment within the framework of conservatism. Actively use accessories - with their help you can diversify the image, changing it dramatically or only emphasizing the brightest and most original features. Accessories in your wardrobe should be as much as possible.

Having your own style is a defining moment. It is he who forms the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bas a person, whose individuality distinguishes her from total weight. Stop trying to copy the style of a famous actress or singer - find your own image, work on your image. Try to find out everything about yourself - color type, perfectly fitting styles and cuts, suitable hairstyles and options. Then you can choose your own clothes on your own, guided by knowledge, without resorting to the help of friends and consultants, whose opinion is often subjective.

If you decide to purchase something especially unusual, fresh and then remember that trendy gizmos usually stay at the peak of popularity for several seasons. Do not rush to buy clothes or accessories, following the first impulses - consider possible combinations, wait for more colors or styles.

Being healthy and well-groomed is always fashionable. Watch your weight, eat right, do not let yourself loose and mope. Your hands, hair and skin should look flawless. Use all means to discover and maintain your own attractiveness - decorative and caring, salon procedures, self-realization. You must appear successful and happy woman, even if it's not actually the case.

Selling articles through content stores is a good side job for a copywriter. But for regular earnings, you need to write articles daily. Then, with an average cost of one article of $4-5 and selling at least 5 articles a day, you can earn $20-25 daily.

There are more than two dozen copywriting exchanges in Runet, where you can not only write materials to order, but also sell finished articles in the store. Each exchange has its own conditions for accepting articles for sale. For example, somewhere articles are manually moderated and checked by the editor, and if there are errors, they are rejected. And on some exchanges, articles are accepted without moderation, but in this case, the average cost of 1000 characters will be low. The amount of earnings on the sale of articles depends only on the copywriter. The more articles are placed in content stores, the more sales will be.

Where to sell articles to a novice copywriter

Novice copywriters are encouraged to try their hand at copywriting exchanges, where articles in the store are accepted without moderation. However, the lack of moderation does not mean that you can do your job poorly - upload articles with grammatical errors and low uniqueness for sale. Such violations will be detected fairly quickly, which will lead to account blocking.

Exchanges where articles are not reviewed by editors usually have very low prices, but at the same time there are a sufficient number of buyers who need cheap seo content.

On the Textsale exchange, articles posted for sale in the content store are not moderated, but they are checked for uniqueness. It is not advisable to sell articles on this exchange for more than 30-40 rubles per 1000 characters, since buyers mainly come to Textsale for cheap content. And most of the authors of this exchange are ready to sell their works at a price of 15-20 rubles per 1000 characters.

Money for the sold articles goes to the internal account in the system. Payments are made to the WebMoney wallet on the second day after the withdrawal request. The seller of articles is charged a commission of 10% of the cost of each article sold. The minimum withdrawal amount is 1 WMZ (equivalent to $1).

Where to sell articles to an experienced copywriter

If you have experience as a copywriter and strive for a decent income, then you can choose stores on Copylancer, TextTrader and Miratext copywriting exchanges to sell articles. On these exchanges, when paying out funds from a copywriter, only the standard WebMoney commission is charged - 0.8% of the amount.

All articles uploaded to the Copylancer exchange store undergo manual moderation. If there are two or three grammatical errors editors reject articles with a note that the text needs to be improved. But writing competent and interesting article on a popular topic, you can put it up for sale at a price of 60-90 rubles per 1000 characters. To understand which topics are most in demand, just look at the sales statistics on home page content store. To make sales more intense, it is recommended to upload new articles to the store regularly. The minimum withdrawal amount is 120 rubles. Money is withdrawn to WebMoney wallet.

In the Miratext store, articles are also checked, and if there are no errors, they are placed in the catalog. The price range is the same as on Copylancer. However, sales statistics cannot be seen here. There is no minimum payout amount, that is, you can withdraw

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