When is the best season in mexico? Weather in Mexico: when is the best time to go on vacation. More interesting articles

Many people dream of visiting the homeland of cacti, sombreros and tacos. And this is quite understandable, because the whole of Latin America and the entourage surrounding it won our hearts from childhood. A stunning ocean, majestic jungles, dormant volcanoes, the remains of ancient civilizations - epochs met in an amazing way. You can visit the pyramids of Teotihuacan and Chichen Itza, the ruins of Mayan cities without a time machine: you just need to want to.

Some people know, and some only guess, but the Mexican States is a real paradise for gourmets. If the mere thought of a quesadilla or an enchilada makes you crave a "brutal" appetite, then you're on the right track - Mexican chefs know their stuff. And what about the opportunity to carelessly sip refreshing tequila-based cocktails, basking in the sun on the chic beaches of Puerto Vallarta ... Do you urgently want to visit the country? Then find out.


For most people, when planning a vacation, there are two main questions: which resort and what time of the year to go. Explore in detail climatic features country and region, clearly define the purpose of travel. Mexico is hot all year round, but temperatures can vary greatly in different parts of the country. We are not talking about coastal resorts, where there is a comparative stability of the climate, and only the amount of precipitation affects the general background. In some places, for example, in the central part of the country, it can be quite cool in the evenings.

To decide exactlyWhen is the best time to visit Mexico?just for you, get acquainted with regional climatic features.

  • Pacific coast. The rainy season lasts from June to October. The sky is covered with clouds closer to the night, and the next morning it becomes clear again.
  • Gulf of Mexico. The area is famous for the maximum level of humidity. The weather is always hot and tropical showers are common in summer.
  • Yucatan Peninsula. soft, warm weather all year round - a pleasant feature of the resort region. The only negative that affects the popularity of the destination is the risk of hurricanes in the summer and early autumn months.
  • Central regions. Inside the country reigns temperate climate reminiscent of a warm spring. True, the highlands can surprise you with unexpected cold at night.

Holidays and festivals

When planning a vacation, one part of the tourists usually hunts for great deals, while the other part studies the list of interesting activities and events taking place in the country. They are united by the desire to relax so that only positive memories remain. Excursions, shopping or beach idleness - that's not all! Fortunately, in Mexico there is always something to diversify your leisure time.

Dias de los Muertos. The name of the most popular Mexican festival is translated as "Day of the Dead". Latin Americans celebrate the annual celebration of the memory of the dead in the first days of November on a traditional scale, rolling up a feast with music and dancing.

carnival. It is impossible to imagine Latin America without carnivals. Of course, Mexico is no exception. At the end of February, the streets of Velacruz are flooded with crowds of people who want to have fun, enjoy musical shows, delicious snacks and, of course, impressive costumes.

Cinco de Mayo. The annual event commemorates the Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The joy of celebration is manifested in noisy street festivities, parades, costumed performances.

BPM Festival. The legendary ten-day electronic music festival gathers thousands of fans of the genre in Playa del Carmen in the first half of January.

Note to the tourist

  • The coast is generally dry and sunny from mid-November to late April. The hot weather typical for this time of the year attracts a huge flow of tourists.
  • In mountainous regions in the north of the country winter months snow falls. If you are attracted by the prospect of alternating heat and cold, then book a tour for December, January or February. In addition, the period is ideal for bird watching, of which there is a great variety in these parts.
  • The rainy season dominates the southern territories from May to October. rainfall is abundant, but it is at this time of the year that the forests and valleys are covered with lush greenery. Lost in the jungle, the ruins become incredibly attractive and relatively free from crowds of tourists.
  • You can admire the breathtaking spectacle when whales - the giant inhabitants of planet Earth - leave the waters of the Arctic and swim to the Mexican coast, from early February to late April.
  • Hurricanes occur, although quite rarely, from June to November.
  • Hot, humid July and August are among the favorites of only a small percentage of foreigners. There are several main reasons: the high probability of hurricane winds, heavy rains and the holiday season for Mexicans, which overwhelm beaches and tourist spots.
  • School holidays, Christmas, Easter are the peak periods. At this time, there is nowhere for an apple to fall in public transport, and hotels "stand on their feet."
  • Do you want to know, When is the best time to visit Mexico?lovers of peace and tranquility? Absolute privacy is unlikely to be achieved, but a relatively peaceful atmosphere reigns on the Riviera Maya in May, September and December.

Everyone chooses the ideal time to visit the country for himself. Want to save money on travel? Avoid high season when prices reach the limit. Do you love fun? Plan your vacation around the carnival date. If you set out to freely see the sights, and then enjoy plenty solar heat choose the off-season.

Tourist season in Mexico

Every year, the cradle of the most mysterious culture in the world is visited by about 21 million tourists from all over the world. The year 2012 turned out to be especially “tense”, “warmed up” by the theme of the end of the world, “thrown” by the Mayan tribe. Holidays in Mexico are not cheap enough, however, this fact does not stop even travelers with an average budget. The secret of the enormous success lies in the uniqueness of this tourist destination: in one trip you can see the maximum of natural diversity - from snow-white sandy beaches on the shore of the major ocean in the world to the snow-capped cones of majestic volcanoes, from immersed in lush greenery tropical jungle to sparse desert vegetation, from ultra-modern skyscrapers in megacities to original villages, to which civilization has not yet reached. In recent years, this country has been discovered by an increasing number of Russians, whose number has already reached 40,000 people. The holiday season here lasts all year round, but the most favorable time is the “dry” period from November to April.

High season

The largest number of tourists come to Mexico after the end of the rainy season, i.e. from the first days of November, when the most optimal for beach holiday the weather is not very hot and stuffy, and swimming is very comfortable. However, if you look at the price lists of tour operators or hotels, you can find the highest prices for the entire annual period. At this time, tourists from Canada and the United States come to Mexico, who are fleeing the cold and dank winter in search of warmth and sun. For the New Year and Christmas holidays and the traditional February carnival, guests from Western Europe. In winter, there are also a lot of our Russians in Mexico. The high season lasts until the end of Easter.

low season

It's very hard to give exact dates low season in Mexico. From May to October, during the season of tropical rains and storms, they also rest here. It is most correct from this period of time, in addition to the low season, to single out the middle season. It falls during summer vacations and vacations, which is very popular among the Mexicans themselves and among tourists who could not come here in winter, or who pursue the goal of an economical vacation. The low season period begins in mid-September, when the risk of hurricanes is high. At this time, air tickets are 40% cheaper than in the high season. It comes to an end in early November. During the off season, many travel agencies offer hot tours to Mexico. This a great opportunity save money, especially since the simplified procedure for obtaining a visa contributes to the purchase of such vouchers. By the way, its design is completely free.

Beach season in Mexico

The swimming season in Mexican resorts lasts all year round.

On the east coast of Mexico the waters lap caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, and its western part is washed by the Pacific Ocean. Bathe in the resorts, when your heart desires. You can break loose and go to the Pacific Ocean in a fierce February or wave in a rainy November in Russia to the Caribbean coast. At any time of the year, Mexican beaches will meet you with a humming crowd of tourists and gentle warm waters. The minimum water temperature in the coldest month of the year, January, is between +24 °C and +25 °C. In winter, during the "dry season", it is warmest in the south of the country. On average, the water in the ocean will be a couple of degrees cooler than in the Caribbean. For example, in February in Acapulco they bathe at +24 °C, and in Cancun at +25 °C. This is the most comfortable time for a beach holiday, as there is no intense heat, which exacerbates in Mexico high level relative humidity. In summer, those who are eager to experience all the delights of a tropical climate go to the beaches. buy under heavy rain in water that is about to boil (+29 °C .. +30 °C), visit a sauna (and free of charge) and get an instant tan (which, by the way, is not entirely safe) - there are a lot of people who want to.

diving season

Winter is the right season for diving

The underwater world of the Caribbean Sea fascinates with its beauties. Hundreds of diving centers are concentrated in the resorts of mainland Mexico, but it is believed that the most unforgettable dives can only be made from the islands of the Caribbean. Also, the kingdom of the Pacific Ocean will give a marvelous fairy tale. Most popular spots: Soccoro Island (Pacific Ocean), Cozumel Island with the second largest barrier reef on the planet, the resort of Cancun with an exotic Black Coral Reef (Caribbean Sea) and the Yucatan Peninsula with bizarre cenotes (Gulf of Mexico). The high diving season lasts from December to the last days of March, when the most “quiet” weather is. But if you go into details, then there are many sub-seasons. For example, bull shark feeding season, sailfish season, swordfish season, etc.

The best time for excursions

It is most convenient to explore the cultural and historical heritage of the country in the dry season

First of all, people come to Mexico for cultural and educational purposes, because this is a real treasure trove of mysterious civilizations. Just think about it, the reckoning of Mexico has been going on for 3,000 years! Lost cities shrouded in mystery, intricate archeological artifacts and structures like cultural center Maya Chichen Itza, unearthly pyramids, including the largest in the world, hundreds of ancient temples and breathtaking volcanic landscapes. Also in Mexico, you can go to a desert island, climb caves, enjoy the views of powerful waterfalls or raft mountain river. In general, the excursion program in Mexico is very rich, so if possible, book tours for maximum amount days, and even better - come here on your own for 3-4 weeks. Seeing the sights, you will have to travel a lot around the country, or at least the surroundings of the resort where the hotel was rented. Good weather- a prerequisite if you want to get only the best impressions from the trip. December, January, February, March and April - mark these months in your calendar as the most suitable for educational tourism.

cruise season

Feeling like a passenger of the legendary "Titanic" is as easy as shelling pears, just go on a Pacific cruise to the coast of Mexico

Mexico receives up to 7 million tourists a year, arriving in the country for cruise ships. The cruise season in the Pacific Ocean lasts for a whole year. Also, passenger ships surf the azure expanse of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. There are no strict deadlines limiting the navigation season for these routes, except that it is closed for a period of bad weather.

religious season

Religious holidays in Mexico are a real mecca for pilgrims, be prepared for the fact that some public institutions will be closed

Most Mexicans are Catholics. The main religious holiday in this country is Easter, which is preceded by Holy Week. In addition to solemn processions, various events take place during this period, the most colorful of which can be observed in villages remote from cities. These include the Easter game, a kind of theatrical performance staging the last earthly days of Christ. No less than 1 million people are going to look at it! This period falls during spring school holidays and vacations for Mexicans, so there are a lot of people. Increasing tourist interest is shown in pilgrimages to the shrines of the country and the "places of power" of ancient civilizations. Ruins of ancient churches miraculous springs, meeting with real healers and shamans - this is how the plan of a standard pilgrimage trip for tourists who want to get at least one iota closer to the origins of the universe looks like. As such, there is no clearly defined season, but most often such tours are booked from November to April.

wedding season

It is better to plan a wedding ceremony in this country from December to April

For the first time, residents of the CIS learned about Mexico back in the days of the USSR thanks to the “soap” series Slave Izaura. Today, hundreds of thousands of tourists fly to this country to tie the knot, both symbolic and official. This pleasure is quite expensive, but most importantly, it's really worth it! Unrealistically beautiful scenery in the form of tropical landscapes at the very edge of the Caribbean Sea or on the Pacific coast at first seem like mirages. But this is the most beautiful reality. The peak of weddings is in the winter, but ceremonies are also scheduled for the summer months. In general, this is not the best solution, since from July to October, in addition to the ongoing tropical rains, there is a high probability of tornadoes.

carnival season

Incendiary rhythms of music, passionate dances, colorful costumes, many-sided masks and bright street processions. Every February, at least 300,000 tourists come to the Mexican carnival - both as spectators and as direct participants. This is the third largest carnival in the world after the carnival in Brazil and on the island of Tenerife, which opens a week before Lent. Prices for hotels and all kinds of services in these few days soar to the limit, so the larger the budget for vacation, the better. After all, there are a lot of temptations at this time.

Time for holidays and festivals

All year round the event calendar of Mexico is replete with various festivals and large-scale festivities.

In Mexico, they know how to arrange grandiose festivals. Or rather, if the Mexicans celebrate something, then on a grand scale and throughout the country. The most interesting festivals include the enchanting Tequila Fest Riviera Maya tequila festival, which takes place in the resort of Playa del Carmen in the last days of January; one of the world's largest folklore festivals "Gelahertz" in Oaxaca de Juarez, held in mid-July; Jazz festival on the Riviera Maya, for which several days of November are allotted; At the end of the same month, Guanajuata hosts the impressive International Aeronautics Festival, where you can see giant butterflies and bees soaring in the air. There is also a place in the event calendar of Mexico for religious holidays, such as the Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe (December 12), the Day of the Holy Innocent Infants of Bethlehem (December 28), Christmas, Easter, Catholic Epiphany (January 6) and the feast of honoring the dead "Día de los Muertos" (November 2). Public holidays are official holidays. These include the following events: Mexico's Independence Day, celebrated on September 16 on the anniversary of the start of the insurgency against the Spanish colonizers; The day when Columbus discovered America on October 12; celebrating the Day of the Revolution on November 20, organized against the regime of General Diaz; Constitution Day, which falls on the first Monday of February and Flag Day - a symbol of Mexican national pride, held annually on February 24; March 21 is commemorated throughout the country national hero Benito Juarez; May 5 is the anniversary of the victory of the Mexican troops "Cinco de Mayo" at Pueblo in 1862.

Climate in Mexico

The climate of Mexico is very diverse due to its vast territory, claiming the 15th place in the ranking of the most major countries peace. The north is dominated by a subtropical climate, while the Caribbean and Pacific coasts are dominated by a tropical climate. In the central regions, the weather is cooler; in the high regions of the northern part, it can even snow in winter. On the latter one feels rarefied air. For example, in Mexico City, which is located at an altitude of 2240 m above sea level. From May to October in the country - the season of heavy rains, leading to serious flooding. The southeastern part of the country (especially the state of Tabasco) takes the greatest blow, while in the northwest precipitation falls 4-5 times less. Accordingly, the level of relative humidity there is much lower. From June to October - the season of hurricanes, "attacking" from the Caribbean Sea. Pacific hurricanes, if they happen, are of small destructive force. The period from November to April is the most favorable in terms of weather conditions.

Mexico in spring

The most favorable time for a holiday this season is its first half

The first month of spring is an excellent time for a beach holiday. The resorts are very warm, and in some places moderately hot weather. A huge number of holidaymakers come to warm their bones at this time. Going to explore the sights of various cities, you should be aware that as you move inland, it will gradually get colder. It is quite warm in Mexico City in March, but it will be chilly in the evenings. There is still snow in the mountains. Saved in April favorable weather, the water becomes a degree warmer. By the end of the month, a tropical cyclone begins to move in, so last days April can be marked by 15-minute showers. In May, the water in both the ocean and the sea becomes excessively warm. The tropical rainy season has begun. The north and the resort of Playa del Carmen on the Riviera Maya will suffer the least from them. Vacationers on the Pacific coast in Puerto Vallarta will be disturbed by showers mainly at night.


March weather

April weather

May weather

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Riviera Maya

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Puerto Vallarta

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Mexico in summer

In summer, almost throughout Mexico are high temperatures, the sun is very active, and it is very difficult to move around the city during the day

Summer is a very hot season with very high temperatures. During the day, the thermometer reaches +32 °C..34 °C. These indicators will be slightly less in the center and in the north of the country. For example, in the capital, the average daily air temperature per season is no more than +24 °C..+25 °C. So this hot time for the country can be devoted to exploring the cities of this part of Mexico. Swimming in the Caribbean Sea in the summer does not bring much pleasure, since there is practically no difference between the temperature regimes of water and air. Water off the coast of the Caribbean Sea warms up to +29 °C, and in the resorts of the Pacific Ocean - up to +27 °C. However, waves are often observed here, gathering hundreds of thousands of surfers. After sunset, the air cools down to +23°C..+24°C. This time can be used for leisurely walks. It is better to walk along the most popular tourist routes, avoiding the local quarters. Speaking of a large amount of precipitation in the summer, this should not be taken as the fact that the rains are pouring hopelessly. Sometimes they last half an hour, and sometimes two, and at the same time there are plenty of fine sunny days during the season. It also happens that most of the precipitation falls in one week or another, and the rest of the time is characterized by dry weather. In July and August - the height of hurricanes in the Caribbean, it is from this month until mid-October that the eastern part of Mexico is under the threat of severe storms. Of course, the probability that it is your region that is attacked by the elements is small, but it is still a small percentage, so you should think carefully before going to Mexico in the summer.


June weather

July weather

August weather

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Riviera Maya

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Puerto Vallarta

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Mexico in autumn

Autumn holidays in Mexico are most favorable from the second half of October, when the rains weaken a little.

A notable feature of the Mexican climate is the absence of pronounced seasonality of temperatures. The climatic picture of autumn in terms of temperature indicators is almost similar to the weather prevailing in the country in summer. From the middle of the season, the water in the ocean and in the sea becomes a little cooler. And in some regions of the country it may be less hot, but this, to be honest, is not noticeable. The only difference in autumn is that by the end of October the tropical rainy season is coming to an end, and the risk of a riot of elements in the form of tornadoes is significantly reduced. Therefore, tourists should not worry about a sudden evacuation or even worse - about meeting this frenzied force of nature face to face. In November, the air temperature drops slightly in some states of Mexico, but Acapulco is still hot. This discovery tourist season, as the "dry" tropical period begins. On average, this month there are no more than 3-5 rainy days, which, as always, are showery in nature.


September weather

October weather

November weather

mexico city


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Riviera Maya

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Puerto Vallarta

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Mexico in winter

In winter, the ratio of air temperature to water temperature in Mexico is the most ideal

Winter in Mexico is the most beautiful time of the year: the heat subsides, water and air temperatures create ideal climatic proportions for comfortable rest and the amount of precipitation is reduced to a minimum. On the coast at this time - from +27 ° C to 32 ° C, and in the capital - from 20 ° C to 21 ° C. It can be cold in the mountains - about +2 °C, their peaks are covered with snow-white caps throughout the season. When going there on an excursion, get warm clothes. In winter, the majority of tourists prefer to swim on southern resorts Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, as the water here is much warmer - +25 °C..+27 °C. For those who like cooler temperatures, the resorts of the Pacific Ocean are at your service. January is the peak of the migration of a million royal butterflies to Central Mexico. Thousands of tourists come to the Monarch Biosphere Reserve to admire this bewitching spectacle.


December weather

January weather

Weather in February

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Riviera Maya

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Puerto Vallarta

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30 +24

The explosive temperament of Mexico has not left anyone indifferent. Despite the assurances of many tour operators that you can relax in this country almost all year round, the Tour Calendar still advises you not to put yourself at risk and go to Mexico only during a safe period - from November to April.

Traditionally the most favorable time for trips to Mexico, winter is considered (from November to April) when the air temperature is at the level of + 25-30ºC, and there is relatively little precipitation (air humidity 70-80%). However, it should be borne in mind here that the country's territory lies within two climatic zones and is strongly elongated from north to south, which, combined with a diverse topography and the proximity of the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, gives a large number of local weather conditions. Therefore, when planning a trip, you should focus on a specific place and its features.

The least comfortable period is traditionally considered the rainy season (June-September), however, due to the diversity natural conditions country, it looks different in its individual parts. In most cases, local rain falls almost every day, usually in the late afternoon, in the form of heavy but short-lived downpours. Moreover, directly in front of them the sky can be completely clear and nothing portends precipitation, it also clears up quickly after.

Tropical typhoons form in the Gulf of Mexico in August and September and often pass through the Yucatan. Their frequency is very unstable, as is the strength of the storms and showers that accompany them, so for a more accurate picture, you should seek help from specialized sites. The Pacific coast in this season, on the contrary, usually has calm and calm weather. But even here, cold currents can change the overall picture in just a couple of days.

Due to the fact that most of the central part of Mexico is mountainous, the climate here is noticeably different from the "resort paradise" of the coasts. In Mexico City, at any time of the year, it is quite hot during the day (in January - up to + 22ºС, in May - up to + 26ºС) and relatively dry. But it can be quite chilly in the mornings and evenings even in the high season, so you should bring warm clothes with you. The wet season usually begins in July and lasts until September - at an air temperature of + 22-24ºС, up to 180 mm of precipitation falls (up to 23 "wet" days), and quite predictably - almost every day closer to sunset, as scheduled, it starts to rain. And the driest period - from October to April - no more than 7-9 rainy days per month.

The coast of the Gulf of Mexico (Tampico, Veracruz, Campeche and others) is very similar to the capital in terms of weather conditions, only here it is a little hotter (from +22ºС in January to +31ºС in June-August) and rainier (up to 50 mm of precipitation in December and up to 270 mm - in August). Winter is also dry and sunny.

On the southeastern coast of the Yucatan (Cancun, Playa del Carmen and the Riviera Maya), the climate is hot and humid, fairly even in its conditions, belongs to the subtropical marine type. In Cancun, it is hot and humid almost all year round, the air temperature stays around + 26-33ºС, however, there are frequent periods when it drops to + 21-23ºС for a short time (usually in the off-season and during typhoons, when storms and gusty winds). The high season here lasts from November to February - the air warms up to + 29ºС 9 but it can also be cool in the morning and evening), and there is little rainfall - 5-10 rainy days a month. But it is during this period that a sharp rise in prices associated with the influx of tourists usually occurs. Therefore, probably the best time to travel here is March-April, when the air warms up to + 24-30ºС, there is little rain - no more than 5 rainy days a month, and the general decline in the tourist flow brings down prices somewhat. Water off the coast of Cancun warms up to +24ºС in January and up to +29-30ºС from May to September.

In the resorts of the California Peninsula (Los Cabos, including Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo) it is very hot and dry in summer - an average of + 28-33 ° С from April to October with 1-3 rainy days in month. In winter, it is cool (+ 14-25 ° С), also dry, but windy, so warm clothes will not hurt. The peak of precipitation occurs in September - as much as 80-90 mm of precipitation, in the rest of the year, blue skies reign over California.

In the center of the Pacific coast (Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, Manzanillo and others), the climate is noticeably more humid and hot. From December to April, the air warms up from +17°C to 29°C, with little precipitation (1-2 rainy days per month), but from May to October-November it is hot (+22-33°C) and humid ( 10-15 "wet" days per month) weather. As in the capital, showers usually occur towards sunset and are strong but short-lived. The nights are also cool by local standards - from +16°С in January to +22°С in June-August. The average water temperature off the coast of Puerto Vallarta ranges from +24°C in January to +27°C in May-September.

In the southern part of the Pacific coast (Acapulco, Puerto Angel, Santa Cruz and others) it is even hotter - the average temperature ranges from +23-30°С in January to +25-32°С in July-August. The rainy season lasts from June to early October, when up to 280-300 mm of precipitation falls per month. True, here they also occur mainly in the evening and are rather short-lived. In winter, it is rather dry - from November to the end of April, from 1 to 17 mm of precipitation falls, that is, no more than 1 rainy day per month. Water off the coast of Acapulco warms up from +24°C in January to +27°C in May-September.

The Tropic of Cancer divides Mexico into subtropical and tropical climatic zones . Subtropical lies north of the 24th parallel, in winter it is colder in this territory than in the main part of the country. As for the tropics, starting on the other side of the parallel, then, in addition to the wet and dry seasons, the climate here is determined by the height of a particular place above sea level, as well as proximity to the ocean. But the cold threatens tourists only in the highlands.

In all other cases, the country of tequila and cacti is warm and sometimes hot. This fact has made Mexico one of the most visited countries in the world. Whenever a tourist comes here, he will always feel good. But, since I want to choose the most best time to travel, consider the climate of hospitable Mexico by months.

Weather in Mexico in January

The average daily temperature of the winter months is +24ºС.

At the same time, on the Pacific coast in January it is +30ºС, dropping to +23ºС at night. If this seems too much, you can look for places cooler. So, on the coast of the Caribbean Sea during the day it is about + 24ºС, and at night it gets cold even up to + 19ºС.

Pacific coastline in Acapulco- a paradise for "wave catchers" at any time of the year, and the Caribbean Sea attracts beach lovers. It is coldest in January in the central regions of Mexico, located on the hills. During the day, on average + 21ºС, at night up to + 7ºС.

Temperatures below zero in Mexico reach only in the highlands of the northeast. And, since it is in these places that the historically established wine-growing regions are located, it is better not to be afraid of the Mexican "frosts" and get to know the local vineyards and their products better.

Are you going to a resort in Mexico? Are you arriving at ? – read full information about the airport.

And here we will take a closer look at the weather conditions in Cancun by months, when is the best time to go and what weather conditions await you upon arrival at the resort. Let's choose together the best time for your vacation in the Caribbean.

Weather in Mexico in February

"The Velvet season" in Mexico has not yet ended, and if you want to combine a beach holiday with the study of the heritage of the Mayan civilization, you can go to the Yucatan - the southern peninsula that separates the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean Sea.

There are not only excellent beaches and Coral reefs, but also ancient city Tulum, the pearl of world culture. February in the Yucatan moderately hot, but quiet - no hurricanes that sometimes hit these places in the summer.

Not only that - in Cancun - a fashionable resort place, at this time there are still no American students: they massively go here to relax during the spring break. And the fact that the town is not crowded with crazy young people is also a big plus.

The coolest thing in February is in Monterrey, the center of the northeastern province of Nuevo León. It's only +22ºС.

In Mexico City, the average statistic is one degree higher. But in Acapulco in February it's impossible to freeze: +31ºС.

Weather in Mexico in March

Before planning a trip to Mexico in the spring, you should find out when Easter is. These days the country begins tourism boom: mostly American neighbors go.

Prices are skyrocketing and Easter week becomes not a very favorable time for rest.

In March, it is still +31ºС in Acapulco, in Monterrey the air warms up to +27ºС, a little hotter in Cancun, +28ºС.

But in Mexico City it is a little cooler, + 25ºС. Although at night it gets noticeably colder: only + 10ºС.

Weather in Mexico in April

In April, it gets much warmer in the central regions of the country, located on the hills: up to +27ºС. The heat there is two months, April and May. At the same time, at night in the same places, the thermometer shows only + 11ºС. It also gets hotter in Acapulco, located on the Pacific coast: + 32ºС.

In April, the beaches of Puerto Escondido, Puerto Angel, located south of the city, are full of vacationers.

To the north of Acapulco, in the town of Michoacan, surfers gather - there are excellent waves almost all year round.

Weather in Mexico in May

May in Mexico rainy season starts. However, do not be afraid of high humidity in the north - these areas are considered the driest. But a lot of water is spilled into the southern territories of the country from May to October: up to 400 mm per month.

Interestingly, the "dry" and "wet" seasons in Mexico have virtually no effect on air temperature. It always stays warm enough.

High humidity makes hot days more noticeable, so the tropical cyclone season is best spent in areas called by the Mexicans or on the coast - there the humidity is approximately always the same, and the weather is dictated by the ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

Video about the best seasons in Mexico

For many, it will be very tempting to travel to a country located on another continent, but what is the weather like there and how to choose the most suitable season? Let's look at the tips of experienced tourists on how to travel without any special expenses and very exciting at the same time. How to make friends in a foreign country?

Weather in Mexico in June

The water on the Pacific coast warms up to +27ºС, and in the Caribbean Sea it stays within +29ºС all summer. However, June begins coastal hurricane season– nothing can be done, the country is located in their belt.

If you have plans to still relax on the coast, choose from June to November side Pacific Ocean, and not the Caribbean - there are fewer hurricanes there, and they are weaker.

But at this time you can go deep into Mexico - for example, to the famous National parks With pine forests . Just remember about the "principle of the mountains" - the higher the object is located, the cooler it will be, especially at night. The exception is the Pico de Orizaba park with volcanoes. There, due to natural circumstances, it is quite hot.

Weather in Mexico in July

Summer comes to Acapulco the hottest time. All three summer months the average temperature is +33 ºС. If you add to this the opportunity to swim in warm waters Pacific Ocean - the conditions are not at all terrible. The main thing is not to get into a hurricane.

In July water in the caribbean warms up to +30ºС. But there are few tourists in Cancun and other resort towns of Yucatan - strong hurricanes scare away travelers.

But in Mexico City in July it is not at all hot, only + 23ºС. And in Monterrey, the air warms up to + 34ºС, so when booking a hotel, it is important not to forget to ask: are things going well with air conditioners?

Weather in Mexico in August

In August, +35 ºС in Monterrey, which is even warmer than in Acapulco. Perhaps not the best time to travel inland. The coast is nicer, but at this time of the year it blows too strong winds.

But in Mexico City in August +23 ºС, there is something to see there, including even panoramic restaurants scattered throughout the city.

This city, the fifth largest in the world, is able to capture its captivity for a long time, sharing treasures in return. For example, you can choose a culinary tour and go to taste authentic food in city markets. IN big city there is always something to have fun.

Weather in Mexico in September

Autumn in Mexico good time for a Russian tourist, since the weather in September almost coincides with that established in the middle and southern strip of Russia, and it will take much less time to acclimatize.

From + 32-33ºС in Acapulco and Monterrey and up to + 23ºС in Mexico City, why not the Russian "Indian summer"?

It's time to do sport fishing - in Mexico, this type of leisure is well established.

Weather in Mexico in October

This month rainy season ends, and October can be considered the threshold of the high season. There are still few tourists, the staff is not tired, the prices are reasonable ... For those who want quality take a break from the hustle and bustle- a very good time.

Weather in Mexico in November

The hurricane season ends in November, and for lovers of beach holidays and sea entertainment, the velvet season begins. It will last until May. Swimming, excursions, visits to numerous museums, holidays and tastings - Mexico knows how to surprise and delight its guests.

Weather in Mexico in December

The high season in Mexico continues. Great time for a beach holiday.

There are special places where pensioners like to come - this is, first of all, the resort of San Carlos. As well as the beaches of Ciutlan with black sand. All this is located in the north and in the center of the Pacific coast of the country.

The weather there in December is very pleasant, no air surprises - everything is quiet and calm, moderately hot, the water warms up to + 25ºС.

In December in Acapulco +32ºС, in Cancun +27ºС. As for places far from big water, then in Mexico City in winter the air cools down to + 21ºС, and in Monterrey - up to +20 ºС during the day. At night, the temperature here drops to +10 ºС.

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Going on vacation to Canary Islands? We advise you to study the weather conditions on the island of Tenerife in March, we have described the main points that you need to pay attention to.

If to speak about the Mexican climate in general, then, of course, it is very pleasant to relax. And no wonder: a country that relies on the tourism industry in its economy is unlikely to make resorts in places unsuitable for living.

So you can go to Mexico at any time of the year to fully enjoy the well-established hospitality industry, historical monuments and magnificent nature.

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