Fortune telling horseshoe. Fortune telling "Horseshoe": proper preparation for it and features of execution

It is believed that finding a horseshoe - fortunately, prosperity and fulfillment of desires. They hang a horseshoe at the entrance to the house, always with the “horns” up, so that it is filled with good luck, happiness and health.

In this scheme wish tarot spread horseshoe symbol used. You will find out what the mind and feelings say in favor of what is desired, whether the essence of what is desired will be harmful or beneficial, what hinders and what will help in fulfilling the desire.

If you are worried or experiencing a feeling of anxiety, we recommend.

The scheme and meaning of the cards of the Tarot layout for desire

Card 1 - The Reasonable Side of Desire (what the logic says in favor of what you want)
Card 2 - The emotional side of desire (what the soul says in favor of what is desired)
Card 3 - The true essence of the desired (whether the desired will harm or benefit)
Card 4 - What prevents you from achieving what you want
Card 5 - What will help in the fulfillment of desire

So, focus on the question and... see the spread!

Reasonable side of desire (what logic says in favor of what is desired)

You got the Four of Cups, denoting anger, frustration, loss of joy from the usual pleasures, satiety. Frequent change of entertainment, boredom. Frustration, resentment, feeling offended, need for solitude. Grumbling, irritation, apathy. An opportunity offered that causes anxiety and distrust, which there is a risk of missing. Unwillingness to return to a disappointing situation.

The emotional side of desire (what the soul says in favor of what is desired)

You see the Two of Pentacles, personifying the simultaneous control of several things, a flexible life position, high adaptability, the ability to use all available opportunities. Spontaneity, non-traditional approach to the problem. Bustle. Minor, but annoying obstacles. Indecisiveness, frivolity, playfulness. Trips and letters of financial content.

The true essence of the desired (whether the desired will harm or benefit)

Here is the Page of Pentacles, personifying a fruitful impulse from the outside, a chance for enrichment, solidity and constancy. A great opportunity to achieve success in specific projects, making tangible profits and recognition. An important meeting that brings good prospects, offers, contracts, support in work. Practical, resourceful, well trained, focused young man, able to use his knowledge, ready to live his own life.

What's stopping you from achieving what you want?

The Eight of Wands that fell to you speaks of the imminent successful completion of a difficult situation. This is good news that comes sooner than expected; fresh wind of pleasant changes, significant achievements, tangible results. Quick action, air travel, haste, fast movement, urgent decision.

What will help in the fulfillment of desire

Here the Page of Wands fell out, symbolizing enterprise, ingenuity, fiery impulse, courage, irascibility. These are good chances, incentives and motives coming from the outside world that inspire and energize. Outside support, an interesting offer, encouragement, competition, bright professional experience. The appearance of a stranger with friendly intentions, a young friend or relative.

Divination for money online is a free way to find out about your financial situation in the future, as well as get advice that will help increase the quantity and quality of your material income.

Please note that in the layout the cards are laid out in the form of a money horseshoe, by the way, it differs from just a horseshoe for happiness in that it is usually hung upside down so that it resembles a bowl of plenty.

1. Past financial situation. 2. Present financial position. 3. Future financial position. 4. What or who can you count on? 5. What are the risks, what should be avoided? 6. What will improve the financial situation?

  • Past financial position.
  • present financial position.
  • Future financial position.
  • What or who can you count on?
  • What are the risks, what should be avoided?
  • What will improve the financial situation?

Click on the cards to complete the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning

How to read the schedule

Points 1,2,3 of the layout track your financial flow in the past, present and future. Everything is very clear here.

Points 4.5 are your support. Note which cards fell into both points of the layout. If a positive card fell into the risk zone (point 5) - in principle, everything is fine, but still money - although it is rough outwardly, in fact, it is very shy matter, suddenly in a positive card you will find something that you should not count on.

As usual, I advise you to listen to yourself and trust your feelings. If a negative card hit point 4, it is too early to conclude that there is nothing to count on. Maybe this is advice to rely only on yourself?

Point 6 is very important when interpreting the Money Horseshoe layout, because this is advice on how to improve your financial situation, and the card that fell out there is a resource, a source of your strength - see its value and in addition, you can even meditate on the card for 5-10 minutes.

When guessing for money, love money as a means of achieving goals, and not as the goal itself, and then there will be much more of them in your life, do not forget to set big goals and strive for them!

The “Horseshoe” layout or, as some people call it “Golden Horseshoe”, belongs to rather old layouts. The first mention of it can be found in the year 1789, exactly when the Bastille was taken, which marked the beginning of the French Revolution, which led to the destruction of the old order and foundations in the country.

Despite the revolutionary actions that were taking place at that moment in France, despite the cries demanding freedom, fraternity and equality, the people did not stop thinking about their personal lives. Almost like in our proverb: "War is war, and lunch is on schedule." Here one could say: "The revolution is a revolution, and guessing is on schedule."

That's what the French thought. Guessed, no matter what. It was in those difficult times in all respects that the Horseshoe alignment appeared, as a kind of promise of good luck, as a symbol of faith in all the best.

The traditional layout consists of seven cards (although some fortune-tellers (or online fortune-telling sites) offer other solutions: five, nine or even eleven cards). Moreover, not everyone in this scenario uses cards from the Tarot deck. Let's not talk now about the "pluses" and "minuses" of this approach, because if you set such a goal, you can find both the first and the second.

It is important that the “Horseshoe” alignment helps to most effectively answer a number of burning questions. The answers received as a result of the layout will help you navigate even the most difficult life situation. Mogura decided to follow the tradition, therefore, our layout includes seven cards, which have the following meanings:

  1. - First Aspect - What happened? This card tells about past events, which, however, have affected your present.
  2. - Second Aspect - What is now? This card will indicate what is in your life at the present time.
  3. - Third Aspect - What will happen in the future? This map gives a forecast of how events will develop in the near future.
  4. - Fourth Aspect - What to do? In fact, this is an adviser card, it is she who will tell you exactly how to act.
  5. - Fifth Aspect - Who is nearby? This card indicates a certain person who very much influences your life situation, and, as a result, on you.
  6. - Sixth Aspect - What's stopping me? Of course, it is better to know your enemy by sight. It is this card that will tell you about who or what is bothering you. Sometimes it happens that a person interferes with himself more than if someone interfered with him. (We hope this is not your situation).
  7. - Seventh Aspect - How it all ends? Perhaps this is the most important card in the Horseshoe, because it is she who will slightly open the canopy of mystery. She is the one who decides the outcome.

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