Droids (Star Wars). Droids (Star Wars) Medical technology in the world of the Jedi and Sith

"Star Wars" is primarily seven films, to which many new ones will soon be added. But in the world of television, the saga of George Lucas made its way with difficulty and only in the last decade and a half finally succeeded on the small screen.

Tellingly, all the Star Wars series are animated. In the first part of the article, we will talk about the two oldest and most forgotten of them.

The first ever Star Wars cartoon came out in 1978 as part of another picture - and a very unsuccessful one at that. CBS made a Star Wars Holiday Special based on the franchise. The release was a huge failure and went down in history as one of the worst projects created under the Star Wars brand. Its budget was so low that many of the scenes were done using recuts and re-dubs of the original film. Later, George Lucas made every effort to ensure that no one else ever saw this film.

The only bright spot in the TV movie was the ten-minute animated segment "The Story of a Wookiee Betrayed", filmed by the young Canadian studio Nelvana (which later released the series "Inspector Gadget" and "Beetlejuice"). According to the plot, Chewbacca's son is watching this cartoon on TV. Lucas was pleased with the work of the animators. When he started thinking about new Star Wars cartoons six years later, he turned to Nelvana.

In 1984, Lucas was still unsure if he would continue making Star Wars films, and which ones. Therefore, the heroes of the animated series, George appointed those who are the least important for the plot - the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 and the Ewoks. In addition, both those and others liked the target audience of cartoons - children. The head of Nelvana, Clive Smith, persuaded Lucas to use the central characters of the saga, but failed.

Before starting work, Lucas met with the writers and explained the concept to them. According to his idea, the "Droids" were supposed to resemble "Lassie" - every few episodes of C-3PO and R2-D2 got to new owners and experienced adventures with them. And the animated series "Ewoks" was supposed to show the formation of the Ewok Wicket, who shortly before that became the hero of the TV movie "Ewoks: Caravan of Daredevils". However, apart from the location and a number of characters, the TV movie and the series have little in common.

Lucas wanted Droids and Ewoks to be head and shoulders above the competition on the broadcast grid. In practice, this resulted in extremely complex and expensive shooting. The characters in Droids changed every few episodes, so the animators constantly had to create new characters, locations, and vehicles. The cost of one series resulted in 250 thousand dollars, foreign studios were involved in the work, and still the creators missed the deadlines.

With the Ewoks it was easier: the action took place in the same place. Artists painted monotonous trees and crowds of teddy bears, differing only in the color of their fur and hoods. This made the series cheaper, but also more boring and repetitive.

The ABC TV channel, which undertook to show the series, dictated extremely strict censorship restrictions. The weapon was not supposed to resemble a firearm, the characters could not hit each other and were required to fasten their seat belts when getting into any vehicle. In addition, the channel rejected all experiments, reaching the point of absurdity in this. For example, in one of the episodes, an Imperial pilot was supposed to make friends with the Ewoks, who would have to choose between the duty of the Empire and loyalty to his friends. Potentially strong plot was dismissed by ABC as, mind you, "too STAR"!

For Droids, the first season was also the last due to low ratings and high costs. The Ewoks were a little more fortunate. The series was renewed for a second season, in which Lucasfilm refocused it on a very young audience. And they ruined everything. The first season of "Ewoks" could boast of at least well-developed plots and characters. In the second, the characters lost their depth, and the plots became primitive. The changes did not help, and after the second season, the Ewoks were also closed. After this failure, the Star Wars series was forgotten for almost twenty years.

Droids and prequels

Droids had little in common with the rest of the Star Wars universe, but they influenced the prequel trilogy. With the filing of screenwriter Ben Bart, there are four-armed cooks, Riot races and the planet Bogden here and there. And the design of the car driven by one of the heroes of the "Droids" formed the basis of the wheel of General Grievous from "Revenge of the Sith".

The regular infantry droids in the Star Wars prequels and The Clone Wars series are as dumb as rocks. They are constantly confused, deceived and deceived by thin paper schemes when they do not stumble over trouble. Even more advanced droids such as assassin droids, protocol droids, and astromechs such as C-3PO and R2-D2 are highly intelligent and are referred to by Obi-Wan as a "dime" ("Fall of the Droid", The Clone Wars 1-6). ). Is there an in-universe explanation for why the Separatists don't provide the droid infantry with better programming?


Please, no extraterrestrial explanations. I understand the motivation to go for cheap laughs in media that is sold primarily to children.


Canons need to be hunted, but IIRC they are for central AI/mainframe control (aka Dumb Terminals:). Except that the practice ended the post-Nanakin destruction of the central computer on Naboo. In addition, they did not need smarts - Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary claims that there were a huge number (quintillions). Remember the T-34 against late heavy Nazi tanks.

Triton scamander

Are you talking about B1 battle droids?


Yes, thanks for the correct notation.


Just curious, can anyone explain the reason for the downvotes?


Thaddeus House

B1 battle droids are less intelligent because they didn't need to be smart, nor were they designed to be. In fact, they were originally designed to coordinate with the Droid Control Ship, which would coordinate and direct their strategy, firing patterns, and overall tactical movement.

Role of the B1 battle droid in combat

    The B1's role in combat was to keep blaster fire aloft, absorb damage, and contain incoming fire until more powerful and dangerous droids could be deployed.

    After the Battle of Naboo, the control ships were considered problematic and potentially vulnerable, so the B1s were forced to be semi-autonomous, causing them to behave erratically. Not every B1 battle droid was unstable, some thanks to better programming could be leaders, commanders, or even commando droids.

    To complement their capabilities, super battle droids were created. Super Battle Droids and Droidikas were much more powerful, adaptable and smarter. Like any other specialized force, with the right support, in this case thousands of B1s, these specialized droids can be used to devastatingly impact enemy troops.

Was a lack of intelligence a barrier to B1?

B1 battle droids didn't need to think, and weren't originally designed to think. They had leaders, handlers, or control software to direct their movements to whatever terrain they found themselves in.

    The B1 battle droids were designed to respond to feedback from the environment (other troops, terrain, and whatever weapons they have) to destroy their enemies. They didn't have to be particularly smart, their machine programming was more than adequate for most of their missions and could be updated over time.

    What the B1 battle droid lacked in intelligence, they made up for in superior numbers. When fighting live enemies, B1 would be a terrible opponent if for any other reason their ability to just absorb damage and keep pushing forward.

    If B1 and the other droids arrived in the right numbers, it would take a force with a significantly larger power profile to stop their advance. Even adding Jedi to the defending force was often no guarantee of survival for the defenders.

Say what you like about the supposedly idiotic B1 battle droid; on the field, they were able to keep the rain of blaster fire from the enemy, suppressing their movement, tactics, and fire, allowing the stronger droids to get closer, charge into the defenders, and simply allow the B1 to burst through whatever hole was created. It's simple in terms of strategy, but like the army ants, the B1 battle droid used it quite effectively.


This answer makes a lot of sense to me as droids are inefficient because they all function in the conditions they were designed for. Thank you.


And how is this different from my answer? I will summarize exactly the same conclusion and offer more detail. So why is this the accepted answer?


Because his reasoning is different and more understandable. Your main argument is that they are cheap, apart from Anakin's influence on the control computer on Naboo. The main point of Thaddeus is that they are dumb because they are forced to work without one of the main components of their original design (centralized direction)


More information doesn't make for a better answer unless it's deployed to a credible argument in an elegant way. And, like the OP, a decision that is trustworthy unfortunately falls on me.


And I should point out that I don't think Thaddeus is making that argument. He seems to be using Control Ship as an example that they were designed to be basic grunts from day one. It's not that their efficiency or general intelligence differed from each other.


Because they are cheap and expensive

A lot of them :

The B1s were perhaps the most numerous and expendable soldiers in the history of the galaxy, and unlike most organic soldiers, they were capable of operating in hostile environments such as underwater or in space. They were designed, for the most part, to defeat their enemies with mere numbers rather than their ability to think (they were very vulnerable to subterfuge) and use combat skills (unlike clone troopers).

To get more out of them, they were almost certainly made from cheaper parts. Slower processors, less memory, etc. In modern parlance, they are stupid for the same reason that the $299 Dell's specialty Dell can't run crysis just like a $4,000 gaming rig.

IN " Innocent Ryloth" Ahsoka comments on this:

“Remember, they are droids. They are a little slow."

Their less mass-produced predecessor, the OOM series, was smarter:

The OOM-series battle droid was the predecessor to the B1 battle droid. Although physically identical to the latter, the OOM series featured more advanced and independent programming. They were already a common sight in the galaxy prior to the invasion of Naboo, serving as guard and command for the Trade Protection Force. They later served in the Clone Wars alongside their more common but simpler B1 descendants.

And during the Clone Wars show, we also see that there are more capable commando droids out there. They are designed for stealth, a handful of them can take down a soldier's outpost... but vice versa:

The only real downside to these droids was that they were much more expensive to manufacture than regular infantry. This made droids a fairly rare sight on the battlefield, and thus allowed them to be used exclusively in special and/or critical missions. Apparently, the head was weaker than the rest of his body, as Senator Amidala could easily kill one by shooting the head with an ELG-3A royal blaster pistol, which was little more than an off-the-shelf blaster.

So we see a pretty consistent trend that the more common droids are, the cheaper they are... and the dumber they are. As to why droids often act strangely, like talking to each other while trying to shoot Jedi... that's how all droids in the Star Wars universe work. For some reason, droids in Star Wars have personalities, not just protocol droids. Why does the MSE "mouse" droid "run in fear" at loud noises?

It may not make logical sense, but Droid AI works in the Star Wars universe nonetheless... this behavior is not uncommon.

As for being "constantly confused, deceived and fooled by paper thin schemes" - that usually happens when droids don't do what they're good at...which forms a huge army and kills things. As a standing army, they are pretty good. Remember that the droid army:

  1. Would have won the Battle of Naboo if the central computer hadn't been destroyed. After that, the reliance on the central command computer was removed.
  2. They pose enough of a threat that the Republic should start mass-producing clones.
  3. Repeatedly in The Clone Wars, we are reminded of just how close war is...deals with the Hutts and Rodians, only in the first season, are portrayed as vital. As stupid as they are, droids remain a threat to Clone armies of Jango Fetts, one of the most capable soldiers in the history of the galaxy.

They are stupid. They are, however, effective. When used as directed. And while it's true that they seem to fail as guards, they're often portrayed that way when they look at the jedi knights. A good example of this is "The Hidden Enemy" where:

Anakin, Obi-Wan and their clones prepare to ambush the advancing droids from the two towers. Just as they are about to fire on the droids, the advances are divided into three columns and the droids suddenly appear in Obi-Wan's building. Anakin calls the gunship for immediate evacuation before dispatching his crew to help Obi-Wan. They run to the rooftop with the droids following them. Their gunship arrives, picking them up, but not before taking the tactical command droid's head to find out how the Separatists discovered their plan.

In the opening scene, we see the B1s being used correctly - accompanied by a tactical droid, they nearly overwhelm and defeat a squad of clones and two Jedi. This is a big threat. They are not made to be smart - they are made to follow orders, walk in columns and keep shooting.

However, I can't answer why Separatists don't rely on more human/intellectual assets for roles that require more individual tasks (this is where B1 usually falls short).


FYI: This Wikia article is quite thin, so quoting from it is questionable even in canon.


For example, you never see droids fail because they freeze or take too long to sort out the situation. They usually act like dumb, irresponsible, stupid soldiers, but their computers aren't slow. (My understanding of canon isn't great, but I don't think I've ever seen the script " blue screen of death" which makes them screw up)


My main point is that the "cheap=dumb" argument doesn't refer to the type of stupidity they are. It's not that they're slow or that they're only programmed for a limited number of scenarios. The fact is that they are programmed extremely poorly.

You don't know how much cheaper transportation is than artificial intelligence. It seems that in the SE Universe, the movement of huge masses in space does not seem to be a big problem.


They were disposable and used to make cannon fodder because it was politically sensible; no one cares about droids going to war, as opposed to whether their sons or fathers are killed and killed.

They are also cheap and very effective. Sometimes the enemy doesn't need a smart opponent, but a relentless, overpowering, overwhelming one, which is what droids do in huge numbers. Smart and smart means nothing with a control ship around.

It also gave Palpatine the perfect opportunity to use clones: "but they are smarter and much more efficient than just dumb droids..."


In short, the Trade Federation is complete cheap stingrays, droids have a minimum level of quality in construction, equipment and intelligence. Leading them through control ships is another example of cost savings while having an obvious military objective is the easiest way to manage an army.

as a personal opinion, I think it's doubtful that the Trade Federation actually originally used the B-1 with actual war in mind, instead relying on pure numbers to intimidate enemies or in case Naboo chose what was considered an easy target. Also, by the time the Clone Wars began, they certainly had super battle droids to fight more serious battles, so by the end of the war, the B-1s were mostly relegated to ships instead of combat.

Corey Watchman

I think this has been stated before by several people, however I am going to emphasize it again. Droids in SW canon behave in a unique way. They seem to have human qualities in them. They do, however, fall prey to bad programming (especially on B1, which we're talking about too).

If we look at arguably the most destructive battle droid ever conceived, the droidek, we can see that it is used in incredibly small numbers. For example, this is seen twice in ROTS and once in AOTC. Obviously, a droid with the ability to hold itself in a shield would be costly, and so field armies are not made entirely of them. As such, costs will play a role in the development of the droid, which is why B1 (and to some extent the more enhanced B2) have trouble making decisions.

There are no decisions on the field, they follow the directions of a pre-set battle plan or the decisions of a command/tactical droid. The only scenes where they are ever distracted and embarrassed are the scenes where they have to make decisions because something is out of the ordinary; like the Jedi escorting the pilots in Naboo's hanger, or Obi-Wan and Annikan going up in an elevator full of security droids. As a raw recruit, they must first consider for themselves whether they need to take action and what action to take. That's where their lack of memory and processing power falls there. It also brings us back to the human features worn by droids in Star Wars.

Droids don't follow the same rules our robots and AIs follow, which would seem like "competent computing power" in our world - a flaw in the Star Wars universe. Why do droids fuss and stumble, why do mouse droids run away from loud noises, why do pit droids (or whatever they are stacked, big nose droids in the Phantom Menace subrace scenes) laugh and get annoyed at each other, and why C3-P0, protocol droid talking about mistreating his astromech droid friend? These are the traits that distinguish droids and AI in Star Wars, and that seems to answer half of your question. Droids, especially B1, have negative and comical human traits.


Hello and welcome to the Sci-FI Stack Exchange. I have corrected your answer to improve spelling, punctuation and capitalization. I hope I haven't changed any of your intentions, feel free to come back if I haven't improved it.


Battle Droids are supposed to be ineffective in terms of storytelling. We needed to see the evolution from Battle Droid > Clone Trooper > Stormtrooper. Palpatine uses CIS infantry because of the sheer amount of resources and then disposes of them when the time is right.


OP looking for an answer in the Universe .

old cat

What evolution? All three of them were completely ineffective in combat. What stormtrooper hit something??

Affiliation: KNS(Confederation of Independent Systems)

home planet: It is different where there is a factory

Race: Absent

Weapon: Miscellaneous, mainly blasters and vibroswords

Battle droid army- troops of the CNS (Confederation of Independent Systems). Unlike clones of the Republic, droids are not creative thinkers, and as a result, they are unable to perceive the experience gained in battle. Their production costs a lot of money, but this is offset by the speed of construction. Comparing the two armies, KNF droids are not as effective as Republic clones, but are much cheaper (compared to the latter) and there are more of them. Droids are divided into several "species":

1. Battle droidsB1 - the main forces of the CIS, cheaper than super battle droids, but less effective than the latter. The droid has no brain, and it fits a little more in its head than in a large and sensitive receiving device. It is thanks to him that the droid receives commands from the Droid Control Station. Small processors are responsible for the movements and some of the sensory data they transmit to the central computer. The voice generator allows the droid to speak in a monotonous mechanical voice. There are several B1 droids:

1-1. B1 no difference - beige- standard battle droid. Armed with a rifle, a pistol, and a thermal detonator.

1-2. B1 with blue circles- A mechanic droid whose main task is the maintenance of equipment and its piloting.

1-3. B1 with green circles - landing.

1-4. B1 with yellow marks - commanding squad.

1-5. B1 with red stripes on the shoulders and chest - security droid. Protects various KNS facilities.

Droid Commander and Battle Droid Infantry

Battle droids

https://pandia.ru/text/78/345/images/image004_8.jpg" align="left hspace=12" width="200" height="298"> 3. Saboteur droids- Elite troops of the KNS, used only during covert operations. In addition to improved armor, which could successfully withstand most standard clone blasters, saboteur droids have improved artificial intelligence that is independent of the control station and can think creatively and analyze the situation on the battlefield. These droids' voice generator allows for the production of different tones of sounds, producing different voices from many species and races, as well as clones. However, their vocabulary is too small and specific, so that they can be quickly exposed. The armament of the rank and file was a rifle and vibroswords. In addition, saboteur droids possess not only ranged and melee weapons, but also have skills in hand-to-hand combat. Thanks to their movable limbs, their strikes are precise and deadly. The only drawback of these droids was their high price, so during the Clone Wars they were used only in special operations. Their "ancestor" was the B1 battle droids.

196" height="40" style="vertical-align:top">

5. Droidek (Destroyer Droid)- A combat type of droid used by the Trade Federation and the CIS. Droidekas, during the Clone Wars, gained a reputation for being deadly creatures that even the Jedi feared. They were valued for their versatility and firepower. Destroyer droids saw action in many battles of the Clone Wars, usually as part of small squads, and also served as security guards in various Separatist installations. Droideks outperformed B1 battle droids in several ways. They could fold into a cylindrical shape, resembling a wheel, and due to this, move quickly. When faced with danger, the droids deployed into a three-legged structure, equipped with two twin blasters and usually a shield generator that could deflect or absorb any kind of energy blast, up to light cannon blasts, as well as counteract lightsaber attacks. In addition, the effectiveness of the Destroyer Droids was provided by an extended range of vision sensors that were not affected by tricks with light. Despite being formidably equipped, Droidek had a significant drawback: his shield was designed to defend in an upright position. If the droid fell on its side or hit a wall,

Ahsoka and Anakin fend off the droideka attack

the defenses couldn't distinguish the obstacles from lightsaber strikes or blaster shots. Because of this, the generator continued to power the shield and burned out, leaving the robot vulnerable. A burned out generator left the Destroyer defenseless. Also, the Protective Field was not included in the wheel configuration. Droidek had difficulty moving down inclines and up stairs. To do this, he had to unfold and begin the descent or ascent, which made it difficult to coordinate his legs.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/345/images/image008_6.jpg" align="left" width="348" height="222">6. Magnadroid (MagnaGuard) are the personal guards of General Grievous. This droid's weapon was a special electric staff made from Freak, a material that can resist a lightsaber. MagnaGuard could also use the B1 droid rocket launcher or rifle. They were known to be formidable assassins, capable of taking down both clones of the Republic and the Jedi themselves with ease. The magnadroid was one of the most dangerous droids in the Confederacy. They were used as a guard for the Separatist leaders from the Jedi. Their staves didn't deflect blaster shots, so they were useless in a big fight.

7. Droid Octuptarra- actively used during the Clone Wars by the Techno Union and the CIS. Three-legged spider-like automata had a large spherical head mounted on a thin body. Below the head, laser cannons were mounted. The droid's standard armament consisted of three laser turrets, evenly spaced on each side, below the photoreceptors. The height of the droid, moving on three zigzag, divided supports, was 3.6 meters. The droid was nearly impossible to approach unnoticed, as the photoreceptors located on different sides gave a panoramic view of the area, and the articulated rotating block allowed them to immediately open fire in case of a sudden collision with the enemy, which made them a difficult and dangerous target. The Octuptarr Droid was best used at a distance, as its armament and growth allows it to fire at long ranges, but if the enemy got close, the droid became vulnerable, since the weaponry did not allow close fire, and the large head was poorly protected from dense fire from side of the enemy.

In English, an is a form of the indefinite article, which caused the reduction of the word.

Although only humanoid robots are properly called androids, the word "droid" in the world of Star Wars means a robot in general. Droids were used both as a military force and as assistants.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    Separatist battle droids B1- standard droids, used to guard merchant ships and as an army (in the attack on Naboo) by the Trade Federation, and after it joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), they became the basis of the Separatist Droid Army.

    B2 super battle droids- Before the start of the Clone Wars, new systems joined the Separatists, and one of them provided an improved model of the B1 droid. They had their baptism of fire in the Battle of Geonosis.

    Droideks (Destroyer Droids)- possessed rapid-fire twin blasters-machine guns and a shield generator that reflected or absorbed any kind of energy charges. They also had the ability to fold into a ball for accelerated movement. Appeared in the addition to the game "Star Wars: Empire at War".

    IG-100 MagnaGuards- Elite troops used to protect the leaders of the separatists from the Jedi.

    Saboteur droids- elite droids of the CIS army, used during the Clone Wars. They are mainly adapted for sabotage, assassinations and stealth penetrations into classified objects.

    tactical droid- a model of a battle droid created by CIS engineers during the Clone Wars to control troops and has extraordinary knowledge in the field of strategy and tactics.

    Dwarf Spider Droid- A battle droid used on the front line as a vanguard.

    Droid crab LM-432- Thanks to the powerful servo motors that move the legs, the heavily armored crab moves with good speed and agility over uneven terrain and even over rocky surfaces.

    Octaptarr battle droids- fighting machines used to fight the infantry and equipment of the Republicans.

    Buzz droids- were used by the KNS in space battles against fighters, disabling control systems.

    Aquadroids- battle droids adapted for combat in water worlds.

    Assassin Droids- used by bounty hunters.

    Following the execution of Order 66, Emperor Palpatine ordered the Separatist droids to be disabled.


    A unique protocol assassin droid designed by the Sith Lord Revan from KotOR1. Revan personally programmed and assembled the HK-47, in particular after HK called Darth Malak a "meatbag", Revan had HK refer to everyone as such. At the height of the war, the droid was sent on a mission but was unable to return. He visited many owners, after which he was bought by Revan, whose memory was erased by the Jedi at that time. After the events of the first game, he went to the Exile, with whom he cleared the galaxy of his pirated copies - HK-50 and HK-51.

    Civilian droids

    Along with the combat models of the droids, the galaxy also used a variety of droids used in a variety of peaceful areas of life.

    Scout droids (probe droids)

    Scout droids (probe droids)- special imperial scout droids that were sent to different parts of the galaxy to locate the rebel base. Equipped with a light blaster, an interplanetary communication system, all possible and impossible sensors (the droid even had a sense of smell), special mechanical arms that were used to take samples of various objects and a self-destruct system. They were able to function for decades; many of them outlived the Empire but continued to carry out their task.

    Helper droids

    Protocol Droids- were used to record and store verbal information, as well as translate the languages ​​​​of other peoples and the binary language ("beep") of astromech droids into the language of the owner. Examples are the well-known C-3PO and TC-14 (Protocol droid from one of the ships of the Trade Federation. Met in the first episode of the saga.).

    Battery Droids

    Inconspicuous droids that look like small boxes with legs. They walk very slowly, communicate with strange low beeps.

    Despite their inconspicuousness, they are indispensable for fighters, as they are the only source of energy.

    Astromech Droids (mech droids)- small droids, painted in various colors, used to maintain heavy equipment, spacecraft, and control computer systems. Usually equipped with various kinds of instruments and sensors, but the droid R2-D2, one of the heroes of the film, is also equipped with rocket engines, a slot for storing memory cards, a holographic player, a small circular saw, a stun gun (with which he killed a buzz droid in the battle for Coruscant) and a small magnetic suction cup (with its help, during the Battle of Geonosis, he returned the head of C-3PO "in place", replacing the head of a droid, accidentally attached to the torso of C-3PO). Astro droids help with piloting fighters, and on enemy ships and bases they are simply indispensable due to the ability to infiltrate computer control systems. In the Old Republic, Astromechs were usually brown in color with good computer skills. The illustration shows the most common R-series astromech droids. The droid BB-8 from the seventh episode of the saga, unlike the usual R-series, has a spherical shape; it is not known whether it is a serial product, or whether the BB-8 is unique. Unique was the hand-built T3-M4 droid, made on Taris by a droid saleswoman and later bought by Revan and owned by Darth Treya, the Jedi Exile, and the other owners of the Ebon Hawk.

    Cyclops "Vak" droids- small humanoid droids with one eye-button responsible for turning on / off, used for carrying light and medium cargo, as well as piloting starships. Not equipped with any additional tools.

    Fans and fans of the fantastic Star Wars saga could not help but be interested in such interesting characters. Various robots are the fruit of the imagination of the author of the film, George Lucas. Star Wars droids are artificially intelligent creatures that have been used in many areas of life and work. Most often they went to places inaccessible to humans.

    Some types of droids are endowed with special knowledge in only one specific area, which allows them to be as much in demand and focused as possible. As a rule, their names were replaced with special coded alphabetic and numeric combinations.


    Star Wars droids have their own classification, which divides them into 5 types. They differ from each other in special creative abilities, the level of intellectual development and the ability to think independently:

    • Class I - these are robots endowed with complex creative thinking, they can apply their abilities in the exact sciences. Assassins or interrogators are also often found among this class.
    • Class II combines droids with technical abilities, which can be astromechs, scouts, or pilots.
    • Class III - these are machines created for the social sphere, they are usually used in the educational, informational or diplomatic industry.
    • Class IV, which includes security droids and military robots. Due to the fact that they can harm other creatures, they have to be carefully controlled.
    • V class - intended for rough work. Their intelligence is programmed for the simplest possible actions, such as garbage collection, mining, or disposal of unnecessary materials.


    All existing robots can be divided into several types according to their respective functions. However, it is rather difficult to achieve a clear classification, since their boundaries of possibilities are blurred. Star Wars droids are best separated according to their factory settings:

    • The killers. They were created in order to destroy the selected object, since most often its level of protection does not allow this to be achieved by other methods. Most often, such robots are produced by bounty hunters, and their combat mission often leads to the death of the performer himself. The advantage of this creature is its programming for great accuracy, which even the best warriors of any other race are deprived of.
    • Astromechanics. These robots are used to navigate, control and repair starships. Thanks to the detailed database of all known and spatial coordinates embedded in their intelligence, they often provide assistance to spacecraft pilots.
    • Combat. Such robots, as a rule, were used in battles in which they had significant advantages over living objects. The advantage of using them was that they could carry massive weapons, move quickly, do not experience fatigue, accurately determine the target and calculate the trajectory of the shot. The animated series "Star Wars. Stories of droids" tells about robots of this type.
    • Medical. Able to quickly and accurately determine the problem in the body of the victim and find ways to solve it. Thanks to their high intellectual abilities, these robots can remember all the symptoms and possible reactions of patients to drugs.
    • Protocol. These droids are used in and are also used as interpreters. Robots have a large database with dialects of all peoples.


    Among all the types of robots presented in the fantastic saga, battle droids deserve special attention. Star Wars showcased a huge variety of them, each with unique abilities and skills. Among them there are standard robots for the protection of ships and the army, which have a rapid-fire blaster, as well as absorbing all types of energy charge.

    In addition, there were also such Star Wars droids that belonged to the elite troops and were used as a guard for the leaders of the separatists from the Jedi. Saboteur robots, which staged terrorist attacks and killed enemies, were very popular. Fighting vehicles were not only ground, but also water and air, which significantly increased their ability to defeat opponents.


    In addition to combat and militant robots, droids were quite common, making life easier in peaceful industries. In the film, as in its animated version of Star Wars: A Droid Story, robots helped to reconnoiter the actions of enemy armies. They had unique mental and physical abilities that enabled them to do their jobs accurately and quickly. Among the assistants, one can single out recorders who wrote down and memorized all the information in various languages, which facilitated the negotiation. Also very useful were droids equipped with generators to provide electricity.

    Animated series "Star Wars. Stories of droids"

    There is not only a famous film, but also its animated addition. The cartoon "Star Wars", in which droids were used from the trilogy, has gained great popularity not only among children, but also among adults. The plot was built on a story about the adventures and battles of robots. This animated film is quite instructive, because it shows true friendship, mutual assistance and support that the characters regularly show towards each other.

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