How to influence a person psychology. Useful psychological techniques, techniques and methods of psychological influence on the interlocutor during communication: description, questions, examples of psychological techniques. Self-praise and self-edification as a psychology of influence


"Infection"- this is perhaps the most ancient way to influence people. It is characterized by almost automatic, unconscious transmission of the emotional state of one person to another. Using the mechanism of infection, the manager can significantly increase the cohesion of the team, mobilize it to achieve the goals of the organization.

Imitation- this is the assimilation of actions, deeds, manners of behavior and even the way of thinking of other persons. If "infection" is characterized by the transmission of an emotional state, then conscious imitation is a way of borrowing the best that others have.

Impressive and weak-willed people, as well as people with insufficiently developed independent thinking, are easily imitated. Knowing this, it is important to find out who serves as a "standard" for them to follow and, in accordance with this, carry out managerial actions.

The group of methods of rational managerial influence on subordinates includes: suggestion, persuasion, request, threat, bribery, order.

Suggestion- this is an impact based on the uncritical perception that suggestion as a way of influencing subordinates is unproven and unreasoned. Therefore, the impact effect is achieved through the personal qualities of the manager: his recognition, authority, prestige, etc. The higher they are, the more effective the suggestion.

Suggestion is a one-sided influence: as a rule, the one who inspires is active, and the one who is inspired is passive. Many managers successfully influence people through suggestion. A particularly great effect of suggestion is achieved if the subordinate is excited and urgently looking for a way out of the situation. At this point, he is ready to follow any advice from the leader. In this case, the suggestion manifests itself more as a belief.

Belief- effective communication of one's point of view. A leader who influences subordinates through persuasion does not tell the performer what to do - he "sells" to the subordinate what needs to be done. For effective persuasion various methods are used.

How to effectively use the method of managerial influence on subordinates through persuasion?

Ø Try to pinpoint the needs of the listener and appeal to those needs.

Ø Start a conversation with a thought that will definitely appeal to the listener.

Ø Try to create an image that causes great trust and a sense of reliability.

Ø Ask for a little more than you really need or want (sometimes you have to make concessions to be convincing, and if you ask more from the very beginning, you will probably get exactly what you really need). This method can also work against you if you ask too much.

Ø Speak according to the interests of the audience, not your own. Frequent repetition the word "you" will help the listener understand how what you, the influencer, wants him to do is relevant to his or her needs.

Ø If you are expressing several points of view, try to state the last arguments, because, being heard last, they have the greatest chance of influencing the audience.

Persuasion, carried out in verbal form, is based on reasoning and logic, and the impact on feelings and emotions plays a supporting role. If the suggestion is one-sided, then both sides are active in persuasion. In this case, persuasion plays a leading role.

The process of persuasion is an explicit or implicit discussion, the purpose of which is to achieve a consensus or compromise. In the process of persuasion, it is recommended to use such "reinforcing" arguments as:

Ø argument to tradition;

Ø argument to the majority;

Ø argument to the personality of the one who convinces;

Ø argument to world experience;

Ø argument of a psychological phenomenon (feeling of resentment, envy, "I am the best", etc.).

The most weak side beliefs are slow action and uncertainty.

Request- a method of managerial influence on a subordinate, based on voluntary, motivating, non-coercive motives. By asking, the manager is trying to appeal to the best side of the other person's nature. A positive result is achieved if there is a good relationship between the leader and the subordinate.

Threat- intimidation, a promise to harm a subordinate. They are based on the assumption that fear is sometimes a sufficient motive to induce a person to carry out tasks with which he internally disagrees. As a rule, threats work for a short time (while the subordinate is in the "zone of fear", i.e. afraid of the leader). The threat causes a struggle between two personalities, and here the loser will always be the one who harbors the idea of ​​​​winning in the future (no one wants to be constantly a loser).

Bribe- inclination to one's side, location in one's favor of a subordinate by any means. Those. a manager can give his subordinate any advantages if he changes his behavior in a certain way. In some cases, bribery is an honest approach that provides the subordinate with additional rewards for extra effort, for example: "Work overtime today and you can leave work early tomorrow"


Order- official order of the authorities. The alternative is excluded, since the order is not discussed, but carried out. And if the order is not carried out, this is usually followed by Negative consequences.

There are some key characteristics that help to increase the manager's persuasive influence on employees:

Confidence and direct approach of the manager to the problem;

- "the effect of disinterestedness" (when a manager, defending something, sacrifices personal interests);

Correct use message style: as a rule, an educated and interested audience is more receptive to rational arguments, a less educated and indifferent audience to emotional arguments;

- "Effect Have a good mood» - it is better to transmit information by choosing a convenient moment, a favorable atmosphere;

Figurative presentation of information;

It is necessary to stimulate the thinking of subordinates (rhetorical questions, relaxed posture of the manager, repeated repetitions of the most important details, the presence of a communicative assistant)

Every manager needs to know that, using any means of influencing subordinates, one should be guided by a kind of Code of Business Conduct and business ethics (norms and rules of conduct based on public opinion and traditions). In any case, the influence should not cause the subordinate to feel irritation, hatred, annoyance and stress.

The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics can offer the following ways to positively influence subordinates.

"Suppression" interlocutor with restraint and calmness. If in a conversation with you the interlocutor is nervous and raises his voice, answer his violent "attacks" in an even, calm and, most importantly, friendly tone (sometimes with slight irony) - and you will soon see how your interlocutor will switch to a normal and calm tone, with which is much easier to solve all questions and problems.

Concentrated attention on one of the subordinates.

Force yourself to focus your attention on one of your subordinates, preferably the one in the lowest position. Watch him, try to imagine what he thinks, what his concerns, interests, desires, take an interest in his fate - and you will suddenly feel a keen interest in this person. And then it will be easy for you to communicate with him on an informal basis, soon you will find trust from this person. But most importantly, you will feel moral satisfaction with yourself.

"Violence" over one's own opinion can be seen as a code of business conduct. Force yourself in a subordinate whom you somehow dislike or even hate, to find some positive traits. Try to convince yourself that you have had an erroneous opinion about him until now, even if you have the most compelling reasons for this. If you achieve this, you will have a mutual understanding with this person.

An unexpected decision- Let's consider it as a norm of office ethics. What does a subordinate usually expect? Punishments. And how does the manager treat an unscrupulous, non-performing or lagging employee? Of course, with dislike and distrust. These answers are axioms. Give them up. Especially in cases where the subordinate has resigned himself to the position of a "loser" and does not expect a kind word from you, not to mention trust. Give him temporary preference over others. Give him a responsible assignment. Do it publicly, expressing confidence that he will do it.

Advance praise (norm of work ethics). Having given a task to a subordinate and not being sure of its fulfillment, you can praise the subordinate by saying that you cannot entrust such a responsible task to anyone else. After a while, you will be convinced that your praise in advance hit the target: the subordinate will be diligent.

"Put yourself in my place" (code of business conduct). There is probably no simpler method than this one. The easiest, most humanly accessible way of penetrating proof of one's innocence is to force an interlocutor who has expressed disagreement with you in something to take your place as an official or as a decent, honest person. Then the disputant will quickly realize that it is either impossible to resolve the issue in his favor (due to the limited legal competencies of the leader), or it is illegal, immoral. Here reflection plays a special place - thinking (reasoning) for another person, the ability to mentally put yourself in the psychological situation of another person, think as if for him, reason "from his point of view", decide, taking his place, setting yourself situations, being on his place.

The effect of exposure on a person depends on what mechanisms of exposure were used: persuasion, suggestion or contagion.

The most ancient mechanism of influence is infection, it is the transfer of a certain emotional and mental mood from one person to another, based on an appeal to the emotional-unconscious sphere of a person (infection with panic, irritation, laughter). The effect depends on the degree of intensity of the emotional state of the influencing person (we will conditionally call him a speaker) and the number of listeners. The higher the emotional mood of the speaker, the stronger the effect. The number of people should be large enough to create a sense of unity with the crowd under the influence of the emotional trance of the speaker.

Suggestion is also based on an appeal to the unconscious, to the emotions of a person, but already by verbal, verbal means, and the speaker should not be in an emotional trance, but should be in a rational state, confident and authoritative. Suggestion is based mainly on the authority of the source of information, if the suggester is not authoritative, then the suggestion is doomed to failure. Suggestion is verbal in nature, i.e. it is possible to inspire only through words, but this verbal message has an abbreviated character and an enhanced expressive moment. The role of the intonation of the voice is very great here (90% of the effectiveness depends on the intonation, which expresses the persuasiveness, authority, significance of the words).

Suggestibility- the degree of susceptibility to suggestion, the ability for non-critical perception of incoming information, is different for different people. Suggestibility is higher in individuals with weak nervous system, as well as in individuals with sharp fluctuations in attention.

People with poorly balanced attitudes are more suggestible (children are suggestible), people with a predominance of the first signaling system are more suggestible. There are three main forms of suggestion:
1) hypnotic suggestion (in a state of hypnosis);
2) suggestion in a state of relaxation - muscular and mental relaxation;
3) suggestion in the active state of wakefulness of a person. Suggestion techniques are aimed at reducing the criticality of a person when receiving information and using emotional transfer. Thus, the reception of the transfer assumes that when transmitting a message new fact associated with well-known facts, phenomena, people to whom a person has an emotionally positive attitude, in order for this emotional state to be transferred to - new information(transfer of a negative relationship is also possible, in which case the incoming information is rejected). Methods of evidence (quoting a famous person, scientist, thinker) and "appeal to everyone" ("most people believe that ...") reduce the criticality and increase the pliability of a person of the information received.

Belief appeals to logic, human reason, suggests a fairly high level of development logical thinking. People who are underdeveloped are sometimes impossible to influence logically. The content and form of persuasion must correspond to the level of development of the individual, his thinking. Requirements for the source and content of persuasive influence:
1) persuasive speech should be built taking into account the individual characteristics of the listeners;
2) it must be consistent, logical, as evidence-based as possible, must contain both generalizing provisions and concrete examples;
3) it is necessary to analyze the facts known to the listeners;
4) the persuader himself must be deeply convinced of what he proves. The slightest inaccuracy, logical inconsistency - can dramatically reduce the effect of persuasion.

The process of persuasion begins with the perception and evaluation of the source of information:
1) the listener compares the information received with the information he has and as a result, an idea is created of how the speaker presents information, where he draws it from, if it seems to a person that the speaker is not truthful, hides facts, makes mistakes, then confidence in him drops sharply ;
2) a general idea is created about the authority of the persuasive, but if the speaker allows logical errors, no official status and authority will help him;
3) the settings of the speaker and the listener are compared: if the distance between them is very large, then persuasion may be ineffective. In this case, the best persuasion strategy is: first, the persuader reports elements of similarity with the views of the persuaders, as a result, a better understanding is established and a prerequisite for persuasion is created.
Another strategy can be used, when at first a large difference between attitudes is reported, but then the persuader must confidently and convincingly defeat alien views (which is not easy - remember that there are levels of selection, selection of information). Thus, persuasion is a method of influence based on logical techniques, which are mixed with socio-psychological pressures of various kinds (the influence of the authority of the source of information, group influence). Persuasion is more effective when the group is persuaded rather than the individual. Belief is based on the logical methods of proof, with the help of which the truth of a thought is substantiated through other thoughts.
Any proof consists of three parts: thesis, arguments and demonstrations. The thesis is a thought, the truth of which needs to be proved, the thesis must be clearly, precisely, unambiguously defined and justified by facts.

An argument is a thought, the truth of which has already been proven and therefore it can be given to justify the truth or falsity of the thesis. Demonstration - logical reasoning is a set of logical rules used in a proof. According to the method of conducting evidence, there are direct and indirect, inductive and deductive. In some cases, a boomerang effect is possible - when persuasion leads to results that are opposite to the intentions of the persuader. It happens:
1) when the initial attitudes of the persuasive and the persuaded are separated by a large distance and from the very beginning the speaker shows this, but does not have the proper authority, strong arguments and the audience shields itself with "filters", does not listen, rejects the information and strengthens its position even more;
2) in the case of an ideological overload, an abundance of information, arguments, evidence for an insignificant reason, an emotional barrier is created that rejects all persuasive arguments, although outwardly a person can pretend to agree;
3) if the impact is carried out on the focal installation.

The degree of effectiveness of the impact of information on a person’s attitudes also depends on the parameter of primary-secondary information (the first information received about a new event, fact is perceived easier, more trusting, without the influence of previous prejudices, but information about a long-known event, a person who acted last, may cross out the previously existing attitude towards this person.
The repetition of information can cause cumulativeness - the gradual accumulation of propaganda influence with the systematic repetition of information in various variations, but these repetitions should not be excessive - otherwise there is information satiety, fatigue and rejection of annoying information.
An important socio-psychological phenomenon is imitation - the reproduction of the activities, actions, qualities of another person whom one wants to be like. Conditions for imitation:
1) the presence of a positive emotional attitude, admiration or respect for this person - the object of imitation;
2) lesser experience of a person in comparison with the object of imitation in some respect;
3) clarity, expressiveness, attractiveness of the sample;
4) the availability of the sample, at least in some qualities;
5) the conscious orientation of the desires and will of a person to the object of imitation (I want to be the same). Imitation - the most important factor in the development of the personality of the child, but also inherent in adults to a certain extent. Young people imitate, first of all, what is socially new, and preference is often given not only to socially significant samples, but also to outwardly dynamic, bright samples (models of cinema, fashion), although socially insignificant or even socially negative in nature.

The psychological impact that people have on each other suggests that there is a change in the mechanisms of regulation of human behavior and activity. As means of influence are used:
1) verbal information, a word, but it should be borne in mind that the meaning and meaning of a word can be different for different people and have different effects (the level of self-esteem, breadth of experience, intellectual abilities, character traits and personality type affect here);
2) non-verbal information (intonation of speech, facial expressions, gestures, postures acquire a symbolic character and affect the mood, behavior, degree of trust of the interlocutor);
3) the involvement of a person in a specially organized activity, because within the framework of any activity a person occupies a certain status and thereby fixes a certain type of behavior (for example, a change in status in interaction leads to a change in behavior, and real experiences associated with the implementation of a certain activity can change a person, his condition and behavior); 4) regulation of the degree and level of satisfaction of needs (if a person recognizes the right of another person or group to regulate his level of satisfaction of his need, then changes can occur; if he does not recognize it, there will be no impact as such).

Reception of influence - a set of means and an algorithm for their use. Methods of influence - a set of techniques that implement the impact on
1) needs, interests, inclinations - i.e. sources of motivation for activity, human behavior;
2) on attitudes, group norms, self-esteem of people - i.e. on those factors that regulate activity;
3) on the states in which a person is (anxiety, agitation or depression, etc.) and which change his conduct. Let's take a closer look at what methods of influence are used.

1) Methods of influencing the sources of activity are aimed at creating new needs or changing the motive power of existing behavioral motives. To form new needs in a person, the following methods and means are used: they involve him in a new activity, using the person’s desire to interact with a certain person, or by involving the whole group in this new activity and using the motive of following disciplinary norms, or using the child’s desire to join To adulthood or a person's desire for increased prestige. At the same time, by involving a person in a new for him, as yet indifferent activity, it is useful to ensure the minimization of the person's efforts to perform it - if new activity is too burdensome for a person, then the person loses desire and interest in this activity.

In order to change a person's behavior, it is necessary to change his desires, motives, i.e., to make changes in the hierarchy of motives. One of the techniques that allows you to do this is regression, i.e. the unification of the motivational sphere, the actualization of the motives of the lower sphere (security, survival, food motive, etc.) is carried out in case of dissatisfaction of the basic vital needs of a person (this technique is also carried out in politics in order to "bring down" the activity of many sections of society, creating rather difficult conditions for them for food and survival).

2) In order to change a person's behavior, it is necessary to change his views, opinions, attitudes: create new attitudes, or change the relevance of existing attitudes, or destroy them. If attitudes are destroyed, activity falls apart. The conditions that contribute to this: the factor of uncertainty - the higher the level of subjective uncertainty, the higher the anxiety, and then the purposefulness of the activity disappears. Uncertainty in assessing personal prospects, in assessing one’s role and place in life, uncertainty in the significance of the efforts expended in study, in work (if we want to make the activity meaningless, we reduce the significance of efforts), the uncertainty of incoming information (its inconsistency, it is not clear which of them can be trusted ), the uncertainty of moral and social norms- all this causes tension of the person. The method of creating uncertain situations allows you to put a person into a state of "destroyed attitudes", "losing himself", and if you then show a person a way out of this uncertainty, he will be ready to perceive this attitude and respond in the required way, especially if suggestive maneuvers are made: an appeal to majority opinion, the publication of the results public opinion combined with involvement in organized activities.

Thus, the method of creating uncertainty allows you to change the target, semantic settings and subsequent fundamental change his behavior and goals. The method of orienting situations, when almost every person has been in the same role for some time, in the same situation, experienced the same requirements for himself and for his activities, like all other people from his environment or group - this allows everyone should develop the same required attitude towards this situation, change their behavior in this situation in the required direction.

The required social attitude is formed in a person,
1) if it is periodically included in the relevant activity;
2) repeatedly receives relevant information;
3) if he is included in a prestigious group that is significant for him, in which this position, this attitude is supported (for example, the leaders of the labor movement are included in the assets of the company, for a prestigious post, after which they quite quickly learn the attitudes and positions required by the administration - this technique known since antiquity and was called "co-optation").

In order to form an attitude towards the required attitude or assessment of an event, the method of associative or emotional transfer is used: to include this object in the same context with what already has an assessment, or to evoke a moral assessment, or a certain emotion about this context (for example, , in Western cartoons, dangerous and bad aliens were depicted with Soviet symbols, hence the transfer "Everything Soviet is dangerous, bad").

In order to strengthen, update the required setting, but capable of causing an emotional or moral protest of a person, the technique of "combining stereotyped phrases with what they want to introduce" is often used, since stereotyped phrases reduce the attention, emotional attitude of a person for a moment, sufficient for activation of the required installation (this technique is used in military instructions, where they write "Launch a rocket at object B" (and not at city B), since the stereotypical word "object" reduces the emotional attitude of a person and increases his readiness to fulfill the required order, the required installation). To change the emotional attitude and state of a person to current events, the method of "remembering the bitter past" is effective - if a person intensively remembers past troubles, "how bad it was before ...", seeing past life in a black light, there is an involuntary decrease in disharmony, a decrease in human dissatisfaction with today and "pink illusions" are created for the future.

In our country, this technique has been used repeatedly. To discharge the negative emotional state of people in the required direction and with the desired effect, since ancient times, the technique of "mood canalization" has been used, when, against the background of increased anxiety and frustration of people's needs, seeing the growth of indignation and dissatisfaction of people with the actions of the rulers, an outpouring of the crowd's anger is provoked on people who only indirectly or almost not involved in the emergence of difficulties, but acted as "scapegoats" or lightning rods, allowing the anger of the crowd to be diverted from the rulers in the desired direction for the ruler himself. The search for "guilty switchmen" is still solving similar problems of influencing people.

If all three factors (and motivation, desires of people, and attitudes, opinions, and emotional states people) will be taken into account, then the impact will be most effective both at the level of an individual and at the level of a group of people. Each group has its own group norms that determine and regulate the behavior of members of the group and the group as a whole. To change the behavior of a group, it is necessary to influence and change its group norms. Active influence on group norms can be carried out by the leader, or this can be achieved through the inclusion of the group in other activities. What does resistance depend on? It depends:
1) on the level of group cohesion;
2) from fixing on the content of the old group norms and new requirements;
3) on the degree of divergence of group norms from the content of the introduced installations and norms. The higher all these factors are expressed, the stronger the resistance. By including the group in a cyclic activity of the required direction and nature, objective conditions are created for the need to change group attitudes, norms, and when all attention is focused on the performance of the activity, the fact of developing new attitudes and norms is "obscured", "noisy", and if there is "noise" , then the previous settings are not updated, but are gradually erased. You can influence group cohesion through: 1) the group's awareness of its social role or its difference from other groups; 2) the use of group symbols, signs, mottos, since the factors of identifying someone with the category "one's own" create conditions for the growth of group cohesion; 3) creation, formation of "we-feeling", when a person feels himself inside a group, he identifies himself with a certain group, which makes a person especially sensitive to influence.

This effect of "we-feelings" is used by politicians, playing "common people", adopting the manners of behavior in a group that are characteristic of it: through words, intonations, clothes, cultural norms. What determines whether people will enter into contact with each other or not, continue it or interrupt it? From the behaviorist's point of view, it depends on the reinforcement (positive or negative) that they can receive during the contact. When the behavior of the contact is realized, then the expectation of a positive, positive, necessary result for the person is anticipated - reinforcement.

If the interlocutor can give and gives what is expected, the contact continues. If a person understands that he will not receive what is expected, then the contact stops. Contact is a blessing, but it is accompanied by certain costs, how much effort must be spent, what damage can be incurred. Relationships are stable only if a person has confidence that the amount of positive from contact is higher than the costs that he can incur. That is, a person is guided by the "maximization of gain." Moreover, it is desirable for a person to be convinced that the other person from the benefit that he brings to you will not benefit more than yours.

From the point of view of the cognitive approach, a person contacts with another person, is aware of this other person, himself and the situation in which the contact takes place, and not the stimuli themselves determine the behavior of a person, but how he perceives them.

Thus, the contact of people with each other and their influence on each other can occur in a variety of forms and directions discussed above, using various means, techniques and methods.

Incredible Facts

Before starting, it is worth noting that none of the methods listed below fall under what can be called the "dark art of influencing" people. Everything that can harm a person or hurt his dignity is not given here.

These are ways to win friends and influence people through psychology without making anyone feel bad.

Psychological tricks

10. Ask for a favor

Trick: Ask someone for a favor for you (a technique known as the Benjamin Franklin effect).

Legend has it that Benjamin Franklin once wanted to win over a man who didn't love him. He asked this man to lend him rare book and when he received it, thanked him very graciously.

As a result, a man who did not particularly want to even talk to Franklin became friends with him. In Franklin's words: "He who once did you a good deed will be more disposed to do something good for you again than one to whom you yourself owe."

The scientists set out to test this theory, and eventually found that those people whom the researcher asked for a personal favor were much more supportive of the specialist compared to other groups of people.

Impact on human behavior

9. Aim High

Trick: Always ask for more than you initially need, and then lower the bar.

This technique is sometimes referred to as the "door-to-face approach". You are approaching a person with a really overpriced request, which he is likely to refuse.

After that, you come back with a request "rank below", namely with what you really need from this person.

This trick may seem counterintuitive to you, but the idea is that the person will feel bad after they refuse you. However, he will explain this to himself as the unreasonableness of the request.

So the next time you approach him with a real need, he will feel obligated to help you.

Scientists, after testing this principle in practice, came to the conclusion that it actually works, because a person who is first addressed with a very "big" request, and then returned to him and asked for a small one, feels that he can help you he should.

The influence of a name on a person

8. Name names

Trick: use the person's name or title as appropriate.

He emphasizes that the name of a person in any language is the sweetest combination of sounds for him. Carnegie says that the name is the main component of human identity, therefore, when we hear it, we once again receive confirmation of our significance.

That is why we feel more positive towards a person who confirms our importance in the world.

However, the use of a position or other form of address in a speech can also have a strong impact. The idea is that if you behave like a certain type of person, then you will become that person. This is somewhat like a prophecy.

To use this technique to influence other people, you can refer to them as you would like them to be. As a result, they will begin to think of themselves in this way.

It's very simple, if you want to get close to a certain person, then call him "friend", "comrade" more often. Or, referring to someone you would like to work for, you can call him "boss." But keep in mind that sometimes it can go sideways for you.

The influence of words on a person

7. Flatter

Cunning: Flattery can get you where you need to be.

This may seem obvious at first glance, but there are some important caveats. To begin with, it is worth noting that if flattery is not sincere, then it will most likely do more harm than good.

However, scientists who have studied flattery and people's reactions to it have found some very important things.

Simply put, people are always trying to maintain cognitive balance by trying to organize their thoughts and feelings in a similar way.

Therefore, if you flatter a person whose self-esteem is high, and sincere flattery, he will like you more, because the flattery will coincide with what he thinks of himself.

However, if you flatter someone whose self-esteem suffers, then negative consequences are possible. It is likely that he will treat you worse, because this does not intersect with how he perceives himself.

Of course, this does not mean that a person with low self-esteem should be humiliated.

Ways to influence people

6. Mirror other people's behavior

Trick: Be a mirror image of the other person's behavior.

Mirroring behavior is also known as mimicry, and is something that certain type people are inherent in their nature.

People with this skill are called chameleons because they try to blend in with their environment by copying someone else's behavior, mannerisms, and even speech. However, this skill can be used quite consciously and is a great way to get liked.

The researchers studied mimicry and found that those who were copied were very favorable towards the person who copied them.

Also, experts came to another, more interesting conclusion. They found that people who had copycats were much more accepting of people in general, even those who were not involved in the study.

It is likely that the reason for this reaction lies in the following. Having someone who mirrors your behavior confirms your worth. People feel more self-confident, thus they are happier and more attuned towards other people.

Psychology of influence on people

5. Take advantage of fatigue

Trick: Ask for a favor when you see that the person is tired.

When a person is tired, he becomes more receptive to any information, whether it is a simple statement about something or a request. The reason is that when a person gets tired, it happens not only on the physical level, it the mental supply of energy is also depleted.

When you make a request to a tired person, most likely you will not get a definite answer right away, but will hear: "I will do it tomorrow", because he will not want to make any decisions on this moment.

The next day, most likely, the person will actually fulfill your request, because on a subconscious level, most people try to keep their word, so we make sure that what we say matches what we do.

Psychological impact on a person

4. Offer something that a person cannot refuse

Trick: start the conversation with something that the other person cannot refuse, and you will achieve what you need.

This is the other side of the door-to-face approach. Instead of starting a conversation with a request, you start with something small. As soon as a person agrees to help you in a small way, or simply agrees to something, you can use "heavy artillery".

Experts tested this theory on marketing approaches. They started by asking people to show their support for rainforest And environment which is a very simple request.

Once support has been received, scientists have found that it is now much easier to convince people to buy products that promote this support. However, you should not start with one request and immediately move on to another.

Psychologists have found that it is much more effective to take a break of 1-2 days.

Ways to influence people

3. Keep calm

Cunning: you should not correct a person when he is wrong.

In his famous book, Carnegie also emphasized that one should not tell people they are wrong. This, as a rule, will lead nowhere, and you will simply fall out of favor with this person.

In fact, there is a way to show disagreement while continuing a polite conversation, not telling anyone that he is wrong, but hitting the interlocutor's ego to the core.

The method was invented by Ray Ransberger and Marshall Fritz. The idea is pretty simple: instead of arguing, listen to what the person has to say and then try to understand how they feel and why.

After that, you should explain to the person those points that you share with him, and use this as a starting point for clarifying your position. This will make him more sympathetic towards you and he is more likely to listen to what you have to say without losing face.

The influence of people on each other

2. Repeat the words of your interlocutor

Trick: Paraphrase what the person says and repeat what they said.

This is one of the most amazing ways to influence other people. In this way, you show your interlocutor that you really understand him, capture his feelings and your empathy is sincere.

That is, paraphrasing the words of your interlocutor, you will achieve his location very easily. This phenomenon is known as reflective listening.

Studies have shown that when doctors use this technique, people open up to them more, and their "collaboration" is more fruitful.

It's easy to use while chatting with friends. If you listen to what they have to say and then paraphrase what they said, forming a confirmation question, they will feel very comfortable with you.

You will have a strong friendship, and they will listen more actively to what you have to say, because you managed to show that you care about them.

Methods of influencing people

1. Nod your head

Trick: Nod your head a little during a conversation, especially if you want to ask your interlocutor for something.

Scientists have found that when a person nods while listening to someone, they are more likely to agree with what was said. They also found that if your interlocutor nods, then most of the time you will also nod.

This is quite understandable, because people often unconsciously imitate the behavior of another person, especially one with whom interaction will benefit them. So if you want to add weight to what you're saying, nod regularly as you speak.

The person you're talking to will have a hard time not nodding back, and they'll start to react positively to the information you're presenting without even knowing it.

Concept and types psychological impact

People not only interact, communicate, build their relationships, but also influence each other. The latter is applied as long as the person himself exists. However, in their distant historical past, people were able to influence each other only through words, intonation, gestures, facial expressions. Today, the methods of influencing human consciousness have become much more diverse and effective thanks to the practical experience accumulated over millennia, as well as through the creation of special technologies.

Psychological impact - socio-psychological activity of some people, aimed at other people and their groups in order to change the psychological characteristics of the individual, group norms, public opinion, moods and experiences.

According to domestic and foreign scientists, the psychological impact is divided into the following types: information-psychological, psychogenic, psychoanalytic, neurolinguistic, psychotronic, psychotropic.

Information and psychological impact(often called information-propaganda, ideological) - this is the impact of the word, information.

The psychological impact of this type sets as its main goal the formation of certain ideological (social) ideas, views, and beliefs. At the same time, it evokes positive or negative emotions, feelings and even violent mass reactions in people, forms stable images-representations.

Psychogenic impact is a consequence:

Physical impact on the brain of an individual, as a result of which there is a violation of normal neuropsychic activity. For example, a person receives a brain injury, as a result of which he loses the ability to think rationally, his memory disappears, etc. Either he is exposed to such physical factors (sound, lighting, temperature, etc.), which, through certain physiological reactions, change the state of his psyche;

The shock impact of environmental conditions or some events (for example, pictures of mass destruction, numerous victims, etc.) on a person’s consciousness, as a result of which he is not able to act rationally, loses orientation in space, experiences affect or depression, falls into panic, stupor, etc. The less a person is prepared for various kinds of dangerous influences of the surrounding reality, the more pronounced are his mental traumas, which are called psychogenic losses. A particular, but very indicative case of psychogenic influence is, for example, the influence of color on the psychophysiological and emotional state of a person. Thus, it has been experimentally established that under the influence of purple, red, orange and yellow colors, the breathing and pulse of a person quickens and deepens, its arterial pressure, while green, cyan, indigo and purple have the opposite effect. The first group of colors is exciting, the second - soothing.

Psychoanalytic (psycho-correctional) impact- this is the impact on the subconscious of a person by therapeutic means, especially in a state of hypnosis or deep sleep. There are also methods that eliminate the conscious resistance of both an individual and groups of people in the waking state. For example, in the 1980s of the last century, Professor I.V. Smirnov developed the technology of computer psychoanalysis and computer psycho-correction, which allows:

To carry out mathematical and statistical analysis of the body's reactions to external influences that occur during a very quick visual viewing or sound reading of various "stimuli" - words, images, phrases;

Absolutely accurately determine the presence of specific information in the subconscious of a person and measure its significance for each person, identify hidden motivation, true aspirations and inclinations of people;

On the basis of the identified and analyzed information, get a complete picture of neurotic, disturbing a person (or entire groups of people) mental states;

If necessary, carry out targeted (at will - acting immediately or with a delay) correction of mental states, the main acting factor of which are command words, pictures, images, and even smells, motivators of certain behavior.

In particular, in the process of sound control of the psyche of people and their behavior, verbal suggestions (commands) in an encoded form are output to any carrier of sound information (audio cassettes, radio or television programs, sound effects). A person listens to music or the sound of the surf in the rest room, follows the dialogues of the characters in the film and does not suspect that they contain commands that are not perceived by consciousness, but are always recorded by the subconscious, forcing him to subsequently do what is prescribed.

Neurolinguistic Impact(NLP - neuro-linguistic programming) - a type of psychological influence that changes people's motivation by introducing special linguistic programs into their minds.

At the same time, the main object of influence is the neurophysiological activity of the brain and the emotional-volitional states that arise due to it. The main means of influence are specially selected verbal (verbal) and non-verbal linguistic programs, the assimilation of the content of which allows you to change the beliefs, views and ideas of a person (both an individual and entire groups of people) in a given direction.

The subject of neurolinguistic influence is a specialist (instructor). He first reveals the conflicting (conflicting) views and beliefs in the psyche, as well as the negative emotional states (experiences, moods, feelings) arising from this and disturbing people. At the next stage, the instructor, through special techniques, helps them to realize the discomfort of their real state (socio-economic, cultural, physical and, as a result, psychological) and makes changes in consciousness that make people perceive life situations differently and build relationships with other people.

It is interesting that after a person, under the influence of an instructor, “understood” what he “required”, he independently (but under the influence of the stereotype of perception embedded in his consciousness) begins to collect information about his daily activities, about his states and experiences. Comparing his real, currently present state with the desired (possible), he determines what own resources he needs to mobilize and what exactly needs to be done in order to achieve comfort of feelings and moods.

Psychoanalytic and neurolinguistic types of influences are useful when they are used for humane purposes. If they are used to conquer and ensure dominance over other people, then they are a means of psychological violence.

Psychotronic (parapsychological, extrasensory) influence - this is an impact on other people, carried out by transmitting information through extrasensory (unconscious) perception.

In this regard, it should be noted that television and other mass sessions of supposedly extrasensory influence (for example, Kashpirovsky, Chumak and other "wizards") are vivid examples of the most common deception. In part, mass hypnosis takes place here, but to a much greater extent - mass hysteria and mass mental infection.

As for the psychotronic effect, there are known facts of work on the creation of high-frequency and low-frequency brain coding generators, dowsing installations, the use of chemical and biological means in order to stimulate certain psychological reactions.

Psychotronics focuses primarily on methods associated with the use of technical means of influencing consciousness. For example, the effect caused by color spots embedded in a computer virus, designated by the apocalyptic "number of the beast" - 666 (V666), is used. This virus can negatively affect the psychophysiological state of a personal computer operator (up to fatality). The principle of its operation is based on the phenomenon of the so-called 25th frame, which is a very powerful means of suggestion.

The phenomenon of the 25th frame is due to the fact that a person has not only a sensory (conscious) range of perception, but also a subsensory (unconscious) range, in which information is assimilated by the psyche, bypassing consciousness. For example, if during the film twenty-four frames per second are added one more - the 25th - with completely different information, then the audience does not notice it, but it significantly affects their emotional state and behavior. Numerous experiments have shown that within one second the centers of the brain have time to receive and process the 25th signal. Moreover, the information presented in the subsensory mode of perception is absorbed by a person with an efficiency that exceeds the usual norm. Scientists attribute this to the fact that approximately 97% of the mental activity of the "average" person takes place at the subconscious level and only 3% - in a conscious mode.

So, V666 displays a specially selected color combination on the monitor screen as the 25th frame, plunging a person into a kind of hypnotic trance. At certain intervals, the picture changes. According to the calculations of the creators of the virus, the subconscious perception of a new image should cause a change in cardiac activity: its rhythm and strength of contractions. As a result, there are sharp drops in blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation, which lead to an overload of the vessels of the human brain. According to a special study, over the past few years, 46 deaths of operators working in computer networks from such a virus have been recorded in the CIS countries alone.

A similar example of psychotronic influence was the mass "television epidemic" that broke out in Japan on December 1, 1997 after the demonstration of the next series of the popular cartoon "Pokemon" (Pocket monsters - "Pocket Monsters").

More than 700 children were taken to the hospital with symptoms of epilepsy. According to psychiatrists, episodes accompanied by numerous dazzling multi-colored flashes caused a massive illness. Doctors proved that red flickering with a frequency of 10 to 3030 flashes per second first caused irritation of the optic nerves and partial spasm of cerebral vessels, and then loss of consciousness, convulsions and even spasmodic cessation of breathing (suffocation).

Psychotropic influence - This is the impact on the psyche of people with the help of medicines, chemical or biological substances.

Strongly affect the psyche, for example, some odorous substances. The American psychiatrist A. Hirsch established a long time ago that certain smells cause specific actions and behavior of a person. He started with a simple but very profitable business. He distributed the essence he had specially developed in various sections of the stores and found that there was a sharp increase in sales of goods compared to the unpollinated sections. Then he recruited 3193 overweight volunteers and made them lose an average of 12.7 kg in six months. Everything was very simple - as soon as people felt hungry, Hirsch allowed them to eat, but at the same time offered to smell a special flavor. The more often the subjects sniffed it, the more weight they lost. Some lost weight so intensely that they had to be withdrawn from the experiment. Finally, the researcher found that odors affect productivity.

In his opinion, the smell is something like a control panel that controls human emotions and through them the actions of people. With the help of odors, you can raise or lower blood pressure, slow down or speed up the heartbeat, excite or, conversely, put you to sleep. It has been established that some smells relieve depression in patients, improve their mood. Clinical experiments have shown that the aroma of lavender, chamomile, lemon and sandalwood weakens brain activity faster than any depressant. And jasmine, rose, mint and carnation excite.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about what psychological methods of influencing people are. You will learn what methods can be used when you want to influence another person. Find out how to behave when communicating with the interlocutor.


People who live together constantly have a certain influence on each other. In doing so, they pursue their own personal motives.

Psychological impact - mechanisms that can simulate the thinking of the individual.

The impact has the main factors:

  • study of character;
  • understanding how to respond to stress;
  • behavioral features.

Sometimes an individual can feel how someone is exerting an influence on him. It can be advertisers, sales managers, authorities, politicians and even close people. Influence can be both consciously and occur at an unconscious level. The impact technique is based on the ability to program the psyche, turning off the mind, using certain approaches.

  1. Psychological attack. The situation when the psyche is actively influenced, while various techniques are involved, which are quickly replaced. The swiftness of action, which includes: changeable position of the body, speech becomes verbose, gesticulation is energetic.
  2. Programming. Aimed at one person, the unambiguity of words is characteristic, the position is passive, immobility is characteristic. This method contributes to the formation of a specific sequence of emerging thoughts, the opinion becomes imposed, the behavior is stereotyped for a particular situation.
  3. Manipulation. The presence of ambiguous speech, a well-thought-out body position is characteristic. A person has dual images that put him in a position of choice. They force him to change in favor of the manipulator. Politicians and ideologists apply.
  4. Psychological pressure. This is an impact of great intensity, based on a representative image. Speech becomes affirmative, objections are unacceptable, indications of the type of orders, the position of the body is stable, stable. This method contributes to the forced performance of certain actions, a person is belittled. It can be used by leaders, authorities, typical for the army.

I bring to your attention the methods that you can use when communicating with other people, as well as to understand that you are being manipulated.

  1. Infection. A method based on the transfer of the emotional mood of one person to another. For example, the case when one irritated individual with bad mood spoil it to his loved ones. Or in a situation where three people are riding in an elevator that gets stuck, and only one starts to panic, after him and the rest start panic attacks. Do not think that you can only get infected negative emotions. The same situation can be observed if in the company of friends, when they tell funny story, one starts laughing, the others also pick up his laughter.
  2. Suggestion. There is no longer an emotional level involved. IN leading role authority, correctly chosen phrases, visual contact, special intonation of the voice. That is, a person, having his own goals, convinces another to act in a way that is beneficial to him. It is worth noting that the actions will definitely fail if the manipulator has an uncertain voice. This technique can have a huge impact on children up to 12 years of age, as well as on insecure personalities, and those who are prone to neuroses.
  3. Belief. This method is based on logic, a person refers to the mind of another individual. It should be borne in mind that the reception will be a failure if communication is to be with an underdeveloped personality. You need to understand that it is stupid to prove something to someone if he is low-intellectual. When resorting to this technique, it is necessary to take into account the following features: there should be no falsehood in the speech, otherwise trust will be lost; it is important that the statements fully correspond to the image of the speaker; persuasion should be built according to the thesis plan, followed by an argument, followed by a proof.
  4. Imitation. Most of all, it affects the child's psyche and influences the formation of personality. It is both a conscious and unconscious desire to copy another person, his behavior, actions, appearance, way of thinking. The problem is that they don't always imitate good people. The object to be imitated must meet the ideals of the imitator in any situation, then his desire to resemble will be constant.

Useful tricks

If you want to control the conversation, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • as often as possible, address the person with whom the dialogue is being conducted, calling him by name;
  • when meeting with an individual, show sincere joy so that every time he sees you he experiences positive emotions;
  • cause the location of your interlocutor by repeating his movements, facial expressions, gestures and even intonation, but you do not need to act too openly;
  • already from the first meeting, it is necessary to pay attention to the color of the eyes of the conversation partner, great importance has visual contact;
  • you can flatter, but you need to do it with great care - the right compliment is conducive, but excessive use of flattery will lead to the opposite effect.

You can pay attention to how the interlocutor treats you using such techniques.

  1. When an individual laughs, he necessarily looks at the person he likes.
  2. The fact that the individual with whom you communicate is positively disposed towards you can be indicated by his shoes, socks looking at you. If they are directed in the other direction, then such an individual wants to end the conversation as soon as possible.
  3. It is necessary to become a good listener of the statements and thoughts of the opponent, to allow the interlocutor to speak out. In the future, you can use this information as you need.

If you want to influence the interlocutor, resort to the following methods.

  1. If there is a dispute, do not raise your voice. As soon as the opponent speaks out, he will feel devastated and guilty. You can take advantage of this moment and convince him that he was wrong.
  2. If you know that you are communicating with a liar, then you can reveal his true intentions by using pauses in the conversation. Silence contributes to the fact that the individual who is hiding something will begin to insert his real thoughts into these pauses.
  3. Never start a sentence with a negative. Instead of saying "Do you want to go to the cinema?", you need to - "Let's go to the cinema!". When the first option is pronounced, the interlocutor is immediately programmed to refuse.
  4. Avoid phrases that indicate self-doubt.
  5. Don't apologize for no reason.
  6. Do not start the conversation with words of doubt, for example, "I think ...".
  7. If you want the interlocutor to give a positive answer, then you can resort to the “three yes” rule. When communicating, you need to ask a dialogue partner questions that he cannot answer “no”. After he is forced to give an affirmative answer three times in a row, he is asked the main question that interests the manipulator, and the interlocutor answers positively.
  8. Strong arguments. A person who wants to convince someone of something must prepare in advance, pick up all possible arguments. First of all, the strongest of them are put forward, then the middle ones, after which the strong ones are added again. Weak and do not need to be applied at all.

Now you know what the psychological impact on a person can be. You know what methods, as well as techniques, are used in this case. Remember that every day a person can succumb to some kind of pressure, obey someone else's will. Be extremely careful, be able to recognize in time if someone is manipulating you.

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