Persuasion techniques are effective leadership tools. Conditions and methods of persuasion

Has it ever happened to you that the teacher did not believe you, even though you spoke the law? Or did you really need him to believe, even though you were telling a lie? It's time to unlock the secrets of the psychology of persuasion. We have already talked about some of the .

The essence of the problem and its duality

What makes us believe or not believe in this or that story? That's right: the logic of the story!

Logic has a direct impact on our mind. But in order to achieve maximum effect, do not forget about the feelings that give credibility to what has been said. That is, it is always worth remembering: you can prove something, but it will not be possible to forcefully convince.

Let's take a look from the other side. If you act on feelings and do not take into account logical justifications, you will be able to convince, but not prove.

Outcome: in order for what is being proved to be convincing, and for what is convincing to be evidentiary, it is necessary to apply both logical and non-logical methods of proof and persuasion.

Justification of the thesis, in which, together with logical methods, methods of non-logical influence are used, is called argumentation.

Types and examples of non-logical tricks

The topic of non-logical techniques is well covered in the subject of "rhetoric" (the science of oratory). Using the methods described there, you can achieve an incredible effect:

  • expressive speech,
  • brighten what is said
  • increasing emotionality,
  • active influence on the senses.

To achieve all this, they use metaphors, epithets, repetitions, means that enhance the emotionality and imagery of the process.

There are others simple rhetorical tricks: the pace of speech and its intonation, the masterful use of pauses in speech, gestures, facial expressions, and so on.

It is recommended to use rhetorical methods only in combination with logical techniques. If you overdo it with oratorical tools and neglect logical ones, the argument turns into demagoguery - an outwardly beautiful statement, but empty in content.

Such a speech can convince, but not prove. Therefore, you will have to look for other methods of persuasion.

4 controversial methods of persuasion

  • Demagogy . Its goal is to mislead by distorting facts, using flattery, false promises, adjusting to the tastes and mood of people. Demagogy is akin to populism, which is often resorted to by unscrupulous politicians. Their goal is to achieve wide publicity for knowingly false promises. The demagogue seeks to create a certain mood by changing people's feelings with his speech. He actively uses sophistry, deliberately violates the rules of logic by juggling facts, creating the appearance of evidence.
  • Suggestion . Like the previous method, suggestion seeks to use the human senses. The speaker tries to infect listeners with his emotional state, feelings and his own attitude towards the ideas being promoted. The intensity of passions and infection with the feelings of the speaker allows the speaker to achieve the creation of a general mental state of people.
  • Infection . People are involuntarily subject to certain mental states - massive outbreaks of various mental states that can manifest themselves during the performance of ritual dances, during panic, at the moment of sports excitement. The speaker skillfully uses this susceptibility of people who are in the crowd, the mass, since it is in the accumulation of other people that every feeling or action is contagious. In the course of using this method, the consciousness of the individual disappears in people, the human unconscious prevails. Thoughts and feelings of people move in one direction, and there is also a need to immediately, without delay, implement all the ideas that have just appeared in the head.
  • Sophistry . Here there is a deliberate, conscious violation of the rules of logic. The purpose of sophistry is to lead to an implicitly wrong conclusion.

There are clear rules, without which the speech may seem unconvincing or unsubstantiated.

Rules of evidence and refutation

The greatest danger in argumentation or justification is the assumption logical errors that occur when certain rules are violated.

Be careful and observe the following rules of the basic methods of proof and persuasion.

Thesis rule

Rule #1: Thesis statement should be clear and concise. The concepts that are included in the thesis must be unambiguous, with clarity of judgment and an indication of a quantitative characteristic (you cannot prove that it is part of some, passing off as being part of everything).

Why violation? Firstly, it is not specified who it is - "we". Secondly, it does not say whether they will make all or only some Russians rich. Thirdly, the very concept of "wealth" is too vague and relative - it can be both spiritual and material, a wealth of ideas or knowledge, and in the same spirit.

Rule number 2: the thesis must be stably unchanged throughout the proof. As in the previous rule, the principle of identity plays the main role here. If the thesis is not fully formulated, it is not forbidden to make clarifications in the process of proof. However, its essence and content should not change.

It is also necessary to ensure that there is no substitution of the thesis - when the proof of a new thesis is put forward to prove the originally put forward thesis. This is a big logical fallacy.

Substitution of the thesis is of two types:

  1. Partial substitution of the thesis- strengthening or weakening of the thesis, changing its quantitative characteristics or replacing the concept of one volume with a new concept of another volume. Example: the softer thesis “this act is an offense” is replaced by the stronger one “this act is a crime” (or vice versa) . Why is this a mistake? Because an offense is not always a crime, but can be an administrative or disciplinary offense.
  2. Complete substitution of the thesis- putting forward a new thesis, similar to the original, but not equal to it. Logical diversion is one of the subtypes of this logical fallacy. In this case, the opponent, unable to find the proper arguments to prove the thesis, tries to change the subject, switch his attention to another issue.

Argument rule

Rule #1: An argument must be true and proven by propositions. A false argument will not be able to prove or disprove the thesis put forward.

The use of false grounds leads to the appearance of a logical error, which is called the main fallacy. An argument is only an argument when it is not only true, but proven.

Therefore, if an argument cannot be proved, then it is no argument at all. If this requirement is not met, then logical error, as an anticipation of the foundation .

For example, in the past, no other arguments were required if a person admitted his guilt . It was believed that this is the best evidence. Therefore, in practice, completely different methods of influence were used, among which were physical ones. But we know that our own confession can be both true and false. So, it cannot be a sufficient basis for admitting guilt.

Modern law states that a personal confession of guilt can only be a primary charge if there is cumulative evidence in a case to support the confession.

Rule #2: An argument must be based on judgments whose truth is independent of the thesis. Sometimes, to avoid making the logical fallacy of anticipating a reason, people refer to a thesis. This is also logical fallacy "circle of evidence" - when arguments are substantiated by theses, and theses - by an argument.

A great example of a circle of evidence is when people try to prove that a person is a rational animal by the fact that he can reason. And the ability to reason is proved by the fact that man is a rational animal.

Rule number 3: the argument must be sufficient for the thesis. A logical fallacy can be a speech that has too few or too many arguments. Thus, if there are too few of them, the argument seems irrelevant to justify the falsity or truth of the thesis. If there are too many of them, the process of proof becomes unclear, it is easy to find contradictions and weak links in it.

Demonstration Rule

The rule of demonstration is the rule of inference in the form of which the demonstration is built.

It must always be remembered that there must be a logical connection between theses and arguments. If this rule is violated, such a logical error arises as imaginary following - evidence of the absence of this very connection, i.e. when the thesis does not follow from the argument.

An example of a violation of the rule of inference: the statement “he is healthy” cannot be a consequence of the statement “he has a normal temperature, since we know that many diseases occur without an increase in body temperature.

There are other demo errors:

  • from what was said with a condition to what was said unconditionally- when an argument that is true only under certain conditions turns into an argument outside the context of these conditions. For example, when a doctor recommends that a patient take antibiotics, this does not mean that a sick person with any other disease must take these antibiotics;
  • from separative to collective- when an argument true for a certain part is used to substantiate a thesis that belongs to the entire set. For example, the statement about the benefits of winter swimming for walruses is not unquestionably true for humans;
  • from collective to divisive- when a statement that is true for a collective sense is used for a statement in a divisive sense. For example, a positive characterization of a group of people is not a sufficient basis for a positive characterization of individual members of this group.

Using false arguments

It is also interesting that in rhetoric there are a number of rather convincing techniques that are completely rejected by logic. They are called arguments and are used in various disputes, discussions, debates of the parties in courts.

  1. Lead to personality. This is the logical basis of the statement, but refers to additional methods of persuasion. It is used in argumentation (for example, in characterizing the offender).
  2. Lead to the public. The speaker tries to evoke certain feelings in the public in such a way as to change their attitude towards the issue on the agenda. This argument reinforces the existing argument. But it is better not to use it without (or as a substitute for) the main proof.
  3. Lead to authority. Here, the statement of famous personalities (scientists, politicians, philosophers) is used as the main argument. Like the previous methods of persuading a person, this argument is recommended to be used as an additional, and not the main one.
  4. Leading to Compassion. Often, in order to get a positive assessment or contribute to a satisfactory solution to the issue, a person tries to arouse sympathy or pity for himself or someone.
  5. Lead to ignorance. The prudent use of arguments known to be unknown to the public.
  6. Lead to profit. This is based on the assumption that the arguments provided will be positively received by the listeners only because they are beneficial. For example, in the course of an election appeal, people automatically have a better attitude towards someone who promises wage increases without evidence, because the people are interested in this.
  7. Lead to Strength. The use of threats to those who express their disagreement with the theses expressed.

None of these arguments is perceived by logic because the purpose of the proof is to substantiate the truth.

So, in the process of discussion, the interlocutor can use the following manipulation techniques and methods of persuasion and suggestion:

  • substitution of theses in the process of evidence;
  • the use of a thesis of arguments that prove nothing or are partially true under certain conditions, or the use of deliberately false arguments;
  • evidence of the falsity of someone else's thesis and the correctness of their statement.

Imitation as a psychological way of influence and persuasion

There are other secrets on how to convince the interlocutor that you are right against his will. The most important method of persuasion (especially in raising children) is imitation.

Imitation is the reproduction of actions, activities, qualities of other people whom you want to be like.

Conditions under which a person wants to imitate:

  • positive attitude, respect or admiration for the object;
  • insufficient amount of experience in relation to the object of imitation;
  • attractiveness of the sample;
  • conscious orientation of will and desire to the object of imitation.

However, when imitation occurs, not only the person himself changes, but also the model. A person likes that someone is trying to imitate him. And on a subconscious level, he tries to start imitating him in response.

You can imitate and quite consciously with one of the following goals:

  1. The introduction of new information into the attitudes, the system of views of the opponent.
  2. Making changes to the installation system.
  3. Changing the attitude of the opponent, that is, the implementation of a shift in motive, a shift in the system of human values.

When making changes to your opponent's setup system, you should know what the main setup functions are:

  • fixture function- the need to achieve the most favorable position in society. Hence the innate attitude towards useful, favorable attitudes for oneself and the aversion to sources of negative incentives;
  • ego-protective function- the need to maintain our internal stability, as a result of which a negative attitude automatically pops up in us towards those who can be a source of danger to our integrity. We tend to underestimate self-esteem if someone significant evaluates us negatively, so we automatically develop a negative attitude towards this person only on the basis of his attitude towards us, and not the actual presence of bad qualities;
  • value-expressive function– our need for personal stability. Positive attitudes are developed in us towards persons of our own personal type. That is, if I am strong and independent, I will have a positive attitude towards the same people;
  • worldview organization function- development of attitudes in relation to the existing knowledge about the world around. In our head, all knowledge forms a system, then the system of attitudes is the totality of our knowledge about the world and people with our emotional coloring. But when we encounter facts that contradict our attitudes, we automatically reject them. That is why new ideas, theories, inventions are constantly met with distrust and misunderstanding.

Basic methods of persuasion

Methods of persuasion and influence include:

  1. Verbal methods, that is, words. Different words can be used for different people, since everyone has only his own level of self-esteem, experience, character traits, intellectual abilities, personality type.
  2. Non-verbal methods: facial expressions, gestures, intonation, postures, behavior and degree of trust.
  3. A specially organized activity in which a person is involved. By changing the status in the course of this activity, it is possible to change the behavior of a person, as well as his experiences, behavior, state.
  4. Regulation of the level and degree of satisfaction of needs. If a person agrees that the other has the right to regulate his level of satisfaction of the need, then changes will occur. Otherwise, there will be no impact.

All these settings are interconnected, so changes do not happen quickly. But if you apply them regularly and purposefully, they will work.

So you and I have considered ways of persuading, influencing, evidence for influencing other people. But here's what you always need to remember: if you are trying to influence a person against their will, do not forget that someone else can do the same to you. You can call it karma if you like.

However, innocent pranks in communication with a teacher are so innocent that it is hardly worth experiencing pangs of conscience. After all, it is likely that the use of logical errors will help you pass the exam or even defend your diploma! If these measures do not help, you can always contact the student service, which can handle this task.

The art of persuasion is a whole set of tricks and techniques that allow you to achieve advancement in your own life, negotiate with people, defend your own interests and views. The art of persuasion can be innate, and people endowed with this quality become leaders, easily get what they want, and many from the environment try to become their friends. But this does not mean that the art of instant persuasion cannot be developed on purpose. Knowledge of various manipulative techniques, psychological features and the development of specific influence skills can make any individual a master of influencing others.

The mechanisms that influence human decision making were available many centuries ago and were identified by philosophers and politicians intuitively and empirically. It was only later that many of the advice of the ancient texts was confirmed by official scientific psychological discoveries. The increasing popularization of such knowledge leads to the fact that people use it for personal and selfish purposes, even if initially there was a need to solve significant state problems.

At the moment, there are schools that teach influence, as well as opposition to someone else's beliefs. The old methods cease to work, since almost the entire population is aware of them and has learned to logically resist and immediately notice attempts to influence. The art of reasonable persuasion becomes the main task of developing a communicative component, where the interests of all parties will be included and the free will of the one who is being convinced in making a decision will be respected.

The power of persuasion is an art

The ability to convince others to accept their point of view or necessary solution in many circles it is considered the art of the oratory genre. It is the ability to build monologues and dialogues, correctly placed accents, the ability to choose the appropriate text that allow people to achieve results. Persuasion is directly related to eloquence, because this is the ability to speak facts or unresolved issues in a way that brings positive emotions to the listeners.

When thinking about the art of persuasion or how to get what you want, people often forget the importance of emotional state interlocutor, but strive exclusively for their own benefit, which nullifies efforts.

Correct persuasion is always aimed at creating a unique emotional background for the opponent, this is the ability to highlight moments that are significant for a person and act through them. Direct facts and coercion through emotional pressure often do not give such high-quality results as creating the right mood in a person, the ability to make him listen to you with admiration. Eloquence and emotional presentation are the main driving forces in persuading other people, as well as a subtle feeling of the emotional background.

The ability to convince people is also considered an art form because the basics of stagecraft are involved in this process, artistic construction text, scenario placement of accents in the presentation of information. Any contact built in order to convince a person is always a bit like a performance, while the areas of application of the skill are very wide.

The range of skills required to persuade people may seem broad, but there are plenty of methods available. But you can use all this, both in solving ordinary household issues or regarding a parking space, and in promoting your own project and in negotiations with inadequate personalities.

Persuasion Methods

Methods of persuading people completely exclude the imposition of their opinions or disputes, it is always interaction and the desire to cause a conscious own wish have a person to support the proposed option. It is worth noting that not only verbal influence refers to persuasive factors, but also human actions. Sometimes actions decide much more than hourly conversations, monologues, disputes and arguments of benefit. It is important to use the entire palette of influences available for maximum effect, i.e. in the case of a conversation, pauses and loudness of speech should not be neglected, and in the context of effective confirmations, it is necessary to maintain compliance with the main chosen line.

How to learn the art of persuasion? The first thing to do is to create a favorable atmosphere devoid of tension. A person who is in a skeptical position or subjecting everything to analysis and evaluation is more inclined to resist than one who is relaxed internally.

No matter your ability to identify internal state a person, since any interaction can begin with a joke, a compliment, a witty remark, which will initially defuse the situation a little. But make sure that the joke is not just thrown into the air, but is contextualized with further speech. Besides the fact that this will help create unique reasons for further conversation and help the person initially associate the conversation with something pleasant, you also eliminate the disconnection of communication.

The smooth flow of the conversation creates a feeling of its naturalness and naturalness, which means that the opponent thinks that the topic under discussion was born by itself, or maybe even was proposed by him, which excludes suspicions of manipulation of consciousness.

In order to advance your options for solving certain problems, the method of initial questions helps a lot, thanks to which the circle of the topic is indicated. Those. at the very beginning of communication, the other person is asked the maximum number of questions regarding the common cause, and then the answers you need are provided. Thanks to the initial direction of attention, we get the maximum hit and memorization of information, and since the number of questions is initially large, the person does not have ready-made answers, but there is a small level of stress dictated by the desire to find them. In such situations, a person tends to quickly accept the proposed point of view in order to remove the feeling of his own incompetence.

Acknowledge the possibility of your mistakes, use language that suggests cooperation, not opposition. When you declare to a person that you are able to prove your position to him, then you put yourself in the position of an enemy, an adversary in advance, but if you mention that your opinion may be erroneous, so you would like to consult and find a common solution, then automatically transfer the interlocutor to ally rank. Feeling like you're on the same side takes away half of the criticism and disagreement, making you want to interact.

Do not be afraid of criticism, on the contrary, accept it quickly, giving out an extended version of exactly where and why you are wrong. This gives the impression of a thinking person, and also disarms the other in listing your weaknesses and negative thoughts. When a person criticizes himself, the other has no options but to find a grain of truth, positive moments, or turn around and leave, than to violate the banal rules of cultural communication.

Naturally, the whole conversation should be built in a friendly direction, with emphasis on general views or the same problems. The main task of any persuasion is not so much to put your thoughts into a person, but to become friends, then any of your opinions will be valuable, and even extremely opposite thoughts will not be sharply criticized. Creating an atmosphere of unity allows not only finding the maximum commonality with the interlocutor, but also a few tricks at the beginning of the conversation. So, psychologists are recommended to build interaction in such a way that for the first time in a minute you get as many affirmative answers and agreements as possible, even not necessarily spoken out loud. You can start a conversation by listing obvious facts that are simply impossible to dispute - the weather, the latest news incidents, the length of the line, or the availability of coffee in the machine. It is not necessary to look for global issues where the interlocutor will agree with you, a general understanding that it is hot outside is quite enough.

It is necessary to use the technique of preliminary agreements with caution, since almost everyone already knows about it and it is easy to calculate such moments. A person will internally strain, realizing that you are manipulating his opinion, and in a rather rude and overt form. Opportunity to refuse gives confidence in one's own choice and gives a sense of freedom, which is why it is so important to give the opponent the opportunity to challenge and refuse - this gives him a sense of control over the process. The only thing that can be corrected is to deliberately create situations of refusal where it is not significant for you, then in the right place, with a little pressure on the arguments, you can get consent.

Starting a conversation from moments where you have disagreements is excluded, because in this way you immediately add emotional tension and set each other up for conflict. Give the other the opportunity to say more than you, and choose the role of the one who asks questions. This technique can achieve much more than a monologue of persuasion. Everyone likes to express their opinion, and also to assume that decision is his own, therefore, the most jewelry work will direct the interlocutor's logic with questions in the necessary direction, as if pushing him to make the necessary decision.

When it comes to arguing your own position, it is better to use open tactics. Instead of veiled information and using agreements for even minor reasons, it is worth starting with the most compelling arguments. If it was carried out proper preparation, then a couple of really worthwhile beliefs will be enough for a person to agree, if mistakes were made, then you can always strengthen your position with minor pluses. Going in circles starting with the little things can lead to failure when the person gets tired of listening to you and considers it unworthy to waste their time on such little things.

It is recommended to study the features of non-verbal signals in order to better understand how to build your further arguments. For example, if the interlocutor was sitting quietly, and after some information he began to actively move or fiddle with the edge of his clothes, then this argument is significant for him, causes excitement. At such moments, it is worth continuing to develop the topic, and not moving on to others. In the same way, it is worth noticing negative reactions, such as closed postures, turning your head to the opposite side - these are signs that a person internally resists your speeches and this can soon result in an open argument.

Try to create a sense of rapport that comes from truly understanding the other person and demonstrating it. Such things are easy to do by retelling the interlocutor's thought in order to find out if you understood him correctly. When a person gives confirmation that you understand him, he gives it not so much to you as to himself. Thus, you become the one who understands him, thoughts and aspirations, which means that automatically, when you begin to express your wishes and views, the person will try to do everything to understand you.

Do not expect that after completing all the proposed recommendations, you will receive instant consent or cooperation, because some issues require more time to resolve. Build tactics, gradually building relationships with necessary people, showing the importance of what you require in action. It is much easier to make corporate parking if you first make friends with the manager, prove your necessity and usefulness to the company, and then demonstrate by personal example what the lack of parking leads to. Anyone who enters the office with a developed plan and performance graphs is unlikely to be heard. And it happens in everything - some things require patience.

The method of persuasion is the main one in education. All other methods are subordinate to it. The leading role of persuasion is explained by the fact that with the help of this method the most important quality of a person is formed - his consciousness; by persuasion it is possible to solve the majority of educational tasks, which cannot be achieved by other methods; only in combination with various methods of persuasion, any other method gives the greatest educational effect. There are two varieties of this method: persuasion by word and persuasion by deed (education by example). . The most common forms of persuasion in a word are a report, a lecture, political information, a conversation, etc. These forms of mass work mainly use such methods of persuasion as clarification, exposition, proof, and refutation. Their effectiveness depends on the content of the factual material, its objectivity, truthfulness, topicality. For the purpose of persuasion, one cannot resort to dubious, unverified material, no matter how impressive it may look, and also avoid a truthful and clear answer to the questions posed (teenagers will stop believing in an insincere mentor). Methods of verbal persuasion should not turn into persuasion, edification, moralization, which not only do not neutralize, but, on the contrary, increase the internal resistance of adolescents to educational influence. Where can you start a conversation, how to conduct it so that it becomes a way of persuasion, how can you end it? Here is a possible structure of the conversation: an example that contains a problem, a question; search for answers to it, reasoning, resolution of individual aspects of the problem; new examples confirming certain provisions; conclusions, often in the form of advice to adolescents, but without intrusive moralizing. Examples in a conversation can be not only positive, but also negative, it is only necessary that the negative example does not have a kind of attractive force, so that it does not arouse in the children a desire to imitate the bad. The exact formulation of the conclusions from the conversation, the requirements to which it leads is also very important. Success ethical conversation largely depends on the environment in which it is carried out and which may or may not create a certain predisposition in the children to perceive the content of the conversation. Persuasion in words must be combined with conviction in deed, that is, with conviction on the example of educating other people, on the personal experience of adolescents. In an example as a method of pedagogical influence, it is necessary to distinguish between the content (who and what is an example, what is the value of this example, what are the qualities of the person whose example should be followed) to the emotional (personal relations, for example, the motives of such an attitude; the influence of the example on emotions, behavior, etc.) d) sides. It should be noted that one of the most common mistakes in the use of example in educational work is the inability to foresee what effect this technique will have on the feelings of adolescents. Researchers note that young people most often choose life examples as follows: 1. The choice of an ideal is determined by a fascinating course of events, a vivid story, interesting book, an admirable movie. This path is typical for younger adolescents (7-9 years). 2. The sample is close to the chooser. He has, according to the teenager, the same character, but stronger, the same life aspirations, often engaged in the same business, lives in the same yard, studies at the same school. This path is typical for adolescents of middle and older age (10-14 years). 3. The ideal is endowed with features opposite to those of the given young man. So, a poor student at school chooses an erudite, a weak-willed one chooses a strong-willed one, a modest one chooses an activist, the soul of society. This is what the majority of boys and girls do (more than 65%). 4. The choice of the hero is based on affection, gratitude, love for the elder. A role model is characterized by a kind soul, a warm attitude towards people, ease and tact of communicating with them. This path is especially typical for some girls and girls. The help of a manager or a businessman in choosing an ideal can hardly be overestimated. You should systematically tell teenagers about outstanding people, recommend literature, offer to collect material about an interesting person and talk about him in conversation with comrades. The degree of effectiveness of the example depends on the motivation, encouragement of the leader, the aspirations of the young worker to be like the best and the public opinion of the team that supports his aspirations. That is why it is necessary to create an intolerant attitude of the leader towards negative examples and form a positive attitude towards conscious imitation of the best. When educating by example, the following rules should be taken into account: to reveal to the young person the motives and meaning of behavior, to show the connection between the motives of the behavior of an outstanding person and his actions; to teach to separate the important inner side of imitation from the outer, completely unnecessary, when the gait, hairstyle, costume of an idol are copied; not only to talk about the hero, but also to teach the teenager to overcome difficulties in the same way as the hero, to actively participate in the life of the team, comparing his behavior with the possible behavior of the hero in the same situation; to teach not only to look at the world and your behavior through the eyes of the chosen one, but also to feel it. The leader can use an example in the form of a pedagogical connection - a paradox, an impact on the innermost memories and feelings of a teenager. The importance of the personal example of the educator, his attitude to work is great. Action education is The best way to instill a respectful attitude to the chosen type of activity. Observing the beauty of the mentor's actions, the young worker first admires, then gets carried away and, finally, falls in love with the art that is born as a result of concentration of thought, composure of character and skill. This is how the foundations of labor skill and interest are laid. Usually teenagers do not forget and do not forgive arrogance and unfair pickiness. Therefore, it is very important for a leader to measure his actions with the norms of morality, to avoid any falsehood, especially insincerity in behavior, to always act thoughtfully and fairly. Thus, the educational impact of an example depends on its social and personal significance, novelty, brightness and emotionality, clarity and expressiveness, as well as on how much the leader owns all the other methods of persuasion, how much in his work persuasion by word is combined with persuasion by deed. Important conditions for the effectiveness of the method of persuasion are the personal conviction of the mentor, his ability to take into account the mood of individual adolescents, the team and his own, age and individual characteristics of adolescents. In the process of persuasion and especially persuasion, the leader needs a lot of support, patience, tact, the ability to listen to the arguments of a teenager, understand them and correctly refute them. It should be remembered that some teenagers specifically seek to challenge the teacher to an argument, to make him lose control of himself. Irritation and, moreover, rudeness are unacceptable - this is evidence not of strength, but of weakness. "Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins"

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Department of Management, Marketing and Commerce

in the discipline "Ethics of business communication"

on the topic: Psychological methods of persuasion

argument psychological opponent position


1. Rules of Persuasion



People's opinions are always based on something. Each person in his life at least once experienced the propaganda or educational influence of others. Indeed, everywhere people are trying to convince of something: in politics, in shops, in the family, in court. In this regard, social psychologists are trying to understand what makes a message effective? What factors make a person change his mind?

Few people are fortunate enough to have the gift of persuasion, most of them are deprived of it. Only a few naturally gifted people simply know how to capture the attention of an audience, win over the indecisive and dissuade the opposition. It's not only the ease with which they use personal charm and eloquence to convince others to do what they want that's captivating, but also the zeal with which people get what they want.

However, often people with the gift of persuasion are often unable to recognize their wonderful gift or pass it on to others.

This paper outlines possible tactics of persuasion, methods of argumentation, shows the possibilities of defending one's position, as well as the ability to convince opponents and listeners, bring weighty arguments in favor of one's statements and put forward counterarguments against opponents.

1. Rules of Persuasion

Psychological influence on people is the most important practical direction in modern psychological science, since it penetrates the secrets of human relationships and equips them with the basics of managing people. The effectiveness of interpersonal communication, as practice shows, largely depends on the perfection of the ability of interlocutors to skillfully use various types of psychological influence. The main types of psychological influence in interpersonal communication include: persuasion, suggestion, psychological infection, imitation, and some others. Let us dwell on only one most important form - persuasion.

Persuasion is an influence on the interlocutor in order to change his attitude towards something when he holds a different opinion. It is important that this change in attitude also changes the person's actions. The perfection of the persuasive effect is manifested in the fact that the opponent does not so much do what is recommended to him as he wants to do it. It follows from this that the purpose of persuasion is to transform one's own desire into the desire of the person being persuaded. However, in order for the interlocutor to want to do what you want, you must first reach an understanding with him, without which it will be impossible to persuade him to your point of view. To create a benevolent atmosphere of communication, it is important that everything that is said sound convincing. The speaker achieves the greatest persuasiveness if he observes a number of rules.

1. The order of the arguments presented affects their persuasiveness. The most convincing order of arguments is: strong - medium - one strongest. It follows from this rule that it is better not to use weak arguments: having identified them in the process of preparation, do not use them for persuasion. They will do harm, not good. Indeed, the interlocutor pays more attention to the weaknesses in your arguments. Therefore, it is important not to make a mistake. It is not the number of arguments that decides the outcome of the case, but their reliability. One very important circumstance should be noted. The same argument for different people can be both strong and weak. Therefore, the strength (weakness) of the arguments must be determined from the point of view of the interlocutor.

2. To get a positive decision on an important issue for you, put it in third place, giving it two short, simple questions for the interlocutor, to which he will easily answer “yes”. This rule has existed for more than two thousand years, it has been tested by hundreds of generations of educated people. It is alive because it is true. And only relatively recently were found out the deep - physiological reasons that explain the effectiveness of this technique. It has been established that when a person says or hears “no”, the hormones of norepinephrine enter his bloodstream, setting him up to fight. Conversely, the word "yes" leads to the release of "pleasure hormones" - endorphins. Having received two portions of “hormones of pleasure”, the interlocutor relaxes, tunes in favorably, it is psychologically easier for him to say “yes” than “no”. One portion of endorphins is not always enough to overcome the bad mood in which the interlocutor may be. In addition, it is impossible for a person to instantly change from one mood to another; one must give him more time and more “pleasure hormones” to ensure this process. Preliminary questions should be short so as not to tire the interlocutor, not to take up a lot of his time.

3. The persuasiveness of arguments largely depends on the image and status of the persuasive. It's one thing when an authoritative, respected person speaks, it's another when it's insignificant, not taken seriously. A high official or social position, outstanding success in some area, education, recognition of others, high personal qualities raise the status and image of a person, and with them the weight of his arguments. In order to apply rule three, one should keep in mind some facts and circumstances that indicate differences in the perception of status depending on the situation. For example, sociological surveys conducted on the eve of the elections of the deputy corps showed that voters give preference to men over women; middle age, not young and old. On the contrary, in court hearings in divorce cases, the status of a woman is generally perceived by judges as higher (due to the prevailing stereotype that such vices as drunkenness, assault, infidelity, selfishness are more inherent in husbands).

4. Do not belittle the status and image of the interlocutor. Any manifestation of disrespect, disregard for the interlocutor is an attack on his status and causes a negative reaction. Pointing out the mistake of the interlocutor or his wrongness negatively affects the image of the criticized.

5. Do not drive yourself into a corner, do not lower your status. Insecure behavior belittles a person and is associated with his low status. Apologies without proper reasons, showing signs of insecurity should be avoided. Here are some typical examples of a “suicidal” start of a conversation: “Excuse me, did I interrupt?”, “Please, if you have time to listen to me.”

6. We are condescending to the arguments of a pleasant interlocutor, and with prejudice to the arguments of an unpleasant interlocutor. The mechanism of action of this rule is the same as the rule of the “third place”: a pleasant interlocutor stimulates the production of “pleasure hormones” and unwillingness to engage in confrontation. Unpleasant - vice versa. A pleasant impression, as you know, is created by many circumstances: appearance, respectful attitude, competent speech, pleasant manners.

7. Wanting to convince the interlocutor, start not with the moments that separate you, but with what you agree with him. Let it be even secondary circumstances in the statement of the interlocutor. Everyone listens with great pleasure to what he agrees with and what does not contradict his views. Conversely, we get annoyed when what we hear contradicts our opinion. The first makes the speaker a pleasant interlocutor, the second - unpleasant.

8. Be a good listener. Attentive listening is the key to persuasiveness. You will never convince if you do not understand the train of thought of the interlocutor. In addition, an attentive listener wins over the interlocutor.

9. Avoid conflict. Conflictogens are words or actions (inaction) that can lead to conflict: rudeness, threats, ridicule, peremptoryness, etc. Usually they do not go unnoticed, and the conversation turns into an altercation.

10. Watch facial expressions, gestures and postures - yours and the interlocutor. A person who knows the language of gestures and postures “reads” the interlocutor, receiving additional information. At the same time, we are often unconvincing if our gestures and postures do not match the spoken words. Knowing the features of non-verbal communication allows you to make speech more convincing.

11. Show that what you offer satisfies some of the needs of the interlocutor. A person needs to satisfy many needs: the need for security, confidence in the future, the need to belong to some community, the need for respect, the need for self-realization, the need to receive positive emotions, etc. And all this serves as a source for finding strong arguments.

12. Show empathy. Empathy is the ability to comprehend the emotional state of another person in the form of empathy. Empathy helps to better understand the interlocutor, to imagine the course of his thoughts, as they say, "get into his shoes." Without showing empathy, it is impossible to fulfill the first rule. Indeed, we must evaluate the strength of arguments from the point of view of the interlocutor, that is, we must put ourselves in his place. The same applies to the second rule - you need to anticipate the reaction of the person being convinced to your words, that is, again, show empathy for him. Similarly, in order to use image and status in the process of persuasion, one must evaluate one's status and image from the point of view of the interlocutor. Empathy is also necessary to fulfill the conflict rule.

2. Psychological methods of influencing a partner

Business communication requires a high psychological culture from a person, as well as constant study and consideration of the emotional side of business relations. Anyone who believes that the concept of "feeling" does not apply to work is capable of causing numerous and costly conflicts. All attempts to separate feelings, suppress them or even prohibit them, are futile and, ultimately, harmful. Feelings, suppressed and hidden, do not disappear, they act from within and often manifest themselves in even more acute forms. It is known that the emotional in a person repeatedly outweighs the rational in him. This knowledge can bring a significant tribute to those who will reasonably influence this “weak” place of a person.

There is a category of people who know how to win over other individuals, almost immediately win their trust, arouse a feeling of sympathy for themselves, i.e. to form an attraction (from lat. Attrahere - attraction, attraction). An analysis of the actions of such people shows that in the process of communication they use psychological methods of attracting formation, methods that are usually hidden from the interlocutor. But if these techniques exist, then they can be taught to those who need it. With the help of these techniques, it is impossible to convince anyone of anything and prove nothing to anyone, but you can only win over the interlocutor.

1. Reception "proper name". It is based on pronouncing aloud the name (or first name - patronymic) of the person with whom you are talking. And it's not just politeness. The sound of one's own name evokes in a person a feeling of pleasure that is not always realized by him. The sound of one's own name for a person is the most pleasant melody. Try, for example, when meeting with your colleagues or subordinates in the morning and greeting them, add to the phrase " Good morning”(Psychologically more pleasant than the word“ hello ”) the name and patronymic of each of them, and you will evoke positive emotions, if not pronounced, not realized. When talking with a person, from time to time refer to him by his first name and patronymic. It is necessary to use this technique not from time to time, but constantly, placing the interlocutor in front of you, and not when you need something from him.

Try to immediately remember the name and patronymic of the person with whom you are talking for the first time. This will cause your interlocutor positive emotions that will return to you. Some people have a hard time remembering other people's names. In order to better remember the name, find an excuse to immediately say it out loud. Quickly sort through the names of acquaintances in memory to establish associative links.

2. Reception "mirror of attitude". Personal experience suggests that a kind and pleasant facial expression, a slight smile involuntarily attract people. It should be noted that the effect of this mechanism does not depend on whether your partner wants or does not want to have these positive emotions. What matters is who will use this technique. The need to smile arises when the interlocutor needs to evoke positive emotions, to win him over. This is necessary so that he accepts your position, so that he fulfills your order or request not under pressure, but voluntarily. And all this is always necessary. In our context, a slight smile is both a welcoming smile, and a sympathetic, encouraging, and empathetic smile. If it is difficult to smile “on order”, then we can recommend the following for a start: left alone with yourself, smile at the one who looks at you from the mirror.

3. Compliments - these are words containing a slight exaggeration of the merits that the interlocutor wants to see in himself. In this sense, we will consider a compliment as one of the methods of attracting attraction in business relations.

If a person is often told: “You are smart” or “You are doing a great job with this”, although in reality this is not entirely true, then after a while he will really believe in his abilities and will strive to realize his potential.

In the effect of suggestion, there is, as it were, an absentee satisfaction of a person's dreams, desires, needs in the improvement of some of his traits. In fact, the need will not be fully satisfied, but the feeling of its satisfaction, the appearance of positive emotions on this basis, will be real.

There are rules for the use of "golden words". Without knowing or violating them, one can, against one's will, turn "golden words" into platitudes. A compliment differs from flattery precisely in that it contains a slight exaggeration. The flatterer greatly exaggerates the dignity of the interlocutor. For example: “This color really suits you” (compliment) and “You are the most beautiful” (flattery). Flattery is coarser than a compliment and more likely to be rejected because of implausibility. But there are people who like flattery.

In business communication, the advantage belongs to a compliment. You can not equate a compliment and praise. Praise is a positive evaluation. A positive perception of a compliment is facilitated by the use of facts in it that are known to both partners. The absence of a factual basis makes the compliment unconvincing and can reduce the statement to the level of banal flattery. If there are doubts whether the interlocutor will understand what fact is being discussed, then it is better not to risk it and first remind him of it, and then beat him. It is unacceptable if the compliment is contrary to the facts. For example, an employee could not sleep at night, suffering from a toothache, and she will be told that she looks great. These words will be taken as a mockery.

The compliment should be short, contain one or two thoughts, should not contain teachings. Ambiguous expressions must be avoided. Compliments should be given as often as possible. It is through practice that ease and ease in a compliment is achieved, which makes it natural and irresistible. A compliment begins with a desire to say it. Find what you personally like in the interlocutor, what you would like to borrow from him.

People accept compliments favorably, since everyone is pleased with the mere fact that they want to say something good to him. That is why they easily forgive possible mistakes. Since men are not spoiled by compliments, they are less demanding on their quality. That is why it is better to learn how to compliment men.

When a compliment is liked, a person’s face lights up with a smile. Good mood together with a smile is transmitted to the interlocutor. That is why compliments benefit all participants in communication.

4. Reception "patient listener". Everyone from childhood remembers the usual rules that you can not interrupt the interlocutor, you need to listen to him to the end, be attentive to him. In order to patiently and carefully listen to the interlocutor, you need a lot of time, because not everyone knows how to concisely and clearly express their thoughts. In addition, we have to listen to statements that are not relevant. If you nevertheless listen to the interlocutor, then he will satisfy his needs, receive positive emotions, linking this against his will with you. Since it was you who was the source of these positive emotions, they will be “returned” to you in the form of a slight increase in sympathy for you, i.e. in the form of emerging or increasing attraction.

5. Reception "personal life". Each person, along with service interests, has personal interests, hobbies and personal life. In empirical observations, it was noted that if a conversation is conducted with a person in line with his expressed personal interest, then this will cause him increased verbal activity, accompanied by positive emotions.

3. Technique and tactics of argumentation

A persuasive impact on partners in business communication is achieved through argumentation. Argumentation is a way of persuading someone through meaningful logical arguments.

Argumentation is the most difficult phase of a business conversation. It requires professional knowledge and general erudition, concentration, endurance, determination and correctness. At the same time, we are largely dependent on the interlocutor. After all, it is up to him, in the end, to decide whether he accepts our arguments or not. The argumentation structure includes the thesis, arguments and demonstration.

A thesis is a statement of your position (your opinion, your proposal to the other party, etc.).

Arguments are the arguments, positions, evidence that you give to substantiate your point of view. Arguments answer the question why we should believe or do something.

Demonstration is the connection of the thesis and argument (i.e., the process of proof, persuasion).

With the help of arguments, you can completely or partially change the position and opinion of your interlocutor. To achieve success in a business conversation, you must adhere to some important rules:

a) use simple, clear, precise and convincing terms;

b) tell the truth; if you are not sure that the information is true, do not use it until you check it;

c) the pace and methods of argumentation should be chosen taking into account the characteristics of the character and habits of the interlocutor;

d) the argument must be correct in relation to the interlocutor. Refrain from personal attacks on those who disagree with you;

e) non-business expressions and formulations that make it difficult to perceive what has been said should be avoided, however, speech should be figurative, and arguments should be visual;

f) if you provide negative information, be sure to name the source from which you take your information and arguments.

If you are very familiar with your subject, then you most likely already have some arguments at your disposal. However, in most cases, if you are going to convince your partners, it will be useful for you to stock up on convincing arguments in advance. To do this, you can, for example, make a list of them, weigh and choose the strongest.

In the argument, as a rule, two main constructions are distinguished:

a) evidence-based argumentation, with the help of which the leader wants to prove something in a conversation with a subordinate or substantiate;

b) counterargumentation, with the help of which the leader refutes the theses and statements of the interlocutor.

For both constructions of argumentation, the same basic techniques are used, which consist in a careful study of all factors and information.

1. The fundamental method is a direct appeal to the interlocutor, whom we acquaint with the facts and information that are the basis of our evidential argument. Important role digital examples play here, which are the perfect backdrop. Unlike verbal information, numbers look more convincing. This source is usually more objective and therefore attractive.

2. Method of contradiction. It is defensive in nature. Based on the identification of contradictions in reasoning, as well as the argument of the interlocutor and focusing on them.

3. The method of drawing conclusions is based on precise reasoning, which will gradually, step by step, through partial conclusions, lead us to the desired result.

4. The method of comparison is of exceptional importance, especially when the comparisons are well chosen, which gives the performance exceptional brightness and great power of suggestion.

5. Method "yes ... but." It often happens that the interlocutor gives well-formed arguments, but they cover either only the advantages or only the weaknesses of the proposed alternative. However, since it really rarely happens that everyone only says “for” or “against”, it is easy to apply the “yes ... but” method, which allows you to consider other sides of the decision. We can calmly agree with the interlocutor, and then the so-called "but" comes.

6. Method of "pieces". It is often used - especially now, when dialogue, conversation, discussion are actively introduced into our lives instead of monologues. The essence of the method is in dividing the monologue of your interlocutor into clearly distinguishable parts: “this is for sure”, “this is doubtful”, “there are the most various points vision", "this is clearly erroneous". In fact, the method is based on a well-known thesis: since in any position, and even more so in a conclusion, one can always find something unreliable, erroneous or exaggerated, then a confident “offensive” makes it possible to a certain extent “unload” situations, including the most complex.

7. The "boomerang" method makes it possible to use the "weapon" of the interlocutor against him. This method has no force of proof, but it has an exceptional effect if it is applied with a fair amount of wit.

8. Method of ignoring. It often happens that the fact stated by the interlocutor cannot be refuted, but its value and significance can be successfully ignored.

9. The method of visible support is very effective both in relation to one interlocutor and in relation to several listeners. Its essence lies in the fact that after the argument of the interlocutor, we do not object to him at all and do not contradict him, but, on the contrary, we come to the rescue, providing new evidence in favor of his arguments. Later, a counterattack follows, for example: “You forgot to cite other facts in support of your thesis ... (we list them). But this will not help you, because ... ”, - now comes the turn of our counterarguments. Thus, it seems that we studied the interlocutor's point of view more thoroughly than he himself, and after that we became convinced of the inconsistency of his thesis. It should be added that the application of this method requires particularly careful preparation.

It is not enough just to master the methods of argumentation, you also need to master the tactics of argumentation, which consists in the art of applying individual techniques in each specific case of conducting business conversations. In accordance with this, technique is the ability to give logical arguments, and tactics are the ability to choose psychologically effective ones from them. If we are talking about lengthy negotiations, then you should not immediately use all the available arguments. When giving arguments, one should not rush to make decisions.

Consider the main provisions of argumentation tactics.

1. Application of arguments. The argumentation phase should begin confidently, without much hesitation. State the main arguments at any opportunity, but, if possible, each time in a new light.

2. Choice of argumentation technique. Depending on the characteristics of the partners, various methods of argumentation are chosen.

3. Elimination of contradictions. Avoiding aggravation or confrontation is very important for the normal course of the argument, since the opposing points of view and the tense atmosphere that have arisen during the presentation of one of the points of the argument can easily spread to other areas. There are some subtleties here:

b) it is useful to discuss particularly sensitive issues with the executor in private before the discussion begins, since “face to face” you can achieve greater results than at a meeting;

c) in exceptionally difficult situations, it is useful to take a break to “cool heads”, and then return to the same question again.

4. "Appetite Stimulation" . This technique is based on the following position of social psychology: it is most convenient to offer the listener options and information for the preliminary awakening of his interest in it. This means that you first need to describe the current state of affairs with an emphasis on possible Negative consequences and then indicate the direction of possible solutions with a detailed justification of all the benefits.

5. Bilateral reasoning can be used when you point out both the advantages and the weaknesses of the proposed solution. In any case, shortcomings that the partner could have learned from other sources of information should be pointed out. One-sided reasoning can be used in cases where the partner is less educated or has already formed an opinion, or he openly expresses a positive attitude towards your point of view.

6. The sequence of listing advantages and disadvantages. The initial information, i.e. during the argument, the advantages are listed first, and then the disadvantages. Reverse order, i.e. disadvantages are listed first, and then advantages, it is inconvenient that a partner can interrupt you before you reach the advantages, and then it will really be difficult to convince him.

7. Personification of the argument. You must first try to identify the partner's position and then include it in your argument, or at least not allow it to contradict your arguments. By admitting that you are right or supporting your partner, you thereby make him feel indebted to you. As a result, he will accept your argument with less resistance.

8. Drawing up conclusions. It is possible to argue with brilliance, but still not achieve the desired goal if we fail to generalize the facts and information offered. Therefore, in order to achieve as much persuasiveness as possible, you must definitely draw conclusions yourself and offer them to employees, because facts do not always speak for themselves.

9. Techniques of counterargument. When someone tries to confuse you with an impeccable, at least at first glance, argument, you should remain calm and think. Are the stated statements true? Is it possible to refute their foundations, or at least separate parts where the facts are not linked to each other? Can any inconsistencies be identified? Are the conclusions erroneous or at least partially inaccurate?


Argumentation, as well as the process of persuasion in general, is an art, and it can only be mastered by practice, gradually and persistently improving your skills. Analysis can be of great help here. common mistakes and tricks allowed in the course of argumentation and persuasion.

Argumentation in a real dispute, discussion and controversy occurs under the influence of psychological, moral, aesthetic, ideological, etc. factors and means of persuasion. This mutual interweaving of means and methods of persuasion greatly complicates the argument and the dialogue as a whole. In this case, various kinds of errors and deviations occur, which can be both intentional and unintentional. The first are designed to achieve victory in the dispute with their help. The latter arise spontaneously and do not set themselves the task of misleading the opponent.

In the course of this work, the importance of correct argumentation was revealed, which is based, first of all, not on the number of facts, but on their persuasiveness, brightness, and impressive logic.

List of sources used

1. Aminov I. I. Methods of argumentation and persuasion of the interlocutor [ Electronic resource] / I.I. Aminov. M., 2011. Access mode: http://psytop om/content/view/160/4. (Accessed 09.06.2014).

2. Borozdina G. V. Psychology of business communication: tutorial/ G. V. Borozdina. M.: INFRA - M, 2006. 224 p.

3. Vyunkov A.G. Persuasion [Electronic resource] / A. G. Vyunkov. M., 2009. - Access mode: (Accessed 09.06.2014).

4. Pankratov VN Psychotechnology of people management: prakt. leadership / V. N. Pankratov. 2nd ed., add. and reworked. M.: Publishing House of Institute of Psychotherapy, 2009. 323 p.

5. Skazhennik E.N. Business communication [Electronic resource] / E. N. Skazhennik. M., 2009. Access mode: (Accessed 16.06.2014).

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The word is a great instrument of human communication and boundless influence on people. Managers often care about the content of the verbal impact, and at the same time carelessly about its form, which is no less important. What, for example, is meant when we talk about the technique of verbal persuasion? These are diction (clear pronunciation of sounds), expressive pronunciation (in particular, the correct use of logical stresses), loudness (depending on the audience), the ability to control one's gestures and facial expressions, a clear logical structure of speech, the presence of pauses, short breaks.

It should be noted that it is not only the word that convinces, but also the deed, therefore, it is not worth counting on persuasive influence only on words, even correctly and intelligibly spoken, but not confirmed by concrete deeds.

Methods of persuasion are leading among the methods of organizational influence. Persuasion is primarily an explanation and proof of the correctness or necessity of a certain behavior; or inadmissibility of some act.

The process of persuasion is perhaps the most difficult among the other methods of organizational influence. The leading place in this process is occupied by the argumentation of one's position and the desire to make it become a position, a conviction for each participant in collective activity. Therefore, we will take a closer look at argumentation as the most important basis for persuasion. Let us dwell on the parameters of persuasive influence.

There are many ways to argue, but, as in chess, practice has developed a number of “correct openings”. They can be summarized in the following four steps:

  1. The technique of relieving tension requires establishing emotional contact with the interlocutor. A few words are enough for this. A joke, timely and appropriately told, also contributes greatly to defusing tension and creating a positive psychological environment for discussion.
  2. The “hook” technique allows you to briefly state the situation and, linking it to the content of the conversation, use it as a starting point for discussing the problem. For these purposes, you can successfully use some events, comparisons, personal impressions, an anecdotal incident or an unusual question.
  3. The reception of stimulating the imagination involves posing at the beginning of the conversation many questions on the content of those problems that should be considered. This method gives good results when the performer has a sober view of the problem being solved.
  4. The direct approach involves going straight to the point without any introduction or preamble. Schematically, it looks like this: briefly report the reasons why the meeting is convened, and proceed to discuss them.

How can you encourage people to accept your point of view? These recommendations can be useful in psycho-corrective work.

Rule one: to convince a person of something does not mean to argue with him. Misunderstandings cannot be resolved by argument, they can only be resolved with tact, a desire for reconciliation, and a sincere desire to understand the other's point of view.

Rule two: respect the opinions of other people, never tell a person sharply that he is wrong, especially in front of strangers, as in this case it will be difficult for him to agree with you.

Never start with the statement: "I'm ready to prove it to you." This is the same as if you said: "I'm smarter than you." It's kind of a challenge. Such an appeal sets the interlocutor against you even before you begin to convince him.

If a person expresses some thought and you consider it wrong or even absolutely sure that it is wrong, nevertheless, it is better to address your interlocutor with something like this: “I can be wrong. Let's get into the facts." You will never find yourself in a difficult position if you admit that you can be wrong. This will stop any argument and force your interlocutor to be as fair and frank as you, force him to admit that he, too, can be wrong.

Rule three: if you are wrong, then admit it quickly and decisively. It is much easier to admit your mistakes or shortcomings yourself than to listen to condemnation from another person. If you suspect that someone wants to speak negatively about you, say it yourself first. You will disarm him. In some cases, it is much more pleasant to admit that you are wrong than to try to defend yourself. Recognition of a mistake, as a rule, causes indulgence to the one who committed it.

Rule Four: When you want to convince a person of the correctness of your point of view, keep the conversation in a friendly tone. Do not start with issues on which you disagree. Talk about what you agree on.

Rule five: try to get an affirmative answer from the interlocutor at the very beginning of the conversation. If a man says, "No," his pride requires him to remain consistent to the end.

Rule six: give the other person the right to talk more, and try to be laconic yourself. The truth is that even our friends would rather talk about their successes than hear us brag. Most people, trying to get a person to understand their point of view, talk a lot themselves - this is a clear mistake. Give the other person a chance to speak, so it’s better to learn how to ask questions to the interlocutors yourself.

Rule Seven: Make the person feel like the idea you gave them is theirs, not yours.

Rule Eight: If you want to convince people of something, try to see things through their eyes. Every person has a reason to do it this way and not otherwise. Find this hidden reason, and you will have a "key", you will understand his actions and maybe even personal qualities. Try to put yourself in his place. You will save a lot of time and save your nerves.

Rule nine: be sympathetic to the other person's ideas and desires. Sympathy is what everyone longs for. Most of the people around you need sympathy.

Rule Ten: To change someone's mind or point of view, appeal to noble motives. A person is usually guided by two motives in his actions: one that sounds noble, and the other is true. The person himself will think about the true reason. But all of us, being idealists at heart, like to talk about noble motives.

Rule Eleven: Use the principle of visibility to prove your case. To express the truth with words alone is sometimes not enough. The truth must be shown vividly, interestingly, clearly.

Learn all the practical methods of persuasion in the Practical Logic and Argumentation course:

Effective methods of persuasion

How to convince a person of something? It would be cunning to say that we have never tried to win someone over to our side and convince others. This happens every day in relationships: mother-child, husband-wife, boss-team and other communicative communities.

The psychology of influence and success are closely intertwined. Achieving goals often involves the need to involve other people in the process. But the goals are ours. The psychology of influence and persuasion are practically equivalent concepts. How to convince a person and achieve success will be discussed in this article.

So, 10 basic methods and psychological ways of persuasion

10 methods - sequence of application

  1. Motivate your opponent. In the process of persuasion, it is important to start with the motivation of the person. Do you want him to do what you need? Prove that the person you ask for will receive the direct benefit first. “You are wonderfully beautiful in this stylish hat,” the mother of her daughter says, and she, who was ready to go out into a 20-degree frost without a headdress 5 minutes ago, happily puts on a new thing.
  2. Be friendly, be polite. And smile. Aggressive pressure gives in response only unwillingness to obey. Smile is a sign good man, such cannot act out of bad motives. Satisfied with life people have a much greater gift of persuasion than gloomy and unfriendly ones.
  3. Inspiration! Describe how great and wonderful the goal you are asking for help is. Be convinced of the value of your idea. If your opponent becomes infected with your dreams, he will assume that he made the decision on his own.
  4. Do not confuse the psychology of persuasion with manipulation. You can not hurt the pride of a person, his hidden negative attitudes. Smart people immediately feel when they are being manipulated, and you will not wait for the result. Moreover, the interlocutor can permanently end the relationship with you, no one wants to be a guinea pig.
  5. Build the evidence base for your request. Belief is strong when you yourself believe in what you say. Before starting a conversation, pick up iron arguments and facts. “We have only half of the presentation ready. If we do not go to work on Saturday, then on Monday we will not be able to win a new tender.”
  6. The skill of persuasion requires a certain amount of flattery. There is no need to openly lie about the presence of non-existent advantages, but it is necessary to exaggerate the existing ones in this case. “Only you can do it in such a short time. I have no one else to rely on!"
  7. Skip the awkward moments. Counterarguments can be extremely persuasive and hard to challenge. If you fall into such a trap, take the dialogue to the other side. “We are not talking about this now, we will return to the topic later.”
  8. Cunning. It is not necessary to directly tell a person about his wrong, directly point out gross errors and reservations. If you notice obvious mistakes and inconsistencies during the conversation, politely express your point of view and disagreement on controversial issues. The interlocutor will be grateful for your tact and the chances of his persuasion will increase significantly.
  9. Show your competence in the subject matter. It is easiest to convince you that you are right when you know the essence of the subject well. Boast about your successes and achievements, tell us how you managed to achieve them.
  10. Start a dialogue with questions that the interlocutor can only answer in the affirmative. A relaxed opponent, not expecting a catch, will say “yes” to the main topic, for which everything was started.

The listed methods of influence will allow you to form an inner conviction in a person to act in the way you need.

From the heart, not from the mind - 10 psychological tricks

We have considered how to direct a person's thoughts in the right direction. But when applying persuasion techniques, it is much more important to hook on a person’s emotions. We offer psychological techniques that will allow you to tune your opponent to the right wave.

  1. There is no sweeter sound for a person than the sound of his own name - so said the great expert on methods of influencing the psyche, Dale Carnegie. If you call Ivan Petrovich Ivan Vasilyevich during the conversation, then you can forget about the positive course of the conversation. People do not forgive such mistakes, showing their insignificance in the eyes of the opponent. Refer to the interlocutor by name more often, and you will find in his face a grateful listener.
  2. Listen with interest. It is you who are trying to convince the interlocutor of doing something significant for you, so listen to him with reverence. Confirm interest non-verbally - nod, sigh, exclaim to the point. Ask clarifying questions. Show that the person is important and interesting.
  3. Remember the key phrases and expressions of the opponent and use them in further conversation. This will allow you to establish a close connection between you, to indicate a commonality of views and interests. A person will think that you and him are from the same social community, or maybe they grew up somewhere in the same yard. Such things are not conducive to refusing a request.
  4. Notice any movement of the interlocutor. Learn non-verbal cues that show a person's mood. If you see that your opponent leaned forward to your phrase, opening his palms, continue to reinforce the meaning of the topic - he is interested. The case when the counterpart began to pull his nose or tap the pen on the table should be a stop signal! He's not interested, he's annoyed. Either change the subject for a while, or present it from a different angle!
  5. “My light, mirror, tell me…” The method of mirroring has long been used in the psychology of influence. It consists in unobtrusive repetition of gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor. Return a smile with a smile, frown when the person expresses concern. This will make it clear that you are of the same blood, react in the same way to situations, and this will help bring you closer to your cherished goal.
  6. "Ask and you will receive; knock and it will be opened to you." Bible truths are relevant at all times. Feel free to ask for help, seem weak. Often, the fear of being intrusive or being rejected prevents us from solving many issues. A person will be pleased that he can help, this will increase his self-esteem. There is another opinion: “Never ask for anything, especially from those who are stronger than you,” but do you remember who said that?
  7. Raise the bar. In psychology, there is one simple but effective technique. Ask to do something knowing that the person will not be able to do it: any stupidity, absurdity. After a while, voice a true request - the interlocutor will be happy to get down to business, experiencing a sense of embarrassment for not being helped the first time.
  8. I influence the subconscious by the method of associations. Cause positive emotions associated with memories: feelings, smells. “You remember how those fudge buns smelled in the school cafeteria. Why don't we try to sell the same ones. The similarity between objects as a method of psychology has long established itself.
  9. Keep an eye on your opponent's physical condition. In a state of fatigue, it is easier for him to succumb to persuasion, and for you to apply the skill of persuasion. When you notice that a person is losing energy, proceed to the main thing, he will not spend the rest on disputes with you.
  10. "Achilles' heel". Preliminary study the character of the interlocutor. It is easier to appeal to a person with a developed sense of duty by thinking about responsibility. If the counterpart is proud, convince him that by fulfilling your request, he will become known in certain circles.

By applying the right methods and technology, the gift of persuasion can be developed. Learning influence techniques will help you achieve your goals. Be sincere in your desires and in relation to people, and they will reciprocate.

Methods of psychological influence on a person

The social environment in which a person lives from birth implies communication. In the process of communication and perception of information, we are subjected to psychological influence, without suspecting it. These manifestations are studied by psychology. The same science explores the methods of influence in the communication of people with each other at work, at home and in any other place.

Methods of psychological influence and their differences

Methods of psychological influence on a person's personality in psychology are:

  • infection;
  • suggestion;
  • belief;
  • imitation.

Some of these methods you have already used unconsciously, and which of these methods have been tested on you. Infection, suggestion, persuasion and imitation are ways of influencing the psychological state of people. Let's analyze them in detail so as not to fall into the street of scammers.


This psychological impact on human consciousness is the most ancient and most studied method. It is based on the transfer of emotional state from person to person. Agree that it happened to everyone when you are in a great mood, and suddenly a person appears with tears in his eyes and all signs of hysteria.

As you listen to his sentimental story, your mood deteriorates, and your state of mind begins to resemble the experiences of the interlocutor. Especially impressionable natures do not even need to be told anything, they are able to perceive signals coming from people who are close to them on an emotional level.

Another example that characterizes the method of infection and which is used by the psychology of influencing people is panic. He usually acts in a crowd. If many people are in the same critical conditions, and one of them starts to panic, this feeling is transmitted to the majority of those present.

Have you heard about panic on board planes or in a broken elevator? These are the cases where one person panicked and the feeling spread to many

But it is possible to “infect” not only with negative emotions. Laughter, fun, a positive attitude towards life are contagious.


The second class of psychological influence on personality is suggestion. In this case, the psychology of influence on a person turns out to be on an emotional background, forcing them to act as the opponent forces. But if infection is a transmission of a psychological state, as a result of which a person acts one way or another, then suggestion is a persuasion of a person to act as he is told with the help of verbal tools (words, visual contact, and others).

In order for suggestion to become an effective tool, you need to match your words. If a person tries to "teach you how to live" and dictates the rules of behavior in society or the laws of success, then his reputation, appearance and the manner of speaking should inspire respect and a desire to imitate.

But when in front of you is an exhausted individual in dirty clothes and with traces alcohol intoxication, his calls for a new life look pitiful and ridiculous. Therefore, wanting to help a person with advice, try to understand the situation in which the unfortunate person finds himself. Embrace the problem and put yourself in his place. Only after that you can suggest something to someone who is looking for support from you.

You can inspire people with your thoughts only with a confident voice.

Another important nuance - the psychology of influencing a person says that you can inspire people with your thoughts only in a confident voice, in which there is not even a shadow of a doubt. Sometimes the success or failure of an idea depends on the tone in which a phrase is uttered.

There is another factor that determines the result of the impact on a person - it is suggestibility. The strength of suggestion depends on how suggestible a person is, and this is an individual indicator. Children under the age of 13 and insecure, indecisive people are distinguished by a high level of this indicator.

Suggestion works especially well if you combine the meaning of the words with the help of which the suggestion occurs with external information that is familiar and understandable to the suggested. If you try to direct a person to the "true path" and at the same time draw a parallel with those facts that are close to him, this will have a strong psychological effect on him. If you want to prove to a person that as a result of the actions suggested to him, he will be satisfied, give an example of a negative result that awaits him otherwise.

Using "winged sayings" or well-known examples of positive or negative experiences of generations, you will achieve significant results in the art of suggestion


Persuasion is one of the most harmless and effective methods of psychological influence on a person. It is based on facts that become clear as a result of building a logical chain of thought. Using various methods of influencing people, one should take into account the level of intellectual development of the opponent. To prove something to a person who is below you in mental development- ridiculous. Your arguments will not be understood and accepted. If you are trying to convince someone who is smarter than you, it will look ridiculous.

When the first portion of new information reaches the consciousness of a person, his brain is looking for explanations. And now it depends on the art of the one who convinces whether they believe him or not. It’s good if you manage to make a person trust you, but the rest depends on the method of psychological influence, the alternation of new data. The most important thing that the methods of psychological influence on a person require is not to deceive the opponent. As soon as a person feels falseness in words, the level of trust will drop significantly. If this happens again, you can completely lose the trust and attention of this person.

To be truly believed, you must match the lifestyle or statements that you are trying to convey to your opponent. Your words should radiate power, and you should give the impression of an authoritative and self-confident person.

So everything matched:

  • Opponent development level:
  • The veracity of your statements;
  • Correspondence of the image and statements.

Your words should radiate power, and you should give the impression of an authoritative and self-confident person.

Now you need to choose a behavior strategy that will help to influence a person psychologically. There are several strategies.

  • Aggressive. It is built on the contradiction of proven facts. This proves to the person that you are an extraordinary person and very different from him. He has a desire to listen to you and unravel the logical chain that you have confused. Therefore, he carefully listens to every word. But such a strategy of psychological impact on a person is typical for professionals of the word and persuasion.
  • Passive. This strategy only works if you know the person well. Carefully citing examples from his and your own life, comparing them with cases known to the whole wide world, you bring your opponent to the idea that you want to convey to him. Do not allow inconsistencies and discrepancies in judgments. This will throw the work done a few positions back.

Now you know how to psychologically influence a person during a conversation. Use the Persuasion method, applying the laws of logic and building logical chains.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon in The Departed


Many subconsciously use methods of influencing a person, without even knowing it. Reaching some heights in a career or intellectual plan, we become an object of respect and admiration. Less experienced people tend to take an example from someone who has already realized their aspirations. But the object of imitation must always "keep the mark". It should be attractive, bright, memorable, delightful. That is, to satisfy the desire of the opponent to follow the ideal.

Means of psychological influence on a person

On the example of one of the means of psychological influence on the masses, we can consider advertising, which has become commonplace. Relatively recently, advertising existed as signs in stores, cafes or catering establishments. These were the usual posters recommending movie screenings or concerts of pop stars.

Today, advertising has turned into large-scale high-quality videos that not only inform people about a product, presentation or announcement, but they make them choose one or another product, form the formation of values ​​and direct a person’s thoughts and actions in the right direction. It is important to pay attention to what your children are watching, as there are influences that have a devastating effect on the personality.

Many believe that the psychological impact of advertising is the engine of trade (a hackneyed phrase, but it's true), others believe that demand implies the release of new products, the struggle for superiority between which is decided through advertising. This is one of the most effective means that have an impact on the mass of people and force them to act according to dictation.

This applies not only to some product or singer, public opinion can be swayed by advertising in favor of one or another candidate for government elections. This method is also known as manipulation public opinion or "the dark art of influencing people". Moreover, the manipulation is carried out not by force, but by the methods of correctly building the candidate's advertising program. It turns out what the electorate needs at this stage of the formation and development of society, and general phrases and promises are adjusted. Each person "sees" in these promises a benefit for himself and votes for this chosen one.

The goals of psychological impact on a person

Mental influence on a person has its own goal - the desire to make a person consciously or unconsciously obey certain attitudes, norms, laws or requirements.

The director in a team of subordinates, using psychological methods of influencing the interlocutor, has his own goal - to rally people or give them food for thought and action for the benefit of the company in which they work.

The psychological influence of parents on their children suggests the goal of raising them to be good, well-mannered and law-abiding citizens.

Parents know how to psychologically influence their child, for example, to make him laugh

The psychological impact of advertising is aimed at making people buy one or another advertised product, vote for the right candidate, or watch a movie that has been spent a lot of money and must be returned as soon as possible.

Not always methods of influencing people imply following a good idea. This can be seen in the case of suicide bombers. After all, these people were subjected to suggestion, processing and hypnosis in order to destroy their own kind. Together with the mass of people they kill, they die themselves. And that goes against human nature. Consequently, with the help of psychological influence, it is possible to radically change the worldview of a person, make him a puppet in the hands of others and force him to act contrary to common sense.

As already mentioned, any psychological impact fully affects people who are insecure. Competent, educated and self-righteous individuals are difficult to suggest, infect and persuade.

persuasion techniques

Such types of persuasion as - informing, explaining, proving, refuting - represent a kind of frame of persuasive influence on people, but giving only a general idea of ​​a particular procedure. In real practice, we are faced with the need to take into account the background situational state in which persuasion is carried out.

So, persuasive influence tends to be better assimilated against a well-defined psychological background. Here we single out relaxation, emotional tension, identification and "concert mood". Each specific background predetermines the choice of appropriate methods of influence. These techniques are revealed in the process of observing participants in business conversations.

Reception of instruction. It is carried out only with a positive attitude of the interlocutor to the leader. The specificity of the instruction is that the word, expressed in an imperative form, determines the "performing" behavior of a person. Instructions, orders, prohibitions can act as verbal forms of instruction. Unlike commands and orders designed to trigger an already existing skill, instruction forms a holistic setting for the activity: “Do this...”, “After completing the procedure, go there ...”, etc.

The content of instruction, like any verbal influence, is very important. Therefore, when preparing a manual, one should think very carefully about the material that is included in it. It should be emphasized that efficiency here is connected not only with meaning. When giving instruction verbally, an appropriate style of speech and form of pronunciation is also necessary. This refers to emotionality, intonation, facial expressions, gestures. Everything should be subordinated to the laconic and imperative construction of the statement.

Acceptance of indirect approval. Designed for the emotional perception of the speaker's speech. The essence of this technique is not to say directly “Your success in this matter is undeniable!”. It's like flattery. Although flattery is very pleasant to some people, as a rule, it is destructive to the human character. In this regard, if you need to express praise to a person, it is better to do it indirectly: “Such zeal usually brings benefits!” Having uttered such phrases with sufficient emotional coloring, the leader will cause the interlocutor to feel a sense of dignity. In the psyche, the focus will be on activities of the same kind.

It is quite obvious, of course, that for a person with egoistic inclinations, such a form of approval would be completely unconvincing. And such a person perceives it in his own way.

Socrates' method has been known since antiquity. The essence of the method is to prevent the interlocutor from saying “No” at the beginning of the conversation. Let it be a conversation about something extraneous, even about the weather: - Isn't it clear today? - Yes. - The sun is scorching. After all, it burns? - Yes. - Probably thirsty? - Yes. Answers "Yes" to secondary, sometimes meaningless, questions, as it were, pave the way for answering in the affirmative to the main question: - Do you work at half strength? - Yes, probably so.

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, whose name is named this method, always tried to protect his interlocutor from saying “No!” Once the interlocutor says “No!”, it is very difficult to reverse it. In this regard, Socrates tried to conduct a conversation in such a way that it would be easier for the interlocutor to say “Yes” than “No”. As we know, Socrates certainly proved his point of view, without causing not only obvious indignation from his opponents, but even the most insignificant negative reactions.

Commands and orders require people to quickly and accurately execute without any critical reactions. When executing commands and orders, they do not reason. In life, there are two types of commands and orders: a) prohibitive; b) incentives. The first: “Stop!..”, “Stop being nervous!”, “Shut up!” etc. are aimed at immediate inhibition of undesirable acts of behavior. They are given in a firm calm voice or a voice with an emotionally colored tone. Second: "Go!", "Bring!", "Perform!" etc. aimed at turning on the behavioral mechanisms of people. Such commands and orders should be taken without a critical attitude towards them.

False expectation. A prerequisite for the successful use of this method of persuasion is the creation of a tense situation of expectation. Previous events should form a strictly directed train of thought in the interlocutor. If the inconsistency of this orientation is suddenly discovered, then the interlocutor is at a loss, perceives the idea proposed to him without objection. This state of affairs is typical for many situations in life.

"Explosion". In psychology, this technique is known as an instant personality restructuring under the influence of strong emotional experiences. The phenomenon of "explosion" is described in detail in fiction(re-education of Jean Valjean, the hero of V. Hugo's novel Les Misérables). The scientific substantiation of the "explosion" technique was given by A.S. Makarenko.

The use of an "explosion" requires the creation of a special environment in which feelings would arise that could amaze a person with their unexpectedness and unusualness. In such an environment, a person has a collision nervous processes. An unexpected stimulus (spectacle, information, etc.) causes confusion in him. This leads to a radical change in views on things, events, individuals and even the world as a whole. There are cases when "reliable" information about the infidelity of one of the spouses in "prosperous" families brought the other to the brink of disaster. In families where infidelity is regarded as a prank, this does not happen.

In the conditions of labor collectives, the “explosion” technique can be applied to malicious violators of discipline, drunkards, people with immoral and criminal behavior. Here, under certain circumstances, certain varieties may be appropriate: an angry condemnation of the behavior of the offender by the whole team, sincere assistance from the administration in situations of grief and stress, “writing off” past sins, etc. exposure to real opportunities for remediation. Insincerity and formalism are absolutely inappropriate here.

categorical requirement. It contains the power of the order. In this regard, it can be effective only when the leader has great power or enjoys unquestioned authority. In other cases, this technique may be useless or even harmful. In many respects, a categorical requirement is identical with a prohibition, which acts as a mild form of coercion.

Advice. Reception is most effective when the interlocutor is imbued with confidence in the leader. For a person to follow advice, the form of giving advice is of particular importance. You need to know that advice should be given in a voice in which warmth and compassion are heard. Asking for advice is only sincere. Insincerity immediately turns against the petitioner.

"Placebo". It has long been used in medicine as a method of suggestion. Its essence lies in the fact that the doctor, prescribing to the patient some indifferent remedy, claims that it will give the desired effect. The psychological attitude of the patient to the beneficial effects of the prescribed medication often leads to a positive result. This technique was adopted by educators, in particular, coaches in various sports, who sometimes quite effectively encouraged athletes to conquer records. It must be said that pedagogical "placebos" are very effective if used with caution. It should be remembered that the placebo effect lasts only until the first failure. If people realize that the ritual actions that they so meticulously performed have no real basis, then you can no longer let them down under the “placebo”.

Censure. It has persuasive power only under conditions when the interlocutor identifies himself with another person: "he is one of us." In other cases, censure is perceived as a mentoring edification that can be listened to, but which does not need to be followed. Due to the fact that a person quite actively defends his "I", he honestly considers this technique as an attack on his independence.

Hint. This is a method of indirect persuasion through jokes, irony and analogy. In some ways, advice can also be a form of hint. The essence of a hint is that it is addressed not to consciousness, not to logical reasoning, but to emotions. Since the hint is fraught with the potential for insulting the personality of the interlocutor, it is best to use it in a situation of "concert mood". The criterion of measure here can be the prediction of self-experience: “How would I feel myself if I were given such hints!”

Compliment. Often a compliment is mixed with flattery. Tell the person: “How fluently you speak!” is to flatter him. Flattery is not pleasant for everyone, although often people do not dismiss flattery. However, many are still offended by flattery. A compliment does not offend anyone, it elevates everyone.

Basic psychological techniques for persuading people

We would like to think that when we make decisions, we are guided by all available information. But in reality, things usually happen differently. Our life has become saturated to the limit, and now more than ever we need templates and everyday rules to make a decision.

Professor of psychology and an expert in the field of social and experimental psychology - Robert Cialdini, discovered and derived six such rules (in fact, there are more, and in the book "Psychology of Persuasion: 50 Proven Ways to Be Persuasive", Cialdini introduces readers to more of them, however the main ones, according to Robert - only six), which control human behavior. Here they are: reciprocity, rarity, authority, consistency, sympathy and agreement.

Understanding these rules and being able to apply them without going beyond moral restrictions, you can significantly increase the chances of obtaining consent to your request. Let's talk in more detail about each of them in turn, and using examples, consider the experience of American researchers in the field of the psychology of persuading people.

So the first universal rule of persuasion is reciprocity.

The third rule of persuasion is based on AUTHORITY

The point is that people are more willing to listen to the opinions of trustworthy experts. For example, physiotherapists can convince more patients to perform the recommended exercises if they hang their medical diplomas and certificates on the walls of the office. Also in the parking lot, you are more likely to move your car at the request of a stranger if he is wearing a uniform and not ordinary clothes.

  1. We like people like us;
  2. We love those who praise us;
  3. We sympathize with people with whom we do one thing in common.

Students of two famous business schools studying for the specialty "Master of Business Administration".

04/11/2012 Anna Sokolova

An integral characteristic successful person is the ability, ability, and maybe magical talent to influence other people.

A person who knows how to convince and direct the thoughts of the people around him in the direction he needs has incredible opportunities in the modern world.

Consider the main ways how to influence people during a conversation, that is psychological methods beliefs.

It is very undesirable to use your own powers, connections, money or blackmail, you can influence both by the power of the word and the power of the look. So, the group of basic psychological methods includes persuasion, suggestion and psychological infection.

Persuasion is a way of influencing when one turns to the consciousness of another person, his feelings and experience in order to form new views and attitudes in him.

Persuasion will not work if it is replaced by moralizing. Avoid words such as "should", "should" or "shame on you". To convince with a word is a great art that requires knowledge of human psychology, the laws of ethics and logic.

To begin with, it is necessary that your interlocutor agrees to listen carefully and meaningfully to your arguments, find something in common that unites you and establish psychological contact.

Then it will be advisable to analyze all the arguments together and come to a common conclusion. Thus, the influence on a person will not be intrusive, but, on the contrary, will correspond to his thoughts, feelings and views.

If you manage to tune in to the wave of a person at the time of the conversation, you will see that half of the work is already done, and it is much easier to influence people who think the way you do than people with opposite views.

Even if you do not fully share the person's beliefs, try to feel his thoughts, and simply understand him. Understanding gives birth to the beginning of all partnerships. Understanding the interlocutor is sometimes much easier than it might seem at first glance.

A little practice on your loved ones and friends will help develop the skill of understanding to perfection.

Suggestion is psychological way influence, which provides for a non-critical perception of the expressed thoughts and will. During suggestion, agreement is not achieved, but the acceptance of information that already contains a ready conclusion is ensured.

Using this information, the person being influenced must come to the correct conclusion you need. The goal is achieved due to the fact that a person causes strong emotional reactions. The main forms of suggestion are a hint, approval, condemnation.

Psychological contagion is the process of transferring an emotional state from one person to another at an unconscious level. Often, this method is used in groups of people or collectives.

For example, correctly presented information about the success of one person infects others with enthusiasm, causing interest and enthusiasm, not envy.

In addition to the above basic methods, one should not forget about simpler truths that must be remembered if you want to influence a person during communication.

Often call the interlocutor by name, because for his ears there is nothing sweeter. Know how to listen and be sincerely interested in what you are being told, this always leads to a successful outcome of the dialogue.

And of course, smile more often, be an optimist! You will be surprised by the response of the world around you, which will submit to your sincere influence.

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For more than sixty years, researchers have been studying the reasons that motivate us to agree to someone's request. There is no doubt that the techniques and methods of persuading people are based on science. And in many ways this science is surprising.

The first universal rule of persuasion is reciprocity.

People feel obligated to reciprocate the attention or favor they have received in the past. If a friend invited you to a party, you will need to invite him over to your place. If a colleague has done you a favor, you must, on occasion, repay him in kind. Also in the case of social obligations, people are more likely to say "Yes" to those to whom they owe something.

One of the best demonstrations of the principle of reciprocity comes from a series of studies done in restaurants. For example, when you last dined at a restaurant, it is highly likely that the waitress brought you a small treat, most likely at the same time as the bill. It could be a surprise cookie or just a mint. Here the question arises - does this treat somehow affect the size of your tip? Most people say no, but mint candy can do wonders.

In a study, a treat at the end of a meal with candy increased the size of the tip by 3%. It is curious that if the treat is doubled, you are offered two sweets, then the increase in the tip increases not two, but four times - up to 14%. But the result becomes even more interesting when the waiter gives you one candy, steps away from the table, then stops and says that he has another candy for such nice customers. Tips increase by as much as 23%, reacting only to how the treat was presented.

Thus, the key to applying the rule of reciprocity is to be the first to do the favor and make it pleasant and unexpected.

The second universal principle of persuasion is based on RARE

That is, people are more eager to acquire those things that are difficult to get. When British Airways announced in 2003 that Concorde's second London-New York flight of the day had been canceled due to economic inefficiency, ticket sales surged the following day. Note that the flight itself has not changed - the plane did not fly faster, the quality of service did not improve, the cost of tickets did not decrease. It's just that the opportunity to use the service has drastically decreased. And as a result, demand has increased. So the technique for applying the rarity principle to persuasion is quite clear.

It is not enough to simply tell people about the benefits they will receive by choosing your product or service. You also need to emphasize the unique features of your offer. Tell people what they have to lose if they don't use it.

The point is that people are more willing to listen to the opinions of trustworthy experts.

For example, physiotherapists can convince more patients to perform the recommended exercises if they hang their medical diplomas and certificates on the walls of the office. Also in the parking lot, you are more likely to move your car at the request of a stranger if he is wearing a uniform and not ordinary clothes.

The important thing here is to make it clear to people that your knowledge and experience are trustworthy before attempting persuasion. Of course, this is not always easy to do. You won't walk around potential buyers and praise yourself. However, you can certainly arrange for someone else to do this for you.

And here science makes an unexpected conclusion. If you are advertised, it turns out that it does not matter whether your agent receives a profit from this or not. So one real estate firm was able to increase both the number of real estate appraisal bookings and the number of contracts subsequently awarded by advising consultants responding to client requests to start the conversation by mentioning the experience and merits of the firm's agents. For example, to a rental request, the response was something like this: “Let me put you in touch with Sandra, who has been leasing clients for over 15 years.” Clients interested in selling property were brought in with the advice: "You'd better talk to Peter, he's the head of our real estate department and has over 20 years of experience in the field." The result of these recommendations was a 20% increase in consultations and a 15% increase in contracting, not bad for such a harmless method of persuading a person, which, moreover, does not require any expenses.

The next principle of persuasion is SEQUENCE

People like to be consistent, both in their words and in their deeds. To achieve consistency in behavior, you need to come up with the first small thing and invite people to do it.

In one famous experiment, an unexpected result was obtained. Very few residents of one of the residential areas agreed to place a nondescript wooden sign on the lawn in front of their house to support the company for road safety. And in another such neighborhood, almost four times as many homeowners agreed to put up the same sign. Why? Because ten days ago they put a small postcard on the windowsill as a sign of support for the same company. This card was that small first step that led to a quadruple effect on the second, more difficult, sequential action. Therefore, intending to play on consistency in behavior, masters of persuasion try to lead people to voluntary, active public action. In the ideal case, seeking to fix it on paper.

For example, in a recent experiment, the number of missed appointments at a medical center was reduced by 18%. Due to the fact that patients were asked to fill out a doctor's appointment slip on their own. Whereas before it was done by medical workers.

The fifth method of persuasion is based on sympathy.

People are more willing to say "Yes" to those they like. But why does one person like another? Persuasion theory says that there are three main factors here:

We like people who are like us; We love those who praise us; We sympathize with people with whom we do one thing in common. Students from two well-known business schools studying in the specialty " Master of Business Administration".

One group of students was instructed, "Time is money, so get down to business." In this group, about 55% of the participants managed to come to an agreement. The second group was given different instructions: "Before you start negotiations, try to get to know each other better and find something in common that you all have." After that, already 90% of the negotiations were successful and gave a satisfactory result. That is 18% more for each side.

Thus, in order to use the effective tool of sympathy as a method of persuading people, one must make an effort to find areas of convergence in views. Try to express sincere praise to the interlocutor before moving on to discussing business matters.

The last principle of persuasion is CONSENT

A person is more likely to focus on the actions and behavior of other people when he himself is in indecision. You may have noticed that it is common for hotels to put cards in bathrooms encouraging guests to reuse bed linen and towels. Most often, the attention of guests is paid to the fact that this contributes to the protection of the environment. This method of persuasion turns out to be very effective - its effectiveness is 35%. But maybe there are more efficient ways?

As it turns out, about 75% of guests staying at a hotel for at least four days reuse their towels at one time or another. What if we use the consent rule and just write it on our card: “75% of hotel guests reuse their towels. Please follow their lead." As a result, refusals to change clothes will increase by 26%.

This method of psychological persuasion says that instead of relying on your own ability to persuade, you can focus on how the majority behaves. In particular, such a majority, to which everyone can easily identify themselves.

So here they are, six science-backed persuasion techniques that are based on simple and often cost-effective practical techniques that can multiply your ability to persuade people and influence their behavior in a completely honest way. These are the secrets of the science of persuasion applied in various areas life, ranging from simple interpersonal communication and ending with their use in advertising and marketing.


Robert Cialdini (Robert B. Cialdini born April 24, 1945) is best known for his book The Psychology of Influence.

He studied at the Universities of Wisconsin and North Carolina. Postgraduate student at Columbia University. Throughout his research career he worked at Arizona State University. He has been a visiting professor and researcher at Ohio State University, the University of California at San Diego, the University of California at Santa Cruz, the University of Southern California, and Stanford University. In 1996, Cialdini was President of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Winner of various awards in the field of social psychology, consumer psychology, teaching psychology. Stopped in 2009 scientific activity.

Experimental social psychologist. He studies the psychology of compliance. Clarifies the operation of the mechanisms of requests and demands, which he called "instruments of influence."

Engaged in the study of the influence of interpersonal relationships of people. He considers various cases from his own practice and suggests methods for reasonable control. He bases his research on personal experience and finding out the reasons for his own behavior. One of the examples, which he narrates in his book " Social Psychology. Understand others to understand yourself,” is the case of the Boy Scout.

One day on the street, a Boy Scout boy offered to buy tickets for a certain performance at a price of $ 5 apiece to Robert. To a categorical refusal, the boy replied: "Well, then buy two chocolate bars for a dollar apiece." Cialdini happily agreed, and then thought: “I don't like chocolate and I like dollars. Why did I buy chocolate? This is explained by the principle of excessive demand, then retreat. He gives various “everyday” names to these phenomena, for example, “the principle of repaying debts”: an experimenter in the cinema leaves the hall during a screening and returns with two bottles of cola, for himself and for a neighbor who did not ask him about it (moreover, the cola goes to the neighbor absolutely free). After the session, he offers his neighbor to buy lottery tickets, and the neighbor, in gratitude, buys tickets from him for several times the cost of a cola.

Using such examples, he considers the mechanisms of mutual influence of people, their causes and consequences. Considers the problem of a large flow of information and the property of the human psyche to respond to some key phrases.

The "click" principle can be demonstrated by experiment. There was a queue in the library for the copier. A man comes up and asks him to let him in because he is late for the meeting. The result is 97%. Further, the experimenter does not substantiate his desire in any way. 50%. The third time, the experimenter says, "Let me skip the Xerox line because I need to make a few copies." The result is 97%. The person heard the key phrase - "because ...", and he no longer controls the "click". Very often, such methods are used for unworthy purposes.

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