Memo “Speech and grammatical errors. Typical mistakes in Russian: grammar, speech and spelling

As practical tasks, we offer you fragments from the work of students.

Find mistakes and try to fix them.

Exercise #1

Find errors related to the violation of word order. Try to explain and correct them.

  1. In the proposed essay for analysis, the author turned to a topic that is always important.
  2. I believe that every parent is obliged to raise a kind and honest child.
  3. Many families find themselves in a situation similar to the one described by V. Tendryakov.
  4. Four days later he reached his village,
  5. Yesterday evening at about ten o'clock he was seen on the street.

Exercise #2

Determine the type of error. Correct the offer.

  1. You can admire his courage and heroism.
  2. Returning from vacation, he learned about the consequences of the news.
  3. Sometimes people die in situations like this.
  4. Every person needs attention and understanding of his problems.
  5. They stop understanding and trusting each other.

Exercise #3

Determine the type of error. Try to rearrange the sentence in such a way as to avoid violating the speech norm.

  1. He was not ashamed of his appearance and that his fellow villagers would laugh at him.
  2. With a sigh of annoyance and completely upset, another visitor left the office.
  3. It is necessary not only to help the elderly, but also young families.
  4. Citizens who entered the bus are asked to pay for the fare.
  5. After reading the essay, it seemed to me that the author was close to his problem.

Exercise number 4

In the proposed passage from the student's essay, find all cases of violation of speech norms. Edit the text.

The problem of patriotism and nationalism worries the author. One concept is quite often modified by another. If patriotism reflects the strength of a nation, then nationalism is something else. Already hair sometimes stand on end when you read newspaper materials on the topic of ethnic conflicts.

In addition to the above, I want to add that all people on earth are brothers and should treat each other with respect.

Exercise number 5

Distribute offers from stylistic mistakes into three groups: 1) mixing vocabulary of different styles; 2) the use of clericalism; 3) speech stamps. Try to rebuild the structures in accordance with the norm.

1. There was a real dubak in the village center of culture. 2. Sometimes it happens like this: a person himself reads and knows a lot, but does not conduct explanatory work among the population. 3. The author brings to the attention of readers his thoughts on this matter. 4. Natasha Rostova loved one guy, but she wanted to give her hand and heart to another. 5. Any person can get into a difficult life situation, and there is nothing to pretend to be invulnerable. 6. In aquatic environment there were pike, crucian carp, as well as small minnows. 7. The image of Andrei Bolkonsky is a typical role model. 8. Selfless patriotism and fortitude characterize the hero of this essay.

Grammatical errors arise when the rules of the Russian language are not observed, which sometimes gives speech an unflattering sound. We cannot always convey a beautifully expressed idea to the interlocutor if we allow such inaccuracies in oral and written speech. By memorizing the rules, grammatical errors can be avoided in speech turns in order to speak or write beautifully, elegantly and expressively. A grammatical error is the most weakness in completing tasks in the Russian language, so in this article we will consider them in more detail.

A bit of theory

Grammatical errors are errors in the structures of language units, in the structures of words, phrases, sentences. They also include violations of one or another grammatical norm: morphological, word-formation or syntactic. Below you can see in detail the table, which indicates the options for such a violation as a grammatical error. Study examples of incorrect use of words and their combinations carefully. Try to remember simple rules that will come in handy in later life when building beautiful dialogues.

Grammatical errors

No. p / p

Error type Example
1 Erroneous word formations

Hardworking, mocking

2 Erroneous formations of noun forms

Various miracles of electronics, there was not enough time

3 Erroneous formations of adjective forms

More attractive, more beautiful

4 Erroneous formations of forms of numeralsWith six hundred rubles

Erroneous formations of forms of pronouns

Their neighbor, their tomboys
6 Erroneous formations of verb formsThey walk, do not want to, writing about what happened

Agreement Violations

He knows a lot of girls doing needlework

Management violations

You need to make your speech more correct. Tells readers

9 Violations of connections between subjects and predicatesA minority objected to such an assessment of his creation.

Violations of the ways of expressing predicates in separate constructions

He wrote a novel that is epic
11 Errors in sentences with homogeneous membersThe team loved and was proud of the goalkeeper.

In the letter, I wanted to show the meaning of competitions and why I love them.


Errors in sentences with adverbial phrases

Reading this article makes me feel...

Errors in sentences with participial phrases

The wide road was covered with falling snow under the boots

Mistakes in building complex sentences

This book made me respect and appreciate my parents, which I read in my youth.

It seemed to me that this…


Violation of supply boundaries

And when the hero came to his senses. It was too late.

Mixing indirect and direct speech

The author wrote that I agree with the opinion of the reviewer


Studying grammar rules language and cases of their violation will allow you to make your speech more accurate and expressive. Your cultural level as a native speaker will increase. Indeed, a beautiful pure speech in compliance with all the rules and norms literary language distinguished by logic, richness, purity and euphony. Believe me, in conversation and writing, grammatical errors (and any others) do not look very decent, so remember the simple rules and try to speak and write beautifully!


Watch for the absence of pleonasms in speech - superfluous words. For example, you should not use the expressions: main point, price list, future prospects, time period, eventually first time, etc.

Please note that the replacement of one of the constituent words in stable ones also becomes one of the most common speech mistakes. Do not say "in the spotlight" instead of "in the spotlight" or "in the field of view", "play a value" instead of "play a role" or "make a difference", etc.

Make sure that the subject is not covered by a direct object, otherwise the meaning of the sentence may become ambiguous. For example, the phrase "Wide loggias frame tinted glass screens" will sound better if the subject is also interchanged: "Tinted glass screens frame wide loggias."

Sometimes the wrong word can completely change the meaning of a sentence, so if you are writing text, be sure to read it after a while, this will allow you to avoid phrases like: “The store received cribs for babies in various colors” and “We made an inspection of the scene where the accident was committed with the participation of witnesses.

Make sure that your sentences are always logically complete, they should be traced to the main idea. An example of an unsuccessful proposal is: "The production of metals requires a large increase in the supply of scrap metal, since about half of all steel is smelted from scrap metal." To emphasize the need to increase the collection of scrap metal, rewrite the phrase as follows: "Increasing the collection of scrap metal is very important for steel production, since half of all ferrous metals are smelted from scrap."

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Helpful advice

If you find it difficult to take care of yourself, and you can not always identify mistakes in your speech, ask someone you know to correct you.

"A forest of hands rose during the voting. After the announcement of the results, everyone applauded enthusiastically and selflessly. Their hearts were pounding in unison," this small text filled with speech stamps, and it is very unpleasant to read.

hackneyed words

Speech stamps are words and expressions that give off unpleasant pathos, loud phrases, behind which there is nothing. Over the years, u have enough a large number people have developed certain stereotypes of thinking. Often they slip into a person's speech. She becomes dull, dull and unemotional.

For a phrase to become a cliche, it must be used very often in the lexicon of every member of society. Sometimes even a characteristic that reflects the absolute uniqueness of something can eventually turn into a speech stamp. This happened with one of the names of oil (“black gold”). However, such constructions greatly simplify life, allowing you not to think for a long time when talking.

Speech stamps deprive the thought of concreteness (for example, the annual meeting was held at the very high level). It is easier to say this than to provide a long report, answering numerous questions. A person who often uses clichés in speech becomes unpleasant for others. It seems to them too superficial. In most cases, it is.


There are words that are relevant only in certain style speech. These include the clerical units used in formal business style. It is characterized by the absence of emotions and a very clear presentation of thoughts. Everything should be as concise and to the point as possible. Is this approach suitable for artistic or conversational style?

Of course not. In this case, clericalism will turn into a speech stamp, which will make speech heavier and impoverish. For example, you will say: "There is a lack of spare parts for the car." If you use this in your speech when talking to someone, do not be surprised that they will look at you askance. Isn't it easier to say that there are no spare parts for the car?


Language standards are a kind of speech stamps journalistic style. However, in this case they are appropriate, since they most accurately describe the object and its properties. For example, " humanitarian aid”, “power structures”, etc. In society, such phrases are not perceived as ordinary speech stamps.


Cliches are clichés, but like language standards, they are appropriate in certain situations. "Hello" and "Goodbye" refer to these constructions. Despite the frequent repetition, they do not lose their emotional coloring. Sometimes clichés are used in scientific literature or in a formal letter.

Even literate people make grammatical mistakes. It is easy to see that some rules of the Russian do not cause difficulties, while the majority regularly stumbles on others. It's not so much that these rules are complicated. Rather, they are simply inconvenient, and some have so many exceptions and peculiarities of application that their presentation takes up a whole sheet - it seems that they cannot be learned without being an academic.

Consider the most typical mistakes in the Russian language, made not by schoolchildren, but by fairly literate people.

What is considered a grammatical error?

A grammatical error is a violation of a generally accepted established norm. Any errors relating to word formation (for example, the wrong suffix is ​​used for), morphology (for example, the wrong declension of a verb), syntax (for example, inconsistent with the main sentence) are called grammatical errors.

Grammar errors should be distinguished from spelling or speech errors.

The most common mistakes are related to punctuation:

1. Many people are used to highlighting "however" with commas and are very surprised when Word underlines the comma after it as a mistake. Those who are more attentive notice that a comma after "however" is considered an error only when it is at the beginning of a sentence. Indeed, if the meaning of this word is similar to "after all", "nevertheless", and it is in the middle of a sentence, then it is considered introductory, and it must be separated by commas. If it means "but", as, for example, in the sentence "However, she did not understand him" (= "But she did not understand him"), then the comma is not needed.

2. Often there is confusion with the signs "dash" and "colon". Many, faced with which the union is missing, intuitively understand that they need to put a more "solid" sign than a comma. But which one? The rule is actually quite simple. You need to choose the most suitable words instead of the missing union.

If the meaning is suitable for such words as "what", "namely", then you need to put a colon. And also a colon is put if the first sentence ends with words denoting perception and suggesting that they will be followed by a description. These can be words: see, understand, feel, etc.

I remember (that): it was evening, a quiet flute was playing.

He was difficult person(namely): quick-tempered, bilious, sullen.

I recognized him immediately: (because) he was wearing one yellow shoe.

I see: a barge is sailing, on it is a barefoot boy, tanned, unfamiliar, but sparkling with a smile and in the next second he is waving his hand to me.

If you can insert words such as "a", "but", "and", "as if", "this", "therefore", "as if", then a dash should be used.

He took a wide step (and) - his pants were torn.

Across the sea, a heifer (this) is a half, but a ruble is transported.

The wind blew - (therefore) groaned, the old forest creaked.

A dash is also used when the words "if" or "when" can be added at the beginning of a sentence.

(When) I thought about Grisha - he is right there.

(If) I get a fee - let's go to the sea!

Grammatical errors related to morphology

Difficulties cause "nn" in suffixes (although everyone remembers glass, tin, wooden), it is especially difficult to deal with double "n" in adverbs. And also many are confused by the use of particles not / neither. Quite a few educated people, imperceptibly for themselves, are mistaken in management. Which is correct, "control over" or "control over"? The confusion between the two is another popular grammatical error. Example:

  • control over the quality of execution;
  • control over the execution of the order;
  • water level control.

Which option is correct? All. One or another type of control in this case is selected depending on the characteristics of the subsequent word. For example, "control over" is used before verbal nouns (execute - execution). There are other subtleties.

Not all common grammatical errors are mentioned in this article. It is quite possible to learn not to commit them by studying the rules. We hope that we were able to demonstrate that learning the secrets of the native language is an exciting business, and sometimes a superficial acquaintance with the rule is enough to realize all its logic and expediency. We also hope that you have noticed the variations in the use of the rules described above in the article itself, and not just under the "examples" headings.

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