Diseases according to the signs of the zodiac - very useful information !!! Medical Astrology: Weak Points of the Zodiac Signs Planets and Organs

The first thing I want to say is that there are no accurate diagnostic methods using astrology yet. This may be due to the peculiarities of the interaction between medicine and astrology. Maybe this is due to the underdevelopment of the material. On the map, you can rather describe the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpossible disease and the most general characteristics of the disease, but it is hardly possible to make an accurate diagnosis. Here the problem is twofold. In some cases, astrology thinks in a completely different plane than medicine. Modern medicine works with organs and systems, while astrology works in a slightly different way. And now you are convinced of this.

It seems to me that the Chinese approach to medicine is somewhat closer to astrology. And homeopathy is quite close to astrology. The kind of homeopathy that Hahnemann shaped. In the course of implementation in life, homeopathy also undergoes specific changes. Today you can find homeopathic medicines for example for headaches. But in fact, this is not a homeopathic approach, because homeopathy does not consider a human disease or even an organ, but a person as a whole. As far as I know, Hahnemann divides people into 72 basic types, and works with the type. Later work after Hahnemann looked at how each type evolved and what diseases it was characterized by. And it's not about curing the disease, but restoring the balance of a person of this type. A medicine is chosen not for the disease, but for the corresponding type of person. I even met an attempt to join homeopathy and astrology, when all the main types were reduced to eight planetary types. This is probably the most astrological approach.

From my own experience, I have a feeling that the disease is a violation in the work of a certain system. We are dealing with a whole system, and not with separate organs, therefore, astrologically, it makes sense to consider the whole. Usually I diagnose health according to the natal chart and not only, but I always start with the natal chart. Situational things can be viewed by progressions, solariums. Even a tendency to frequent colds should be incorporated in the natal chart. If you're having any little trouble, it could be due to this year's progressions or the solarium. But if we are talking about serious, long-term illnesses with serious consequences, about the chronicle, then all this should be present in the natal chart.

houses of disease

And here we do not need the entire natal chart. You have to deal with four houses. But sometimes it happens that the problem is not with the house, but with the sign. Those. the badly affected sign is not in one of these houses, but the problem is still there. But, as a rule, all problems most often come out on the tops of one of the four houses. You already know that these are the 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses. Those. we are actually dealing with two axes: 2-8 and 6-12 at home.

Another feature is injury. When there is a change in the shape of the physical body, the 1st house is also affected. Radhyar writes that the 2nd house is associated with energy and energy disturbances, and the 6th with emotional disturbances. I have a different opinion on this matter. Logically, this is how it should be. The 6th house is the third house of the emotional quadrant. But there is another point of view. It is difficult to say which disease is the result of astral disturbances and which is not. We can rather separate things like hereditary diseases and diseasesconnected with the individual directly, with his previous karma. Usually, digging deeper, we will definitely hit the astral layer, so such a differentiation,like Rudhyar's, I wouldn't spend it.

I have a feeling that the 6th house is just a place of manifestation of the disease. Violations can be anything, but they manifest themselves most often in the form that the 6th house offers us. It is necessary to look at the sign at the top of the 6th house, planets in the 6th house.

About the 8th house

It is assumed that the 8th house is fatal diseases, clinical deaths, major operations. But experience says that the situation is somewhat broader. Critical situations are really connected with the 8th house. These can be sharp exacerbations, but not necessarily fatal. After all, a person does not die in the 8th house. According to the 8th house, he remembers that he will have to die. A person usually dies in the 9th house. Therefore, the 8th house is simply the house of crises. Axis 2-8 are simply very complex diseases, crises. But this does not mean at all that any disease of the 8th house will be fatal or clinically dead.

There is another hypothesis that the sign on top of the 8th house will indicate the cause of death of a person. You know that a person does not die just like that. To do this, some system of the body must turn off. I suspect that the 8th house is an indication of which system is in crisis.

About death

As for death. There are deaths that come in the 9th house, and there are those that come in the 8th house. There is a hypothesis that premature death goes through the 8th house. Normal death runs through the 9th. Lifetime is a resource that a person uses. Leisure time passes through the 5th house, and busy time through the 6th. In general, time is related to energy. And by spending some energy, you can shorten the time or lengthen the time. So time is a resource, and a person is allocated a certain resource for life. You can increase or decrease this resource, or you can not use it for some reason, for example, die prematurely.

I doubted for a moment that this was possible. It seemed to me that life expectancy is a strictly defined thing. In Ezekiel, I came across one place where he curses all sorts of sorcerers who help prolong the life of those who must die and shorten those who must live. Those. he claims that it is possible, for example, to shorten life in a magical way, which means there are other ways. It also happens that a person is part of a wider process, and then he can get into the general flow. But at the same time, he still cannot die at a non-crisis moment. However, this does not mean that he has used up his entire resource to the end. A simple example is suicide.

There are indications that a person who leaves in the 9th house leaves easily. Those. does not die easily, and his posthumous path is very easy. He easily and rather quickly reaches the point where he should come after death. And a person who dies in the 8th house, after death, he experiences quite a lot of difficulties. From which I assume that the road is not open there.

12th house

12th house is hospital stay and chronic diseases. Hidden diseases go through the 12th house, which are not visible at first, and then come out unexpectedly. These diseases are diagnosed extremely late, that is, not soon after the onset. This is also due to the fact that a person himself does not notice them for a long time at first. The included signs are also connected with the same things.

Example. I have one friend who has Neptune struck in the 2nd house in the included sign in Libra. He himself is a Sagittarius. He had no health problems for a very long time, went in for sports. Then sharply mental illness, depression and so on. Classic Neptune. Then there is an unexpected transformation of this situation. He meets a Taurus woman, falls in love, and she pulls him out. Just the very fact of living together leads to the fact that he is cured. And for three years everything is in order, no diseases. And after three years, a latent blood disease comes out. Which is very characteristic of Neptune. He is treated at the hematological institute, and he is being cured. After that, another blood disease came out, which was not diagnosed at first. Of course, he did not survive the second disease in a row. Here is an example not of the 12th house, but of an included sign in the second.

2nd house

And finally, the 2nd house. It is really a resource, a store of vital energy. And these are also diseases, their causes. Those. in the 6th house - the results, the manifestation of the disease, and the causes lie along the axis of the 2-8th house. In any case, if the disease got out in the 6th, you need to look for it in the 2nd, 8th or 12th.

About diagnostics. What works:

1. Aspects to the tops of houses.

2. Signs on the tops of houses.

3. Planets in houses and aspects to them.

body geography. Signs on the tops of houses.

Aries is not the whole head, it is the part of the head without the lower jaw. The ear does not fall into the Aries zone.

Taurus - lower jaw, ears, throat, neck to shoulders. If a child has 2 or 8 houses in Taurus and is affected, otitis media is permanent. Taurus in the 6th house is more likely to indicate sore throats. The voice is determined by the planets. Timbre is Venus. Under Taurus is also the cerebellum.

Gemini - shoulders, arms, bronchi, but not lungs. Breathing as such is under Gemini, but the lungs themselves do not lie in the Gemini zone, they are in the Cancer zone.

Leo - back (upper part) and heart. In the Cancer-Leo zone, the section of the body, as it were, splits in half into the back and front.

Virgo - intestines.

Libra - kidneys, lower back, everything around the waist.

Scorpio - the genitourinary system.

Sagittarius - hips.

Capricorn - knees.

Aquarius - shins.

Pisces - feet.

Now a few comments. The hips and pelvis are a whole geometric zone.

Scorpio suddenly finds itself almost in the same place as Sagittarius. From practice, it turns out that the two types of diseases are quite clearly separated. Scorpio is associated with cystitis and other diseases of the bladder. Women's diseases, such as fibroids, ovarian diseases, and others, for some reason, have a habit of following Sagittarius. This has become clear in practice.

Pluto has been in Sagittarius since 1994. And those who have Sagittarius inside the 2nd or 6th house, they begin to have diseases in this area. Hidden at first, then they appear. Or some kind of polyp, or cyst, or an inflammatory process in the ovaries or uterus, etc. Under Capricorn are not only the knees. Under it is the whole skeleton, but this is understandable. And first of all, much stronger is


It often happens that a person has a 6th or 8th house in Capricorn and is amazed, i.e. the top of the house is struck or there is a corresponding planet, it is standard - a problem with the spine. If Capricorn is in the 8th house, then the spine is the cause of some disease. And if Capricorn is in the 6th house, then the disease will come out there.

Cancer is usually stomach. But practice shows that not only. If Cancer is affected, then the entire digestive system is affected. Including the liver, duodenum, also the pancreas, but there are some problems with it, it is associated not only with the sign, but also with the planet Venus. If the affected Cancer is on top of the 2nd or 8th house, this does not directly say that such and such an organ is violated, this indicates that there is a violation in the digestive system.

The large and small intestines are under Virgo, but the rectum is under Scorpio. Often, when Scorpio is affected, the standard ailment is hemorrhoids. For a more accurate diagnosis, you need to look at the combination of the sign plus the planet in the corresponding house. This combination will more accurately indicate the organ. The energy channel of Cancer, the fourth meridian, it is connected with the pancreas, is the meridian of the pancreas.

Now Leo. When Leo is hurt, this does not mean at all that the problems are with the heart. The entire cardiovascular system works here. For example, there may be a normal heart, but a person has hypertension, vascular problems. But Leo gives no indication of the chemical composition of the blood. He talks about the operation of this system as a whole. Leukemia, anemia, etc. will not go along Leo. The lion is the heart plus the tubes themselves plus the muscles. According to Leo, there are all sorts of options with a violation of pressure and with the heart itself.

Virgo is both the large and small intestines. Except for the esophagus and duodenum, which are Cancer, and the rectum, which is Scorpio.

The Libra zone is the kidneys, this is the lower back. With Libra at the top of the 8th house, diseases such as lumbago, sciatica are characteristic. On the back in the lumbar region, just below the waist, there are two specific nerve centers. They just belong to Libra, and problems in them cause these diseases. Under Libra, oddly enough, there are often problems that relate to the spine. The scales will simply indicate the zone where these problems have fallen. After all, the spine is a rather long thing, and for example, sciatica is a rather local thing.

The analysis of houses and signs gives us the opportunity to determine the predisposition of some systems of the human body to diseases. This is confirmed by non-astrological methods. There is a branch of medicine that used to be called psychoendocrinology, but is now called neuroendocrinology. It says that a small change in hormones just after birth can determine a person's health for decades to come. They can diagnose a person for many years to come. This is close enough to astrology.

Astrological experience shows that according to the chart we can diagnose very late diseases, i.e. those that are not coming soon. This suggests that all this is laid at the very beginning.

Diseases according to the signs of the zodiac

Aries- First of all, it is a certain type of brain disease. These are tumors, inflammatory processes, disorders of intracranial pressure, disorders

intracerebral circulation, persistent headaches, migraines. The causes of migraine are clearly not in the head, but the manifestation is there. We said that the upper jaw is under Aries, but this does not mean that problems with the teeth will come from Aries. But when it comes to operations, then it is already necessary to take into account the position of the Moon, and not to allow surgical intervention in the region of the upper jaw with the Moon in Aries.

Question: What about a stroke that manifests itself in the brain?

Answer: It is impossible to say for one hundred percent that a stroke is associated with Aries. These things are more likely to go through the circulatory system.

Taurus- it's natural ears and throat, tonsillitis, problems with tonsils. But bronchitis goes on Gemini. Taurus is a disease of the thyroid gland. And very often, I don’t even know why, maybe because the Moon is exalted in Taurus, problems with the mammary glands follow this sign. This may be in Cancer, but for some reason Taurus also gives such an effect. The fact is that usually problems with the mammary glands in women are of an emotional and sexual nature. What happens in the case of thyroid gland.

I am becoming more and more convinced that there are no purely sexual dissonances. There are emotional dissonances that are reflected in this area. Those. with emotional problems between partners, dissonance may first arise in sexual life, then in family relationships, and then they will result in a disease of the breast or thyroid gland. Sometimes the stage of dissonance in family relationships can be bypassed, and emotional-sexual dissonance immediately manifests itself in the disease. Another important point is breastfeeding. If this process is blocked for some reason, then problems may also arise.

Example: A woman who had to have a tumor removed from her breast. She underwent deep psychoanalysis. It turned out that at one time a nephew lived in their house, who was in love with her. Apparently, there was some kind of emotional contact between them. I emphasize - not sexual, namely emotional. And as a consequence of this contact, she developed this disease.

Twins- These are bronchitis, speech disorders. These are diseases of the respiratory system as a whole. Gemini is also related to the nervous system, but still, serious disorders of the nervous system do not follow Gemini, but Aquarius, or rather Uranus. Violation of intraocular pressure (increase) may have a plutonic nature, less often uranic.

Cancer- diseases of the entire digestive system or any digestive organ. The fact that Cancer means the chest must be taken into account in operations. We will look at any fractures of the ribs not according to Cancer. This kind of injury has a clear Martian-plutonic character. With inflammation of the lungs, there may be a Cancer-Gemini or Cancer-Mercury situation. There is a nuance here. If it is the 6th house, it is Gemini, and if the 8th house, then it can be both Cancer and Gemini.

a lion- I have already said that this is the entire cardiovascular system with its diseases. Things like vasoconstriction due to deposits on the walls, calcification, go according to Leo.

Virgo- bowel disease. Appendicitis, inflammation in the intestines. According to the Chinese system, the meridian of the large intestine and small intestine are separated. Constipation is also Virgo, some kind of affected Venus in Virgo, a violation of peristalsis. Violations of the intestinal microflora astrologically usually follow Virgo, but therethere must be an aspect.

Scales- kidney disease. According to Saul Aizin, the entire purifying and excretory system is under Libra. Violations in Libra can affect the composition of the blood. Scales can show a violation in the composition of the blood as a result of improper liver function, i.e. the blood is poorly cleansed.

Scorpion. With this sign, as with Taurus, the emotional sphere is strongly connected. The endocrine system can unexpectedly come out from under Scorpio. The endocrine system was once thought to be a collection of endocrine glands. Then it turned out that the stomach is also an endocrine gland and produces hormones that affect the entire body. Then it turned out that the skin is also an endocrine gland. I have a suspicion that someday it will become clear that every organ is an endocrine gland. Apparently the adrenal glands must be associated with Libra, but very often the affected Scorpio gives back to the adrenal glands, which produce adrenaline. They provide our resilience in stressful situations. Both Libra and Scorpio are specifically emotional signs.

Sagittarius. I have already said that these are female organs and the prostate, but these are also diseases of the blood or circulatory system. The so-called master or lord of the heart meridian is associated with Sagittarius. Anyone who has studied the circulatory system knows that there are two beats: one from the heart to the periphery, the other is an oncoming beat, which is controlled by the master of the heart. Those who learn to control their circulation are taught in schools not to control the pulse of the heart, but the pulse of the master of the heart. Realistically, the master of the heart is the entire peripheral circulatory system. Practice shows that disorders in the liver are also associated with Sagittarius. But this indication alone is not enough, confirmation is needed for the corresponding planets. If you see Sagittarius in the house of illness, then there may be suggestions for the liver, circulatory system, and problems in the hip area. And then you need to look at which planets are working, but about them a little later.

Sagittarius - most often the circulatory system as a whole and as a hematopoietic system

Same. Jupiter is associated with arterial blood, and Venus with venous blood.

Scorpio - endocrine system. Genitourinary partly, rather urinary. Plus


Libra - excretory system and skin. But the skin is not an unambiguous thing, it goes both under Saturn and under Venus. Things like skin diseases are very clearly associated with Venus. For example, psoriasis and neurodermatitis are 100% related to emotional problems.

Example: A young woman suffered from severe neurodermatitis. She was married, but she had a very inharmonious relationship with her husband. She fell in love with a guy from work and went south with him. After that, her illness improved dramatically. She later broke up with this guy, but she never returned to her husband, although he really wanted to. From this it became clear that their relationship was extremely inharmonious. Suppressed or unrealized emotionality can give just such things. Not excessive emotionality, namely blocked.

Virgo - in addition to the intestines, throat disorders are possible, but this is more of a compensatory nature. Under Virgo there should be all the microflora. Neptune and Virgo. Whether it is possible to consider the microflora as a system, I do not know, but it seems to me that this is a whole world inside a person. Microflora is a form of human immersion in the environment in which he lives. Virgo is also responsible for assimilation, i.e. digestion of what has been digested. Those. sometimes, with an affected Virgo, one can speak not of a violation of the microflora, but of a violation of the assimilation process for whatever reasons.

Leo - cardiovascular, Cancer - digestive, Gemini - respiratory system. Leo also gives back problems - scoliosis, kyphosis. Lordosis is associated with Libra. Taurus is an energy resource. The whole energy of the body is connected with it.

Aries is a muscular system, but there is no complete certainty about this. It's more like Mars than Aries. There are differences. I have experience that if a person has a strong Aries-Scorpio, then he has an active muscular system with a good response. The muscular system is complex. Ligaments and tendons under Capricorn.

Example: I know a person with Libra on the cusp of the 8th house. He never had kidney problems, butdied from kidney failure, and 3-4 days before death. Urine stopped coming out.

Congenital physical defects must be associated with the 1st house.

The body of a person has an exact analogy with his horoscope, where the planets act as functional principles, and the Signs of the Zodiac are the very temple of the Soul.

Man is a microcosm, and, therefore, he bears in himself the manifestations and imprints of all four cosmic elements: Fire, Air, Earth, Water. From their mixing in certain proportions, our nature is formed.

Fire is associated with the vital energy of the body, with the distribution of oxygen in the blood. Earth is all the dense tissues in our body, the skeletal system, salts, stones. Through Air, connections between organs are carried out. These are connective tissues and the nervous system. The element of Water governs all fluids in the body, including the endocrine and lymphatic systems.

To the elements fire belong signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Earththey are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
AirGemini, Libra and Aquarius.
And finally, to the elements Water relate Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Each element has its own disease and its own methods of treatment. Thus, even a cursory glance at the horoscope can reveal a person's predisposition to certain diseases.

In addition, each element has its own energy output in the body, i.e. crystallization center. Fire is the heart. The earth is concentrated in the sexual organs. Air is lungs. Water has an exit in a liver.

The strongest are the elements of Fire and Air. Their damage in the horoscope does not affect the general condition of the body as much as the imbalance of Earth and Water, in which a person is initially prone to physical weakness.

On what organs in the human body do the planets leave their stamp? After all, they are the main clockwork parts of our mechanism and carriers of the most important vital functions. The seven planets are responsible for the seven main "royal" organs.

Sun is the heart. The luminary also manages a large circle of blood circulation.
Moon- stomach. Responsible for the assimilation, assimilation, transformation of matter.
Mercury- lungs, bronchi and the entire respiratory system as a whole.
Venus are the kidneys and urinary system.
Mars associated with the brain. Also in his parish is the exchange of iron in the blood.
Jupiter is the liver.
Saturn responsible for the spinal cord, gallbladder, spleen.
The remaining organs are distributed according to the combined function of the planets.

If we talk about the sense organs, then the defeat of the five major planets also gives certain diseases.

Behind Vision answers Mercury,
Taste sensations- This Mars,

Like the Zodiac, the human body consists of 12 parts. Signs of the Zodiac indicate a weakening of energy in a certain part of the body.

A person's predisposition to diseases is already visible from the cosmogram, but in order to find out whether this will happen or not, it is necessary to build a medical horoscope.

Aries refers to the head and face. Taurus is the neck, pharynx, esophagus, upper respiratory tract, tonsils, thyroid gland. Gemini - arms, hands, lungs. Cancer - chest, stomach. Leo - back, upper spine, heart. Virgo - intestines. Libra - lower back, kidneys, bladder. Scorpio is the sexual sphere. Sagittarius - buttocks, skin. Capricorn - knees, joints, cartilage, bones. Aquarius - shins, autonomic nervous system. Pisces - feet, blood plasma, endocrine system. And the presence of problems in these zodiac signs will help prevent diseases and take preventive measures.

Each disease has its own style, its own course: one proceeds rapidly, acutely, the other is sluggish, chronic, and the disease can also proceed latently. The planets are responsible for this. Acute, inflammatory process awakens negative Mars. Saturn gives a stable chronicle. Mercury causes periodic exacerbations. Jupiter shows systemic diseases. Venus gives latent forms of disease.

It is the planets that expose the invisible interconnection of organs and possible complications.

Also in the medical horoscope there are conditional points that indicate the ability of a person to get rid of diseases or vice versa to acquire them. They are called the Lot of Sickness and the Lot of Health. The Lot of Illness will show the “Achilles heel” of a person, the most vulnerable organ through which all diseases are introduced. The Health Lot shows the strongest place, i.e. the organ from which any treatment should begin. These lots do not yet indicate disease, but they indicate the conductors of forces that destroy our body.

In addition, there are also lots for each organ, which show its energy center, which, when activated, can either destroy or heal this or that organ.

Each sign of the zodiac is made up of degrees. It is by them that one can determine the hidden relationship of diseases, which is not visible and cannot be explained by traditional medicine. For example, finding the affected Moon in the sign of Aries, in the 8th degree, will give a stomach ulcer and, according to the degree characteristic, hair loss. Yet degrees do not give direct indications of disease, only manifestations of particular cases.

In medical astrology there are such concepts as active and passive degrees. A passive degree is not marked by a planet, but can be activated from time to time by the passage of a transiting planet through it. A transit is the position of a planet at a given point in time.

Hyleg and antichileg are very important indicators in the medical horoscope. Hyleg is the planet, the ruler of health and all vital processes in the body. It indicates the organ - the source of vitality. Through this planet, an influx of energy enters the body. According to the status of a hyleg, i.e. its numerical coefficient, you can determine the initial margin of safety and disease resistance. Status is calculated according to astromedical aphetic tables. Antichileg, respectively, has an effect opposite to chileg. It governs the major diseases in the body.

In medical astrology, one cannot ignore such indicators as fixed stars and nebulae. Stars give additional indicators in the characterization of diseases, and nebulae affect the senses.

As for taking medications, the time of their manufacture and ingestion is of great importance. If, for example, the disease began from the new moon to the first quarter of the moon, it is most favorable to take medicines in the morning (from sunrise to noon). Sick with a flawed moon, medicines must be taken in the morning. It should be noted that these diseases are more difficult to treat, because. a person tends to sleep at this time, but it is at this time that the disease must be blocked.

There are medicines that protect and medicines that save. But all preparations must be made taking into account the lunar calendar. New moon and full moon are the worst times for this.

There is a very important astrohomeopathic rule: treat “like with like” and “like with opposite”. As a rule, if the course of the disease is acute, then the first method is used. With a stable chronicle - use the second. But all - taking into account the personal horoscope of the patient.

After the medicine is made, it should be taken at the same hours, keeping the same rhythm of space-time.

Herbs in their physical, chemical and magical effects on a person can be compared with the functions of the planets. We can say that plants react to the symbolic rhythm of the planets. By their appearance and a number of signs of plants, one can determine the planet with the functions of which they are associated. In addition, one cannot ignore that flowers and fruits are associated with Fire, the root - with the Earth, the leaves - with Air, the stem - with Water and Air. When treating a particular disease, one must choose the part of the plant that either corresponds to the element of the disease (“like to like”) or opposite to it (“like to the opposite”), depending on the disease itself.

If we talk about psychic treatment, it should be noted that such abilities are visible in a person's horoscope. In contact with the patient, synastry is important, i.e. interaction, his horoscope and the psychic's horoscope.

Signs of Fire. Acute manifestations are removed by active breathing practice during the first lunar phase. The best time is at sunrise or sunset. Severe starvation is not always shown, but if you still decide on this, then in the first phase of the moon. Fire people are impulsive people, and this impulse is not enough for a long time. Don't artificially support it. Don't force yourself on a schedule. Everything depends on your will.

Earth signs. First of all, pay attention to your diet. The choice of products is very important. Periodic cleansing of the body and fasting are also shown. The second quarter of the moon is the most vulnerable time. During this period, it is better to drink herbs, and it is better to exclude bitter, tart and astringent foods.

Air Signs. The diet should be rich in water. But avoid fasting in the third phase of the moon, and stick to the chosen measured life order. It is in this quarter that you need to start correcting your health: drink decoctions, tinctures, liquid medicines.

Signs of Water. The transformation of any food is associated with them, but any sour, stale food is contraindicated for them. In the fourth phase of the moon, one should not eat coarse food, in particular mushrooms. It is better to stick to a diet containing natural sugars. These people are more susceptible to poisoning than other people.

Summing up, it should be noted that, knowing the horoscope, you can adjust the lifestyle of a person, which will not allow the disease to manifest itself or, at least, muffle the severity of the disease.

The Greek philosopher and physician Hippocrates (460-370 BC), who is considered the father of medicine, said: "A doctor who does not understand astrology has no right to call himself a doctor." Until the eighteenth century, the study of astrology and its connection with the human body was part of the medical training program. Modern medicine does not resort to the help of astrology, but astrology is still able to provide answers to many questions related to health. What useful information can be taken from the birth horoscope? Health issues in astrology are not as simple as it seems at first glance, so you can not focus on only one sun sign. The following factors of the birth horoscope influence the state of health and predisposition to diseases:

1. Sign of the Zodiac in which the Sun is located in a person's horoscope.

WITH The connection between the signs of the Zodiac, various parts of the body and diseases is part of the Hermetic theory, according to which the entire Cosmos is reflected in man. The signs of the Zodiac, from Aries to Pisces, correspond to the parts of the human body, from the head, ruled by Aries, to the feet, ruled by Pisces. In other words: each sign controls a certain part of the body (protects it). The influence of the sign under which a person was born can be twofold: the part of the body ruled by the sign is strong in some respects and weak in others.

2. The sign opposite to the sign of birth is a sign in opposition to the solar.

Modern medical astrology adheres to the "principle of opposites", according to which the polar sign also affects human health.

3. Ascendant(rising sign).

The ascendant largely determines the appearance, general physical condition and health of a person.

4. Z nac of the zodiac containing stellium (a group of three or more planets).

5. Astrological houses.

In addition to the Ascendant, information about diseases is carried by the sixth and twelfth houses of the birth horoscope.

6. Planets.

Planets govern various parts of the body, body systems and endocrine glands. Here is the correspondence. Any planet that has unfavorable aspects portends a disease of the parts of the body ruled by this planet. For example: The Sun governs the heart, back, spine, spleen, thymus gland, and general human vitality. Malefic planets act differently - Mars and Saturn (some astrologers refer to them as Uranus and Neptune), located in any sign, indicate susceptibility to diseases of the organ controlled by this sign. For example: Saturn, located in the sign of Aries, may indicate diseases of the head, because. Aries rules the head.

The Moon (its position and aspects) plays an important role in matters of health. In medical astrology, a decumbitur (a horoscope drawn up at the moment when a person fell ill) can be used for diagnosis, treatment, determining the moment of crisis and predicting the outcome of the disease. Such a horoscope is compared to a birth horoscope. In this case, the position of the moon is of particular importance.

Health Significators by

Diseases indicated by the houses of the horoscope

1 house. Head, eyes, face, ears, bad breath, inflamed mouth, and noli me tangere (lupus).
2 house. Throat, neck, scrofula.
4 house. Stomach, chest, lungs.
5 house. Back, shoulder blades, stomach, liver, heart, sides.
6 house. Lower abdomen, intestines, liver and kidneys.

7 house. Thighs, flank of abdomen (from ribs to ilium), thinintestines, bladder, uterus, reproductive organs.
8 house. Spine, butt, groin.
9 house. Bones of the thigh or thigh (upper part).
10 house. Knees, popliteal area of ​​the leg, behind the knee.
11 house. Lower leg, legs from knee to ankle, lower leg bones.
12 house. Feet and all diseases inherent in them.

Diseases indicated by the signs of the zodiac

Aries- all diseases inherent in the head (which were indicated by the first house) andsuch as leaking or bile, smallpox, abscesses, acne.

Taurus- Diseases of the neck and throat arising from melancholy, as in the second house.

Twins- Shoulders, arms, hands, flowing from blood disorders.

Cancer– scabies, breast cancer, chest pain, poor digestion in the stomach, spleen,lungs, upper abdomen, cold and dampness are the cause, excesses, etc.

a lion- spine, sides, ribs, heart, lower chest, such ailments thatdevelop from bile and excess blood.

Virgo- shows melancholy, intestinal diseases, abdominal pain, dysentery, etc.,obstruction in the mesentery, colic.

Scales- heat in the lower back or kidney stone, excesses in drinking and eating, or from excesses in sexual intercourse, diseases of the buttocks, joints, popliteal regions and thighs.

Scorpion- groin and parts near the genitals, buttocks, bladder, hemorrhoids, bladder stone, difficulty urinating.

Sagittarius- thighs, popliteal region, buttocks, fistulas, scabies, sciatica.

Capricorn- Knees, back of thighs, scabies and itching in and around the knees, arising from melancholy.

Aquarius- lower legs, tibia and fibula with ankles.

Fish- Talus and feet, gout, swelling in these parts.

Diseases of the planets

Saturn- a significator of such diseases: noise and hum in the right ear and head, deafness, toothache, pain in the bones, in the bladder, all cold diseases arising from the excretion of humors, gout, scabies, melancholic infirmities, leprosy, paralysis, consumption, disorder black bile, four-day fever, sciatica, dropsy, whooping cough, inflammation of the mucous membrane descending into the lungs and chest.

Jupiter- lungs, ribs, cartilage, liver, pulse, semen, arteries, apoplexy, pleurisy,constriction of the heart, convulsions, inflammation of the liver, head diseases, tinglingor shooting pains near or in the ribs, all kinds of flatus in the veins and bodyor any disease from putrefaction of the blood, etc.

visual impairment,right eye of a man, left of a woman, discharge from the eyes, spasms, catarrhs, red bile.

Venus- uterus, genitals, breast nipples, throat, liver, semen or semen in a man or woman, strangulation or injury in the uterus, diseases of the urinary organs, gonorrhea, impotence in the act of reproduction, painful urination, weakness of the stomach and liver, French or Spanish syphilis, inability or desire to vomit, or those illnesses when, after eating, everything tends to go up again outward.

Mercury- brain, state of mind, imagination, fantasy, speech, tongue, fingers, hands, lack of sensation, insanity, lethargy, stuttering, hoarseness, coughing, epilepsy, excess saliva, etc.

Moon - shows a person's ability to adapt, is responsible for the absorption of substances. Associated with the stomach, uterus, mammary glands, the endocrine system, in particular the pancreas (together with Venus, Neptune and Pluto), is responsible for the mucous membrane of any organ, the cerebellum, lymph, white blood cells and blood plasma. Gives nervous disorders, stomach diseases, acid disorders, gastritis, colitis, glut, endocrine disorders due to inflammation of the glands, visual defects, allergies and women's diseases. The left eye in men, the right eye in women, the brain, the intestine or small intestine, the bladder, taste, epilepsy, paralysis, colic, menstruation in women, women, abscesses, diarrhea and all condensed, raw humors in any part of the body.

Planets and Organs

Planets, along with houses and signs, also have anatomical correspondences in the human body. In order to understand them, we need to have a good understanding of the meaning of the planets in the chart. In traditional astrology, the signs are the background against which the planets move, while the planets themselves are the driving forces responsible for everything that happens. The descriptions of the signs that modern astrology gives us, in traditional astrology, refer to the planets that rule these signs. The reason planets are capable of being "rulers" is precisely their ability to act, to transform, to form. The typical description of Libra in modern astrology fits well with the description of their ruler Venus in traditional astrology.

What was once understandable and clear has been covered in a haze of delusion. A sign is not the same as a house, and a planet is not the same as a sign. The planets work on a more tangible level than the signs. They are the seven driving forces that shape and transform our world. From a medical point of view, the planets are seven energy flows in the body, taking a certain form in various organs. Planetary energy flows reveal themselves in the work of these organs. For example, let's look at those that Saturn is responsible for: the bladder, skin, teeth, bones and joints, the spleen and the right ear. The skin is a barrier that limits our body and separates it from the outside world. A role that could not be more befitting of Saturn. Bones are a frame that gives a rigid form, support and stability, the bladder is a reservoir of moisture, black bile is accumulated and processed in the spleen - humor, consonant with the cold and dry nature of Saturn. He is also responsible for the immune system, which resembles a second skin, which protects our body from the harmful effects of the outside world.

The symbolism of the right ear is not entirely clear. Most likely, it comes from the traditional connection of Saturn with hearing. The fact that this is the right ear is explained by the fact that the right organ of the couple has always been considered the most important and therefore received the planet responsible for the work of the couple as a whole. When it is necessary to distinguish between the constituents of a pair, the second organ receives another planet. In our example, the left ear is traditionally ruled by Mars. I cannot explain why this is so.

In traditional astrology, Jupiter is the Great Benefactor. It governs the liver, lungs, cartilage and sperm. The liver is a hot and humid organ of detoxification, a center for the formation of humors and their distribution throughout the body, which is necessary to maintain life in it. The lungs are undoubtedly akin to Air, and Jupiter is a hot and humid planet closely associated with this element. The humidity of Jupiter well describes dense and elastic cartilage, much softer than Saturnian bones. Cartilage is a type of elastic connective tissue, a soft and moist version of real bone.

Mars is responsible not only for the left ear, but also for bile - a caustic liquid that digests and breaks down fats and is involved in bowel cleansing. Mars symbolizes iron in the body and blood, but only that which has spilled outward. For example, as a result of injuries. Jupiter indicates the quality of the blood itself, and circulation, which depends on the work of the heart, is associated with the symbol of the heart - the Sun. In addition, Mars is responsible for the sexual organs, especially male ones, and also plays a role in the functioning of the immune system.

According to the arguments of the mind, the Great Luminary, the Sun, is responsible for vision and eyes. More specifically, it corresponds to the right eye of men and the left eye of women. Here again we meet with the amazing symbolism of the right and left sides of the body. This symbolism has been tested many times in practice, and I can assure you that it works flawlessly. The Sun is also the head and brain, the central command post, coordinating the work of the whole organism. The sun is the king and leader, the center that initiates all activity. The symbolism of the Sun clearly shows how important its life-giving energy is for the coordinated work of our central nervous system.

It is quite obvious that Venus is responsible for the female reproductive organs and kidneys, which maintain the water balance in the body. The elemental nature of the kidneys is the same as that of their ruler Venus, cold and damp. Venus is also associated with the throat.

Mercury governs the nervous system, thinking and imagination, fingers, hands and tongue. It is also associated with the head, but in a different way than the Sun. Unlike the Sun, which is responsible for coordinating the work of the whole organism, the role of Mercury is reduced to the duties of a "communicator" - such as, for example, the transmission of messages. Mercury is sometimes associated with the lungs, but this seems to be mainly about the exchange of air and waste products, as well as the antagonism between him and Jupiter. The Great Benefactor, related to the element Air, undoubtedly describes the lungs much better than cold and dry Mercury.

And finally, the Moon, the wet and cold planet of motherhood, governs the bladder, uterus, breasts, abdomen, and intestines (that is, what does the flushing work). It symbolizes the left eye of men and the right eye of women. As the partner of Mercury, the Moon is also associated with the brain and head. Mercury is responsible for rational thinking [left hemisphere-approx. trans.], and the Moon - for the other [right] hemisphere of the brain associated with intuitive thinking and emotions.

As you can see for yourself, the astrological relationship between the planet and the organs has an advantage over the sign/house system. If the astrologer needs to check the state of the immune system in the context of a horary question, he will have to consider Saturn, the significator of immunity. Appreciation of Mercury, the main significator of the nervous system and rational thinking, can also sometimes be useful. In addition to the three mentioned, there is a fourth system of anatomical correspondences, operating on the position of the planet in the sign. This system can be used to determine the anatomical part of the body in which the disease is localized. It is given by William Lilly in the 1st part of his "Christian Astrology":

Saturn: chest/arms; Jupiter: neck/throat/heart/abdomen; Mars: belly/head; Sun: thighs; Venus: kidneys/feet; Mercury: genitals/legs; Moon: knees/head.

Saturn: heart/chest/abdomen; Jupiter: shoulders/arms/belly/neck; Mars: kidneys/throat; Sun: knees; Venus: genitals/head; Mercury: hips/feet; Moon: legs/throat.

in Gemini

Saturn: belly/heart; Jupiter: chest/lower back/genitals; Mars: genitals/arms/chest; Sun: legs/ankles; Venus: thighs/throat Mercury: knees / head; Moon: feet/shoulders/arms/thighs.

Saturn: kidneys/stomach/genitals; Jupiter: heart/genitals/thighs; Mars: heart/chest/thighs Sun: feet; Venus: knees/shoulders/hands; Mercury: legs/throat/eyes; Moon: head/chest/stomach.

Saturn: genitals/kidneys; Jupiter: abdomen/thighs/knees; Mars: knees/heart/abdomen Sun: head; Venus: legs/chest/heart; Mercury: feet/arms/shoulders/throat; Moon: throat/stomach/heart.

Saturn: thighs/genitals/feet; Jupiter: kidneys/knees; Mars: legs/abdomen; Sun: throat; Venus: feet/stomach/heart/abdomen; Mercury: head/chest/heart; Moon: arms/shoulders/intestines.

Saturn: knees/thighs; Jupiter: genitals/legs/head/eyes; Mars: feet/lower back/genitals; Sun: shoulders/arms; Venus: head/small intestine; Mercury: throat/heart/stomach/abdomen; Moon: chest/kidneys/heart/abdomen.

In Scorpio

Saturn: knees/legs; Jupiter: hips/feet; Mars: head/genitals/arms/thighs; Sun: chest/heart; Venus: throat/kidneys/genitals; Mercury: shoulders/arms/intestines/back; Moon: stomach/heart/genitals/abdomen.

In Sagittarius

Saturn: legs/feet; Jupiter: knees/head/thighs Mars: throat/thighs/hands/feet; Sun: heart/stomach; Venus: shoulders/arms/genitals/thighs; Mercury: chest/kidneys/heart/genitals; Moon: intestines/thighs/back.

in Capricorn

Saturn: head/feet; Jupiter: neck/legs/knees/eyes; Mars: arms/shoulders/knees/legs Sun: abdomen / back; Venus: chest/heart/thighs Mercury: stomach/heart/genitals; Moon: Kidneys/knees/thighs.

In Aquarius

Saturn: neck/head; Jupiter: feet/arms/shoulders/chest; Mars: chest/legs/heart Sun: kidneys/genitals; Venus: heart/knees; Mercury: intestines/thighs/heart; Moon: genitals/legs/ankles.

Saturn: arms/shoulders/neck; Jupiter: head/chest/heart; Mars: heart/feet/abdomen/ankles Sun: genitals/thighs; Venus: abdomen/legs/neck/throat; Mercury: kidneys/knees/genitals/thighs; Moon: thighs/feet.

Planets are flows of dynamic energy in the body. Seven streams determine his physiological, intellectual and mental activity, but this always occurs against the background of humoral balance. A lot depends on the sign in which the planet is located - the sign affects its manifestation: whether it can express itself in a balanced and productive way. If the humoral nature of the sign (hot/cold/wet/dry) does not match the humoral nature of the planet, disease results. In the next chapter, we will learn how to make a diagnosis based on the horary chart and this principle.

In the theory presented here, the role of the trans-Saturn planets is no more than secondary. They are not considered true planets, but rather a type of fixed star. Trans-Saturn planets are only significant when the relevant planet is in close aspect to one of them, and this is always unfavourable. Trans-Saturn planets do not rule signs, so they cannot rule houses either. They do not symbolize either energy flows in the body, or any other types of life. Except in special cases, when the trans-Saturnian planets play a meaningful and significant role in the chart, they do not need to be paid attention to.

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