Stylistic error. Stylistic mistakes

Here is a list of the main stylistic errors found in Russian:

  • The use of the word in an unusual sense:
    Wrong: jargon words, you need to read a lot.
    Right: To be literate and have great reserve words, you need to read a lot.
  • Violation of lexical compatibility: cheap prices vm. low prices, increase well-being vm. promotion well-being(“level” can be increased or decreased, but not increased or decreased); This plays big meaning vm. This It has big meaning or This plays big role (the meaning is combined with the verb to have, to play is combined with the role).
  • The use of an extra word (pleonasm): Arrived feathered birds vm. The birds have flown; He indignant with indignation vm. He was indignant. or He was indignant.
  • The use of words next to or close to each other in a sentence with the same root (tautology): IN story"Mu Mu" tells vm. The story "Mumu" tells...; IN image Nilovny pictured vm. In the image of Nilovna, ...
  • Lexical repetitions in the text.
    I recently read one interesting book . This book called "Young Guard". This book is interesting tells…
    Better: I recently read an interesting book called The Young Guard. It tells…

    To be good study, students should pay more attention teaching.

    Better: To be successful, students need to pay more attention to the lessons.
  • The use of a word (expression) of inappropriate stylistic coloring. So, in a literary context, the use of jargon, vernacular, abusive vocabulary is inappropriate; in a business text, colloquial words, expressively colored words should be avoided.
    Example: suck up to the auditor.
    Better: Trustee of charitable institutions curry favor before the auditor.
  • Mixing vocabulary from different historical eras:
    Wrong: On the heroes of chain mail, trousers, mittens.
    Right: On the heroes of chain mail, armor, gloves.
  • Poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions.
    Example: The man was dressed in a burnt padded jacket. The quilted jacket was roughly darned. The boots were almost new. Moth-eaten toes.
    Better: The man was dressed in a roughly darned burnt padded jacket. Although the boots were almost new, the socks were moth-eaten.
  • Bad word order.
    Example: There are many works that tell about the author's childhood in world literature.
    Better: In world literature there are many works that tell about the author's childhood.
  • Stylistic and semantic inconsistency between parts of the sentence.
    Example: Red-haired, fat, healthy, with a shiny face, the singer Tamagno attracted Serov as a person of great internal energy.
    Better: Huge internal energy, which Serov was attracted to by the singer Tamagno, was also reflected in his appearance: massive, with lush red hair, with a face splashing with health.

Hello dear students!

It is very nice to see your young and beautiful faces in this audience. To begin with, I would like to thank all those who sent me their essays for the first lecture. It was very nice to realize that you (unlike the second year) prefer dialogue to my forced monologue. In general, I am very pleased with your work, despite the abundance of stylistic errors in them. I have already said that the kettle sounds proud, so do not be ashamed of your mistakes. They must be eradicated! I also want to thank everyone for the kind words addressed to me in your letters.

Now about our plans with you. Surely, many of you, going to my lecture, were expecting the most boring pastime of your life. Some were pleasantly surprised to see the opposite, some took it for granted. Be that as it may, our main task for this semester is to learn the basics literary analysis. Now many of you will exclaim: “Here begins the very boring thing”! This is where you, my friends, make a significant mistake. It was no coincidence that I began my studies with film analysis. The fact is that literary analysis is practically no different from your previous work. Many people think that reading the classics is boring. This delusion occurs, first of all, because you do not know how to "feel the work." If in the film you touch everything with your sight, there is a certain intonation, gestures, and so on, then in the printed text you simply do not see this, hence all your problems. Of course, everyone has their own preferences in literature, but you should still be able to respect someone else's point of view, no matter how absurd it may seem to you. Lectures on the basics of literary analysis will undoubtedly seem to you more boring than Titanic, but they will become the very baggage with which all boring literature will turn into something more interesting and exciting. Possessing such concepts as style, literary direction, you will see all the beauty of Pushkin's poetry, Tolstoy's prose, you will understand that vulgarisms (rude and slang words) in Mayakovsky's poetry are nothing more than aesthetic rudeness. The most important rule of literature is that any absurd point of view on a particular work has the right to exist.

However, let's get back to your writings. I liked most of the works, it is quite obvious that you have a certain base, but this is not enough for a beautiful and competent speech. I believe that many of you still cannot explain to yourself the presence of my subjects at the magical university. I will reveal this secret to you. The fact is that there is a magic word that you use all the time. Each of you, for sure, had to prove something, explain something, but none of you practically thought about the fact that the outcome of your conversations largely depends on the literacy of speech, both in stylistic and grammatical terms. The magic of the word was especially keenly felt by the ancient Greeks, they taught such a subject as rhetoric in their academies. The science of eloquence, somewhat exaggerated, but still correct. Agree that it is much more pleasant to listen to a person who coherently expresses his thoughts, and not mumbles something unintelligible. In addition, as you know, most spells are verbal (either in the form of a poem or in the form of thoughtful prose). In senior years, you will be taught to compose spells, therefore, the more successfully you comprehend literature, the easier it will be for you later.

A little earlier I mentioned stylistic mistakes in your writings. Let's take a look at them. What is a stylistic or speech error? Somebody knows? Yes, Tinka, I'm listening to you carefully.

Stylistic mistakes called a violation of the laws of the use of lexical units in speech, as well as shortcomings in the formation of syntactic constructions.

Ugh, absolutely right. Well done. So, a stylistic error is a misuse of a word and (or) an incorrect construction of a sentence. Look at the blackboard. There is a summary table of the main errors with examples. Let's analyze it (read the table and try to figure it out).

The main types of stylistic errors

The nature of the error Example How right? A comment
The use of a word in an unusual sense Along with the spiritual growth of Pavel and Nilovna, their speech grows. Simultaneously with the spiritual growth of Pavel and Nilovna, their speech develops. Did you hear the speech grow? If yes, then tell me how to plant it, what to feed it and how its growth is measured? A line or what? Exactly. Thus, in this case, the word "grow" is used in an unusual sense, since it is not applicable to speech.
Violation of lexical compatibility Comparisons play a special role in Yesenin's poems. Comparisons play a special role in Yesenin's poems. I know that you can play a role, get a part in a play, but I don't know what it means to have a role. Like this? Besides, forgive me, but in such cases I like to ask my students a somewhat vulgar question: what and how do you have?
Pleonasm or the use of an extra word He indignant with indignation. He was indignant.

He was indignant.

To be indignant and indignant are synonyms, so why use several synonyms at once in a row? Brevity is the soul of wit.
Tautology - the use of words near or close to the same root The story "Mumu" tells... The story "Mumu" tells... I don't think there is anything to comment on.
Replays I recently read one book. This book is called Heart of a Dog. This book is interesting… I recently read an interesting book called Heart of a Dog. This book is interesting… Take a look yourself! Book, book, in a book? Is it beautiful?
The use of a word (expression) of a different stylistic coloring The trustee of charitable institutions sucks up to the auditor. The trustee of charitable institutions fawns over the auditor. I think that everything is clear here. In analytical literary work, it is not recommended to use words that are colloquial in nature. That is, it is better to use the word degenerate than a fool, although the meaning is the same. The unity of style is an important component of any work. If you neglect the style, you get a "leopard" composition, spot on, so to speak. Here there will be an analytical approach, and there - a tavern. Is it good?
Mixing the style of different historical eras The heroes were wearing chain mail, trousers and mittens. The heroes were wearing chain mail, armor, mittens. No comments.
Poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions The man was dressed in a burnt padded jacket. The quilted jacket was roughly darned. The boots were almost new. Moth-eaten toes. The man was dressed in a roughly darned, burnt padded jacket, although the boots were almost new, and the socks were moth-eaten. This mistake is the scourge of all students who do not want to use turns, complex syntactic constructions, preferring simple three-word sentences to them. For an essay written in this style, in any university in Russia they will put two, without reading the work to the end.
Bad word order There are many works that tell about the author's childhood in world literature. In world literature there are many works that tell about the author's childhood. Despite the comma, when reading the first version, one gets the feeling that the author spent his childhood in world literature. To be honest, it's hard for me to imagine. As you can see, the meaning of the statement sometimes depends on the order of the words.
Stylistic and semantic inconsistency between parts of the sentence Red-haired, fat, healthy, with a shiny face, the singer Tamagno attracted Serov as a person of great internal energy. The enormous internal energy that the singer Tamagno attracted to Serov was also reflected in his appearance: massive, with lush red hair, with a face splashing with health.

Stylistic norms determine the use language tools in accordance with the laws of the genre, features functional style and - more broadly - with the purpose and conditions of communication. The unmotivated use of words of a different stylistic coloring in the text causes stylistic errors. Stylistic norms are fixed in explanatory dictionaries as special marks, are commented on in textbooks on the style of the Russian language and the culture of speech.

Stylistic norms clarify, concretize general literary norms in cases where there are stylistic variants in the language, and regulate the use of these variants in different styles, genres of speech and speech situations. In accordance with the differences between general literary and stylistic norms at all levels of the language, one can distinguish between gross speech deviations (errors) that violate general language norms, and less noticeable deviations (inaccuracies, errors) of a stylistic nature.

Stylistic norms cannot be opposed to literary norms. They are a kind of literary norms, but have their own characteristics. According to M.N. Kozhina, "stylistic norms are historically established and at the same time naturally developing generally accepted implementations of the stylistic possibilities inherent in the language, determined by the goals, objectives and content of speech of a certain sphere of communication"

Stylistic mistakes consist in violation of stylistic norms, inclusion in the text of units that do not correspond to the style and genre of the text. The most common stylistic mistakes are:

stylistic inappropriateness ( obsessed, royal lawlessness, do not care, love conflict painted in all its glory- in the text of an essay, in a business document, in an analytical article);

the use of cumbersome, unsuccessful metaphors ( Pushkin and Lermontov - two rays of light in a dark kingdom; These flowers - the messengers of nature - do not know what kind of violent heart beats in the chest under the stone slabs!; Did he have the right to cut off this thread of life, which he himself did not hang?);

lexical insufficiency I'm deeply concerned about this issue.);

lexical redundancy ( He wakes them up to wake them up; We must turn to the period of their life, that is, to the period of time when they lived; Pushkin is a poet capital letter this word);

ambiguity ( While Oblomov was sleeping, many were preparing for his awakening; Oblomov's only entertainment is Zakhar; Yesenin, preserving traditions, but somehow not so fond of the beautiful female sex; All actions and relationships between Olga and Oblomov were incomplete

Various types of stylistic errors can be played up in speech, in particular, in literary texts. So, in the "Tale of the Troika" by A. and B. Strugatsky, the passion of officials for compiling unnecessary memos and instructions is ridiculed. There was a notice posted on the elevator door saying that "no sleeping or bouncing" was allowed there. In this case, not only the absurdity of the content of the instruction is played out, but also the clerical method of splitting the predicate:

sleep - sleep, bounce - bounce.

Lexico-stylistic errors

Definition of a stylistic error

Often the violation of stylistic norms leads to the so-called stylistic mistakes. Errors usually result from violations stylistic homogeneity of the text, for example, if the author uses stylistically colored language means where they are unacceptable. For example, in strictly scientific genres, the use of ambiguity is unacceptable. This will result in a stylistic error. In genres formal business style colloquial and emotionally colored vocabulary is inappropriate. Its use is a stylistic error.

Types of stylistic errors

Stylistic errors can manifest themselves in lexical, morphological and syntactic levels. They are divided into lexical stylistic, morphological-stylistic and stylistic-syntactic errors. Let's give examples.


· Childe Harold had many drinking buddies (from a student's speech at a literature lesson). In this example, instead of the colloquial word "drinking buddy" you need to use the words "friend" or "buddy".

· Democrats Shouldn't Act back-to-back (V. Chernomyrdin, politician) unjustified use of stylistically reduced vocabulary in a learning context or in public speaking. Can replace with " out of order».

· Hell nosomeday the fox would get the cheese, pretend the crow is deaf (from school essay) - the use of swear words in written literary speech. It would be correct to say: "Fox would never get cheese."

· It would be a gift to the whole country if the President passed Chubais (from the speech of the politician Zhirinovsky) use of criminal jargon in public speaking. Can be replaced with "President sold Chubais".

· The erudition of the teacher captivated students. Guys got satisfaction from the lesson (from the lesson review) - mixing in one in the context of expressions belonging to different styles (poeticism "to captivate" and clericalism "to be satisfied"). More correct would say: "Guys interested erudition of the teacher. Lesson to them Very liked it."

· Snowflakes swirled in the air like white flies, then weaving into lace. - unsuccessful image building (incompatibility of images - swirling flies and lace).

· The driver of the detained state car. number XXXX xxx from explanation at the place of arrest suspended due to lack of articulate sound reproduction (from the police report) - a heap of clericalism and speech stamps. We can say: The driver could not give articulate explanations at the place of detention.

Morphological and stylistic

· "She is very envious» - use of the form of a short adjective, more characteristic of book speech in a colloquial style. IN colloquial speech sounds more natural "She is very envious» .

· Gagarin was the first rogue in space use of the wrong word-formation model . The words rogue (swindler, scoundrel) and pioneer (pioneer) formed from the same verb differ in the opposite evaluative meaning. Correct option: "Gagarin was pioneer in space."


· Passing by the university , I saw my old friend Lenka use of the participle or participle turnover, characteristic of the book-writing style, in colloquial oral speech. In colloquial speech, it would be more correct to say: When I drove past the university, I saw my old friend Lenka ".

· "Mozart and Salier" - This is one of the works of Pushkin. Heredescribed. How two musicians lived and they are also writers (from a school essay) - usage incomplete sentences in writing, logical connections between sentences are weakened. Can be corrected to: “Mozart and Salieri” This is one of Pushkin's works, in which describes the life of two musicians.

Which are regularly repeated in the speech of people and are recognized as correct at this stage in the development of the literary form of the language. As a rule, the norms are enshrined in various teaching aids and dictionaries.

Stylistic norms govern correct selection certain words and their forms, as well as sentences - depending on the specific situation of communication and the attitude of the writer or speaker to the subject of the message. Stylistic norms concern the selection of linguistic means, the rules for combining these means with each other and the correlation of stylistic linguistic phenomena.

Stylistic mistakes- errors that arise as a result of deviations from existing style norms, if such deviations are not intentional and do not pursue any stylistic or aesthetic goals. For example, in you can find many deviations from the norms, but they all pursue some goal and express the idea of ​​the author of the text.

Thus, stylistic errors - speech errors which consist in the use of words, phrases and sentences that do not fit into the style of the given text. Deviation from the norms and violation of stylistic unity can weaken the expressiveness of the text and its meaning.

There are several groups of errors. First - lexical and stylistic errors. They are associated with the unjustified use of jargon, dialectisms, archaisms and other marked words. This also includes errors of anorfemic-stylistic nature, which are associated with the incorrect use of words with diminutive suffixes; syntactic and stylistic stylistic errors ( misuse participial phrases in a sentence); logical and stylistic errors.

The next group of errors is related to insufficient knowledge of language resources. These errors include:

1. Inappropriate repetition of a word or cognates in a narrow context.

2. The use of pleonasms - phrases with an excessive semantic component.

6. The use of speech stamps - hackneyed expressions with blurred lexical meaning and faded expressiveness.

8. Inappropriate use of non-literary words.

9. Monotonous construction of sentences.

10. Lack of figurative means in the text where they are needed.

There is also a group of errors that are related to insufficiently developed stylistic flair. These errors include the following:

1. Inappropriate use of epithets, metaphors, comparisons and others

2. Mixing vocabulary related to different styles.

3. Bad sound caused by excessive accumulation of vowels or consonants.

4. Violation of the overall integrity of the text.

5. Wrong word order.

Compliance with stylistic norms is very important, since it is the correct use of words and the construction of sentences that shows the level of education of a person, as well as the level of his knowledge of his native or foreign language. It is stylistic errors or their absence that indicate whether a person has enough knowledge of the resources of the language and whether his stylistic sense is developed.

Today, such errors are very common: both in official speech and in informal discourse. Some errors have become so common that people hardly notice them. Nevertheless, it is very important to carefully monitor your speech and do everything possible to ensure that it is competent and motivated.

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