Report on rare flowering plants. The rarest plants listed in the Red Book of Russia. The rarest plant in the world

Wide areas of natural vegetation and soils in Russia are closely related to the country's climatic zones. In the far north, where the summer is cold and the soils are poor in nutrients, mosses, lichens and stunted shrubs predominate. The soil freezes to a great depth and only the surface layer thaws in summer allowing plants to grow. Forests occupy about 45 percent of the territory of Russia, mostly in Siberia. The total area of ​​all forests is about 25 percent of. The forest zone of Russia can be divided into a large northern part - coniferous, or Taiga, and a much smaller southern region - coniferous-broad-leaved forests.

boreal forests

Taiga is located south of the tundra and occupies 40 percent of the European part of the country, and also covers large areas of Siberia and the Russian Far East. In most of this region reigns. Although the taiga zone is predominantly coniferous, in some areas small-leaved trees such as birch, poplar, aspen and willow add variety. In the extreme northwest of the European part of Russia, pine dominates in the taiga, although fir, birch and other trees are often found.

To the east, to the Western slope of the Urals, pine still grows, but fir already predominates, and in some areas there are almost pure birch forests. The West Siberian Plain consists mainly of various types of pine, and birch dominates along the southern edge of the forest. Throughout most of the Central Siberian plateau and mountains of the Far East region, the main forest-forming species is larch. The trees of the taiga zone are usually small and fairly widely scattered. In some areas, where soils are poor in nutrients, there are no trees at all, but only marsh grasses and bushes form a vegetation cover.

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mixed forests

The zone of mixed forests in the central part of the East European Plain from St. Petersburg in the north to the border with Ukraine in the south is characterized by the presence of both coniferous and broad-leaved trees. Evergreen conifers predominate in the north, while deciduous trees are common in the south. Major broadleaf species include oak, beech, maple and hornbeam.

A similar forest cover prevails in the southern part of the Russian Far East, along the valley of the middle Amur river and to the south along the valley of the Ussuri river. The basis of the soil cover of the zone of mixed forests is gray-brown forest soils. They are not as barren as the soils of the Taiga and, if properly cultivated, can be quite productive. In the south, a narrow forest-steppe zone separates the mixed forest from the steppes.

Forest-steppe and steppe

Although at present a significant area of ​​the forest-steppe is plowed up, it has natural meadow vegetation with scattered groves of trees. About 150 km wide on average, this zone extends eastward through the valleys of the middle Volga and the Southern Urals in the southern parts of the West Siberian Plain. Separate areas of the forest-steppe are also found in the southern intermountain basins of Eastern Siberia. A mixture of grasses with a few trees interspersed in sheltered valleys is the natural vegetation of the Russian steppe - a large area that includes the western half of the North Caucasian plain and a belt of land that extends east through the southern Volga valley, the southern Urals and the western regions of Siberia. As in the case of the forest-steppe zone, almost all the steppes of the country are cultivated.

List of plants of Russia

Below is a list of some trees, shrubs, herbs with descriptions and photos that characterize the flora of Russia.

birch fluffy

The downy birch is a species of deciduous tree found throughout northern Europe and northern Asia, growing further north than any other broadleaf tree on the planet. Often confused with a related species, the silver birch, but the downy birch prefers wetter areas, grows well on heavy and poorly drained soils; young trees are also easily confused with dwarf birch.

common hornbeam

The common hornbeam, also known as the European or Caucasian hornbeam, is a species of deciduous tree native to Western and Central Asia and Eastern and Southern Europe. Prefers a warm climate, and is found only at altitudes up to 600 meters above sea level. It grows in mixed forests with oak, and in some areas with beech.

Pedunculate oak

A tree from the beech family, widespread in the European part of Russia. It is the dominant tree species in the southern regions of the forest and forest-steppe zones. This is a large deciduous tree, reaching 40 meters in height and 4-12 meters in trunk circumference.

Siberian spruce

Siberian spruce is a coniferous tree, a species of spruce native to Siberia, growing from the Ural Mountains east to the Magadan region, as well as from the Arctic forest line to the Altai Mountains in northwestern Mongolia.

white willow

White willow is a species of willow found in Europe, Western and Central Asia. The name comes from the white underside of the leaves. This is a medium to large deciduous tree, growing up to 10-30 meters in height, with a trunk diameter of about 1 meter. The bark is gray-brown, deeply fissured on old trees.

field maple

Native to much of Europe, the British Isles, Southwest Asia (from Turkey to the Caucasus) and North Africa (in the Atlas Mountains), a species of tree from the Sapindaceae family. They are also successfully cultivated outside their natural range in the United States and Western Australia in areas with a suitable climate. In Russia, it is most common in the middle zone of the European part of the country.

This is a deciduous tree, reaching 15-25 meters in height, with a trunk up to 1 meter in diameter and finely fissured, thin bark.

Siberian larch

Siberian larch is a frost-resistant coniferous tree growing in the western part of Russia, from the Finnish border to the east to the Yenisei valley in central Siberia, where it hybridizes with Gmelin larch; the hybrid is known as Czekanowski's Larch.

Siberian larch reaches 20-50 meters in height, with a trunk up to 1 meter in diameter. The crown is conical in young trees, and becomes oval-round as it grows.

Common juniper

The common juniper is a species of coniferous tree with the largest geographic range of any woody plant, with a circumpolar distribution throughout the subarctic belt, from the Arctic south to 30°N in North America, Europe and Asia. Relic populations can be found in the Atlas Mountains of Africa. On the territory of Russia, occur in the forests and forest-steppes of the European part of the country, as well as in the western and less often eastern regions of Siberia.

Common juniper is a small evergreen tree or shrub of very variable shape and up to 16 meters high.

Alder gray

The gray alder is a species of the alder genus with a wide range in the cold regions of the northern hemisphere.

The size of the trees varies from small to medium, with a maximum height of about 15-20 meters, smooth gray bark (even in older specimens), and a lifespan of no more than 60-100 years.


Aspen is a species of deciduous tree distributed in temperate and cool regions of Europe and Asia, from Iceland and the British Isles east to Kamchatka, in the north inside the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia and Russia, southern and central Spain, Turkey, Tien Shan, North Korea and Northern Japan.

It is a tall deciduous tree growing up to 40 meters tall with a trunk diameter of over 1 meter. The bark is pale greenish gray, smooth on young trees with dark gray diamond-shaped lenticels, becoming dark gray and fissured on older trees.

Pine Siberian cedar

Siberian cedar pine is a species of pine that grows in Siberia from 58° east longitude in the Urals to 126° east longitude in the south of the Sakha Republic, and also from 68° north latitude in the lower Yenisei valley south to 45° north latitude in the central part of Mongolia.

In the north of its range, it grows at low altitudes, usually 100-200 meters, while towards the south, it occurs at an altitude of 1000-2400 meters above sea level. Siberian cedar pine is a slow-growing tree, with a maximum height of 30-40 meters, and a trunk diameter of about 1.5 meters. Life expectancy is 800-850 years.

Siberian fir

Siberian fir is a coniferous evergreen tree growing in the taiga east of the Volga River and south of 67 ° 40 "N in Siberia, through Turkestan, northeastern Xinjiang, Mongolia and Heilongjiang.

Prefers a cold climate, moist soils in the mountains or river basins at altitudes of 1900-2400 meters above sea level. Siberian fir is a very shade tolerant hardy tree that grows down to -50°C. Rarely lives more than 200 years due to susceptibility to tree fungus.

Mountain ash

Mountain ash is a tree or shrub plant from the rose family. The range extends from Madeira and Iceland to Russia and Northern China.

Rowan occurs as a tree or shrub that reaches 5 to 15 meters in height. The crown has a rounded or irregular shape, and the trunk is thin and cylindrical up to 40 cm in diameter.

Barberry common

This deciduous shrub can reach up to 4 meters in height. The leaves are small oval, 2-5 cm long and 1-2 cm wide, with a serrated margin; they grow in bunches of 2 to 5 leaves. The flowers are yellow, 4-6 mm in diameter, bloom on the length of the brush in late spring. Oblong red berries 7-10 mm long and 3-5 mm wide ripen in late summer or autumn; they are edible, but very acidic and rich in vitamin C.

Ledum marsh

Low shrub about 50 cm (rarely up to 120 cm) tall with evergreen leaves 12-50 mm long and 2-12 mm wide. The flowers are small, with a five-lobed white corolla, and emit a strong scent to attract bees and other pollinating insects. It has a wide geographical range in Russia, which covers the tundra, forest zone, Siberia and the Far East.

Common lilac

Common lilac is a flowering shrub plant from the Olive family, originally from the Balkan Peninsula, where it grows wild on rocky hills. The species is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant and has been naturalized in other parts of Europe (including Russia, Britain, France, Germany and Italy) as well as much of North America.

It is a large deciduous shrub or small multi-stemmed tree, growing up to 6-7 meters, producing secondary shoots from the base or root system, which can grow to a small colonial thicket within decades. The bark is gray or grey-brown, smooth on young stems and longitudinally furrowed on old stems. The leaves are simple, 4-12 cm long and 3-8 cm wide, light green to bluish in color, oval to heart-shaped, with pinnate venation and pointed apex. The flowers tend to range from lilac to mauve, sometimes white. The fruit is a dry, smooth, brown capsule, 1-2 cm long, split in two to release the seeds.

Viburnum ordinary

Viburnum vulgaris is a deciduous shrub plant reaching 4-5 meters in height. The leaves are opposite, three-lobed, 5-10 cm long and wide, with a rounded base and coarsely serrated edges; outwardly similar to the leaves of some maple species, but differ in a slightly wrinkled surface. It blooms in early summer and is pollinated by insects. Spherical bright red fruits (7-10 mm in diameter) contain one seed. The seeds are dispersed by birds and other animals.

poppy polar

One of the northernmost plants in the world. The stem is stiff, hardy and covered with black hairs, flowers with delicate yellow or white petals. Flowers constantly turn towards the sun, repeating its movement across the sky, and attracting insects. Arctic poppy grows in meadows, mountains and dry riverbeds. They thrive among rocks that absorb the heat of the sun and provide shelter for the root system.

Stinging nettle

Nettle is an easily recognizable, unfortunately often easily felt plant, whose stems and leaves are covered with burning hairs. This is an effective way to avoid the fate of being eaten, and also makes nettles an important hiding place for caterpillars and many other insects. In addition to stinging nettle, stinging nettle is widespread in Russia.

Violet tricolor

Violet tricolor, also known as pansies, is an annual, sometimes perennial plant native to Europe and temperate Asia. It has also been introduced to North America, where it has spread widely. It is the progenitor of the cultivated violet and is therefore sometimes referred to as the wild violet.

Fritillary chess

The checkered hazel grouse is a perennial herbaceous plant that has a rather unusual appearance, as for wild flowers. Prefers damp, low-lying meadows and pastures in Europe and Western Asia. It thrives in soils that have never been intensively farmed and is now increasingly rare.


Sedge is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants, numbering about 2 thousand species. In Russia, there are 300 to 400 species that grow in various climatic conditions, landscapes and habitats throughout the country.

People are accustomed to flowers, considering them an integral part of life. And it's hard to disagree with that. We see flowers in gardens and in forests, they are given for holidays and decorate homes with them. But not all flowers can be easily taken out, put in a vase, and then enjoy the appearance and fragrant smell.

It turns out that strange and rare plants are hidden in different parts of the world, whose flowering most people will never see. Not surprisingly, they are under the close attention of environmentalists. Indeed, some species of plants and flowers have remained literally in a single copy or live exclusively in a certain area.

Jade vine. You can find this rare woody vine in the rainforest in the Philippines. It belongs to the legume family. The vine has smooth and trifoliate leaves that grow in clusters. Their length can reach 3 meters. And the color of the flower can vary from bluish-green to mint. These plants are not cultivated by humans. The jade vine is considered an endangered species. After all, its habitat is constantly narrowing, as is the number of natural pollinators.

Gibraltar lychnis. This variety of lychnis is quite rare, because it is found only on the rocks of the Strait of Gibraltar. Even before 1980, the scientific community believed that this flower was extinct. And only the botanists of Gibraltar claimed that there are still a few specimens. In 1994, a rock climber discovered the only flower of this Lychnis. This gave the plant a second life. Since then, it has been cultivated not only in the botanical gardens of Gibraltar itself, but in the Royal Botanic Gardens in London.

Franklinia. This tree belongs to the Tea family. But in its kind it is the only plant, moreover, it rarely blooms. Franklinia grew naturally in the valley of the Alatamakha River in Georgia. But for about 200 years it has not been found there. Only thanks to the Bartam family, it was possible to save a unique plant. These avid gardeners began cultivating and breeding franklinia even before it disappeared from the natural environment. The plant has elegant white flowers, and its green leaves turn bright red in autumn. Today, all specimens of Franklinia are descended from those that once lived in the Bartham family.

Clianthus. Already in 1844, this beautiful flower was officially recognized as an endangered species. It grows in the Canary Islands. Scientists believed that the rarity of the flower was due to its natural pollinator - nectaries, which themselves had long since died out. Even experiments were carried out to recreate another natural pollinator, but since 2008, not a single fruit has appeared. The flower is still growing in captivity, waiting for people to give it a second life.

Chocolate space. This dark red flower grows in Mexico. But in the wild, it has not been found for more than a hundred years. Today, scientists are supporting the life of an infertile clone of the plant, created back in 1902. And the flowers of the plant are of a thick red color, in diameter they are 3-4 centimeters. In summer, they smell pleasantly of vanilla.

Kokyo. This rare tree can be found in Hawaii. Scientists discovered it back in 1860, but could only find a copy. Unfortunately, coco is very difficult to cultivate. In 1950, the last sprout of the tree withered and was declared extinct. But in 1970, another such tree was discovered, which burned down after 8 years. It was possible to save only 1 branch, from which patient botanists were able to grow as many as 23 new trees. They still grow today in different parts of these islands. And the kokio itself is a small tree 10-11 meters in height. During the flowering period, it literally explodes with hundreds of bright red flowers.

Yellow and purple shoes. Under this name, a rare species of wild orchid that grows in Europe is known. In greenhouse conditions, the plant practically does not live, which determines its rarity and high cost of the flower. So, in England it costs about 5 thousand dollars. And the orchid lives in symbiosis with a special type of mushroom. He feeds his neighbor until his adult leaves learn to feed themselves on their own.

Ghost Orchid. This amazing plant was also considered extinct for 20 years. It is also intolerant of greenhouse conditions. The orchid also does not have leaves; it does not use photosynthesis in any way, producing nutritious juices in a different way. Like a slipper, this plant also needs specific fungi for its sustenance. For years, a ghostly orchid can grow underground, blooming extremely rarely and only under the most favorable conditions.

Red camellia. This plant is rightfully considered the rarest on Earth. There are only 2 known specimens of camellia. One grows in a garden in New Zealand and the other in a London greenhouse. And the flower came to England back in 1804 thanks to John Middlesmist, who brought it here from China. Years passed, in the Celestial Empire itself the flower practically disappeared. In England, however, the plant did not bear fruit for a long time, only recently flowers began to appear on it. Although the camellia is called red, its flowers still have a bright pink color, reminiscent of roses. It is believed that there are several more specimens of such a plant in private gardens. Indeed, at one time, John Middlemist sold the sprouts of a unique plant to the most ordinary people.

Rare plants and animals of Russia are endangered species that have been listed in the Red Book. Actions aimed at preserving the country's natural resources are urgent, in which an important role is assigned to the creation of reserves. In this article, we will look at some of the rarest plant species in Russia.

Reasons for the disappearance

The main reason for the disappearance of plants is human economic activity: grazing, frequent plowing of land, construction of industrial enterprises and cities, railways and roads, airfields, gas and oil pipelines, power lines, drainage of swamps. All this leads to the alienation of territories that are occupied by flora and fauna. Due to which some species of plants and animals disappear.

Conservation of rare plants

The main role in the preservation of our plant resources is assigned to arboretums and botanical gardens, of which there are 120 in Russia. We have formed a network of reserves covering the main types of landscapes. Sanctuaries have also been created, the purpose of which is to protect certain rare plants of Russia.

But some of them are present in nature in such a small amount that neither botanical gardens nor nature reserves can ensure their safety. Consequently, other forms of conservation of their gene pool are being developed.

Species that were listed in the Red Book are subject to protection throughout the country. Actions that can lead to a reduction in the number, to death, as well as to a violation of the habitat of endangered and rare plants, are prohibited.

Rhodiola rosea

Considering the rare plants of Russia, the photos of which are presented in this article, one can immediately mention about (it is also known under the names "pink root", "golden root"). It is included in the Red Book of our country.

The plant received the name "golden root" for its rhizome, which has the color of old gilding or bronze with a soft mother-of-pearl tint.

Anemonastrum permian

This plant species was included in the Red Book of the Urals. Its name is translated from Greek as "wind". It is a perennial herbaceous plant, belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. Its stems and leaves are covered with horizontally protruding, dense hairs slightly deviated downwards. In outline, the root leaves are rounded kidney-shaped, dissected into 3 rhombic segments, while the lateral ones are almost completely two-parted. But the leaves of the bedspread are mostly separate - up to 2/3, periodically whole. Peduncles on average 2-6 pieces. At the very beginning of flowering, they are equal in length to the leaves of the bedspread, then several times longer than them. Strongly elongated in fruit, pubescent with thin, sparse, slightly curly hairs. The plant has flowers 2-3 cm in diameter, the perianth leaves are white, elliptical. The fruits are about 7 mm long.

Violet incised

It should be noted that this is one of the most delicate and beautiful flowers. It can be found in meadows, edges of coniferous forests, river banks, rocky slopes. The main charm of the flower is considered to be its purple corollas. This species reproduces with the help of seeds, and they are not formed every year, therefore, fragrant violet was also included in the list of "Rare Plants of Russia".

yellow water lily

It got its name from its closest relative, the white water lily. It grows in shallow water, while its leaves are located both under and above the water. officially received the name "pod" for an interesting fruit. It blooms all summer with yellow, large, almost spherical flowers. They are used for bouquets (even though they are not in a vase), as well as for medicinal purposes (even official medicine recognizes the properties of the plant).

Dolomite bell

This is a flower that grows only in our country, in Ingushetia, North Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan, the Chechen Republic. It has white, very beautiful flowers, located on thin long peduncles. It is torn down because of its decorative appearance, in addition, its numbers are falling very sharply due to construction work and laying roads in the places where it grows.

lily saranka

Speaking about the rarest plants in Russia, one cannot fail to mention this species. Lily saranka (badoon, curly, royal curls, butter) - lovely snow-white, pink or lilac flowers with small dark dots with curved petals that bloom in mid-summer. The birthplace of this lily is the Siberian forest-steppe and steppe. There is a legend that it gives courage, fortitude, stamina and courage to warriors. The flower is very beautiful in bouquets, while its tubers are edible. But, in addition to beauty, it also has healing properties, which further contributed to its destruction.

Dactylorhiza spotted

It belongs to the Orchidaceae family. Found in the European part of the country. In early summer, purple flowers appear on racemose inflorescences, surrounded by spotted leaves. In addition to being decorative, these rare plants of Russia, or rather, their tubers, have healing properties. The powder of them has an enveloping, anti-inflammatory, softening and restorative effect.

Rare and endangered plants of Russia: yellow iris

(marsh, false air, water) grows in the European part of the country, along the banks of rivers and lakes, in meadows near swamps. On a branched stem are placed in bunches with an orange center. An essential oil is made from the plant, which is then used in perfumery, and the rhizomes, which have a delicate violet aroma, are used in the production of liqueurs, wines, and in the confectionery industry.

Fine-leaved peony

This flower was very common in the sixties of the last century throughout the USSR. Today, its population has drastically declined. It is very popular and very expensive in Western Europe, Canada and the USA. It begins to bloom in mid-May, unforgettably and brightly. On an adult bush, there can be several dozen flowers of a rich red hue with yellow anthers at the same time.

Rare plants of Russia: speckled lady's slipper

The speckled lady's slipper is also considered beautiful in our forests. This plant is found in the Far East and Siberia. This flower lives in mixed and coniferous forests. Two bright green wide leaves cover an elegant stem, the peduncle is released in mid-June. It ends with a bud, which soon turns into a small shoe. In Russian forests, 3 species of this plant grow: Yatabe's slipper, macranton and calceolus.

Calceolus has a yellow lip, and the lid of the shoe and long petals are burgundy-brown. There may be 2-4 flowers on the peduncle. But in Macranton they are covered with a fine mesh of burgundy lines along a red-violet or lilac field. At the same time, Yatabe's slipper is mottled, with purple and yellow specks.

Interestingly, even a single such flower is very effective. If you see several of them, it takes your breath away with admiration. These flowers smell amazing, exuding an exquisite aroma. And each one has his own. All shoes develop for a very long time and bloom only in the 18th year.

On our planet there is a huge number of all kinds of plants, seeing which one can only be surprised at how nature could come up with something like this. An incredible number of species and subspecies of plants, many of which amaze with their qualities - from survival and adaptability, to colors and sizes. In this ranking of the most unusual plants, we will show the full scope of natural creativity.


Romanesco is one of the cultivars of cabbage, belonging to the same varietal group as cauliflower. According to some reports, it is a hybrid of cauliflower and broccoli. This type of cabbage has long been grown in the vicinity of Rome. According to some reports, it was first mentioned in historical documents in Italy in the sixteenth century. The vegetable appeared on international markets in the 90s of the XX century. Compared to cauliflower and broccoli, Romanesco is more delicate in texture and has a milder creamy nutty flavor without a bitter note.


Euphorbia obesum is a perennial succulent plant in the Euphorbiaceae family that resembles a stone or a green-brown soccer ball in appearance, without spines or leaves, but sometimes forms "branches" or suckers in strange-looking sets of spheres. It can grow up to 20-30 cm in height and up to 9-10 cm in diameter. Euphorbia obese is a bisexual plant, it has male flowers on one plant, and female flowers on the other. For fruit set, cross-pollination is necessary, which is usually performed.

The fruit looks like a slightly triangular three-nut, up to 7 mm in diameter, containing one seed in each nest. When ripe, it explodes and scatters small, round, speckled-gray seeds 2 mm in diameter, the pedicels fall off after seeding. in full sun or partial shade. The plants are very well hidden among the rocks, their colors blending in with the environment so well that sometimes they are hard to spot.


Tacca is a plant of the Tacca family, growing in a wide variety of environmental conditions and numbering 10 species. They settle in open and heavily shaded areas, in savannas, in thickets of bushes and in rain forests. Young parts of plants, as a rule, are pubescent with tiny hairs that disappear as they grow older. Plant sizes are usually small, from 40 to 100 centimeters, but some species sometimes reach a height of 3 meters. Although takka is becoming more and more widespread as a houseplant, it should be borne in mind that it is not easy to successfully keep takka in rooms due to the special demands of the plant on the conditions of detention. The Tacca family is represented by one genus Tacca, numbering about 10 plant species.

- Takka pinnatifida grows in tropical Asia, Australia, and in the tropics of Africa. Leaves up to 40-60 cm wide, from 70 cm long to 3 meters long. A flower with two bedspreads, large, reaching 20 cm wide, the color covered is light green.

- Tacca Chantrier grows in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Evergreen tropical herbaceous plant, reaching 90-120 cm in height. The flowers are framed with maroon, almost black, bracts, similar to the wingspan of a bat or butterfly with long, threadlike tendrils.

- Whole-leaved takka grows in India. The leaves are wide, glossy, up to 35 cm wide, up to 70 cm long. A flower with two bedspreads, large, reaching 20 cm wide, the color is white, purple strokes are scattered over the white tone. The flowers are black, purple or dark purple, located under the bedspreads.


Venus flytrap is a species of carnivorous plants from the monotypic genus Dionea of ​​the Rosyankovye family. It is a small herbaceous plant with a rosette of 4-7 leaves that grow from a short underground stem. Leaves are three to seven centimeters in size, depending on the time of year, long trap leaves usually form after flowering. Feeds on insects and spiders. It grows in a humid temperate climate on the Atlantic coast of the United States. It is a species cultivated in ornamental horticulture. Can be grown as a houseplant. Grows in soils with a lack of nitrogen, such as swamps. Lack of nitrogen is the reason for the appearance of traps: insects serve as a source of nitrogen necessary for protein synthesis. The Venus flytrap belongs to a small group of plants capable of fast movements.

After the prey is trapped and the edges of the sheets close, forming a "stomach" in which the digestion process takes place. Digestion is catalyzed by enzymes that are secreted by glands in the lobes. Digestion takes approximately 10 days, after which only an empty chitinous shell remains of the prey. After that, the trap opens and is ready to capture new prey. During the life of the trap, an average of three insects fall into it.


The dragon tree is a plant of the genus Dracaena that grows in the tropics and subtropics of Africa and on the islands of Southeast Asia. Grown as an ornamental plant. An old Indian legend tells that a long time ago in the Arabian Sea on the island of Socotra, there lived a bloodthirsty dragon who attacked elephants and drank their blood. But one day, one old and strong elephant fell on the dragon and crushed it. Their blood mixed and wetted the ground around. At this place, trees have grown, called dracaena, which means “female dragon”. The indigenous population of the Canary Islands considered the tree sacred, and its resin was used for medicinal purposes. The resin was found in prehistoric burial caves and was used for embalming at that time.

On its thick branches grow bunches of very sharp leaves. Thick branched trunk up to 20 meters high, diameter at the base up to 4 m, has a secondary growth in thickness. Each branch of branching ends with a dense bunch of densely spaced grayish-green, leathery, linear sword-shaped leaves 45-60 centimeters long and 2-4 centimeters wide in the middle of the plate, somewhat tapering towards the base and pointed towards the apex, with prominent veins. The flowers are large, bisexual, with a corolla-shaped dividing perianth, in bunches of 4-8 pieces. Some trees live up to 7-9 thousand years.


The genus Gidnora includes 5 species growing in the tropical regions of Africa, Arabia and Madagascar, it is not very common, so just walking in the desert, you will not find it. This plant is more like a mushroom until its unusual flower opens. In fact, the flower is named after the hydnor mushroom, which means mushroom in Greek. Hydnoraceae flowers are rather large, solitary, almost sessile, bisexual, petalless. And what we usually see on the surface of the soil is what we call a flower.

These features of color and structure, as well as the putrid smell of flowers, serve to attract beetles that feed on carrion. Beetles, climbing into flowers, crawl into them, especially in their lower part, where the reproductive organs are located, contributing to their pollination. Often, female beetles not only find food in flowers, but also lay eggs there.

The inhabitants of Africa - willingly use the fruits of hydnora for food, like some animals. In Madagascar, the hydnora fruit is considered one of the best local fruits. Thus, the peddlers of hydnora seeds are the most and humans. In Madagascar, the flowers and roots of Hydnora are used by locals to treat heart disease.


Baobab is a species of trees from the genus Adansonia of the Malvaceae family, characteristic of the dry savannahs of tropical Africa. The lifespan of baobabs is controversial - they do not have growth rings, which can be used to reliably calculate age. Radiocarbon dating has shown more than 5,500 years for a tree 4.5 meters in diameter, although baobabs are more conservatively estimated to live for about 1,000 years.

In winter and during the dry period, the tree begins to consume moisture reserves, decreasing in volume, sheds foliage. Baobab blossoms from October to December. Baobab flowers are large - up to 20 cm in diameter, white with five petals and purple stamens, on hanging pedicels. They open in the late afternoon and live only one night, attracting the scent of bats that pollinate them. In the morning, the flowers wither, acquiring an unpleasant putrefactive odor, and fall off.

Next, oblong edible fruits develop, which resemble cucumbers or melons, covered with a thick, hairy peel. Inside the fruits are filled with sour mealy pulp with black seeds. The baobab dies in a peculiar way: it seems to crumble and gradually settle, leaving behind only a pile of fiber. However, baobabs are extremely tenacious. They quickly restore the stripped bark; continue to bloom and bear fruit. A cut down or fallen tree is able to take on new roots.


Victoria amazonica is a large herbaceous tropical plant of the Water Lily family, the largest water lily in the world and one of the most popular greenhouse plants in the world. Victoria amazonica was named after Queen Victoria of England. Victoria Amazonian is common in the Amazon in Brazil and Bolivia, it is also found in the rivers of Guyana that flow into the Caribbean Sea.

Huge water lily leaves reach 2.5 meters and, with a uniformly distributed load, can withstand weight up to 50 kilograms. The tuberous rhizome is usually deeply recessed into the muddy bottom. The upper surface is green with a waxy layer that repels excess water and also has small holes to remove water. The lower part is purplish red with a mesh of ribs studded with spikes to protect against herbivorous fish, air bubbles accumulate between the ribs to help the leaf float. In one season, each tuber can produce up to 50 leaves, which, growing, cover a large surface of the reservoir, blocking sunlight and thereby limiting the growth of other plants.

Victoria Amazonian flowers are under water and bloom only once a year for 2-3 days. Flowers bloom only at night, and with the onset of dawn they fall under water. During flowering, flowers placed above the water, in the open state, have a diameter of 20-30 centimeters. On the first day, the color of the petals is white, on the second they are pinkish, on the third they turn purple or dark crimson. In the wild, the plant can live up to 5 years.


Sequoia is a monotypic genus of woody plants of the Cypress family. It grows on the Pacific coast of North America. Individual specimens of sequoia reach a height of more than 110 meters - these are the tallest trees on Earth. The maximum age is more than three and a half thousand years. This tree is better known as the "mahogany", while plants of the related species sequoiadendron are known as "giant sequoias".

Their diameter at the level of the human chest is about 10 meters. The largest tree in the world "General Sherman". Its height is 83.8 meters. In 2002, the volume of wood was 1487 m³. It is believed that he is 2300-2700 years old. The tallest tree in the world is Hyperion, its height is 115 meters.


Nepenthes is the only genus of plants of the monotypic Nepentaceae family, which includes about 120 species. Most species grow in tropical Asia, especially on the island of Kalimantan. Named after the herb of oblivion from ancient Greek mythology - nepenfa. Species of the genus are mostly shrub or semi-shrub lianas growing in humid habitats. Their long thin herbaceous or slightly lignified stems climb the trunks and large branches of neighboring trees to tens of meters in height, carrying their narrow terminal racemose or paniculate inflorescences to sunlight.

In different types of Nepenthes, jugs differ in size, shape and color. Their length varies from 2.5 to 30 centimeters, and in some species it can reach up to 50 cm. Most often, the jugs are painted in bright colors: red, matte white with a spotted pattern, or light green with spots. The flowers are small and inconspicuous, actinomorphic and petalless, with four imbricate sepals. The fruit is in the form of a leathery box, divided by internal partitions into separate chambers, in each of which seeds with a fleshy endosperm and a straight cylindrical small embryo are attached to the column.

It is curious that large nepenthes, in addition to eating insects, also use the droppings of tupaya animals, which climb onto the plant like on a toilet bowl to feast on sweet nectar. In this way, the plant forms a symbiotic relationship with the animal, using its droppings as fertilizer.


This fungus, belonging to Agaricus mushrooms, looks like chewed chewing gum, oozing blood and smelling of strawberries. However, you should not eat it, because it is one of the most poisonous mushrooms on earth, and even just licking it can be guaranteed to get serious poisoning. The mushroom gained fame in 1812, and then it was recognized as inedible. The surface of the fruit bodies is white, velvety, with small depressions, becoming beige or brown with age. On the surface of young specimens, drops of a poisonous blood-red liquid protrude through the pores. The word “tooth” in the title is not just that. The fungus has sharp formations along the edges that appear with age.

In addition to its external qualities, this mushroom has good antibacterial properties and contains chemicals that thin the blood. It is possible that soon this mushroom will become a replacement for penicillin. The main feature of this fungus is that it can feed on both soil juices and insects, which are attracted by the red liquid of the fungus. The diameter of the cap of a bloody tooth is 5-10 centimeters, the length of the stem is 2-3 centimeters. The bloody tooth grows in the coniferous forests of Australia, Europe and North America.


The top three among the most unusual plants in the world is closed by a large tropical plant of the genus Amorphophallus of the aroid family, discovered in 1878 in Sumatra. One of the most famous species of the genus, it has one of the largest inflorescences in the world. The aerial part of this plant is a short and thick stem, at the base there is a single large leaf, above - smaller ones. Leaf length up to 3 meters, and up to 1 meter in diameter. Petiole length 2-5 meters, thickness 10 cm. Matte green, with white transverse stripes. The underground part of the plant is a giant tuber weighing up to 50 kilograms.

The aroma of the flower resembles a mixture of rotten eggs and rotten fish, and in appearance the flower resembles a decomposing piece of meat. It is this smell that attracts pollinating insects to the plant in the wild. Flowering continues for two weeks. Interestingly, the cob is heated up to 40 ° C. The tuber during this time is greatly depleted due to the overexpenditure of nutrients. Therefore, he needs another rest period of up to 4 weeks in order to accumulate strength for leaf development. If there are few nutrients, then the tuber “sleeps” after flowering until next spring. The life expectancy of this plant is 40 years, but during this time it blooms only three or four times.


Velvichia is amazing - a relic tree - is one species, one genus, one family, one order of the Velvichievs. Velvichia grows in southern Angola and Namibia. The plant is rarely found further than a hundred kilometers from the coast, this approximately corresponds to the limit reached by fogs, which are the main source of moisture for Welwitschia. Its appearance cannot be called grass, bush or tree. The scientific world learned about Velvichia in the 19th century.

From afar, it seems that Velvichia has many long leaves, but in fact there are only two of them, and they grow throughout its plant life, adding 8-15 centimeters per year. In scientific works, a giant was described with a leaf length of more than 6 meters and a width of about 2. And its life expectancy is so long that it is hard to believe. Although Velvichia is considered a tree, it does not have annual rings, as on tree trunks. Scientists have determined the age of the largest Velvichii by radiocarbon dating - it turned out that some specimens are about 2000 years old!

Instead of a social plant life, Velvichia prefers a lonely existence, that is, it does not grow in a group. Velvichia flowers look like small cones, with only one seed in each female cone, and each seed is equipped with wide wings. As for pollination, the opinions of botanists differ here. Some believe that pollination is carried out by insects, while others are more inclined to the action of the wind. Velvichia is protected by the Namibian Conservation Act. The collection of its seeds is prohibited without special permission. The entire territory where Velvichia grows has been turned into a National Park.


Every day we see flowers that surround us everywhere - daisies, roses, violets, tulips, chrysanthemums, dandelions, and their beauty has become familiar to us and even somewhat banal.

But in different parts of the world, truly amazing and unusual flowers grow in terms of adaptability and appearance, and every time, looking at this natural miracle, you are surprised at the beauty of the plant world. Let's get acquainted with the most unusual colors of our planet:

1. Tricyrtis short-haired (Tricyrtis hirta).

This perennial herbaceous plant, reaching a height of 40-80 cm, has white flowers with numerous purple spots.

This decorative flower grows in the subtropical zone of Japan, where there is a shadow. Tricyrtis shorthair is relatively easy to cultivate.

2. Wolffia (Wolffia angusta).

This is the smallest flowering plant on the planet, its size is from 0.5 to 0.8 mm.

These small flowers live on water surfaces. The name of the flower was given in honor of the German entomologist and botanist Johan F. Wolf.

3. Amorphophallus titanic (Amorphophallus).

It is the largest tropical flower, but, despite the natural beauty, it is a very foul-smelling specimen of the flora. The smell of decaying flesh emanates from the inflorescence. If the name of the flower is translated from Greek, then it means "shapeless phallus."

This giant flower has one of the largest inflorescences in the world, reaching a width of one and a half meters and a height of 2.5 m. Amorphophallus titanic blooms for only two days. Previously, it grew in Indonesia, on the island of Sumatra, but then foreigners exterminated the flower. Today it is considered a very rare flower, and you can see it in the botanical gardens of the world.

This amazingly beautiful flower deserves the status of the most romantic and piquant flower on the planet. For inflorescences of bright red color, people also call it "hot sponges".

Psychotria loves warmth and moisture and grows in the tropics. Its homeland is the forests of South and Central America, where a subtropical climate reigns.

5. Sexy Orchid Drakaea glyptodon.

The title of "unusual" orchid was won by the "sexy" orchid - the inflorescence of the flower resembles the body of a wasp of a certain species. In addition, the orchid secretes pheromones, the same as those of the female wasp.

Interestingly, the sexual orchid begins to bloom during the breeding season of wasps, and then the males flock to the flowers and try to mate with them. This is how wasps transfer pollen from one plant to another. The place of growth of the sexual orchid is Australia.

In appearance, this amazing flower resembles a flying duck, and that is how it is called by the people. She got this appearance from nature to attract insects called sawflies.

For them, the upper part of the flower resembles a female, and, flying from flower to flower, it is pollinated. The Kalania orchid has a miniature size: the flower is 2 cm wide and only 50 cm high. The orchid grows in South and Eastern Australia under eucalyptus trees, and 2-4 flowers flaunt on the stem.

In most cases, it lives underground, but when the required amount of precipitation falls in the desert, the African Hydnora appears on the surface and fades. The flower reaches a length of 15-20 centimeters. Pollination occurs with the help of beetles that fly to the smell emitted by the flower.

8. Sundew (Drosera).

It is a carnivorous flower of amazing beauty. The inflorescence secretes droplets of mucus, which are a trap for insects.

It is the sundew that feeds on insects. The flower grows in the mountains, on sandstones and swamps.

9. Passiflora (Passiflora alata).

Passiflora or Stratoflower is an amazingly beautiful flower from the genus of the Stratoflower family.

In nature, there are about five hundred species. The inflorescence is 10 cm in diameter, and passionflower grows mainly in Latin America.

10. Nepenthes Attenboroughii (Nepenthes Attenboroughii).

This unusual, interesting flower was discovered on the island of Aalavan by three scientists in 2000, who went on an expedition to find this miracle of the plant world. The first information about the flower was received from missionaries who had previously visited the island. Having gone to Mount Victoria, scientists discovered huge flowers, the inflorescences of which resembled voluminous jugs.

It turned out that these unusual flowers are real predators that feed on rodents. It still remains a mystery how these flowers were able to survive to this day. This phenomenon is being studied today in the MacPherson lab. Do you think that custom-made bouquets of these flowers would be in high demand?

11. Monkey Orchis (Orchis simia).

This beautiful flower grows in bushes and forests, where there is a lot of light, in forest glades of the lower (sometimes middle) mountain belt up to an altitude of 1500 m above sea level.

This specimen of flora is the rarest species and is listed in the Red Book of Russia. When the orchis monkey blooms, it exudes a pleasant orange aroma.

A flower of the genus of epiphytic herbaceous plants of the Orchid family, growing in northeastern Australia and Southeast Asia.

Habitat - mountain and lowland forests with high humidity. Some representatives of the genus are popular in indoor floriculture, botanical gardens and greenhouses.

13. Clianthus (Clianthus).

The genus of this flower, which prefers sunny areas, includes two species that are endemic to New Zealand.

Clanthus inflorescences are bright red and resemble the beak of a kaka parrot in appearance. The flower has another name - Lobster claws.

The inflorescence, thanks to its festively colored flowers, in appearance resembles a bright caramel lollipop.

These unusual flowers open only in the presence of bright light, and in the evening the inflorescence, like an umbrella, folds in a spiral. This beautiful, unpretentious plant lives well at home.

The flower got its name due to the shape of the inflorescence, resembling a slipper. The original shoe-shaped form is characteristic of three orchid genera.

Most of the species grow in deciduous and located in areas with a temperate climate. The bright flowers of the slippers are a kind of trap, and most of the insects get inside the lip, and you can get out of there by a way that guarantees pollination.

16. Hoya.

An evergreen liana from the dovetail family, wax ivy, which grows naturally in India, South China, and Australia.

The genus Hoya, numbering 200 species, got its name in honor of the English gardener Thomas Hoya. Creepers in nature creep, and in forests grow on tree trunks.

17. Primula "Zebra Blue".

Large primrose flowers have a yellow center, an attractive cream-colored coloring, riddled with many blue-violet veins.

During flowering in May, the primrose gives a lot of inflorescences that exude a pleasant aroma.

This copy of Flora is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Bellflower family. A plant with small broadly lanceolate flowers, predominantly blue. In the world there are 300 varieties (100 of them in Russia) of bluebells, and they grow in places with a temperate climate: in the Caucasus, Europe, Siberia, Asia, and America.

The plant grows in the forest, near rocks, in wastelands. The peach-leaved bell is a rare plant belonging to ornamental species. This is an excellent honey plant, listed in the Red Book.

This flower grows in North America, and in Russia it can often be found in gardens, where beautiful flower beds are created with its help. There are 22 types of flower in the wild - these are ears of zygomorphic flowers, painted with bright colors of blue, yellow, purple hues.

Inflorescences resemble a lion's mouth or even a skull. The appearance of the Snapdragon flower, which has already faded, looks quite intimidating and resembles a skull.

20. Dove Orchid (Peristeria Elata).

This flower has a bizarre, and even unusual shape, reminiscent of a dove lurking in the open petals of the inflorescence. The flower is very capricious and requires special care: high temperature and humidity.

This unusual flower also has a second name - the orchid of the Holy Spirit, and on the Easter holiday, believing Christians of the tropics decorate temples with these orchids.

21. Grouse (Fritillaria).

This is a beautiful perennial flower. The Latin name fritillus means a vessel or chessboard where dice are placed. Such names are not given in vain - they are associated with the color and shape of the flower. In Russia, the name was given because of the resemblance to a bird of the grouse family.

When looking at this unusual flower, it seems that the bird bowed its head low. The hazel grouse blooms a little - about 20 days. He is afraid of moles, mice, shrews, so Hazel grouse is simply necessary in flower beds and beds of summer residents.

Japanese camellias are trees or shrubs that reach a height of one and a half to eleven meters. This plant is ideal for a greenhouse or conservatory with a cool setting.

Camellia is native to Japan and China. It is the official flower symbol of the state of Alabama.

23. Rafflesia (Rafflesia arnoldii).

Rafflesia grows on the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, the Philippines, the Malay Peninsula. Inside its huge bowl, from 5 to 7 liters of water can be collected. The flower has neither leaves nor stem.

In Asia, this amazingly beautiful white flower is edible, and leaves and tendrils of almost all Trichosanth species are used as green vegetables.

At the tips of the petals are original curls. This flower has also been used for medicinal purposes.

25. Common catchment or Aquilegia (Aquilegia).

It is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Buttercup family, growing in parks, forests, meadows. The range of the species covers Scandinavia, southern and central regions of Europe.

In Russia, the flower can be found in the European part. Flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm have a bright coloring - purple, blue, pink and extremely rarely white.

26. Orchid "Great Egret" (Habenaria Radiata).

This amazingly beautiful flower has another name - Khabenaria.

Its beautiful and large pearly white inflorescence, framed by a wide fringed lip, in appearance resembles a white heron in flight.

It is a member of the legume family. The flower is often cultivated as an ornamental plant in countries with tropical and subtropical climates.

The flower grows in the tropical and wild forests of the Philippine Islands.

28. Tacca chantrieri.

This perennial plant with a developed vertical rhizome is a species of monocotyledonous flowering plants of the Dioscoreaceae family.

The inflorescences and young leaves are still used to make curries, and the rhizome has been used in Thai medicine.

This snow-white, rarest flower on the planet, growing on the islands of Sri Lanka, resembles a water lily in appearance. The life of this flower is short - it blooms at midnight, and fades by dawn.

According to an ancient legend, during the short flowering period of the kadupula, a mythical snake-like demigod creature named Nagi descends to earth. He plucks a flower to present it on the holy mountain of Sri Pada to the Buddha himself.

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