Biography of Maria Trotsko. Masha Trotsko. Biography Maria Trotsko instagram official

Maria Trotsko is a glossy model who has become widely known for her beauty vlogs, dedicated to useful self-care tips, new clothes, trends and other attributes of a glamorous lifestyle.
In general, she is a smart and beautiful girl, but lately for the sake of popularity Masha Trotsko began to get involved in rhinoplasty and present in her blog candid photos of their altered forms against the backdrop of urban European beauties, beaches, nature, luxury cars, interiors of hotels and restaurants. Maybe take a course plastic surgery Masha Trotsko prompted the emergence of new competitors in the field of Internet blogging, such as, say, Karina Kasparyants or, not quite in the fashion sphere, the infamous.
Opinions among the Internet public, looked better or worse Maria Trotsko before plastic surgery- undress. But life partner Maria Trotsko seems to like the heroine of our story in any form. Stepan Malokhatko and sees her in various picturesque poses live, while the rest of the male fraternity is forced to be content photo of naked model Masha Trotsko only in the Internet space and in their indefatigable fantasies.

almost naked model Masha Trotsko

Masha Trotsko entered the top ranking of the most interesting instagram bloggers Peter in order to show off at the Vanity Fair this fact. Maria Trotsko She is known as a glossy model who successfully appears in commercials and walks the catwalks of leading Russian Fashion Houses. But on the web, vlogging brought popularity to the heroine of our story. That's right - with the letter "v". What it is? Vlogging is posting a video online with some useful tips..

Masha Trotsko began its journey to popularity with YouTube video. It was here that the first videos appeared Masha Trotsko, in which the girl shared what she herself knows perfectly well - beauty tips. As a professional model Masha Trotsko patiently answered the numerous questions of the audience about how to visually reduce the nose, how to tighten the stomach and what to do with the hair if it bristles like a naughty mop on the head.

Then Maria Trotsko Successfully began to master Instagram. If you open the page that leads Masha Trotsko, Instagram photo show what she is like in real life. According to many bloggers, she is very pleasant to talk to, slim, charming and pretty.
From biographies of Maria Trotsko it is known that a girl lives in St. Petersburg, meets over the past few years with the previously mentioned man named Stepan (husband, leads an active social life. According to a number of fashion publications, Instagram account of Masha Trotsko masha trotsko instagram entered the top ten most interesting blogs in St. Petersburg in 2014 and 2015.

What does Masha Trotsko post on Instagram?
What is so interesting Maria Trotsko's blog? A smart and beautiful girl against the background of urban landscapes, luxurious interiors, in the salon of luxury cars or in some fashionable resorts. Such appears Masha Trotsko on Instagram. Here you can find a complete and detailed guide to the glamorous life: new haute couture items, new cosmetics, amazing makeup secrets, low-calorie recipes, photo reports from glamorous parties and a list of the most luxurious hotels, boutiques and beauty salons. What there is a lot on the blog is the very Masha. Trotsky she understands the politics of the social network very well, therefore, all possible Instagram genres are presented on her page: lift looks, beestages, selfies, and so on and so forth.

It is noteworthy that with such a lifestyle Masha Trotsko does not behave like a "star" at all - she is simple in communication, not averse to making fun and is always open and frank. Communication on the blog is kept on a positive note, although the comments would do well to be cleaned of spam.
To date subscribers blog masha trotsko instagram passed the 200,000 mark. Join us and you will learn many secrets of how to become successful and beautiful.

Maria Trotsko and Stepan Malokhatko- one of the longest-playing couples in a young crowd. Favorite darling favorite darling Masha Trotsko became five years ago. Since then, the chosen one, who builds skate parks in Moscow and supplies seafood to restaurants in St. Petersburg, to the envy of all her friends, showers the girl with gifts, which she does not hesitate to show on her blog.

Correction: in the vlog - that's right Masha Trotsko calls an unpretentious and sincere YouTube diary, which he shoots on an iPhone. In the frame: hedonistic everyday life and a stream of consciousness, recommendations on how to combine Helmut Lang with H&M, the secrets of replacing expensive La Prairie face cream with cheap licorice and, of course, Styopa Malokhatko - waves her hand at the camera and says important things to the blogger, even for long relationship, the words "I love you."

Masha Trotsko, 25 years old
Maria Trotsko's Instagram: Instagram: @trotsko_masha
Subscribers: 217 thousand
Creation date: April 22, 2014
What goes out: selfies, lips, lift bows, manicures, beaches, sea, cities
Instagram, Masha Trotsko

By the way, own kitchen Masha Trotsko also occurs. Although in life the beauty scoops black caviar with spoons, she also knows how to cook dumplings! Herself. Perfectly groomed hands and with impeccable posture.
As it turned out, sometimes "harmful" food Masha Trotsko also does not hesitate at all. He likes Subway, a pancake from "Teremok" or "Tea Spoon", from "McDonald's" - french fries with cheese sauce. However, 2 times a week, our heroine tries to do yoga and do exercises on the ass, legs, abs and back. The beauty does not have a particular love for specific brands; her wardrobe has everything from H&M and Zara to Burberry and Chanel.

Name addresses and prices Masha Trotsky is not afraid, so that readers can find out where the beauty does her nails and where she buys sunglasses.

Masha's new Instagram Trotsky less than a year, the previous one was covered by some kind of virtual miracle. And now her account looks more like an amateur than a pro. But he, in fact, conquers this.

Since 2015, our heroine began mastering her favorite social network Periscope, Where model Masha Trotsko opened a page on the topic of beauty and maintains it to this day. She has 37 thousand subscribers, almost 6 million likes for broadcasts, many videos about manicure, cities, beaches, the sea and shopping. In friendly communication with the beauty, you can find out what and where to buy, what sales are planned in St. Petersburg this season and what socialites will wear in the next six months.
You can follow Masha Trotsko on Periscope using the nickname Trotsko_Masha. Below we offer you to watch some of the most interesting broadcasts of the popular fashion blogger.

Maria Trotsko is a model who gained fame thanks to beauty vlogs with recommendations on self-care, stories about fashion trends, etc. A smart and attractive girl who has recently become interested in rhinoplasty. Perhaps a series of plastic surgeries was a response to the emergence of competitors working in the field of Internet blogging.

The reaction of fans to her changed appearance varies - some believe that the girl has become even prettier, the other is sure that the plastic has ruined her. However, it seems that Maria's life partner is satisfied with her changed appearance, and this is perhaps the most important thing.

The well-known blogger began her difficult path to popularity on YouTube. It was on this portal that she posted the first videos with beauty tips.

More than 598 thousand people subscribed to Masha Trotsko's page. Instagram: trotsko_masha.

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In contact with

Maria Trotsko- A glossy model who has become widely known for her beauty vlogs, that is, vlogs dedicated to video tips on personal care, new clothes, trends and other attributes of a glamorous lifestyle. In general, a smart and beautiful girl against the backdrop of urban European beauties, beaches, nature, luxury cars, interiors of hotels and restaurants.

photo naked (nude) Maria Trotsko

Masha Trotsko, 25 years old
Instagram, Masha Trotsko
Instagram: @trotsko_masha
Subscribers: 217 thousand
Blog Creation Date: April 22, 2014
What goes out: selfies, lips, lift bows, manicures, beaches, sea, cities

Masha Trotsko entered the top ranking of the most interesting Instagram bloggers of St. Petersburg, compiled by an unknown person, in order to brag about this fact at the Vanity Fair. Maria Trotsko She is known as a glossy model who successfully appears in commercials and walks the catwalks of leading Russian Fashion Houses. But online popularity Maria Trotsko brought vlogging. That's right - with the letter "v".
What it is? Vlogging is posting a video online with some useful tips..

Masha Trotsko started her way to popularity with YouTube videos. It was here that the first Trotsky's videos, in which the girl shared what she herself knows perfectly well - beauty tips. As a professional model Masha Trotsko answered numerous questions from viewers about how to visually reduce the nose, how to tighten the stomach and what to do with hair if it bristles like a naughty mop on the head.

Then Maria Trotsko Successfully began to master Instagram. If you open the page maintained by Masha Trotsko, Instagram photos will show what she is like in life. According to many bloggers, she is very pleasant to talk to, slim, charming and pretty.
From biographies of Maria Trotsko it is known that a girl lives in St. Petersburg, meets a man named Stepan, leads an active social life.
According to WOMEN`S DAY magazine Instagram blog Masha Trotsko entered the top ten most interesting blogs in St. Petersburg in 2014.

What does Masha Trotsko post on Instagram?

What is so interesting Maria Trotsko's blog? A smart and beautiful girl against the background of urban landscapes, luxurious interiors, in the salon of luxury cars or in some fashionable resorts. Such appears Masha Trotsko on Instagram.
IN Masha Trotsko's blog you can find a complete and detailed guide to the glamorous life: new haute couture items, new cosmetics, amazing makeup secrets, low-calorie recipes, photo reports from glamorous parties and a list of the most luxurious hotels, boutiques and beauty salons. What there is a lot on the blog is the very Masha. Trotsky understands social politics very well. networks, so all possible Instagram genres are presented on her page: lift-looks, beestages, selfies and so on and so forth.

It is noteworthy that with such a lifestyle Maria Trotsko does not behave like a "star" at all - she is simple in communication, not averse to making fun and is always open and frank. Communication on the blog is kept on a positive note, although the comments would do well to be cleaned of spam.
To date subscribers blog masha trotsko on instagram passed the 200,000 mark. Join us and you will learn many secrets of how to become successful and beautiful.

Maria Trotsko and Stepan Malokhatko- one of the longest-playing couples in a young crowd. Favorite darling favorite darling Masha Trotsko became five years ago. Since then, the chosen one, who builds skate parks in Moscow and supplies seafood to restaurants in St. Petersburg, to the envy of all her friends, showers the girl with gifts, which she does not hesitate to show on her blog. Correction: in vlog- that's what Masha calls an unpretentious and sincere YouTube diary, which she shoots on an iPhone. In the frame: hedonistic everyday life and a stream of consciousness, recommendations on how to combine Helmut Lang with H&M, the secrets of replacing expensive La Prairie face cream with penny licorice and, of course, Styopa - waves at the camera and says important things to the blogger, even for a long relationship , the words "I love you".

By the way, own kitchen Masha Trotsko also occurs. Although in life the beauty scoops black caviar with spoons, she also knows how to cook dumplings! Herself. Perfectly groomed hands and with impeccable posture.
As it turned out, sometimes Masha also does not disdain "harmful" food. He likes Subway, a pancake from "Teremok" or "Tea Spoon", from "McDonald's" - french fries with cheese sauce. However, 2 times a week he tries to do yoga and do exercises on the ass, legs, abs and back.

Masha Trotsko was born on November 25, 1990 in Russia, in the city of St. Petersburg. Maria was brought up in an ordinary family. Because of her father's work, Maria and her family lived in the north for a long time. Masha graduated from school number 12. Masha was fond of dancing since childhood, at the age of 5 her mother and grandmother took her to a ballet school. In 2008, after graduating from school, Masha successfully passed the entrance exams and entered the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova. Masha Trotsko studied at the academy for 3 years, but never graduated. During her studies, Maria began her modeling career. In 2010, Maria sent her photos to a modeling agency in New York, the girl's photos impressed the agency, and Masha was offered a job.

Personal life of Masha Trotsko

In 2010, Masha began a relationship with Stepan Malokhatko. Maria and Stepan met on the birthday of their mutual friend. As Masha herself says, “After we met, we never parted again.” In 2017, Trotsko and Malokhatko celebrated 7 years of marriage, despite such a long relationship, Masha Trotsko and Styopa are not married.

career on youtube

Masha Trotsko registered her YouTube channel on February 19, 2014. Masha shoots beauty videos: make-up, outfits, cosmetics review and so on. In addition to beauty videos. Masha Trotsko very often posts vlogs, in which Masha shows her daily life. Stepan Malokhatko, Alena Shishkova and many more friends of Maria and Styopa take an active part in Masha Trotsko's video.

Masha is a very popular girl, when Maria just started her YouTube channel, she gained popularity almost immediately. In one of her videos, Sonya Yesman said that when she watches Masha's video, she gets inspired. Now more than 80 thousand people have subscribed to Trotsky's YouTube channel.

Instagram Masha Trotsko

Masha is a very popular girl on Instagram. Maria registered her account in 2013, at that time she was little known. Masha uploads a large number of her photos to her Instagram, and you can also see many other popular Instagram girls in Masha's photos. To date, Masha Trotsko has 730 thousand subscribers.

A novel by Masha Trotsko and Pavel Durov

There are many rumors about the relationship between Pavel Durov and Maria Trotsko. Many are sure that Pavel Durov, more recently, is the young man of Alena Shishkova (Timati's ex-wife). Alena and Maria Trotsko are close friends, the girls often spend time together. The main source of rumors was the birthday of Alena Shishkova in Dubai, the girl spent this day in a circle of friends, which included Maria Trotsko and Pavel Durov.

However, after Alena flew to Moscow, Maria and Pavel stayed in Dubai. In their instagram there were photos from the same places. Maria and Pavel Durov do not officially confirm their romance. Nevertheless, Masha Trotsko more than once gave hints to her followers on Instagram, posting photos with chic gifts and the caption “From P.”, but later Maria deleted all photos from her profile.

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