Where does Glagolev's faith live? Vera Glagoleva - biography, photos, films, death, personal life of the actress Does Vera Glagoleva have famous relatives

The biography of Vera Glagoleva is worthy of being used to write a script for that very fairy tale, in which, after betrayal and troubles, a handsome prince suddenly appears and disperses the clouds over the heads of the heroine and her daughters. And then they live “happily ever after.”


  • Years of birth: January 31, 1956 - August 16, 2017
  • Russian
  • Secondary education
  • Married
  • Moscow
  • Children: three daughters
  • Last occupation: director

Note: this article was written during the life of Vera Glagoleva.

The tale of her life

All fairy tales usually end with the words “And they lived happily ever after.” How is it? Nobody is telling. Based on the life of Vera Glagoleva, you can write a script for the continuation of the fairy tale. In this scenario there will be everything - a happy accident, handsome princes, betrayal and love.

Vera Glagoleva calmly admits that her life is the embodiment of the dreams of many women. What lies at the basis of her success - a series of happy accidents or a lot of internal, constant work on herself, on her life, invisible to outsiders?

As a child, Vera’s character was more like a tomboy. She played football, and not just played, but stood on the goal! She was seriously involved in archery, she was even a master of sports, and played for the Moscow youth team. Little skinny girl with big eyes I dreamed of devoting my life to sports. When she was offered to act in a movie, she agreed rather out of interest.

Vera Glagoleva agreed to go with her friend to a “closed screening”, which took place at Mosfilm because there was practically no other option to watch foreign films at that time. It is unlikely that she suspected that it was fate that was leading her to the work of her whole life, to her happiness and misfortune, to the entire subsequent string of coincidences and patterns.

First love

Rodion Nakhapetov, already a famous director at that time, simply could not take his eyes off Vera. Perhaps, by inviting her to audition, he already somehow understood that this girl would play one of the most important roles in his own life - the role of his future wife and the mother of his children. After all, he was much older and more experienced than Vera.

They got married a little over a year after that first meeting. Vera literally prayed for her husband, an adult, experienced, handsome. They had two daughters - Anya and Masha. Rodion adored his daughters, he tried to spend as much time with them as possible.


Vera Glagoleva and Rodion Nakhapetov lived together for almost 12 years. About two years before the divorce, Rodion had a dream - to go to America and work in Hollywood. But he did not share his plans with his beloved wife. When Nakhapetov first went to America to show his film there, he stayed in Hollywood for only two months.

For some time he returned to Russia, but then left for good. When in Once again Vera came to Rodion in America, he admitted that he had another woman. For Glagoleva it was like a stab in the back.

But Vera was wise enough not to interfere with her girls in these complex relationships. They still have a very good relationship with their father. Now, having become fully grown women, they remember this difficult period with gratitude to their mother.

Need to live!

The actress was left alone, with the fate of her two daughters on her fragile shoulders. And it was the dashing 90s. As Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva now admits, only her work saved her. It was then that the film “Broken Light” appeared. Despite the fact that Vera starred in this film as an actress, this was her first directorial work.

Thanks to her mother, Galina Naumovna, who looked after the girls, the newly minted director Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva could almost completely devote herself to work, not suspecting that fate was again preparing a gift for her. In 1990, she went to a film festival in the legendary Odessa with her first film in the hope of finding a sponsor for the film to be released. At one of the meetings she was introduced to a successful young businessman Kirill Shubsky. Their collaboration in the field of cinema gradually grew into something more.

Second chance

Kirill is eight years older younger actress. He managed to make friends first with Anya, eldest daughter Vera, and then with Masha. Becoming the head of such big family, Shubsky took responsibility for his beloved woman and her daughters. And a little later their joint daughter Nastenka was born.

Today Vera notes with a little surprise that 25 years have passed since they became husband and wife. The youngest daughter of Vera Glagoleva has been living independently since she was 15 years old.

Nastya is engaged to the famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin.

The house on Nikolina Gora where this friendly family lives is full of warmth and fun, especially when everyone gets together. Calm happiness has such a beneficial effect on Vera Vitalievna’s appearance that no one believes that she turned 60 this year. The actress and director does not hide her age, and does not even consider it necessary to comment on all the gossip that she allegedly had plastic surgery.

Vera doesn’t really like to gather in noisy groups; she tries to go to all cinematic parties with her friend Larisa Guzeeva. Vera Glagoleva makes no secret of her personal life, and talks a lot about her children Anya, Masha and Anastasia, and shows her grandchildren in all programs. Kirill Shubsky, Vera’s husband, takes his wife’s fame calmly, speaking about her with tenderness and love.

Unfortunately, the actress’s parents have already passed away. But mother, Galina Naumovna, managed to babysit her great-grandchildren. Vera’s daughters, who practically grew up in their grandmother’s arms, remember her very fondly.

Brother Boris Glagolev lives in Germany, despite his technical education, he is currently editing documentaries. In childhood they were very friends, Boris cut his sister’s hair and sewed her outfits. Now they mostly communicate via Skype.

The story of Vera Glagoleva is very similar to the story of Cinderella, who finally found her real prince and lives happily ever after with him.

We will introduce our today's readers to the biography and work of the famous Soviet actress– Vera Glagoleva. In addition to the characters, she played the role of directors, screenwriters and producer. For her services in the field of cinema, she received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Vera's acquaintances and friends describe her character differently - some talk about constant whims, others note the ease with which she managed to build her life. But everyone agrees on one thing - she was quite a talented actress and director. Despite her outward fragility, Glagoleva was very strong, principled and unpredictable. Those who are familiar with her work still say that she was the most extraordinary in the entire Soviet scene. In addition, Vera Glagoleva was able to show the necessary stamina and willpower when society was going through a difficult period.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vera Glagoleva

First of all, we will present some external indicators of the actress. This will be interesting to everyone, including those who have just decided to get acquainted with her work. Therefore, we bring to your attention exact figures, in particular height, weight, age. How old was Vera Glagoleva when she died? Many viewers ask, who remember the actress’s characters from Soviet times.

There is nothing to hide here - the approximate height of the actress was a little more than 160 centimeters. Most viewers say that Vera had perfect figure– of course, it is very difficult to argue about this. The artist died in the summer of 2017, and at the time of her death she was 61 years old.

Biography of Vera Glagoleva

The biography of Vera Glagoleva begins in the capital of the USSR, in the winter of 1956. The family of the future artist was far from creativity. Father Vitaly was a teacher, as was his wife, and also Verina’s mother, Galina.
When the girl was six years old, the family moved to the city of Izmailovo. After 4 years, the parents go to Germany, and, of course, take Vera with them. After another five years, the family returns to the capital.

The actress begins to practice shooting professionally. She chooses bow as a sport, and for good reason - within a year she becomes a master of sports. The head of the Glagolev family did not like his daughter’s hobbies - he wanted her to become a gymnast. But this did not reassure Vera - she loved wrestling and boyish games.

Filmography: films starring Vera Glagoleva

Glagoleva's filmography begins immediately after graduation, in 1974. It is noteworthy that our today’s heroine is one of those who made it into the world of cinema without the necessary diploma. Then she accidentally saw the filming of a new film taking place, and the management invited her to one of the roles. She copes with the given character in the film “At the End of the World...”.

Three years later, Vera is again offered to act in a movie - this time, the film “Thursday and Never Again.” The director was impressed by the actress’s performance. Therefore, he invites her to his own theater. In the future, Glagoleva regrets her choice - she refused.

Since the early 1980s, Vera’s popularity has been growing, and she has been invited to appear in various films. Among them, the memorable ones were “Starfall”, “Torpedo Bomber”, “Don’t Shoot the Swans”. The role in “Marry the Captain” also had a good impact on her film career, where Vera Glagoleva perfectly conveyed the feelings and experiences of her own character.

In the next decade, the actress played many roles in films, playing strong and independent women. The directors say that insidious and negative characters are not suitable for her - Vera’s appearance is “customized” for positive heroines. Since the beginning of the two thousandth, Glagoleva was invited to various TV series.

In 1990, filming of Broken Light ended, which hit theaters in 2001. This film is the directorial debut of a talented woman. Not without awards and titles for his creative achievements.

Personal life of Vera Glagoleva

The personal life of Vera Glagoleva, although not complete, contains all sorts of novels and rumors, but her admirers will be interested in knowing some information.

The actress's first marriage was with a famous director. They met in 1974, and the young couple got married two years later. Having lived together for almost 17 years, the couple divorced and separated.

Vera Glagoleva meets a businessman, and later they decide to formalize their relationship. Since 2005, rumors sometimes appeared about the collapse of the union, saying that Vera Glagoleva and Kirill Shubsky would divorce in the near future. As far as is known, they both lived together until the death of the actress.

Family of Vera Glagoleva

We already mentioned a little higher that Vera Glagoleva’s family was not directly connected with art. Dad was a teacher in physics and biology, worked at a school. Died in 2007. Mom also worked as a teacher, only in elementary school. She died in 2010, at that time, she was 81 years old.

The only one creative person in the Glagolev family, before the appearance of a talented daughter, her aunt Lena, who painted pictures and was fond of art. Also, the elder brother of the future actress, whose name was Boris, was raised in the family. However, now it is difficult to say which direction he chose.

Children of Vera Glagoleva

The children of Vera Glagoleva is a topic that has rarely been covered by controversial data. We can say that everything is transparent here, although shortly before his death, the yellow press “threw in” information about third-party children of Vera’s husband. She herself did not comment on this, and was it worth it - Vera completely trusted her husband.

From her first marriage, the Soviet actress had two daughters, who were named Anna and Maria. We’ll talk about how the girls’ fates developed in the future below, in the relevant sections.

In the second marriage of the actress, another daughter was born, named Nastya. It is noteworthy that on this moment already have grandchildren of a talented artist.

Daughter of Vera Glagoleva - Anna

Vera Glagoleva's first daughter, Anna, was born in October 1978. Then, the actress was married to her first husband Rodion. The girl decided not to deviate from her creative mom and dad, so she received acting education, and later took up ballroom dancing. Now Anna is performing at the Bolshoi Theater, which is a good achievement.

Mom and her eldest daughter even have joint films in which they starred - these are “Sunday Dad”, “One War” and others. In 2006, the daughter of Vera Glagoleva gave birth to a girl, Polina, who became the first granddaughter of the Soviet actress. But Anna did not live long in her marriage to a young man, the father of her granddaughter.

Daughter of Vera Glagoleva - Maria

The second daughter of Vera Glagoleva, Maria, was also born in the actress’s first marriage, in the summer of 1980. After graduating from school, the girl decides to go to America and continue her studies there. As a result, Maria studies computer graphics. It is noteworthy that after their parents’ divorce, both daughters from their first marriage remained with their mother.

There, she met her first husband. However, there were no children in this marriage, and soon the young people divorced. In 2007, Maria returns to the capital of Russia, where she gets married again. Here two more grandchildren of Vera Glagoleva are born - Kirill and Miron, with an interval of 5 years.

Daughter of Vera Glagoleva - Anastasia

The third daughter of Vera Glagoleva, Anastasia, was born in 1993. At that time, the actress was already married to businessman Kirill. After receiving secondary education, the girl entered VGIK and graduated with a degree in production. Afterwards she studies own projects, gradually improving skills in the film industry.

She starred in several films and TV series. A year ago, Anastasia and Alexander Ovechkin got married. It is noteworthy that, despite its serious illness, Vera Glagoleva managed to organize an event at the highest level. For now, the media is waiting for news about the addition to the newly made family.

Former husband of Vera Glagoleva - Rodion Rafailovich

The ex-husband of Vera Glagoleva, Rodion Rafailovich, was born in 1944, and as you already calculated, he is 12 years older than his wife. But the age difference did not prevent them from starting a family and living in marriage for many years. The man is an actor and director. He also has several production works and script productions for theatrical performances.

The future spouses met in 1974 - it was at this time that Vera began to develop a film career. On one of the film sets, a man noticed interesting girl, and suggested going on a date. Two years later, the young people are getting married. The marriage lasted more than fifteen years, but in 1991, they separated. In this marriage, the actress’s first children were born - daughters Marina and Anna.

Vera Glagoleva's husband - Kirill Shubsky

Vera Glagoleva's husband, Kirill Shubsky, is a reputable businessman. The age difference was just over eight years, in the direction of the actress. The couple met at the "Golden Duke" - a famous film festival, in 1992. After some time, they decide to legalize their relationship.

A year and a half later, the third daughter, Nastya, is born - the birth took place in Switzerland. She always told reporters that she was happy in her personal life. But this did not stop the yellow press from launching scandals related to the “secret” daughter of her husband Kirill. This media behavior did not harm the couple in any way.

Health of Vera Glagoleva: sick with cancer

Shortly before her death, news headlines reported information such as “The health of Vera Glagoleva: sick with cancer,” but this was not given much importance. Already in August 2017, it became known about the death of the Soviet actress.

As Vera’s relatives say, the disease did not appear suddenly - long before that, Glagoleva’s condition was getting worse. But this did not stop her from appearing on various ceremonial events, in particular, at the wedding of Nastya’s daughter.

As soon as the information leaked to the media, fans became seriously concerned - Vera Glagoleva’s health was under threat. After the death of the actress, fans learned that the diagnosis was disappointing - stomach cancer. Most critics called her a legend and argued that Vera’s death was a serious loss for Russian cinema.

Photo by Vera Glagoleva in Maxim magazine

Many movie stars act in men's magazines. Some time ago, a request regarding a photo of Vera Glagoleva in Maxim magazine became popular among those familiar with her work. But the actress did not agree to invitations from glossy publications to appear naked. Therefore, any candid photos on the Internet are not true. However, for those who want to evaluate the actress’s figure during her lifetime, you can find pictures in a swimsuit.

Also, fans were interested in such a topic as Vera Glagoleva, before and after photos plastic surgery. It’s safe to say that the actress did not use such services, but, as she herself claims, sports and a good mood help her to maintain excellent shape.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vera Glagoleva

Social networks are popular among stars of various sizes. Not surprising, because it is convenient and fast way make advertising, attract new fans, etc. Also, it helps to promote your own creativity abroad.

As far as we know now, during her lifetime, our heroine did not maintain pages on the Internet, so Vera Glagoleva’s Instagram and Wikipedia requests often remain unanswered. However, you can find communities of fans of creativity, where everyone can express condolences and leave warm words about the life of the actress. The free encyclopedia contains the main films in which Glagoleva was involved.

Vera Glagoleva - outstanding Soviet and Russian actress and filmmaker. In the 70-80s of the last century, the images created by the actress turned out to be in demand in the decadent Soviet society. Actress Vera Glagoleva turned out to be in tune with this time. Her biography and personal life repeated in miniature the events of the era.

The beginning of a creative journey

Vera Glagoleva was born into a family of teachers in 1956. The first years of her life were spent near the famous Patriarch's Ponds in an apartment received by Vera's grandfather, a famous designer and inventor.

The girl lived there until she was 6 years old, until her parents got a new apartment in Izmailovo. Then the girl and her parents ended up in German democratic republic(GDR), where she lived for 4 years. This was due to the fact that her parents worked as teachers in the city of Karl-Marx-Stadt.

In her youth, Vera never thought about becoming an actress. She was seriously involved in archery, had success and rose to the title of master of sports. However, playing sports did not become decisive for further biography and personal life of Glagoleva.

Some time after Vera finished her studies at school, she was accidentally noticed by the assistant director of the film “To the End of the World,” which was filmed at the Mosfilm film studio. The film crew, led by director Rodion Nakhapetov, was just preoccupied with finding the heroine. The type of girl seemed suitable.

Glagoleva was asked to play with the actor who played the role of Volodya. She behaved very naturally and played quite well because she was not worried at all. She did not intend to become an actress, and therefore regarded her participation in the filming as an interesting experience and nothing more. In addition, Glagoleva did not know that another girl also auditioned for the role of Sima. Therefore, she was not afraid of competition.

Finally, here the actress’s famous self-control was demonstrated for the first time. In many ways, this character trait was helped to develop by practicing archery. After all, in order to accurately hit the target, you must have nerves of iron.

As a result, Nakhapetov, the film’s director and future husband Glagoleva, decided that the girl would be cast in the role of Sima. And soon she married Nakhapetov.

Filmography of the actress

Three years later, Vera was invited to play the role of Varya in the film “Thursday and Never Again.” The young unprofessional actress greatly impressed director Anatoly Efros, and he offered her a job in his theater. Glagoleva wanted to agree, thought about it for a long time, but was forced to refuse this offer under the influence of her husband Rodion Nakhapetov. She subsequently regretted this decision until the end of her days.

The secret of the young actress was her appearance suitable for cinema and her unique acting type: she seemed like a fragile girl “not of this world.” But despite this impression, the actress felt a steely inner core. At the same time, she had a penetrating understanding of the hero’s feelings and facial expressions that were unique in their accuracy.

All this was amazingly combined in Vera, making her an actress, as they say, from God. She had her own special style. She never played negative characters because it was impossible to see evil in her. Due to her fragility and pretty appearance, a special aura has been created around Vera, which is noted by her partners on stage.

  • Zhenya in Starfall;
  • young Nonna Yuryevna, teacher from “Don’t Shoot White Swans.”

All her heroines had something in common, they were like aliens from Through the Looking Glass - mysterious and unique.

Fame came to the actress after she played the role of Lena in the film “Marry the Captain.” The most interesting thing in this situation is that she got the role of Elena by accident. Initially, the script was handled by another director, who planned to create a completely different picture, but abandoned the project, which is why the work was suspended.

Then Melnikov and Chernykh took up the script, who radically changed the story: instead of three women, from whom the officer had to choose a wife, they left one - a photojournalist, whose role was played by Glagoleva. Through this role, Vera was recognized as the best actress of 1986.

Despite the fact that Vera never received professional acting training, she played in about fifty films. From the paintings of Soviet times it is worth noting:

Directing activity

In the nineties, Glagoleva played mainly in TV series, although there were also films, and in 1996 she was recognized as an Honored Artist. Some of the works of this time include:

  • "Poor Sasha";
  • "Waiting hall";
  • "Maroseyka, 12";
  • "Another woman, another man";
  • "Wedding ring";
  • "The ark".

At the same time, Glagoleva decided to try herself as a director. Her first film was Broken Light, but, unfortunately, audiences saw this picture only 11 years later.

Copyright issues prevented the film from being released. Because of this failure, Vera still for a long time was not involved in directing activities. Glagoleva returned to directing only fifteen years later, also becoming the screenwriter of the film “Order”, and three years later she created the film “Ferris Wheel”, in which Alena Babenko played one of the roles.

First husband and daughters

Her first husband, Rodion Nakhapetov, had a huge influence on the formation of the young actress. Glagoleva's biography and personal life could have been completely different without Rodion's influence.

Vera met her husband during the filming of the film “To the End of the World” in 1974. She and her friend visited the Mosfilm studio, where a private screening of foreign films took place. The girl behaved confidently and naturally, because it was not the first time she had been there, which attracted the attention of the filmmakers.

When Rodion Nakhapetov saw her, he immediately realized that he wanted to see her in the role of Sima in this film. He understood that her amazing fragility, combined with her sincerity and naturalness, would make her an excellent actress. Perhaps it was these qualities that made him fall in love with the young girl.

After filming “To the End of the World” ended, Nakhapetov was invited to one of the main roles in the film “Slave of Love.” Rodion took Vera with him, not wanting to part with her, because in the process of making the film they became very close.

Walking around Odessa at night, Vera talked about her dreams and plans to Rodion: she wanted to enter VGIK and become a professional actress. Nakhapetov understood that if Vera now decided to fulfill her dreams, their paths would diverge, because in this case they will not have time for each other.

When he told her about these thoughts, Glagoleva said that she would give up all this for the sake of their relationship. On the same day, Rodion proposed marriage to the young actress. He was not embarrassed by how old Vera Glagoleva was; their age difference was twelve years.

Rodion Nakhapetov’s personal life was successful: he married Vera in 1976. After Vera began participating in the filming of the film “On Thursday and Never Again,” Rodion Rafailovich realized that if they did not work together, their feelings could fade away due to frequent filming and constant separations. Then Rodion began to film his wife in his films.

In 1978, Vera and Rodion became parents. They had a beautiful daughter, whom they named Anna. The couple created a cozy nest for themselves, which they furnished with furniture from Kineshev, and Vera’s mother gave them a present in the form of a piano. The couple often had picnics outdoors, in the evenings Vera loved to walk in the forest. Enjoying beautiful views, she felt happy.

Two years later, another child appeared in the family - Masha. Despite the fact that Vera’s children loved her and were happy, she considered herself a bad mother because, due to filming, she was often absent from home, leaving the children to be raised by their grandmother. The spouses began to see each other less often due to work, separations became more frequent and longer, and feelings gradually faded away.

Rodion understood this when he left for America. There he was finally convinced that between him and Vera there were only friendly relations. It was 1988. Then, while in America, Rodion realized that he wanted to connect his life with his manager, Natalya Shlyapnikoff.

Glagoleva fully realized what was happening when she visited Natalya’s house, where her husband lived at that time. Although they were already divorced, Vera did not yet know that her ex-husband was dating Natalya. It was with a strong blow for the actress, but despite this, she always allowed her daughters to communicate with Rodion and did not try to upset their relationship with their father.

Divorce and second marriage

In 1991, a divorce occurred, Rodion remained to live in America, and Vera raised her daughters alone in Russia. Glagoleva did not remain lonely for long; soon a man appeared in her life. new man- businessman Shubsky. He elegantly courted the actress and constantly gave her beautiful bouquets of scarlet roses.

Kirill was persistent and gallant, Vera could not resist him, even though she had recently divorced her first husband. Soon Shubsky and Glagoleva got married.

Relatives and acquaintances were initially against this union because big difference at the age of newlyweds, but over time Kirill was accepted, he became a good father and friend for Vera’s children from his first marriage, and two years later Vera gave birth to their first child, Nastya.

Vera Glagoleva’s age at that time was 37 years old, but despite late labor, the girl was born healthy, and there were no serious complications during pregnancy. Vera gave birth in a Swiss clinic, not knowing any language other than Russian, which is why she had to ask a friend for help, who translated her words to the doctor.

There were many rumors around Kirill Shubsky; Vera suspected that her husband was cheating on her, but tried not to pay attention to all this. She did not want to destroy their marriage or traumatize the children with another divorce. In the end, Kirill became an exemplary family man, happiness and harmony returned to their home again.

Star children

Vera's eldest daughter became a ballerina, and then, following her mother's example, began acting in films. Anna became interested in ballet early years. In 2006, she married her colleague, Yegor Simachev. In the same year, the couple had a daughter, Polina. Unfortunately, the appearance of the baby did not strengthen the family, but destroyed it, but despite this, Anna maintains friendly relations with her ex-husband, they are raising their daughter together.

The middle daughter Maria also turned out to be creative personality- She became a graphic designer and moved to live in the USA, where she met her first husband. They couldn't create happy family, after the divorce, Masha moved back to Russia, and her ex-spouse stayed to live in the States. In 2007, Maria Nakhapetova married again, and a few months later gave birth to her first son, Kirill. A few years later, in 2012, a second child appeared in the family, who was given the name Miron.

Anastasia Shubskaya followed the example of her mother, becoming an actress and producer. She studied at VGIK to become a producer, entered acting courses in the USA, and also tried herself as a model. The girl’s range of interests is not limited to cinema alone, because besides it she is interested in fitness, professional running and dancing, and in her photography she creates unique images with a unique style.

In 2015, Nastya met her future husband, Alexander Ovechkin, with whom she married a year after they met. Anastasia's family warmly and cordially received Ovechkin, a famous athlete and hockey player.

Illness and death

It would seem that in Vera’s life everything is going as well as possible. She had everything a woman could dream of: a loving and caring husband, beautiful daughters who delighted their mother with their successes, good sons-in-law, little grandchildren. She has achieved great success both at work and in her personal life.

But a fairy tale cannot last forever. Vera became very ill and was diagnosed terrible diagnosis- stomach cancer. Neither the actress herself nor her family made this event public. Vera attended various events, including the wedding of her youngest daughter, which took place in 2017.

The actress was treated in Germany, where she died. Her death occurred on August 16, 2017. This happened near Baden-Baden. Vera Glagoleva was buried on August 19. In memory of the actress, a memorial plaque was hung on the house in which she lived.

Many cultural figures, as well as Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko, expressed condolences about Vera’s death.

Attention, TODAY only!

Vera Glagoleva- a wonderful Soviet and Russian actress. Unfortunately, August 16, 2017 of the year Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva passed away, she died when she was sixty-one years old. Still young, full of energy and creative ideas, loved by everyone, this actress died of cancer or its consequences. Although Vera Glagoleva for more than twenty-seven years I have not eaten meat, flour or sweet, healthy image life, never overeated, did yoga, all this did not protect her from stomach cancer. Cancer does not choose, it can come to anyone, and it has already been proven that it is impossible to protect yourself from it, only early diagnosis often saves the situation, but this fact helps few people, since the first three stages are asymptomatic.

In this photo from left to right: eldest daughter Anna Nakhapetova (1978), Vera Glagoleva(1956), youngest daughter Anastasia Shubskaya(1993), middle daughter Maria Nakhapetova (1980).

U Vera Glagoleva There are three beautiful daughters left, one more beautiful than the other, each of them has an interesting, bright appearance and they don’t even look alike.

In this photo, Vera Glagoleva’s first husband is director Rodion Nakhapetov, Vera Glagoleva and the two daughters of this couple: Anna on the left and Maria on the right.

Vera Glagoleva married twice, from her first husband, the director Rodion Nakhapetova she gave birth to daughters Anna and Masha, and from her second husband, businessman Kirill Shubsky, daughter Anastasia.

Vera Glagoleva the first time she got married early, she was 20 years. WITH Rodion Nakhapetov Vera I met when I came with a friend to audition for a film "To the edge of the world…". The assistant director noticed a beautiful, fragile girl and suggested that she try out for main role. I saw this movie and it's amazing Vera Glagoleva there is one of the main roles, in this film she has dark hair, but the hairstyle itself is exactly the same as what we are all used to - a bob.

Was Vera Glagoleva is 19 years old, when she starred for the first time. Plot of the film "To the edge of the world…" is this: a young guy, very self-confident, denying all generally accepted moral, human, social norms- he rebels, he does not want to study, work, he considers adults, without exception, stupid and limited. Parents, tired of the torment of their offspring, send him from Moscow to the village to his uncle. Arriving at his relatives, Volodya meets his cousin Sima (Vera Glagoleva). During one of the family gatherings, a rowdy, quarrelsome Vladimir runs out from the table, and all because his uncle promised to make a man out of him. The guy rushed off aimlessly. He only had a couple of rubles with him; his uncle sent his daughter to catch up with the obstinate man. Simu. Eventually Vladimir And Sima we wandered very far from home, the guy doesn’t want to come back, the girl followed him like a tail, where he went, there she went. Initially Volodya he makes fun of the girl in every possible way, considering her a stupid, naive fool, tells her that there is no love, girls need to be used, which he happily does, but he urges his interlocutor not to be approachable. Work is also not for Volodya. But the couple has no money, they lost their last rubles in scrapes and they have a hard time wearing the same clothes: she in a light dress, he in trousers and a shirt, hungry and tired they wander along railway tracks.Sima asks to come back Volodya rushes to Moscow, and anywhere, but not back to his uncle. But summer weather, youth, youthful maximalism, meeting a variety of people, talking together, and Vladimir somehow begins to look at his fellow traveler differently Simu. Besides, it turns out that she doesn’t suit him at all. cousin, she was adopted as a one-year-old child. All these travels, work at a youth construction site, the trials we lived together led to the fact that Sima fell ill with bilateral lobar pneumonia. Volodya in despair, the girl lies unconscious in the hospital, the guy writes her a very touching letter, where he confesses his love, he calls on her to live, not to die otherwise, and he will have no place in this world, he will not live, he will do something to himself . Sitting on a sick bed, upon request Volodya, the doctor reads to the fading Sime this letter.

This film touched me, it was shot very well, the script, dialogues, actors are incomparable. A Vera Glagoleva not the one we are all used to, firstly, black hair, and secondly, very young, literally a girl with full lips and a childish, naive look looking at us from the screen. And talented Vera Glagoleva undoubtedly, the first role and such a message! And the figure is a sight for sore eyes, there was a scene in the film when Sima swam in Volodya river. On Sime high-waisted panties in the fashion of those times, a clumsily sewn bra, but the girl swims masterfully, Volodya delighted, right here on the river, Sima confesses to him that she was adopted. The guy begins to joke about her, because before taking her into his family, the future father did not know the orphan’s real name, so Vova and calls Simu now Galei, now Any, now Agrippina, now Cleopatra. For him she is no longer Sima, he is completely delighted - after all, this girl is now a mystery to him, her origin is a mystery to everyone. Who is she. Where did this unusual thing come from?

Why Vera Glagoleva And Rodion Nakhapetov broke up? Was everything rosy in their marriage? Was it just cheating Nakhapetova? Everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Men, despite their external force, brutality, unsentimentality – very vulnerable creatures. Women's approval, warmth, and affection are extremely important to them. Many women understand this too late, because they believe that a man is a strong creature, will endure everything, and will not shed a tear. But in fact, women’s praise is very important to them, the wife must support all her husband’s endeavors, she must look into his eyes with admiration, with delight! Praise, every time show how dear her beloved is. Here, of course, it is important not to overdo it and not to be intrusive, to let the man be alone. I’m giving you a whole master class on gender relations. But here Vera Glagoleva she was too young, she was only 35 years old. It seems that she is no longer a girl, but believe me, somewhere only at this age do women begin to understand men. Men don’t share their experiences, they harbor a grudge, it’s easier for them to start looking to the left and build new relationships than to tell their wife what doesn’t suit them in their hateful marriage.

IN 1991 year Rodion Nakhapetov emigrated to USA, he planned to move his family there over time, he was going first to look around and settle down. But he wasn’t going anywhere, there was a lady already waiting for him, Natalya Shlyapnikoff, working as a manager at the US Independent Television Association. They already knew her; a couple of years ago she praised the film Nakhapetova "At the End of the Night". The drama was created in 1987 year. Already Rodion Nakhapetov thought about what happened to them Vera Glagoleva a crack appeared in the relationship, that is, after only 9 years of marriage. The fact is that Rodion Nakhapetov I always tried to film my wife in my films, but this time there was no role for her in the film. Faith She was offended and began to sharply criticize all of her husband’s work, she did this perhaps and not out of malice, she was just really a truth-teller and something didn’t suit her. A Rodion Nakhapetov support was important, a kind word, maybe Vera I needed to hug my loved one and scratch behind his ear. But Vera Glagoleva she was a tough woman, she didn’t like to cheat. And here Natasha Shlyapnikoff, she was completely different, firstly, she looked at Rodion, secondly, she was an independent, self-sufficient woman, she had her own connections and business acumen. Rodion Nakhapetov I thought that Vera Glogoleva he created himself, like Pygmalion Galatea, perhaps more often he wanted to hear words of gratitude from his wife for this, he was not satisfied with something and in new woman he found the qualities that he lacked in the first one. Well, okay, let it all be like this, I found my love, but Vera Glagoleva was traveling to USA with her daughters, she was about to tour with an enterprise performance. She had no idea that her husband had been living with another woman for a long time, that he was in love and was tormented by thoughts of an upcoming divorce. Vera Glagoleva Strong woman, she steadfastly withstood the blow, did not even bend under its onslaught, but this does not mean that our heroine survived the betrayal easily and did not suffer. Subsequently, in her interviews, she repeatedly said that that period of life was very difficult and painful for her. It seems to me that this persistent woman forbade herself to think that she was humiliated, insulted, abandoned, crushed. But everything that happens to us throughout our lives strengthens our character, so this story did not go unnoticed by Vera Vitalievna, some believe that it was precisely that stress that triggered the mechanism of self-destruction in the actress’s body, because oncology Vera Glagoleva I didn’t get sick in 2017, according to some sources it all started back 10 years ago, on the other hand, millions of women experience stress, separation, divorce, but who said that they don’t get sick after that??

Herself Vera Glagoleva laughed it off and said that she was married to Kirill Shubsky she has been for more than twenty-five years, and since Rodion Nakhapetov was just 12 . Like, what kind of pain is there? Everything is forgotten. But from the outside Kirill Shubsky there was also a betrayal, a famous athlete Svetlana Khorkina gave birth to a son from him Svyatoslav, exactly twelve years ago. So could this new shock have caused the onset of the disease? Second, significant. It's hard to believe that Vera Glagoleva I took this news lightly. But anyway Vera Glagoleva She became a wise woman and did not destroy her family. By the way, Vera Glagoleva difficult character, for example, she is simply confident that she is always right in disputes, her opinion is correct, and the opinion of her opponent never withstands any criticism. Another fact, both husbands Vera Glagoleva born on the same day - January 21, although with a difference in 20 years.

In this photo, Vera Glagoleva’s daughters are Masha and Nastya.

With three beautiful daughters, Vera Glagoleva gave birth to her youngest at 37 years old.

In the photo with youngest daughter Anastasia Shubskaya.

In this photo there is a young Vera Glagoleva, as she was in her youth.

The eldest daughter of Vera Glagoleva is Anna Nakhapetova.

Granddaughter Polina is surprisingly similar to her grandmother!

Grandchildren of Vera Glagoleva. On the left is Polina - she was born by Glagoleva's eldest daughter, Anna, and on the right is grandson Kirill - he was born by her middle daughter Maria.

We will introduce our today's readers to the biography and work of the famous Soviet actress Vera Glagoleva. In addition to the characters, she played the role of directors, screenwriters and producer. For her services in the field of cinema, she received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Vera's acquaintances and friends describe her character differently - some talk about constant whims, others note the ease with which she managed to build her life. But everyone agrees on one thing - she was quite a talented actress and director. Despite her outward fragility, Glagoleva was very strong, principled and unpredictable. Those who are familiar with her work still say that she was the most extraordinary on the entire Soviet stage. In addition, Vera Glagoleva was able to show the necessary stamina and willpower when society was going through a difficult period.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vera Glagoleva

First of all, we will present some external indicators of the actress. This will be interesting to everyone, including those who have just decided to get acquainted with her work. Therefore, we bring to your attention exact figures, in particular height, weight, age. How old was Vera Glagoleva when she died? Many viewers ask, who remember the actress’s characters from Soviet times.

There is nothing to hide here - the approximate height of the actress was a little more than 160 centimeters. Most viewers say that Vera had an ideal figure - of course, it is very difficult to argue about this. The artist died in the summer of 2017, and at the time of her death she was 61 years old.

Biography of Vera Glagoleva

The biography of Vera Glagoleva begins in the capital of the USSR, in the winter of 1956. The family of the future artist was far from creativity. Father Vitaly was a teacher, as was his wife, and also Verina’s mother, Galina.
When the girl was six years old, the family moved to the city of Izmailovo. After 4 years, the parents go to Germany, and, of course, take Vera with them. After another five years, the family returns to the capital.

The actress begins to practice shooting professionally. She chooses bow as a sport, and for good reason - within a year she becomes a master of sports. The head of the Glagolev family did not like his daughter’s hobbies - he wanted her to become a gymnast. But this did not reassure Vera - she loved wrestling and boyish games.

Filmography: films starring Vera Glagoleva

Glagoleva's filmography begins immediately after graduation, in 1974. It is noteworthy that our today’s heroine is one of those who made it into the world of cinema without the necessary diploma. Then she accidentally saw the filming of a new film taking place, and the management invited her to one of the roles. She copes with the given character in the film “At the End of the World...”.

Three years later, Vera is again offered to act in a movie - this time, the film “Thursday and Never Again.” The director was impressed by the actress’s performance. Therefore, he invites her to his own theater. In the future, Glagoleva regrets her choice - she refused.

Since the early 1980s, Vera’s popularity has been growing, and she has been invited to appear in various films. Among them, the memorable ones were “Starfall”, “Torpedo Bomber”, “Don’t Shoot the Swans”. The role in “Marry the Captain” also had a good impact on her film career, where Vera Glagoleva perfectly conveyed the feelings and experiences of her own character.

Over the next decade, the actress played many roles in films, playing strong and independent women. The directors say that insidious and negative characters are not suitable for her - Vera’s appearance is “customized” for positive heroines. Since the beginning of the two thousandth, Glagoleva was invited to various TV series.

In 1990, filming of Broken Light ended, which hit theaters in 2001. This film is the directorial debut of a talented woman. Not without awards and titles for his creative achievements.

Personal life of Vera Glagoleva

The personal life of Vera Glagoleva, although not complete, contains all sorts of novels and rumors, but her admirers will be interested in knowing some information.

The actress's first marriage was with a famous director. They met in 1974, and the young couple got married two years later. Having lived together for almost 17 years, the couple divorced and separated.

Vera Glagoleva meets a businessman, and later they decide to formalize their relationship. Since 2005, rumors sometimes appeared about the collapse of the union, saying that Vera Glagoleva and Kirill Shubsky would divorce in the near future. As far as is known, they both lived together until the death of the actress.

Family of Vera Glagoleva

We already mentioned a little higher that Vera Glagoleva’s family was not directly connected with art. Dad was a teacher in physics and biology, worked at a school. Died in 2007. Mom also worked as a teacher, only in elementary school. She died in 2010, at that time, she was 81 years old.

The only creative person in the Glagolev family, before the appearance of a talented daughter, was her aunt Lena, who painted pictures and was fond of art. Also, the elder brother of the future actress, whose name was Boris, was raised in the family. However, now it is difficult to say which direction he chose.

Children of Vera Glagoleva

The children of Vera Glagoleva is a topic that has rarely been covered by controversial data. We can say that everything is transparent here, although shortly before his death, the yellow press “threw in” information about third-party children of Vera’s husband. She herself did not comment on this, and was it worth it - Vera completely trusted her husband.

From her first marriage, the Soviet actress had two daughters, who were named Anna and Maria. We’ll talk about how the girls’ fates developed in the future below, in the relevant sections.

In the second marriage of the actress, another daughter was born, named Nastya. It is noteworthy that at the moment, there are already grandchildren of the talented artist.

Daughter of Vera Glagoleva - Anna

Vera Glagoleva's first daughter, Anna, was born in October 1978. Then, the actress was married to her first husband Rodion. The girl decided not to deviate from her creative mother and father, so she received an acting education, and later took up ballroom dancing. Now Anna is performing at the Bolshoi Theater, which is a good achievement.

Mom and her eldest daughter even have joint films in which they starred - these are “Sunday Dad”, “One War” and others. In 2006, the daughter of Vera Glagoleva gave birth to a girl, Polina, who became the first granddaughter of the Soviet actress. But Anna did not live long in her marriage to a young man, the father of her granddaughter.

Daughter of Vera Glagoleva - Maria

The second daughter of Vera Glagoleva, Maria, was also born in the actress’s first marriage, in the summer of 1980. After graduating from school, the girl decides to go to America and continue her studies there. As a result, Maria studies computer graphics. It is noteworthy that after their parents’ divorce, both daughters from their first marriage remained with their mother.

There, she met her first husband. However, there were no children in this marriage, and soon the young people divorced. In 2007, Maria returns to the capital of Russia, where she gets married again. Here two more grandchildren of Vera Glagoleva are born - Kirill and Miron, with an interval of 5 years.

Daughter of Vera Glagoleva - Anastasia

The third daughter of Vera Glagoleva, Anastasia, was born in 1993. At that time, the actress was already married to businessman Kirill. After receiving secondary education, the girl entered VGIK and graduated with a degree in production. Afterwards, she works on her own projects, gradually improving her skills in the film industry.

She starred in several films and TV series. A year ago, Anastasia and Alexander Ovechkin got married. It is noteworthy that, despite her serious illness, Vera Glagoleva managed to organize the event at the highest level. For now, the media is waiting for news about the addition to the newly made family.

Former husband of Vera Glagoleva - Rodion Rafailovich

The ex-husband of Vera Glagoleva, Rodion Rafailovich, was born in 1944, and as you already calculated, he is 12 years older than his wife. But the age difference did not prevent them from starting a family and living in marriage for many years. The man is an actor and director. He also has several production works and script productions for theatrical performances.

The future spouses met in 1974 - it was at this time that Vera began to develop a film career. On one of the film sets, a man noticed an interesting girl and suggested going on a date. Two years later, the young people are getting married. The marriage lasted more than fifteen years, but in 1991, they separated. In this marriage, the actress’s first children were born - daughters Marina and Anna.

Vera Glagoleva's husband - Kirill Shubsky

Vera Glagoleva's husband, Kirill Shubsky, is a reputable businessman. The age difference was just over eight years, in the direction of the actress. The couple met at the "Golden Duke" - a famous film festival, in 1992. After some time, they decide to legalize their relationship.

A year and a half later, the third daughter, Nastya, is born - the birth took place in Switzerland. She always told reporters that she was happy in her personal life. But this did not stop the yellow press from launching scandals related to the “secret” daughter of her husband Kirill. This media behavior did not harm the couple in any way.

Health of Vera Glagoleva: sick with cancer

Shortly before her death, news headlines reported information such as “The health of Vera Glagoleva: sick with cancer,” but this was not given much importance. Already in August 2017, it became known about the death of the Soviet actress.

As Vera’s relatives say, the disease did not appear suddenly - long before that, Glagoleva’s condition was getting worse. But this did not stop her from appearing at various special events, in particular at the wedding of her daughter Nastya.

As soon as the information leaked to the media, fans became seriously concerned - Vera Glagoleva’s health was under threat. After the death of the actress, fans learned that the diagnosis was disappointing - stomach cancer. Most critics called her a legend and argued that Vera’s death was a serious loss for Russian cinema.

Many movie stars appear in men's magazines. Some time ago, a request regarding a photo of Vera Glagoleva in Maxim magazine became popular among those familiar with her work. But the actress did not agree to invitations from glossy publications to appear naked. Therefore, any explicit photos on the Internet are not true. However, for those who want to evaluate the actress’s figure during her lifetime, you can find pictures in a swimsuit.

Also, fans were interested in such topics as Vera Glagoleva, photos before and after plastic surgery. It’s safe to say that the actress did not use such services, but, as she herself claims, sports and a good mood help her to maintain excellent shape.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vera Glagoleva

Social networks are popular among stars of various sizes. Not surprising, because this is a convenient and quick way to advertise, attract new fans, and so on. Also, it helps to promote your own creativity abroad.

As far as we know now, during her lifetime, our heroine did not maintain pages on the Internet, so Vera Glagoleva’s Instagram and Wikipedia requests often remain unanswered. However, you can find communities of fans of creativity, where everyone can express condolences and leave warm words about the life of the actress. The free encyclopedia contains the main films in which Glagoleva was involved. Article found on alabanza.ru

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