Comic riddles about summer. Russian folk riddles about summer. Summer riddles about weather and natural phenomena

I am made of heat,
I carry the warmth with me,
I warm the rivers
"Take a bath!" - I invite you.
And love for it

You all have me. I - ...

He'll come through the door
It will fly down the chimney.

The sun is burning,
Linden blossoms.
The rye is ripening
When does this happen?

The meadows are turning green,
There is a rainbow-arc in the sky.
The lake is warmed by the sun:
Everyone is invited to swim...

We cry without him
And how will it appear?
We are hiding from him.

What is higher than the forest,
More beautiful than the world
Does it burn without fire?

You warm the whole world
And you don't know fatigue
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you...

Shirt on the street
There are sleeves in the hut.
(Ray of sunshine)

In summer there is snow!
Just laughter!
Flying around the city
Why doesn't he melt?
(Fluff from the poplars)

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won't get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes.

In the blue sky
Like along the river,
White sheep are swimming.
They keep their way from afar
What are their names? ...

In the morning the beads sparkled,
They covered all the grass with themselves,
And we went to look for them during the day,
We search and search, but we won’t find it.

Long, long day.
At noon
- Tiny shadow.
The ear of corn blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice,
Ripe strawberries.
What a month
Tell me?

Hot, sultry,
Stifling day.
Even chickens seek shade.
The mowing of grain has begun,
Time for berries and mushrooms.
Its days are the peak of summer.
What, say
Is this in a month?

The maple leaves have turned yellow,
Flew to the countries of the south
Swift-winged swifts.
What month is it, tell me?

Sister and brother live:
Everyone sees one
Yes, he doesn’t hear
Everyone hears the other
He doesn't see it.
(Lightning and thunder)

What a wonderful beauty!
painted gate
Showed up on the way!
You can't drive into them,
Neither enter.

Not a beast, not a bird,
The toe is like a knitting needle.
It flies and squeaks,
He sits down and is silent.

Above the flower
Flutters, dances,
He waves a patterned fan.

She is neither a net nor a net,
The fish is caught on a hook.
(Fishing rod)

In calm weather
We are nowhere
And the wind will blow
- We're running on the water.

- Dive into the water
- Play in the sand.
How many castles
Create it here!
What kind of place is it? ...

He's a swing and a bed,
It's good to lie on it,
Is he in the garden or in the forest
Will sway on the weight.

In chapter:

Summer is the most favorite time year for children of all ages. Summer is a small life: vacations, beach, sun, sea, ripe strawberries, games in the country, summer camp... And also interesting things about summer for children, which will help them better understand and remember the phenomena that occur during this wonderful warm period of the year.


Very soon, toddlers and older children will enjoy this time of year and take part in various summer quizzes in kindergartens and camps. One of the entertainments for children is to guess riddles related to summer. These are riddles about summer months, about the rainbow, the sun, the beach, summer phenomena, about ripe berries, about the sea.

Summer riddles so sunny, memorable, allowing children to show their thinking and speed of reaction. Below we have selected all the poems that are in one way or another connected with summer: about the summer months, about dew, about clouds, about plants, about ripe berries, about insects.

Riddles about summer and summer months

You can use riddles about summer for schoolchildren or future first-graders, in kindergarten or in a development center. The main thing is to let the baby know what a wonderful time of year it is. How wonderful it is to play all day long on vacation, swim in the sea or river, sunbathe on the beach, or simply do nothing all day.

So it turns out that the child is studying the world only in pictures. And this view folklore allows you to have a fun and relaxed time and learn a lot about a certain topic. In addition, solving riddles helps the baby:

  • increase concentration, since you need to find the correct answer faster than anyone else;
  • improve knowledge about the world around us;
  • develop fantasy and imagination, because often to find the right answer you need not just to choose a rhyme, but to think carefully;
  • get to know one of the species folk art, which is what the mystery is.

Riddles about summer berries, fruits, flowers and plants

Riddles about the sun, rainbow and other summer natural phenomena

Hello my friends! Summer has arrived, the children's holidays have begun, school is forgotten until September. That's why I'm on summer time I’m suspending publication and also switching to summer mode. And I’ll start, of course, with summer mysteries. And I’ll also add puzzles about summer to them.

I’ll warn you right away that I didn’t make all the puzzles simple: your child will have to puzzle over some of them (in in a good way words). But don't worry: kids love it - The more complex the problem, the greater the joy of being able to solve it!

Riddles about summer

Riddle Summer (and other seasons)

Yellow old age has overtaken fatigue,

But now everything is blooming with color!

(autumn winter spring Summer)

Riddle Sun

Day after day it shines on us,

And it warms you up.

What is this? Answer, children!

Who will guess the most?

Riddle Sky

It is sometimes blue, sometimes crimson-blue,

It can be covered with wonderful cotton wool.

And at sunset, oh, it’s beautiful!

What it is? Very interesting!

Riddle Grass

In the summer everything around is dotted with it,

There is firewood on it in the yard.

You guessed it, dear friend,

What it is? Speak!.. (Grass)

The Mystery of the Heat

Why are all the people hiding in the shadows?

And someone is pouring themselves from the bucket...

No, don’t think so, everyone loves summer here!

It’s just that summer suddenly attacked... (heat)

Summer puzzles

These are the summer riddles and puzzles about summer that I wrote and compiled for your children, so that at this time they not only play, but also develop their thinking with pleasure. I will be very, very glad if all this is useful to you.

My dears, in addition, I also plan to write more than ten summer-themed riddles for you. Please write down in the comments, do you need this, do you use my author’s riddles or am I writing them into the void? It is very important for me to know this.

Good riddles, but they were for 9+. Thank you, we laughed while we read! How do you get your child to solve riddles? For example, about an Antoshka on one leg or a pear hanging, you can’t eat... Many folk riddles are familiar to literally everyone, because everyone in childhood was told about “Antoshka on one leg” and about “gold coins” that fall from a branch. But other Russian riddles are undeservedly forgotten, but they are built on interesting, complex images, perfectly develop a child’s imagination and even instill a literary taste. Riddle them for your baby more often, it will bring pleasure to both you and him!

"An oak tree hid in a golden ball"- does your child know what this is? But this is one of the most simple riddles in our selection!

We have compiled another selection of folk riddles. There are some very cunning ones!
For example:

Sits on a stick in a red shirt.
The belly is full, full of stones.

But guess what it is!

You might like this selection of folk riddles:

What a miracle! It's tasteful
Can eat dust and debris!
And it buzzes like a hundred wasps,
Hard worker..... (vacuum cleaner)

From whom, my friends,
Is there no way to escape?
Obsessively on a clear day
Walking next to us... (shadow) The color is green, without a doubt,
It will lift everyone's spirits.
There is a laugh in the swamp -

Yellow color, please note
Adults and children love it.
Look out your window:
What will you see in the sky?....the sun. It’s round and striped.
The boys are growing in the melon patch
It tastes very sweet
It's called.....watermelon

There are different stars
In the morning the stars in the sky melt
And in the seas without knowing worries
A star floats. ...sea

I was drawing today
Paint an oval on a sheet
And my friend Vitalik said
It's a balloon... a riddle balloon - good entertainment for children and adults. Great! New Year's riddles

***The tablecloth is white, covering the whole world. (Snow)
A white blanket lay on the ground. Summer has come - It's all gone. (Snow)
*** The white carrot grew all winter. The sun warmed up and ate the carrots. (Icicle) *** Transparent, like glass, but you can’t put it in a window. (Ice)
*** From the sky - with a star, On the palm - with water. (Snow)
*** The old man at the gate took away the warmth. He doesn’t run and doesn’t tell him to stand. (Freezing)
*** The children sat on the ledge and grew down all the time. (Icicles)
***There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow)
*** It grows upside down, It grows not in summer, but in winter. But the sun will bake her - she will cry and die. (Icicle)
*** Without arms, without legs, But he can draw. (Freezing)
*** At night, while I was sleeping, he came with a magic brush and painted sparkling leaves on the window. (Freezing)
*** He built skating rinks for us, Covered the streets with snow, Built bridges from ice, Who is this?.. (Santa Claus)
*** Everyone is afraid of him in winter - he can bite painfully. Hide your ears, cheeks, nose, Because outside... (Frost)
*** We looked out the window - I can’t believe my eyes! Everything around is white and white And it’s sweeping... (Blizzard)
*** In winter, during hours of fun, I hang on a bright spruce. I shoot like a cannon, My name is... (Clapperboard)
*** Name it, guys, the month in this riddle: Its days are the shortest of all the days, of all the nights longer than the night. Snow fell on the fields and meadows until spring. Only our month will pass, We meet New Year. (December)
*** It stings your ears, it stings your nose, The frost creeps into your felt boots. If you splash water, it will fall. Not water, but ice. Even a bird can’t fly, The frost freezes the bird. The sun turned towards summer. What month is this, tell me? (January)
*** Snow is falling in bags from the sky, There are snowdrifts around the house. Then snowstorms and blizzards flew into the village. The frost is severe at night, and the ringing of drops can be heard during the day. The day has noticeably increased. Well, what kind of month is this? (February)
*** What kind of stars are there on the coat and on the scarf? Everything is through, cut out, and if you take it - water in your hand? (Snowflakes)
*** The needles glow softly, The coniferous spirit comes from... (Christmas tree)
*** He is always busy with work, He cannot go in vain. He goes and paints white everything he sees on the way. (Snow)
*** You will always find her in the forest, Let's go for a walk and meet her. Stands prickly, like a hedgehog, in a summer dress in winter. And when she comes to us on New Year's Eve - The guys will be happy, The cheerful ones are full of trouble: They are preparing her outfits. (Christmas tree)
*** Someone from the forest will come to our house on New Year’s Eve, all fluffy, covered in needles, and that guest’s name is... (Yolka)
*** She was born in the forest, grew and blossomed there. And now she has brought us her beauty for Christmas. (Christmas tree)
*** It’s snowing, the streets and houses are hidden under the white cotton wool. All the guys are happy about the snow - It has come to us again... (Winter)
*** He comes first in the count, the New Year will begin with him. Open your calendar soon, Read! Written... (January)
*** I won’t tolerate heat: I’ll spin snowstorms, I’ll whiten all the glades, I’ll decorate the spruce trees, I’ll sweep the houses with snow, Because I... (Winter)
*** At first he was a black cloud, He lay down on the forest like white fluff. He covered the whole earth with a blanket, and in the spring he completely disappeared. (Snow)
*** The star spun in the air a little, sat down and melted on my palm. (Snowflake)
*** We made a snowball, put a hat on it, attached a nose, and in an instant it turned out... (Snowman)
*** He appeared in the yard in cold December. Clumsy and funny, he stands by the skating rink with a broom. Our friend is used to the winter wind... (Snowman)
*** Who sweeps and gets angry in winter, Blows, howls and spins, Makes a white bed? This is a snowy... (Blizzard)
*** If a cat decides to lie down, Where it’s warmer, where there’s a stove, And covers its nose with its tail - It’s waiting for us... (Frost)
*** Small, white, Jump-jump through the forest! One snowball at a time! (Hare)
*** In winter there are apples on the branches! Collect them quickly! And suddenly the apples fluttered, After all, this is... (Bullfinches)
*** We stood all summer, We waited for winter, We waited for the time - We rushed down the mountain. (Sled)
*** Two birch horses carry me through the snow. These horses are red, and their name is... (Skis)
*** In winter he sleeps, in summer he stirs up the hives. (Bear)
*** I can’t feel my legs with joy, I’m flying down the snowy hill! Sports have become dearer and closer to me. Who helped me with this?.. (Skis)
*** Come on, guys, Who can guess: Two fur coats are enough for ten brothers. (Mittens) *** They fray them, roll them around, and carry them around in the winter. (Felt boots)
*** He brought a Christmas tree, gifts, and sweets for us. This is our kind and cheerful beloved... (Santa Claus)
*** Who, guys, doesn’t get tired of having fun on New Year’s Eve? Who gives gifts to children? Who brought the Christmas tree from the forest to all the children in the world? Guess it! (Father Frost)
*** He comes on a winter evening to light candles on the tree. He has grown a gray beard, Who is this?.. (Santa Claus) Maybe we can put together a collection?
About winter, about animals, about fruits, about vegetables, about spring soon...

Yesterday we were preparing about fruits.
What did they find?

The size of a fist, a red barrel,
Touch it - smooth, bite it - sweet.
Answer (Apple)

Balls hang on the branches,
Turned blue from the heat.

Well, something like this:
Far in the south somewhere
It grows in winter and summer.
Will surprise us
(a pineapple)

Yellow citrus fruit
It grows in sunny countries.
But it tastes sour,
And his name is...

He looks like a red ball
Only he doesn’t rush at a gallop.
In him healthy vitamin -
This is ripe...

Twins on a thin branch
All vines are native children.
Everyone in the house is happy to have a guest.
This is sweet...

Boxers know everything about her
With her they develop their blow.
Even though she's clumsy
But it looks like a fruit...

Children know this fruit
Monkeys love to eat it.
He comes from hot countries
Grows in the tropics...

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