What is more brigade or regiment. The difference between a division and a brigade. Command and control system of the armed forces

Designed to operate behind enemy lines, destroy nuclear attack weapons, command posts, capture and hold important areas and facilities, disrupt the command and control system and work of enemy rear lines, assist the Ground Forces in developing an offensive and forcing water barriers. Equipped with air transportable self-propelled artillery, missile, anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, armored personnel carriers, combat vehicles, automatic small arms, means of communication and control. The available parachute landing equipment makes it possible to drop troops and cargo in any weather and terrain conditions, day and night from various heights. Organizationally, the airborne troops consist of (Fig. 1) airborne formations, airborne brigade, military units special troops.

Rice. 1. Structure of the Airborne Troops

The Airborne Forces are armed with airborne self-propelled units ASU-85; self-propelled artillery pieces"Octopus-SD"; 122-mm D-30 howitzers; combat vehicles landing BMD-1/2/3/4; armored personnel carriers BTR-D.

Part of the Armed Forces Russian Federation may be part of the joint armed forces (for example, the CIS Joint Forces) or be under the joint command in accordance with the international treaties of the Russian Federation (for example, as part of peacekeeping forces United Nations or CIS collective peacekeeping forces in zones of local military conflicts).


The smallest military formation in - department. The squad is commanded by a junior sergeant or sergeant. Usually in a motorized rifle department there are 9-13 people. In the departments of other branches of the armed forces, the number of personnel of the department is from 3 to 15 people. Typically, a squad is part of a platoon, but may also exist outside of a platoon.


Several departments make up platoon. Usually there are 2 to 4 squads in a platoon, but more are possible. A platoon is led by a commander with an officer's rank - junior lieutenant, lieutenant or senior lieutenant. On average, the number of personnel in a platoon ranges from 9 to 45 people. Usually in all military branches the name is the same - a platoon. Usually a platoon is part of a company, but it can also exist independently.


Several platoons make up company. In addition, a company may include several independent squads that are not included in any of the platoons. For example, in a motorized rifle company there are three motorized rifle platoons, a machine-gun squad, and an anti-tank squad. Usually a company consists of 2-4 platoons, sometimes even more platoons. A company is the smallest formation of tactical value, i.e. a formation capable of independently performing small tactical tasks on the battlefield. Company commander Capt. On average, the size of a company can be from 18 to 200 people. Motorized rifle companies are usually about 130-150 people, tank companies 30-35 people. Usually the company is part of the battalion, but often the existence of companies as independent formations. In artillery, this type of formation is called a battery; in cavalry, a squadron.

Battalion consists of several companies (usually 2-4) and several platoons that are not included in any of the companies. The battalion is one of the main tactical formations. A battalion, like a company, platoon, squad, is named according to its type of troops (tank, motorized rifle, engineer-sapper, communications). But the battalion already includes formations of other types of weapons. For example, in a motorized rifle battalion, in addition to motorized rifle companies, there is a mortar battery, a material support platoon, and a communications platoon. Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel. The battalion already has its headquarters. Usually, on average, a battalion, depending on the type of troops, can number from 250 to 950 people. However, there are battalions of about 100 people. In artillery, this type of formation is called a division.


Regiment- this is the main tactical formation and a completely autonomous formation in the economic sense. The regiment is commanded by a colonel. Although the regiments are named according to the branches of the military (tank, motorized rifle, communications, pontoon-bridge, etc.), but in fact this is a formation consisting of units of many branches of the military, and the name is given according to the predominant branch of the military. For example, in a motorized rifle regiment there are two or three motorized rifle battalions, one tank battalion, one artillery battalion (read battalion), one anti-aircraft missile battalion, a reconnaissance company, an engineer company, a communications company, an anti-tank battery, a chemical defense platoon , repair company, material support company, orchestra, medical center. The number of personnel of the regiment is from 900 to 2000 people.


Just like the regiment brigade is the main tactical formation. Actually, the brigade occupies an intermediate position between the regiment and the division. The structure of the brigade is most often the same as that of the regiment, but there are much more battalions and other units in the brigade. So in a motorized rifle brigade there are one and a half to two times more motorized rifle and tank battalions than in a regiment. A brigade may also consist of two regiments, plus auxiliary battalions and companies. On average, there are from 2,000 to 8,000 people in a brigade. The brigade commander, as well as in the regiment, is a colonel.


Division- the main operational-tactical formation. As well as the regiment is named after the type of troops prevailing in it. However, the predominance of one or another type of troops is much less than in the regiment. A motorized rifle division and a tank division are identical in structure, with the only difference being that in a motorized rifle division there are two or three motorized rifle regiments and one tank regiment, while in a tank division, on the contrary, there are two or three tank regiments, and one motorized rifle regiment. In addition to these main regiments, the division has one or two artillery regiments, one anti-aircraft missile regiment, a rocket battalion, a missile battalion, a helicopter squadron, an engineer battalion, a communications battalion, an automobile battalion, a reconnaissance battalion, a battalion electronic warfare, material support battalion, repair and restoration battalion, medical battalion, company chemical protection and several different auxiliaries companies and platoons. Divisions can be tank, motorized rifle, artillery, airborne, missile and aviation. In other military branches, as a rule, the highest formation is a regiment or brigade. On average, there are 12-24 thousand people in a division. Division Commander Major General.


Just as a brigade is an intermediate formation between a regiment and a division, so frame is an intermediate formation between the division and the army. The corps is a combined-arms formation, that is, it usually lacks the sign of one type of troops, although there may also be tank or artillery corps, that is, corps with a complete predominance of tank or artillery divisions in them. The combined arms corps is usually referred to as the "army corps". There is no single corps structure. Each time the corps is formed on the basis of a specific military or military-political situation, and may consist of two or three divisions and different quantity formations of other military branches. Usually a corps is created where it is impractical to create an army. It is impossible to talk about the structure and size of the corps, because how many corps exist or existed, so many of their structures existed. Corps Commander Lieutenant General.


Army- This is a large military formation of operational purpose. The army includes divisions, regiments, battalions of all types of troops. Usually, armies are no longer subdivided according to the types of troops, although there may be tank armies, where tank divisions. An army may also include one or more corps. It is impossible to talk about the structure and size of the army, because how many armies exist or have existed, so many structures existed. The soldier at the head of the army is no longer called "commander", but "commander of the army." Usually the staff rank of the army commander is Colonel General. In peacetime, armies are rarely organized as military formations. Usually divisions, regiments, battalions are directly part of the district.


Front (district)- This is the highest military formation of a strategic type. Larger formations do not exist. The name "front" is used only in war time to form, lead fighting. For such formations in peacetime, or those located in the rear, the name "district" (military district) is used. The front includes several armies, corps, divisions, regiments, battalions of all types of troops. The composition and strength of the front may be different. Fronts are never subdivided according to the types of troops (i.e., there cannot be a tank front, an artillery front, etc.). At the head of the front (district) is the commander of the front (district) with the rank of army general.

Military art in Russia, as well as throughout the world, is divided into three levels:

  • Tactics(the art of combat). Squad, platoon, company, battalion, regiment solve tactical tasks, that is, they are fighting.
  • operational art(the art of waging a battle, battle). A division, a corps, an army solve operational tasks, that is, they conduct a battle.
  • Strategy(the art of commanding war in general). The front solves both operational and strategic tasks, i.e., it wages major battles, as a result of which the strategic situation changes and the outcome of the war can be decided.

Armed Forces (AF) of the state- government-supplied defensive and militant organizations used in the interests of the state. In some countries paramilitary organizations are included in the structure of the Armed Forces.

In a number of countries, especially in the West, the armed forces are linked to the government through a civilian agency. It may be called Ministry Defence, Department of Defense, War Office and otherwise.

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    ✪ Composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Video lesson on life safety grade 10

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Aircraft types

Aircraft are usually divided into different types; usually they are the army (ground forces), aviation ( Air Force) and the navy (Navy / naval forces). The Coast Guard may also be part of the Armed Forces (although in many countries it is part of the police or is a civilian agency). The French structure, copied by many countries, includes three traditional views, and, as a fourth, the Gendarmerie.

The term consolidated forces is often used, meaning military units made up of two or more branches of the Armed Forces.

Organizational hierarchy of the Armed Forces

The minimum unit of the aircraft is a subdivision (English unit). The unit usually acts as a single unit, and is homogeneous in composition (for example, only infantry, only cavalry, etc.).

In the Soviet and Russian armies, the main unit is considered to be a platoon, company or battalion. These are the types of formations that are elements of the next level of the hierarchy - the military unit.

Larger units of the Russian Armed Forces are called, depending on the size, parts, formations and associations (English formations). The most common (but not the only) type of military units Soviet army were regiments, and in the Russian army - brigades. An example of formations are separate brigades, divisions, wings, etc. Associations are represented in the Soviet and Russian armies by corps and armies.

Hierarchy of modern armies

Symbol Army unit name
(subdivisions, connections, associations)
Number of soldiers Number of subordinate units Army unit command
XXXXXXX theater of operations or armed forces 300000+ 2+ fronts supreme commander
XXXXXX front, county 150000+ 2+ army groups army general, marshal
XXXXX army group 80000+ 2+ armies army general, marshal
XXXX army 40000+ 2+ cases lieutenant general, colonel general
XXX frame 20000-50000 2-6 divisions major general, lieutenant general
XX division 5000-20000 2-6 brigades colonel, major general
X brigade 1300-8000 2-6 regiments Colonel, Major General, Brigadier General, Brigadier
III regiment 700-3000 2-6 battalions, divisions major, lieutenant colonel, colonel
II battalion, division 150-1000 2-12 mouth senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel
I company, battery, squadron 30-250 2-8 platoons, 6-10 squads lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major
platoon, squad 10-50 2-6 branches warrant officer, senior warrant officer, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain
Ø department, crew, calculation 2-10 2 groups, links junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, foreman, ensign
Ø link, group, team 2-10 0 corporal, junior sergeant

Steps in this ladder can be skipped: for example, in NATO forces there is usually a battalion-brigade organization (in Russia such an organization is also used, it is an alternative to the battalion-regiment-division division). At the same time, in the Soviet army there were so-called separate brigades, the main difference of which was that, unlike modern brigades, they included separate military units (for example, two motorized rifle regiments).

The army, army group, region and theater of operations are the largest associations (eng. formations), which can be very different from each other in size and composition. At the division level, support forces are usually added (field artillery, medical service, logistics service, etc.), which may not be at the level of regiments (English regiments) and battalions. In the US, a regiment with support units is called a regimental combat team (eng. regimental combat team), in the UK and other countries - a combat group.

In some countries, traditional names may be used, creating confusion. So, British and Canadian tank battalions are divided into squadrons (companies, eng. companies) and troops, eng. troops (corresponding to platoons, eng. platoons), while in the American cavalry the squadron does not correspond to a company, but to a battalion, and is divided into troops ( troops, resp. companies) and platoons.

The fronts of the Red Army during World War II corresponded, according to this classification, to army groups.


  1. The names of the listed units may vary depending on the type of troops. For example:
    1. In the Soviet army (and, accordingly, in the Russian one), a squad may be called a crew. Functionally corresponds to the crew of one combat vehicle;
    2. In the rocket and artillery troops, the air defense troops, a squad may be called a crew. Functionally corresponds to the calculation that serves one gun or combat vehicle;
    3. In the missile and artillery forces, the air defense forces, a company is called a battery, and a battalion is called a division;
    4. In cavalry, a company was called a squadron, and a battalion was called a division (but often in cavalry regiments this link was excluded and the regiment consisted of only a few squadrons). At present, in the armies of the Anglo-Saxon countries (Britain, USA) there are so-called. armored cavalry troops in which such a name is retained;
    5. In the Russian Cossack troops, there are other names - regiments of six hundred or four hundred, hundreds, fifty, squads (tens), separate artillery units. The Cossack troops also have their own system of military ranks;
  2. The specified number refers to the infantry (motorized infantry, motorized rifle) troops. In other branches of the military, the number of units with the same names may be significantly smaller. For example, an infantry regiment consists of 3-4 thousand people, an artillery regiment - of 1 thousand.
  3. Any military unit in the army has not one, but two states - peacetime and wartime. In the wartime staff, new positions are added in existing units, new units and new units. The missing military personnel are called up for general mobilization in wartime. In the Soviet (and Russian) army, there are:
    1. Deployed wartime staff;
    2. Reduced staff;
    3. Staffed units (in which the staff consists only of officers at the level of platoon commanders, company commanders, or battalion commanders and above).

In the modern Russian army, about 85% of military units have a reduced staff, the remaining 15% are so-called. "parts of constant readiness", which are deployed in full state. In peacetime Armed forces in Russia they are divided into military districts, each of which is headed by the commander of the district troops with the rank of general of the army. In wartime, fronts are deployed on the basis of military districts;

  1. In all modern armies, a "triple" (sometimes "quaternary") composition has been adopted. This means that an infantry regiment consists of three infantry battalions (“three-battalions”). In addition to them, it includes other units - for example, a tank battalion, artillery and anti-aircraft divisions, repair, reconnaissance companies, a commandant platoon, etc. In turn, each infantry battalion of the regiment consists of three infantry companies and other units - for example , mortar battery, communications platoon.
  2. Hierarchy, therefore, may not go directly, for example, a mortar battery in an infantry regiment is not part of any battalion (division). Accordingly, separate battalions can be allocated, each of which is an independent military unit, or even individual companies. Also, each regiment can be part of a division, or (at a higher level) immediately report to the command of the corps (“regiment of corps subordination”), or, at an even higher level, the regiment can report directly to the command of the military district (“regiment of district subordination”);
  3. In an infantry regiment, the main units - infantry battalions - report directly to the regiment commander. All auxiliary units are already subordinate to his deputies. The same system is repeated at all levels. For example, for an artillery regiment of district subordination, the chief will not be the commander of the troops of the district, but the chief of artillery of the district. The communications platoon of an infantry battalion reports not to the battalion commander, but to his first deputy - the chief of staff.
  4. Brigades are a separate unit. According to their position, the brigades stand between the regiment (the regiment commander is a colonel) and the division (the division commander is a major general). In most armies of the world, there is an intermediate rank between the ranks of colonel and major general. "Brigadier General", corresponding to the brigade commander (and during the Second World War, the Waffen-SS had the title of "Oberführer"). Traditionally, there is no such title in Russia. In the modern Russian army, the Soviet division military district-corps-division-regiment-battalion, as a rule, is replaced by an abbreviated military district - brigade - battalion. operational-tactical [i.e. 2-7]. - M. : Military Publishing House  M-va defense USSR, 1976-1980.
  5. Combat Charter ground forces Armed Forces of the USSR (Division - brigade - regiment). Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1985
  6. Regulations on the passage of military service by officers of the Soviet Army and Navy. Order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 200-67.
  7. Reference book of an officer of the Soviet army and Navy. Moscow. Military publishing house 1970
  8. Reference book of an officer of the Soviet army and Navy on legislation. Moscow. Military publishing house 1976
  9. Order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 105-77 "Regulations on the military economy of the Armed Forces of the USSR".
  10. Charter of the Internal Service of the USSR Armed Forces. Moscow. Military publishing house 1965
  11. Textbook. Operational art. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow. 1965
  12. I. M. Andrusenko, R. G. Dunov, Yu. R. Fomin. Motorized rifle (tank) platoon in battle. Moscow. Military publishing house 1989

Division, regiment, company, brigade, battalion - all these unit designations are something unknown to people who are far from military service. It will take a long time to describe their main features. Let's talk about the difference between a division and a brigade, because these military formations have many common features.


Division- tactical or operational-tactical formation in various branches of the armed forces and types of armed forces of the world, consisting of units, subunits and headquarters.

brigade- tactical military formation in all types of troops and types of armed forces, which is an intermediate link between a division and a regiment.


In some states, the brigade, along with the regiment, belongs to the category of the main tactical formations. Serves as a kind of intermediate link between the regiment and the division. It has a structure similar to the regiment, but at the same time it has more battalions and other units. It may well include two regiments, as well as auxiliary companies and battalions. The number of people in the brigade varies from two to eight thousand, and its commander, as well as in the regiment, is a colonel.

A division is a larger military formation, consisting of a headquarters, subdivisions and units. It includes a large number of regiments, divisions, battalions, companies and platoons. The size of the division averages from twelve to twenty-four thousand people, and its commander bears the rank of major general.

Simplified organizational structure and the smaller staff makes the brigade a much more flexible formation than the division. However, the structure of logistic and combat support, in contrast to the brigade, is duplicated in the division, which gives the latter an advantage in the reliability of the functioning of units in combat conditions. It is logical that the maintenance of divisions, which are distinguished by a more complex staff, implies a much larger investment than the maintenance of brigade structures. This was the reason for the refusal of the Russian Armed Forces from divisions and the transition to a more mobile and flexible brigade structure. The only exceptions are the Strategic Missile Forces and Airborne Troops. In NATO states, divisions are still one of the main types of military formations.

Findings site

  1. The brigade serves as an intermediate link between the regiment and the division.
  2. The division is a larger military formation, its average strength is from twelve to twenty-four thousand people. The personnel of the brigade consists of two to eight thousand people.
  3. The division commander has the rank of major general, the brigade commander - colonel.
  4. The brigade is considered to be much more flexible and mobile than the division.
  5. The division has an advantage in the reliability of the functioning of units in combat conditions.
  6. The maintenance of divisions implies a much larger investment than the maintenance of brigade structures.
  7. To date, the Russian Armed Forces (unlike the NATO countries) have abandoned divisions, the only exceptions being the Strategic Rocket Forces and the Airborne Forces.

References to military terms are often found in news reports, movies or literary works. But not everyone knows how many people are in a company, platoon, battalion, division and other parts of various branches of the military. Let us consider the general principles by which military formations are composed, taking into account the number of military personnel, command and assigned tasks, the meaning of other frequently used military terms.

In the proposed description of how many people make up a company, platoon, battalion or regiment, one should start with the smallest unit in the army hierarchy, not so often found in everyday life - the squad.

Branch organization

For Russian army the branch is the smallest formation, in contrast to the organization system of the armies of other countries. The number of squad soldiers fluctuates between five and ten. Operated by a "dresser" (a slang soldier's nickname, consonant with the name of the position) - a sergeant or junior sergeant.

Some parts of the troops use the name instead of the separation:

  • crew - in tank formations or aviation, with the number of personnel from two or more;
  • calculation - gun, etc. (for artillery).

Squads are formed into platoons. In the fleet, the ship's crew consists of departments of representatives of various specialties. In this situation, the term "department" can be replaced by a "group" (of acousticians, deckhands, etc.).


Tactical units of the Russian troops

The number of servicemen in a platoon (three to six squads) is from fifteen to sixty. Platoon command - for an officer in the rank of lieutenant to captain.

Squads in a platoon can vary in size, armament, and focus. The repair platoon is formed by departments responsible for carrying out the repair of weapons, wheeled, tracked vehicles, etc. The material supply platoon consists of departments for economic and maintenance, automobile.

Each of the platoon components can be responsible for separately assigned tasks, but the opposite situation also occurs - with the unification of formations of similar functionality and equal strength.


By combining from three to six platoon formations, they get a company, with the number of people in it - from forty-five to three hundred and sixty. The rank of command position is Major. But the approval of a military man in a lower rank is possible at this post. Sometimes such a rank is commonly called a company rank.

A company temporarily formed for specific purposes dictated by military necessity, is called the summary.

Instead of a company in some troops, formations similar in scale are designated under the name:

  • artillery battery;
  • cavalry squadron;
  • aviation branch.

The frontier post (analogous to a company) is formed directly from squads, bypassing platoon groups.

Features of the organization of the battalion

Having considered how many people are in the company, let's turn to the battalion. The total number is from one hundred forty-five to five hundred. Includes three or four companies. Additionally, representatives of certain specialties are provided - messengers, gunsmiths, sniper groups, etc. Management is carried out by the headquarters. Sometimes supplemented by an anti-tank platoon or other specialized groups. The position of commander (battalion commander) is for an officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel, but in fact this place is completed with less significant ranks, applying for a subsequent promotion.

The structure of the motorized rifle battalion

Structure of a tank battalion


The main grouping capable of performing separate serious tasks is the regiment. Formed by several battalions (three to six). Knowing how many people are in the company and battalion, we can calculate that the total number of servicemen in the regiment, starting from five hundred and ending with two and a half thousand. The military rank of regiment commander must be in the rank of colonel or lieutenant colonel. Additionally equipped with a subdivision air defense, headquarters department, artillery, anti-tank unit.

Brigade organization

The brigade provides for the formation of two or three regiments (in some cases - several less significant groupings) with a strength of one to four thousand military personnel. The rank of commander is similar to the regiment, in everyday use - brigade commander.


This association consists of several separate units - regiments, including various types of troops - artillery, tanks and aircraft, with a rear support service. The rank of commander (commander) is colonel or major general. The total number of people in the division (taking into account the number of regiments, battalions and companies) - from four and a half to twenty thousand.

An example of the organization of a mechanized division


A corps is a formation that includes about a hundred thousand military personnel, including several divisions. The corps is commanded by a rank from the highest officers - Major General.


It includes the number of divisions from two to ten of various directions with rear groups, units for the repair of equipment and other necessary infrastructure. The boundaries of the total number - starting from two hundred thousand and ending with a million people. Commander - not lower than the rank of major general or lieutenant general.

front group

The largest formation, including several armies of various military orientations, in the following proportions:

  • motorized rifles - five or six;
  • missile, air and armored vehicles - one or two of each of these;
  • one - anti-aircraft weapons defense;
  • special groups;
  • formation logistic support;
  • operational reserve.

An example of a front group during WWII

The numerical and technical composition of the front grouping (in peacetime - districts) varies, depending on the upcoming goals and the characteristics of the assigned territory. It is possible to strengthen the front due to reserve forces general purpose or giving other parts.


The wording "unit" applies to all military formations that make up a separate part - squads, platoons, etc. (from the word "divide" - one of the components of a single whole).


Parts are called regimental or brigade groups - the main structural components of the army. By analogy with civil terms - organizations with their own bank account. They are assigned an individual number, postal address. The head is authorized to sign own orders with an open and closed combined arms stamp, except for a signature, approving these documents with a wet seal of the formation.

Note! It is necessary to separate the concepts of military and military units. In the first case, this indicates a general designation, in the second, a specific formation, followed by a number.


This concept refers to a divisional or brigade grouping of troops. The divisional headquarters department is endowed with the status of a separate unit that controls subordinate regiments. A brigade is called a formation when it consists of several separate battalion formations or companies that have the status of a unit.


This designation indicates a larger and more status grouping in the form of a corps, several armies, up to the fronts. Subordinate formations are controlled by their own headquarters.

What are the general principles for the formation of the number of units

Military units are formed based on the assigned tasks. General principles imply the appointment of a common command for small groups with consolidation into larger ones and the acquisition of units of various directions to ensure complete autonomy.

Motorized rifle units within a division are additionally equipped with subunits of related branches of service and auxiliary groupings in order to avoid one-sided orientation of capabilities. This also applies to parts of other branches of the military.

That's why total a person in a company, battalion or regiment may vary, depending on the configuration.

A Few Other Tactical Concepts

Having considered how many people are in a company, battalion, division and larger formations, a little about others tactical terms:

  • battery - a concept from artillery, an analogue of a combined arms company;
  • squadron - an aviation unit that forms a regiment;
  • squadron - a similar designation for a grouping of military watercraft;
  • division - the name of a battalion in artillery or air defense units.

Knowing how many people are in a company of soldiers, and general rules creating units, it is easy to calculate the strength of larger units, including divisional and army groupings.

The structure of a single part, association or connection can be represented in a graphical representation. The scheme will more clearly tell about the relationship and configuration of army groups. To find out how many people are in a company, platoon or battalion, it is enough to study the graphic diagram of the regiment that includes these units.

A regiment is a paramilitary unit made up of battalions and is usually part of a brigades or divisions. The peculiarity of the regiment is that it is an independent and full-fledged formation in organizational, economic and combat terms, in fact, representing a quartered military unit in peacetime. The command of the regiment is carried out by an officer with the rank of colonel.

How many people are in a regiment in the Russian army?

Depending on the type and type of troops, as well as staffing, a regiment can have from 500 to 3000 people. The regiment, as a combat structure, usually includes subdivisions of various types of troops in addition to the main (most numerous), in order to maintain maximum independence and the ability to withstand various threats in the theater of operations. At the same time, the regiments are divided not only by the types of troops, but also by the nature of the tasks performed, and are also named according to the nature of the main type of weapons.

Some variants of regimental formations:

How many people are included in a Russian motorized rifle regiment?

A motorized rifle regiment according to the state consists of a headquarters, three motorized rifle battalions (36 infantry fighting vehicles + 5 armored personnel carriers each or 40 armored personnel carriers each), a tank battalion (36-40 tanks), an anti-aircraft missile artillery battalion, an artillery battalion, an anti-tank battery, an electronic warfare company, a company communications, RKhBZ company, material support company, reconnaissance company, engineer company, repair company, medical company, commandant platoon and orchestra.

This composition of the regiment pursues the goal of providing enough high level autonomy of conducting combat operations by forces of one formation. Carrying out tasks of both offensive and defensive nature against enemy ground units. At the same time, the regiment has necessary measures for protection against chemicals and biological weapons, can fight enemy armored vehicles due to the reinforcement of the tank battalion and the presence of anti-tank weapons, and also has some defense capabilities against an attack by an air enemy, due to the presence anti-aircraft artillery, MANPADS, ZRAK and short-range air defense systems.

The main used weapons: BMP-2, BMP-3, BTR-70, BTR-80, BRDM-2, BRM-1K, tanks T-72, T-80, T-90. MANPADS Strela, MANPADS Igla, ZSU Shilka, ZSU-23, ZRAK Tunguska, ZRK Strela-10, Kraz, Kamaz, Ural, Gaz trucks, UAZ vehicles, SAU 2S1 Gvozdika, SAU-2S12, SAU-2S23, ATGM Metis, Fagot , Competition, mounted grenade launchers AGS-17, SPG-9.

The main individual weapons: Ak-74, Ak-74M, AKSU-74, RPK-74, PM pistols, RPG-7 and RPG-18 grenade launchers, hand grenades RGD-5 and F-1, SVD sniper rifles.

There are also later models of equipment and individual weapons in smaller quantities. An extensive rearmament is planned. UAV units are introduced.

How many people are included in the parachute regiment?

The total number of 1400-1600 people. The airborne regiment consists of the headquarters of the regiment, three airborne battalions, a self-propelled artillery battalion, a reconnaissance company, an engineer company, a repair company, an airborne support company, a material support company, a communications company, an anti-aircraft missile battery, an anti-tank battery, commandant's platoon, RKhBZ platoon, medical platoon and orchestra.

The main weapons used: BMD-1, BMD-2, BTR-D, self-propelled guns 2S9, GAZ trucks, UAZ vehicles, Strela-10 air defense systems, Igla MANPADS, Strela MANPADS, Metis ATGM, Fagot, Konkurs, AGS-17 mounted grenade launchers, LNG-9

The main individual weapons: AKS-74, AKSU-74 assault rifles, RPKS-74 machine guns, PM pistols, RPG-7D, RPG-16 grenade launchers, RGD-5, F-1 hand grenades, SVD-S sniper rifles.

Air landing takes place mainly by means of An-12, An-22, Il-76 military transport aircraft. Mi-8 and Mi-26 helicopters are used. In the parachute regiments there are no tank battalions and, in general, heavy equipment in general, such as massive self-propelled guns or the Tunguska ZRAK. Firepower and security have to be sacrificed in favor of the possibility of airborne landing, which imposes strict restrictions on the weight and size characteristics. Armored vehicles of the Airborne Forces are as light as possible and covered with anti-fragmentation and anti-bullet armor, while they are very mobile. The same restrictions apply to the arsenal of individual weapons of paratroopers, they are as light as possible, folding butts are widely used, shortened barrels are often used in relation to the basic models of firearms.

The total number of 1400-1500 people. The combat structure of a tank regiment is similar to a motorized rifle regiment, only there are 3 tank battalions (31 tanks each) and one reinforced motorized rifle battalion (42 infantry fighting vehicles).

Tank formations are heavy striking power ground forces, are intended both for tasks of a defensive nature, and for offensive operations associated with breaking through the fortified positions of the enemy with deep penetration into the rear. The greatest threat to armored vehicles is currently posed by enemy bomber and attack aircraft, as well as specialized anti-tank helicopters. The anti-aircraft subunits in the composition of the tank regiment are represented by short-range air defense systems and therefore cannot fully counteract the air attack forces. Full-fledged cover for the advancing tank units is carried out by specialized air defense formations armed with medium and long range and fighter aircraft.

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