Strategies on PC of all time. The best military strategies on PC. List of the best war games

Good day, dear readers!
Now the time has come to draw a line under the next material from the “TOP 10: Your Choice” series, the topic of which was the best strategies. If anyone missed the beginning, let us remind you that the selection of the top ten was done exclusively by our users, who first proposed their options on the forum, and then voted for the best one. Our task now is to talk about the results in this material and, in fact, show them in the video attached to the article. That's what we'll do.
So, let’s meet – the best strategies according to our users!

Just a few years ago, the industry was experiencing a deluge of games with the age-old WWII theme. It’s even scary to think how many projects have been produced, and are still being produced, with the same Third Reichs, the endless Battles of Kursk and the triumph of the Red Army. Standing out from this crowd is difficult, but nothing is impossible.

Relic Entertainment proved once again that it can compete with the grandees of the strategic craft. And the secret is very simple - add Spielbergian intensity to the battles, equip the game with wow effects, destructibility and stuff all the Hollywood grace with excellent balance and tactical tricks. Voila!

Company of Heroes does not fall into infantilism, proposing to plan the soldier's barracks, fill the bins with barrels of fuel and ammunition - everything looks much more serious than in any strained one. And then we take the army put together locally and go crush the fascist reptile with our boots, giving orders to each unit and occupying strategically important points in the cities. It sounds simple, but it’s impossible to count how many heads were killed in all these virtual battles. That's why it's attractive Company of Heroes.

"Age of Empires"- a name familiar to many strategists. If your gaming journey dates back to the mid-90s, then you know that without Age of Empires It's hard to imagine an RTS horizon. Without exaggeration, the first two games in the series were truly brilliant and amazing in every aspect. Countless players spent their time recruiting enemy mounts to priestly forces, hunting deer, collecting berries from fruitful trees, chopping down trees, and mining for gold.

At one point, when tons of resources accumulated in the bins of civilization, the leader had the opportunity to step into new Age, which will elevate his country above others. Stone tools were replaced by copper ones, the cavalry acquired armor, new combat units hatched, and the number of workers grew exponentially. Leading this entire celebration of life was so interesting that ten-hour marathons were worth it.

Age of Empires 3 did not become a big breakthrough for the entire series and, by and large, did not surpass its predecessors. Not to say the fans AoE We were disappointed, but little has changed since the second part. A nostalgic tear, of course, rolled down the cheek, overgrown with stubble. long years, however, it failed to become a new standard for the strategy genre.

Nevertheless, we pay our respects to the now dead Ensemble Studios. She deserved them.

Massive Entertainment paid for sensible strategists who snort at the sight of tank rushes has earned itself a reputation in the ancient Ground Control. IN World in Conflict it did not change its principles and created, one might say, an ideal tactical component and a grandmaster balance of troops - infantry, aviation, heavy ground equipment and support units.

No bases, no construction - only a limited number of points with which you can call for help. Every combat unit V World in Conflict need to be valued, protected and not thrown into meaningless attacks. Every move and decision here needs to be weighed and only then rush to go on the attack, unleashing a blow on the enemy’s fortified positions both from the air and from the ground.

The paranoid wars between the “Soviets” and the homeland of freedom and democracy, the USA, may seem a little hackneyed, too “noble”, but the multiplayer World in Conflict for sixteen commanders more than makes up for all the hackneyed plot devices. The joint command of the army and the ranking system are done here at such a level that at some point you begin to feel some similarity with multiplayer action games like. Meanwhile, it’s a nice compliment, if you remember that we have a serious strategy here.

Slow, drawn-out turn-based strategies will never die. Write it down like that. This unwritten rule proves itself every time "Civilization", which comes out every four years, but always gathers millions of managers and rulers under its banners. Otherwise! Everyone wants, at least for half an hour a day, to feel like the ruler of the world and lead their country to world domination.

Religion, travel through the tree of inventions and the birth of geniuses that will lead civilization forward - all aspects play important role V Civilization 4. If digging through all these menus gets boring, you can always unwind by concluding an alliance with brothers in mind or attacking careless neighbors, wanting to take resources from them. And then - new technologies, a new era and new horizons to strengthen the position of a superpower. And it would seem that just half an hour ago prehistoric people were running across the screen and did nothing but fight with each other.

This year, “Civilization” will dawn again and, without a doubt, will take its personal throne on strategic Olympus. Firaxis Games will not let you down.

There wouldn't be StarCraft– strategies would look completely different today. No jokes. Blizzard Entertainment moved the entire RTS genre forward. Although on the one hand, the recipe StarCraft well, very simple - create several races, put resources into the game, dilute everything with the construction of bases and different landscapes. Stretch the plot into three separate companies and go ahead - sell boxes of the game for 60 bucks apiece.

At first glance, it’s a trivial matter, but it’s bad luck - until Blizzard Entertainment no one was able to work out the balance of each race well, provide the game with a decent plot (very rare to this day, ask certified strategists PG!) and divine multiplayer. .net has become a home for millions of people, and for some it still is twelve years later. It's no surprise that the exit StarCraft 2 They are waiting for the coming of Jesus - after him the end of the world is not terrible.

In short, an icon for all fans of good strategic games. Neither add nor subtract.

Another step by step lady on the list! Series Total War Since the time of the samurai war, it has snatched a significant part of the audience from its venerable rivals. IN Rome: Total War merits of the shogunate and the Sengoku period Japanese history were squared. Or even into a cube!

All fundamental parts have grown both in breadth and height. Managing armies on the global map has become more meaningful. Diplomatic relations now made much more sense to develop, building alliances and preparing conspiracies. The spies and assassins roaming the European map were of great help - it was easy to kill one of the important members of the ruling family and demoralize the troops. How much room for imagination! And how pleasant it was to besiege cities, going behind enemy lines and breaking his army ranks with one cavalry charge - words cannot describe.

Rome: Total War gave everything that fans of turn-based and thoughtful strategies had wanted for so long, combining a slow and measured exchange of moves and dashing RTS battles, not devoid of tactical manners and military tricks. Creative Assembly, eternal gratitude to you for this!

Any fan Command & Conquer agree - Red Alert 3 Well, it doesn’t deserve the title of “great and terrible” and will easily lose the battle to its predecessors. There is not enough strategic depth, the arcadeiness comes out and sticks out from all places, and the best tactic is throwing hats. In short, the claims can be listed for a very long time.

However, the degree of madness in the new part, which has always been famous for its simultaneously idiotic and very serious plots, has not dropped. The war between the descendants of Soviet leaders and allies was diversified through naval battles. The balancing of the units’ characteristics may not have been ideal, but anyone could understand the workings of the strategic mechanism in a few minutes Red Alert 3. It’s not yet degradation, of course, but it’s no longer a revolution. That did not, however, prevent the game from taking fourth place.

Bury the series Command & Conquer It's too early. We don’t argue, receiving slaps and slaps hardly indicates a good life C&C, however, nothing stops us from dreaming that someday “She” will return.

Ha! The third “Heroes” - how would we be without them? Many people hung out for days at this fantasy splendor. They rebuilt castles, recruited an army and set off to travel through huge levels, defeating monsters blocking the path and collecting chests and resources. And if a whole group of friends gathered at one computer, then that’s it - you had to calculate every step of your horse, fill your pockets with experience, recruit new heroes in the tavern and level up faster than your rivals. Why, there are still a lot of people playing today. This is true immortality!

For the “heroic” creators from New World Computing Unfortunately, things didn't work out so well. It existed in the development arena for almost twenty years, and then at one point declared itself bankrupt and very quickly disappeared from the radar. But her business lives and prospers!

Continues life path, despite the death of their fathers and mothers. Yes, the last “large-scale” release in the series dates back to 2007. But Ubisoft Not one of those companies that throws old series into the dustbin of history. Who knows, maybe the French will announce something this summer. Cross your fingers.

Quite unexpected! Second project Relic Entertainment, who made it to the top, managed to climb almost to the top. I must say that it is deserved - Dawn of War It didn't reinvent the genre, but it managed to infuse an unfunny strategy game with adrenaline and action. And also the Imperium, Orcs, Eldar and Chaos!

For the devoted servants of the 40,000 universe, the battle cry of the Space Marines would be enough to kiss the game to death. Relic Entertainment I could have cheated. However, the sacred development principles and the desire to fashion an excellent RTS still outweighed the destructive attraction to profit. All the hallmarks of the strategic genre are available - several races, building a base, purchasing upgrades and attentive attitude towards the strong and weak points each side of the conflict. Filigree!

Warhammer 40,000: Made adjustments and big changes to this system. Some people liked them, others not so much, but the main thing is that Dawn of War is alive, does not complain about her health, and someday she will definitely acquire a third part.

Blizzard Entertainment. Well what can I say? She is a recognized leader, the main custodian of PC traditions and the initiator of great achievements in the strategic arena. Both technological and financial. Blizzard is definitely not complaining about sales of PC games.

Marked for the entire franchise WarCraft the beginning of a new era. Two new races were added to the universe, diversifying the hero’s life with role-playing elements, artifacts and magic spells that can and should be cast on the heads of enemies. Building a base, collecting resources - the traditional elements have not gone away. But the field of their application has expanded. And not least due to the weighty multiplayer mode - the godlike did not disappoint here either, having built WarCraft 3 to the rank of legendary games. Natural result.

Congratulations WarCraft 3. The golden cup has already been sent by diplomatic mail to the den Blizzard Entertainment!

Well, that’s all for today regarding texts, but there is still excellent video material ahead, which you will find just below. All we can do is say thank you for your participation and say goodbye until May 1st. I was with you today Evgeniy “Mumby” Molodov.

In addition, we remind you that right at this moment the first stage of preparation of the next material from the series “TOP-10: Your choice” began, in which you can take part. The topic was games that PISS YOU WILDLY.

Strategy games occupy a special place in the list of genres. They are not designed for a mass audience, because they often do not have outstanding graphics and whirlwind gameplay, and the classic “swoop” passage can unpleasantly surprise the player.

Here you need to think, plan and solve the problem gradually, step by step moving towards victory.

The best military strategies on PC

We present our top best military strategies for PC, which have already become classics and should definitely be on the list of completed ones for everyone who calls themselves a fan of the genre.

Red Alert Series

  • Release date: 1996-2009
  • Developer: Westwood Studios, EA Los Angeles

The Red Alert series is a separate series of games within the popular Command & Conquer franchise. The action takes place in an alternate reality in which Hitler was defeated using a time machine invented by Einstein. This led to unforeseen consequences in the form of the USSR gaining enormous military power and declaring war on the United States and its allies. A little later (in the third part of the series), another side joins the confrontation - the Empire of the Rising Sun.

  • Developer: The Creative Assembly
  • Release date: 2000-2017

It's hard to find a more famous series of war games than Total War. Back in 2000, when many of our readers were running under the table, the world saw the first project of the series - Shogun. The player had to face Japan during the period of feudal fragmentation and, taking control of one of the Japanese clans, bring it to power over the entire island state.

Total War: Warhammer

But it was Rome: Total War that instilled love for the series, which amazed with its detail, depth of strategic capabilities and exceptional charm. Today the collection has the opportunity to fight in any time period. We can try to lead one of the nations of the Ancient World to greatness, lead the invasion of barbarians in the Dark Ages, build a medieval empire, wage wars and discover new lands in the Modern Age, and even plunge into a fantasy world in the game Total War: Warhammer. The series is worth spending hundreds of hours on and having a lot of fun with.

  • Developer: Blizzard
  • Release date: 2010
  • Link:

Fans have been waiting for the second part for 12 years. And their hopes were completely justified. A new round of confrontation between the three main races in space awaits us: Terrans, Zergs and Protoss. People rely on their firepower in the form of flamethrowers, tanks, heavy cruisers. Zerg are a highly developed swarm, where each member of the hive is only a tool for solving a specific task that faces the main brain. The Protoss are an ancient race standing on the edge of psionic ascension, but still resolving their internal conflicts.

Starcraft II is based on a very interesting plot, the development of which does not get boring to follow from mission to mission. And the tasks themselves are extremely diverse, have many side tasks, and non-trivial solutions. Many people can really call Starcraft II the best military strategy and they will be right in their own way. It’s not for nothing that immediately after its release it was included in the eSports Olympics in Korea.

  • Developer: New World Computing, Nival, Black Hole Entertainment
  • Release date: 1995-2015

You can't list the top strategic war games and miss out on the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic series. Having been released in 1995, the game has gone through more than 20 years of history. The third part of the series remains the most successful so far, despite the graphics being outdated today. The second most popular is the fifth part, created by domestic developers.

They will tell us about a fairy-tale world where there are constant wars. Almost all the mythical and legendary creatures that are present in the myths of the peoples of the world fight here: genies and wyverns, gremlins and trolls, demons and orcs. This is a turn-based military strategy, each session of which is unique. Everything depends on the player’s decisions; each campaign can be played in a style unique to that particular player. It’s hard to even imagine how interesting it is to play multiplayer. This is a lot of sleepless nights spent storming fortresses.

  • Release date: April 21, 2016
  • Developer: Tindalos Interactive
  • Link: Steam

Real-time strategy in the Warhammer 40,000 setting. Takes us into space, where we will fight in armadas against enemy fleets. Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting the very beautiful graphics. Probably, the space landscapes from here are the best in the industry. If you've played HomeWorld, you can imagine the gameplay, with the only difference being that for some reason starships obey the laws of physics that apply to those on Earth. Imagine a naval fleet transported into space. You will receive Battlefleet Gothic: Armada.

Battlefleet: Gothic Armada

As you'd expect from the Warhammer 40,000 universe, everything here is epic. If this is a flagship, then it is the largest warship in the galaxy; if there is a battle, then this is the most general battle that decides the fate of space. And there is enough pathos, so inherent in the setting.

In general, all games created in the Warhammer 40,000 universe will be of interest to those who are interested in the setting. Others can install and play, maybe this is the project you like.

  • Release date: October 21, 2016
  • Developer: Firaxis Games
  • Link: Steam

There is probably hardly a gamer who has not heard of Civilization. This global strategy, in which you choose your people and lead them to world domination through the centuries from the Stone Age to the Space Age. It can confidently be called a military strategy, since rarely does any player fight for a religious or cultural victory. Basically, all tasks are performed with hot iron and atomic bombing.

Compared to previous parts, several major innovations can be noted. First, and most noticeably, the graphics have become much more cartoonish. At first this seems like a counterintuitive decision, given that with each new Civilization the game became more and more realistic. But after playing one or two games, you begin to like the design of the game.

The second global change is the emergence of districts - suburbs, which are responsible for specific areas. Now cities can specialize, so you can develop a city that will bring science and culture by building a campus and a theater square there, or you can build a powerful economic and military port by combining a shipyard and a trading area.

And finally, the third noticeable change is the two technology branches. The first ones are researched at the expense of science points - these are the main inventions. The second ones are social and are researched using culture points. It will no longer be possible to play barbarians riding on tanks; you will have to delve into the culture.

The principle of combat operations was carried over from the fifth part, where the war resembles a classic wargame with a hexagonal layout. Civilization 6 is an excellent successor to the entire line. Replayability and many hours spent playing are guaranteed.

  • Release date: May 9, 2016
  • Developer: Paradox Interactive
  • Link: Steam

Stellaris is a global military strategy in which the player is tasked with taking the reins of power over one of the civilizations that has just entered space, and by any means necessary to make it dominant in the galaxy. Usually in games we are offered a limited set of races, but here, thanks to the designer, you can create hundreds, if not thousands, of them.

This is a star empire simulator. The player will have to solve all the problems that the ruler may face. Starting from providing food for your subjects, ending with controlling science and inventing new engines for ships or building a dome over colonies on planets poorly suitable for life of your race.

And don’t forget that you are not the only race in the galaxy and you will have to fight, even if you are playing a pacifist who is generally against any conflicts. After all, your planets are a tasty piece of the pie for some race of militaristic bulls.

A whole review is not enough to talk about this game, so you just need to play it. This is truly a masterpiece and the best military strategy of 2016.

  • Release date: August 11, 2017
  • Developer: Kite Games
  • Link: Steam

The revival of the legendary line, which domestic gamers know as “Confrontation”. It takes us back to the events of the Second World War and poses difficult tasks with the help of tanks and guns to decide the outcome of the conflict. Previous parts received dozens of modifications and unofficial add-ons, which are still being created, more than 10 years after the official releases.

The new product offers us three campaigns: For the Axis, the USSR and the Allies. In each mission you are given a certain number of troops: infantry, tanks, artillery, support. And with this limited supply of military resources, you will need to complete the mission. You can only hope for help in cases specified by the script.

The assessments are quite twofold. Many swear by radical simplifications compared to other parts, while others, on the contrary, call it a worthy successor genre.

  • Release date: February 21, 2017
  • Developer: 343 Industries, Creative Assembly

Continuation of the popular strategy in the world of Halo. It all started with an action game in which you moved into the Master Chief robot and smashed aliens on the surface of the Ring World. In 2009, a strategy based on the setting appeared. And now we can see the continuation.

Halo Wars 2 is a classic RTS with base building, resource extraction and rushing towards the enemy base. But how beautifully done it is! The graphics in the game are truly at the level of a 2017 military strategy game. The animation, drawing, effects from explosions and the use of various energy weapons are simply amazing. There are many units to choose from, from small soldiers to huge walking robots.

The only thing that may seem like a failure are some simplifications of the gameplay introduced for the sake of simplifying controls on consoles. Yes, the project was originally developed for X-Box. For amateur console players it will be a real find in the genre of military strategies.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 3

  • Release date: April 27, 2017
  • Link: Steam

And again we have the Warhammer 40,000 universe in front of us, but this time on earth, and not in space. The game features three races: Space Marines, Orcs and Eldar. And they are fighting for possession of a superweapon that can change the balance of power in the Galaxy.

Warhammer 40000: Dawn
of War_III

Before us is the classic Dawn of War with a new storyline and beautiful graphics. The variety of troops has also been added, units are chopping each other up more and more efficiently and beautifully. Compared to the previous game in the series, the number of units that can take part in the battle has expanded. But if we take into account that the units are still highly specialized and have many skills and abilities, mass battles will not work. At best, it is convenient to control two or three squads, delivering tactical, well-calibrated attacks on enemy positions.

The game turned out great. Fans of the setting are delighted, and all fans of military strategies on PC have already bought the game and spent many hours playing it.

  • Release date: 2006-2013
  • Developer: Relic Entertainment

A strategy on the theme of World War II with very beautiful graphics and an extensive arsenal of tactical capabilities.

You can very finely customize each unit that will participate in the battle. Fighters upgrade, gaining new abilities, improving their shooting speed, accuracy and other important abilities.

Company of heroes2

The game is not massive, you control a small number of vehicles, so Company of Heroes can be called a tactical strategy.

The game invites us to fight both on the side of the Allies and the Red Army. For the second part of the project, several add-ons were released that expand the capabilities of the game, offering new missions, weapons, and units.

Series "Behind Enemy Lines"

  • Release date: 2004-2016
  • Developer: 1C, Digitalmindsoft, Best Way

A series of tactical military strategies dedicated to the Second World War of 1941-1945. You take control of a sabotage group that operates behind German lines. The saboteurs are tasked with a variety of tasks: destroying bridges, eliminating important officers, and much more.

Behind enemy lines

The player has a sniper, a machine gunner, a demolitionist, and other highly specialized fighters under his command. There will be no mass rush-zergs here, only well-considered tactical decisions, and the loss of every fighter is not just a decrease in the combat effectiveness of the squad, but a failure of the mission.

In total, two games were released in the series, with many add-ons and re-releases for each of them. So there’s plenty of room to wander around while getting to know it.

There is a huge variety of genres and types computer games, but PC strategies occupy leading positions, because only thanks to them can you manage universes, build or destroy civilizations. So if you want to feel like a god, then feel free to launch one of these games. What can we say, there are a lot of games in this genre, but we have selected for you a rating of the best.

Civilization V

In this strategy for PC, you will immerse yourself in the history of our world and guide humanity through all branches - from the Stone Age to modern reality and much further. The player will have to make many different decisions: social, political, economic, military.

Freedom of choice is what characterizes this strategy. You can be a conqueror or build a state focused on tourism or industry. Even a beginner who discovers the world of strategies can understand the game. After all, Civilization V has an excellent hint system and huge base teaching aids. The rethought battle grid immerses you into the game headlong, and the nice graphics also please.

Total War: Shogun 2

The list continues " Best Strategies for PC" a game that will take us to feudal Japan of the 16th century. You have to manage an entire empire - from the economy to protecting the state from invaders. The game has two modes, and you need to demonstrate all your strategic abilities to successfully maneuver between them.

Manage your empire in the mode without forgetting that real-time tactical battles await you. Battles in Total War: Shogun 2 are a separate matter. The player will have to think through battle tactics, and even an enemy with numerical superiority can be defeated thanks to a skillfully conducted battle or ambush.

StarCraft 2

If you like sci-fi real-time strategy games on PC, then StarCraft 2 is worth a look. It's all about the classics: collect resources, build troops and protect the galaxy from evil space elves and xenomorphic aliens.

The game will require quick decisions and actions. The multiplayer is especially pleasing, because the opportunity to fight with another player tickles your nerves much more. Although the single-player campaign has its advantages. A huge number of quests and additional tasks will not let you get bored, and their variability and originality will delight any player.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Space strategies installed on a computer can really surprise you. In XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the player will have to repel an invasion in turn-based strategy mode. You need to assemble a team of six fighters and boldly send them against robots, aliens and other opponents.

The game has a large number of maps of the area, where the heroes will have to engage in tough skirmishes, and after the battle they will find a base where they need to study technologies, increase their abilities and solve problems with financing. The strategy will seriously drag you on. If you don’t want to follow the path of a single-player company, and have a great desire to engage in battle with a real opponent, then the multiplayer mode will give you this opportunity.

Tropico 5

The “Best Strategy for PC” rating continues with an excellent city builder where you will feel like a dictator of the Caribbean. A small republic can become a great country, but only under skillful leadership. The player will have to decide for himself which path his little kingdom will take, because this is the beauty of a totalitarian regime.

But you shouldn’t go too far, because your people can rebel and overthrow the regime. And if you are not careful enough in foreign policy, the country will face a military invasion. Tropico 5 is an excellent and fun city builder that will provide a lot of fun.

Age of Wonders 3

Classic fantasy strategy games on PC will never lose their relevance. Despite the fact that diplomacy and city management are rather poorly thought out in this game, Age of Wonders 3 is not in vain on the list of the best.

A huge number of different units, and battlefields strewn with obstacles, immerse you in battles headlong. With the right tactics and skillful strategy, you can build a truly huge army that will sweep away everything in its path. So if you are close in spirit to elves, gnomes, giants, and you are not averse to practicing magic, then feel free to purchase this game.

World in Conflict: Soviet Assault

In this strategy, installed on your computer, you have to defend yourself from “evil Soviet soldiers", who decided to conquer the whole world. The topic is quite hackneyed and has already lost its relevance, but the way it is presented in World in Conflict: Soviet Assault is worth special attention.

In this strategy there is no longer any need to build bases or manage resources; victory or defeat depends on the command points that are given for completing missions. Impressive graphics and a truly interesting single-player campaign will keep you engrossed throughout the game.

Online strategies

"Rules of War" opens up a similar genre. In this game you have to become a fearless commander who has survived nuclear war and trying to improve relations with not entirely friendly neighbors.

The game has won a huge number of fans among users social networks all over the world, and for good reason. Excellent graphics and voice acting, addictive gameplay, the ability to communicate with other players and create alliances - this is far from full list merits, thanks to which the “Rules of War” project was included in the “Best Strategy Games” rating. You can play for free right in your browser, which makes the game even more attractive.

"Might and Magic"

The idea of ​​bringing the legendary series online has been around for a long time. And this moment has come when you can play your favorite “Heroes” for free by opening a window in your browser. Little attention is paid to economic development and castle building, but this is compensated by a huge number of quests, thanks to which you will have plenty of time to travel around the world. Searching for artifacts, leveling up your character and clashes with enemies will not let you get bored.

Might and Magic is quite elaborate and can take almost 100 hours to complete the storyline, which is quite an impressive amount of time for an online strategy game. But, as in any browser project, the hero will have to interact with real players. Some of them will become friends, and some will turn out to be sworn enemies. It's safe to say that Ubisoft managed to make the dream of many fans of the series come true.

Anno Online

Strategy games in Russian most often involve a sequence of urban planning and bloody battles. But if you do not want to participate in battles, and are eager to surrender to the creative process, then you simply need to play Anno Online. Here you also have to interact with other players, but only through trade and cooperation.

The main task will be the development of your city. You also need to think about population growth and problems with its settlement. You will establish trade and production connections, build houses and industrial buildings, and much more. is thought out, and you will not find a city similar to yours, because each player develops in his own way.

Computer games have undergone many changes throughout their existence. Applications were released that were cruel or, conversely, peaceful, bloody and not so bloody, frightening and fabulous. However, the only genre that has not undergone significant changes, are strategies. The concept of these games has always remained the same. But even with such consistency, it is quite difficult to identify the top 10 best strategies. Strategies vary by genre and target audience, but how do some “experts” evaluate games in such conditions? Today we will try to compile a list of the best strategies based on rumors. We will rely on how well known and popular the game is.


Perhaps this company has been a leader in the strategy genre for many years. Its products are consistently included in the top 10 best strategies. Even if you have not heard of this manufacturer, you probably know such masterpieces as “Starcraft” and “Warcraft”. Moreover, all the games in the series from the first to the last.

What was the key to success? First of all, it is a well-coordinated development team and division of labor. Thus, everyone does their own thing. Thanks to the coherence of the team, they created games that are not only interesting in terms of gameplay, but also captivating with their plot. You become not just the manager of a combat camp, but practically a participant in the events taking place. It’s not for nothing that “Warcraft 3” marked the beginning of the world famous online game “WoW”.

Sid Meier

Few people have not heard about this project - "Civilization". A turn-based strategy, all parts of which have always been included in the best strategies of the year according to various publications. This game is not easy to learn and includes many aspects human existence. The main emphasis is not on war as a process, but on diplomacy and the development of one’s own state. Be strong and your opponents will fear and respect you. You can win not only by conquest, but also by becoming the head of the world government, flying into space and almost a dozen other different ways, which I would not like to reveal here.

A branch of this project was a slightly different game - “Civilization: Call to Power”. What makes this creation different from the classic version? Created by an independent publisher, this game allows you to see the development of your country not only from past to present, but also look into the future. Create spaceships, robots and plasma tanks. Build cities in space and design underwater cities. And the possibility of anarchy and the split of your state will be an unpleasant surprise if you are able to take over the whole world. Try it and you won't go wrong.

War and Peace

Do you love history? Perhaps you would like to build a real Roman city or colony? Strategy games don't always include a military aspect. One of these projects was the game "Ceasar 3". Possibility of building a huge prosperous ancient city attracts many players. Immerse yourself completely in the economy and forget about problems with your neighbors. Trade, look after your subjects and lead the empire to prosperity.

When talking about it, SimCity always comes to mind. For the most part, this is, of course, not a completely full-fledged game, but it’s definitely worth a try. Build your own metropolis and then destroy it natural disasters. Good way to let go of anger after a hard day at work.

By the way, about Tolstoy’s novel. The game of the same name from the 1C company called “War and Peace” was created specifically for those who love detail. The process of creating weapons, food, and training items is worked out to the smallest detail. If you collect millet, this does not mean that you will immediately have food. First it will have to be processed in a mill, and then taken to a bakery. Or feed the pigs, which will then go to the slaughterhouse. With such a detailed economic process combat system remains on top. Usually strategy games focus on one component, but in War and Peace, depending on your tactics, the results of the battle can be completely different.


A game that has repeatedly been included in the top 10 best strategy games. " The Settlers", starting from its second part, firmly settled in the minds of old gamers. This is another game with a detailed economic process. Moreover, despite the fact that in the second part the fighting was reduced, already in the third the developers corrected their defect. Now this game has become leisurely, measured and will not waste your nerves. Develop your agriculture, worship the gods, and good luck will accompany you. You can argue for a long time which of the parts is the most successful. Some prefer "Settlers 2", and some prefer the more modern graphics of the third part In general, build your settlement, fight and win.

The art of winning

Not everyone is happy with peaceful coexistence with their neighbors. The game "Stronghold" became a real revolution in its genre. These are probably the only real ones. The first part of the series told about the heir to the throne and the usurper who seized power. All missions of the game came down to either economic tasks or the real art of castle siege. And this is exactly what most players liked. The only drawback was the inability to play with friends and the lack of a mode in which you could play like Warcraft. Just a year later, a miracle happened. Having listened to the players, the developers released an addition to the main game, which was called "Stronghold: Crusaders". A new campaign, many different missions and, of course, a free mode in which the player and his opponent build real medieval castles on the same map.

Unfortunately, the second and third parts, despite the expanded economic and military capabilities, were unable to win the hearts of fans. Taking this into account, in 2014 “Stronghold: Crusaders” was released in new HD quality and won one of the prizes in the top 10 best strategies according to the magazine “Gaming”.

They become heroes

Many people are familiar with the "Heroes of Might and Magic" series of games. Since the first part, this strategy with a simple economy but an advanced combat system has become one of the leaders of its genre. The most interesting plot and universe, well-thought-out characters, as well as many interconnected campaigns kept players at the computer for days. Some players believe that the last meaningful part was the third "Heroes". Perhaps this is true. Undoubtedly, the best graphics cannot replace everyone's favorite characters, gameplay and Erathia. But there are no comrades for taste and color, so the developers continue to churn out new parts. In 2014, the seventh one was released.

Age of Miracles

Another project that died with the release of the third part was called "Disciples". The original idea of ​​leveling up soldiers, as well as a fairly simple combat system, attracted the attention of players, but with the release of the third episode, this game became so close to “Heroes” that most users lost interest in it.

Something else worth remembering is the game "Age of Wonders". The fourth part of “Heroes” is very close to it, but it is obvious that the developers were never able to fully copy the ideas. "Age of Miracles" is distinguished primarily by an advanced system of global spells, which allows you to fight not only directly with soldiers, but also with tactical thinking. How would you feel about the idea of ​​completely flooding enemy territory?

Differences between games based on gender

Of course, there are not only games for boys. Strategy games are such a versatile genre that anyone can play them. If we talk about the female half of the population, then she, without a doubt, always liked the game "Sims". Learn how to manage a household, plan your day, and relationships with other people. This is, without a doubt, not only a simulator, but also a real strategy.

If we talk about games for boys, strategies will help them develop their thinking and teach them to think in many ways, allow them to learn how to approach problems in different ways, and also, if we take the English version, expand their vocabulary in all languages. However, this also applies to girls. Many representatives of the fairer sex love strategy games about war.

And finally: everything new is well forgotten old. You may be convinced that graphics and special effects are the main thing in the game, but this is not so. A game wins the player's heart if it carries an idea. And most of them have long been implemented in old projects. What is the difference between old and new toys? We are forced to pay for new ones by introducing online key authentication systems. - games without registration. Download them from torrents and play for fun. Happy gaming and have a good time!

Indeed, some prefer to turn their attention to shooters, others prefer stealth games, and still others prefer various mob-oriented projects. There are also those who like turn-based options, where every move and every action needs to be thought out extremely carefully. In fact, the best turn-based games can currently be listed on one hand, since quite mediocre solutions often come out that copy each other, but today we will try to select the best turn-based strategies on PC.

Heroes of Might and Magic III HD. A cult game without any exaggeration, which is still held in high esteem by gamers and even relatively recently received a remaster in HD. You have to build your own castle of one of the factions available in the game, develop infrastructure, accumulate unique troops, improve them and conquer all possible resources on the map in order to ultimately defeat the enemy. You can play it for dozens of hours and not get tired of it! Moreover, it is possible to play together on one computer.

Heroes of Might and Magic III HD system requirements:

  • System: Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 8, Windows 8.1 (32- or 64-bit);
  • Processor: Intel Core2 Duo E4400 @ 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ @ 2.0 GHz;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or AMD Radeon HD2900 with 256 MB of built-in video memory and Shader Model 4.0 support
  • Disk space: 27 Gb.

Disciples 2. The golden mean in the series, which many people remember with nostalgia. Here, moving around the map is similar to the heroes, but the battles are a little different - you recruit a squad with special abilities, develop fighters and attack from a place without unnecessary movements around the field. The game has a perfectly written lore and interesting gameplay features that will keep you hooked for a very long time!

Disciples 2 system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP;
  • RAM: 32Mb;
  • Disk space: 1.2 Gb.

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth. A turn-based classic strategy, where you not only have to develop your state, but do it outside the earth - on a new planet in space. You have to choose a ship, a campaign sponsor and a few other features, and then go to distant and unknown space to found a colony and make peace with the rest of the colonizers or go to war against them.

System requirements for Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth:

  • System: Windows XP;
  • Processor: Pentium II with a clock frequency of 233 MHz;
  • RAM: 32Mb;
  • Video card: at least 128 Mb;
  • Disk space: 1.2 Gb.

Master of Orion. Another extremely colorful and thoughtful turn-based strategy, which became an excellent successor to the 1993 game. There is a lot to think about here and every move is given for a reason. The player is given control of one of 10 races and then needs to lead it to greatness through collecting resources, research, conquering worlds and manipulating leaders.

Master of Orion System Requirements:

  • System: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (64 bit);
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2.2 GHz;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: nVidia 240, ATI 4650, Intel Integrated HD3000 or better;
  • Disk space: 15 Gb.

The best turn-based strategy games on PC

King's Bounty. The legend of the knight. Very similar to the previous position, but with its own unique atmosphere, monsters, history and other features. Unlike heroes, movement outside the battle map occurs in real time, so there is no need to skip moves. There is also a role-playing system thanks to which your character can talk with others and interact with various objects. The battles take place on a hexagonal field in a step-by-step mode.

King's Bounty system requirements. Legend of the Knight:

  • System: Windows XP / Vista;
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.6 GHz or better;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 / ATI Radeon X800 with 256 MB of memory or better;
  • Disk space: 5.5 Gb.

Darkest Dungeon. Pretty hardcore toy with step by step actions in a battle where success depends on every blow. You have to gather a group of heroes and then go to several dungeons in turn. Enemies can attack from anywhere, opening certain items on the map imposes positive and much more often negative effects, bosses are ruthless, the torch gradually goes out and this also affects non-heroes.

Darkest Dungeon system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP / Vista;
  • Processor: Any dual-core processor with 2 GHz;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: Any video card with 512 MB of memory (1080p, 16:9);
  • Disk space: 2 Gb.

XCOM 2. Are you ready to fight back the aliens and show that the Earth belongs only to people? Well then you should definitely look into this toy. At the moment, all the problems have already been fixed and we are presented with an excellent turn-based toy, which pleases with the number of unique units and interspersed with a role-playing system.

XCOM 2 System Requirements:

  • System: Windows XP / Vista;
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4700 (2.6 GHz) or AMD Phenom X4 9950 (2.6 GHz);
  • RAM: 4 Gb;
  • Video card: Radeon HD 5770 1 GB or GeForce GTX 460 1 GB;
  • Disk space: 45 Gb.

Hard West. Love interesting stories, cowboys and turn-based games? In that case, welcome! The game combines Western and otherworldly themes with an excellent storyline, or rather eight storylines at once. Demons, gunfights, amulets, magic, beautiful graphics, interesting gameplay - all this catches your eye immediately and fits perfectly within one game.

Hard West System Requirements:

  • System: Windows XP / Vista;
  • Processor: Intel 2 Quad Q6700 2.66 GHz/AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+ 2.6 GHz;
  • RAM: 4 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 430/AMD Radeon HD 4670;
  • Disk space: 6 Gb.

Total War: Warhammer. A sort of mix of turn-based strategy and real-time strategy in the Warhammer universe. In turn-based mode, you have to manage the state and establish connections, send diplomatic missions or engage in battle - when the battle itself begins, everything goes into real time. Take control of one of the many races and build your perfect state, destroying all opponents on your way.

Total War: Warhammer system requirements:

  • System: Windows 7 64Bit;
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0Ghz;
  • RAM: 3 Gb;
  • Video card: AMD Radeon HD 5770 1024MB / NVIDIA GTS 450 1024MB / Intel HD4000 @720p;
  • Disk space: 35 Gb.

Divinity: Original Sin 2. Well, the first place rightfully goes to the game, which can be completed in almost any way, the system of variability in quests is so chic and the role-playing system is extensive. These are more than a dozen character options to choose from, subclasses, various combinations of both characters and skills. In fact, you can tell the story for a long time, but it’s better to try it once - the plot here is simply excellent and will not make you sad. Gather a party of up to 4 characters or go on a journey on your own to experience an incredible adventure.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 system requirements:

  • System: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit / Windows 8.1 64-bit / Windows 10 64-bit;
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent;
  • RAM: 4 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 / ATI Radeon HD 6XXX or better;
  • Disk space: 25 Gb.

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