Virgo woman: a real find for a man. Virgo wife's horoscope: what is the marriage of Virgo women

Born under this sign of the Zodiac quickly ceases to be a marriageable girl, because Virgo usually gets married at a fairly young age or, conversely, remains single for life, thus making a conscious choice.

In men, she is most attracted to intelligence, and often she chooses as companions people who are rather helpless, impractical, but rich in terms of intellectual talents.

The Virgo girl strongly idealizes and romanticizes both her love and, first of all, her chosen one. Worst of all, she demands the same from her inner circle, who wonder (quite reasonably) why such an intelligent woman perceives her husband so uncritically, as an adept - an infallible guru.

Wife-Virgo - life in marriage: the attitude of Virgo to her husband, family life, home

Astrologers say that a woman of this sign is an excellent contender for creating a stable, reliable home. According to the horoscope, Virgo is one of the best wives in the Zodiac. However, her husband must always remember that his faithful, sensitive spouse must respect him as a person, and her moral standards are very high. If it turns out this way, we can say that the Virgo husband won a lucky lottery ticket in the person of such a wife.

The virgin wife in marriage is soft, delicate, has a calming effect on nervous system men. Modest, graceful, always well-groomed, she organizes them well every day. life together. The Virgo woman does not stand with a rolling pin at the door and does not even raise her voice when her husband comes home in the morning, and when he gets sick, he turns into a qualified nurse and an angel of mercy. Among other things, Virgo's wife is a super-economical hostess who skillfully plans all expenses and is not capricious. In the entire Zodiac, she is one of the biggest fans of monogamy. Virgo is very faithful, there can be no talk of encroachments “to the left”, her inner need is to walk along it next to the same man from spring to autumn of her life. In a word, for most of the stronger sex, Virgo is the real ideal of the second half.

Virgo woman married: problems, quarrels, separation, divorce

As noted above, when Virgo marries, she tends to idealize her companion. Over time, it turns out that her lover, who has been placed on a pedestal, is, like any mortal, burdened with shortcomings. If they turn out to be, from her point of view, unacceptable, the Virgo woman in marriage begins to be disappointed and hardly hides it.

Most often in these cases, she blames herself and her actions. She starts to turn into ideal wife or a housewife. Such a Virgo wife carefully cleans up, prepares healthy three-course dinners every day, embroiders, saves - she sews for herself, and prepares food for the winter. Trying to improve herself, she invites her mother-in-law for tea three times a week, never complains, always mobilized and ready to fight. It is not surprising that the Virgo spouse dissolves her household members, including her husband, which further aggravates the situation. But before she knows it, a lot of water will leak.

Representatives of this sign have a reputation for being reserved and cold. The Virgo sign is a woman whose characteristic is hypocrisy, pays great attention to observing the rules and decency. Therefore, recognizing her from the other side, as a gentle and amorous nature, men are extremely surprised. At the same time, they are recognized careerists of the Zodiac, giving odds to everyone else in this matter.

Representatives of this sign consider it important to take care of health, both their own and loved ones.

These ladies are always neat and strict about their appearance.

Horoscope Virgo Woman.

They love all kinds of jewelry that look harmoniously on their clothes. In the wardrobe of such women, there are mainly pastel, light shades, or vice versa, very dark tones.

Virgo is feminine and graceful. She attracts a man, but at the same time she does not immediately catch the eye. It seems that this is an aristocratic lady, shy and reserved. From such girls breathes complete calmness and peace. The lack of pretentiousness and sexuality is exactly what the opposite sex will appreciate. It cannot be said that in a society and a team you will immediately notice Virgo. Basically they are pretty inconspicuous ladies.

Fashion & Style

Outwardly, this is the most calm and balanced of all signs: clothes are ironed, shoes are polished, hair is gathered and perfect makeup is done. Such ladies do not wear bright, catchy clothes, they are always restrained. Virgos are obsessed with cleanliness and order. They take care of themselves and their appearance very carefully, wanting to remain attractive for many years to come.

The behavior and inner world of the Virgo woman

The stars decided to reward these women in a unique way developed intellect. They think logically and are good interlocutors in various matters. In many situations that seem to fail, she will easily solve the problem.

Positive and negative traits

The woman of the zodiac sign Virgo cannot be influenced, she lives in her own world and relies only on her own conclusions. She hardly makes acquaintances, as she can be very demanding, and sometimes overly critical. In order for you not to hear a caustic remark from her in your address, you need to be an absolute ideal. Such girls are very critical of the subjects in their environment, who can express themselves illiterately, use in communication swear words or even just sloppy.

Virgo will never leave the problems that have arisen in her path, but will solve each task with dignity. Her developed mind will help to get out of any situation that has arisen. At the same time, it will not help anyone just like that. If a person asks her for help, then in return she will have to be thanked. She has a very complex character, but at the same time she does not know how to lie. Such women very often go on principle and will not communicate with those who are unpleasant to them.

According to the horoscope of the Virgo woman problem area is the heart and digestive system. She is also capable of self-discipline and is prone to depression. Pneumonia and migraines may develop.

Work and career of a Virgo woman

Career plays one of the main roles in their life for representatives of this sign.

These ladies always set clear goals for themselves and go to the end. But they lack the grasp and ability to soberly assess their capabilities. They are able to occupy leadership positions, but only if they decide to do so. This woman is ready to devote herself to any career. She is self-possessed and can do the most boring monotonous work for hours.

Leadership skills

Maidens could easily fly up career ladder, but the inability to assess their capabilities and excessive criticality does not allow them to do this. But it is very difficult for her to be the boss. She will constantly check herself and her employees and worry about the results of the check.

Among the women of this sign, there are a lot of executive workaholics. Many firms dream of such workers. Virgo is always focused on results, even if she works at a disadvantage to herself. They make excellent paper workers, ready to spend hours analyzing a huge amount of information. They are rarely late for work, they are always diligent, perform tasks on time and with high quality.

Attitude of Virgo Woman towards love, sex, marriage and family

It so happened that it is very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, to understand a Virgo woman in love. Reason will always guide their emotions. Often they do not notice themselves that they have a strong affection for someone.

How do feelings show up?

  • Virgo first carefully examines her partner from all sides, gets used to him for a long time, observes and contemplates, and only then approaches.
  • She is the standard of calm, complete peace and endurance, men love such ladies. Even if the Virgo is in a relationship, she will not share her feelings for a long time even with her friends. A man will have to make a lot of effort to understand this subtle and hidden nature.
  • At the same time, the Virgin is always beautiful, very gentle and kind. But with the opposite sex find mutual language it's hard for her.
  • She very often creates in her subconscious the image of a princess from herself and tries to equate her man with him. She is cautious in relationships with the opposite sex, as it is very easy to offend and hurt her.
  • These are dreamers, immersed in dreams about their ideal, hiking under the moonlight, serenades dedicated only to them. Often Virgos become writers and publish novels and poems about their feelings.
  • Such a woman looks at the world around her, through the eyes of a child. She always expects protection and support from her companion.
  • Virgo is very demanding of a partner. And here, as you know, there are two extremes, either she gets married several times, or vice versa, she just can’t find a gentleman worthy in all her parameters.

sex life

The characteristic of the Virgo woman as a restrained nature dictates her behavior in everything: in love, in relationships and in bed. Trying to control even intimate relationship, she will remain very reserved, which is not always suitable for men. Often such a woman feels that she is subjected to moral condemnation and constant control. For her, sex is another type of monotonous work.

Virgo may seem boring and mundane to her partner. She is very difficult to liberate herself, and not every man will be able to know her completely. She just doesn't see the point in sex. Even the passion of a partner cannot convince her.

But sometimes there are exceptions. She can open up from an unexpected side, masterfully perform a familiar program so that a man will get a lot of pleasure and only then will he realize that there was nothing special and new at all. So, if a man thinks that Virgo will do anything in bed, he is deeply mistaken. It is a myth. Not every man can make his dreams come true with such a woman.

Marriage and family

Virgo chooses her partner for a very long time and often remains alone. But having met that same man, she will remain faithful until the end of her days, she will give him all her affection and love, and will demand the same in return. Even minor flirting is condemned by her. A man is always sure of her fidelity.

At the same time, she is a very secretive nature, so often various kinds of problems can arise between partners. In order not to lose her husband, she needs to be more affectionate and gentle. And romance in such marriages will always only benefit.

Virgo is a very down to earth wife. She is calm and will easily help her husband cope with their troubles and failures. She will also try to ensure that her husband seeks to be realized at work and advance professionally. This is both a critic and an assistant rolled into one.

A woman of this sign is hard to choose a man, and if she chooses, then he must be perfect in everything. She will become an excellent, faithful friend of her husband. And her endurance and devotion is hard not to appreciate.

The Virgo's house is always clean. Everything in the house lies only in its place, sometimes it even seems that the apartment is not inhabited at all. This sign does not have luxurious life so that everything in the interior is as simple and accessible as possible. There will be no luxury items, beautiful interior details in her house.

But even the most ordinary interior, created by the hands of the Devs, is skillfully decorated. At the same time, her apartment is as comfortable and cozy as possible. It is important for such a hostess that comfort reigned in her house, and nothing could bring harm.

She is very careful about her health and the health of loved ones. The food that the Virgin prepares is not only simple - it is the most useful for everyone. Her house is filled with fragrances tasty food, fragrance flower arrangements, and the impression of cleanliness, comfort and well-being that is happening in her family is created. And the hostess tries to accustom her household members to cleanliness and order.

The stars say that the representatives of this sign maternal instinct developed in lesser degree than other women. Most often, Virgo is ready to give birth to only one child, or a maximum of two, but she will bring up very carefully and responsibly.

Such a mother often, even unnecessarily, worries about her child. Constantly worries where the other mother will not focus much attention. Her child is always intellectually developed. Parents try to take their child to various classes, instill good taste, good habits. But to say that the child will receive all the love and affection is impossible. It is very difficult for a Virgo to understand her child, so conflicts arise in their families.

The mother is a mother hen. These women guard every step of the child, do not leave them alone. Their child gets everything to the maximum, but much more is required of him than other mothers expect from their children. All her activities in relation to children are focused on getting them a good education.

According to Virgo, children should eat right, get only excellent grades, achieve success in education and in sports. But the baby may not get emotions from such a mother. Virgo is too protective of her child. All vaccinations are done on time, the child is always clean and full. She will do anything for her child, but subsequently even an adult child must consult her mother in everything.

Gifts for the Virgo woman

  • Virgo will always appreciate household appliances as a gift. She loves to manage the household, and technology is her main assistant. Feel free to give her a blender, a slow cooker, a kettle, or even just an e-book. The household appliances you choose must be matched perfectly to its interior and not spoil appearance apartments.
  • She has good taste and always chooses the highest quality and most valuable things. If they benefit her, it will only please the Virgin.
  • Most likely, she will appreciate the donated mirror, notebook, pen, business card holder or tablet case. The gift should fit perfectly and reflect her desires.

Horoscope for Women of other zodiac signs

Table: Horoscope for women of all zodiac signs

The Virgo woman attracts men with her prudence and realistic outlook on life. She does not tend to succumb to surging emotions, to commit rash acts, and unpredictability and inconstancy are completely alien to her.

She prefers an orderly life. Where there is order in everything, which concerns not only order in the house, at work, but also in feelings, deeds, actions. She has a tendency to put things in order, to lay them out so that everything is in its place. There is a craving for cleanliness and accuracy, a desire for the ideal.

Sometimes for others, her life may seem unnecessarily monotonous and boring, because in part she is predictable in her actions. But on the other hand, in this way she creates the stability necessary in her life. She does not like chaos and chaotic actions.

IN love relationship shows caution, and sometimes distrust. She is not one of those who can be seduced by eloquence and expensive gifts. For her, the main thing is the stability of relations. They are taken seriously and responsibly.

Sometimes she needs time to fully trust, to get to know a person better. Sometimes the fear of making a mistake makes you hide your feelings. They lie dormant in the depths of her soul to open up to the only one in whom she will be absolutely sure.

Positive qualities of a Virgo woman in love

  • prudence
  • realism
  • equanimity
  • steadfastness
  • calmness
  • self-control
  • Decency
  • Practicality
  • industriousness
  • Thrift
  • Loyalty
  • Devotion
  • Responsibility
  • caring
  • Naturalness
  • Caution
  • analytical mind

Negative qualities of a Virgo woman in love

  • criticality
  • Restraint
  • Reticence
  • Pedantry
  • incredulity
  • categorical
  • conservatism

See also Character of the Virgin Characteristics of the people of the elements of the earth

Virgo woman in bed

A Virgo woman in bed can pay a lot of attention to various details, which sometimes makes it difficult to completely relax and enjoy. This is especially evident if she has a pronounced desire for excellence and pedantry. In this case, it is difficult for her to relax and surrender to feelings and emotions.

In addition, her emotions and feelings are often restrained. And behavior can manifest conservative, traditional views. It also makes it hard to relax.

But on the other hand, if she is completely confident in a man and can reveal her sensuality, then intimate relationships in bed can work out very well. But for this, she needs to get rid of internal clamps, everything that holds back feelings and emotions.

See also Virgo in sex

Who suits Virgo Woman

Virgo women are approached by men with similar views as hers. Whoever strives for a serious and stable relationship knows how to enjoy simple earthly joys. Who is not afraid of monotony and work. Who can become for her a responsible, reliable and faithful life partner. The love of a Virgo woman is earthly, calm, but at the same time stable and constant.

Virgo woman will be fine with a man

  • Serious
  • Responsible
  • practical
  • economic
  • Realistic
  • Reliable
  • Faithful
  • economical

It will be difficult for a Virgo woman with a man

  • unpredictable
  • fickle
  • domineering
  • Windy
  • chatty
  • Touchy
  • irresponsible
  • impractical
  • impulsive

How to Win a Virgo Woman

To conquer a Virgo woman, you will have to show patience and perseverance. It is worth noting that people of the elements of the earth do not know how to get to know each other and start relationships as quickly as representatives of the elements of air and water. Therefore, do not forget that for a Virgo woman, as a representative of the elements of the earth, it takes time for more confidence to appear in a man.

It is in vain to think that she can be captivated, seduced beautiful words. She can be distrustful of many things. For her, the main thing is the seriousness of the intentions of a man, the constancy and stability of relations.

You won't get her beautiful stories, fantasy and passion. In a relationship, her feelings and emotions are under strict control. She looks at everything from a perspective. common sense and has a sober outlook on life. Material values ​​are of course important to her, but money is not the main goal.

See also How to conquer a Virgo woman How to conquer a Virgo woman

Virgo woman in a relationship with a man


Virgo woman in marriage

For a Virgo woman in marriage, all earthly worries and troubles come first. She herself is quite hardworking, practical, economic. Despite the fact that outsiders may seem that she is reserved, but in the family she is most often very caring.

In addition, her sign itself symbolizes service, care and help to others. She is not one of those who will scatter beautiful words, promises. If she sees that help is needed, she will go and help, without unnecessary words and emotions. She likes to help, to help. True, from this, many can use her calmness, equanimity. Putting a lot of work and responsibilities on her shoulders.

In the house of a Virgo woman, it is usually always clean and tidy, there is no chaos. She happily does everything. homework. Sometimes so absorbed in worries and troubles that there is no time even to rest. Condescending to the weaknesses of others.

Also, the Virgo sign is characterized by pedantry and criticality. True, for all Virgo women, these qualities are expressed in different ways, some less, and some more. With pronounced pedantry, she will strictly follow the order, the rules, instruct others, criticize, which not everyone can stand.

Can organize family life, invest a lot of strength and energy, paying attention to various little things. Often there are many supporters among Dev women healthy lifestyle life and healthy eating. The approach to rest is traditional and economical. When choosing a style of clothing, a lot of attention is also paid to the little things.

See also Virgo appearance

How to get a Virgo woman back

Returning a Virgo woman is not so easy. Although she is not inclined to break off relations, she wants to save the marriage from breaking up with all her might. But on the other hand, having received a negative experience of relationships, they no longer want to return them.

In addition, she critically looks at everything, and if a person endlessly undermined her trust, then she will critically perceive his words, and she does not give in to persuasion. In her decision, she shows the firmness inherent in the elements of the earth.

But on the other hand, if her feelings have not yet disappeared, and a lot of things connect you, then it is possible to return the Virgo woman, but this will take time. She needs time for everything to analyze and decide on the right and unmistakable step.

See also how to make peace with a Virgo woman How to return a Virgo woman

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in shaping the character, behavior, habits, of a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to know more detailed information about yourself or about the person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And help you learn more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

Representatives of this sign of the Zodiac are easy to distinguish in the crowd - a dry, toned figure, he has a clear look, and the imprints of constant thoughts are visible on his face. The difference between such a man - laconicism - appeared not because the Virgos did not want to speak, but because they were able to describe the situation in just a few words and express their attitude towards it. They are rational in everything, and this is one of the main principles of the Virgo life.

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The nature of the mark

Virgo, as a zodiac sign, is quite reserved, he never shows his feelings. Virgos are honest - in whatever area a man works, he always strives for a trusting relationship. Their other qualities include restraint, decency, diligence, attention to detail and modesty.

Positive characteristics of Dev:

  1. 1. The representative of this sign does not tolerate conflicts and scandals, but tries to find a compromise in everything.
  2. 2. It is reliable and successful man. He enjoys doing new things. It is a joy for him if the chosen occupation turns out to be difficult and requires a lot of strength and energy.
  3. 3. Virgos are always looking for new ways of self-development. He will never watch TV and drink beer in his spare time.
  4. 4. Men of this sign welcome an active lifestyle and sports.

Negative Traits:

  1. 1. Virgo loves order and often demands perfection. The desire for perfection is manifested in everything: from one's own appearance to the characteristics of a woman.
  2. 2. Such men are very vindictive and vindictive.
  3. 3. They are secretive and rarely dedicate someone to their ideas and thoughts.

Virgos are monogamous and treat their wife with trepidation, surrounding her with attention and care. However, before the relationship reaches marriage, Virgo will think it over many times. In their reflections, they will weigh all the “pros” and “cons” and “scroll” in their heads all sorts of options for the development of emerging relationships.

A representative of this sign, like another man, is able to fall in love with a woman at first sight. But things don't go so smoothly for Virgo. He will more than once begin to evaluate his chosen one, look for minuses and shortcomings, he will constantly be in thought, which cannot but affect relations with him negatively. Such a love of thought gives a man a lot of trouble and trouble, which they are well aware of, but still it remains their characteristic feature.

When marrying a Virgo man, you do not need to expect romantic deeds or pleasant compliments from him, they are simply incapable of it.

The character of a woman in the shape of her hair

What kind of girls are attracted to Devs?

A man may like ladies who have the following advantages:

  1. 1. Well-groomed. It is important for virgins to see next to them well-groomed woman. She does not have to be dressed in expensive things and shiny jewelry, just choosing her outfit with taste is enough.
  2. 2. Independence and self-confidence. A girl should love herself, she should not bow down to anyone. Virgo women feel and see such women from afar. It is a person who knows her own worth, whose attention must be obtained, is able to win the heart of the Virgin.
  3. 3. Mind. These men are attracted to having a sharp mind. A girl who does not have her own opinion will never be interested in a representative of this sign. If a lady can not only express her point of view, but also give convincing arguments in her defense, then she will become a treasure for the Virgin. They are annoyed by women who talk all sorts of nonsense and cannot say anything in defense of their view of things.
  4. 4. Weakness and defenselessness. In addition to being self-confident and domineering, it is important to be sometimes weak and defenseless. Virgo is looking for a companion who needs a strong side male shoulder. For such a lady, he is ready to become the very knight who will protect her. However, do not confuse a woman who is not averse to simply complaining about her fate with one who needs a strong and independent man. The chosen one of the Virgin should learn to combine such qualities as leadership and the defenselessness of a little princess.
  5. 5. Realistic outlook on life. Romantic natures who expect serenades from their partner under the window will never attract the attention of the Virgin. They are repelled by people with a fine mental organization, so you should not show off your high spirituality on the first date. They value practicality and a realistic outlook on life. Therefore, if a woman expects romantic evenings, trips to a restaurant and surprises from her future chosen one, then she should not choose a Virgo man as her companion. However, over time, when he feels that the same woman is nearby, he will begin to behave a little romantically. The partner will be more attentive to his chosen one, remembering everything she says or asks.
  6. 6. Responsibility. Virgos always keep their word, they expect such actions from their partners. It is important that the woman's words do not diverge from her actions and deeds.
  7. 7. Broad outlook. Next to such a man, you must constantly look for new ways to improve and understand the world around you. A lady who does not want to develop is not suitable for his chosen one.

The following character traits are capable of pushing away the Virgo:

  1. 1. Stubbornness. If a woman is used to being a leader always and everywhere, and a man’s opinion is worth nothing to her, then she should not even try to build relationships with representatives of this sign. They must feel that their word for the beloved has a special meaning, she wants and is ready to listen to him, and also follow his advice.
  2. 2. Laziness. Virgos hate empty time. Like any other person, they are able to succumb to relaxation, but infrequently.
  3. 3. Looseness. These men love women who know what they want and go towards their goal, albeit in small, but still steps. They are happy with everything that they themselves know and can do, but only when a woman strives for this.

Virgos are perfectionists. They are able to put up with the shortcomings of their chosen one, but only if they see how she is constantly working on them.

Virgo man how to understand his attitude towards you

On the first date

From the very beginning, Virgo needs to make a good impression, since his opinion about a woman is formed precisely from the first minutes of their communication together.

Virgos do not like being flirted with or flirted with. They take these things quite seriously. But it is important not to overdo it, because absolutely perfect ladies can scare away men.

Concerning appearance, a girl should not put on too bright makeup and do an extravagant hairstyle. Virgos are attracted to elegant and discreet women.

Men-Virgos need to be praised, but carefully, as they can recognize lies. It is worth paying attention to his words and not taking them to heart, Virgos can speak very directly, which makes some people feel embarrassed.

Compliments to a girl

Signs of falling in love

You can understand that a man is truly in love, and not just using a girl, by the following signs:

  1. 1. Talk about the future. Virgos never throw words into the wind, and if they talk about a joint future, this is serious.
  2. 2. Attention. It is difficult to get elementary attention from such men, but if he began to give small gifts or do other romantic deeds, then we can safely say that he is in love.
  3. 3. Indulgence. A guy in love will forgive his girlfriend for all sorts of mistakes that would cause resentment if he were not in love.

How to keep a guy

The requirements of this zodiac sign must be met in everything and everywhere. A man can leave a lady next to him and work on her, although this happens very rarely, and only from some inner thoughts of a man. He will stay with a girl who wants to develop and become better, at such moments he is ready to become her faithful ally. A woman is always and everywhere obliged to support her man, even if he is deeply wrong. This can be said much later, but always gently and correctly. It is important for a Virgo man to see the rear in his woman (although he himself is an excellent defender).

Here are some more tips to follow to keep a Virgo man:

  1. 1. You should never feel jealous. Even if he does not show what passions are raging in his heart, you can be sure that this feeling is present in him.
  2. 2. A woman always needs to look well-groomed: from a manicure to tights on tights - Virgos notice absolutely everything.
  3. 3. There should always be order and cleanliness in the house. This rule must be followed even when the couple does not yet live together, but the man comes to visit his girlfriend.
  4. 4. Such guys are very whimsical in food. A woman needs to remember this when she cooks for him. Each time she will have to invent new dishes and make them like a real chef.
  5. 5. Virgos don't like long conversations. Empty conversations about home, work or girlfriends are of little interest to them, and sometimes they can even infuriate them.
  6. 6. A woman next to such a man will need to learn punctuality. They constantly monitor their time and require this from their partner.
  7. 7. The companion of this zodiac sign must be organized and disciplined, know what she will do in a week, throughout the next month and even a year.

If a man keeps the woman he likes as a mistress for a long time, then the relationship will never grow into something more.

According to the horoscope, Virgo men are very sensitive, they immediately recognize the slightest omissions or lies. Therefore, in order not to completely lose her betrothed, a woman always needs to be on the alert.

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Virgo woman horoscope

Virgo woman: appearance

Virgo woman - a characteristic of behavior

Intellectual, owner logical thinking and a sharp analytical mind, Virgo can be an excellent adviser to others. She is ready to help in situations where others give up. At the same time, such a woman does not try to shine in public - she is generally not inclined to stand out from total mass. Public opinion and mood are not a guide to action for her, she lives in accordance with inner convictions, does not like to pretend and be hypocritical. Communicating with her is not always easy, because she is very demanding and critical. You need to be perfection itself so that she does not express at least a couple of caustic remarks in your address. As the horoscope assures, the Virgo woman especially does not like people who have bad manners, are illiterate or use swear words, do not watch their appearance.

Zodiac sign Virgo - a woman in work and career

Work is of great, if not paramount importance for Virgo women. As a rule, in this regard, they always have clear life goals. At the same time, they tend to underestimate themselves, suffer from an inferiority complex, which prevents them from being in the positions they deserve due to their brilliant intellect and many other virtues. The Virgo woman is an excellent worker, because she is critical, including herself, hardworking, concentrated, accurate, punctual, focused on the best results. It is difficult to catch her idle, moreover, among women of this sign, real workaholics are more common than others. One can only dream of such conscientious performers as the Virgo woman.

Virgo woman in love

The mind of the Virgo in the vast majority of cases takes precedence over emotions - in any case, the representatives of the sign strive for this. It is difficult for them to reveal their feelings in front of the stronger sex, so relationships are often complicated by mutual misunderstanding. Men like Virgos for their calmness, tenderness, femininity, affection. They themselves, in turn, are often "outlandish animals" for Virgo women, which must first be carefully studied, observed, and only then let them in. Such a woman continues to remain secretive even after she is imbued with feelings for someone. A man must have a number of undeniable virtues for a woman of this zodiac sign to choose him.

Virgo woman in sex

The temperament of the Virgo woman cannot be called ardent, it is difficult for her to relax in bed, she is afraid of losing control over herself, her behavior and over everything that happens. A representative of this zodiac sign will never allow a man to cross the line of what is permitted by her, and even the most unbridled passion will not make her move this bar one iota. However, in sex, a Virgo woman can open up to her partner from an unexpected side. What is appropriate and permissible in her concept in bed, she can perform this “mandatory program” so masterfully that a man will get great pleasure and only then will he realize that there was nothing special, in fact. But if he thinks that next time he will be able to realize his bolder dreams in bed with a Virgo woman, then he is deeply mistaken.

Virgo woman in marriage

Among such women one can find many old maids, since the choice of a life partner for them is distinguished by a special duration and scrupulousness. But if the Virgin preferred someone to all other men and her own loneliness, she is able to make this person truly happy, she gives herself to him alone with her whole soul and body. She is able to flirt with men, without, however, going beyond certain limits, and quite strict, she always condemns women who cheat on their husbands. Virgo "grounds" the spouse, does not allow him to get involved in any adventure, but at the same time encourages the desire to move up the professional and social ladder. In her person, the husband finds an excellent adviser, but, at the same time, a witty critic. Her other half will not have reasons for jealousy, and it’s hard to imagine Virgo herself rolling such a scene. By nature, she is less jealous than representatives of many other signs and, moreover, secretive.

Signs of the zodiac: Virgo woman - the mistress of the house

She can be called an excellent hostess, in whose house unchanging cleanliness reigns. All things lie strictly in the places allotted to them, which is why the Virgo's dwelling sometimes gives the impression of being uninhabited. You can hardly find luxury items, beautiful trinkets in it, but even from the simplest and most ordinary items, such a woman can create a completely cozy interior. In addition, she tries to arrange the life of the family so that everything is as convenient, useful, and does not cause harm to health. Virgo women tend to treat their well-being - their own and that of their household - with special trepidation, so they try to cook not just tasty, but also healthy food. In the house of the Virgin woman, there is always a pleasant smell of cooked food, flowers, etc., and in general, her home makes an extremely favorable impression.

Characteristics of the Virgin-woman - mother

The maternal instinct of a Virgo woman is not as developed as that of representatives of many other signs. Usually it is limited to the birth of one child, less often two, it treats upbringing with extreme responsibility. The nature of the Virgo woman makes her take parental responsibilities so seriously that she experiences constant anxiety, including about reasons that parents of other zodiac signs do not tend to worry about. Virgos focus on cultivating diligence, good habits, on the intellectual What to present to the Virgo-woman

The Virgo woman will always come to court with such gifts as Appliances(including small ones), a variety of devices that facilitate housekeeping and save time, for example, a multicooker, blender, electronic notebook, etc. You can also give smaller things, but they must be useful, always stylish and of very high quality, since people of this zodiac sign cannot be denied good taste. A branded pen, an originally designed flash card, a business card holder, an elegant mirror, a handy bag, a beautiful case for a mobile phone - such offerings may not be appreciated by representatives of other signs, but not by Virgo, who pays a lot of attention to any little things. A gift for a Virgo woman should be personalized, and if there is an intention to give something for the house, you need to be sure that the thing will organically fit into the interior meticulously thought out by the hostess.

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