Why you shouldn't think badly about people. Why you can’t worry about children: how to get rid of fears for a child. Did constant complaints about her husband make at least one man better, more successful, richer

It has long been noticed that we acquire the qualities of the person we think about and, therefore, talk about. Therefore, even Western psychologists advise ...

It has long been noticed that we acquire the qualities of the person we think about and, therefore, talk about. P Therefore, even Western psychologists are advised to think and talk about successful and harmonious people. But the more selfishness and envy we have, the harder it is for us to speak well of someone. We must learn not to criticize anyone. The one who criticizes us gives us his positive karma and takes away our bad. Therefore, in the Vedas it has always been considered that it is good when we are criticized.

How does speech work with our karma? The Mahabharata says that if you have planned something, want to do something, do not tell anyone about it. Once you've said it, it's 80% less likely that it will happen, especially if you shared it with a jealous, greedy person.

Why do people who speak little and thoughtfully achieve more? They don't lose energy.

Another simple rule related to speech is that if we did something good to someone and boasted about it to others, then at that moment we lose positive karma and all the fruits of piety that we earned by this act. Braggarts achieve little. Therefore, we should never boast of our achievements, since at this moment we lose all the fruits that we have earned before.

The student approaches the master and asks:

– You advise to live with an open mind. But then the whole mind can fly away, right?
“Just keep your mouth shut.” And all will be well.

Thoughts determine speech, so it is important not to think badly of anyone. The more chaotic thoughts we have in our head, the more they appear in the language and the more chaotic speech will be. He who thinks clearly, speaks clearly.

There is another level - learn to accept criticism. One of the qualities of the mind is that it is able to justify itself in any position. The lower the level of a person, the more excuses you hear from him. Even having committed the most heinous crime, such a person, without blushing, justifies himself. One of the main indicators of a person who is on high level development, is determined by the fact that she calmly listens to criticism addressed to her.

Reasonable speech rules

Three yogis are meditating in the cave. Suddenly they hear a sound made by an animal. One yogi says - It was a goat. A year passes. Another yogi replies, “No, it was a cow. Another year passes. The third yogi says: - If you do not stop the dispute, I will leave you.

The first rule of intelligent speech is to count to 10 before you say something harsh. This may seem silly. At first, we are unlikely to be able to count to 3. But on the other hand, if you answer after a short pause, then your answer will be much more reasonable, because the first thing that comes to mind when we are criticized, scolded is the desire to justify ourselves and respond sharply in response.

Therefore, learn to think for 5-10 seconds before answering. Among other things, it will bring down an unnecessary intensity of emotions.

A person who is engaged in self-realization speaks very little and thoughtfully. The biographies of some great people say that they never immediately responded to accusations and generally tried not to say anything in anger. They postponed the conversation until another day or even until the passions calmed down. For they knew that as long as anger and irritation affect their speech, the consequences would be sad, and sometimes simply destructive.

The second rule of sensible speech is not to go to extremes. God is shown in small things, and Satan - in extremes. You should not make a vow - "I will be dumb like a fish." Especially if by your nature you are a bright extrovert, then this can only harm you. If your psychophysical nature is that you must talk a lot, then speak in such a way that you and those around you benefit from it.

Therefore, be open and benevolent, and most importantly - live consciously. It is important to remember that our level is determined by small, insignificant actions - how we reacted to rudeness in the store, what emotions begin to overwhelm us when we are “undeservedly” criticized, etc.

Three levels of speech

A person on a high spiritual level, in goodness, who is told something bad about someone, or he saw or heard something defiling, can even become physically ill. He may have the feeling that he was doused with mud. Such a person always speaks the truth in pleasant words. Consciously says every word, and every word brings harmony to this world. There is a lot of harmless humor in the speech, often at oneself. Such people are almost always healthy and happy.

Passionate people are very sensitive to criticism, they can talk for hours about topics related to sex, money, economic prosperity, politics, shopping, talk about themselves well, discuss someone sarcastically, etc. They usually speak quickly. Humor is usually vulgar, associated with sex. Usually, at the beginning of the conversation, they feel great satisfaction and upliftment, but after such conversations - devastation and disgust. And the higher the level of consciousness, the stronger this feeling. This style of speech leads to degradation at all levels.

Those who are in ignorance are distinguished by the fact that their speech is full of insults, claims, condemnations, threats, obscene words, etc. All words are saturated with anger and hatred. When such a person opens his mouth, a feeling is created that an unpleasant smell fills the room. Therefore, if you say something good about someone to such a person, he can get sick. Such people, as a rule, themselves consciously or unconsciously provoke others, trying to arouse in them the energy of anger, irritation, resentment, envy, because they are tuned to this wave and feed on these lower destructive emotions. Their humor is "black", full of bullying and joy in someone else's grief. They are delusional from start to finish. The Universe treats such people with heavy blows of fate and diseases. They quickly develop mental illness. You can’t even be close to them, let alone communicate.

It is usually rare to find a person who is constantly on only one level. Mixed types are more common, or the type of person can change quite quickly.

It depends a lot on:

1) The society that we choose - at work, leisure. For example, starting to communicate with a passionate person, we may find in a few minutes that we are actively involved in a discussion of politicians. Although 10 minutes ago we did not care about them.

2 places. For example, in casinos, nightclubs, near beer stalls, drug dens. Discussing spiritual topics is hard to imagine. If a place is saturated with passion and ignorance, then the speech sounding there will be appropriate.

3) Time. For example, from 21:00 to 02:00 is the time of ignorance, so at this time you want to go to an ignorant place, watch an ignorant film, talk about ignorant, at best, passionate topics. Morning is wiser than evening folk wisdom. It has long been noticed that what you talked about in the evening and, especially if you made some decisions, you regret it in the morning or at least see it in a different light.

Therefore following simple rule- never make decisions in the evening, and generally speak as little as possible at this time - this will make our life much happier and save us from many problems and misfortunes. It is no coincidence that in nature everything is sleeping at this time. Have you ever heard the birds singing at this time?

At the end of the week, you can conduct a test - which speech dominated during the week.

  • If in goodness, then it will be easy to notice how harmony and happiness enter our lives.
  • If in passion and especially in ignorance, then the natural result will be illness, depression and unhappiness.

An important rule is to get rid of claims. The first step to love is gratitude. In this world, few people thank anyone. Basically, everyone makes claims - either implicitly or explicitly. But it is important to remember that if we do not thank someone, then we begin to criticize, make claims, without always even realizing it. Service is not only physical assistance, first of all, it means - to help a person to develop the consciousness of God, to give his love, to bring a person closer to the Divine.

Everything that we do without love brings only misfortune and destruction, no matter how noble it looks on the outside. Teachers teach that every second we are either getting closer to God or moving away from Him. Every situation is a lesson. And we need to thank God for every situation sent to us. The Almighty is the All-good and every second He wants only good for us. Every second is devoted to our learning. As soon as we have claims, our heart center is blocked.

The most frequent claims are against fate, against others, dissatisfaction with oneself and the world. Claims are manifested not only in words, but, first of all, in thoughts, tone, communication style and attitude to life.

Each situation is given to us so that we work on ourselves:

The less harmonious we are, the more tense, the more severe lessons we will receive.

But as soon as we have an acceptance of the situation, relaxation occurs and, therefore, this situation will be quickly resolved.

Ayurveda says that you cannot get rid of the disease if you do not take it. This is the first step towards healing and solving any problem - full acceptance inside, as the grace of God, of this illness and misfortune, and on the external plane, you need to make every effort to resolve it. If we do not accept the situation, then more than 90% of our energy will go to "chewing" it. Our body can cope with any disease. We can also handle any situation and emerge victorious from it. If we are given some kind of test, then we can endure it. God does not give trials beyond our strength. Instead of complaining, we should get used to thanking everyone. Claims are the first step to illness and misfortune. You have to keep track of how much gratitude you have and how many complaints you have about others. You will find that we often have more complaints than thanks. Claims come from the mind and false ego.

Any of our claims are of a destructive nature, they take away our energy and close our heart. True humility is expressed in the fact that we accept any situation. Many understand humility as something ostentatious: hit on one cheek - turn the other. It concerns internal state. We accept any gift of fate, whatever it may be.

It is desirable to repeat as often as possible in the mind or even better out loud: "For everything - the love of God." People who repeated this phrase changed their facial expressions, they became softer, the clamps in the body disappeared, and in general they became happier and healthier. Try it, it works! If our subconsciousness is tuned to perception, vision of the Higher Will in everything - this will quickly lead us to perfection.

    It seemed so unrealistic and strange to modern parents that the publication quickly became viral and attracted the attention of a wide variety of media - from child-parents to socio-political ones.
    So, here is what is said in this instruction to the child:
    6:00 am: Feed, change diapers, hold, put in the cradle
    9:00 a.m.: Give water, undress and put in a cradle, organize a daily sunbath if it's summer
    9:30 am: Redeem
    10:00 am: Feed, hold, put out the door to sleep
    Approximately 13:00: Give water, leave to play, organize daily sunbathing if it is winter outside
    2:00 pm: Feed, hold, walk and show motherly care
    4:00 pm: Give orange juice
    17:30: Redeem
    6:00 pm: Feed, hold, crib (lights off, doors closed, windows open, no pacifiers)
    10:00 pm or 11:00 pm: Feed in the dark, change diapers, put in a crib and leave to sleep until 6 am.
    End! Really cool? Where did they get these kids?
    Users of the Mum's Grapevine Facebook group staged a rather heated discussion under the publication of this schedule. Many parents expressed the opinion that "we, it turns out, are doing everything wrong." Others wondered what it meant to "hold" at all.

    "What is meant? Hold on outstretched arms? ”, - suggested one of the participants in the discussion. Someone explained that, most likely, they mean disembarkation so that the child relieves himself, and the mother does not have to change diapers or diapers often - as you can see, the instructions only suggest doing this twice, while it is suggested to hold it four times!
    The post went viral on other social networks, where it continues to gain likes and be discussed.

    This project- new and unique for our country - is being implemented in kindergarten No. 6 in the city of Orhei. As noted by the ex-mayor of Orhei Ilan Shor, who once took the initiative to modernize all preschool institutions in the municipality, this kindergarten not repaired for over 30 years. According to him, the repair of kindergartens is only part of the modernization program for preschool institutions.
    “We have introduced a catering system. I want children who attend kindergartens, along with healthy eating received good knowledge. Therefore, we have decided to pay a salary increase of 1,000 lei to each employee of preschool institutions,” said Ilan Shor.
    Local authorities reported that a sanatorium-type kindergarten with special educational requirements would be attended by children with health problems, in particular with respiratory problems. At the same time, children who attended this kindergarten before the repair will be able to return here after it is put into operation. Salt rooms, swimming pools, a sports hall will operate in the renovated kindergarten, and qualified specialists will work in it.
    The new kindergarten will have six groups for more than 120 children.
    Recall that at the end of last year, kindergarten No. 5 was put into operation in Orhei after a major modernization, which also became unique in the country. The facility has been overhauled and modernized in record time, and children are now in the most best conditions. Even the sidewalk adjacent to the garden is heated, which makes it safer and does not allow ice to form in winter time of the year.
    In total, there are seven kindergartens in Orhei. Currently, work is underway to reconstruct kindergarten No. 2.

    We are always ready to laugh heartily, and at the same time reflect on life situations, so we publish a story about a teenager’s date in order to properly recharge with positive.

    Masha is 18. She has a date. She put on her tightest pants.
    - What is this? I asked. - We have two great-grandfathers - priests, one academician and one gypsy. Where does this craving for vice and naked buttocks come from? And where did you get the boobs? You will be taken for a woman who wants love!
    I suggested dressing simply and effectively: a knee-length sweater, ski pants. He told the rules of dating for women:
    1. The first kiss is not before the engagement.
    2. Do not enter the entrances.
    3. Nietzsche is not to be discussed.
    4. Home no later than seven.
    And it's also lucky that I'm a father who doesn't give a damn. If I was a hysterical mother, the rules would be much stricter.

    I once had a veil of innocence on me. But one day I saw off Yulia, and an unknown force pulled me into the entrance and kissed me there to bruises.
    Men don't like kissing for more than four hours. They begin to mess around, ask to sit down, get distracted. I will forever remember all the cracks in this entrance and how differently its radiators gurgled.
    Julia invited her to her second date. As a well-mannered guest, I brought a gift - the book "Kama Sutra". He gave it, and he sat down at his feet - he began to watch Yulia read. She read all three hundred pages. And nothing in her face has changed. She said: "Well, that's it, I read it." For a while we sat in silence. Then I offered to go out to the entrance to kiss. Then her grandmother came to her, our time was up.
    For the third time I came to talk about Friedrich Nietzsche. He began with a quote: “He wants two things a real man: dangers and games. And therefore he is looking for a woman - as the most dangerous toy.
    And here's your superiority German technician over Indian: not a minute passed, Julia sucked my tongue into herself. Yes, with such force that my other organs made a cork in the throat area.
    - This is how the real one is done French Kiss! - Julia said, playfully pushing me away. For the next four hours, we sucked each other's tongues out of each other with some even fury. The smack shook the neighborhood. And then it turned out that Yulia smokes, and we broke up.

    I described all this in detail to Masha as an example of unnecessary youthful fervor. At the same time he explained that it is necessary to kiss without saliva, in short bursts, slightly attracting and at the same time repelling the victim. Lips should be a little tense, it is better to train on a tomato. Here is a tomato, take it, I give it.
    Masha answered: “Love your neighbor” - this means “Leave your neighbor alone!”.
    And she left. Judging by the quote, they have already passed Nietzsche.
    I peered through the curtain. The gentleman has a scarf, hat, gloves, pretending to be decent, lulls vigilance. Formally went to walk the dog. In peacetime, our dog walks in an anti-submarine zigzag, spraying the world with a pipette. Immediately she was dragged like a jar for a wedding car. She fought against the trees - no one cares. So interesting conversation started right away.
    The lovers walked for fourteen hours. When the dog returned, he drank his bowl and both toilet bowls. And for two days, at the word “walk”, she ran under the bed and lamented about something. And I understand her perfectly. A side view of mature feelings will make anyone neurotic.

    In order to fully collect the child to a new academic year you need a lot of things: school and sports uniforms, shoes, backpacks, a large number of and a variety of office supplies. But before you go for school uniforms and shoes, you need to figure out how to choose what is really useful, and what you can do without. What you need to pay attention to when buying a school uniform, clothes for school and shoes for school, and how to choose them correctly.
    First you need to make a list of what you need to buy. So for sure nothing will be forgotten, and the child will be fully assembled by the new school year. In addition, when choosing school supplies and school clothes, first of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of things, since poor quality always poses a threat to health and in some cases is not at all safe.
    But now let's talk in more detail about how to choose the right one. school uniform and shoes for a child in 2019.
    Choosing clothes for school
    Most schools these days have strict rules regarding school uniforms, the wearing of school uniforms was compulsory. But there were also schools where there were no strict requirements for school uniforms, the main thing is that children should be dressed according to the school dress code.
    Regardless of which school you yourself studied in, you should know that from this year, by the Decree of the President, school uniforms in schools have been canceled. That is, they do not have the right to force you to buy uniforms of a single sample. Although, we think that in many schools this issue remains open due to school regulations, where the form is still spelled out. Either way, it's almost certain that your child will need to follow a dress code. Therefore, conditionally, we will call it "school uniform".
    The school uniform must be:
    - good quality;
    - comfortable;
    - do not cause discomfort while wearing;
    - do not restrict the movements of the child.
    Tight clothes worn by children may well provoke infertility in the future, and clothes that are several sizes larger look untidy. School uniform must match real size that the child wears, in addition, it helps to develop good posture and teaches discipline and accuracy.
    It is better to choose a school uniform from natural fabrics. Such clothes are easy to care for and comfortable to wear, they are hygroscopic and breathable. It is better to choose school clothes made of linen, cotton, viscose, wool. The percentage of synthetics in the fabric from which the school uniform or clothes are sewn should not exceed 50%, and the lining (if any) should be made of natural fabrics. For winter great option there will be school clothes made of wool or cashmere, and in the warm season of cotton and linen.

    How to choose a school uniform for boys? The standard set of school clothes for boys includes a suit consisting of a jacket and trousers, a cotton shirt, including short sleeves for the warm season. On winter period A boy's school wardrobe should include T-shirts, a pair of turtlenecks and wool sweaters.
    How to choose a school uniform for girls? For girls, school clothes are, as a rule, dresses, sundresses, skirts in dark colors, as well as turtlenecks, jackets and jumpers in plain dark shades and woolen fabrics. In addition, having a variety of school wardrobe, all things can be combined with each other. Does your daughter love pants? No problem! No one has the right to force girls to go to school exclusively in skirts and dresses.
    It is also important to choose the right tracksuit for physical education. It should be of the appropriate size, not restrict movement in the classroom, be of good quality and comfortable to wear. Usually, at the parent-teacher meeting before school, the physical education teacher explains to parents which sports uniform is best for classes.
    How to choose shoes for a child to school
    The choice of shoes for a student is no less important than the choice of clothes. For school, you will need seasonal shoes, a pair of changeable shoes to wear directly at school during classes, and sports shoes for physical education lessons.
    The best option for school shoes is genuine leather shoes. If there is none, then it is necessary that the interior of the shoe be made of natural materials. In such shoes, the child's foot will not sweat, as in shoes made of artificial materials. As a result of the fact that the foot sweats in bad shoes, moisture accumulates inside, this leads to the appearance of diaper rash and even fungal diseases. And in winter, the child's feet will freeze in such shoes. The quality of school shoes should also be as high as possible. Shoes should be durable, well stitched or glued, and such shoes should not be heavy.
    Many parents are wondering what is better to choose - shoes with zippers, Velcro or lace-ups? Shoes with zippers or laces provide the best fit for the foot. Such shoes are able to protect the child's legs from injuries such as dislocations and bruises, because the risk that the load on the ankle joint will be distributed incorrectly is reduced.

    The most comfortable shoes for children primary school there will be Velcro shoes, as this creates certain conveniences for the child in the process of changing shoes on his own. When buying shoes with Velcro, you need to check its quality by fastening and unfastening the Velcro several times. The integrity of that part of the Velcro, on which the loops are located, should not change.
    When choosing school shoes, you need to consider that you should not buy shoes with narrow toes for growth, as this can provoke foot deformity. The ideal option shoes for a schoolchild will be shoes that have moderately hard backs that will not allow the feet to turn out and soft edges of the shoes that should not rub the child's foot. The sole of the shoe should provide a natural roll of the foot while walking, therefore, the sole of school shoes should not be too hard. In shoes with a hard sole, the legs will quickly get tired, and an excessive load will be placed on the spine. The sole must have a tread and must not be slippery.
    Incorrectly selected shoes produce an incorrect gait and, as a result, the development of flat feet. Because of this, posture is disturbed and the spine is bent, which in the future causes other serious problems with health. For the prevention of flat feet, it is recommended to purchase shoes with good arch supports, however arch supports are contraindicated if a child has been diagnosed with clubfoot.
    Schoolchildren of elementary grades are allowed to have a heel no more than 2 centimeters high, in high school - no more than 3 centimeters.
    The size of shoes for school plays a huge role. Schoolchildren's shoes should not be tight, small or with a large margin, for growth. In tight shoes, the foot is compressed, and while moving and walking, the child's leg should feel free and comfortable. In addition, children spend most of their time on the move. And in those shoes that are too big for the child, he is not comfortable, in such shoes the leg is too loose and the child can be injured during outdoor games. Optimal time trying on and buying shoes - in the evening, because after walking for the whole day, the child's leg slightly increases, swells. Do not forget that when trying on shoes with socks, it is easy to make a mistake with the size, since thick socks take up half the size, and thin socks 1/4. In any case, it is always better to buy shoes together with the child, as he will be able to put them on and tell whether they are comfortable in this pair of shoes or not. Shoes for school should be liked by the student himself.
    When choosing shoes for school, you need to consider whether the last of a particular pair of shoes is suitable or not. For example, shoes made in China or Korea have a much narrower last than shoes made in Ukraine or Belarus. Shoes with a narrow last, bought for growth, can still be tight and rub the child's foot while wearing.
    Outdoor shoes for school
    The thickness of the sole of the shoes that the child wears on the street on the way to school should be at least 1 centimeter, as a thick sole will protect the foot from injury if the child steps on a sharp object. In addition, in the cold season, a thick sole protects the child's feet from the cold emanating from the ground.
    Replaceable shoes for a child to school
    Replaceable shoes for a student must be chosen especially carefully, since the child is in it most of days in indoors. It should be comfortable and of high quality, so any shoes as a replacement will not work. You can’t use Czech shoes or slippers as replaceable school shoes, as they have a flat sole, for this reason, while wearing, there is an uneven load on the child’s spine and skeleton, which can ruin posture, gait and even have an undesirable effect on internal organs schoolboy.
    When a child goes to kindergarten, very often parents buy sandals as replacement shoes, and this is a reasonable choice, since the child is indoors all day, and sandals are open shoes and the foot does not sweat in them. The foot in such shoes is well fixed. A student can buy sandals as replacement shoes, but only models with a closed toe, since in winter the child's feet can freeze in open sandals, even if there are no problems with heating at school.
    Sneakers can only be suitable as replacement shoes if they are made of natural materials, or mesh, so that the foot can breathe. Such sneakers should have an insole that follows the shape of the foot and a tight heel counter.
    The best option for interchangeable shoes are shoes. And here are the reasons.
    - For the growing body of the child, the correct position of the spine and good right job muscles, and for this it is necessary that the weight of the body is evenly distributed over the entire foot. This can be achieved by buying low-heeled shoes for a student as a change of shoes.
    - In shoes made of natural materials, the child's foot will not sweat and freeze. You can pick up a pair of shoes made of leather or textile material, and the interior trim and insole should not be made of synthetic materials. If the sole of the interchangeable shoes turned out to be slippery, then in order for the child not to be injured in case of a fall on the slippery floor during active games at breaks, it is necessary to stick thin rubber on the sole.
    - When choosing shoes, you need to pay attention to the color of the sole. Very often, a dark sole leaves dark spots on the floor that are difficult to wash off. Therefore, in some schools, the administration recommends that schoolchildren buy replaceable shoes with light soles.
    - Shoes look the best and go well with the school uniform.
    How to choose shoes for physical education at school

    The choice of sports shoes for a student should be no less careful than the choice of replacement shoes. Physical education shoes should be of high quality, durable, with a tight heel and an insole that follows the shape of the foot. But sports shoes, as a rule, are made of synthetic materials, so when choosing them, you need to pay attention to the fact that they must be well ventilated and it is best to buy sports shoes in specialized sports stores.
    You should not buy sports shoes for a child for growth, since even a size larger than the foot is not fixed in shoes and this increases the risk of injury during physical education.
    Summing up the main recommendations for choosing shoes and clothes for a child school age, we remind you that the main thing to consider is that this is done for your child, for his comfort, successful study and, of course, for health.
    Photo: depositphotos

    Father Raised Castrate Singer From Michael Jackson

    In the old days, boy singers were castrated to keep their high and sonorous voice. This custom lasted the longest in Italy, but even there such barbarism was banned from the middle of the 19th century. However, Joe Jackson, Michael's father, so fanatically wanted to make money on his children that he was ready for anything. During puberty, the father gave the future king of pop hormone injections under the pretext that it was a cure for acne.
    From the age of 12, Michael Jackson was given hormonal injections, which led to chemical castration.
    Michael's voice remained high. And chemical castration is far from all that the despot father was capable of. The beatings replaced the children's morning exercises, and so that they would not be embarrassed on stage, the father forced them to strip naked.

    Michael and La Toya Jackson in their teenage years.
    Michael's sister, La Toya Jackson, claimed that her father raped her. Due to childhood trauma, she and her brother long years suffered from neurosis and could not live a full life. Michael Jackson did not accept his body, did plastic surgery, slept in a pressure chamber. No wonder he didn't leave his father a cent in his will.
    The father of pianist Polina Osetinskaya raped teenage girls with her daughter

    The well-known screenwriter Oleg Osetinsky said that he had developed the “double stress = antistress” technique, which made it possible to make geeks out of ordinary children. But most of all, this technique resembled the behavior of a sadistic psychopath.
    The pianist-wunderkind Polina Osetinskaya suffered in her childhood from her father, who from an early age beat her, intimidated and starved her.
    There is a known case: the father threw his daughter's head on the bench and, when she bled from her ear, he simply left. Strangers helped the girl and called an ambulance. In addition to assault and rehearsals until you drop, the despot father's methodology included hunger strikes and intimidation. Polina was considered a musical prodigy in the Union, traveled all over the country thanks to her father's active promotion and gained immense popularity.
    According to Polina's memoirs, the parents of promising children asked Osetinsky to work with their offspring. He took only teenage girls. The conditions included cohabitation. Not embarrassed by his daughter, the teacher raped children in her presence.

    The father tried to sue Polina for her book about childhood.
    Only at the age of 13, Polina was able to escape from her father's care and move in with her mother. Now Ossetian - famous performer. In 2007, she released her memoir Goodbye, Sadness!, and in an interview she mentions that the book has not yet included many things worse than those described.
    Britney Campbell's mother injected 8-year-old daughter with Botox
    Britney Campbell has participated in many children's beauty pageants. In order for the girl to win, her mother injected her with Botox and did hair removal. When the social services took the child away for the duration of the trial, the mother stated that she had done nothing wrong, and so do all the parents of the girl contestants.

    Britney on the TV show Good morning, America".
    Among the reasons that forced her to carry out painful manipulations with a child, Campbell Sr. called the fear that otherwise other children would call her daughter ugly. She also stated that Britney was worried about her wrinkles.
    Bullying for YouTube

    Mike and Heather Martin are popular bloggers on YouTube. Their channel, called DaddyOFive, had over 800,000 subscribers and brought the family $20,000 a month. The channel was made popular by videos in which the father and stepmother played cruel pranks and even beat the children.
    Mike and Heather Martin made a lot of money on the emotions of their children, but in the end they lost their parental rights.
    Many opposed such treatment of children and expressed outrage at the video in which minors are regularly driven to tantrums. The cup of patience was filled with a video published in the spring of 2017, in which the boy Cody's nose was broken.

    For the sake of likes and views, children were regularly brought to tears.
    native mother Cody and his sister Emmy started a lawsuit against their ex-husband and his current wife. Defending themselves, bloggers tried to prove that the videos were staged, but this trick failed. Now the children live with their biological mother, fortunately they have psychologically recovered and become cheerful and cheerful again.

In the East they say: "The worst enemies of a person would not wish him those troubles that his own thoughts can bring him."

One of the most famous healers of antiquity, Avicenna, said: "A doctor has three means in the fight against a disease - a word, a plant, a knife."

Pay attention - the word comes first.

In one of the Parisian hospitals, the young psychologist Emily Kyi, at her own peril and risk, referring to the head physician, made it her patients' responsibility to repeat out loud or mentally 10 times 10 times the phrase "Every day I feel better and better." And repeat it not mechanically, but as brightly as possible.

And what do you think? A month later, the patients of this doctor became the main source of conversation for the medical staff of the hospital, and then for the whole of France.

Surprisingly, but true: seriously ill patients recovered within a month, in some patients the need for surgical intervention even disappeared.

That is, the conjecture of the great scientist of antiquity Paracelsus, who claimed that faith creates miracles, was confirmed.

Our health is a direct consequence of human thinking.

No one doubts that there is a direct connection between the mental and physical state of people.

“The best protection against all diseases, against any infection, is a firm belief in own health and positive emotions, - says Andrey Metelsky, a psychotherapist with more than twenty years of experience. - Negative thoughts destroy. For example, anger causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Resentment eventually leads to diseases of the liver, pancreas, cholecystitis.

One of the most important psychological laws says: the verbal expression of love, sympathy and admiration strengthens vital energy to whom it is addressed. And evil and unkind words reduce the energy of the listener.

The total number of diseases associated with bad thoughts continues to rise steadily.

To resist them, you must follow the advice of the ancient sages - enjoy life, no matter how hard it is!

So, the health, life and destiny of a person directly depend on his thoughts.

Think good, expect good.

If you think bad, you will get bad.

What we constantly think about develops into the belief that it should or can happen. And this faith gives birth to an event...

That is why with today We begin to think only about the good, hope only for the best.

And yet, never worry about trifles!

Let's take into service the two golden rules of the American cardiologist Robert Eliot, a recognized specialist in the prevention of heart attacks and heart failure.

Rule One: do not be upset over trifles.

Rule Two: all nonsense.

If you tell (to yourself and others) that your husband is a goat, he will eventually turn into one! In a figurative sense. It's amazing, but it's true! Law of the Universe! And you can't cancel it.

Women have amazing power to turn words and thoughts into reality. As you say, so be it. Say "He can't be trusted" and he will betray your trust. You will say "He is not capable of anything," and all his efforts will go down the drain.

Have constant complaints about her husband made at least one man better, more successful, richer?

Women often think like this: “Let my husband change - and everything in life will get better: love and the old spark will return, and the relationship will become stronger. In the meantime, he does not earn enough money - no affection and warmth.

This is a very naive idea of ​​life - to think that if a man changes, a woman will immediately become happy. Why shouldn't each of us start with ourselves first?

After all, while you obsess over the shortcomings of another person, your own shortcomings will not disappear anywhere.

As they say: in someone else's eye you notice a straw, but in your own you do not see a log. Of course, it's harder to admit your own shortcomings. It is much easier to look at your neighbor, to complain to your girlfriends about your husband for many - in the order of things. I am good, he is bad.

To condemn someone (including a husband) means to rise above him, to put yourself on an unattainable pedestal. This is done by people who lack attention, universal approval and recognition of others.

Women often criticize their husbands when they are under stress.

They feel bad, they are tired of everything - children, work, life. After all, someone needs to throw out all the negativity? Getting rid of him with the help of sports is not an option, but washing the bones of your husband is the very thing.

Why else do women discuss their husbands? To pity them! By such behavior they show their weakness: they do not have an inner core, they are filled with a feeling of powerlessness. Therefore, they seek support in others.

Another answer to this question: a woman accuses her husband of all sins in order to shield and justify herself, as well as enlist the support of her girlfriends, mothers, etc.

Complaining about her husband, a woman seems to take revenge on him because he is not rich enough, successful, handsome. “You are bad - so let nothing work out for you!”. Such thoughts aggravate the situation even more - a man does not receive the necessary energy and becomes an even bigger loser.

What are the eternal complaints about her husband?

  1. You stop respecting him, move away from him in your thoughts, he loses your energy support, everything falls out of his hands, his business burns out, he drowns grief in alcohol, and you are once again convinced that you were right about him.
  2. Every person has flaws. Nobody is perfect. Stop criticizing. At first you think badly about your husband, then you express your thoughts out loud to your mother and girlfriends - and as a result, you convince yourself that you are right even more.
  3. Such behavior has a bad effect on the nervous system, poisons the soul, makes the heart rough and insensitive.
  4. Negative thoughts take a huge amount of energy that your family needs so much. After all, only you can inspire your husband to new achievements and achievements. Bad thoughts about her husband are programming him to fail.
  5. A woman who does not respect her husband harms her children. Believe me, they feel everything, even if you do not discuss family troubles with them. The reaction of children to your disrespect can be different:

Blaming your husband, you subconsciously provoke him to "bad" behavior. You don't really need to change it. Then who will you blame?

  • they begin to study poorly - this is one of the forms of protest;
  • they become naughty, rude, associate with bad companies;
  • they early get acquainted with bad habits;
  • all their relationships will fail.

6. A man on a subconscious level reads your negative thoughts, he understands that he has disappointed you, that you are not on the same path with him, that you have stopped loving him. He lies down on the couch and begins to take revenge on you. The circle closes.

How does complaining about your husband, expressed out loud, affect you?

  1. Discussing your husband with your mother, you seem to turn into a child again, in a sense, you betray the man whom you yourself have chosen as your husband. Of course your mother will take pity on you. How else! And she will no longer respect her son-in-law, he will lose authority in her eyes. You need it?
  2. You complained to your friend about your husband, she, in turn, retold your conversation to others, and away we go. Believe me - you, like your husband, will not be presented in the best light. You need it?
  3. When a woman speaks badly of her husband, her feeling dignity soars to the skies, as if she separates herself from the hated loser. At this moment everything collapses family bonds, you become roommates. Consider that the marriage has come to an end.

What to do?

  1. Stop thinking badly and talking about your husband. Even unvoiced thoughts affect reality. It is not enough just to stop complaining about your husband, you need to stop thinking about him as a loser. Otherwise, no change will occur.
  2. Give up the dream of ideal partner. No ideal people- deal with it. Start with yourself first. If you can’t come to terms with the situation, change your attitude towards it: your husband probably has a lot of virtues that you forgot about.
  3. Accept your husband for who he is. Men do not change - this is not part of their task. They cannot be sculpted like plasticine. This woman must adapt and change. Flexibility and softness are its main advantages.
  4. Never discuss your husband with anyone. Your assessment of the situation will still be biased and one-sided, so you will receive obviously incorrect advice. Then why ask him?
  5. If you think badly about a man, then there are things in your life that you prefer to turn a blind eye to. Everything you see in others is in you. The first step to change is to take a look at yourself.

Follow your thoughts. If you began to pay attention to the shortcomings of your husband, then something is going wrong in your life.

Perhaps you are trying to shift the responsibility for your misfortune to him. Finally grow up! The husband is not to blame for your lack of fulfillment and disorder.

  1. Stop playing the victim. You are an adult, it does not suit you.
  2. Learn to respect your husband, and other people will begin to respect him. Begin to feel his importance, and this will give him confidence and strength. Thanks to your praise, wings will grow in him, luck will return to him, everything will work out for him as it should.

A man cannot produce happiness, he can only get it from a loving and caring woman who recognizes his merits and virtues.

Do you agree with the above arguments? How often do you complain about your husband? What pushes you to do it?

The success of a man depends at least 50% on a woman. After all, "success depends not only on you, but also on who is next to you." The strength of a woman is that she acts subtly, it is impossible to unravel anything.

The success of a man depends at least 50% on a woman. After all, "success depends not only on you, but also on who is next to you."
The strength of a woman is that she acts subtly, it is impossible to unravel anything. But if a woman does not love herself, considers herself a nobody, then a man next to her cannot achieve anything.
Or on the other hand, when a woman thinks: “Very good. I need such a man. This is my person, ”he immediately changes, begins to bloom.”

  • he's a loser
  • he can not be trusted, he is not capable of anything,
  • he won't be able to do anything
  • I deserve better
  • he must change
  • he has many shortcomings.

This list can be endless if you don't stop in time. We constantly share this list with our girlfriends, with our mother, and if we don’t share, we scroll constantly in our head.

Why are we doing this?

It seems to us that we can change it, and then our life will immediately change, and we will become kind, loving, gentle. Just let him first stop playing the computer, start earning as much as I want, invite me somewhere, give me something. Let it change.

We expect changes from a man only because we are stuck in childhood and do not want to look at ourselves and our lives. It is a very naive dream to think that if a man corrects his shortcomings, I will become happy. Focusing on the shortcomings of another person allows you to sit and not solve your own problems.

Discussing another, we do not look at ourselves. It is harder and more painful to look at your shortcomings and problems, and if you are honest with yourself, then they will have to be corrected. It is much easier to correct the shortcomings of the husband, and how sweet it is to complain about him to others and get the approval of others. I am good, he is bad.

By judging our husband, we rise above him, we consider ourselves better and smarter. We don't know how else to earn attention. We lack our own recognition. As we rise, we thus receive approval.

We know that it is not necessary to criticize and say bad words to your husband, we are taught this from all the pages of the Internet and magazines, that he will leave, find a mistress. When we feel bad, and cats scratch our souls, we think about it last. We need to vent the negativity. We cannot keep it in our souls and are looking for someone to pour it on.

We complain and discuss our husband, because we want to be pitied, supported, we do not feel adult strength in ourselves, we have nothing to rely on inside. We do not know what to do with the feeling of powerlessness. We don't know how to change our lives on our own. We go to "lean" on others, in the hope that they will change our lives. Very naive and childish ideas, isn't it?

If we complain about our husband to our friends or our mother, we are trying to defend ourselves and enlist their support. This is such a childish self-deception.
Telling him or about him that he is so bad, we subconsciously want to take revenge on him for not making us happy. Thus, internally we block the flow of energy to the husband and do not support him. “You are bad - so let nothing work out for you!”. And when he really does not succeed, we get even more angry and offended by him. And we get into a vicious circle.

What does this lead to?

When a woman speaks or thinks badly about a man, she does not respect him, she moves away from him in her thoughts, she does not support him energetically. Everything goes wrong for him, things don't work out, he doesn't make money, he buys relaxing drinks, and naturally we are even more convinced that we are right that he is not worthy of respect. We are entering a vicious circle. The man is powerless in this situation to change anything.

If you do not stop, then there is always something to criticize. This is a vicious practice - we think badly, speak badly to our friends, mother, and even more convince ourselves that we are right, thereby destroying not only relationships, but also ourselves. It's shattering nervous system, coarsens the female heart, we poison our soul, pollute our body with negativity and evil. And still at the same time we store and transfer it further.

Negative thoughts take a huge amount of energy. Women's participation, women's energy, women's approval for a man is the fuel for all accomplishments and achievements. When a woman thinks badly of her husband, he has no chance of succeeding and being good for you.

Women, not respecting their husband, show this to their children. Now remember and answer the question:
Did your mom respect your dad? How did you get it? Just felt. Children do not need to be explained and told anything, they always know this, and if you do not respect your husband: children do not study well, they thus protest; they do not obey you, they are rude, rude; do the opposite, get involved with bad companies, start learning bad habits; they cannot create relationships in the future.

Disrespect for a husband has a high price.

When discussing your husband with others, you will receive a lot of advice: that “he is not a match for you,” that “you need to get a divorce.” After all, in these discussions you are not listening to yourself and not your heart. You listen to strangers.

When you discuss your husband with your mother, you thereby maintain a strong invisible connection with her, you remain a child. You go against your husband, uniting with your mother, you betray him in a sense. Mom will always take pity on her child and scold the offender. But what will it give you? The fact that your mother will no longer respect your husband. And then you will have to restore before her his authority and his status. Be honest - if he's bad, get away from him and live with your mom.

You will share with a friend in the hope of getting support and approval, and these details will go further from mouth to mouth, they will say about you there, and away we go. Your name will not remain good either. Is it worth it? Or do you naively assume that a friend is silent, like a partisan?

When you talk bad about your husband, you think you are better. You cultivate your pride. When a woman speaks badly about her husband, she breaks the invisible connection and begins to live her own separate life. There is no family at this time. The husband begins to live his own life. You feel it and begin to insure yourself and prepare a way out. And then a dumb question? Why didn't the relationship work out? And we became roommates?

Blaming the husband, we subconsciously provoke him to "bad" behavior. We don't need it to change. Then who are we going to blame?

A man reads any bad thoughts about himself, he understands that he is no longer a dream man for you, that he no longer means anything to you, and you have fallen out of love with him, he lies down on the sofa and begins to take revenge on you. We re-enter vicious circle. On the couch, he hears a lot more about himself that he did not know, and we hope to rouse him to exploits.

It is important to stop not only talking badly about your husband, but also stop thinking badly about him. Even if we do not speak our thoughts out loud, they still affect reality, just like words. All the activity of a woman inside, in her thoughts, is her strength. Even if you stop complaining about your husband, but continue to think of him as a loser, there will be no change, everything will remain as before. This is what I always overlooked.

Give up the dream of an ideal partner. This dream sits so deep in us that it is not at all easy to give it up. But in order to move on, you will have to, no matter how difficult and sad it is. You will have to start with yourself. Somehow, this is how life works. You can fight for a long time over the changes of another, but once you let go of this idea a little, your mood improves, and the world starts to change like magic.

The desire for an ideal is always a subconscious desire to get an ideal parent. This desire makes you stand still and wait for "weather by the sea." Do you think it will appear perfect man? Give up expectations of what a partner should be, what he should do, how much to earn. These expectations bring nothing but pain and disappointment.

When you stop talking bad about a man, you give up the idea of ​​changing him. So you accept him the way he is. You must understand that it is not the man's job to change. A man is not plasticine. This woman needs to change. It is she who must develop in herself such qualities as flexibility and softness.

Never discuss your husband's girlfriends, they see the situation only through your eyes, proceed only from "your interests." They are unable to see the true picture and give right advice. Their advice is obviously wrong. Then why ask for advice?

Remember, a woman discussing her husband with her friends is a child. Instead of directing female energy to her husband and talking to him, she “pours” it onto her friend.

If you think badly of a man, this should be a signal that there is something in you and in your life that you do not want to look at.

“Everything that we notice in another is in us. What we have inside, we see outside. Everything that, when looking at another, RESPONSES TO OUR FEELINGS, is present in our energy. The first step to change is to look at yourself.” Maria Rakitina.

Start tracking your thoughts. As soon as you start thinking badly about your husband, it means that you feel bad, you allowed some negative thoughts to penetrate you and therefore you want to shift the responsibility for your misfortune to him. Celebrate these moments and, with an effort of will, stop indulging yourself in shifting responsibility. How old are you? It's time to grow up.

Stop being a victim.

Learn to respect your man, he will begin to broadcast it to the outside world, other people will begin to respect him. Begin to feel his importance, this will give him confidence and strength. The question of his success will be a matter of time. When a woman sees male dignity- this creates a man, wings grow in him, luck comes to him, everything works out for him. He will never lie on the couch.

A man cannot produce happiness, he can only get it from a woman, from her love, respect, recognition of his merits and merits.

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