Farewell words to my beloved teacher. Artistic word about the teacher. Words of gratitude to the primary school teacher from the student

Words of gratitude to the students from the teacher

It is not only students who thank their teachers for the years they have spent teaching them with them. But teachers also say their words of gratitude to the students. Such words can be said at the last call or graduation party. After all, these two events are the most important in the life of students, and the most recent, so to speak, actions at school. Therefore, the "last words" of the teacher should be worthy of such a solemn moment.

My dear boys and girls! Please give me a little more of your time before you go to the "other life", a life that is full of surprises, surprises and all that is beautiful.
We spent wonderful years together in the same school. All these years you came to my lessons, I, in turn, gave you my knowledge. I really hope that this knowledge will be enough for you to succeed in later life - life without school and teachers. Let us all be sad today from parting, but we all knew that this day would come. Therefore, let's not be sad, but keep in our hearts and memories the warmest memories of the school and what is connected with it.
I wish you to enter exactly the educational institutions that you want. I wish you the success you deserve in life. I want you to use your full potential and be able to realize yourself in adulthood. I wish you success. And all the best!

So our fairy tale called "school life" came to its logical conclusion. You all have a wonderful and interesting life ahead of you. Ahead of you is waiting for an equally bright journey called student life. I wish you all to go through this journey with honor and receive not a diploma of higher education, but knowledge! After all, you will be judged not by a diploma, but by knowledge. Therefore, do not rely on anyone but yourself and you will succeed!

Today is a day of mixed feelings. On the one hand, we are all happy that you, our students, were able to finish school, get your first certificate and your first independent document. On the other hand, we are all sad that our long-term cooperation has come to an end. Now you can independently choose your future destiny. Now it's up to you to decide what life awaits you in the future.
We, the teachers, gave you everything that depended on us, and now it is in your power to dispose of the acquired knowledge as you need. We all hope that you will use the knowledge we have given you with benefit and achieve success in life.
We sincerely wish you to become truly great people so that we can proudly say to everyone - these are our teachings!

Key tags:

We would like to express our deep gratitude. Thank you for your work. For the fact that every day you give each of your students a piece of yourself. You give knowledge, share your experience, pay your attention and, in the end, give a piece of your heart. Thank you for your professionalism, unique approach to each child, your unlimited patience and responsibility. We wish you health, good luck and prosperity!

From the bottom of my heart, I want to say “thank you very much” to you for your work, for your patience, for your ability to find talent in every child, for your efforts, for your support. I sincerely wish you health, prosperity, strong strength and wonderful mood. Let every day open something new and good not only for your students, but also for you, even in summer, and in winter, and in spring, and in autumn, your life will be bright, cheerful and interesting.

There are not enough words of gratitude to express all my gratitude to you as a teacher with a capital letter! Thank you so much for what you do and how you do it! Not everyone is lucky to have such a wonderful and competent teacher who does his job with soul!

Dear teacher, from the bottom of my heart I want to say a big thank you for your invaluable work and faithful efforts, for your kind heart and sincerity of soul, for your stubborn struggle with the dense forest of ignorance and for your optimism. You help not only to learn something new and important, you inspire strong faith and bright hope, you can always give the right advice and support with a kind word. I wish you many years of successful activity, well-being in life and good health.

From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you for the hard, but such a noble work, patience, ability to listen! Your talent for getting along with students and keeping them interested is admirable! Thank you for your knowledge and daily dedication!

Our beloved teacher, we want to thank you very much for your care, guidance, skills and hard pedagogical work! A more tactful, polite, intelligent, fair, wise and kind teacher cannot be found. We are very lucky with you, thank you for your efforts and attempts to teach and educate, for your love for children and dedication to work! We wish you smart students and good parents!

My dear teacher, thank you for being not just a teacher for me, but also a wise adviser, faithful support, and a good friend. I sincerely thank you for everything that you managed to do for me, for your responsiveness and honesty, justice and perseverance. Thank you. I wish you to always remain such an open, talented, versatile, kind person. I also wish you success in your activities and the fulfillment of all the dreams of life.

Thank you very much, good teacher. Thank you for your support and understanding, thank you for your sensitivity and responsiveness, thank you for the right knowledge and faith in me, thank you for the bright parting words and good advice, thank you for your help and inspiration. I wish you bravo to continue your path of successful and important activity, I wish you to meet every day with good health and good spirits.

Thank you, dear teacher, thank you for being such a sympathetic and kind person, for the fact that despite all obstacles and doubts you always believe in the best and help others look at the world with optimism. Thank you for your knowledge, for wise advice, for a helping hand in difficult times. I wish you, my respected teacher, health, strength, good luck and inspiration.

Please accept our gratitude for your heart, kindness and intelligence. For giving us your love, knowledge, patience and soul without a trace. Let each of your students never forget what you have done for him and his future.

At the end of May, the last bell will ring in all schools, and then graduation will also take place. Probably, this day will be the most significant for graduates of primary, 9th and 11th grades. However, long before the May days, parents and students begin to think about what words of gratitude to the teacher to say in the end, saying goodbye to the teachers forever. Most of the guys studied at the same school, starting from the 1st and ending with the graduation class. Of course, each of them remembers the first teacher, his wisdom and diligence; multiplication tables and the rules of the Russian language, explained by him so carefully, with great patience and love for his work. It is imperative to thank the teachers for the years of work invested in each student, and this can be done in any form - in prose, poetry, presentation with video and music, performance with skits.

Words of gratitude from students to the primary school teacher at graduation

So it's been 9 or 11 years since yesterday's preschoolers first crossed the threshold of the school. Many of them could neither read nor write. The primary school teacher became their first teacher who taught children to be friends, to be assiduous, attentive, responsive. The guys will always remember him, even after decades. Every teacher, especially a teacher who knows the guys from the 1st grade, will be pleased with sincere words of gratitude from the students. Their touching speeches will let you know that the teacher's lessons were not in vain.

Words of gratitude to the primary school teacher at graduation - Examples of poetry and prose from students

The first teacher ... Probably, every first grader was afraid of her at first, then - loved, appreciated and respected. For four long years of elementary school, this man tried his best to convey his knowledge of subjects to schoolchildren. Not everyone, of course, studied well. However, even with the lagging behind, the primary school teacher sometimes worked additionally, staying after the lessons. And how many interesting, new stories about the world were told to the children by their first teacher! At the school graduation, almost completely grown-up boys and girls say words of gratitude to the teacher who has become their mentor. Examples of such kind, touching poems and prose can be found here.

Please accept my gratitude today
I confess, teacher - I love you very much.
Thanks for teaching me everything
Not sparing yourself, you served the children.
For wisdom, support, care, warmth,
For the fact that you gave only good.

For noise and anxiety, I beg you, forgive me.
Thank you for everything, dear teacher.
For the fact that you entered the class with love
And they opened their hearts to us.
For your kindest look, sometimes tired,
For always standing by us.

I'll say "thank you" to you, teacher,
For everything you have given me in life.
For help, knowledge, support.
You have shown light in the darkness.

You taught people to trust
And a beautiful world to discover.
I will only be indebted to you.
I want to wish you all the best.

Words of gratitude to the primary school teacher from parents

Almost always, the parents of graduates come to school to their sons and daughters not only to admire the grown up and matured boys and prettier girls, but also to sincerely thank all the teachers, including the primary school teacher for the priceless gift given to their children - knowledge. The first teacher is loved for her kindness, responsiveness, and endless patience. The most sincere words, soulful poems, melodic songs are dedicated to her.

Thanksgiving words to a primary school teacher from parents with examples

The work of a teacher is truly priceless, because he devotes it to his children. Parents, bringing first-graders to school by the hand, trust the primary school teacher with their real “treasure” - daughters and sons. They know that from the first moment their child appears at school, he will always be carefully watched, protecting him from wrong steps, teaching discipline, and the ability to adapt in a team. It is to these people that the parents of graduates dedicate their thanksgiving words.

Dear our first teacher, on behalf of all your deeply respecting parents, we ask you to accept the words of gratitude for your sensitive and kind heart, for your care and patience, for your efforts, for your love and understanding. Thank you very much for our happy, smart and educated children!

The first teacher of our children, a respected golden man, we thank you and on behalf of all parents we wish you health, prosperity, successful activities, respect, great strength, patience, good mood, good luck, happiness and love. Thank you for your sensitive heart, for your great work, for your enormous contribution to the development and upbringing of our children.

How hard it is sometimes
You have to raise our children.
But we all understand it
And we really want to tell you:

Thank you dear teacher
For your kindness, your patience.
For children, you are the second parent,
Please accept our thanks!

Words of gratitude to the first teacher - Poems from students

Probably, many of us still remember the first day at school, when, hiding behind a seemingly huge bouquet of flowers, they followed the first teacher to their first lesson in their lives. For four long years, this man became their mentor, friend, and assistant. Together with the children, they went hiking, cinema, attended concerts, held school holidays and events. Pupils who have completed their studies to the graduating class remember with gratitude the kindness and gentleness of the first teacher. On the last day of their stay at school, they dedicate wonderful poems to her.

Thanksgiving words to the first teacher - Examples of verses from students

Children often affectionately call the first teacher the second mother. She, like her own mother, takes care of the health and safety of the wards, looks after them all the time while they are at school. Often, due to the high employment of parents, it is with the first teacher that children spend more time. Many primary school teachers lead extended day groups, visiting cinemas, theaters, and art galleries with their students. Even after the lessons, the first teacher continues to acquaint them with the beauty of the world around them. Pay attention to our examples of wonderful verses from students - perhaps very soon you will thank the first teacher.

Everyone in the world loves the first teacher!
She bestows a sea of ​​her powers on children!
If something bad happens to someone,
The teacher will listen and help out always!
First teacher - first friend!
May you always be loved by everyone around you!
Let it be easy for you from any children
Raise decent and knowledgeable people!

My first teacher, you are the dearest.
I remember the alphabet, I mastered it with you,
Learned to write and count
He worked hard as a child.

Congratulations, I've grown up already
On an adult, at the school line, I stand,
And you, as always, with the kids,
Yesterday, she was only with us.

The first teacher showed us all
School, and classes, and an assembly hall,
Helped me get used to school life.
Gave the most important lesson in the world -
Work hard, learn, make friends and don't lie!
For this we would like to thank you!
And believe me, the last call is not the end!
He is just the beginning for our hearts!

Words of gratitude to teachers from parents at graduation in grade 11

Each of the parents, bringing the child to school, sincerely hopes that his son or daughter will receive in-depth knowledge in all subjects, will study "good" and "excellent", fall in love with many subjects and be able to decide on the choice of a future profession. This is what happens in all cases when wonderful professionals teach schoolchildren - Teachers with a capital letter. Seeing how their child is gradually changing for the better at school, how the baggage of his knowledge is growing, parents sometimes do not find suitable words of gratitude to teachers. We hope that our examples of 11th grade graduation thank you speeches will help you take the floor on the last day of school and sincerely say to the teachers: “Thank you!”

Thanksgiving words of parents to teachers at graduation in grade 11 with examples

Addressing with words of thanks to the teachers of 11th grade graduates, parents thank them for their patience and care for their children, for their understanding and love for schoolchildren, for the wisdom with which teachers passed on their knowledge to boys and girls.

Dear our teachers!

Many years ago, you began to teach our daughters and sons to diligently draw sticks and hooks, add and subtract, and read their first books. And now we have adult boys and girls standing before us, beautiful, strong, and most importantly, smart.

Today the doors to adulthood will open. Everyone will have their own, but thanks to your efforts, they will all walk through life with honor. We know that you missed many nights of sleep, checking their notebooks, paid a lot of attention to your families, in order to spend an extra hour with our children, gave them the warmth of your hearts, spent your nerves on them so that worthy people would grow out of them.

Today we sincerely thank you for everything, even for the deuces that you sometimes gave them. We and our children will never forget all that you have done for us.

Low bow to you and a big human thanks!

A school is a holistic organism that has a unique feature - the ability to force out the superfluous, leaving those who know how to sincerely love and empathize, be faithful friends and truly feel another person. A school is like a staircase that you can only move up to the stars.

Once you step on the initial step, you must go all the way from beginning to end. But what if this is the end? Most likely not, because a person is destined to learn all his life - and school Guardian Angels, teachers are called to help in this important work.

At school, everything starts with them - faithful, bright bearers of wisdom and knowledge. It becomes easier to rise in life if a mentor from God warms nearby with a crystal-clear light.

With each step comes the understanding that the higher you rise, the warmer this extraordinary light becomes, warming the soul. The light of a loving and understanding, at times strict and principled teacher

Words of gratitude for graduation in grade 11 to teachers from students

So eleven, it would seem, long years at school flew by unnoticed. The last lessons have already been completed, grades have been set - 11th grade graduates are ready to leave the walls of their native school. All this time, the teachers gave the children a part of themselves, invested in them knowledge and skills. Of course, now grown-up boys and girls cannot just leave without saying anything to the teachers in the end. Their words of gratitude are always absolutely sincere and from the bottom of their hearts.

Words of gratitude from students of grade 11 to teachers - Examples of poetry and prose at graduation

Saying gratitude to the teachers, graduates of the 11th grade, of course, remember the first teacher who became their second mother, and the subject teachers, and the “physical teacher”. They say “thank you” to them for their patience and kindness, for their wisdom and understanding. Graduation for many children is both a festive and, at the same time, a sad day. Schoolchildren part not only with teachers, but also with classmates who have managed to become their friends. They thank the teachers for their support and understanding, endurance and hard daily work in verse and prose.

Left in the past school years,

Cheerful, carefree children's laughter.

We will never forget school

Let's remember all teachers.

We cherish every hour and every moment,

What was associated with care and kindness,

And everyone who has achieved something,

More than once will appreciate everything later.

Thanks to those who have dedicated themselves

High goal - to be a teacher,

Who taught us, loving the profession,

Be honest, smart and appreciate the good!

We are smartly dressed today

You didn't see us like that.

We give bouquets to the teacher

Like once upon a time for the first time!

Dahlias, carnations, chamomile

All for you, dear teacher!

Bell to us first-graders

The last bell has rung!

Everything was once new to us:

And the primer, and the notebook in hand,

And the teacher, and the first word,

What did they write on the blackboard?

But we comprehended the secrets of knowledge

And we can now without problems

Find answers to questions

And the solution of any theorems!

The teacher's work was disinterested,

But we appreciated you highly!

You led us to the knowledge of truths,

To make life easy for us.

And today is the date

Thank you for saying this.

And for being straight roads

You taught us to choose!

We are today with an unknown feeling

Let's go back to school again.

And a little sad

Great graduation ball!

Oh, when will we have to again

Here are the paths to follow...

Goodbye dear school!

We are moving into adulthood!

Words of gratitude to teachers from parents at graduation in grade 9

Every parent who sends their child to school sincerely hopes that he will meet real teachers, excellent teachers. Happy are those mothers and fathers whose hopes have come true. At graduation in the 9th grade, they dedicate their words of gratitude to such wonderful people and professional teachers.

Examples of words of parental gratitude to teachers from students at graduation in grade 9

Expressing gratitude to the teachers for the fact that they have been studying with the children for a long nine years, the parents of schoolchildren read beautiful poems to the teachers. At graduation in the 9th grade, dads and moms say “thank you” to the teachers for giving them not only lessons in physics, mathematics, the Russian language, but also life lessons.

Thank you for teaching
Our guys read, count, write,
For always being by their side,
When they needed something to tell!

Thank you for all your efforts
What gave them the opportunity to become better,
For being in matters of education
We always tried to take part!

In the future, we wish you success
So that work is a joy to you,
You are the best! We know it for sure!
Good luck and warmth to you!

Thank you, teacher
For our dear children.
Azam with patience you taught
Our daughters, sons.

Thanks for the love and care.
You gave the children warmth,
You instilled joy in their souls,
Grains of happiness and kindness.

Thank you for raising children
That gave them what is so important in their lives.
That they were understood, appreciated, loved.
And they did not reproach with the knife of reproach.

Thank you for growing up
That they are happy to hear the school bell.
And what did you learn so much
Kids. For this you bow low.

Words of gratitude to beloved teachers from students at graduation in grade 9

Nine years of schooling flew by unnoticed. Some of the guys, having passed the exams, will leave its walls forever, going to college or finding an interesting job. Others will continue their education in grades 10-11 in order to graduate from a university in the future, having received a higher education, to master a prestigious profession. Both those and other schoolchildren, having gathered at the graduation in the 9th grade, say words of gratitude to the teachers for the knowledge gained, support, advice, for sincere love.

Examples of words of thanks to teachers from 9th grade students at graduation

Teachers opened the way for schoolchildren to the adult world. Sincerely rejoicing and experiencing with each of the students, their beloved teachers seemed to live life together with their wards. At graduation in grade 9, students say “thank you” to their teachers for being able to support them at the right time. Sometimes the teachers even managed to keep the children from wrong, reckless actions. For many boys and girls who finish school, teachers remain wise and faithful friends for life. They dedicate their words of gratitude to them at graduation.

Thanks to our teachers

The time has come and we have so many words.

Teacher, like love, is always from God,

Sometimes in life there are no people closer.

Let sometimes you have to be angry,

But you showed stamina and pity,

Let us often get hit on the neck,

They approached souls and hearts.

We are grateful to all

What do we have you have!

You have invested your work in us.

And bow to the ground

You accept here

It’s not from evil that we were naughty!

Thank you for the peace in our souls,

For accepting us in any way,

And often spared in punishment,

Thank you for being with us!

But how we miss the fuss!

Ah, if everything were the same as before!

We are honestly grateful to you without falsehood

Believe me, our thoughts are pure.

We are grateful to all

What do we have you have!

You have invested your work in us.

And bow to the ground

You accept here

It’s not from evil that we were naughty!

Math teacher

Let someone have nice English

Someone cares about chemistry

Without mathematics, all of us

Well, neither here nor there!

We have equations like poems,

And the integral supports the spirit,

Us logarithms, like songs,

And the formulas are pleasing to the ear.

Calculate areas, volumes,

But the exams are over

And all the theorems, axioms

We have completely forgotten!

Beloved teacher

Huge Bravissimo!

You are not our leader,

You are our Generalissimo!

As our noble commander

field marshal rank,

You, as if through the Alps, us

Seven years led to knowledge.

And let it not be easy

Sometimes in teaching

Us your knowledge "in battle"

Help, no doubt!

Thank you for Gogol

For Pushkin and Turgenev.

Thanks for Yesenin,

And also for your patience!

Thanks for the suffixes

Participles, adverbs.

From them we have become better, and

A little more human.

Your good advice

And your thoughts are pure -

We will frame them

And emphasize wavy!

But autumn is coming... New class

Here he moves chairs

And we them, frankly,

We envy you with all our hearts!

By preparing words of gratitude to the teacher for the graduation of grades 9 and 11, students can unite with their parents and compose beautiful poems for subject teachers, the first teacher, and the primary school teacher. The farewell speech of schoolchildren and their parents at graduation should be imbued with kindness and warmth.

Being a teacher is a calling
So take it from us
Respect and recognition
That we love you so much!

And thanks for the work
Wisdom, severity, kindness,
For the care of the heart
For hope and dream!

Happiness to you and a long life,
Hassle-free, carefree,
The best, the kindest
For the one who gives knowledge!

We thank you
For your wisdom and patience,
For teaching us how to live
For our knowledge and skills,
We secretly tell you:
We didn't know much without you
We wish you a life without worries
And so that there is no sadness!

We would like to express our deep gratitude. Thank you for your work. For the fact that every day you give each of your students a piece of yourself. You give knowledge, share your experience, pay your attention and, in the end, give a piece of your heart. Thank you for your professionalism, unique approach to each child, your unlimited patience and responsibility. We wish you health, good luck and prosperity!

For noble work and kindness
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Fulfill your cherished dream
Wish to become happy.

Thank you very much for your understanding,
For loyalty to the cause, word, craft.
And what about the students with all their hearts -
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts from all of us!

Thank you for leading us through life
All surrounded by care and warmth.
You go in the morning not to work,
But as in a family, in a big and bright house.

You share invaluable experience,
Not only how we comprehend science.
We can talk about the secret
How to achieve the best in life.

Thank you for worrying about us
As for relatives, with all my heart and soul,
And if something suddenly did not work,
You represented "complexity" as nonsense.

And immediately everything was decided very quickly.
We have never been abandoned.
You, like a firefighter, were vigilant day and night,
And there is no limit to your kindness.

A low bow to you for your care
Let in life, by all means, you are lucky,
We have become smarter and older.
And here we are, ready to fly.

Thank you teacher
For getting started in life.
We were able to instill a love for science,
Inquisitiveness in business and passion.

I wish you good and happiness
Thank you for your help.
I'm lucky to learn from you
I boldly say this.

Thank you for teaching us
For your important, hard work,
For the fact that you have invested your strength,
Gave a lot of happy moments.

We promise we won't forget
This knowledge that you gave us.
We'll make good people
And you will be rewarded according to your deeds.

Be happy and healthy
It's all you deserve
Thank you, thank you very much
What did you teach us and raise us!

You are our dear teacher,
Knowledge, wisdom keeper,
We express gratitude
We wish you patience!

The students love you
Respect in the team
May it always be so
And the years don't age you!

Thank you teacher
Let's say now
Appreciates and loves you
Our fervent class.

For affection, care,
Words from the heart.
We wouldn't be without you
So good.

I'm sorry for that
We don't learn a lesson.
You are the most beloved
We have a teacher.

Dear teacher, thank you for your patience,
I wish you health, great respect,
Students of beautiful and kind days in life,
May they all become more successful and complete.

For your endless patience
And for the humane attitude
Thank you very much,
Your contribution to education is very tangible.

For the knowledge gained in the lessons
We sincerely thank you
To you my love, confession
We want to express from the bottom of our hearts!

This page contains a collection of poems dedicated to teachers. They can be learned or used for decoration for Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, graduation - any holiday where congratulations and words of gratitude to teachers are needed!

Thank you teachers!

Thank you teachers

Because the earth is round

For Troy and for Carthage,

For benzochloropropylene,

For ZhI and SHI, for twice two,

for your kind words

Those that we now keep within ourselves,

We THANK YOU for everything!

What a proud calling -

Giving education to others

Give away a piece of your heart

Forget empty quarrels

After all, it is difficult to explain to us,

Sometimes very boring

Repeat the same

Check notebooks at night.

Thank you for being

They've always been so right.

We would like to wish

So that you do not know troubles

Health, happiness for a hundred years!

Soul beautiful and very kind,

You are strong in talent and generous in heart.

All your ideas, dreams of beauty,

Lessons, undertakings will not be in vain!

You managed to find the way to the children,

May you have success along the way!

Thanks to those who lead us to knowledge,

Who chose the hard way of the roads.

Thanks to those who proudly wear the title:

Teacher, educator, educator.


The tablet of knowledge is a blackboard.

And for ten whole years on that tablet

Pictures, numbers and words ran.

And someone's hand erased them.

To the left - the windows are almost the entire wall,

To the right is a door, as if the entrance to the stage.

And behind? But you look ahead.

Don't you dare look back - it will!

Valentin Berestov

Stand above life young

Keeping a beautiful unity

Age-old honor, holy duty -

Teaching and motherhood.

First awaken the souls

Let the thirst for knowledge wake up in them,

Then bring your pets

To a transparent-clean well.

Living water from the depths

You learn to draw with your hand,

To love your people and land,

Be masculine and good at heart.

You dedicate to the school family,

You call your children.

Walking the paths of life

And your lessons are remembered,

And keep you in your heart.

Your naughty children.

Accept our thanks!

M. Sadovsky

You every day and every hour,

Dedicated to hard work,

One thought of us

You live with one care.

So that the earth is famous for us,

So that we grow up honest

Thank you teachers

Thanks for all the good stuff!

There is no more beautiful profession in the world -

You bring the source of knowledge to children.

And our teacher is our idol,

With which we know the world.

And on this day we want to promise you

That, having risen from school desks,

And we will be able to convey to people

Your work, the warmth of hearts and the search for excitement!

For leading to knowledge

Ignoring the difficulties

Only thanks

We say goodbye to you.

We wish you well

And blue overhead

More joy, warmth,

Wins and fewer breakups.

And even if you suddenly cry

You want goodbye

Then know that the eleventh grade

He only says to you: "Goodbye!"

You carry worthy the torch of knowledge -

The children's country is grateful to you.

The whole sum of your deeds and undertakings

Let it be equal to personal happiness!

E. Zapyatkin

With time, culture and art

We walked in step to significant roles -

And we bow with a kind, bright feeling

The wisest of people - teachers!

E. Zapyatkin

We were given the keys to the future,

So that we can get ahead of time.

We were not taught to divide and take away,

Just add and multiply.

E. Zapyatkin


Teacher, the days of your life, as one,

You dedicate to the school family,

You are all who came to study to you,

You call your children.

But the children grow up, from the school bench

Walking the paths of life

And your lessons are remembered,

And keep you in your heart.

Beloved teacher, dear person,

Be the happiest in the world

Even though it's hard sometimes to get you

Your naughty children.

You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,

Accept our thanks!

We remember how you led us into people

From timid funny first-graders.

Mikhail Sadovsky

And here's the call

The school house is emptying quickly.

In the ringing silence

Last steps.

But in a quiet class you are all sitting at the table,

And again, your students are in front of you.

And in silence you think of them

Yesterday strangers, now relatives,

About their question, about your answer,

About what there is no answer

And tomorrow the day will come again

And school joyful people

Fill the floors with noise

And whirl in the whirlwind of life!

Once upon a time on the third desk against the wall

I dreamed about the future and was in a hurry to become an adult

Even then you decided to be a teacher,

The difficult one chose the path, but he knew that he had enough strength.

In your hands is the fate of the country, the fate of the land,

Your students' dreams will come true.

They sow bread, guide ships along the course,

Dedicate life to children, as you did

And again at school silence,

And the old globe by the window

In the magazine suffix and case,

And so many fates and hopes.

S. Vladimirsky

Reach out to every heart

Those whom you choose to teach

And the secret door will open

To the souls of those whom I could love!

And some overslept boy

Late for the first lesson

And a naughty girl in the past

Invite to the last call!

And many more years will pass

Maybe someone's fate

And the pain and hardships will disappear,

Stop shooting everywhere!

In the meantime, there will be weekdays of study

And the answers are at the blackboard,

Peace without violence and without malice,

And donated rose petals!

Mark Lvovsky

He is always on the road

In worries, searching for anxiety -

And there is never peace.

And a hundred questions on the threshold

And you need to give the right answer.

He judges himself more severely.

It is all earthly, but it is torn upwards.

Do not count, perhaps, how many fates

Intertwined with his fate.

I. Druzhinin

The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet.

How long does it last, the last call?

The universe does not fit in the windows,

The school looks, but itself decreases.

Views fly over the distant steering wheel,

With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,

And over the country, as over the assembly hall,

The day is filled with blue and scarlet

School, farewell crystal bell ...


If there were no teacher

That would not have been, probably

Neither a poet nor a thinker,

Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.

And still would probably

If there were no teacher

Undiscovered Americas

Remained unopened.

And we would not be Icarus,

We would never take to the sky

If in us his efforts

Wings were not grown.

Without him, a good heart

The world was not so amazing.

Because we are very expensive

The name of our teacher!

V. Tushnova

Dear teacher

We are smartly dressed today

You didn't see us like that.

We give bouquets to the teacher

Like once upon a time for the first time!

Dahlias, carnations, chamomile

All for you, dear teacher!

Bell to us first-graders

The last bell has rung!

Everything was once new to us:

And the primer, and the notebook in hand,

And the teacher, and the first word,

What did they write on the blackboard?

But we comprehended the secrets of knowledge

And we can now without problems

Find answers to questions

And the solution of any theorems!

The teacher's work was disinterested,

But we appreciated you highly!

You led us to the knowledge of truths,

To make life easy for us.

And today is the date

Thank you for saying this.

And for being straight roads

You taught us to choose!

We are today with an unknown feeling

Let's go back to school again.

And a little sad

Great graduation ball!

Oh, when will we have to again

Here are the paths to follow...

Goodbye dear school!

We are moving into adulthood!

The hard work of a teacher

A lot of them -

Snub-nosed, dissimilar,

Flying into the school in a crowd.

And it's not easy with them. But still

Any one is dear to his soul.

He led them

On the ladder of knowledge

Learned to appreciate the country

And see through the distance

And be friends with a clever book ...

Let someone become a builder

And someone is the owner of the rivers,

But my heart believes

Will put

Five to them tomorrow's century.

And, becoming adults, through the years

Guys remember well

And his severity, and worries, -

The hard work of a teacher.

B. Gaikovich

To my teacher

Pony tail, tousled bangs

And excitement is an outstanding look -

Trainee, young girl

You entered the class forty years ago ...

The tail was replaced by a strict styling,

Became a serious look over the glasses -

Eternal doodles in notebooks

Your dear mischievous...

At the temples, gray strands shine,

And the pressure jumps sometimes ...

But the eyes are shining - everything is in order!

And hurry up to class again.

N. Radchenko

Good luck to you, rural and urban,

Dear teachers -

Good, bad and none

Captains on the ship's bridge.

Good luck to you - debutants and aces,

Good luck! Especially in the morning

When you enter the classrooms,

Some are like in a cage, others are like in a temple!

You know I still believe

What if the Earth remains to live, -

The highest dignity of mankind

Someday there will be teachers.

Not in words, but in things of tradition,

Which tomorrow's life matches,

The teacher will have to be born.

And only after that become!

There will be talentedly daring wisdom in him.

He will carry the sun on his wing...

Teaching is a long-range profession

Home on Earth.

R. Rozhdestvensky

Don't you dare forget the teachers.

They care about us and remember.

And in the silence of thoughtful rooms

Waiting for our return and news.

They miss these infrequent meetings.

And no matter how many years have passed,

Teacher Happiness Happens

From our student victories.

And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:

On New Year's Eve we do not send them congratulations.

And in the bustle or simply out of laziness

We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.

They are waiting for us. They are watching us

And rejoice every time for those

Who again passed the exam somewhere

For courage, for honesty, for success.

Don't you dare forget the teachers.

May life be worthy of their efforts.

Russia is famous for its teachers.

The disciples bring glory to her.

Don't you dare forget the teachers!

Andrey Dementiev

No time for teachers to grow old

Smoothly red leaves fly

In the blue squares of school frames.

First-graders again leaf through the primer -

There is no time for teachers to grow old.

The sun's ray jumps across our desks,

Cheerfully winking at us.

We are growing fast, which means -

There is no time for teachers to grow old.

Pulls us from the school threshold

To new construction sites, to starships.

We need to know so much more

There is no time for teachers to grow old.

The vast world has become our legacy,

The road ahead is wide and straight...

Next to endless childhood -

There is no time for teachers to grow old.

M. Plyatskovsky

Happy Teacher's Day Russia

Congratulations teachers

Children go to school

In life, the first road.

God gave you talent

He handed over children's fates,

I want enough

You have patience and strength.

Will be kindness, love

May your hearts be full

On Teacher's Day Thank You!

I speak for the whole country.

How to congratulate Teacher's Day

The teachers who taught us?

Do not fall into banality, do not dissemble

In what words to glorify their feat?

And is there a harder field -

Of us, lazy and arrogant,

Prepare a shift, sentries,

So that in the coming year of Russia

Children's laughter did not stop everywhere.

We congratulate you today

On an autumn, glorious day and hour.

We so hope to be

That's just like you!

We don't always notice

How many worries we have

And patient work

The teacher gives.

With barely noticeable gray hair

On a dark blond strand

She stands in front of you

Stacking up notebooks.

And you love like him, like me,

Her - and let's face it:

She is your second mother.

And who is more precious than mom?

Your modest work knows no price,

Nothing compares to it!

And everyone praises with love

you by a simple name -

Teacher. Who doesn't know him?

The simple name is

That illuminates with the light of knowledge

I live the whole planet!

We originate in you

You are the color of our life, -

And let the years melt like candles,

We can't forget you, no!

Gratitude to teachers

Oh, how fast people grow up!

Not noticeably time runs.

But we will never forget you!

We say this to you from the bottom of our hearts.

All the knowledge that you have

We are from you - save, save,

Let's multiply and let them be

The most valuable luggage for us!

You gave us your heart and soul

Learned almost everything!

Today we want to bow

YOU - your teacher!!!

O. Struchkova

Thanks to those who taught us!

Left in the past school years,

Cheerful, carefree children's laughter.

We will never forget school

Let's remember all teachers.

We cherish every hour and every moment,

What was associated with care and kindness,

And everyone who has achieved something,

More than once will appreciate everything later.

Thanks to those who have dedicated themselves

High goal - to be a teacher,

Who taught us, loving the profession,

Be honest, smart and appreciate the good!

E. Yakhnitskaya

At the beginning of my life, I remember school,

There were many of us, careless children,

An uneven and frisky family.

humble, poorly dressed,

But the appearance of a stately wife

She kept strict supervision over the school.

Surrounded by our crowd

She talks to babies.

Her brow I remember the veil

And eyes bright as heaven.

But I delved into her conversations a little.

I was embarrassed by the strict beauty

Her forehead, calm lips and eyes,

And full of holy words.

Dychasya her advice and reproaches,

I misinterpreted myself

The clear meaning of truthful conversations,

And often I sneaked away

In the magnificent darkness of someone else's garden,

Under the arch of artificial porphyry rocks.

There the cool shadows did not live for me,

I dreamed my young mind

And idle thinking was a consolation to me.

I loved the light waters and the noise of the leaves,

And white idols in the shade of trees,

And in their faces is the seal of motionless thoughts.

Everything is marble compasses and lyres,

Swords and scrolls in marble hands

On the heads of laurels, on the shoulders of porphyry -

Everything inspired a sweet kind of fear

On my heart, and tears of inspiration,

At the sight of them, they were born before our eyes.

Other two wonderful creations

Attracted me with magical beauty:

Those were two demons of the image.

One (Delphic idol) young face -

He was angry, full of terrible pride,

And he breathed all the power of unearthly.

Another effeminate, voluptuous,

Doubtful and false ideal -

Magic demon - deceitful, but beautiful.

Before them I forgot myself,

In the chest, a young heart was beating - cold

He ran over me and lifted my curls.

Unknown pleasures dark hunger

I was tormented by despondency and laziness

I was chained - in vain I was young.

Among the youths I am silent all day

Gloomy wandered - all the idols of the garden

They cast a shadow on my soul.

A. S. Pushkin

In my room

Gennady Fish

In my room, shining with paint and varnish,

The school globe is visiting like someone else's child.

He stands on an oblique mounted axis,

And flies through space and time and through

Impenetrable distance, impenetrable darkness,

Why I look at him - I do not understand.

A school globe seems to be a simple thing.

Why is he so lonely and sinister?

To understand this, I opened wide

My windows are like six seraphic wings.

Still the blue of the sea, and the deserts are yellow,

And the ridges of the brown mountains are visible.

Distinguishable and sparkling with fire

All Europe, sleepless at night as during the day,

All contained in a moment, embodied in a myth,

Wearying the sages with their beauty,

Phoenician girl breathes while

And kisses the mighty muzzle of the bull,

Washed by Mediterranean gray,

Adored, not a stranger - mine!

School Globe! He was a school allowance

But I forgot my direct purpose.

And howled, sobbed on a short wave,

Telegraph pole buzzed in the sky:

- People! Two and a half billion people

The kindest eccentric, the blackest villain,

Miners, ministers, fighters, violinists,

Potters, astronauts, poets, doctors,

Lords of the waves, lords of fire,

Masters of speed, have mercy on me!

P. G. Antokolsky


O our mentors and mentors!

If you look at the path traveled,

Compliments and sentiments

We didn't spoil you at all.

We are so-and-so, vicious,

We grieve you to no end.

But under this rough shell

Grateful hearts beat.

Over the head over our oak

Having worked hard, having beaten more than once,

You stubborn your love

A strong oak turned into a diamond.

And of course your efforts

Our properties are both these and those

Glittered with different facets

Sorry, in all nudity.

We will neither flatter nor appease,

Ask for forgiveness for nothing,

After all, we, tea, will someday have to,

Maybe teach complete nerds.

Oh, our guardians, guardians,

Trustees and Benefactors!

If it seems to you that we are talking nonsense, -

You created us, we have nothing to do with it!

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