Exercises to correct your figure using fitness at home. Basic methods of body correction using physical exercises

To get rid of excess weight one of the most effective means is the use of a variety of physical exercises. As you know, excess weight is accumulated fat, formed due to unspent energy by the body. Accordingly, to get rid of excess weight, physical activity is necessary for increased muscle work, active energy consumption and thus the use of accumulated fat.

Below we will consider physical exercises for body shaping.

1. Exercises for the chest area

Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, palms together, fingers intertwined at chest level. The shoulders are pulled back and down, squeezing the palms with force, relax, you should perform 10-15 approaches;

Lying on your back, spread your arms wide apart so that your shoulder blades touch the floor. Clench your hands into fists, raise them up, describing an arc, squeeze your fists, relax, perform 15-20 approaches;

Standing against a wall, perform push-ups, resting your palms on the wall, perform 15-20 approaches;

Lying on your stomach, palms rest on the floor at chest level, elbows slightly raised, legs together. The torso rises, the arms straighten, and the lower back bends, 15-20 approaches are performed;

Lying on the floor, hands clasped on the stomach, chin touching the floor. You need to try to simultaneously lift your torso and legs off the floor, then bend over, straighten your arms and move them as far back as possible. We fix ourselves in this position for 3-5 seconds, return to the starting position, perform 8-10 approaches;

Kneeling in front of two chairs, palms resting on the seats. Both arms are bent and you need to try to lower your chest as low as possible while inhaling, after which we return to the starting position, perform 15-20 approaches;

Lying emphasis. Perform push-ups from the floor 10 times, making sure that your back and arms are straight.

The following physical exercises will allow you to quickly adjust your figure.

2. Exercises for the waist area to correct your figure

Sitting on the edge of a chair, grab it with your hands. Bend backwards as far as possible without lifting your feet from the floor; 20-25 approaches are performed;

Lying on the floor, lift slightly bent legs in 3-4 approaches until you become very tired;

Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest. We perform three turns of the body to the right, as if looking behind our back, we return to the starting position, the same is done in left side; the exercise is performed in 20-25 approaches;

Lying on your back, extend your arms along your body. Carefully raise the body, without sudden movements, unfold chest and sit down, turning your shoulders, then move to the starting position. You can also perform the exercise by placing your hands behind your head and straightening them; 15-20 approaches are performed;

- “rocking chair”: lying on your back, arms extended along the body, simultaneously raising your head and legs (imitation of the movements of a rocking chair), rolling forward and backward. The head does not lean back, we press it to the chest. The number of approaches is determined by your general well-being.

The listed physical exercises will help keep your waist thin!

3. Exercises for body shaping in the hip area

Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms out to the sides. The left leg is placed back on the toe, the thigh muscles are tensed, the same is done for the right leg; 15-20 approaches are performed on each leg;

Lying on your stomach, hands under your head, palms down. The left leg lifts up and back, then moves to the left, then returns to the starting position. The same is done with the second leg; 10-15 approaches are performed for each leg;

Sitting on your heels, spine straight, hands behind your head. The buttocks are rotated to the right, the center of gravity is transferred to one side, then returned to the original position, the same is done in the other direction; only 15 approaches in each direction;

Lying on the floor, roll over onto your right side, bend your right leg slightly at the knee, extend your left leg along your body, bend your right arm at the elbow and place it under your cheek. The abdominal muscles tense strongly, the straight left leg describes a semicircle, moving it forward and backward. The stomach relaxes and the exercise is repeated on the left side.

To correct your figure in the buttocks area, perform the following physical exercises.

4. Exercises for the buttocks area

Standing straight, knees slightly apart, toes turned inward. While inhaling deeply, the muscles of the buttocks are tensed, the stomach is drawn in, the left leg is pulled back, then its toe is turned out and the position is fixed for 10 seconds, then exhale. The same is done for the other leg;

Lying face down on the floor, place a pillow under your stomach. Both arms are stretched out in front of you, palms are clenched, and the chin is raised above the floor surface. Inhale and pull both arms back, fists touching the buttocks, returning to the starting position. Then you should relax slightly and repeat the exercise.

Now, after familiarizing yourself with the complexes for body correction, all you have to do is select the physical exercises from each group that you like the most and create a personal program. Ideal figure will be provided for you!

Fitness exercises for weight loss can be an excellent alternative to strength training in the gym, running, water aerobics and other sports. After all, for some, running and working out in the gym are contraindicated for health reasons, and fitness is recognized by leading experts in the field of health and beauty as one of the few ways that allows you to lose weight efficiently, gradually and safely for your health.

Training rules

It is no secret that the problem of excess weight cannot be solved without a proper diet, because the main key to losing weight is to consume more calories than consumed. Therefore, first of all, you need to completely reconsider your lifestyle, adjust your diet, focusing on healthy foods and excluding products instant cooking, fast food, etc.

If it is difficult to immediately get involved and train at home or in the gym three to four times a week, you should start with walking in the evenings and gymnastics in the mornings.

You can get great pleasure and joy from dancing. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s rumba or Russian folk music, the main thing is to win over your own complexes, to feel like a woman again - beautiful and attractive.

This type of sport can be perfectly combined with fitness exercises for losing weight at home. It is important to monitor your breathing, starting the movement as you inhale and ending as you exhale. Increase the speed and amplitude of the exercises gradually and be sure to start each workout with a warm-up and end with stretching exercises.

Muscles should be stretched in the order in which they are found in the human body. That is, start from the neck, then move to the chest, back, stomach, hips, and then legs.

Short stretching - stretching, which involves holding at each maximum limit point for 10 seconds, allows you to test and improve the elasticity and flexibility of muscles and joints. Each task from a set of fitness exercises for weight loss is performed in three approaches, including a certain number of repetitions.

The latter depends on the physical preparation of the student and his capabilities. It must be said that the rest between sets should be no more than 2 minutes, otherwise the muscles will relax, and along with them the athlete will relax, succumbing to laziness.

And most importantly, you should not eat 2 hours before training and the same amount of time after it. It is better to drink plain mineral still water or prepare yourself a fresh vegetable or fruit juice or a protein drink in advance.

Exercises for chest muscles

  • The most best exercise for the chest is push-ups. It is necessary to do at least 5-10 push-ups, touching your chest to the floor as quickly as possible;
  • Stand in a knee-elbow position and alternately lower your chest as you exhale and lift it as you inhale. Do three approaches of 10-15 times;
  • Stand up straight, clasp your hands in front of your chest. On the count of “one”, try with effort to disengage this lock, to break the resistance of the fingers tightly clinging to each other. If an athlete feels his chest muscles tense, then he is doing everything right.

Exercises for abdominal muscles

  • Abdominal muscles can be worked out with the help of fitness exercises for losing belly fat. We are talking about the well-known “bicycle”, leg lifts, crunches, etc. We have not yet come up with exercises more effective than these. The main condition is to firmly fix your head and neck on your folded arms, otherwise all the pressure will be transferred to the neck muscles and as a result, the training will not only not have a positive effect, but will also cause problems in this area;
  • You can pump up your abdominal muscles well with the following exercise: kneel down and place your elbows on the floor. Tightening your muscles, lift your knees off the floor, using your arms and toes as support. After holding this position for a few seconds, return to IP. Do three sets of 10 reps, making sure your back is straight. This exercise is a lighter version of training with a gymnastic wheel. As soon as your abdominal muscles become stronger, you can purchase this equipment and pump your muscles to full strength.

Exercises for leg muscles

  • The simplest and most effective fitness exercise for losing weight in your legs is squats. You can squat either deeply or not very deeply, keeping your thighs parallel to the floor. The main condition is to ensure that your back is straight and do not lift your heels off the floor;
  • Lie on your side, straighten the leg that touches the floor, bend the other at the knee so that your foot rests on the floor and is pointed forward. With the lower, straightened leg, perform lifts with good amplitude. Do 8-10 lifts on both legs;
  • Lean on the floor with one knee and straight arms, and lift the other straightened leg back and up. After holding this position for a few seconds, return to IP. Repeat 10-15 times for each leg.

Persistence and work

In conclusion, it must be said that such a set of training will seem unbearably difficult at first and this is normal. After all, such sudden physical activity causes accumulation in the muscles “ lactic acid", which turns into a feeling of burning and heaviness. The body has yet to learn how to remove these “ metabolic waste"at the required speed.

It is difficult to find a person who is completely satisfied with his figure. Some people complain about a rounded tummy, some are annoyed by the “ears” on their hips, and some want to have a beautiful torso and strong arms. Body shaping exercises will help you cope with any task if you do them regularly and combine them with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

How and when to perform exercises aimed at body shaping

If you decide to get your body into ideal shape, from your point of view, then before you start doing exercises aimed at correcting your figure, you should know:

    • It is important to carry out any training at least three times a week, but no more than five;
    • the load on the body needs to be increased gradually, especially if you have not played sports before;
    • the complex should include exercises for all muscle groups, including problem areas of your body;
    • correction of the figure with the help of training necessarily includes not only strength exercises, but also cardio exercises, which allow you to “burn” excess fat deposits from the waist, chest, hips and abdomen;
    • It is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of clean still water per day (from 1.5 to 2 liters).
    • Correcting your figure through physical exercise is only part of a comprehensive program for losing weight and bringing your body to perfection! The duration of the workout can vary from 45 minutes to 60 minutes, depending on your physical fitness, but no less;
    • Before the start of the workout, at least 1.5 hours must pass after eating; you can eat after the workout, no earlier than an hour later! You can drink clean water in small sips during the complex;
    • the number of approaches should be from three to five, depending on the level of training, in one approach from 7 to 20 repetitions;
    • any workout should begin with a “warm-up” - cardio for about 20 minutes. For this, running, jumping, an exercise bike, etc. can be used. Any workout should end with a mini-complex for stretching those muscle groups that were most actively loaded during the workout;
  • exhalation is always performed with effort! It is important not to hold your breath during training, but to breathe rhythmically! Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, lips slightly parted.

A system of exercises aimed at body correction

Strengthening the abdominal muscles:

In order to strengthen the abdominal muscles, it is necessary to perform special exercises. By helping you burn belly fat, they will not only help you become slimmer, but will also improve your posture, which is definitely good for your figure. All of them are divided into exercises to strengthen the muscles of the upper, middle and lower abs. Also - on the oblique abdominal muscles:

  • on the muscles of the upper abs - to perform it you need to lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees and rest on the floor, it is important - press your lower back tightly to the floor, your arms are bent at the elbows behind your head. Lifting your body from the floor, raise it by about 20 cm, while your elbows are directed clearly to the sides, you cannot press your chin to your chest, and direct your gaze to the ceiling and forward. The stomach is pulled in, and the back is pressed tightly to the floor and does not come off during the ascent! Do three sets of 20 times;
  • for medium abs - the starting position is the same. Raise the body 45 cm from the floor. Perform 20 times for three approaches. Then you need to lift 90 cm from the floor. All requirements are similar to those for upper abdominal exercises. Rising 90 cm, you can stretch your arms forward and up. This will make your workout easier. Perform 20 times in three approaches;

  • for the lower abs - starting position: lying on your back, legs extended forward. Lifting your legs off the floor, raise them about 20 cm and perform a “spreader” or “scissors.” In order to increase the load, this exercise can be performed simultaneously with raising the body about 20 cm from the floor. Perform 20 times in three approaches;

  • exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles are necessarily included in the complex for body correction. Starting position: lying on your back, legs extended. Bend one leg and simultaneously pull it towards the opposite shoulder, as if twisting at the waist. First you need to do it on one leg 20 times, then on the other. Another effective way to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles is to alternately place your legs bent at the knees in different directions. In this case, the back should not come off the floor, and the arms should be pressed to the floor and spread to the sides.

Strength exercises for body shaping are necessarily included in the training process, as they allow you to quickly achieve the desired result. If you decide to perform body shaping exercises at home, you can use plastic water bottles as weights. During the first lessons, it is recommended not to pick up bottles heavier than half a kilo. After two to three weeks of training, you can increase the load. All workouts with weights are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the shoulder body, back and legs.

Strengthening the back muscles:

  • Starting position: standing, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. As you exhale, squeeze your shoulder blades together and open your arms, straightening them in front of you. You can turn your body in different directions, while not lifting your feet off the floor, but keeping them shoulder-width apart. Perform such twists 12 times in each direction;
  • starting position: standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, body bent parallel to the floor. Weights in hands. Bend your elbows, pulling them all the way, bringing your shoulder blades together. Perform 12 times in three approaches;

  • The following exercise is perfect for strengthening your back. Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and resting on the floor, arms extended along the body. Leaning on your feet and shoulders, lift your pelvis up, lifting it off the floor to the maximum possible height. Ideally, parallel to the floor. You need to stay in this position for three counts.

A system of exercises aimed at body shaping necessarily includes strengthening the thigh muscles. The most effective for this are any lunges and squats. If you have problems with joint health, then you should be very careful with such a load.

Almost all modern body shaping complexes include a static “bar”, which is aimed at strengthening many muscles. Performing the plank correctly for thirty seconds engages the deep muscles of the abs, back, buttocks, arms and thighs. The back muscles are also strengthened. It is necessary to perform the plank three to five times for 30 seconds with a minute break.

In conclusion, we would like to present an hour-long lesson for those who want to always remain beautiful:

This is a system of complex static exercises aimed at contracting and stretching muscles. It is considered that one hour of classes

Callanetics (callanetics, orig. en: Callanetics) is a set of gymnastic exercises developed by a Dutch ballerina Callan Pinkney. This is a system of complex static exercises aimed at contracting and stretching muscles. It is believed that one hour of callanetics gives the body a load that is equal to seven hours of classical shaping or 24 hours of aerobics.

History of creation

Callan Pinkney developed callanetics in the early 1980s when she returned to New York after traveling around the world for eleven years. As a result of increased stress and poor nutrition, Callan's knees and back began to hurt. Doctors recommended surgery.

Then Callan began to come up with exercises that would not provoke the reappearance of spasms and back pain. It didn't take long and she was simply amazed at how strong and strong her body had become. The back pain also disappeared.

Benefits of callanetics

Callanetics is a set of 29 static exercises based on yoga asanas. During these exercises, all muscles are used simultaneously, and with regular exercise, metabolism accelerates, therefore Callanetics is an effective and quick way to correct your figure. In addition, this set of exercises can help in the fight against osteochondrosis, pain in the cervical and lumbar spine.

You can exercise using this system both in a fitness club and at home: you do not need special equipment for this, and the risk of injury is minimized due to the absence of sudden movements. According to Callan Pinkney, initial stage you need to train three times a week for an hour a day, then, when the effect becomes visually noticeable (and this will happen literally after a couple of weeks of training), the number of training sessions can be reduced to two. After obtaining the required result, the training time can be reduced to one hour per week. It doesn't have to be one workout: it can be divided into 3-4 sessions lasting 15-20 minutes.


Despite the apparent simplicity of callanetics, excessive enthusiasm for this system can lead to serious health consequences. It must be remembered that this set of exercises is intended primarily for people accustomed to regular physical activity. Those who have not previously been interested in fitness and sports activities in general need to dose the load wisely.

There are a number of contraindications: diseases of the cardiovascular system, asthmatic diseases. Those who have problems with vision or the spine, as well as those who have recently had infection Before starting callanetics, you should consult your doctor.

These exercises cannot be performed in the postoperative period (you can start exercising only a year after the operation). It is worth consulting with a doctor and anyone who suffers from varicose veins or hemorrhoids.

Callanetics classes

The basics of callanetics are stretching and static poses. The duration of each lesson is approximately 60 minutes. The beginning of each lesson is a mandatory warm-up, after which comes the main part - a special set of exercises, including breathing ones. Such exercises help develop absolutely all muscle groups. The load even goes on those muscles whose existence you previously suspected.

It will take you from 30 to 100 seconds to complete each exercise. The basis of callanetics is static poses, that is, the fact that a person freezes in a certain pose without moving.

For those ignorant from the outside, such training seems simple and even too primitive. But it’s worth trying before drawing final conclusions; a beginner can hardly stand even 15 seconds in a static position. That is why callanetics is also called “gymnastics of awkward poses.”

In order to start practicing this unique method, you don’t even need to change into sportswear. The main thing is that the clothes are loose and do not restrict movement.

An important component of callanetics is the music to which you will practice; such music should be relaxing, so it is better to choose a quiet and calm soundtrack for your practice. Sometimes those practicing completely abandon the sound accompaniment, and silence becomes their music.

The ideal place to practice callanetics is in front of a mirror. This is necessary in order to correctly record your own movements. During training, it is important to listen to your body and, when exercising on your own, not to overdo it. There is no need to force your own body; perhaps it is not yet ready for this kind of stress.

Do not be upset if after several sessions of callanetics there is no noticeable weight loss or even a slight increase. This is absolutely normal, because muscle weighs much more than fat, which is difficult for the body to get rid of in a short period of time. Therefore, at the initial stage of callanetics, the growth of muscle tissue compensates for weight loss. Over time, as soon as the body adapts to the stress, weight begins to decrease at a fairly rapid pace.

Another rule of the technique is proper breathing, so while doing the exercises you need to carefully monitor how you breathe. Your breathing should be smooth, without delays. Otherwise, the body will not be able to receive the necessary portion of oxygen, and the muscles will not receive nutrition.

The positive impact of this type of gymnastics on the body is difficult to overestimate.

A distinctive feature of callanetics from other types of fitness, which confirms its effectiveness, is that during the exercises there is almost no stress on the cardiovascular system and spine.

Experts have calculated that one hour of callanetics is equivalent to 24 hours of traditional aerobics. Of course, none of us will do aerobics around the clock to achieve the desired result.

But callanetics also has common features with traditional fitness classes. Namely, it is also important to remember that the planned results can only be achieved with regular exercise.

With the help of simple callanetics exercises you can easily improve your metabolism and get rid of excess fat in problem areas. Also, callanetics exercises improve posture and train body flexibility. Callanetics has a wonderful effect on the mental state, calming the nerves. The technique is also indicated for patients with osteochondrosis.

A set of callanetics exercises

Callanetics exercises - warm-up

  • Stand on tiptoes, raise your arms up, and stretch your whole body. Your shoulders are straightened, as if you are striving upward.
  • After performing a half-squat, slightly bending your knees, tilt your body slightly forward. Stretch, extending your arms forward and slightly upward, keeping your back absolutely straight.
  • From the same position, move your arms straight (palms up) back. Stretch your neck and chin forward, your back is immaculately straight.
  • Bend your body forward so that it is parallel to the floor, extend your arms to the sides, and knees straight. Stretch.

Callanetics classes - exercises for the muscles of the thoracic region and back

  • Cross your arms in front of you, as if you want to hug yourself, and feel how all your pectoral muscles tense.
  • Move your straightened arms back and slightly up. Stretch like the string of a bow.
  • The same, with your elbows slightly bent, your palms exactly aiming towards each other.
  • The following exercises will help you create a beautiful hip line, removing all excess, and tighten your buttocks: Perform a deep bend forward, straight arms with your palms almost touching the floor (60-100 seconds). Then slowly turn your body towards your supporting straight leg. The body seems to “lie” on the leg, pressing tightly against it, with the main load falling on the back of the thigh. Place your palms around your ankle. You should experience a pleasant feeling of warmth. The same, turning to the other leg. This exercise is ideal for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Feet shoulder width apart. Bend forward, clasping your knees with your palms, spreading your elbows to the sides. It's like you want to put your body between your legs.
  • Feet together. Lean forward, gently clasp your knees with your hands and bury your nose in them.

Callanetics exercises for ideal forms

The starting position for all exercises is standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned to the sides.

  • Place your left hand on your stomach, closer to the outer side of your thigh, and extend your right hand up. Bend to the side so that your arm is parallel to the floor. Stretch, tensing each muscle, and maintain this pose for 60-100 seconds. Do the same when bending in the other direction.
  • Perform the previous exercise by slightly swinging your right arm, slightly bent at the elbow, left and right, tensing and relaxing the muscles, for 60 seconds. Keep this pose motionless for the next minute. The same, with your left hand, leaning in the other direction.
  • Similar to the previous exercise, but lower your left hand freely along the supporting leg, as if trying to reach its heel. Extend your right arm parallel to the floor, as if you are trying to reach something. Try bending even lower. Maintain this pose for 60 seconds. The same thing, leaning to the left.
  • Make 10-15 rotations with your body, fixing your lower body, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Then perform 10-15 rotations with your pelvis, keeping your torso motionless. Repeat the exercise again.
  • Hands on your hips, straighten your shoulders, pull your stomach in, tighten your gluteal muscles. Turn your head slowly to the side, with your chin raised and your gaze directed upward. Stay in this position for 10-12 seconds. The same - in the other direction. Repeat the exercise again.
  • Turn your head 90 degrees strictly to the side, feeling how your neck muscles tense. Don't help yourself with shoulder movements. Do the exercise 2 times in each direction, maintaining the pose for 10-12 seconds.
  • Perform 2 turns of your head left and right (while it is lowered, your chin almost touches your chest), holding in extreme positions. This will help relieve muscle tension. Make all movements very slowly and smoothly. No jerking!

Exercise regularly 2-3 times a week for an hour.

Callanetics exercises – toned stomach and beautiful thighs

These 12 exercises are the final part of the callanetics complex. By exercising 2-3 times a week for an hour, you will be able to quickly get rid of figure flaws and lose overweight, acquire charming forms. Exercise regularly and have fun. Perform the first 4 exercises while lying on your back.

  • Raise one leg up at an angle of 90 degrees, the other 5-10 cm from the floor. In this case, both legs are straightened and toes are extended. Stretch your arms forward as if you want to reach something. Try to lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Maintain the pose for 60 seconds. The same thing, changing the position of the legs.
  • Take the same position as in exercise 1, only bend the leg that was parallel to the floor at the knee. The foot rests on the floor. Hold the pose for 60 seconds. The same thing, changing the position of the legs.
  • Raise your legs bent at the knees. Stretch your arms forward parallel to the floor, palms bent, as if you are leaning against the wall. Raise your body. Freeze for 60-100 seconds.
  • Raise your legs slightly bent at the knees. Socks are pulled out. Straightening your arms in front of you, try to lift your body. It's like you're trying to reach your toes with your fingers. Maintain this position for 60 seconds.
  • Lie on your side. Raise your legs, bent at the knees, up. Raise your body, stretch your arms forward. One of them makes you want to reach your heels. Hold the pose for 60 seconds. After a short rest, repeat the exercise. The same, turning to the other side.
  • Sit on the floor. Bend one leg at the knee behind you, extend the other to the side (the toe is also extended) and lean your body towards it as low as possible. Try to grab this leg with your hands. Maintain the pose for 60-100 seconds. The same thing, changing the position of the legs.
  • Sit with your right side against a support (it can be a regular chair), bend your legs at the knees. Body weight is on the right hip. Right hand Grab a chair and place your left leg on the thigh of your right leg. The back is straight. Raise your left leg slightly above the floor (no more than 5-10 cm). Smoothly rock it up and down. Please note: the shin is parallel to the floor. Perform the exercise for 60-100 seconds (if it is difficult, then do 2 sets of 30-50 seconds each). Then repeat it. The same, turning to the support with the other side. Do this exercise by swinging back and forth for 30 seconds with one leg raised above the floor, then the other.
  • Reclining on a bent supporting leg and resting your hands on the floor, swing the other leg, straightened at the knee (toe extended, heel facing up) for 100-120 seconds. The same thing, changing the position of the legs.
  • Lying on your back and spreading your arms to the sides, lift your straightened leg up. Then gradually lower it to the side, while turning your head in the opposite direction. Do not lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Smoothly swing your leg with an amplitude of 5-10 cm from the floor for 60 seconds. The same thing, changing the position of the legs.
  • Sit with your legs spread wide apart and your toes pointed out. Tilt your body towards your left leg, trying to touch it with your chest. Maintain the position for 60-100 seconds. The same, turning your body towards your right leg.
  • Without changing your starting position, smoothly tilt your body forward. Place your hands on the floor in front of you. Rock your torso up and down for 60-100 seconds.
  • Standing on your knees, extend your arms straight above your head, pull your stomach in, keep your back straight. Perform soft springy half-squats without touching your buttocks to your heels for 60 seconds.

Callanetics is primarily physical exercises, which with a systematic approach give amazing results. It's probably worth trying something real instead of the magical transformations that newfangled drugs for quick weight loss only promise.published

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

Higher vocational education


Institute of Continuing Teacher Education

Faculty of Teacher Education, Arts and Technology

Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education

in the discipline “Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports”



student of group No. 2211

T.V. Odnoletova


Art. teacher

A.N. Maksimov

Velikiy Novgorod



2 Lesson phases






In the modern world, everyone is literally obsessed with a beautiful athletic body. This is understandable, because a good figure means popularity with the opposite sex, career success, and simply wellness.

But in order to be in excellent physical shape, desire alone is not enough - you also need to constantly work on yourself, play sports, train your body, getting rid of excess fat deposits.

Fortunately, there are a great variety of different areas of sports to choose from, and everyone can determine for themselves the form of training that is most suitable for their body. If you are a beginner in the sports field, then you need to approach the start of sports activity with double caution so as not to exhaust your body, and correctly calculate the level of load for yourself, be it fitness classes, aerobics or shaping.

However, the listed types of sports activities are similar only at first glance; in fact, they differ in many factors - from the training system to the approach to nutrition.

Is it possible to find a person in the entire civilized world who has not heard the word “fitness” at least once in his life? Hardly. They are actively involved in fitness, they make a lot of money from fitness, they even devote their lives to the cause of fitness. Of course, there are many people who are quite skeptical about this direction in sports.

There is still no clear definition of the concept of “fitness”, nor at least a clear classification of the activities that fitness includes.

The result is a simple definition: fitness is a very broad concept. Still, let's try to understand this broad concept and consider it from all sides.

First, let's turn to for help English-Russian dictionary. The root of the word fitness “fit”, translated from English means the concept of “healthy”. So we can easily conclude that fitness classes are aimed at maintaining or improving health. There's no arguing with that. So, we have already given one, the most important characteristic of fitness: fitness is a set of physical exercises aimed at strengthening all body systems.

There are a great variety of fitness programs, they are usually safe and designed to extract maximum benefits for the human body. The main goal of absolutely everyone is not just to achieve any sports results, but to accustom people to physical activity, to conduct healthy image life.

The programs were specially developed by experienced trainers, doctors, athletes, nutritionists and other professionals in this matter, who could help in drawing up the best comprehensive approach to healing the body.

That is, fitness is the result of many years of experience gained by specialists in the sports field. Here we have another definition.

Fitness offers not only physical education, but also its own lifestyle philosophy, a certain value system. In order to be healthy, you need to develop a positive attitude towards both the world and yourself. Mental harmony is directly related to external harmony.

This problem, among others, is what fitness solves. The philosophy of fitness teaches you to live a full life, enjoy yourself and the world around you, discover new incentives every day, and purposefully move towards your goal.

A balanced harmony of the inner world with the outer world comes first and is the primary task in which fitness helps a person. To realize your uniqueness, individuality, to develop your best qualities, both physical and spiritual - this is what it means to do fitness, and not to mindlessly perform a set of exercises.

Discovering the world of fitness means taking the first step towards exploring your own personality, starting to strive for the unity of soul, mind, body. Accepting yourself, starting to relate positively, without hostility to the world around you, means going halfway on the path to success, to achieving your goal.

Fitness is not a hobby or hobby, it is... whole philosophy life.

Fitness classes are so harmonious and aesthetic that it creates a feeling of celebration. Man himself is naturally beautiful, and fitness once again emphasizes this.

So, fitness is: an active lifestyle; many years of experience of specialists, embodied in specially developed fitness training programs, absolutely safe, designed specifically to maintain and strengthen human health; a training system and a special lifestyle that ensures good health and a positive outlook on the world; a whole life philosophy that helps a person to know himself, his personality, achieve harmony in the inner world, and learn to have a positive attitude towards the external world; a great way to prolong youth.

But these are not all the concepts that fitness includes. Everyone finds something of their own in fitness that can be continued with the above list. Yes, fitness does cover a wide range of concepts. Fitness is a phenomenon for which you must find a place in your life, because it is not just a sport, it is a healthy lifestyle.

2. Aerobics

The word “aerobics” in relation to various types of physical activity with a health-improving focus was proposed by the famous American doctor Kenneth Cooper. At the end of the 60s, under his leadership, research for the US Air Force on aerobic training. The basics of this training, aimed at a wide range of readers, were outlined in the book "Aerobics", published in 1963. The term "aerobic" is borrowed from physiology, it is used to define the chemical and energy processes that ensure muscle function. It is known that metabolism, when a muscle is excited, is a complex system chemical reactions. The processes of splitting complex molecules into simpler ones are combined with the processes of synthesis (reduction) of energy-rich substances. One of these processes can only occur in the presence of oxygen, that is, under aerobic conditions. Aerobic processes produce significantly more energy than anaerobic reactions. Carbon dioxide and water are the main breakdown products of aerobic energy production and are easily removed from the body through breathing and sweat. Types of physical activity that stimulate an increase in oxygen consumption during exercise include various cyclic movements performed at low intensity for quite a long time.

In a broad sense, aerobics includes: walking, running, swimming, skating, skiing, cycling, and other types of physical activity. Performing general developmental and dance exercises, combined into a continuously performed complex, also stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. This gave rise to the use of the term “aerobics” for a variety of programs performed with musical accompaniment and having a dance orientation. This area of ​​health-improving activities has gained immense popularity all over the world. In connection with the specific goals and objectives solved in different areas of modern dance aerobics, the following classification of aerobics can be used: recreational, applied, sports.

Health aerobics is one of the areas of mass physical culture with controlled load. Various groups of specialists are actively working on the development and popularization of various programs that synthesize elements of physical exercises of dance and music for a wide range of students.

A characteristic feature of health aerobics is the presence of an aerobic part of the lesson, during which the work of the cardiorespiratory system is maintained at a certain level. In recreational aerobics, a sufficient number of varieties can be distinguished, differing in the content and structure of the lesson.

Sports aerobics is a sport in which athletes perform a continuous and highly intense set of exercises, including combinations of acyclic movements with complex coordination, as well as elements of different structural groups of varying complexity and interaction between partners (in mixed pairs, triples and groups programs). The basis of the choreography in these exercises is the “basic” aerobic steps traditional for aerobics and their varieties.

Applied aerobics - it has gained some popularity as an additional means in training athletes of other sports (aeroboxing), as well as in industrial gymnastics, in physical therapy(cardiofunk) and in various recreational activities (show programs, sports support groups, cheerleading).

Aerobics health programs attract a wide range of students due to their accessibility, emotionality and the ability to change the content of lessons depending on their interests and preparedness. The basis of any lesson is made up of various exercises performed in walking, running, jumping, as well as strength and flexibility exercises performed from different starting positions.

Main directions of health aerobics:

Dance aerobics. Strengthens muscles, especially the lower body, stimulates the cardiovascular system, improves coordination and posture, and burns excess weight.

Step - aerobics. Serves for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and arthritis, for strengthening muscles and recovery from knee injuries.

Aqua (water) - aerobics. Strengthens the body, improves flexibility, stretches muscles and ligaments, burns excess calories, successfully recovers from injuries, is useful for all ages and for pregnant women.

Slide - aerobics. Most optimal view aerobics for women who want to get rid of fat deposits in the thighs. Serves to strengthen the core muscles of the body.

Pump - aerobics. Aimed at correcting the figure and strengthening muscles.

Tai-Bo - aerobics. Serves to relieve stress, improves tone and mood, regulates heart function, and improves overall well-being.

Ki-Bo - aerobics. Develops strength and endurance, trains the respiratory system, develops flexibility and coordination, and helps to lose excess weight.

Boxing is aerobics and karate is aerobics. Aimed at ensuring that your figure becomes perfect and stays that way all the time.

A - Boxing - aerobics. Essential for both men and women to relieve stress and irritation. Develops coordination, reaction speed, endurance.

Kick - aerobics. Necessary for improving general and strength endurance, agility and coordination. Develops muscle strength and flexibility.

Spinning or cycle reebok. Strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs, buttocks and abdomen. Allows you to lose extra pounds.

Resist - Bol. Helps to correct the figure, develops coordination of movements, flexibility. Helps correct posture and strengthen cardiovascular and respiratory system. Designed for both children and adults.

Trekking - aerobics. Necessary to improve the general physical condition of the body. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

2.2 Lesson phases

IN general view Aerobic exercise consists of the following main phases: warm-up, aerobic phase, cool-down, strength training.

Warm up.

Warm-up has great importance, but, unfortunately, it is often ignored, resulting in muscle strains. The warm-up has two goals: first, to warm up the muscles of the back and limbs; secondly, cause some acceleration in the rate of cardiac acceleration so as to smoothly increase the heart rate to values ​​​​corresponding to the aerobic phase.

When warming up, perform a light load for 2-3 minutes. Stretching exercises are of great importance.

Aerobic phase.

The second phase of training is the main one to achieve a healing effect. In this phase, those exercises that make up the aerobics program are performed. As for the volume of the load, it is not at all necessary to exercise five times a week. It is unwise to force yourself to push yourself so often because the accumulated fatigue can lead to muscle and joint injuries.

It is very important to perform aerobic exercises correctly; we are talking about the safety of exercise. Once again, aerobics is exercise that increases breathing and heart rate without disturbing the balance between oxygen consumption and use, and the exercise is not performed with maximum effort for a fairly long period of time. In order to achieve a greater effect, it is necessary to exercise, according to experts, at an intensity that ensures a heart rate of 65-80% of the maximum.

You need to learn to determine your pulse, first at rest. With a little practice, you can quickly master this simple procedure. You need to know your maximum heart rate. For a twenty-year-old girl this is 200 beats per minute. This means that the optimal heart rate for aerobics is 140-160 beats/min. This heart rate must be maintained continuously for at least 20 minutes of exercise. If you exercise with such intensity 4 times a week, then the training effect is felt quite quickly: preparedness improves, the heart becomes stronger. An excellent way to check the intensity of the load is the conversation test. If you can continue talking during aerobics, then the intensity is acceptable. If you lose your breath and are unable to carry on a conversation, the load is higher than permissible.

The third phase of aerobics takes a minimum of five minutes; During this entire time, you should continue to move, but at a slow enough pace to gradually reduce your heart rate.

The most important thing after aerobics is to keep moving so that blood can circulate from the legs to the central vessels. Anyone who suddenly stops strenuous physical exercise is putting his heart in danger and playing with death. The functioning of the cardiovascular system may be impaired because blood flow slows down rather than heart contractions. That's why a proper cool-down is necessary after each lesson. Its main principle is to never end an exercise with an abrupt stop. The drop in blood pressure should be gradual. Having completed the main, most intense part of the lesson, you must comply with the following requirements: do not stand still without moving, even at the moment when the pulse is measured; don't sit down.

If after a strenuous workout you feel nauseous or dizzy during the cool-down, you should just lie on your back for a few minutes with your legs raised up.

This phase of the aerobic activity, which should last at least 10 minutes, involves movements that strengthen muscles and develop flexibility. Exercises with weights of various types or strength gymnastics (push-ups, squats, pull-ups or any other strength exercise) fully meet the purpose of this stage. One of the main reasons for doing strength training is that it increases the strength and strength of bones and joints, which makes a person less susceptible to injury during the aerobic phase.

If you strictly adhere to all four phases of aerobics, then no serious injuries can occur.

To maintain interest in aerobics lessons, the trainer must follow a certain strategy for teaching and complicating dance programs in accordance with the motor experience, preparedness and age of the students. In connection with the above, when conducting aerobics classes, specific methods are widely used to ensure variety (variability) of dance movements. These include:

method of musical interpretation;

method of complications;

similarity method;

block method;

California style method.

In conclusion, a few words about the general conditions for aerobics. The floor covering in the hall is of great importance. It is ideal if there is a small air gap between the floor and the covering. This makes the floor springy, which naturally protects against injury. The room where classes are held should be spacious so as not to touch each other’s elbows during exercises. This also reduces the risk of injury.

The instructor must be professional and often address students during the lesson - an individual approach in the classroom also plays a very important role. You should not bring yourself to the point of burning. The fact is that a burning sensation in the chest area can be the result of coronary disorders, and the appearance of such symptoms should be avoided in every possible way. If a burning sensation is felt in the muscles, this can also serve as a signal that these muscles are overstrained and, therefore, the risk of injury is very high. The main thing is to choose an aerobics program that best suits your goals. At the same time, the program should be structured in such a way as to virtually eliminate the risk of injury, as well as the development of cardiovascular diseases. Groups should be selected taking into account physical fitness, that is, approximately homogeneous. The program should be designed in such a way that students gradually get used to the continuous load and withstand it without much stress. The exercises should be performed easily, without sudden movements.

3. Shaping

The word “shaping” has been on everyone’s lips for several years now. It comes from the English root “snap”, which means “shape”, i.e. shaping classes are aimed at “giving shape”, correcting figure flaws.

Experts in the field of shaping say that visiting their salons allows women to feel the most attractive for the first time in their lives, since practicing this sport relieves the fair sex from psychological complexes about excess weight, incorrect posture, thin legs, etc.

Of course, increased attention to shaping is shown by women who want to make their figure more attractive. But figure correction is not the main goal of shaping training. Now we will explain why. The fact is that shaping is not easy special kind sports, but a way of life and even a certain worldview. But that's not all. Shaping classes allow women not only to correct their figure, but also to get rid of problems associated with poor health and chronic diseases.

Shaping is truly a certain lifestyle that can only be experienced in the gym and in communication with real fans of this sport. And believe me, there are many of them, and this is primarily due to the fact that the shaping technique corrects and improves not only the figure, but also the entire life of a woman.

Professionals advise doing shaping only in shaping classes and only as a last resort - at home. Self-study will not allow you to achieve high results, such as in gym classes. The first step towards such a lifestyle is very easy to take - just enroll in a shaping class. Naturally, you need to practice under the supervision of professionals.

Shaping is not only doing physical exercises with a load on certain muscle groups, it is also a system of proper nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. That is why shaping classes are very useful for those who, from a young age, begin to take care of their health and rid themselves not only of extra pounds, but also of various diseases.

Another, but no less important, feature of this method is that before you start shaping, specialists will carefully study the characteristics of your figure and health status. They will then be able to tell you whether the classes are right for you or not.

Thus, shaping involves an individual approach, as a result of which all the features of your body are taken into account - constitutional type, skeletal structure, fat percentage, etc. Specialists take many measurements, enter the data into a computer, which creates an ideal model of your body, of course, taking into account all its features. After a woman sees the figure that she can have after some time, it is natural that she will have a desire to strive for self-improvement and achieve her dreams. Besides, it’s nice to always remain yourself, and not adjust your proportions to world standards.

After you see yourself as ideal, you will be asked to take a muscle endurance test. This is done in order to increase the load gradually, and not immediately, in one day, in order to select a set of exercises necessary specifically for your body. You probably understand that this is also an important factor. Naturally, not trained athletes come to shaping classes, but ordinary women, who, among other things, may experience health problems. That is why it is very important for them to feel that professionals are working with them, who will select a set of exercises in accordance with the characteristics of their body.

Beginners are always interested in how they will be treated in class. We can assure you that classes are held in well-equipped classrooms, accompanied by a videotape on which exercises for all types of muscles are recorded.

It will not be superfluous if we recall that sport is the first assistant in the treatment of various diseases. By training all muscle groups, you strengthen your body, making your body not only beautiful, but also strong, resilient, and therefore less susceptible to ailments that beset modern man literally at every turn.

The set of exercises includes warm-up, stretching and relaxation exercises. Shaping training is different in that during the exercises, instructors give you advice that will help you cope with a particular movement so that it is performed with the greatest impact and has a 100% impact on your body.

It is also very important that during classes, instructors monitor not only the correctness of the exercises, but also physiological indicators - breathing and pulse. Depending on the results, they will advise you to slow down or increase the pace, finish or continue the workout.

Each lesson lasts an hour. If you decide to seriously engage in shaping, it is better to plan your time several months in advance so that you always have an hour left for a shaping class. Experts will check your results throughout the entire time you spend in class. During each month, control measurements will be taken to determine weight, the size of fat folds, and the percentage correspondence between the current you and the future you, i.e. between you and your ideal.

In addition to the fact that specialists regularly monitor your figure, they also help you create a daily menu, which includes dishes from those products that are necessary specifically for your body. As you know, our health largely depends on nutrition, so shaping pays increased attention not only physical activity, but also proper nutrition. Instructors will teach you how to eat properly based on the workout program you'll be doing.

The fact is that there are two programs that are aimed at achieving different goals. The first program - catabolic - is aimed at getting rid of excess weight, reducing muscle mass and muscle size, the second - anabolic - at strengthening muscles and increasing muscle mass. Naturally, your health and daily well-being largely depend on the state of your figure and body.

We all understand that the less people suffer from obesity, excess body fat, and shortness of breath, the less time they have to spend in doctors' offices and at the pharmacy counter. However, not all of us have enough determination, and most importantly, the willpower to radically change our well-being and our usual, but not entirely healthy, lifestyle.

Many women think that they are “not made” for sports. They consider themselves unbearable, weak, and ultimately lazy, and therefore prefer to “sit” on exhausting diets, which are very often prepared not by a specialist, but by a friend who heard that someone lost weight because they ate something I didn’t eat this and that. But isn’t it easier to go in for sports, and in particular, shaping? If you are not sure that you can handle heavy workloads, we can reassure you - you can handle it. The exercise sets are compiled by real professionals who select the load designed for an ordinary woman, and not for an Olympic champion. In addition, the peculiarity of these exercises is that most of them are performed in a lying position. Of course, this is not a treat for lazy people. In this position, the heart and joints are less strained. Even this small feature of shaping classes shows that the people who created this program cared primarily about women’s health, which can be improved with the help of such exercises.

Everyone who has been involved in shaping for at least a few weeks admits that these exercises turned out to be the most effective in the stubborn fight against excess weight. In addition, shaping activities significantly improve your mood and well-being. How is such efficiency achieved? The fact is that during training there is a load on all muscle groups, and in particular on problem areas. Exercises “load” the body to the required extent, while reducing the amount of fat deposits. It is also important that all exercises are performed at least 100 times; this is done so that all muscle groups are strengthened. Beginners are usually intimidated by this large number, but we repeat that the load is distributed over all muscles and is designed for an ordinary woman.

Remember rule number one: on the day when you are doing shaping, high-calorie and heavy foods are strictly excluded. It is best to stick to a fasting diet. In case of serious illness, you should definitely consult a doctor, who should approve or prohibit the diet you have chosen.

You should follow a diet not only on training days, but also on other days. Choose low-calorie foods, light foods. Naturally, you will have to give up your favorite sweet cake, in general, everything floury, fatty and sweet. You should replace sugar with honey or not very sweet jam. Avoid consuming large quantities of bread (no more than 250 g per day). It is advisable that you eat bread with bran or rye.

The main components of your diet should be vegetables and fruits. Eat no more than 1 kg of fruit, and you can eat vegetables without restrictions. The main thing is not to overeat. Vegetables can be eaten in any form - both raw and boiled.

If, on the contrary, you decide to stick to anabolic training, that is, you want to increase the elasticity of your muscles, eat a protein meal about an hour before training.

Pay attention to how you will be dressed during your shaping training. Tracksuits made from synthetic fibers are completely excluded. Clothing should be hygroscopic, that is, allow moisture and air to pass through, allowing your skin to “breathe” and get rid of expended energy. It is advisable that sportswear for shaping classes be made from natural fibers and purchased in specialized sports stores. The quality of clothing is also important for giving the body tone and maintaining good shape. For those who believe that taking care of their health begins with losing weight, they can use special clothing that gives the effect of a sauna. Weight loss creams and anti-cellulite products will also come to your aid, the quality of which you must be one hundred percent sure of.

After shaping, it is recommended to visit the sauna or take a hot bath in order to remove lactic acid from the muscles - the culprit of muscle pain that haunts all those who are just starting to play sports or increase the load on their body. While in the bath or sauna, do a self-massage, during which you can stretch tired muscles and disperse lactic acid. So, let's move on to how to properly do shaping at home. You can purchase a cassette that was developed by Federation specialists, or you can simply master the set of exercises that are given in our chapter, turn on rhythmic music and make sure that there is a comfortable rug on the floor.

Where to start training? Of course, from the warm-up. Without warming up, you can seriously damage your ligaments and muscles, which will hurt for several days. For those who once did aerobics, you can suggest remembering the most energetic movements and doing them as a warm-up. Naturally, all exercises should be performed to rhythmic music, at a fairly fast pace, otherwise fat will not have time to be used up, and the body will receive insufficient load.

When doing shaping at home, you need to remember your pulse. Depending on the results, you should increase or decrease the load, as well as change the complexity of the exercises performed. The pulse should be no more than 130-140 beats per minute. At this heart rate, the training efficiency is highest.

During your workout, you also need to monitor your breathing. There is no need to delay it, even if some exercise is extremely difficult for you. Breathe evenly. Inhale on the count of “ones,” i.e., at the time when muscle contraction (tension) occurs, exhale during relaxation.

Professionals in the field of shaping advise that during training you should never stop drinking. You can only drink mineral or chilled boiled water, but not juices or sweet tea. The body must receive enough fluid. Of course, you should only drink when you really want it.

Women attach great importance to the shape of their belly. Everyone dreams of a toned, firm tummy that would remain that way even after childbirth. Trained and elastic abdominal muscles will always help a woman during childbirth, protect her from stretch marks, and even after the birth of a child will remain as elastic and strong.

A set of shaping exercises cannot be performed during menstruation, otherwise cycle disruption may occur. If you don't want to miss too many classes, don't study for at least the first three days.

When performing the exercises, make sure that they do not come too easily to you. If you do not feel any load on a particular muscle group, this means that you are performing the exercise incorrectly or you should increase the load or complicate the task, for example, do not touch the floor with the part of the body that is working in this exercise.

Do not forget that shaping classes should be accompanied by good rhythmic music. Music, as you know, is a good healer not only from a bad mood, but also from some diseases. For example, it has been observed that favorite music relieves headaches. It is advisable that preparation for the lesson be carried out in good mood, which will stay with you for at least another hour. After training, fatigue will come, but it will be pleasant fatigue.

The exercise for each muscle group should be performed for at least four minutes. After two minutes from the start of the workout, you should stop in order to stretch the muscles that you are currently straining.

Shaping took advantage of the principle of bodybuilding: in order to achieve an effect, you should perform the exercise for several minutes in the form of repeated movements. After you repeat the same exercise several times, move on to another one or simply rest and then repeat the same exercise again. This is the only way to achieve high results. Your enemy should be the reluctance to repeat one movement for several minutes. Be patient and keep repeating the series of exercises.

4. Basic mistakes in classes

fitness shaping aerobics nutrition

Here is a list typical mistakes which are allowed for beginners when doing fitness. For convenience, we will divide them into two thematic blocks. Most likely, success has not yet come to you because:

The training intensity is not at all what you need.

Answer yourself honestly the question: do you give 100% in the gym? Sometimes people go to two extremes:

Afraid of overtraining, some finish the training process too early, without receiving the load necessary for a high-quality result;

On the contrary, they train according to the principle “the more intense, the greater the load, the better.”

Both are wrong. Let's consider the first option.

If you still don’t know, then know that as a result of intense training, so-called lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, which causes unpleasant and sometimes quite painful sensations in the muscle group on which the exercises were done. And this is not bad! Don’t be afraid of this feeling and run away from the gym for a week. On the contrary: if you feel pain, know that everything is OK, the process has begun. This means that your body is not yet accustomed to such a load; it is new to it. And this is one of the main tasks of training, to constantly present surprises to your body and not let it relax.

So don’t be afraid to increase the number of approaches and repetitions, experiment with weights, gradually making them heavier - you need to overcome yourself! And the results will begin to gradually come during the recovery period: a body that has been thoroughly exhausted during training will take on a new shape and increase muscle volume.

However, the above aspirations, while certainly very useful and necessary, should not develop into the second extreme - fanaticism.

In other words, you need to be able to very clearly feel the line beyond which the sensations from good intense training simply go beyond the state of overtraining of the body. But this is no longer any good. Enthusiasm is good, but you shouldn’t lose your head in pursuit of results either. You know roughly your strengths; you don’t need to rely on the intensity of the training of professionals who have been training for several years.

For example, not everyone can withstand two days in a row of intense training in the gym - and for you this is most likely too much. Five exercises per workout, with a maximum number of approaches - four to five times - is also already the ceiling; anything that exceeds this norm is hardly beneficial. On the contrary: by overloading your body, you risk not only not increasing in size, but also losing muscle mass.

Conclusion: you need to train intensively, but wisely.

You have chosen the wrong set of exercises for yourself.

This is a very common mistake. And no amount of intensity will help if you are doing something that has nothing to do with muscle growth. Well, or it does, but not to the required extent. After all, what exercises are primarily necessary for a qualitative increase in muscle volume? Basically, these are basic exercises that involve working with a barbell or dumbbells. Of course, they are more difficult to perform than training on simulators or block machines, but they bring a much more tangible effect. Unfortunately, many people ignore this fact and stubbornly try to achieve success by reducing basic exercises to a minimum, or even eliminating them altogether. And after that you ask, where is the result?

Conclusion: in order to get results from training, you need to perform those exercises that bring the main result. That is, the basic ones.

You're not eating right.

Finding out whether your nutrition process is organized correctly is not difficult. Do you eat irregularly, eat fatty, high-calorie foods, do you like sweets? Then start improving.

No, of course you need calories, because in order for muscle mass to grow, you need to give it building material for this. But! Products due to which it will occur this process, must be healthy and dietary, contain a high percentage of substances that provide nutrition and muscle growth. And the process of eating should be divided into stages, at intervals of approximately two to three hours throughout the day.

So, remember that every kilogram of your weight needs to be provided daily with about two grams of protein, plus about another forty kilocalories there.

You don't get enough sleep.

But in vain, because sleep is a very important process during which the body recovers most effectively, so you should not neglect it.

Basically, a common person gets enough sleep in six to eight hours, while completely restoring his strength. However, for those who are intensely involved in fitness, things happen a little differently. An organism that is constantly subjected to intense training naturally experiences considerable stress: both the muscles and the lymphatic systems are stressed, and the nervous system is not left out. So sleep more! This is for the good. If possible, sleep for an hour another day. If not, in any case, plan your day so that you get eight to nine hours of sleep - and that’s a minimum!

Conclusion: sleep is the best recovery for the body, do not neglect it.

Do you drink? Do you smoke?

Then quit. No, really: at least it’s worth reducing the dose. Now we don’t want to lecture you at all about the dangers of alcohol and nicotine, however, you must agree, training with a hangover is a thankless task. Well, there’s no need to talk about the ability of the respiratory system to withstand stress after smoking one or two packs of cigarettes a day. And the liver, which occupies an important place in the process of synthesis of muscle tissue, is so easily destroyed by large amounts of alcoholic beverages! And how the heart suffers vascular system? To what extent is the body's endurance lost? Have you ever thought about it? For sure. Think again and draw the appropriate conclusions. And stop making excuses that nicotine reduces appetite; you won’t care, most likely, you’ll need to build your nutrition system from scratch.


By engaging in physical education, we acquire the necessary Everyday life and motor skills in work. The dexterity, speed and strength of our body movements develops. The control of movements, which is carried out by the central nervous system, is improved. When doing physical exercises, more and more new conditioned reflexes are formed, which are fixed and formed in long consecutive rows. Thanks to this, the body acquires the ability to better and better adapt to greater and more complex physical activity, thanks to this we can carry out movements more easily and more economically - our body, as they say, trains.

As a result of training, the work and structure of all organs of our body, and especially the higher parts of the central nervous system, improves. Increases mobility nervous processes excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex and in other parts of the nervous system, i.e., the process of excitation more easily transforms into the process of inhibition and vice versa. The body therefore reacts more quickly to all kinds of external and internal irritations, including irritations coming to the brain from contracting muscles, as a result of which body movements become faster and more dexterous.

In trained people, the nervous system more easily adapts to new movements and new operating conditions of the motor system.

During physical exercise, the strength of excitation and inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex increases, resulting in increased muscle tension during contraction. In this regard, the structure of muscle fibers changes - they become thicker, muscle volume increases. By systematically doing so-called strength exercises, for example with weights, you can dramatically increase muscle volume and strength in 6-8 months.

This happens because the nutrition of the working muscles is significantly improved. In muscles at rest, most of the blood capillaries surrounding the muscle fibers are closed to blood flow, and blood does not flow through them. During work, when the muscle contracts, all capillaries open, so the blood flow into the muscle increases more than 30 times. During training, new blood capillaries are formed in the muscles.

Under the influence of training, the chemical composition muscles. It increases the amount of so-called energetic substances, i.e. substances, the decay of which releases a lot of energy. These substances include glycogen and phosphagen. In trained muscles, glycogen and phosphorus compounds, which break down during contractions of muscle fibers, are restored faster, and oxidative processes (processes of combining with oxygen) proceed more intensely, muscle tissue absorbs oxygen better and uses it better.

Training has a beneficial effect not only on the muscles. The entire musculoskeletal system is strengthened, bones, ligaments, and tendons become stronger. Systematic physical exercise significantly affects the external shape of the body, contributes to its proportional development in childhood and adolescence, and in adulthood and old age allows you to maintain beauty and slimness for a long time.

On the contrary, sedentary sedentary image life prematurely ages a person. He becomes flabby, his stomach sags, and his posture sharply worsens. Typically, a person who is not involved in physical labor and sports is slouched, his head is tilted forward, his back is hunched, his lower back is excessively arched, his chest is sunken, and his stomach protrudes forward due to weakness of the abdominal muscles, even if there is no obesity (and it very often develops in those who move little and do not engage in physical education.

Physical exercises that strengthen the muscles (especially the muscles of the trunk) can correct your posture. For this purpose, it is useful to do gymnastics and swim - breaststroke is best; Correct posture is facilitated by a horizontal position of the body and uniform exercise of numerous muscle groups.

With specially selected physical exercises, you can eliminate lateral curvatures of the spine in the initial stage of development, strengthen the abdominal muscles weakened by inactivity or long-term illness, and strengthen and restore the arches of the feet with flat feet. Vigorous exercise and diet can help you fight crippling obesity.

Physical exercises that correct physique defects must be used according to the instructions and under the supervision of a medical specialist.

A trained person becomes more resilient, he can perform more intense movements and perform heavy muscular work for a long time. This largely depends on his circulatory, respiratory and excretory organs working better. Their ability to sharply intensify their work and adapt it to the conditions created in the body during increased physical activity increases significantly.

Hard working muscles need more oxygen and nutrients, as well as in more quick removal metabolic products. Both are achieved due to the fact that more blood flows into the muscles and the speed of blood flow in the blood vessels increases. In addition, the blood in the lungs is more saturated with oxygen. All this is possible only because the work of the heart and lungs is significantly enhanced.

When we are at rest, the heart pumps about 5 liters of blood into the aorta per minute. During intense physical stress, for example, while running or overcoming an obstacle course, etc., the pulse quickens from 60-70 to 120-200 beats per minute, the amount of blood ejected by the heart in 1 minute increases to 10-20 and even 40 l. Blood pressure in the arteries increases from 120 to 200 mmHg.

In trained people, the heart adapts more easily to new working conditions, and after finishing physical exercise it returns to normal activity more quickly. The number of contractions of a trained heart is smaller, and therefore the pulse is less frequent, but with each contraction the heart releases more blood into the arteries.

With rarer heart contractions, more favorable conditions are created for the heart muscle to rest. As a result of training, the work of the heart and blood vessels becomes more economical and is better regulated by the nervous system.

At rest, a person makes about 16 respiratory movements per minute. With each breath, about 500 cm3 of air enters the lungs.

During physical activity, due to increased oxygen consumption by the muscles, breathing becomes more frequent and deeper. The volume of pulmonary ventilation, i.e., the amount of air passing through the lungs in one minute, increases sharply - from 8 liters at rest to 100-140 liters during fast running, swimming, or skiing. And the more air passes through the lungs, the more oxygen the body receives.

At rest, a person absorbs about 0.2 liters of oxygen per minute. During muscular work, the amount of oxygen absorbed increases, but within certain limits. The greatest amount of oxygen absorption, the so-called oxygen ceiling, is not so great for untrained people, it is equal to 2-3.5 liters, and in well-trained people the body can receive 5-5.5 liters of oxygen per minute through the lungs. Therefore, in trained people, when physical work“oxygen debt” is formed less quickly (the so-called difference between the need for oxygen and its actual consumption) and they better mobilize the adaptive capabilities of respiration and blood circulation. This is clearly visible, for example, when measuring the vital capacity of the lungs with a spirometer.

In trained people, the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells) increases from 4.5-5 million in 1 mm3 of blood to 6 million. Red blood cells are oxygen carriers, therefore, with an increase in their number, the blood can receive more oxygen in the lungs and deliver more of it to the tissues , mainly muscles.

In trained people, the number of lymphocytes - white blood cells - also increases. Lymphocytes produce substances that neutralize various poisons that enter the body or are formed in the body. An increase in the number of lymphocytes is one of the proofs that as a result of physical exercise the body's defenses increase and the body's resistance to infection increases. People who regularly engage in physical exercise and sports are less likely to get sick, and if they do get sick, in most cases they tolerate infectious diseases more easily. Trained people have more stable blood sugar levels. It is known that with prolonged and hard muscle work, the amount of sugar in the blood decreases. In trained people, this decrease is not as sharp as in untrained people. In people who are not accustomed to physical labor, the flow of urine is sometimes disrupted during intense muscular work. In trained people, the work of the kidneys better adapts to changed conditions, and metabolic products formed in larger quantities during increased physical activity are promptly removed from the body.

Thus, we see that physical culture and sports have a beneficial effect not only on muscles, but also on other organs, improving and improving their functioning.

To be a healthy, strong, resilient and well-rounded person, you need to constantly and systematically engage in various types of physical exercise and sports.


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Tags: Body correction using physical education Abstract Tourism

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