The best set of exercises to increase chest muscles, nutrition secrets. Is it possible to enlarge breasts with exercises: how? Exercises to enlarge your bust

According to statistics, about 70% of the fair half of humanity are not satisfied with the size of their breasts, 60% of them would like to enlarge this part of the body using a non-surgical method. The safest, most accessible, painless and effective way today is bust enlargement exercises, which not only slightly increase volume, but also correct the shape of the breast. Making your breasts larger by as much as 3-4 sizes through exercise is, of course, unrealistic. But it is quite possible to give it elasticity and prevent sagging. The main thing is the desire and regularity of training.

How exercise affects breast size and condition

Most women believe that training helps to enlarge the mammary glands themselves, without separating such concepts as “breasts” and “gland”. Physical activity only allows you to build up the muscles located under the mammary gland, which leads to an increase in the bust as a whole.

The female breast is a paired organ, which, as shown anatomical structure in the figure below, contains virtually no muscle tissue. The mammary gland is a type of apocrine gland of the skin and consists of 90% fat and connective tissue, which cannot be pumped up. Therefore, if you want to improve the shape of your breasts and increase their tone, all efforts should be directed to working with the muscles chest.

Well-developed and strong muscles of the sternum support the weighted mammary glands, thereby maintaining the aesthetics of the female breast. In this regard, regular exercise for this muscle group is recommended for expectant mothers and young mothers during lactation, so that under the weight of milk the bust does not sag and lose its shape.

Physical preparation of this kind is necessary even for those women who have decided to radically change their breast size by resorting to implants. After all, how beautiful this “load” will look depends again on the condition of the pectoral muscles.

What you need for breast enlargement classes

Breast enlargement exercises can be performed both in the gym during training and at home. To do this, you should purchase small dumbbells in a specialized store. The weight of dumbbells should be selected in accordance with the weight and physical fitness of the woman. As a rule, they start with 2 kg, then the load is gradually increased using dumbbells weighing 6-8 kg.

You shouldn’t overload your hands with heavier equipment during training. This will not greatly affect the size of the bust, but the muscles of the arms will become too prominent, which does not always look feminine. Therefore, to achieve the desired result, you need to train not only hard, but also correctly.

To train the chest muscles, a simulator or rubber shock absorber is also used. Distinctive feature Such devices have a complex effect on the chest muscles. The simulator uses all the necessary muscle groups, thus tightening the bust.

To choose the right load, you need to do the first 3-5 exercises. If doing them causes fatigue and it becomes more and more difficult to continue doing the exercises, this means that the load is correct. When the muscles adapt and the exercises are easy and without much tension, then the weight should be increased with dumbbells.

Exercises to strengthen the chest muscles

The set of simple exercises described below, which can be performed daily at home, will help maintain muscle tone in the chest and preserve beautiful shape bust.

  1. Stand with your back to one side of the doorway, resting your hands on the opposite side.
  2. Press down firmly on the counter with your hands for 60 seconds.
  3. Lean forward and try to “push” the opening post with your hands again for 60 seconds.
  4. Rest 3 minutes. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


  1. Standing or sitting in the lotus position near a wall, press your back against it. Bring your palms together, placing them at chest level.
  2. Squeeze your palms tightly and hold in this position for 10-15 seconds.
  3. Unclench your closed palms. Then squeeze your palms again and hold for 10-15 seconds.
  4. Relax, take a break for a couple of seconds. Repeat 3 more times.

"Standing push-up"

  1. Standing facing the wall, place both palms on it, keeping your arms at chest level.
  2. Try to “move” the wall with great effort. The back should be straight when performing the exercise.
  3. You need to try to “move” the wall for 2-3 minutes.
  4. After resting, repeat 3-4 times.


  1. Stand up straight, straighten your back, clench your hands into fists.
  2. Perform movements similar to a skier's run for 1 minute: begin moving your arms, slightly bent at the elbows, intensively back and forth.
  3. Slowly raise your straight arms and hold them at chest level, lower and raise them alternately 6 times.
  4. The exercise cycle should be repeated 3 times.

"Floor push-up"

  1. Lie on your stomach, arms, toes resting on the floor. At first, you can put your feet on the bed.
  2. Start slowly lowering yourself and rising up on your hands.
  3. Starting with 2, increase the number of push-ups to 20 each time.


  1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent. Gently bend towards the floor, touching it with your forehead, and stretch your arms forward.
  2. Trying to stretch your arms forward as much as possible, hold for 7-10 seconds.
  3. After a short break, repeat 3 more times.

Exercises with dumbbells

  1. Lying on your back, pick up dumbbells. Slowly spread your arms out to the sides and then cross them in the air. Do this 5 times - 2 approaches. Break – 10 seconds.
  2. Remaining in a lying position, place your hands with dumbbells behind your head. Raise your arms, hold them above your head and slowly lower them to your stomach. Take the starting position. The exercise is performed 7 times – 2 approaches.
  3. In a lying position, take dumbbells. Raise your arms with the dumbbells up, straightening your elbows, then slowly lower your arms, bending your elbows. Do this exercise 10 times.
  4. Sit on the floor with your knees tucked under you. Alternating your arms, swing your arms with dumbbells in front of you. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times.
  5. Remaining in the same position, place your hands in front of your chest, bend your elbows. Slowly extend your arms to the sides, then return them to the starting position. Do this exercise 7-10 times.

Don't be afraid of pain. They are proof that the load is selected correctly and the exercises involve the desired group muscles. After some time, the muscles will get used to the load, and the discomfort will disappear. If you want to achieve visible results, you should train three times a week. Correct and regular exercises to enlarge your bust will allow you to notice changes within 2 months. Eight weeks of intense training, and your breast volume will increase by 5-6 centimeters.

Many women dream of increasing the volume of their breasts. Indeed, according to statistics, men first of all turn their attention to this “outstanding” part of the body. To make your bust more attractive and larger, you don’t need to lie on the operating table. You can also enlarge your breasts yourself with the help of exercises.

Physiological aspect of the problem

It would seem that you can simply pump up your breasts. However, this is a very erroneous opinion. After all, a woman’s bust consists of mammary glands, as well as connective and adipose tissue. That is why when a girl loses weight, her breasts also become smaller.

The bust is supported by the pectoral muscles. They need to pay attention if you want your breasts to be firm and high. Of course, sagging cannot be avoided with age, but if you do a set of exercises, gorgeous breasts will remain for a long time. for a long time. And don’t forget to maintain your posture and don’t slouch.

How to do exercises for breast enlargement: important nuances

All chest exercises are not designed for growth. After all, there is very little muscle tissue there. The main task of the complex is to directly influence the pectoralis major muscle, to which the ligaments that support the bust and are responsible for its firmness are attached. Exercises will also help to form a beautiful relief and strengthen muscle tissue. Thus, the volume will actually increase by several centimeters.

What will you have to do in order to enlarge your breasts with the help of exercises?

  • You should train at least 3 times a week, but you shouldn’t train too often. After all, muscles will grow only the next day after the complex.
  • You can't do without pain. You will have to prepare for this.
  • In order to enlarge your breasts with the help of exercises, you will have to try and work hard. The main thing is a strong desire.
  • For training you will have to buy dumbbells. The weight of each should be approximately 7-10 kg.

Effective exercises

  • "Wall". You need to stand in the doorway. The back touches one rack, and the hands rest on the opposite one. Press on it for 1 minute as if you want to move it. Repeat - 3 times.
  • "Palms." Standing against a wall, you need to press your palms together in front of your chest and press until your hands tremble. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat 3 times.
  • "Push ups". Standing facing the wall, a woman should rest her palms on it at approximately bust level. You should push against the wall with great effort, bending your elbows but keeping your back straight. Perform for 2 minutes, 3 sets.
  • "Skier". Take dumbbells into your arms bent at the elbows. Now, with a straight back, you need to imitate the movements of a real skier for about 1 minute. Repetitions – 3-4.
  • "Jerks." Lying on your back with dumbbells in your hands near your chest, you need to jerk upward 10 times.
  • "Stretching". Stretching is a must after each cycle. To do this, you need to sit on your knees, stretch your arms forward as far as possible, and touch your forehead to the floor. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds and relax. You will have to try to keep your hands away from yourself. Repetitions – 3.

Some tips

Beautiful lush breasts are the dream of many modern girls. To accomplish this, they turn to plastic surgeons to install implants or tighten the existing volume. However, according to many experts, surgical intervention is a last resort. You shouldn’t resort to it just for the sake of external decoration, because there are others, alternative ways changes in bust shape. These include, for example, physical exercise.

Is it possible to enlarge breasts with exercise?

This is an incorrect and very controversial question, since the proportions of the female body are formed in utero and develop throughout life.

To answer this more accurately, you need to refer to anatomical reference books. In them accessible language The nature of the appearance of size is explained, as well as the degree of influence on the body to change it.

The breast consists of muscle tissue, a fat layer and a glandular base. Gland, as the determining basis for creating the required volume, cannot be increased through exercise. The layer that adds 1–1.5 cm in circumference also disappears under the influence of physical activity, which leads to sagging and shrinkage of the breasts. But the muscle corset that encircles the entire upper part of the body (including the inner deep layers) can be corrected.

If you pump up the pectoral muscle and tighten the subcutaneous ligaments, the size remains the same, but looks more attractive. Since there is a kind of “express growth” of muscle mass with its relief distribution.

When exposed to a significant load on the upper part of the body, a woman is able to add no more than 2 centimeters to the existing volume by gaining muscle mass. Special gymnastics is not capable of radically solving the problem of a small bust.

How to make your breasts bigger with gymnastics

Increasing breast volume with the help of physical exercises is achieved as follows:

  1. Strengthening the back muscles. Correct and beautiful posture visually increases volume in the right place.
  2. Contour lift around the pectoral muscles. The stronger the muscle corset in this area, the higher the chest will be located.
  3. Increase in the mass of the pectoral muscles.
  4. Bringing together the two halves of the chest to create a “support effect”.
  5. Increased tone of the upper shoulder region. Due to the increase in volume not only from below, but also from above, a visual increase in volume occurs. The breasts seem a size larger than they actually are.

What exercises will help

The simplest and most popular exercises for breast shape correction are:

  • "Wall".
  • "Prayer".
  • Push-ups against the wall.
  • "Skier"
  • Strength part (using dumbbells).
  • Stretching.

These physical activity techniques locally affect the muscle layer, helping to form the desired volume, tighten sagging mammary glands, and make the breasts more expressive.


Starting position (I.P.) – leaning your back against one half of the doorway, and resting your hands on the other.

After taking the starting position, you must forcefully push the wall of the doorway for at least 60 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times in a row.


I.P. - stand near the wall, pressing your back against it. Place your hands, palms inward, under your chest.

After this, you need to squeeze your palms tightly for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Wall push-ups

Push-ups help strengthen not only the pectoral muscles, but also the back and arms (biceps, triceps). To form a sculpted figure without excess volume, the wall press is used.

I.P. - as with the floor press. Movements are performed on a count of 1-2. Moreover, 1 is approaching, and 2 is moving away from the object. This exercise must be performed every day for two minutes.


This type of exercise is best performed at a slow pace using dumbbells.

I.P. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides, palms closed into fists (dumbbells 2 kg).

After accepting IP, it is necessary to perform the movements that skiers usually perform. When using dumbbells, this is done on a count of 1-2. Without using them, at an average pace for the count 1-2-3-4. The exercise must be repeated 3-4 times.


I.P. - sitting on the floor. Legs are bent at the knees. Hands are palms down.

After taking IP, you need to lean forward, touching the tip of your forehead to the floor. At the same time, extend your arms forward. Repeat this exercise 5-6 times in a row.

Exercises to get started at home

It is quite easy to create a correct and simple set of exercises to practice at home. It is worth taking as a basis those types of gymnastic warm-ups that do not require the use of special equipment or expensive devices.

For beginners, all types of stretching using hula hoops, jumping balls, and push-ups are great.

At an advanced level, it will be useful to purchase inexpensive dumbbells weighing no more than 2 kg.

The most difficult option involves full modeling of the figure using the “stand”, “birch”, push-ups, strength training, fitness and other aerobic types of gymnastics.

The most effective loads and methods

The most effective exercises for developing chest relief include strength exercises using dumbbells and barbells, push-ups (all types) and a specialized gymnastics complex.

Exercises with dumbbells

Refers to the simplest and in a practical way external breast lift. In addition, using dumbbells also shapes the contours of your biceps and triceps, making your arms leaner and more graceful.

Without dumbbells

You can perform some gymnastic techniques without weights. For example, using support, as in the “wall” exercise, as well as developing muscles by lifting the body on the arms.

Exercises for the pectoral muscles

Specialized gymnastics includes movements aimed at training only the upper shoulder and thoracic back.

It’s worth noting right away that this option is extremely traumatic, so it is recommended to use A complex approach for breast shape correction.


Everything is selected taking into account physiological characteristics body. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, using power loads is not recommended at all.

For correction general condition A standard set of exercise therapy methods and feasible gymnastic techniques are used to tighten the pectoral muscles.

Bust enlargement in a week

It is possible to increase the size of the pectoral muscle in one week only with the additional use of specialized sports supplements. They help to quickly increase body weight, form relief in a short time and act as an additional source of nutrients that nourish muscle tissue.

This type of dietary supplement includes Gainers, Protein, Amino Acids.

Exercises for teenage breast growth

In adolescence, the figure is in the stage of formation, so it is much easier to influence it with the help of physical activity.

However, due to the excessive vulnerability of the musculoskeletal system in girls during puberty, you should not get carried away with strength training or other complex exercises.

To achieve a positive effect, it is enough to use:

  1. Bench press.
  2. Exercise on chairs. A very popular gymnastics, the meaning of which is to lift the body on your hands from a support on 2 chairs or a couch. You need to do it no more than 3 times in a row during the first lesson. You need to stand with your back to the support.
  3. "Emphasis." Tension and relaxation of the pectoral muscles by creating pressure on the palms.

Gymnastics to enlarge the bust

A gymnastic complex for increasing the muscular corset of the sternum also involves working to strengthen the muscles in the arms and around the spinal column, because the increasing volume directly affects the condition of the musculoskeletal system in the entire upper shoulder area.

In order to choose the most suitable and easiest way to achieve your goal, it is recommended to pay attention to advanced types of sports activities.

Yoga for Bust Enlargement

This breathing exercises aimed at relaxation nervous system and general strengthening of the body. Some of her asanas can be used to increase the volume of the pectoral muscle.

  • Bhujangasana - cobra pose. You need to lie on your stomach, put your hands under your chest. While inhaling deeply, raise your back and hips and straighten your elbows. As you exhale, lower yourself into I.P.
  • Dvikonasana – double angle pose. I.P. – straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Both hands are brought back and the fingers are connected. You need to bend your upper body, leaning forward, and at the same time raise your arms without releasing them.
  • Vajrasana – diamond pose. First you need to get on your knees. Toes are extended, the insteps of the feet are pressed to the floor. Keep your body straight, begin to slowly lower yourself onto your heels, while keeping your palms on your knees.
  • Ushtrasana – camel pose. It is done in the same way as the previous pose, only lying or sitting on the floor.

State before and after

After passing full course Through preventive gymnastics, a woman should develop correct posture, a rounded shape of the mammary glands, and a beautiful and thin shoulder line. The external and internal contour of the torso muscles should be tightened, and the visual fullness of the chest should also be present.

If you do gymnastics only for a certain time without much effort, it is almost impossible to achieve the desired effect. The breasts will quickly begin to sag, the biceps and triceps will lose their toned appearance and begin to resemble jelly, the fullness will disappear, and the change will come normal overexertion, posture will become slouched.

Contour modeling own body useful at any age. Everyone can choose simple and accessible exercises to do at home, on the street or in the gym. Today, there are a huge number of programs for general strengthening of the body and free formation of the muscle corset.

Exercises for breast enlargement should, first of all, be varied, since the muscles being worked stretch along all diagonals, and if you miss some of them, there is a risk of not seeing positive results at all. Even the same gymnastics exercise, performed with the load transferred to different muscle fibers, will bring more benefits than random multiple body movements without an emphasis on the target result.

There is more misinformation swirling around the desired volumetric shapes than this topic deserves, and all because girls who have decided to independently solve the problem with the offensive “one” want to jump to the desired “size 3” without knowing basic anatomy. For example, the very used expression “increasing breast volume” clearly places us in the area plastic surgery, since no exercises to enlarge the bust are capable of such transformations with the body.

What happens to a woman’s breasts when loads are placed on them from harsh training manipulations, when trying to enlarge them? In fact, nothing, since the entire semicircle of the female breast is divided into passive elements of the milk lobes, resting on a fat pad that protects the delicate structure from injury. The main task when creating your own individual set of exercises to enlarge the chest muscles is to consider working out the lower muscle group, since it is this muscle group that is capable of giving the desired several centimeters of volume.

The upper, pectoralis minor muscle, performs a different function - it supports the weight of the mammary glands, and by the extent to which this muscle is weakened, one can judge the external aesthetics of the shape of the mammary glands.

During lactation and even at any stage of pregnancy, when the breasts are filled with milk, exercises for breast growth should be replaced with supportive, non-traumatic training. Well in this case, exercises will prove themselves: “prayer”, wall press, exercises with an expander while lying down.

How to Enlarge Breasts with Exercises

For women who decide to take the issue of developing curvy figures seriously, it is better to move their classes to the gym to enlarge their breasts in accordance with the trainer’s recommendations. Beginning athletes, before enrolling in a gym or even instead of it, can organize a sports corner at home.

Gymnastic equipment should include:

  • a knee-high bench, preferably with an adjustable slope;
  • dumbbells 4-7 kg each;
  • expander or elastic band.

But start playing sports and in the first two weeks accustom your body to physical activity, it is possible without having this baggage, since the first exercises for increasing chest muscles will not be complicated.

It is difficult, but necessary, to independently determine the permissible load on the muscles, because you yourself will have to find the limit point of the body’s capabilities, beyond which it is dangerous. To begin with, you need to choose 2-4 exercises (not counting stretching), by the end of which you will feel noticeable pain under the mammary glands. These physical exercises should be repeated every other day religiously, until the body itself tells you when the time comes to increase the load by expanding the complex and increasing the number of approaches.

You should not “stay” on the lighter version for more than a week - by increasing the load you need to achieve constantly occurring pain during exercises.

The most important thing in a gymnastics complex for increasing breast volume is the frequency of classes (strictly every two days, on the third for beginners and every other day for experienced athletes). Equally important is adherence to the correct technique of all elements of the lesson. You need to do stretching before starting the main loads, and you need to finish the entire training block with it. If you don’t monitor your breathing and don’t distribute exactly one breathing circle (inhale-exhale) for each gymnastic element, then hyperventilation of the lungs, or, conversely, oxygen starvation, will make you dizzy. It should be remembered that any muscle tension should be accompanied by inhalation, relaxation by exhalation.

What are the most effective chest exercises?

Breast enlargement at home is not an easy task also because all the knowledge of the body’s capabilities, a successful and unsuccessful selection of exercises in a complex, will have to be passed through one’s own experience. Therefore we have placed effective exercises exactly in the order in which it is advisable for a beginner to master them. We must not forget that over time, the load normally increases by the number of approaches and exercises in it.

Exercises without load

The first exercise, “stretching,” is not even an element of exercise that allows you to enlarge your breasts by 1 size, but an approach to significant physical activity, which you absolutely cannot step over. You can do it in two ways.

  • "Stretch" No. 1. Lie on your stomach on the floor, then take a breath, bend your spine, and grab your ankles with straight arms extended behind your back. Hold your breath as much as possible, while trying to bend your chest as much as possible. At “two”, exhale, but do not let go of your ankles, but simply relax for 3-4 seconds, “sag.” So do two sets of 5 exercises. The sets are separated by a 15-second pause, during which you need to release your ankles and completely relax. This yoga exercise has another name - “bow pose”;

  • “Stretch” No. 2. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs in front of you. For “one” - bow your head so low that your forehead touches your straight legs, and at this time reach out with your hands and grab your toes. Without ceasing to stretch, hold for 5-7 seconds, then relax. Do two sets of 5 exercises. Such an exercise could be introduced into the complex by a teenager correcting his posture;

When moving on to the main training, the first in line will be a yoga exercise for breast enlargement - “prayer”:

  • “Prayer” - you need to sit on the floor, straighten your back. The palms are connected to each other at chest level and at a distance of 5-7 cm from the body, and the elbows are spread at an angle of 90 0 to the body. At “one” - there is a strong tension in the pectoral muscles and the entire shoulder girdle - the palms are pressed against each other with force. The tension is held for 7-10 seconds. At “two”, the pressure on the palms decreases, the shoulders relax, but the hands remain in the same position. The exercise is performed in two sets of 10 times;

  • “Floor push-up” - in a lying position, place your palms on the floor and raise your body in a strictly diagonal position, stay in this position, with your arms half-bent and with emphasis on your toes. At “one” the body is lowered almost until the floor touches the mammary glands, the position is held for 3-5 seconds, at “two” the body is slowly raised to the starting position. Do 10 lowerings in two approaches;

  • “Wall push-up” - an exercise well suited for girls who are poorly prepared physically. You can start with it, preparing yourself for the classic push-up. Stand facing the wall at arm's length from it, place your palms on the wall shoulder-width apart and begin to bend your elbows outward until the tips of your chest glands touch the wall. Stay in the inclined position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Perform 15 push-ups in 2 approaches;

  • “Skier” - stand strictly vertically, feet shoulder-width apart, bend your arms at the elbows perpendicular to the line of the body. Begin to make uniform movements with your hands, imitating the manipulations of a skier; in total, you need to make 15 forward movements with each hand. In total, you need to do at least three approaches.

No later than 15 days from the start of classes, the exercises should be complicated by supplementing it with auxiliary weights and other physical exercises.

Weight-bearing exercises

Exercises using a barbell or professional exercise equipment are not given here - it is better to obtain all this information from a trainer in the gym, as they imply an increased load. To enlarge your bust at home, regular dumbbells will do.

  • “Bench press” - adjust the bench to an incline of 25-30 0, lie on it, lower your legs along the sides of the bench and rest them on the floor. Hold the dumbbells suspended, with your arms bent on either side of your chest glands. At “one”, the arms with dumbbells slowly straighten up, hold for 3-5 seconds, at “two”, take the starting position. Complete 3 sets of 5-7 presses each;

  • “Lateral press” - lying on an incline bench, grab dumbbells as in the previous exercise. The technique of execution repeats the classic bench press with the difference that the projectiles do not rise upward, but are spread out to the sides, parallel to the floor;

  • “Dumbbell swings” - you need to stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells lowered along the body, fingers facing the body. At “one time”, the arms are slowly spread to the sides, held in a position parallel to the floor and just as slowly lowered. Do 15 swings in two sets.

Exercises with dumbbells are completed with any of the stretching options, running on a treadmill or a simple warm-up with elements of yoga.

A beautiful and fit female body is the result of regular and hard training. They allow you not only to maintain weight, but also contribute to a significant correction of the shape of the hips and improve posture. If these parts of the body are amenable to change, then Is it possible to correct the shape of the breast in a similar way? To understand whether exercise can affect appearance female breasts, we need to consider this issue from an anatomical point of view.

The anatomical feature of the female breast is such that most of the volume falls on the mammary gland and adipose tissue. Losing weight is a non-local process, but affecting absolutely the entire body, and the rate of fat burning for different parts different. In girls, fat most often disappears faster from the top, and slowest from the hips and legs.

This phenomenon is determined by genetics. It is almost impossible to influence the rate of fat burning. Cardio training, the impact of which is aimed at a specific area, can achieve a certain result. An example of such a workout is running. The effect is achieved by stimulating blood circulation, using fat deposits in the part of the body involved in the exercise as an energy source. The main thing is that it is associated with limiting calorie intake. Otherwise, the lost fat will be restored through the food consumed.

The process of losing weight is accompanied by the removal of fat deposits from the chest. The speed depends entirely on genetic predisposition. It is impossible to change nature, but an alternative solution can be found. This is the ratio of body volume to chest volume.

Chest muscle training for girls

The pectoral muscles located under the mammary gland, like any other muscle, can be adjusted in volume. As they increase, they contribute to the growth of breast volume. These changes are guaranteed, but will not be as dramatic as with breast augmentation through plastic surgery.

Muscles in female body grow much slower than in men. The only way to achieve quick results is to take hormonal drugs. For girls who do not strive to receive the title of Miss Olympia Bodybuilding, the result achieved through training will be quite enough. The changes will not be big, but noticeable. It is recommended for every girl to include exercises for the chest muscles in her training. They should not be neglected.

Exercises for chest muscles

The body must develop harmoniously. Otherwise it will look disproportionate. Therefore neglect basic exercises, in which all muscle groups are involved, and not just the pectoral ones, it’s not worth it. The main task The development of the whole body should be, and not a specific part.

Training for the pectoral muscles is often carried out in conjunction with exercises for training the back. If the emphasis during training needs to be on the chest, exercises for its development should be done first. This will allow you to achieve maximum dedication due to the fact that there is always more strength at the beginning of the workout.

Training program

The result of the training is determined by well-chosen exercises and their correct implementation. The breast enlargement program includes:

  1. Dumbbell bench press from a lying position;
  2. Incline dumbbell press;
  3. dumbbell fly;
  4. push ups.

You can perform all these exercises both in the gym and at home. The bench can be replaced with a step platform.

For the purpose of active fat burning

High-intensity training requires increased loads. It is recommended to perform all exercises from 12 to 15 times, doing at least three approaches for each. You need to gradually increase the load, bringing repetitions to a maximum of fifteen. For beginners, it is better to start working with light weights and perform the minimum number of repetitions, that is, twelve. This will allow you to avoid overwork, injuries, and hone your performance technique.

Correct execution should not be neglected in order to increase repetitions. The goal of each subsequent workout is to perform more repetitions correctly. First they work with light weights. When the number of repetitions reaches fifteen, take heavier dumbbells.

To increase muscle mass

Training to build muscle is not intense. It is recommended to do 6-8 repetitions. It all depends on the weight of the weights. The higher it is, the fewer repetitions. Approaches are made from 3 to 5.

To burn fat and increase chest muscle mass

The training involves performing 12 repetitions in 3 approaches. It helps you find a balance between fat loss and muscle building in the chest area. Suitable most for beginners who have not trained before.

Exercises for chest muscles

The exercise is much more effective for increasing chest muscles than using a barbell. This is due to the fact that the range of motion with dumbbells is much greater.

Initial position:

  1. lie with your back on the bench;
  2. raise the dumbbells in front of you;
  3. placement of hands shoulder width apart;
  4. palms “look” to the sides.


  1. The arms are bent at the elbows so that the shoulder and forearm form a right angle;
  2. when exhaling, the weights are lifted up;
  3. dumbbells are lowered;
  4. palms turn towards each other;
  5. the weight is lowered onto the hips;
  6. sit down and put dumbbells on the floor.


Dumbbells must be raised twice as fast as they are lowered. When lifting weights, the chest is compressed; when lowering, on the contrary, it is stretched, bringing the shoulder blades together. Do not suddenly throw dumbbells. Otherwise, there is a high risk of damage to the rotators of the shoulder.

The exercise puts significant stress on the upper pectoral muscle. If performed during a visit gym, use a bench with the ability to adjust the angle of inclination. The load is proportional to the inclination. The larger it is, the more significantly the shoulders will be loaded.


It is similar to the previous exercise, when the bench press is performed without tilting the body, but has one feature. At the extreme (highest point) the hands should be positioned strictly perpendicular to the floor.

The exercise can be performed on a regular or incline bench if the workout is performed in the gym.


  1. lie down on a bench;
  2. hands, holding dumbbells in them, are raised in front of them so that they are shoulder-width apart, and the palms “look” at each other;
  3. as you inhale, lower your arms down through your sides, stretching your chest, using exclusively the movement of the shoulder joint for this;
  4. As you exhale, bring your hands together in an “embracing” motion.

Push ups

Initial position:

  1. take horizontal emphasis on the floor;
  2. arms are placed slightly wider than shoulder level;
  3. the body should be on the same straight line;
  4. the buttocks should not sag or protrude;


The arms are bent at the elbow joints at a right angle. Some may have difficulty with classic version performing push-ups. An alternative could be push-ups from your knees or with your hands resting on the bench.

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