What pistol will replace the legendary Makar? “Boa constrictor” will swallow “Rook”: what will the fourth generation Russian pistol be like? So what's this time

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Serdyukov's lethal force

Serdyukov has his powerful SPS in his hands. Now the designer is working on a new generation pistol.
The security of the president of our country is armed with such pistols. But Washington officially prohibits the bodyguards of the top official from taking such powerful weapon with you if the Federal Security Service has to work in the United States.
The designer after whom the pistol is named, Pyotr Ivanovich Serdyukov, made a revolutionary breakthrough in the design of domestic pistols. But only specialists know about this.
The widely known and most popular TT and PM pistols ( Tula Tokareva and Makarov pistol) cannot be considered completely domestic. When creating the TT, the Browning pistol was taken as a basis, and the PM is a redesigned Walter police officer. They were once good, but with the development of individual armor protection they completely lost their power.
The need for a new officer's personal weapon arose in the late 1980s.
The work was carried out in several weapons design bureaus. But the task was completed in the most optimal way only at the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering in Klimovsk near Moscow by a design team led by P.I. Serdyukov. There, a completely domestic pistol was created, without any copying, and a new cartridge for it. This happened in the early 1990s. Alas, at that time the main customer - the Ministry of Defense - could no longer order anything. The money remained only with the special services. And the pistol was defined as the main individual weapon for employees of these services new Russia. Maybe that’s why it has several “secret” names: RG055, SR-1 “Vector”, SR-1M “Gyurza”. But already in the new century it was supplied to the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs as the SPS - Serdyukov’s self-loading pistol. He was very fond of in the GRU special forces and in the units of the Forces special operations.

Despite its destructive power, the SPS is quite elegant and does not give the impression of a shooting monster. Those who have used it note that it fits very well in the hand, is comfortable and safe to use, and very reliable. A special cartridge of 9x21 mm caliber was created for the SPS. Sighting range firing range of this cartridge is 100 meters. At this distance, bulletproof vests consisting of two 1.4 mm titanium plates and 30 layers of Kevlar or 4 mm thick steel sheets are pierced.
After simply replacing individual elements, the SPS can fire standard 9 mm Makarov pistol cartridges and even 7.62 mm TT pistol cartridges. Serdyukov's pistol has a very well thought out protection system against accidental shot. There is no traditional lever switch. There are two buttons - on the back of the handle and on the trigger. They provide complete safety and at the same time instant readiness to fire.
Many people think that in the era of general computerization it is possible to create the new kind small arms - a couple of trifles. The main thing is to know which keys to press on the computer, then the program will do everything itself, display best option the same pistol. However, not all so simple.
As designer Pyotr Serdyukov says, today there are really no special problems in making a shooting toy. The toy can be very impressive. For example, one of the foreign creators of miniature weapons for collectors even charmed the top leaders of the domestic defense complex, convincing them that he was ready to make the most beautiful and best pistol in the world for the Russian army. The designer was given carte blanche.
The pistol really turned out to be quite designer and even fired. But when they began to test it in the field, it turned out that the beautiful design of the weapon was not the most important thing. Pistol turned out to be absolutely unfit for combat.
It could not withstand either excess dust, excess overheating, or firing from various provisions, nor much else that the present must endure military weapon, and not a beautiful shooter from computer games.
The main difficulty in designing a pistol is its small dimensions. And the more powerful the cartridge, the more difficult it is to achieve reliability. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Pyotr Serdyukov managed the almost impossible. In dimensions and weight not much larger than those of a Makarov pistol, it was possible to realize a shot power that far exceeds that which is typical, for example, of an American Colt of a much larger caliber.

This one is interesting little known fact from the history of the Union of Right Forces. In 1997 in the USA at one of the training grounds Marine Corps new things were demonstrated weapon, created at TsNIITOCHMASH. The Americans were also shown Serdyukov’s pistol. Representatives of the Secret Service, the one that protects the top officials of the state, including the president, asked to check the strength of their body armor. All bulletproof vests were pierced through by shots from the SPS. One can imagine the reaction of agents who are confident in their armor invulnerability.
Soldiers are armed with Serdyukov pistols Federal service security But, which is significant, even if they accompany our president to the USA, they are prohibited from bringing their service weapon- THX. You have to use others, also good, but less powerful. Almost twenty years have passed since the shooting of the body armor of the American Secret Service at their own training ground, and overseas they still cannot recover from the shock.
Pyotr Ivanovich Serdyukov was born on December 8, 1945, exactly 70 years ago in the family of a Soviet officer.
Graduated from the Tula Polytechnic Institute. Since 1969 he has been working in Klimovsk at TsNIITOCHMASH. He is an outstanding designer. But what distinguishes him is his extraordinary modesty. Even on the “all-knowing” Internet, designer Serdyukov is spoken of very sparingly. However, we can be proud that we are contemporaries of the man who created the original, purely Russian pistol. On its basis, a new generation pistol is currently being designed, even more advanced and powerful.

At TsNIITOCHMASH in Klimovsk near Moscow, preliminary tests of the new generation pistol “Boa Constrictor” have been completed. The general director of the enterprise, Dmitry Semizorov, said that state tests of weapons are scheduled to be carried out before the end of the year.

The characteristics of the Boa constrictor are classified. It is only known that the pistol uses a powerful 9×21 mm caliber cartridge, the magazine holds 18 rounds, and also includes a laser designator. This gun came about as a result natural evolution of this type weapons, which is associated not only with the progress of design ideas and technologies, but also with external conditions, which, for example, include combat tactics and enemy security.

Adopted as a personal weapon for officers of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies, the self-loading weapon survived to today and is still widespread today. The popularity and longevity of this weapon is explained by a number of its advantages. He is not required long range aimed shooting, since it is a personal weapon of attack and defense, designed to defeat the enemy at short distances. 20 meters for PM is the optimal distance. Though targeted shooting can be carried at a distance of up to 50 meters.

9 mm self-loading pistol SR1M

A 9×18 mm caliber cartridge was created for the PM. It has an undeniable advantage, which is perfectly suitable for a melee weapon, one might say almost contact: the bullet has a good stopping effect. Bullets with high penetration power can pass right through or penetrate deeply into the enemy’s body.

In this case, the shot does not necessarily have to have high energy. This principle was used by Makarov when creating a pistol. The average value of muzzle energy made it possible to simplify the weapon's automation; the PM uses a blowback bolt and a short barrel stroke. The gun is different the highest degree reliability and ease of operation. This achieves a high rate of fire. It weighs relatively little and is compact. The PM uses a multifunctional safety, unique for the 50s-70s, which allows you to safely remove a loaded pistol from a cocked position. Resource - 50 thousand shots.

The disadvantages include the significant force required to pull the trigger - about 2 kg. And almost 4 kg when self-cocking. And also a magazine for 8 rounds. But in the modified version of the PMM, which began to arrive at the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the early 90s, the magazine capacity was increased to 12 rounds. Moreover, in the pistol it is possible to use both the old PEM cartridge and the new 9×18 PPM. In this connection, the weapon has become universal. If the PM is not capable of penetrating body armor due to the low kinetic energy of the bullet and its low initial speed (315 m/s), then the new bullet has acquired high penetration ability, its starting speed- 420 m/s. This was achieved by sharpening the bullet and increasing the amount of gunpowder in the case by 30%. True, PPM penetrates army body armor at a distance of no more than 10 meters.

In the 80s - 90s, unloading body armor began to appear in the West, which were additionally reinforced with equipment parts and weapons elements attached to them. In connection with this, such equipment became too tough for existing domestic army pistols. Therefore, R&D projects were initiated to create a new type of weapon with increased penetration ability. At the beginning of the 2000s, three pistols were put into service at once.

GSh-18(designers Vasily Gryazev and Arkady Shipunov) was created in the Tula Instrument Design Bureau. It is used equally in the army and in law enforcement agencies, including the prosecutor's office. Its main advantage is the use of a powerful 9x19 mm cartridge with an armor-piercing bullet, which has a speed of 600 m/s when exiting the barrel.

Pistol GSh-18 during inspection of weapons and military equipment(Photo: Sergey Bobylev/TASS)

Another advantage is the magazine with a capacity of 18 rounds. However, due to the strong spring, no more than a dozen rounds can be loaded by hand. The design of the main gun is extremely original. For example, the barrel is locked by rotating it around its own axis. To practice automation, there are 12 lugs on the barrel. Instead of a trigger guard, a trigger is used... Shooting from a main gun requires a lot of tension. In addition, the complexity of the design does not contribute to high reliability. One of the uses of this pistol is as a reward weapon. The pistol is produced in small batches.

General Director of TsNIITochmash Dmitry Semizorov announced that state tests of the most powerful domestic pistol created by Pyotr Serdyukov, the designer of the enterprise located in Klimovsk near Moscow, will begin in the fall. State tests should be completed this year, after which a decision will be made on introducing the pistol into large-scale production and adopting it for service with the Russian army. This means that the pistol will gradually begin to replace the veteran of the army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Makarov Pistol, which was put into service in 1951.

The new promising weapon has several predecessors: the Serdyukov self-loading pistol (SPS), “Vector”, “Gyurza”, SR-1. His real name is SR-1MP or "Boa Constrictor". If the “Vector”, which has been in service with the special forces of the FSB, FSO and the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 1996, has the highest striking power among Russian pistols, then the “Boa” surpasses it in this and other characteristics, as representatives of TsNIITochmash have repeatedly stated. True, to what extent is unclear, since these new items are classified.

But quite a lot is known about the basic model, the Vector. It uses a high-power 9×21 mm cartridge, which is unconventional for Russian pistols. Due to this, it has an excellent range - aimed fire can be fired from a distance of 100 meters. The magazine contains 18 rounds. Three types of cartridges:

With a low-reflection bullet weighing 7.5 g, which is a lead core in a bimetallic jacket. The bullet is intended for combat in confined spaces in urban conditions;

With an armor-piercing bullet weighing 6.7 g. It has a hardened steel core, the tip of which protrudes from a polyethylene jacket and a bimetallic shell;

With an armor-piercing tracer bullet weighing 7.3 g, having a shortened hardened steel core, a lead jacket, a tracer composition and a bimetallic jacket.

The armor-piercing cartridge is capable of piercing a 5-mm steel sheet from a distance of 50 meters. This allows the pistol to be used even against lightly armored vehicles.

With such impressive performance, the Vector, like the newly-made Boa Constrictor, has moderate dimensions and weight. With an empty magazine, the pistol weighs 0.9 kg, with a full magazine - 1.11 kg. Length, width and height are 196×145×34 mm.

Due to the fact that it uses three different cartridges, it is highly versatile. Armor-piercing and armor-piercing tracer bullets have record penetration ability.

There are no reports of improvements to the mechanism and barrel of the Boa Constrictor. It is only known that it has longitudinal grooves on its body for attaching a Picatinny rail, which is used for installing various additional devices on the weapon. Among them are collimator sights, laser target designators, silencers and flame arresters, and combat lights.

The appearance of a new pistol not only as a personal weapon for army officers, but also in the Ministry of Internal Affairs was caused by historical necessity. Even the criminals that police have to deal with now often have body armor. And the PM is ineffective here; its bullet is capable of penetrating body armor from a distance of up to 10 meters. If the enemy is unprotected, then, despite the target firing range of up to 50 meters, the real distance for successful shooting is about 20 meters.

In the army, the PM, in fact, became a kind of scarecrow, capable of affecting the enemy only psychological impact. The fact is that in the 80s - 90s, unloading body armor began to appear in the West, which were additionally reinforced with equipment parts and weapons elements attached to them. In connection with this, such equipment became too tough for existing domestic army pistols. Therefore, R&D projects were initiated to create a new type of weapon with increased penetration ability.

In the late nineties and early 2000s, several pistols were created, which to varying degrees attracted the attention of various law enforcement agencies. However, only one of them actually claimed to be the “legal successor” of the PM - Yarygin Pistol (Rook). He won the tender to create a new short-barreled weapons for the army.

Another participant in the tender is the GSh-18 pistol (designers Vasily Gryazev And Arkady Shipunov), was created in the Tula Instrument Design Bureau. It is used equally in the army and law enforcement agencies, including the prosecutor's office. Its main advantage is the use of a powerful 9x19 mm cartridge with an armor-piercing bullet, which has a speed of 600 m/s when exiting the barrel.

Another advantage is the magazine with a capacity of 18 rounds. However, due to the strong spring, no more than a dozen rounds can be loaded by hand. The design of the main gun is extremely original. For example, the barrel is locked by rotating it around its own axis. To practice automation, there are 12 lugs on the barrel. Instead of a trigger guard, a trigger is used... Shooting from a main gun requires a lot of tension. Also, the complexity of the design does not contribute to high reliability. One of the uses of this pistol is to use it as a reward weapon. And in this capacity, according to experts, the GSh-18 is most appropriate. The pistol is produced in small batches.

The Yarygin pistol, which was created at the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant by the designer Vladimir Yarygin(cartridge caliber - 9×19 mm). luckier than his competitors. Its large-scale production has been launched in Izhevsk for the armed forces, internal troops, special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies. That is, this is exactly the pistol that began to replace the legendary PM in 2008.

It has 18 rounds. The cartridge created under the PY has an energy of 550 J. The bullet is armor-piercing. However, it has not only high penetration properties, but also stopping properties due to the use of a lead core. It is also possible to use the 9x19 mm Parabellum cartridge, which has lower energy. Equipped with a flashlight and laser designator.

The pistol is intended for “strong men”: the force applied during self-cocking is 5.8 kg, with a pre-cocked hammer - 2.6 kg. At the same time, the pistol is ergonomic and does not have excessive recoil. The disadvantages include “rough execution”, that is, “clumsy” shapes, sharp edges that can injure the shooter. It can also fail during a special operation, since it makes sounds when walking, which prevents silent sneaking.

It is quite understandable that TsNIITochmash was unhappy that it was not their SPS pistol that was chosen to replace the PM, but the Izhevsk PYa. However, according to the general director of the enterprise, Dmitry Semizorov, the new development, “Boa”, based on the same powerful 9x21 mm cartridge as in the SPS, should significantly exceed the performance of the “Rook”.

And it is the “Boa constrictor”, they believe in Klimovsk, that needs to be replaced by the PM. Well, technical competition is a positive thing. But there is a difficult point to overcome. Large-scale production is an extremely inertial business. Its flywheel has already been spun in Izhevsk. So if the “Boa Constrictor” goes into service with the troops, it will not be instead of the PY, but in parallel with it.

The Makarov pistol will be replaced by the Gyurza and the Boa Constrictor.

The heavy-duty Gyurza pistol will enter service with the Russian army.

Pistol SR-1 "Vector", also known as “Gyurza”, developed by the designer of the Klimov arms company “TsNIitochmash” Pyotr Serdyukov, is one of the most powerful 9 mm caliber in the world. This weapon must be replaced in Russian army regular Makarov.

“Preliminary tests have now finished. In the fall we are entering state tests, which we must complete by the end of this year, and next year, if the Ministry of Defense makes an appropriate decision, serial deliveries will begin,” says CEO"TsNIITochmash" Dmitry Semizorov.

The appearance of the "Gyurza" was due to the fact that personal protective equipment such as body armor began to enter service with the armies of the world. Accordingly, the need arose for a pistol that could pierce them. First of all, the special services became interested in Serdyukov’s pistol and it entered service with the special forces of the Russian FSB.

Special service fighters were attracted to these individual weapons by their extremely powerful cartridges, which were developed for special operations. New ammunition 9x21 has increased combat characteristics due to a heavy bullet, inside of which there is a steel core. It penetrates 6 millimeters thick steel sheet, or 30 layers of Kevlar.

As gunsmith experts say, a pistol with such a cartridge can not only pierce a door, but also pierce an army helmet, body armor, and even stop a car.

The new generation Russian pistol "Udav" is preparing for state tests.

A powerful weapon chambered for the 9X21 mm caliber will replace Makarov and Yarygin pistols in the future.

This was reported to RNS by the General Director of TsNIITochmash Dmitry Semizorov.
“Work on the promising Boa Constrictor pistol is in its final stages,” he clarified. Preliminary tests have been completed, the shortcomings identified during them are being eliminated and samples are being prepared for state tests."

The characteristics of the pistol are classified. It is only known that the Boa Constrictor magazine is designed to hold eighteen rounds. It is adapted to be equipped with a laser target designator, a collimator (a device that facilitates sighting), and a flashlight.

The country's oldest gunsmith, Pyotr Serdyukov, is working on the project. Actually, “Boa Constrictor” is a development of what he created earlier self-loading pistol Serdyukov (SPS), also known as "Gyurza". It is used by the army special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB and FSO. Capable of penetrating class 3 body armor at a distance of 50 meters and further. The target firing range is 100 meters.

However, “Boa Constrictor,” as Dmitry Semizorov assures, will surpass in its characteristics all existing analogues. The general director of TsNIITochmash hopes to complete state testing of the pistol in 2016.

OTs-27 "Berdysh" - The best combat pistol in Russia (video)

Submachine gun SR-2 "Veresk".

The development of a submachine gun chambered for the powerful 9x21 SP-10 armor-piercing cartridge began in the mid-1990s on instructions from the Russian FSB. The new submachine gun, created at the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering in Klimovsk, was first shown in 1999. It received the designation SR-2 (Special Development 2), and the code designation "Veresk".

Currently, the SR-2 and SR-2M "Veresk" submachine guns are in service with the FSB and FSO of Russia, as well as a number of other Russian special services. SR-2 is small in size, but provides significant firepower, in combination with SP-10 armor-piercing cartridges, providing reliable defeat of an enemy protected by body armor at ranges of up to 100 meters.

Submachine gun PP-19 "Bison".

The PP-19 "Bison" submachine gun was developed at the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant in the early 1990s to arm the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The PP-19 is built with extensive use of components and parts from the Kalashnikov AK-74 assault rifle, in particular, a shortened receiver from AK-74 with firing mechanism and a pistol grip, folding stock from the AKS-74.

The original high-capacity magazine was designed, obviously, not without the influence of American Calico submachine guns, but on the PP-19 the magazine is located more conveniently, and at the same time serves as a handguard. In general, the "Bison" is quite convenient to hold and aim, largely due to the full-fledged side-folding stock and the massive, grippy forend - the magazine.

Pistols for Russian special forces. Latest samples (video)

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