Waste incineration equipment and technology. Garbage incinerator for a summer residence: a reliable and practical way to get rid of waste. Pyrolysis, its types and advantages

Director of Paritet LLC Gmyzin Oleg Gennadievich 8 9039134717, 8 9618915050
a unique product in the field of Security environment. Waste incinerator "Ecofan 800"(standard configuration 800 kW heat output)

The unit is designed for burning municipal solid waste (MSW), medical waste, combustible production waste, animal husbandry waste, greenhouse waste, liquid thick hydrocarbon masses, such as oil sludge, car tires. Reduces the size of landfills.

The process is accompanied by the production of heat for heating industrial and household facilities, as well as providing hot water supply (DHW).So we win twice:Using an extremely simple, cheap and reliable technological cycle of waste incineration.We get the opportunity to use the heat of the water circuit for space heating and hot water.

The principle of MSW incineration in the plant is based on a completely new, unique, innovative technology. This is a thermochemical reaction in the boiler itself and a catalytic reaction of the exhaust gases. In the process of these reactions, we obtain a high thermal output of the plant, 2 times more than with conventional combustion, and clean flue gases at its outlet. These gases consist of a mixture of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O).

Why the unique Ecofan 800 Waste Incinerator?Because:Existing analogues require additional costs for the disposal of garbage and production waste in the form of:They require afterburning of exhaust gases with natural gas 0.1-0.2 m3 / h (for 50 kg of garbage) or diesel fuel at the rate of 0.12-0.17 l / kg of garbage;Require electricity costs over 14 kW / h;Require the use of adsorbents and filter elements (consumables);Require the use of chemical components and additives that require dosage accuracy and adherence to a clear technological cycle;Require the use of expensive both in acquisition and maintenance - computing systems process control;

These factors affect the reliability and fault tolerance of processing plants as a whole, and increase the dependence of the cycle on the human factor. Together, these factors significantly increase the costs of operating and maintaining installations, which leads to a rise in the cost of the waste disposal process at times, and often reduces the entire project to unprofitability.

The Ecofan 800 incinerator is devoid of these shortcomings, it uses new principle waste incineration. This is a thermochemical and catalytic reaction for neutralizing exhaust gases inside the furnace (dioxins, pyrenes), and with it the production of a large amount of thermal energy, and its use for the needs of the enterprise!At the exit we get a gas flow,

The tasks that we set ourselves when working on this project are:Environmental friendliness (Environmental safety);Thermal efficiency;Reliability in operation, high service life;

1. Environmental SafetyWhen burning MSW (municipal solid waste), various oils (hydrocarbons), dioxins and pyrenes can be formed. These substances are very dangerous, they can accumulate (accumulate) in the human body and affect the development of the body, causing various pathologies and diseases. Therefore, the main emphasis in the creation of the installation was the principle of environmental safety. ejection harmful substances installationEcofan 800into the atmosphere is significantly below the MPC.

The unit has passed all tests of the production cycle and measurements of exhaust gases:Measurements of gases emitted into the atmosphere were carried out by the Saratov State University. N.G. Chernyshevsky under the guidance of Doctor of Chemical Sciences Professor Kuzmina R.I.Protocol for the analysis of industrial emissions into the atmosphere No. 197 October 23, 2013 Branch "TsLATI in the Saratov region".Environmental Certificate of Compliance No. 00002161 issued by the Ministry of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation.

2. Thermal efficiencyWhen burning production waste and MSW in the complexEcofan 800, both in the combustion chamber and in the thermochemical chamber there is a large release of heat, which we select by the water circuit and can be directed to heating rooms and structures, and for hot water supply. When burning MSW, we receive heat in the combustion chamber of the order of 2000 kcal/kg of fuel, and then during the oxidative process of the gas flow in the thermochemical chamber, another 2000 kcal. In terms of heat efficiency, this is comparable to burning an equivalent amount hard coal average quality.This unit in the standard configuration produces an average of 800 kWh of heat, which allows heating about 5000-7000 m2 of space, with electricity costs in operating mode from 2 to 4 kW. The cost of electricity is about 150 rubles a day with intensive burning of garbage.

Using our incineration technology, the waste becomes a highly efficient fuel, a cheap fuel and a profit for the owner of the plant.

3. Profitability and self-sufficiency. Expenses: When servicing the installation around the clock, 4 people are required, i.e. staff salary on average 1000 rubles. for each + electricity costs 150 rubles. per day. Total 4150 rubles per day.

Profit: - from the disposal of solid waste on average at the rate of 500 rubles per 1 ton, (this is how landfills are accepted)how much waste we can dispose of, with an average incineration of 500 kg / hour, with a standard installation: 0.5t * 24h = 12tons per day. This is 3 Kamaz cars per day. Total we have 6000 rubles per day

- Savings on heating when using garbage.When converted to costs natural gas when generating equivalent heat energy of 800 kW / h: 349.44 rubles per hour:800kW/h * 840kCall/kW = 672000kCall/h 672000kCall/h: 8500kCall/cub.m = 79cub.m/h natural gas 79 cubic meters / h * 4.42 rubles / cubic meters \u003d 349.44 rubles / h We get 349.44 rubles / h * 24h = 8386.56 rubles per day. The total profit from an installation of 800 kW will be. 6000+8400-4150 =10250 rubles per day 307500 rubles per month.

And if you burn hazardous waste, sleepers, medical waste, oil sludge, then the level of profit increases many times.

Installation Ecofan can be supplied in an extended configuration with a thermal equivalent power of up to 5 MW. With a garbage loading chamber up to 7 cubic meters. And average speed incineration of MSW up to 2500 kg/hour. The use of such modular installations will allow solving many issues both in the heat supply of enterprises, residential areas, and issues with waste disposal

Today, the approximate cost of the city's garbage disposal to the landfill is 5 million rubles per day. This is based on export in Tomsk 4000 tons of garbage per day. According to our calculations, 1 ton of garbage costs 1,250 rubles (500 rubles / ton - receiving garbage to the landfill, 1,000 rubles / hour for 1 Kamaz truck with a capacity of 4 tons). The plant allows to burn from 200 to 800 kg of MSW per hour, depending on the mode of combustion and composition of MSW. It is easy to calculate how much waste we can dispose of, with an average incineration of 500 kg / hour with a standard installation: 0.5t * 24h = 12tons per day. This is 3 Kamaz cars per day.

Applying 3 settings Ecofan at 5 MW will make it possible to receive up to 30 - 40 Kamaz vehicles per day, working on average 140 tons of garbage per day. This is 50400 tons per year. For comparison, an incineration plant in Moscow burns 150,000 tons per year, at a processing cost of 2,148 rubles / ton. Here we will be paid for recycling and for heating, hence the profit.

The device and principle of operation of the Ecofan 800 complex. The complex for the destruction of solid waste is an all-welded metal structure, mounted from several units, extremely simple, cheap and reliable, which allows for a stable and sustainable technological cycle. Warranty period of installation service is 10 years. Can serve up to 20 years. It does not require regular replacement of the coating of the furnace walls due to the presence of a cooling circuit. Once every 5-10 years, the catalyst is changed. The furnace is two or multi-chamber, which allows you to organize a continuous work cycle.

1) The combustion chamber The first stage of incineration of solid waste and neutralization of harmful substances.It is a cylindrical combustion chamber, partitioned inside with a slotted grate along the longitudinal axis into two equal compartments. This allows you to conduct a continuous combustion process throughout the entire working period and provides a "cleaner" burning of waste due to preliminary heating of solid waste from the half of the chamber where combustion is already taking place, so ignition is carried out first in one half of the chamber, then the second half of the chamber is loaded and the resulting heat dries the waste in the second half, "squeezes" out of it all the substances that evaporate to a temperature of 340 0 C, this allows you to destroy up to 75-80% of all components contained in organic substances that “organize” dirty emissions into the atmosphere, after which they spontaneously ignite. Those. we produce "open" pyrolysis of newly loaded waste, using the already obtained temperature in the combustion chamber from already burning waste. This design of the combustion chamber allows you to release it from the accumulated ash, and carry out the download without stopping the operation of the device. In addition, the grate system of the combustion chamber also contributes to the cleanliness and completeness of waste combustion. It consists of hollow pipes through which atmospheric air. The intensity of its supply is regulated by a frequency converter that controls the speed of the electric motor. The air supply system implemented in the complex allows for very precise regulation of oxygen depending on the phase of waste combustion, which in turn contributes to a high degree of cleanliness of waste combustion. Ash residue after MSW combustion 1% - 3%. Atmospheric air, passing through the incandescent layers of carbon formed as a result of combustion, synthesizes generator gas and methane gas in small volumes. The combustion of these gases allows you to raise the temperature in the combustion chamber above 1200 0 C, and at such temperatures dioxins and pyrenes burn, this allows us to organize even at the initial stage of waste destruction - incineration, the first protective barrier to harmful substances (dioxins, pyrenes) before they are released into the atmosphere.

2) thermochemical chamber The second stage of neutralization of harmful substances.Designed for the neutralization of exhaust gases by carrying out thermochemical reactions. It is a vertically located all-metal cylinder, articulated with the combustion chamber by welding. Atmospheric air is forced into the column to carry out thermochemical reactions. As a result of this process, a wide range of harmful gases and suspended solids emitted into the atmosphere are neutralized. During the ongoing thermochemical reactions, a large number of heat that can be used, which is what we do, using water as a heat carrier, which can be directed to heating industrial and social facilities or hot water supply.

3) Off-gas separation system The third stage of neutralization of harmful substances in exhaust gases.Off-gas separation is carried outmulticyclone battery.In it, a deposit of incandescent soot solid particles occurs, which are the purest carbon, and mineral coking residues. The degree of gas purification in such a system reaches 99.5 - 99.8%. Purification of exhaust gases from solid impurities makes it possible to rid the gas stream of dioxides and pyrenes. The resulting solid precipitate is very a high degree carbon purity and can be further used as a raw material for sale -a decorative additive in finishing building mixtures, in concrete for grouting, in the paint and varnish, perfume and rubber industries, or as a high-calorie fuel, from which even coal-water fuel (WCF) can be made.It can also be used as a soil fertilizer, as all plants are made up of at least 50% carbon.

4) Catalyst The fourth stage of neutralization of harmful substances in exhaust gases.The catalyst has a specially treated ceramic base with a highly developed porous surface impregnated with a special catalytic composition. The composition of the catalyst was developed on the basis of available cheap metals. This made it possible to abandon precious materials such as gold, platinum and iridium in the production of catalysts. The catalyst is located in a metal cartridge on metal substrates. Their vertical arrangement forms cellular labyrinths, passing through which hot gas flows acquire turbulent motion, and great length channels, labyrinths of the catalyst, allows you to complete all the redox reactions of gases passing through it and get a high-quality purified gas stream before it is released into the environment.


Waste incineration plants of this type will help solve the global problem of disposal of solid waste, industrial combustible waste, car tires. The use of the allocated heat for their own needs, the needs of the enterprise, the needs of the population.When burning MSW, we get a gas flow at the outlet,containing carbon dioxide and water vaporare the end products of the decay of any organic matter.

Processing by way of exposure high temperatures can be exposed to almost all types of waste:

  • , such as: paper, cardboard, textiles, bones and leather, metals, glass, rubber and more. others
    • This subgroup also includes outdated (broken) furniture, and, as well, batteries.
  • Biological (epidemiologically hazardous) waste:
    • used syringes, systems for intradrop infusions;
    • biological fluids (blood, urine, feces, sputum, etc.).
    • remains of organs, tissues after surgical interventions, etc.

Waste incineration process

Waste can be burned in both solid and liquid form.

The burning procedure is as follows:

  1. Preparation of waste for incineration. At this stage, garbage is sorted, metal elements and large objects are separated for their grinding. After that, with the help of a loader or manually, the waste is loaded into the furnace chamber.
  2. Direct combustion. Combustion takes place at a temperature of 700 to 1000°C. Exposure to such high temperatures guarantees 100% disinfection of waste.
  3. Burning of combustible residues. Unburnt items are re-incinerated.

The ash formed during the combustion process is buried in the ground or stabilized in cement.

Waste incineration equipment

The first waste incineration plants in Russia began to appear in 1980. Today, waste incineration can occur on a small scale (at small enterprises, in health care facilities) and large scales (in industrial workshops, factories).

The problem of waste disposal is now very acute. The amount of garbage is growing, landfills are overflowing. The method of thermal impact on waste - allows you to significantly reduce the area required for landfills with waste.

Currently, furnaces and furnaces of various designs are being manufactured, which can operate on gas from cylinders, or from gas burners built into the body of the equipment.

Now they produce standard furnaces and furnaces that can burn both solid and liquid waste, as well as longline furnaces ( round shape, divided into floors and loaded from above) and furnaces operating on the fluidized bed principle.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method of waste disposal
Disputes regarding the harm caused to the planet's ecology as a result of waste incineration do not subside. Some materials, especially synthetic ones, become very toxic when heated, therefore they are capable of releasing harmful substances into the air that adversely affect the human body.

At the same time, the advantages of this method of waste disposal are undeniable:

  • In the process of burning garbage, it becomes possible to obtain heat and electricity;
  • This method allows you to eliminate, as it reduces the amount of garbage by an average of 70%.

Along with the maximum use of their energy potential, the environmental safety of the process is a necessary requirement.

The Moscow Waste Incineration Plant (MSZ No. 2) in accordance with the Moscow City Sanitary Cleaning Program set out in Decrees of the Government of Moscow No. 239 dated May 5, 1992 and No. 941 dated October 18, 1994, in the period from 1995 to 2000 was reconstructed. The reconstruction was carried out in order to increase productivity and ensure environmental safety. The main technological equipment for the reconstruction of MSZ No. 2 was supplied by the French company CNIM in accordance with the contract. The scope of supply included three technological lines, consisting of waste incineration boilers, a complete gas cleaning system, control and management systems technological process, as well as permanent environmental monitoring systems. The increase in the number of production lines from two to three, while maintaining their unit productivity (8.3 tons of MSW per hour), made it possible to ensure reliable and stable work plant and increase its productivity up to 150 thousand tons of MSW per year.

The multi-stage gas cleaning system installed after the reconstruction fully complies with the requirements of European and Russian standards and can significantly reduce emissions of harmful substances. Moreover, it should be noted that after the introduction of domestic purification technology, the plant achieved the best results in the world in terms of the content of nitrogen oxides in flue gases.

Control and management of the technological process, from waste disposal, flue gas cleaning and ending with environmental monitoring, are automated. Thus, the probability of operator error is practically reduced to zero. Thanks to the utilization of the generated steam, the plant's needs for heat and electricity are fully met, and the excess electricity generated is transferred to the city's electrical networks.

The reconstruction of the plant made it possible to almost completely solve the problem with the disposal of MSW generated in the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, reduce the volume of disposal of this waste at landfills, as well as the number of garbage trucks transporting them and the consumption of fuel consumed by them, and as a result, improve the environmental situation in Moscow.

Garbage trucks transporting solid waste to incinerator No. 2 are weighed on scales upon arrival at the plant and checked for the absence (presence) of radiation. MSW is unloaded into a storage bunker with a volume of 39 thousand m3, located in the receiving department of the plant. Then, with the help of two overhead clamshell cranes, the waste is distributed over the storage hopper, mixed, large-sized objects are removed from them, and also loaded into the receiving funnels of the boilers. After MSW is loaded into the funnel of the boiler, the feeder delivers them to the grate. Through the gaps between the grates, primary air heated to a temperature of 170 ° C enters, which is necessary both for burning MSW and for cooling the grates.

The slag formed as a result of MSW combustion on a grate is fed on a belt conveyor to a storage hopper. Along the way, ferrous metal is separated from the slag, which is then recycled. And there is a lot of such metal - about 1.5 thousand tons per year! Slag from the storage bunker, in accordance with the permission of the Main Directorate of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Natural Resources for Moscow, is taken to the landfill for solid waste disposal, owned by the State Unitary Enterprise Ecotechprom.

Currently, the plant is completing the construction of a shop for processing ash and slag waste using domestic technology. After the launch of this workshop, the technology for the disposal of solid waste will become waste-free.

As a result of the utilization of heat from the flue gases generated during the combustion of MSW, superheated steam is obtained from one boiler with the following characteristics: pressure - 15 atm, t - 240 ° C, volume - 15 t / h, which is sent to turboelectric generators. There are only three of them at the plant, each with a capacity of 1.2 MW. One third of the electrical energy goes to the plant's own needs, and the rest is transferred to the Mosenergo network. Steam with a pressure of 6 atm is sent to the needs of the plant, the rest of the steam is sent to aerocondensers, where it is condensed and also used in the production cycle of the plant.

As you know, when burning MSW, a number of harmful substances are formed: nitrogen oxides (N 0 x), sulfur oxides (S 0 x), carbon oxides (CO), hydrogen chlorides and fluorides (HCI, HF), dioxins and furans. Therefore, the composition of the technological equipment of waste incineration plants should include dust and gas collection systems that reduce the content of harmful substances in flue gases to the required standards. MSZ No. 2 is the first enterprise in Russia that has a multi-stage gas cleaning system that meets the requirements of European standards for emissions of harmful substances with flue gases, adopted for solid waste incineration plants.

The waste incineration boiler, in addition to heat recovery, performs the functions of the first stage of flue gas cleaning. It is known that the concentration of dioxins and furans formed during the combustion of MSW is significantly reduced if the flue gases are in an area with a temperature of > 850 °C for at least 2 seconds. For this purpose, the temperature of 850-950 °C is maintained in the semi-radiation part of the boiler by optimizing the MSW combustion regime and the necessary residence time of the flue gases is provided. the main equipment is manufactured by the French company CNIM To purify gases from M0 x, domestic technology is used, developed and patented by the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin.

Incinerator No. 2 is located within the city, in a residential area, therefore the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the Moscow Government has set an emission limit corresponding to the concentration of M0 x in flue gases - 50-70 mg/m³. This is well below European standards.

As shown by the results of research and industrial implementation of non-catalytic NO reduction (CHKB) processes carried out at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. THEM. Gubkin, in waste incineration boilers, when using this cleaning method, it is possible to reduce the NO content to 70-90%. The SNCR process proceeds at a temperature of 900-1,000 °C, does not require the use of a catalyst, and does not depend on the content of sulfur oxides and the degree of dustiness of gases. At least 0.5 s is required to achieve the maximum degree of N0 reduction. Various amine-containing compounds, such as ammonia or carbamide, can be used as a nitrogen oxide reducing agent.

For technological scheme cleaning for incinerator No. 2 of the State Unitary Enterprise "Ecotechprom" was selected environmentally friendly carbamide. The reduction of N0 in this case occurs in accordance with the reaction equation: 4 NO + 2 CO (NH²)² + 0² = 4 N² + 2C0² + 4H² 0.

Solid carbamide from the storage is fed into a container for preparing a solution with the help of a screw feeder, where chemically purified water is simultaneously supplied. The prepared 40% carbamide solution is automatically pumped into the working tanks by the signal of the level gauge sensor, then it is fed to the mixers by dosing pumps, where it is mixed with steam. The resulting reducing mixture is introduced through a special distribution system into the calculated zone of the combustion chamber of waste incineration boilers. It should be noted that the process of N0 reduction with carbamide in case of excess consumption of the reducing agent, its inefficient mixing with flue gases, or a decrease in temperature in the reducing agent input zone below the optimal values ​​may be accompanied by a breakthrough of unreacted ammonia (NH3).

The content of NH³ in purified gases is regulated and in accordance with international standards should not exceed 10 mg/Nm³. To control the content of NO and MH³ in flue gases, automatic gas analyzers GM 31 from Sick Maihak GmbH (Germany) are used. These devices are based on the optoelectronic measurement principle, which allows one to simultaneously determine the content of each component in real time directly in the gas stream. Control and regulation of the process of cleaning flue gases from nitrogen oxides are carried out using an automated control system

The cleaning system works on domestic equipment; granular urea is used as a reducing agent (GOST 2081-92).

At a temperature of about 850 °C, the degree of purification is about 60%, with an increase in temperature to 900 °C it increases to 70% and reaches maximum values ​​at the level of 80-85% at a temperature of 970-990 °C. The concentration of ammonia in the treated gases at temperatures above 900 °C, typical for the normal operation of waste incineration boilers, does not exceed 10 mg/Nm³ and is usually 3-5 mg/Nm³.

The operating experience of the cleaning system has shown that it fully copes with the task and ensures that the concentration of NO in flue gases is maintained at the level of 60-90 mg/Nm³ (for comparison: the European standards for the content of nitrogen oxides in flue gases of waste incineration boilers are 200 mg/Nm³) .

The introduction of the domestic treatment technology at MSZ No. 2 made it possible to save about USD 3.5 million due to the replacement of imported technology.

Purification of flue gases from other pollutants is carried out as follows. Due to the alternating change in the direction of movement of flue gases in the boiler by 180 ° (down - up), fly ash is partially released, which enters the ash removal system. From the boiler, flue gases are sent to the next stage of gas cleaning - to a reactor designed to clean gases from acidic components: S 0², HCI, HF. As the flue gases move towards the reactor, finely dispersed activated carbon is introduced into them to bind dioxins, furans, and salts of heavy metals. In the reactor, as a result of the interaction of lime milk with acidic components, the process of their neutralization takes place.

After the reactor, the flue gases enter the “pulse-jet” bag filter, where fly ash, dust and gas cleaning products (calcium salts formed when flue gases come into contact with milk of lime), as well as activated carbon with components adsorbed on it, are captured. . Less than 10 mg/Nm³ of dust remains in the flue gases after the bag filter.

After cleaning in a bag filter, flue gases are removed through a 100 m high chimney. A gas analyzer is installed in this chimney, designed to continuously monitor the content of harmful substances in flue gases (HCI, CO, 0², dust, S 0²). The content of dioxins and HF is periodically measured by the analytical control center of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the Moscow Government. The content of HCI at the outlet of the chimney is less than 10 mg/nm³, dioxins and HF - no more than 0.1 ng/nm³ and 1 mg/nm³, respectively, and also does not exceed European standards.

Thus, the organization of the MSW incineration process and the solution of environmental safety issues at Incinerator No. 2 made it possible to meet the most stringent requirements for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

In world practice, to date, the overwhelming amount of solid waste is still being taken to landfills (landfills). The most rational method of MSW processing is incineration. Its origin dates back to 1870. Its main advantage is the reduction of waste volumes by more than 10 times, and their mass - by 3 times. The main disadvantage of direct incineration of untreated MSW is associated with a serious risk of air pollution with harmful emissions. Waste incineration is the most complex and “high-tech” option for waste management. Incineration requires pre-treatment of MSW (with the production of so-called fuel extracted from waste). When separating from MSW, they try to remove large objects, metals (both magnetic and non-magnetic) and further crush it. In order to reduce harmful emissions, batteries and accumulators, plastic, and leaves are also removed from the waste. The incineration of an undivided waste stream is now considered extremely dangerous. Thus, waste incineration can only be one component of a comprehensive recycling program. Advantages of this method:

Reducing the volume of waste by 10 times;

Reducing the risk of soil and water pollution by waste;

Possibility of heat recovery.

Disadvantages of waste incineration of initial MSW:

the danger of air pollution;

destruction of valuable components;

high yield of ash and slag (about 30% by weight);

· low efficiency of recovery of ferrous metals from slags;

Difficulty in stabilizing the combustion process.

60.Solid waste incineration

The combustion of solid and pasty wastes can be carried out in all types of furnaces, with the exception of sparging and turbo sparging. The most widely used are torch-layer furnaces. The stratified combustion furnaces, which are more than others used for burning solid waste (primarily municipal solid waste and its mixture with industrial waste), are classified according to a number of other features: methods of feeding and igniting waste, removing slag, etc. According to the mode of supply of waste to the layer, combustion devices with periodic and continuous loading are distinguished. According to the organization of thermal preparation and ignition of waste in the layer, furnaces with lower, upper and mixed (unlimited) ignition are distinguished. According to the method of supplying fuel (waste) to the layer, there are the following schemes, which differ in the combination of the directions of gas-air and fuel-slag flows: counter-flow (counter-flow), parallel (forward flow), transverse (cross-current) and mixed. Numerous studies of the burning fuel layer (using the methods of zonometry, above-layer gas analysis, gas formation in the layer, temperature distribution in the layer) made it possible to conditionally divide the entire process in it into three main periods: preparation of fuel (waste) for combustion, combustion itself (oxidation and reduction zones) , afterburning of combustible and focal residues. In the preparation zone, the waste is heated, moisture is removed from it and volatiles formed as a result of heating waste. In the oxygen zone, the carbon of the coke is burned to form carbon dioxide and partially carbon monoxide, as a result of which the main amount of heat is released in the layer. At the end of the oxygen zone, the maximum CO2 concentration and layer temperature are observed. Directly adjacent to the oxygen zone is the reduction zone, in which the reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide occurs with the consumption of a known amount of heat. The combustion process ends with the burning of ashed coke. Layered furnaces are widely used for burning solid domestic and similar in morphological composition of fire.

Drum kilns- the main type of heat and power equipment, which is used for centralized combustion of solid and pasty waste. These furnaces are equipped with waste disposal stations. The main unit of the drum furnace (Fig. 3.12) is a horizontal cylindrical body 1, covered with a refractory lining 2 and supported by bandages 6 on rollers 7. The drum is inclined at a slight angle towards the slag discharge and during operation rotates at a speed of 0.8 ... 2 min- 1, receiving movement from the drive 10 through the ring gear 9. To avoid longitudinal displacement of the drum, rollers 8 are provided.

Scheme of a drum furnace: A - waste loading; B - unloading of ash (slag); C - flue gases; D - additional fuel; E - air; F - thermal radiation; 1 - body of a drum furnace; 2 - lining; 3 - unloading end; 4 - connecting segments; 5 - fan; 6 - bandages; 7 - support rollers; 8 - side rollers; 9 - ring gear; 10 - drive; 11 - water evaporation zone; 12 - waste; 13 - combustion zone; 14 - ash (slag).

Solid and pasty wastes are fed into the furnace body from its end in the direction of arrows A. If necessary, additional fuel or liquid combustible wastes (solvents) are sprayed through the nozzle (arrow D), raising the temperature inside the furnace. In zone 12, the incoming material, being mixed during the rotation of the furnace, is dried, partially gasified and moved to the combustion zone 13. Radiation from the flame in this zone heats the furnace lining and contributes to the burning out of the organic part of the waste and drying of the newly received material. The slag formed in zone 24 moves to the opposite end of the furnace in the direction of arrow B, where it falls into a device for wet or dry ash and slag quenching.

Quite often, a large amount of garbage accumulates in our suburban areas. Often they are left with waste from construction and repair work. And even more so without garbage of plant origin in the country can not do.

It can be leaves, dry grass, tops of dug up root crops, branches from cut shrubs and trees. Do not forget about household waste.

Do-it-yourself disposal of all this is an urgent problem for owners of suburban areas.

How to get rid of garbage

You can solve the problem in different ways. And it should immediately be said that you should not throw garbage into a nearby ravine, moat or forest, turning the natural landscape into a garbage dump.

For the organization of spontaneous dumps, the laws of the Russian Federation provide for administrative, and in some cases, criminal liability.
In addition, none of us will be pleased with the neighborhood with a garbage dump.

Waste removal

To date, the simplest solution is to organize the removal of garbage from the suburban area.

  1. There are many special utility organizations, as well as private companies that deal with the disposal of all types of waste on a commercial basis.
  2. To order the service and take out the garbage from the dacha, it is enough to find the website of the corresponding company on the Internet or respond to its advertisement in the newspaper.
  3. By concluding an agreement with the organization, you will solve the problem of garbage in the simplest and most radical way.

However, if for some reason (for example, you are not satisfied with the price of the issue), it is not possible to arrange such waste disposal, you will have to look for other practical and civilized ways.

Organic composting

A significant part of the garbage: food leftovers, branches, fallen leaves, mowed grass, weeds, cellulose (paper, cardboard) and other organic matter can be used to make compost.

This is one of best practices disposal of vegetable and food waste.
So you will not only get rid of a considerable amount of waste, but also prepare an excellent fertilizer.

  1. To make compost, you need to make a special box.
  2. To prevent midges and flies, it is necessary to cover the waste tightly with mowed grass or cover it with sawdust.
  3. Can be equipped with a compost bin and a lid.
  4. Thanks to this method of waste disposal, the remaining waste will take up less usable space, and it will be easier to store them.

How to properly incinerate waste

Do not light a fire - it is dangerous and ineffective.

Incineration is another readily available, time-tested and simple method getting rid of household waste.

Proper course of action

  1. To get rid of garden waste, you should not make open fires - this is inefficient and dangerous. Among other things, the fire will harm the fertility of the soil under it.
  2. It is best to use a special hearth. A metal barrel is suitable for its construction. It must be placed at the maximum distance from country buildings, trees and bushes.
  3. Such an oven is convenient to control. If necessary, it can be extinguished in a few seconds.
  4. Another advantage of such a hearth is its mobility. When the process of burning garbage is completed, the barrel can be hidden in a shed so that it does not spoil appearance your possessions.

Construction of a garden stove

To make a garbage stove in the country, you will need any old metal barrel with thick walls. can be operated for several years, while a thin-walled furnace will burn out in one season.

The design of the hearth can be chosen from two options.

  1. The first of them is a barrel with a left bottom.
  2. It should drill holes necessary for air intake.
  3. Holes must also be made in the walls of the barrel, half their height.
  4. Next, the structure is placed on bricks. So between the earth and the bottom of the hearth there will be a gap for air flow.

If you rent a diesel generator for a summer residence, then you still have fuel barrels.

One of them can be used for the second version of the furnace.

  1. In this case, the bottom of the barrel is removed. It can be cut with a grinder, if not, then use a chisel. As a result, you will get a spacious cylinder.
  2. At the next stage, you need to dig a hole about 100 long and 20/30 cm wide. A barrel without a bottom is placed on it.
  3. Instructions for kindling this stove are as follows. A fire is made in the hole, a cylinder is placed on it, after which garbage is loaded. The groove will act as an air duct, which will ensure that the waste burns out as soon as possible.

The ash that remains after burning organic matter is an excellent fertilizer.
You can use it in your garden or garden.
Plastic and other synthetics should not be burned in the country.
Their combustion products are toxic and can harm humans, animals and plants.

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