Examples of simple photo retouching techniques in Photoshop. A few words about photo retouching

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create fashion retouching of a model in Adobe Photoshop. You will see the process of creating a wonderful natural skin effect without the use of expensive plugins and filters.

Final result

Lesson details:

Program: Adobe Photoshop CS2+
Difficulty: For beginners
Run time: 10-15 minutes

This photograph of the model was chosen as the work.

Step 1. Open the downloaded model image. Remember that not all images of girls are suitable for retouching. You must select an image in high resolution, the skin of the model should not be too smooth or blurry, pores should stand out on it. For an example of what should be the image of the model, the author has given the following below.

Create a new layer on top of the model layer, Ctrl+Shift+N, select a tool Spot Healing Brush Tool (J)(Spot Healing Brush Tool) and turn on "Sample All Layers" option("Sample from all layers") on the tool options panel. Thanks to this, we will affect only those parts of the image that we need, in extreme cases, everything can be returned back. Set up the tool as shown below.

Click on one click of the mouse in those places where you need to get rid of skin defects. Change the brush size of the tool, depending on the size of the spot. Remember that not all defects can be fixed with this tool, so you can also use others, such as Clone Stamp Tool (S)(Stamp Tool), Patch Tool (J)(Tool "Patch") and others for retouching in the future. For a model whose skin does not have a large number defects, like the one used by the author, a tool is quite suitable Spot Healing Brush Tool (J)(Spot Healing Brush Tool). Do not try to make the skin perfect, just remove the excess a little. In the image below you can see the result of the work of the author.

Step 2 Press at the same time Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E, to merge the layers into one that will appear on top of all layers. Choose a filter Filter - Sharpen - Smart Sharpen(Filter - Sharpen - "Smart" sharpness).

Adjust the filter as follows: Effect 30% , Radius 1.0 pix.


This step is optional and depends on the sharpness of the model image. If it looks very rough, you can soften it up before moving on to the next step.

Step 3 Merge all layers again, as you did at the beginning of the second step. Before starting, check all areas of the skin again for defects, otherwise the effect will be terrible after applying the next filter. Choose a filter Filter-Other-Custom(Filter - Others - Custom)

If your image needs some brightness adjustment, you can do so by filling in the field "offset"("Shift"), or leave it blank.


If the result does not satisfy you, you can reduce the effect with the command Edit - Fade: Custom(Editing - Relax: Custom).

In the Layers Palette, at the bottom, click on the command "Add Layer Mask", to create a layer mask. Then, with a black, soft brush, remove the excess sharpness in the hair, eyes and eyebrows, lips and teeth.

Step 4 Next, we will create adjustment layers. Select the next adjustment layer Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Selective Color(Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Selective Color), adjust it according to the example in the image below.

The result of creating an adjustment layer.

Step 5 Create the following adjustment layer: Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Photo Filter(Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Photo Filter).

The result of adding an adjustment layer.

Step 6 Create two adjustment layers Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Color Balance(Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Color Balance), see the settings for each below.

The result of creating two "Color Balance" adjustment layers.

Step 7 If you chose the image of another model, then you can still work with adjustment layers to achieve the desired result. Now we will lighten the dark area of ​​the model's neck a little. Create a new layer on top of all layers, select the tool Brush Tool (B)(Brush Tool) use a white, soft brush and paint a little over the area indicated in the image below.

Change the blend mode of the new layer, in the Layers Palette, to soft light 100%.

Step 8 In this step, we will lighten the face. Create a new layer on top of all, select the tool Brush Tool (B)(Brush tool), brush white, soft, and brush it on the forehead, with the opacity of the brush 40% , between the eyebrows, under the left eye and under the lips with opacity 100% , under the right eye with opacity 30% , above lips with brush opacity 70% .

soft light(Soft Light), Opacity 60% .

Step 9 Create a new layer using the tool Brush Tool (B)(Brush tool), soft brush, color #c6828d, brown the cheeks of our model. Then, change the layer's blend mode to soft light(Soft Light), Opacity 100% .

Step 10 Let's add shadows on the face. Create a new layer. Choose light grey colour #c7bdb9 and swipe the tool Brush Tool (B)(Brush tool) along the edges of the model's face, as shown in the image below.

Change the layer's blend mode to Multiply(Multiply), Opacity 30% .

Step 11 To highlight the beautiful lips create a new layer, choose a color #b45f6d, brush across the lips as shown in the image below.

Change the layer's blend mode to soft light(Soft Light), Opacity 50% .

Step 12 To lighten the teeth, follow the old scheme, create a new layer and draw a soft white brush over the teeth.

Change the layer blend mode to soft light(Soft Light), Layer Opacity 30% .

Step 13 Create a new layer. Again use a soft brush, color #b37c76. Swipe the brush around the eyelid area as shown in the image below.

Change the layer's blend mode to Linear Burn(Linear Dimmer), Opacity 30% .

Step 14 In the final step, create a new layer, click Ctrl+Shift+N, Mode select "Overlap", Opacity 100% , select Fill with Neutral Overlay Color (50% Gray).

With the following tools Burn Tool (O)(Dimmer Tool) and Dodge Tool (O)(Dodge Tool), with the following settings, Range midtones, Exposure 40-50% , we will emphasize the facial features of the model. Choosing a tool Dodge Tool (O)(Tool "Clarifier") draw a brush to increase the brightness on the following areas of the face: bridge of the nose, chin, forehead, skin above and below the eyes, area under the nose, white shell of the eyes (if there is significant redness).

Tool Burn Tool (O)(The "Dimmer" tool) is useful for darkening some areas, such as: the sides of the nose, the iris of the eyes, the eyelids, the eyelashes, especially their tips. Keep in mind that all darkening and brightening depend on the original image of the model, on how the light and shadow falls on the face. You can see the result obtained by the author in the image below.

Final result

When increasing individual sections


We hope you enjoyed the tutorial on creating natural facial skin. If you have something to say, ask a question, do not hesitate - write to us in the comments! We are also waiting for your work.

Hello dear site users
In this wonderful lesson, we will return youth to this girl in just a few minutes. You can download this photo (registration required).

I want to warn you right away that each image needs individual settings.

Step 1. So let's get started. If we look at the blue channel in our image, we can see that it doesn't look very good. There are many so-called JPG artifacts that are not visible to us in RGB mode. Now we will try to improve the Blue channel a little.

Copy the background layer. Apply to it Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur). Radius install 10 pixels. Click OK. Blend Mode change to Chroma(Color). Double click on the layer thumbnail. In the window that appears, uncheck the boxes next to R and G. This will apply all changes only to the Blue channel. Click OK. Look at the blue channel now. Does it really look better?

Step 2 Now use Curves to adjust the colors in the image. I suggest you use Curves rather than Levels because they give us more control over the color.

You can download the settings I used to your computer from here.
Create a New Adjustment Layer Curves, then, if you use my settings, click on the arrow on the top right and in the menu that appears, select loadpreset and select the desired file.

Step 3 Now a tool Healing brush(Healing Brush Tool) (J) get rid of the main skin defects, in this case we have 4 freckles.

Create a new layer above the background. Choosing a tool Healing brush(Healing Brush) (J) and make sure "Sample All Layers" is in the toolbar.

There is one great rule - when retouching, never edit the original layer, you never know when you have to go back. That is why now we have created a new layer and edited it.

Step 4 Select all layers except the layer with curves (Hold Shift and click on the layer thumbnails in the layers palette). Drag them to the button to create a new layer to copy. Click ctrl+e to combine them.
Choosing a tool Rectilinear lasso(Polygonal Lasso Tool) and select the woman. This may not be done very carefully. Hold down the key alt, and remove from the selection everything that does not apply to the skin - eyes, eyebrows, nostrils. We also exclude all kinds of depressions from the selection. This is how my selection looks in quick mask mode:

Click Shift+ ctrl+ I, to invert the selection and press the key Delete, to remove selected pixels. In appearance, everything will remain unchanged.

Step 5 Let's move on Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur). Radius install 20 pixels. Downgrading Opacity(Opacity) to 75% . Select the three main layers again and copy them. Click ctrl+ E, to merge layers. Move the resulting layer above the erased one. Click ctrl+ alt+ G. This will create a clipping mask, which is indicated by the downward arrow next to the layer's thumbnail. It means that upper layer will use the transparent pixels of the bottom layer as a mask.

Step 6 Let's move on Filter > Others > Color Contrast(Filter > Other > High Pass). Set the radius to 4 .

Change the blend mode to Linear light(Linear Light) and lower Opacity(Opacity) to 40% . ready!

The purpose of this lesson was to get rid of the main defects and smooth the skin, but not to make the person look like a model. This technique is ideal for everyday use.
Good luck and success.

4 votes

Hello, dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. There is a lot to retouch portraits, but if you want to achieve an amazing effect, then you have no choice, you have to use Photoshop. It will allow you to create such a result that you can even hang it on the wall, even use it in a glossy magazine. All friends and acquaintances will envy your photo, and most importantly, no particularly complex manipulations.

Today I will tell you how to retouch a face in Photoshop professionally. The work is easy, but painstaking. It may take you at least an hour. But the result will exceed all expectations. It was exactly like that with me.

I will not hide it, I took one of the first videos on YouTube and tried to repeat it and did not even particularly hope for a high-quality result, but it turned out to be perfect. You can read the text with step-by-step pictures, or you can immediately go to the end of the article and try to do everything exactly the same as in the video. For beginners, I would recommend the first option, but it's up to you.

To do this, drag the topmost slider slightly towards blue, and the bottom one towards blue.

I open "Tone" - "Shadows" and do the same.

Don't be afraid, the photo won't be that blue. Hold Alt + Del, everything will return as if in its place.

Now select a white brush and stroke the pupils on the portrait. You may have already worked with . Now you are doing just that.

Lower the opacity of the layer to make the picture look more natural.

Add another adjustment layer - hue/saturation.

We make the picture less saturated.

Now Curves.

Align the colors to your liking.

face on this moment looks not quite natural, it is too pale. Go to the red channel. And try to revive it a little.

The same can be done with blue and green.

The opacity of this layer is also better to make a little less. For naturalness.

Again merge all previous layers into a heap.

Select the filter - sharpening and add contour sharpening to the portrait.

Set the effect to 50 and the radius to 1.

Once again go to the Unsharp Mask filter, but this time set the effect to 100 and the radius from 1 to 2.

OK it's all over Now. This is how our photo looked originally.

And also upon completion of all work.

Video instruction

I believe that the text and video mode will help you understand all the intricacies and add an excellent result. If you don’t understand something in the text, you can always go to the video and vice versa. For example, I could not understand initially how to reduce all layers into one. But then I figured it out.

Well, if you want to learn how to masterfully, thoroughly, professionally and thoughtfully retouch any photos, I can advise you on the course « Photoshop for photographer » in it you will find a detailed analysis of each tool and learn how to apply them, pursuing a specific goal and knowing what you are doing and why. You will be able to learn how to use the professional program masterfully.

OK it's all over Now. See you soon and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

This article is for beginners to explain what photo retouching is, how to do photo processing correctly and gives recommendations on working in Photoshop

Photography appeared more than a century and a half ago, but this art is still developing and does not lose its relevance for billions of people.

Despite the development of digital technologies, many people continue to print and store memorable photographs.
Therefore, over time, there is a need to restore old photos. Yes, and new pictures often want to improve.

For this, photo retouching.

Retouching photos is their processing in order to eliminate defects. Defects can be different - cracks, spots, scratches, red eyes, veil, incorrect exposure, etc.

Restoring old photographs is called restoration, when the designer strives to restore the image to its original appearance, minimizing any changes.

Retouching photographs with human portraits is often cosmetic.
In this case, the specialist eliminates small defects in the form of moles, skin folds and wrinkles and tries to express the necessary parts of the face (lips, eyes, eyebrows).

Before the advent of special computer programs (for example, photoshop), photographers had to deal with retouching manually.
It was tedious, difficult, and had little effect. Compared to this, retouching photos on a computer is much easier, faster and more efficient.

At the same time, the original photo does not suffer in any way, since the work is carried out with its digital copy.

Defects in photographs can be divided into technical and artistic. Technical ones include those that appear in the image during its use - peeling of the top coat, stains, scratches.

Artistic defects are at the same time the mistakes of the photographer (unfortunate background, incorrect composition, uneven or poor lighting).

As mentioned above, today retouching is also used to eliminate appearance defects.
The photo is retouched in order to create an excellent quality image that will satisfy its owner.

To do this, the exposure and contrast are optimally improved in the photograph, the most successful color background is selected, clarity is improved, and many other parameters.

Technical retouching

To really get good photo, you need to edit it according to various technical parameters.
One of important points is the light distribution correction. Often, the general correction of the distribution of light is not enough and the master needs to change individual areas of the image, making them lighter or darker.

In addition, you need to change the brightness and contrast in order to achieve clarity or softness of some lines.
Also, during technical retouching, sometimes you have to change the color background to make it warmer or vice versa, colder.

Means of technical photo retouching there are actually a lot in modern computer programs, so not even all professionals know their complete list.

You can even retouch photos using cropping.

Artistic retouching

Artistic retouching comes, as a rule, after technical retouching. At the same time, the designer can change the composition, add new interesting effects to reveal new interesting facets in the photo.

The background can also be changed, unnecessary elements removed or new ones added.
It should also be noted this type of retouching, as the processing of the appearance of people in a photograph. Appearance retouching can be divided into natural and glossy.

Natural photo retouching is done for elimination of skin defects and correction of natural defects in appearance (shine of the skin, bags under the eyes, skin folds and wrinkles, yellowish teeth, etc.).

In this case, the results of editing remain invisible.
Glossy retouching is always done after natural retouching. It involves bringing the appearance to an excellent state (giving shine to hair, lips, bright colors throughout the photo, etc.).

Retouching your photos should be entrusted to real professionals. In this case, you can count on an excellent result.

Quick face skin retouching in Photoshop.

Consider the option of a quick retouching of the skin of the face, without affecting its texture and volume. In a programme "photoshop" open the image you like and create a copy of the layer, hotkeys "ctrl + j".

Let's zoom in on the photo to clearly see the details of the model's face and work them out. Press the key combination "ctrl" and "+" at the same time.

When scaling the picture, you can more clearly and in detail examine all skin defects.
Our task is to remove them without affecting the features and texture of the skin.

Let's perform an action on this layer: "Filter", then "noise", then the "median" parameter.

In the "median" window, set the radius of such a value to blur all the existing defects, but without affecting the eyes and lips of the model.
The value can be approximately 22 pixels. Click "ok" and look at the result.

If you think that the effect of the previous blur in some areas was insufficient, then we will do blur more strong but on separate layers.

Activate the "losso" tool, select the problem area of ​​the skin and copy the selection result to a new layer "ctrl+j".

Remaining on the same layer, we will make the following combination: "filter", then comes "blur", and after "gaussian blur".

Set the radius value in the window. It should be such that the defects are completely blurred.
These blurs are best done on separate layers if there are a number of problem areas.

Select all adjustment layers and merge them, excluding the main, original layer. To do this, with the "Shift" key pressed, select the second and subsequent layers. let's combine them: "ctrl+E".

The result is two layers. Activating on the second layer, we perform the following procedure: "image", then "external channel".

In the new window, we will make the settings: in the "overlay" mode, set the action to "add", scale - 2, shift - 1, layer - background, and check the box "invert". Leave the Opacity at 100% and click OK.

Change the mode of the same layer to the action "linear light". Then duplicate the layer's blur: "filter", then "blur" and "gaussian blur".

When choosing a radius, set a value such that preserved skin texture, but most of the defects have disappeared.

To the same layer, create a mask - a layer, but always black, for this, with the "alt" key pressed, add a mask, the icon, which is located in the lower right corner of the program.
Now select the white brush tool with 50% opacity.
And we begin to erase skin defects where necessary, and select the size of the brush at your discretion.

If desired, you can increase the opacity, then the effect will be stronger. Now the changes are very noticeable.
That's it, the result is ready, save it in the "file - save as .." tab and select the image format, perhaps it will be "jpeg".

If you do not understand something from the photo, do not hesitate to contact our photographer managers who will do their best to give you good advice.


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Hello, dear readers of my site! Today I'll show you how to do quick face retouching in Adobe Photoshop.

With this article, I open a new section called. It will contain articles that reveal the methods and techniques for correcting images that I use in, as well as those that I will still study with you.

How to quickly do face retouching?

The presented algorithm does not qualify for an Oscar or any other achievements. However, it is quite convenient for quickly obtaining a low-resolution photo, in particular for an avatar, for a background on cell phone etc. I do not recommend using this technique as a deep retouch, because it is harmful!

1. Select an image to work with. Here is the original photo, which was taken handheld, without using my favorite:

2. We remove all the bumps and flaws of the face using the tool.

Just move the cursor in the form of a ring on the places that we want to fix and click on them. So we eliminate all point irregularities. Get carried away and try to make a doll"Barbie"no need, then we will use the filterBlur, which will easily smooth out minor flaws. Here's what after using, I got:

3. Now we create a duplicate of the layer and turn off the visibility of the first image by clicking on the eye to the left of the layer name.

4. The next step is to go to the tab Filter --> Blur --> Surface Blur and select settings Radius And Threshold.

I set 45 pixels for the first parameter and 25 for the second. You may have different values, it all depends on the original image, but the result should be something like this:

5. Adding a mask to a layer Layer --> Layer Mask --> Hide All and turn on the first layer, i.e. make it visible.

6. Take a brush with soft edges and give it White color. We paint over all bodily areas of the skin, in particular the face of the model. I wasn't very careful and brushed over the eyebrows, lips, eyes and other areas of the face that should be sharp in the photo. In order to correct this oversight, set the brush color to black and paint over the places that we want to make sharp on the skin. Here's what I was able to achieve:

7. Final stage. It remains to give the skin of the face a natural relief, otherwise the face looks too stretched. To do this, set the transparency (Opacity) top layer 50%:

Here is the final image:

Came pretty quickly, and the result is quite good. I hope you liked the article and was simple and understandable. Now I do face retouching in Photoshop using a slightly different algorithm. You can see examples of work in the article "". However, from the very beginning, he did everything as described in the article.

And for better retouching, it’s definitely (I repeat, definitely) worth watching the lesson from Evgeny Kartashov “Retouching using the frequency decomposition method” (this is a completely different level of photo retouching):

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