Which lips are the most beautiful? Draw lips and get the desired result! Choosing lipstick color depending on hair color

Everyone understands that in order to look good, you need to work on it every day. For real woman Self-care should always come first. And caring for beautiful lips is no exception.

Beautiful lips - what?

Beautiful, natural, soft lips attract looks and make strong men thinking about kisses...

For several years in a row, actress Kyra Knightley's lips have been recognized as the most beautiful lips. The beloved Angelina Jolie is in second place. Monica Bellucci takes third place...

If we compare the ten most beautiful lips in the world, then you can see how different they and their owners are. The common features of this number are only the ideal correspondence of the shape and size of the lips to the facial features, their freshness (juiciness) and delineation. Only in this case are the lips truly “considered beautiful.”

Care for beautiful lips

Procedures such as manicure, pedicure, and hairstyle take a lot of time, but every self-respecting girl probably won’t go to the store without wearing lipstick. Every representative of the fairer sex dreams of beautiful lips. But not everyone knows how to care for their lips.

During the cold season, lips become chapped and often become dry. Therefore, you need to moisturize them. But we should not forget that the entire body requires respect. Therefore, try to drink as much liquid as possible in the summer, and with the arrival of cold weather, reduce the amount by 1/3. Lips become dry when the whole body needs moisture.

Massage is very useful for beautiful lips. To carry it out, it is necessary to carry out light pats - from the corners of the mouth, gradually approaching the center. If your lips are dry, use lip cream or balm before the massage. Do not forget to carry out this massage in the nasolabial triangle, as it can help relax the facial muscles, which will lift your lips a little upward. This massage is performed twice a day - before applying makeup and after removing it.

When caring for your lips, you should not limit yourself to balms and creams. Try at least once every two weeks - in summer time and once a week - in winter, peel the lips. To do this, you can purchase special scrubs that are designed for sensitive lip skin. Give preference to those that contain polyethylene granules, as they clean the skin very carefully. You can also use newly developed creams that dissolve dead skin on the lips, while cleansing the skin very delicately.

Masks for beautiful lips

Do-it-yourself masks that you make at home moisturize well and give your lips a clear contour. It is advisable to do them once every two days - in winter, and in spring and summer - two to three times a week.

Vitamin: a little honey must be mixed with an equal amount of olive oil and one capsule of aevit. Apply to lips for 5-15 minutes and remove by blotting lips with a towel or napkin. If your lips are dry, use a balm or cream before applying the mask.

Fruity: Melt half a teaspoon of vegetable oil and mix with grated kiwi. Apply for 15-20 minutes.

Fermented milk: spread sour cream on your lips and wait until it dries. Then apply another layer and wait. IN total, make 10 layers. After the last layer has dried, another 15-20 minutes should pass, and only then can you wash off the mask with water and lightly blot your lips with a napkin.

Lipstick for beautiful lips

Do you know where the tradition of using lipstick came from? We owe the invention of lipstick to the ancients Greek women According to myth, Zeus instructed the son of the Trojan king Paris to judge three arguing goddesses - Hera, Aphrodite and Athena - and choose the most beautiful of them. He gave the championship to Aphrodite - and all because the shape of her mouth was the most perfect. The ancient Greek beauty prepared lipstick with her own hands, mixing mineral paints of bright and dark shades with animal fat. This gave her lips a clear contour and a rich color that stayed on the skin for a very long time.

In France in the 18th century, lipstick was made only from natural products, and it was intended... for men! At the court of Louis XVI, the most loving of them painted their lips so that they would not blend in with their beard and mustache. And at the beginning of the 19th century, women also gained access to lipstick. But not everyone, just ladies prostitute. Significant adjustments to the female appearance were made by the era of French cinema of the 40-50s of the 20th century. Sexy beauties with blood-red lips Michelle Morgan, Anouk Aimee. Jeanne Moreau provided French women with an example of impeccable style. From now on, it became commonplace to paint your lips, even when going out to work in the garden. In 1947, at the peak of the popularity of red lips, a revolutionary new product appeared on sale: a super-long-lasting lipstick that made it possible to kiss.

The way lipstick looks now - in a case with a lid - was invented by the Americans in 1915. Previously, it was stored in a cardboard box with a brush attached. Women liked the packaging, they began to carry a tube of lipstick in their bag. The fashion for makeup to match the style of clothing allowed lipstick manufacturers to significantly diversify the palette - pastel, brown, pink, and lilac shades appeared. And the lipstick was endowed with caring properties - now it not only gives color and lasts a long time, but also protects the skin from drying out and UV rays.

Now you know a little more about how you can make your lips even more beautiful at home. Good luck!

Remember Angelina Jolie and her beautiful lips. But she achieved fame thanks to them. Nowadays, many girls flock to plastic surgeons' offices in the hope of achieving the same effect as the famous actress. What is so attractive about this part of the face?

Ideal proportions

Every era and every time has always had its own ideas and fashion trends in beauty, which influenced the appearance of their own unique image. Today, physical perfection and organic beauty are winning. Even Leonardo da Vinci said: “In its perfection, a woman’s actual beauty is diminished by too elaborate decorations.” Today this can be interpreted as a kind of hint at various expensive offers plastic surgery when girls blindly follow fashion, creating themselves identical, as if from a template, beautiful big lips. You just need to think, perhaps, about the words of another great man - “if you want to achieve a good effect, then do everything yourself.”

If you follow current measurements, then the mouth should be about one and a half times wider than the nose.

Why does everyone want to enlarge their lips?

This topic is quite popular among today's youth. This is due to the fact that, according to the theory of Freudianism, the lips on the face are the personification of the labia, which means that by their freshness, fullness, and brightness, the opposite sex instinctively recognizes our sexuality. Making the most beautiful lips for yourself means standing out among other women, being more attractive and noticeable in the eyes of men. By the way, there is confirmation of this: many studies have shown that it is not the eyes that men pay attention to first when they look at a woman’s face, but her lips. That is, first the lips, and then everything else.

Surgical augmentation

If you ask a plastic surgeon what kind of lips clients most often ask to create, he will answer without hesitation that the most common “model” is Angelina Jolie. By today's standards, she has beautiful lips, photos of which are most often brought to surgeons. By the way, Jolie has been in the top ten sexiest modern actresses for several years now.

Men are simply crazy about her. What should a woman do if nature has not endowed her with such charms, but she also wants to attract men and be at least a little like a famous actress? Such a woman undergoes expensive Botox operations. But men are not stupid either - not everyone is delighted with the fact that they are being deceived. After all, many people recognize Botox, considering such fashion victims to be simply a sexual object, nothing more. And most importantly, the surgeon’s slightest mark on a sensitive area is especially noticeable, and there is no way to hide it. Even “high-quality” lips are usually tense, the upper lip protrudes above the lower lip and the corners are swollen with collagen. And sensitive skin simply may not accept the drug, and this can lead to irreversible problems.

Lip exercises

If you are wondering how to make beautiful lips yourself, then the answer is simple - practice.

1. Whistle.
This exercise is a warm-up for the oral muscles, a kind of warm-up before the main workouts. You can simply whistle any song for 5 minutes; the melodies can change daily.

2. Stick your tongue out.
Open your mouth and stretch out your tongue as much as possible (for 5-10 seconds), almost to its entire length. This exercise must be repeated at least 15 times.

3. Dandelions.
Puff out your cheeks, imagine that you need to blow on a dandelion, start blowing hard, but your lips should be relaxed. Repeat the exercise at least 5 times.

4. Fish.
Curl your lips like a cartoon goldfish and then pull them into a smile. You need to repeat 15 times.

5. Howl like a wolf.
Start howling like a wolf for 5 minutes. Say the words “awuuuu” and “vuuuuu” slowly, drawing out each letter.

Lip massage

Massage with scrub.

With the help of a lip massage, you can get rid of dead skin; after such procedures, lip gloss begins to adhere better, beautiful lips will be visible in the mirror within a month. The recipe is absolutely simple - just mix honey and sugar and massage your lips with a toothbrush every day before going to bed.

Perhaps the most common type of massage. You will need a toothbrush, always a soft one that will not cause injury. delicate skin lips The brush must be wetted and the massage done in a circular motion.

Using ice cubes.

To do this, you need to put ice cubes in a thin cloth and start moving them over your lips. Blood flow begins, which improves circulation. Lips slightly increase in volume.

Menthol compresses.

You need to apply essential menthol oil to a cotton swab and apply it to your lips for 5-10 minutes.

It is very important to use a soft balm or eye cream after all these procedures.


Make saturated colors much richer. Apply lipstick by blotting it. Then reapply lipstick.

Moisturize your lips: when you feel that your lipstick is a little dry, apply a layer of gloss or balm.

If your lipstick is very dark, go lighter. To do this, blot the lipstick, and then apply a lighter shade as a top layer; you can blot and apply a layer of gloss or lip balm, then the lipstick will look natural and wet. You can also use a little tint mixed with lip gloss to make the shade lighter.

Prepare to apply lipstick - soften your lips. To ensure that you have soft, beautiful lips (photos shown) in the morning, apply lip balm liberally at night, right before bed.

Women's lips are always visible. According to psychologists, it is this part of the face that men first pay attention to when assessing sex appeal women. To see this, just remember the famous actress Angelina Jolie. It is she who is considered by all men to be the standard of femininity - she has plump, beautiful lips. The star’s photo often appears in plastic surgeons’ offices, as many girls come to the appointment in the hope of getting the same lips that drive the men around them crazy.

But it should be understood that surgical intervention is a rather risky step, since the success of such an event directly depends on the professionalism of the doctor. The slightest mistake can cause even natural and naturally attractive lips to turn into a swollen and absolutely ugly cake. In addition, no artificially introduced material, be it silicone, can provide an enlargement effect close to natural. Therefore, upon careful examination, it will immediately become clear to others that the magical transformation is the result of the influence of “beauty injections.”

How to draw beautiful lips with a pencil?

If your lips are naturally too thin, you can resort to some tricks that will help visually adjust their volume. This method does not pose any health hazard, since it involves the use of only decorative cosmetics.

First, the entire surface of the lips must be treated with foundation or powder. Then, using a contour pencil, you need to trace their line, going slightly beyond the edges. This will visually make your lips look fuller. The next step is to apply lipstick or gloss using a special brush. Of course, the color of the contour pencil and lipstick should be combined. To make already beautiful lips visually more voluminous, you can apply a little gloss in the center of the lower lip.

Permanent makeup

Tattooing today is widespread among women, and it is performed both on the body and on the face. But permanent makeup of the facial area is still most in demand, as it allows girls to stay “in shape” for a long time. But from time to time such permanently seductive lips and other “tattoos” in this area will still have to be corrected. You can draw the outline in such a way that as a result they will seem more expressive.

Massage to increase lip volume

In addition to cosmetic techniques, there are other ways by which you can achieve a short-term effect, and this method is massage. It is carried out while the lips need to be lubricated with a nourishing and moisturizing cream. You can take advantage of the gifts of nature - use any vegetable oil. By performing such simple manipulations every day, in just a few weeks you will find the most beautiful lips - bright, plump, with clear outlines and magnificent natural volume.

Lip shapes are often in fashion, the owners of which are famous personalities, movie stars, and pop stars. Sexuality is associated with a beautiful lip shape. There are men with beautiful lips.

How to draw beautiful lips

According to psychologists, men, when looking at women, often pay attention to their lips, assessing their sexuality and attractiveness. Many consider Angelina Jolie's lips to be the standard; we are talking about both shape and fullness.

Some people, eager to change the shape of their lips, come to a plastic surgeon. There are those who visually correct the shape by drawing it with a special pencil. Of course, it is best to be satisfied with the form that is given by nature.

Drawing beautiful lips is not so easy. However, you can cope with this task even without drawing skills, if you act in stages. Drawing them with a pencil on paper, first markings are made - three parallel lines. Next, the corners of the lips and the upper contour are drawn. It is important to note that the upper contour should be reduced and the lower contour increased. When drawing with a pencil, you must not forget to create a shadow effect and draw “wrinkles” on the lips.

Some representatives of the fair sex prefer lip tattooing, making them fuller or reducing excessive volume. Tattooing helps hide asymmetry and gives a clear outline. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the master, choose a real professional.

Beautiful lips of celebrities

It is not surprising that many beauties dream of becoming a singer or actress, regardless of whether they have the talent for it. Often, it is not talent that is assessed, but only external data, moreover, only some individual parts, for example, lips.

We can name ten contenders for the title of owners of the most beautiful lips. This is Jennifer Lopez, Miley Cyrus, Kim Kardashian. Katherine Heigl is in seventh position, followed by Halle Berry and Anne Hathaway. Angelina Jolie is in fourth place, and Keira Knightley is in third. Second place went to Christina Aguilera, first place went to Christy Turlington.

Separately, it should be noted that it is the lips that have long become business card Angelina Jolie. And thanks to her lips, the actress is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world.

Drew Barrymore's lips have a seductive shape and attracted attention to her even during the release of the film Charlie's Angels. Anne Hathaway was remembered not for her full lips, but for her beautiful smile and white teeth. To highlight her smile, the actress avoids dark lipstick tones. The owner of beautifully shaped lips is Sienna Miller. Her lips aren't particularly full, but that doesn't bother the stylish star.

Recently, when turning to plastic surgeons, women ask to make their lips look like Scarlett Johansson's lips.

Another celebrity Megan Fox is the owner of full lips from birth. According to her, she has French, Native American and Irish roots. She became a sex symbol after starring in the movie Transformers. However, as it became known, the actress decided to slightly change her appearance. Most of all, the changes affected her lips. Now they began to look even more plump and appetizing. Jessica Simpson, Elizabeth Hurley and many other stars also went under the surgeon's knife.

Men with beautiful lips

Beautiful lips make men attractive. It is believed that according to the laws of physiognomy, one can easily determine the character of any person by the shape of the lips. Lips can be small, flat, full, crooked, protruding, or even. Women pay attention to the lips of men, opinions differ - some like plump male lips, others thin or sharply defined.

A man with beautiful lips is most often called sexy. Among the handsome men are Enrique Iglesias and Eddie Murphy. Leonardo DiCaprio's lips have not left women indifferent for many years. Beautiful lips It was believed that Julia Roberts had the most beautiful lips

In recent years, Jolie has been displaced from the first position by Scarlett Johansen. It was she who was called the sexiest on the planet, and more than once. She was first awarded this title back in 2006. According to the actress, she likes to wear red lipstick on her lips. To give her lips a classic, ideal shape, she uses a lip pencil. Scarlett says that she prefers lipstick, but with a brush she only corrects the contour, which makes her lips more expressive.

Among men, the title of owner of the sexiest lips was awarded to Johnny Depp and David Beckham. Lately Brad Pitt beat them to it. It was he who received the majority of votes. By the way, according to uznayvse.ru, football player Rio Ferdinand is recognized as the man with the ugliest lips.

As a rule, we pay attention to the lips of celebrities. This part of the face plays a significant role in a person’s attractiveness. Not only women, but also men can have beautiful lips. Let's find out who has the most beautiful lips in the world.

The standard of the most beautiful lips of Angelina Jolie

Without a doubt, Angelina Jolie has the most beautiful lips. The fullness and shape of her lips are so attractive that they do not leave any of the representatives of the stronger half indifferent. The lips of this beautiful woman cause great admiration among men and women all over the world. Some people are even eager to change the shape of their lips and make them look like Jolie’s lips. For this purpose, a person turns to plastic surgeons. However, many people cannot afford this method of changing the shape or enlarging the lips, so there is an easier way to correct the lips.

Draw lips and get the desired result!

Drawing lips is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. But if you act in several stages, then it is quite possible to cope with this task and obtain the desired shape and thickness of the lips. You need to practice on paper. To do this, first of all, you need to make markings - draw three lines parallel to each other. Then draw the corners of the lips and the upper contour. Here you need to know that the upper contour decreases and the lower one increases. When drawing lips with a pencil, you need to create a shadow effect and create wrinkles.

You can reduce or enlarge your lips using tattooing. This procedure allows you to hide the asymmetry of the lips and gives them a clear contour. However, only a specialist in this field should be trusted to perform such a procedure.

Beautiful lips of famous women

It is not surprising that many girls begin their careers as “stars” thanks to their attractive appearance. And beautiful lips can outshine even the absence of some talents. We present to you the most beautiful lips of celebrities, photos of which prove that these women are also attractive due to their lips.

The following can claim the title of owner of the most beautiful lips:

1) Angelina Jolie

2) Christy Turlington

3) Christina Aguilera

4) Keira Knightley

5) Drew Barrymore

6) Kim Kardashian

7) Halle Berry

8) Katherine Heigl

10) Jennifer Lopez

Christy Turlington's lips can be called correct and unusually beautiful. And Angelina Jolie’s lips became for her a real passport to the world of “stars”. It is thanks to her chic lips that she is recognized as a sexy and vibrant woman.

However, Scarlett Johansson gradually displaced Jolie from the “pedestal” and began to be considered the owner of the sexiest lips. At the same time, Johansson admitted that she loves red lipstick, and applies it with a brush. Drew Barrymore also has a seductive lip shape - it is with her lips that the actress attracts attention in Charlie's Angels.

You can also note Sienna Miller, who has not very plump, but very attractive lips. Megan Fox has plump lips from birth. After gaining fame, she also decided to correct the shape of her lips, which now look even plumper.

Beautiful lips of famous men

Even men look more attractive if they naturally have beautifully shaped lips. The most beautiful lips have:

1) Enrique Iglesias

2) David Beckham

3) Leonardo DiCaprio

4) Jason Statham

5) Eddie Murphy

6) Mel Gibson

7) Johnny Dep

8) John Travolta

9) Brad Pitt

Enrique Iglesias seduces many women with his lips. Brad Pitt was named the owner of the sexiest lips. But among football players, Rio Ferdinand is considered the owner of such lips. Each of these men has a certain lip shape, but they all have one thing in common - extraordinary sexuality. By the way, the shape of the lips can indicate a person’s character, so many conclusions can be drawn from this part of appearance.

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