What a man should never do. A real man, when he meets his woman, will not doubt it. Give up your personal life and career

What a man should be like and what he should do for his lady.

What should it be man.

7 Qualities of a Real Man | Who is a real man?

What must do a man for himself and what a real man should be for his woman, the qualities of a real man.

1) If you are wondering how to become a real man? Start with responsibility. A scary word for many, but one can and should love it. It's not that hard, try it, you'll like it. And we must always remember “irresponsibility” - this is a pleasant word that leads to poverty. It’s unlikely that your woman wants to be poor. But, now I’ll go and ask my neighbor.

But if this word scares you, then that’s normal. Fear is a good and natural reaction. It happens to everyone, just don’t let it take over you. Once you overcome it, you will become more confident and it will be easier in the future.

And how a woman will value your responsibility and courage in you, think about it. Responsibility is also self-respect. Don't respect yourself? Then what you need is not a woman, but a man.

2) Be a reliable protector for her (such a stone vest), which can be broken, but while she holds on, she tightly protects the one who is behind her.

And on top of that, women like those men who do more and talk and think less.

A confident man does not worry about what others will think of him and will not prove anything to anyone; he has already proven everything, first of all to himself. So don’t deprive your woman of this, you will give her and yourself more joy if you become yourself.

Just hug her and tell her, “You are the sweetest and most desirable.” She will like it and will thank you with a delicious dinner or at night in bed. Women need these words simply because they are women.

Man strategist, a sort of Napoleon. But even Napoleon and his army needed a rear - remember how he was left without a rear in Moscow, and what happened next. The woman is sociable and will provide you with this rear... If you respect and appreciate her, you will have a strong rear and then you won’t have to flee from Moscow.

Hygiene is important for a woman, no less important than her beautiful, well-groomed face and everything else.

By the way, before sex you should not forget to shave. Eggs are not necessary, it’s whatever you like, but the face, yes. Stubble is not only unpleasant, but also causes irritation on a woman’s face. Especially with frequent friction.

Maybe it would be more useful for you to wrap something around. An intelligent woman can greatly help a man, both in his self-development and career. These are not my words, but the words of life and many wise people.

Find out what jealousy really is, and if necessary, work on yourself.

Wash your underwear yourself: socks, panties and...

Don't slap a woman on the ass when she's cooking at the stove. I want to? Then don’t do it abruptly, it’s better to come up and gently hug or stroke.

Socks, especially dirty ones, should be kept in a special place. place, and not be a design element of chairs and floors.

Sometimes (more often) give flowers and have a romantic dinner, it can save you from cheating. Remind her that she is a woman and that you care about her and want her.

At least three times a year, tell her that you love her.

At least sometimes arrange a pleasant... SURPRISE (read in the article “Affairs of feelings and actions.”) everything is simple, but important.

And lift the seat (or whatever it’s called) on the toilet before opening the tap.


10 things you should never do. Do you want to know what a real man should not do if he wants to appear like one? What a real man should never do. what a real man should never do, what actions in life are unusual for him. 20 things you should never do do man. 20 things a man should never do, read, remember and don’t repeat the mistake. What should do a real man - allWomens. a real man, what should he do? What should a real man do? He never. What a man should be like. What must do man. What should a man do for himself and how must never be a real man. What you shouldn't do real man. Just don't build a house, etc. Categories All project questions Computers, Internet. What You Should Never Do or Say Real. Answers to the question What should a real man never do or say? What should you be able to do? do a real man? what a real man is A real man should never be able to do. What should you be able to do? real man. which a real man should have and should never be able to do. A real man should not feel sorry for himself.


Do you want to know what a real man should not do if he wants to appear as such in his eyes? new passion? Lately women all over the world unanimously declare that there are no real men left; They supposedly all disappeared somewhere. American psychologists offer their list of several erroneous questions questions, which, in their opinion, a real man should never ask a woman he is dating or recently met, unless, of course, he wants to look like a real brutal macho in her eyes, confident in himself and his actions. It’s clear that some advice is impossible to read without smiling, but if you think about it, and in them you can find a certain grain of truth. After all, in the end, out of a desire to please a girl, you can avoid the temptation to ask such questions!

1. A real man should never ask a woman he recently met for permission to kiss her. Firstly, most women, even if they wanted it, would answer this question in the negative. Secondly, by asking a question like this, the man seems to be demonstrating himself in the role little boy asking permission for something. Women are not interested in little boys! They are more interested in big macho guys. And even if she answers such a question with consent, rest assured, she could only do this for two reasons - either out of pity or out of politeness.

2. A real man should never ask a woman he recently met when she might be able to meet him again. Any woman wants to see in a man, first of all, a leader who is able to keep the situation under control. Agree, the leader will never ask permission to flirt or date - he will simply appoint it himself. A brutal man is simply obliged to look at a woman with a confident gaze and say something like: "I think we should meet again! I'll call you tomorrow afternoon, leave me your phone number." Or immediately ask the woman what place she would like to visit next time.

3. A real man should never show off his house or car to a woman he just met, even if he actually has great ones. In the eyes of any woman such phrases will only look like a pathetic attempt to impress her through material values as if all other methods had already been tried; or as if she were simply unworthy of all other methods. A real man should know that his magnificent house or expensive car will already impress a woman if she ever sees them.

4. A real man, when making a date with his girlfriend whom he recently met, should never ask her what she is doing tonight. This way you may not get a date with her for a very long time! A real man must take the initiative into his own hands (especially since this is expected of him!) and independently offer the woman a program for the upcoming evening, thereby demonstrating that he is a person capable of taking on the burden of making all decisions in this life.

5. A real man should never ask a woman he recently met if she likes him, as this is one of those phrases that can instantly turn a woman's attention away from such a man. A real man must believe a priori that the woman he is courting likes him(even if this is not entirely true, or not at all true!). However, you absolutely cannot ask such a question, since any woman will instantly understand that you are unsure of yourself. And a man who is insecure can no longer be considered a real man!

6. A real man would never ask a woman he recently started dating to explain why she didn't respond to his text message. This should not be done under any circumstances for two reasons: firstly, the woman will think that the man is trying to control her because he doubts his own worth, like a macho man. Secondly, such a question can make a woman feel guilty, after which she simply will not want to communicate with you at all - just so as not to experience this feeling again and not get into an awkward position!

7. A real man will never ask the woman he’s dating (no matter how long it has been!) how many men she’s dated (or worse yet, slept with) before him. This is the most important question to which each normal woman, firstly, he will lie, and secondly, he will immediately feel that such a man is not completely confident in himself, and therefore can hardly claim to be a macho or brutal man.

8. A real man should never, with some half-hint, let a woman he just accidentally met know that he wouldn’t mind asking her out on a date. Such a man will most likely encounter a blank wall of misunderstanding and will not wait for help from a woman in this difficult matter. And this will not be at all because the woman will not understand and will not see such a desire in this man - of course, she will guess about everything! But a woman needs a real macho man who would take the initiative into his own hands and would not show how he gives in to her.

9. A real man, if he called a woman he had only recently met for the first time and picked up the phone, will not immediately make an appointment with her. There are, again, two reasons: firstly, prescribing after the first phone call girl's first date, the man becomes extremely predictable. Secondly, by doing this, the man deprives the woman of the opportunity to recruit this man herself (and, unexpectedly for him and for herself as well!). A real man will simply take an interest in her affairs and mood. Then he will thank you for the conversation, say goodbye and promise to call her again soon. Be sure that if you don’t do this, the woman herself will call you.

10. A real man will never speak badly about the friends of his woman whom he recently met, especially if he does not know anyone from her company! And already, of course, a real man, also, will not allow himself to make bad statements about a woman’s mother whom he recently met or has been dating for a long time. If such a man allows himself such statements, he will immediately smoothly “slide” into the category of “fake” men, whom it is better to keep away from both his company and his mother.

Even if your husband has a hole instead of a wallet, he was kicked out of work, and he supposedly can’t find a new one, remember: you can always find a job, and if a man dreams of not only self-realization, but also feeding his family, he can, in the end , and work as a loader before conquering world fame. The trouble is that if you get into the habit of giving your lover large amounts, sooner or later this will end in tragedy - you will have to find first a second, then a third job, and, believe me, there will be no more love in your life.

Giving expensive gifts

Remember O’Henry’s story “The Gift of the Magi,” where the main character sold her hair to buy her husband a watch chain, and the husband, in turn, sold that same watch, wanting to give his wife a set of combs? Of course, no one forces you to cut your hair, but the gifts should still be of equal value. There is no point in presenting your lover with a python leather briefcase or, better yet, buying a car if he gifts you with another food processor. Firstly, trying to win a man with money will most likely not lead to success, unless of course he is a real man - on the contrary, with expensive gifts you can only push him away, especially if he cannot afford such luxury. Secondly, if you come across an unscrupulous representative of the stronger sex, love can turn into exploitation.


For a long time, an ironic text about crying men. Like, if your man is crying, pat him on the shoulder, and if he continues to shed tears after that, buy your chosen one a diaper. Oddly enough, in reality these tips actually work. Not on such a scale, of course. The problem is that, unlike our half of humanity, a man does not feel love for pitying him. That is, to put it simply, he will complain about life to you, as well as wrap his snot around his fist, whine, moan - in front of you, and go for walks and, which is typical, have a wedding - with others. Our problem is that we always imagine that complaints are a sign of a deep relationship, because you, unhappy and lonely, are pulling him out of the abyss of despair. Remember the infamous Little Mermaid - she saved the Prince, but he married someone else!

Say the phrase “I told you so”

Even if you are right a hundred times. Even if you are right a million times, and you warned him, admonished him and said as you should, and he dared to disobey you. There is nothing more provocative than your phrase “I told you so.” Firstly, you turned out to be smarter than him, and secondly, you pointed this out to him. Very tactless! Rest assured, now your loved one will probably be offended, moreover, most likely in the near future he will remind you of his annoying mistake.

Give up your personal life and career

Housewife hung like Christmas tree- balloons, towels, baby rompers and all kinds everyday problems- this is, of course, good, but, unfortunately, the more we devote our lives to our men, children and household chores, the faster our lover loses interest in us. Sooner or later he will want, firstly, to be alone, and secondly, to look at beautiful woman. And rest assured, in most cases, if you are not able to throw off your threadbare robe and apron without hesitation, he will find another object of admiration. By the way, this does not mean at all that your beloved will rush headlong to look for a mistress. No, he will just admire someone else... someone else.

The same applies to your personal time, intimate space. If you get married, this does not mean at all that you need to abandon friends, work and other things that are pleasant for you. On the contrary, the more varied and fuller your life outside the family is, the more your soul mate will be drawn to you. Again, don’t forget – you need to know moderation in everything.

Change appearance

Yes, of course, we women passionately love to change. If today we liked being a brunette, it is quite possible that tomorrow we will decide to dye our hair blonde, red and even add a few blue or pink strands, all this is within the normal range. If your lover insists on a radical change of image, it’s time to think about it. Should you cut or grow your hair to please a man? Just because he wanted to? It’s not worth it, especially if you are one of those lucky women who manage not only to earn money and cook breakfast and dinner, but also to take care of themselves. In the end, if your chosen one prefers thin unisex girls, and you look much more like a Kustodiev young lady, why not advise the man to find his ideal, and not try to fit you into incredible parameters. In any case, your man must accept you for who you are (of course, within reasonable limits), otherwise he is simply not your man - alas, there are none of those life path occurs much more often than we would like.

If you are together, it means that he will always be on your side. It doesn’t matter with whom you have a conflict: with his mother, with his best friend or with a person who, in your beloved’s opinion, is right, and you, on the contrary, are wrong. The main thing is that he will never take the side of your opponent. This does not mean that a man will protect you, despising common sense. This means that he will not enter into an alliance with a person who opposes you. You will figure out the cause of the conflict later, together - if it’s worth it. But the moment someone opposes you, the man will be on your side. Because it's right.
What else doesn't a real man do? He will not remake you to his taste, he will not demand that you correspond to the ideal picture that he came up with. Because he understands that you are not a picture. You are a living person. You look the way you like, your appearance is yours and yours alone. He will not mold you into an ideal. Because he doesn't need an ideal. He needs you.
He insists that you stop communicating with best friend? Is he sure that your family is a bad influence on you? This means that he is afraid of them. Because he understands perfectly well: sooner or later your loved ones will convince you that this creature is unworthy of you. And therefore he seeks to eliminate this threat in advance. A good man values ​​both his loved ones and yours.
Every person needs personal space. Everyone has their own habits, their own desires and their own secrets. A man who tries to tear down your personal boundaries and establish his own order there is a worthless man. Because he is not interested in love. He is interested in power. And this is not what you need.
What should a real man never do? Remember the joke about “our trousers”? So this is the truth. Not about trousers, but about difficulties. If you are together, the problems automatically cease to be yours or his. They become yours. It's impossible otherwise. If a man tells you “Deal with it yourself,” it’s really better to deal with it yourself. And in general, do everything yourself. Without him. He simply should not be in your life after these words.
It is important to understand that he always has a choice. Yes, people are polygamous. In general, all people, not just men. But people are also reasonable. We can control our instincts. If he assures you that he can’t, or that “it’s normal, I’m a man,” this means that in fact he simply doesn’t love you. Because only one thing keeps us from cheating - fear. We are afraid of hurting our loved one. But to the unloved - no, we are not afraid. We don't care about his feelings at all.
A real man wants to see him next to him a real woman. Mature and confident. A woman who is unable to be strong and independent is needed only by abusers. This is a very convenient victim who will never go anywhere, who can be mocked with impunity until she breaks completely. A man with a normal psyche wants to see a woman next to him, not a victim, not an “eternal child” and not a frightened creature unable to take care of himself. So if you feel that a man is diligently pulling the rug out from under your feet, making you feel weak and dependent, get rid of this man.
On the contrary, he wants them. And therefore from good man you won’t hear phrases like “I’m not ready yet” and “I need to think.” He thought about you in advance.
Healthy, which means happy relationship- it's a relationship between two equal people. It is impossible to be happy with a man who builds a relationship according to the “Parent - Child” principle, where the parent, naturally, is him, and the unreasonable child is you. Because you are a grown woman. You are in control of your life. All important decisions regarding your own person are made by you and only you. It's wonderful to be near you loving man, always ready to help: advise, support, do with you what for some reason is difficult for you to decide on yourself. But no one should ever control your life completely. You have already passed this stage. You are not three years old.
And this is the most important thing. Violence comes in many forms, but fortunately it cannot be hidden. A man can pretend, but it is very easy to recognize him as a rapist. Does he think that children should be raised with rods, “they flogged me, and nothing”? Able to kick an animal? Says that the victim is “himself to blame”? Run. This is not just a bad man, this is a rapist. And one day he will certainly direct aggression in your direction. It's only a matter of time: sooner or later, but it will certainly happen. You don't have to waste your one and only life being in a relationship with an abuser. Moreover, there are a lot of really wonderful real men around.

Ecology of life. Psychology: We spend most of our lives searching for our ideal woman, and when we find it, we begin to hesitate. We fail to take this necessary step before we can truly call her ours.

We spend most of our lives searching for our ideal woman, and when we find it, we begin to hesitate. We fail to take this necessary step before we can truly call her ours.

You may think that once you make a commitment, it will be easier to make the next one, but this is usually not the case.

Whether to call your girlfriend your girlfriend, tell her you love her, move in with her, or call her your wife are all inevitable decisions you'll have to make.

Indecision is your enemy. Of course, you need to think things through carefully before making such decisions, but you should never doubt without a valid reason; real men don't do this.

Real men make difficult decisions because they understand that those decisions must be made.

A real man has no doubts when he meets his woman. Because:

1. He realizes that he is very lucky

A real man is a fairly experienced man. He has enough failed relationships behind him and enough meetings with women who are not his to understand that he has met exactly the one he was looking for.

He won't hesitate because he knows he just won the lottery, and what man would wait to "cash in" his winnings?

Why should he wait to tell her how much she means to him? He doesn't see any point in this.

Luck does not last forever, he feels the need to "lock in" success before some other young man comes in his way.

About 7 billion people live on earth, and not everyone can find among them someone with whom you would like to share your life.

Just as lightning does not strike the same place twice, a man does not want to get involved in a game of chance and die again.

2. He is mature enough to face commitment.

I'm not talking about the fact that he is not afraid of commitment - no, most people are afraid of this, the point is that no matter what, he is ready to take this step. He is ready to find compromise solutions because he is sure that his woman is worthy of it.

Perhaps he is afraid of obligations, but he will not run away from them; he faces his fears - which is what a man should do. In addition, he may be more than willing to commit himself, as long as he doesn't have these scary thoughts.

Perhaps there is nothing he wants more than to settle down and love his woman with all his heart. He may be ready to devote himself and his life entirely to her. Regardless of whether he is afraid of commitment, if he is willing to devote himself to his woman, then he is a real man.

3. He wants her to understand how beautiful she is and how much she means to him.

Most men, for some reason, believe that women understand how much they mean to us. Unfortunately, everything is exactly the opposite.

If your woman is not a diviner, you need to use your words and your actions. You should be there, tell her about your love and show how important she is to you.

A real man understands this, and moreover, understands how important it is for his partner to know that she is loved.

Your indecisiveness tells her that you are insecure. She says that even though you promise to always be there and love her, one day you may leave her.

You may think that your indecisiveness is invisible, but in fact it often causes incredible harm.

4. He's afraid of losing her

Right. A real man is afraid of losing the woman he loves and is not at all afraid to admit it. When you meet your ideal woman, you should be afraid of losing her, as this could be your tragedy.

She becomes your life, and if you were to lose her, you would lose yourself - or rather, you would lose the person she helped you become. She is an integral part of yourself.

A real man is afraid for the woman he loves and accepts and admits it. He allows this fear to guide him and help him realize how important this woman is to him.

Real men are afraid - more afraid than others. This is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of self-awareness.

5. He is ready to throw the whole world at her feet because he believes that she deserves it.

He wants to be the first and only one who will show her new places, let her try new dishes, long-aging wines and give her adventures. He wants to be the first to give her many new experiences, because he wants to become as much a part of her as she became of him.

He wants her to look back one day and remember all these amazing adventures and for a smile to appear on her face. He wants her to smile, to be happy, to be satisfied with herself, her life, her life experiences and the decisions she has made.

Deciding who you're going to spend the rest of your life with is undoubtedly the most important decision every person makes.

A real man refuses to be the reason a woman regrets spending her allotted days on this planet. On the contrary, he wants to be a cause of joy.

6. He doesn't have any the slightest reason doubt

Not a single good reason, at least. Of course, we can always come up with excuses or even incredible scenarios, and sometimes even real nonsense, just so as not to break anyone’s heart. Real men don't do this, but scumbags do.

A real man has no reason to doubt or wait long to express his feelings. She's his ideal woman. If he wants to be hers ideal man, he will make this decision - and this will be the first step.

More often than not, people choose to be blind, leave and break up. Most relationships are doomed to fail because they are between two people who are unable to work together.

But when you find the right person, No good reasons to resist. We can come up with a bunch of excuses, but they're just excuses. A real man is honest with himself. When he knows he has found the one, he makes her the one. published

©Paul Hudson

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