Sagittarius relationship with Taurus. What does an ideal couple look like: a Taurus woman - a Sagittarius man? What keeps the signs together

This is a rather complicated union, which has little chance of long-term existence. For a Taurus woman, quality is important, and for a Sagittarius man, what impression he makes on others. At the beginning of the relationship, the partners are bewitched by each other, but disappointment soon comes. Sagittarius gives out a lot of promises, but do not rush to implement. The Taurus woman first waits for everything to come true, but in the end she realizes that she was deceived. Sagittarius is a highly intelligent sign by nature, he becomes sad with a straightforward Taurus woman. This can lead to a breakdown in relationships. They set lofty standards for themselves, which they achieve by any means. It is important that the Taurus woman and the Sagittarius man have common interests. Owning them, they will achieve well-being and become a harmonious couple.

A significant part of the efforts to change their perception of life will have to be applied by the Sagittarius man. Unlike the impenetrable Taurus woman, he is more flexible and aggressive. The stage of addiction in such a relationship will not go smoothly and painfully, but only in this case they will realize all the advantages of the relationship. The safety of the family and the entire burden of responsibility will fall on the shoulders of the Taurus woman. The Taurus woman, who loves stability, must stock up on great patience so that confusion and endless conflicts do not come in the family. born not for family relations Sagittarius man helps everyone in life, sometimes forgetting about his closest relatives. The union between the Taurus woman and the Sagittarius man will be favorable if everyone fulfills his duties.

Sagittarius is distinguished by variability and frivolity. In love, he shows himself on the good side, based on the voluptuous components of his charm. Caring for the Taurus woman, the Sagittarius man is self-admiring. It matters to him how he looks and loves when others admire him. Taurus nature is in-depth, peaceful and thoughtful. She is drawn to high-quality and long-term relationships, her love is indestructible and reasonable. For the sake of her partner, the Taurus woman tends to sacrifice herself.

It is important for a Sagittarius man to dominate, he is characterized by demonstrative behavior. The Taurus woman does not like this behavior of the Sagittarius man, scandals and misunderstandings will begin on this basis. In such a union, where a stubborn woman and an extraordinary man, there will never be a compromise. They both strive for complete victory and do not try to give in to each other. Sagittarius man is a free person. He likes to have fun and be with other people. She prefers household chores, raising children, she is not attracted to fun. The Taurus woman will always try to control her partner. Every exit from the house will go through quarrels. They both do not try to change and go against the grain.

A Taurus woman falls in love with a Sagittarius man for many reasons. He is an idealist, a great friend, a dreamer. Having fallen in love with a Sagittarius man, a Taurus woman expects to take the position of a legal wife. She is the owner and will never become one of the many girls of the Sagittarius man. Without sufficient reasons, a Taurus woman will not become jealous of her partner. The Sagittarius man will be faithful to his partner if he is madly in love with her. The Sagittarius man chooses the Taurus woman because she believes in his dreams, surrounds her with care and tenderness, is independent and has amazing ideas. Sagittarius can ask harmless questions from a Taurus woman what he is curious about. The Taurus woman does not like this, she does not want her secrets to be known to someone.

In love, a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man will have no problem if they both try to understand each other's wants and needs. The main problem of this couple is that very often they do not think out what they are missing.

With a passionate and sensual temperament, it is difficult for a Taurus woman to express her feelings. Taurus women show their love with touches, not words. The Sagittarius man prefers to express his feelings both with caresses and with words. There is a strong sexual attraction between this couple. Sagittarius man and Taurus woman come to a common language when it comes to sexual relations.

At the birth of children in such a marriage, Sagittarius will breathe a sigh of relief. Taurus will now direct all their attention and care to the child. The birth of a child in such a union will strengthen the marriage. The Taurus woman will raise the child and spend all the time with him. Sagittarius will not make such sacrifices, he will play with the child, but not to the detriment of his free time. In raising a child, such a partner will make a minimum of effort.

A business union between a Sagittarius man and a Taurus woman is not the most favorable. They have a different idea of ​​work, a different pace and style of work. If they are busy with one thing, then the effectiveness of joint work will be low.

Pros of the union of a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man:

- many differences between partners do not alienate them from each other.
- Sagittarius is a lover of life, and confidence borrows from a partner.
- the Taurus woman is fueled by the energy of the Sagittarius man and admires his originality.
— the opinions of the partners converge on significant issues, despite their opposition.

Cons of the union of a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man:

- for the Taurus woman, the restlessness of the Sagittarius man turns out to be a big problem.
- Sagittarius is indifferent to the lack of money.
- the Taurus woman does not like the inflated conceit of the Sagittarius man.
- Sagittarius can offend a Taurus woman with tactlessness.
- the Taurus woman considers the house her fortress, and Sagittarius perceives it as a temporary shelter.

The stubbornness of these two signs does not prevent them from becoming a happy and harmonious couple. It is from the Taurus woman that the happiness of their family depends. By choosing the right approach to the Sagittarius man, they will strong family. The Taurus woman should stop patronizing the Sagittarius man and not deprive him of his personal freedom. Possessing life wisdom, patience and the desire to be together, the Taurus woman and the Sagittarius man will achieve a lot in life.

A pair of female Sagittarius and Taurus male is rare. Very often they are connected by a mutually beneficial calculation. But, those couples of Sagittarius and Taurus who were able to build their relationship, laying the foundation for love, never regret it.

There is always a lot of positive in the union of Sagittarius and Taurus, especially at first. The lively, witty Sagittarius woman simply captivates the Taurus man, and her fearlessness and recklessness delight him. And the Sagittarius woman, although she does not want to part with her independence, is always drawn to a solid and very practical Taurus man.

Compatibility female Sagittarius - male Taurus - PLUSES

In an ideal pair of Sagittarius women and Taurus men, partners give each other a lot. So, the Taurus man, prone to stinginess, learns proper handling with money, and the Sagittarius woman, in alliance with the Taurus man, acquires practicality and frugality unusual for her. As a result, both win: the Taurus man begins to allow himself the small joys of life, and on " unnecessary things» can afford to buy expensive and high-quality things.

One more hallmark a pair of Sagittarius woman and Taurus man is their solvency. Such couples are almost never poor. Their house is furnished with luxurious things, which, as a rule, a Sagittarius woman buys, and which a Taurus man could do without. But, in return, the Sagittarius woman brings good luck. Of all the signs of the zodiac, and his luck naturally extends to people close to him.

In a compatibility pair, Sagittarius and Taurus look very well-groomed, and you can even say “sleek”. They both like to look good, and the Sagittarius woman brings originality and “zest” to their joint style. Their appearance is also favored by their love for regular meals and good sleep.

Compatibility female Sagittarius - male Taurus - MINUSES

Much can connect a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man, but separate them even more. So the prospect of their difficult relationship depends entirely on their patience and desire to be together.

But, the most the main problem compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Sagittarius and Taurus - a completely different worldview. Even marriage is treated differently. The Sagittarius woman prefers the union of two independent, free people, and the Taurus man strives for a traditional house-building.

And it is not easy for him to change his views. He practically does not perceive the new. He has a limited outlook and only one possible variant the use of certain things. And the Sagittarius woman, on the contrary, is open to everything new, she easily accepts opinions that are not similar to her own. It also tends to change easily as a result of changing circumstances. Often she is interested in abstract things: politics, philosophy, culture of other countries. But the difference in views, unfortunately, affects not only philosophical themes. It penetrates literally into all everyday affairs. This couple may have quarrels even over such trifles as: whether to try a new dish, or choose a familiar one. Go on vacation to Spain or, as usual, to the country? Buy a super juicer latest model or in the old fashioned way to squeeze the juice with a meat grinder, etc.

This couple needs to seek a compromise in all areas. life together starting from the organization of life and ending with the upbringing of children. Arguments over where to spend money generally seem to never end. At the first stages of acquaintance, the steady views of the Taurus man will seem limited to the Sagittarius woman, and his innate frugality will generally be marked as stinginess and miserliness. And the Taurus man will decide that the Sagittarius woman only needs money.

Horoscope Sagittarius-Taurus - compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility horoscope of Sagittarius and Taurus, in order for there to be harmony in their family, it is necessary for each of the partners to try to accept the other as he is. Of course, it won't be easy. But, they will never be able to convince each other. And no arguments will help them in this, because each of them considers his views to be the only correct ones, and besides, they help them live in joy. Quite often, couples of a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man find mutual language, only after going through a long period of quarrels and misunderstandings. Over time, the Sagittarius woman begins to understand the benefits of saving and, and he, in turn, begins to notice that the breadth of the soul and outlook of his partner has brought a lot of benefits. In addition, the Taurus man finally sees that, despite some squandering of the Sagittarius woman, they not only have a beautifully furnished house, but also richly. And the Sagittarius woman finally appreciates the qualities of the Taurus man that she once did not like, as reliability. Unfortunately, a lot of time passes before this period, and often couples break up before they can understand and appreciate each other.

It is impossible to mitigate the contradictions between the Sagittarius woman and the Taurus man. The only thing you can do is to include in your everyday life more cases in which there are similar opinions, and to exclude as much as possible those in which there is a stable difference in views. And yet ... be sure to watch your appearance and always look great. Both the Taurus man and the Sagittarius woman are not indifferent to the external beauty and physical data of each other.

How can a Sagittarius woman conquer a Taurus man?

Many qualities of the Sagittarius woman and her interests will be incomprehensible to the Taurus man and will seem alien and useless to him. He will not appreciate the broad outlook of the Sagittarius woman, since he himself likes to limit the scope of his interests, appreciates only practical and useful things from this point of view. He is used to earning money by hard work and he does not like the minions of fate, which include a successful Sagittarius woman. He also does not like to travel, as this violates his stability, which he values ​​\u200b\u200bvery much.

Therefore, if the Sagittarius girl decided to conquer the Taurus guy, then she needs to call on her sense of humor to help. This is exactly what these zodiac signs have in common. Both the Taurus man and the Sagittarius woman are not very witty, but they will gladly laugh at a good joke. Both have a simple sense of humor, even a little rough, but not vulgar. If a Sagittarius woman finds something to laugh at with a Taurus man, then his interest in her will certainly increase significantly.

The Sagittarius woman and the Taurus man have a strong physical attraction to each other. The Taurus man really likes the sexy temperament of the Sagittarius woman and her outstanding appearance. But, never manipulate a sexual relationship, otherwise you will devalue it, and this is one of the few things that can hold together family union between these partners.

The Taurus man loves to eat tasty and satisfying food, and the Sagittarius woman, if she sets the table, then there are always a lot of “sweets”. In the eyes of the Taurus man, this is perhaps the most important advantage of a good wife. The only thing is not to overdo it with exotic dishes and delicacies, which, according to the Taurus man, are too expensive. He will appreciate simple but tasty food.

Sagittarius Woman and Taurus Man Compatibility in Friendship

Between a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man are very rarely tied friendly relations. They don't have much common interests And common views. If these two are friends, then most often this is facilitated by benefits. For example, a friendship may arise between a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man who has recently emigrated. The Taurus man with great difficulty gets used to the new terrain, changing conditions, so he really needs the help of a sociable and flexible Sagittarius woman.

The halves of these signs have a reason to beware of betrayal. There is a strong physical attraction between a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man.

Compatibility of Sagittarius Woman and Taurus Man in Business

Most often, a business union between a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man does not give any results. Both work in such a way that they do not intersect with each other. But, their business cooperation can be successful if the work is related to money. Both the Sagittarius woman and the Taurus man love money and know how to earn it, although they use different methods for this.

When a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man are colleagues or partners, this is an average union. The Sagittarius woman and the Taurus man have a completely different style of work, speed and rhythm. If this couple has a common cause and they voluntarily agreed to cooperate, then they will be able to share responsibilities so that it brings maximum benefit to both. The Taurus man will take over the routine work, and those places where difficulties arose. And the Sagittarius woman will open up new opportunities for the development and prosperity of the business.

When a Sagittarius woman is the boss, and a Taurus man is a subordinate, this is a good business union. The Taurus man is not ambitious and easily accepts and fulfills all the instructions of the Sagittarius boss. She also appreciates her hardworking employee, although she considers it slow.

When a Sagittarius woman is a subordinate, and a Taurus man is a boss. The Taurus man in the role of a boss, as in the role of a subordinate, is unhurried, calm and persistent in achieving his goals. In employees, he appreciates, first of all, diligence, and if a Sagittarius woman copes with the tasks assigned to her, then there will be no complaints about her work. Otherwise, the Taurus boss will not be condescending to anyone.

Love is a feeling that is difficult to control with the mind. It is mystical and mysterious, but at the same time attractive. A person is unable to master it, because it is completely controlled by his feelings. This magic has been known for thousands of years and has been associated with various factors, one of which is the partner's zodiac signs. Whether it's Cancer Taurus, compatibility in love relationship shows the direction in which such a pair goes.

Compatibility according to the sign of the zodiac - is it worth it to believe?

Many people start their day with horoscopes, build plans based on the information received and decide important questions. They can fully come true, display only general character all day long or talk about what seemed impossible. Among the millions of people there are those who, by their own experience, will prove the veracity of such predictions according to the sign of the Zodiac. But at the same time, there will be people who will be skeptical of such prophecies and completely refuse to believe in them. You need to check love relationships for compatibility immediately after the prospect of starting such a stage in life, because you need to know what you can expect from your partner. But if suddenly such a check gave negative result, and the relationship at this stage is really excellent, you should not drop everything and destroy what has already been built. Any difficulties, shortcomings are compensated by love. So if your heart is already in your partner's hands, horoscopes are not something to follow.

Taurus Woman

Amenable to the influence of the Moon and Venus in love and marriage, which depends on many aspects, is very decisive in her actions. She is called upon to deal with material affairs, prefers convenience for big money, pays attention to her appearance, especially beautiful clothes. In a relationship, a Taurus woman is reliable, but emotional.

It is important for her that the partner is not a “burden” for her, but becomes a reliable support, bringing benefits to her life. Being reliable in marriage, she expects the same from her chosen one, while demanding not only emotional satisfaction, but also material. Such a woman is not so much interested in herself as in her partner, and therefore she does not bother with the reasons for her behavior. She loves to feel in control of her life. In this, she is helped by constant planning of days, months, years. At the same time, you should not interfere in her plans, since she will not tolerate this.

Taurus Man

Taurus men are calm in any situation. They are not broken by life's difficulties or big failures. The decisiveness of such a man will make him start over. They are not so emotional, radiate confidence, are patient and peaceful. For a Taurus man, simple is better, but good. That is why they prefer discreet but well-tailored clothes, certain style, rich silks and wools.

Such men avoid disputes, especially if they occur in a raised tone, but are often ready to put up with their soul mate in order to maintain harmony in the relationship. You should not use this, because if patience comes to an end, then the relationship will not last long. The actions of Taurus men are based on internal beliefs that they adhere to in any situation. Feelings sometimes take precedence over reason, which such men are used to and do not oppose. A woman for a Taurus man is his property, and therefore he is ready to fight for what, in his opinion, belongs only to him.

Sagittarius woman

Sagittarius woman is naturalness in its purest form. She is used to being herself in everything and with everyone. Free from prejudices, lively, independent, she surprises those around her with her optimism. A drop of frivolity, readiness for light flirting and love adventures - this is the Sagittarius woman. Compatibility in a relationship with her is determined by whether a man is ready to be there and at the same time give her freedom. Her honesty and decency saves her from worrying about her reputation, because why oppress yourself with thoughts about what others will say if she is who she is and will not change for the sake of others.

In a relationship, she is straightforward, she says everything she thinks about her partner. At the same time, he appreciates sincere, tender feelings from the side of his soul mate, and because of this, they often have to apologize for their faux pas. A man must be understanding and patient. At the same time, she does not tolerate lies, although she often throws herself at them, not realizing that sometimes it is better to remain silent. At strong love to freedom, she may regard marriage as a cage, but for the sake of real feelings she is ready to be locked up there, next to her partner.

Sagittarius man

Practical, prudent, prudent - this is how He loves stability, therefore short-term relationships are not interesting for him. Sometimes it may seem frivolous, but this is only at first glance. The Sagittarius man is ready to wait for the one who really appreciates him, and loves even the shortcomings, giving refusals to long-legged blondes.

He is ready to adore his soul mate, but not to idealize her, but simply to love the way she is. He shows his devotion with gifts. At the same time, he would rather buy one expensive semantic thing than shower his woman with thousands of simple trinkets. You can rely on him, he will not let you down Hard time. Relationships are built on a solid foundation of sincerity and love.

Compatibility and Taurus men

Sagittarius and Taurus, whose compatibility in love relationships and marriage is full of various nuances, is still a couple. The Sagittarius woman is immediately attracted to the Taurus man, and this connection grows with every minute spent together. The different characters of this couple will interfere with their creation of emotional harmony. For this, both Sagittarius and Taurus must make an effort.

Compatibility in a love relationship first reaches its peak, and a quick romance can end without even starting. A partner in a relationship with Taurus can be fickle, from which he quickly gets tired, and which causes depression. In order to prevent this, a woman must be attentive to the surrounding details and ensure a sense of reliability in her man.

Compatibility Taurus Woman and Sagittarius Man

You need to pay a lot of attention to the pair that Sagittarius and Taurus create. Compatibility in love relationships of these signs shows that a lot of patience and work is needed on the part of everyone. On the basis of small domestic problems they may misunderstand. Both the Sagittarius man and the Taurus woman are accustomed to stand on their own principles and not yield in a dispute, which can cause war in the house. Due to the fact that they are completely different in character, their relationship will not be entirely rosy.

But with a great desire to be together, the house can be filled with love and tenderness, which Sagittarius and Taurus will radiate. Compatibility in a love relationship, although it frightens with gloomy forecasts, can still lose its meaning when everyone in a couple is ready to give in for common happiness.

Compatibility of zodiac signs is one of the aspects studied by astrologers. They have long known the horoscope of people, as well as which signs fit together. If you listen to their opinion, you can avoid many problems that arise in relationships.

A couple in which he is a Taurus and she is a Sagittarius is extremely rare. However, even between them, love can arise. If they began to build relationships, then in terms of compatibility they are well suited to each other. There is a lot of positive in their union. This is especially noticeable at the moment when they are just starting to build their relationship.

They admire each other, so their relationship develops well. However, even in such a good love relationship, problems can arise. To avoid them, the couple not only needs to inquire about the compatibility of their zodiac signs, but also find out each other's horoscope.

The Sagittarius girl has a mischievous and cheerful character and a bright appearance. So says her horoscope. She has a good sense of humor and a gift for public speaking. girl given zodiac sign never offend the weak, but rather stand up for him.

Sagittarians are sincere and optimistic. They have certain ambitions and always achieve their goals.

Guys admire the girl of this zodiac sign. Therefore, she is always surrounded by their attention.

The woman of this zodiac sign is very emotional. She does not consider it necessary to restrain her emotions, so others can often observe her tears or infectious laughter. To many, this behavior seems insincere, but it is not. She just doesn't want to contain her emotions.

There are always a lot of friends next to Sagittarius. This is not surprising, since the representatives of this zodiac sign really know how to make friends.

Lady Sagittarius is straightforward. She always says what she thinks. It might offend someone, but she doesn't do it on purpose. In a different way, a Sagittarius woman cannot because of her character traits.

The representative of the weaker sex of this zodiac sign is by nature a leader. She always tries to be the first in everything. Leadership qualities are also manifested in the family. She tries to subdue the man. The Sagittarius woman is in charge family budget planning vacation and shopping.

When the fair sex of this zodiac sign falls in love, she blossoms. The Sagittarius woman knows no shame or embarrassment. It will not be difficult for her to take a step towards a man herself. This will scare away weak and insecure men, so she will only be in a relationship with a strong man.

Sagittarius, as the horoscope says, has a peculiarity - they are in no hurry to tie the knot. Even after the wedding, the Sagittarius woman will demand a certain degree of freedom, and if she is not given this, then she may even end the relationship.

She will be a good wife, though housekeeping is not her forte. She loves to cook, but reluctantly puts things in order at home. The Sagittarius woman is a good mother. She will always protect and defend the interests of her children.

Characteristics of the male Taurus

A guy with the zodiac sign Taurus has been endowed with practicality since childhood. He is hardworking and pragmatic. These qualities allow him to build good career and achieve material well-being.

The guy of this zodiac sign is inherent in stubbornness and isolation. This is a feature of the Taurus horoscope. It is difficult for him to trust someone with his feelings and thoughts. Only a few know all its secrets.

Taurus guys, as a rule, are characterized by good health. They are strong and hardy. If desired, they will be able to achieve a beautiful figure that will not leave any girl indifferent. However, the so-called sedentary image life and heavy employment at work do not allow them to "take care of themselves." Therefore, Taurus often "suffer" from being overweight.

It is difficult for a man of this zodiac sign to find a woman for a serious relationship. He is closed and cannot trust anyone, because of this, problems arise. Taurus is not interested in the frequent change of women. Therefore, his chosen one may not worry about the fidelity of her lover. Taurus man does not cheat on his woman.

According to the horoscope, the guys of this sign are gentle and caring. They will pay a lot of attention to their beloved.

In the family, Taurus is somewhat despotic. It is important for him that the house was order and comfort. In addition, for him great importance so that his wife cooks delicious food for him. He almost never does anything around the house because of the workload. However, if you ask him for a favor, he will definitely provide it.

Compatibility in love between a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man

Compatibility of the union woman-Sagittarius man-Taurus in love is good. Despite the fact that they are very different, they have a strong attraction to each other. It appears at first sight.

The relationship between the Sagittarius woman and the Taurus man is going well. The Sagittarius woman is attracted to the reliability of the Taurus man. As for him, the guy of this sign likes the cheerful disposition of the Sagittarius woman and her eccentricity. They each take for themselves from these love relationships what he lacks.

These signs have a lot to learn from each other. The Sagittarius woman learns to be reserved and not to be a spender. The Taurus man, on the contrary, becomes more "alive".

Despite the fact that the love compatibility of this couple is good and their relationship is filled with love, they can part. This usually happens on early stage acquaintance. If they stay together longer, then everything can work out for them.

Prospects for marriage and compatibility in it

Taurus-man and Sagittarius-woman, then such a couple has every chance for the future, but only if they learn to understand each other. They are too different and even though sometimes they balance each other, but there are still many contradictions between them.

However, since the compatibility of a Taurus man with a Sagittarius woman will be good, as their horoscopes show, they can overcome all difficulties. To do this, they need to find common hobbies and spend more time doing them. Then they will be interested together and they will not have time for arguments.

If they tie the knot, then family life everything will be difficult for them. A Sagittarius woman will be bored because of her husband's pragmatic and reasonable disposition. The Taurus man will lack comfort and order in the house. However, he will be pleased with her culinary talents, and she will be satisfied with his decent income. In any case, if they are connected by love, then they will be able to build a strong family.

Positive features of the union

The union of a male Taurus and a female Sagittarius has positive features. Here they are:

  • They complement each other and take from the character of the partner those features that they lack.
  • They treat the same social status. As a rule, they both hold high positions, or have their own business and make good money. Therefore, the couple does not have scandals on the basis of money.
  • They are the same way of life. They both love to dress well, eat deliciously and fully relax.

Negative traits of the union

The union of the Sagittarius woman and the Taurus man has negative traits, despite the good compatibility of horoscopes. Here they are:

  • They approach life differently. He strives for constancy and stability, and she loves to change the world around her.
  • In the family, he and she strive for leadership. She will try to organize their vacation and will want to take control of the money. Taurus is closer to homebuilding. He believes that a wife should obey her husband and nothing else.
  • They often quarrel because they have too different personalities. Such conflicts exhaust both of them, and in the end they can destroy the relationship of the couple.

Compatibility in business and friendship

Compatibility in the work of a Taurus man and a Sagittarius woman will be poor if they are colleagues. Their union does not bring the results they expect. However, a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus guy can build a successful business. They are compatible in everything related to money. They both love to live in abundance and both strive for financial well-being. Therefore, in general, the couple is quite compatible with each other.

The compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus guy in friendship is far from ideal. The fact is that they have different hobbies and interests. Therefore, friendship between them is tied up very rarely. However, if they feel mutual benefit, they will be happy to communicate with each other.

The friendship of representatives of these zodiac signs can lead them to a love relationship. This is not surprising, because they experience a strong physical attraction to each other.

The compatibility of a Sagittarius girl and a Taurus guy in love will be good. If they can "find a common language", then there is every chance that the couple will build a strong and happy family.

This is a rather complicated union and there is not much chance that it will last long enough. Taurus puts quality at the forefront, and Sagittarius is much more important than what impression he makes on others. And even if at first the partners are fascinated by each other, disappointment comes pretty soon. The Sagittarius man tirelessly spreads his feathers and gives out promises, but their fulfillment is long in coming. Taurus woman at first just waits for everything to be fulfilled, but in the end she decides that she was deceived. Sagittarius is a highly intelligent sign, he gets bored with such a simple and straightforward Taurus. All this together and leads to the collapse of the relationship. Even if the marriage lasts for some more time, the Sagittarius man will lose what is most important to him - his freedom. At the same time, the Taurus woman loses confidence in the future, which is also extremely important for her.

Sexual Compatibility Taurus Women and Sagittarius Men

Perhaps the only thing that can unite these two such different and dissimilar characters is the bedroom. Here they easily find a common language. Both Taurus and Sagittarius value sex very much, although in different ways. The Taurus woman treats sex as one of the most beautiful joys of life. The Sagittarius man appreciates sex for the feeling of freedom that it gives him. In any case, active sexual relations bring partners a lot of happy moments. A female Taurus attracts a male Sagittarius with her sensual earthly beauty, while Sagittarius, in turn, ignites Taurus with the fiery power of his inventive passion. In general, this couple has something to do in bed.

Business Compatibility Taurus Woman and Sagittarius Man

Sagittarius is able to open such horizons to the innocent calf that he could not even dream of. At the same time, the Taurus woman, with her thoroughness, helps the Sagittarius man to gain a foothold on the results obtained. Then again comes the turn of Sagittarius, who seeks to make the activity more versatile or expand it in some way, and Sagittarius knows how to do this. The business cooperation of this couple promises excellent and unexpected opportunities, provided, of course, that Taurus accepts the development of events proposed to him by Sagittarius, and does it consciously.

What a Taurus woman needs to know about a Sagittarius man

Sagittarius immediately arouses sympathy for you Taurus with its cheerfulness, tirelessness and, of course, intelligence. For all that, from the outside he seems like a small and immature boy, over whom it is so pleasant to take custody. The male Sagittarius is an intellectual, a philosopher and a great conversationalist, lavishing vibes of charm around him. At the same time, he is incredibly sincere. However, this sincerity has reverse side. So, for example, if he is going for a walk in the company of one of his former girlfriends, he will bluntly say this and will not mean anything bad - after all, they are just going for a walk in the old memory, why not? Your offense at the same time will be completely incomprehensible to him.

What a Sagittarius man needs to know about a Taurus woman

First of all, you, Sagittarius, need to understand that the Taurus woman is determined to become your only and legal wife. She will not be content with the fate of one of several girlfriends, this is not for Taurus, this is a sign of the owner. So the Taurus woman will not torment you with scenes of jealousy, especially if she does not have sufficient reasons for this. But she will not tolerate even a hint of betrayal for anything. The Taurus woman does not like to talk much, but she turns out to be an excellent listener. She does not make hasty decisions, in order to think everything over and come to some conclusion, she may need time, but if this decision is made, then it will be almost impossible to change it. On the other hand, the Taurus woman is characterized by increased patience, kindness and a sense of humor. Taurus rarely gets angry, but it is you who are especially easy to bring her to white heat, the Sagittarius man.

Compatibility Taurus women and Sagittarius men: chances for the future

Taurus woman is practical and thorough, Sagittarius man is independent and restless. In general, it is difficult to find more dissimilar characters. They have completely different goals in life, and the very rhythms in which they live do not coincide at all. Is there a chance for such an alliance? Oddly enough, yes. And if a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man felt at the first meeting mutual attraction anyway, it's worth a try. If the Taurus woman does not limit the freedom of the Sagittarius man and keep him within four walls, in the end, it is possible that such different characters will complement each other and come together like pieces of a puzzle.

How compatible is a Taurus woman in a love relationship with other signs of the zodiac

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