Compliments to a man search updated max. Compliments to your beloved guy in prose. Poems for your beloved man with affectionate words

How to compliment a guy? 100 best compliments that every man wants to hear every day!

First of all, it should be noted that compliments are given not only to girls and beautiful words They are said not only to beloved women - they can and even should be done by men.

In fact, guys love compliments just as much as girls, but gentlemen receive them much less often, at least girls give compliments to their favorite guys much less often than vice versa.

A good, beautiful compliment significantly increases a man’s self-esteem and strengthens self-confidence, so this psychological “vitamin” is necessary condition for a good relationship with your loved one.

Unfortunately, wives (civil and official), as well as seemingly loving and caring, seemingly affectionate and gentle girls, speak kind and beautiful, necessary and important words to their dear life partners extremely rarely and not always accurately.

But we women are always ready to criticize our partners and do it often, a lot, tastefully and without reminders. And then they wonder, abandoned wives, why their husbands abandoned them and left the family for other girls - more joyful, cheerful and positive, who not only know how, but also know how, and actually compliment the guys with all their hearts and souls.

If your beloved young man is still close to you, but your love-family relationship already leaves much to be desired, it’s time to resort to the art of giving compliments beautifully.

After all, this is not just your boyfriend - he is a brave and courageous hero, a caring gentleman, a generous knight or a gallant gentleman who can make you feel like a princess - and all thanks to a skillfully made compliment, a couple of well-timed and beautifully spoken words to your beloved.

In order to cheer up a person with the best compliments in the world, you need to understand what men and women love different types"praises".

For example, a compliment that is guaranteed to please a girl is almost guaranteed to offend or confuse a guy. Now I will dwell on this in more detail.

The male rule of an excellent compliment is that if you want to compliment a man, you need to emphasize and accentuate his “masculinity” in every possible way.

Men are very sensitive to criticism and very quickly recognize insincerity, flattery and lies, so try to avoid showering your beloved guy with “empty admiration” that is not backed up by anything.

That's why say only what you really think, - do not overload your beloved with untruthful words that lead away from sweet and sweet conversation to dishonest praise, because he will definitely feel it... And maybe he will take revenge on you, or, even worse, he will stop trusting you.

How do men react to compliments?

Imagine that you called your loved one a “real gentleman” - and he will begin to open all doors for you and will try to justify such high trust, will try his best to behave like a really well-mannered and polite young man. Inspired, by the way, by your beautiful words and your belief that he really is such a wonderful knight!

Aphorism about COMPLIMENTS

Compliments to a girl: The ability to accept beautiful compliments from men

If you thank your boyfriend or husband for his kindness and generosity, care and affection, love and good attitude, he will always want to give you more and more in order to be worthy of your kind and gentle words, thanks and high marks.

If you like loving woman or dear wife, you call your beloved man “talented” and “skillful”, he will want to move mountains and dry up oceans for you, he will try to do as much as possible and as best as possible for you.

Therefore, instead of criticizing your loved one, give him sincere appreciation and say a good, kind compliment from the heart.

And the most important rule on how to give a compliment to a man so that he remembers it for the rest of his life: your words must be sincere and you need to praise for a specific thing - say who the author of the compliment is (you or someone else), what exactly you are praising for, why, note how exactly he did something cool.

Give a compliment from the heart so that your compliment is heartfelt, sincere, honest and deserved.

Speak the words kindly and gently, in a pleasant, sweet voice, talk about your love and how you appreciate your beloved man as often as possible.

And if you still have to express your dissatisfaction with your husband or boyfriend, then instead of criticizing and scolding, it is better to first tell him what is already good (give him psychological candy), then just tell him what could be improved (suggest changes in his behavior for the better ), and then say again that it’s already good (give me the candy again).

Now, let's look at the list of 100 compliments to a man.

100 of the best and most beautiful words to the guy you love and with which you can decorate his life, making it more pleasant, easier and inspired:

You're so clever!

You have such big muscles - just iron cans!

You are a very sincere person.

No one has ever understood me and no one understands me like you.

Yes, dear. Of course, beloved.

My dear, I'm sure you can do it!

I am sure that you will find the best solution.

Only you understand me!

You will succeed - I believe in it, I just know it.

You are so handsome!

Wow! What biceps!

You are a very influential person.

My favorite !

You are the strongest.

Thank you for your affection, tenderness and care, my dear.

Gentle lion.


Passionate tiger!

Smart, kind, strong - you are the ideal man.

I love you.

You are my hero!

Medieval knights are resting next to you :)

Stronger than her husband there is no beast!

You are the best lover in the world! I have never felt so good with any man.

I adore you.

What beautiful eyes you have.

A real man!

You are so kind, gentle, affectionate - I just melt in your arms, I become sticky and wet, like chocolate ice cream...

You are the best of the best !

Just my ideal!

I don’t know if there are guys cooler than you, but if they exist, then there’s definitely no one cooler and cooler than you!

Thank you for being someone I can rely on.

Next to you I can relax and feel like a weak woman.

You are very reliable - I feel good with you.

Reliable strong male shoulder- your.

You are my wall, fortress and stronghold! I'm behind you - like behind a stone wall.

Just my fearless hero!

Well, you are brave!


You are so charming.

Your charm is irresistible.

The embodiment of all my ideals.


You have a very inviting smile.

Thoroughbred appearance, very aristocratic. Were any of your ancestors a nobleman?

Who can compare with you in sense of humor?

Mine and only mine...

You have an amazing sense of humor.

Next to you I always feel calm and protected.

You are a bright and multifaceted personality.

Next to you I can be myself, real.

Your charm is impossible to resist.

You are the coolest lover in the world.

Only you can give me such deep pleasure...

You are a very bright and non-trivial person, I always have something to talk about with you, you always touch on such important and necessary, interesting topics.

You are a great conversationalist.

Only with you I laugh all the time, you probably know what buttons to press to make me laugh.

Sometimes it seems to me that you know me better than I know myself.

You dressed so beautifully to seduce me and make me fall in love with you (again)!

My dreams are with you happy love come true!

With you I feel at home everywhere.

Your smile... it's something! Simply charming.

You are so funny!

You look very healthy and courageous.

This suit (T-shirt, shirt) suits you very well.

You are the most attractive man not only on Earth, but in the entire Universe!

I love your eyes, your forehead, ears, nose, lips, cheeks, fingers, arms, legs... I love all of you - thank you for choosing me... You made me yourself happy woman on the ground.

My love! I am a very lucky girl - I am very lucky that it is me who is next to you.

You're so groovy!

We still need to look for a more energetic and enchanting guy than you.

You have a big kind heart.

My amazing.

Brave, courageous, courageous - and at the same time a caring and gallant gentleman.

It's amazing how quickly you got over it!

It's amazing how quickly you responded to this difficult situation on the road - I would definitely be confused if I were you.

You are the best programmer in the world!

There is no more successful businessman in the world!

The most talented.


How sexy you are!

Hot stallion!

And you are also creative, it turns out!

You look amazing in this suit.

You have a calm, reserved, laconic masculine style.

How romantic you are.

You understand me so well!

A real gentleman!

The best dad in the world!

I am sure that my husband is the most wonderful in the world.

I love you so much!

Next to you, I feel like a real Lady or even a Queen.

You cook better than me! Your omelet is the most delicious.

You are a born driver from God.

I'm so proud of you.

You command my sincere respect!

You amaze me!

You inspire me!

You are a cup of my favorite tea that I am dying to drink!

So, now you know how to compliment the man you love, and I hope that now you will often practice the art of saying beautiful words, delight, admiration and gratitude.

And a few more tips from a psychologist on how to correctly pour honey into a man’s ears so that he listens and asks for more sweets.

Both women and men need compliments to feel important and needed, to feel loved and appreciated. Even those people who claim not to care about other people's opinions still beam when they hear that someone appreciates a job well done or recognizes their achievements.

In our modern society It is generally accepted that women need compliments more than men, that only girls need to give love through kind words and beautiful compliments, but this is actually not entirely true. For men, a kind word and pleasant thanks to their ears are sometimes no less important than for women.

Let's now get acquainted with the basic rules of affectionate and beautiful words to a guy and pleasant, gentle compliments to men. So, why and how to praise a man.

1. Compliment his sense of humor.

Compliments to a man - Beautiful words for a guy

Something as simple as “You are the funniest man I have ever known” can greatly elevate you in his eyes. Men love to be funny, they love it when their sense of humor is appreciated, and they feel great when a girl laughs at his jokes. If your lover is really good at humor, be sure to note his great sense of humor - leave a positive comment or witty review on it.

2. Ask your loved one for advice or ask for help

In this way, you will raise his self-esteem - by asking for advice you recognize that he is smart and you need intellectual help from him. And men are really great at making decisions and solving a number of problems. And if the advice or help is truly wonderful and effective, thank you!

3. His appearance

Evaluate his appearance. Praise your loved one, if he really looks cool, make a comment on this topic out loud.

“I love your green eyes” or “I love your strong ones” powerful legs“, you are a great runner” - such simple beautiful words about the appearance of the other half will make him feel like a Winner.

In fact, many outwardly confident business men have major doubts about their attractiveness, body type, or behavior. Therefore, well-deserved boasting will certainly increase his self-esteem and lift him to the skies.

4. Compliment a man for his real achievements

The secret is that if you share your man's success, then he wants you to recognize his achievements and appreciate them in verbal and non-verbal forms. Even if your boyfriend is modest and does not seem to like pompous words and odes addressed to him, he still wants you to notice, appreciate and celebrate his triumph with him.

If your knight got a promotion, won a race, made a million, or even just out-did his friends, use it as a reason to approve, good words, compliment.

5. Admire his strength

Yes, it may sound primitive, but guys still like to carry heavy bags instead of their beloved girl and change the tire of her car. At the same time, young people like it when their power and strength are noticed, their courage and generosity of a true gentleman are noted.

6. Adore his charm, charm

Guys love to hear and know that your family and friends respect, love, and appreciate him. If you are a wise wife, a smart girl, then with the help of a compliment to your loved one, you can cheer him up and convince him that he is the very best.

Just a throwaway phrase:

“You made a huge impression on my parents - you just blew them away, in a good way!”

“All my friends are jealous of what a cool boyfriend I have, everyone would like to be in my place”

can turn an ordinary boy into a national superstar.

7. Extol his exploits in bed!

It's no secret that men often identify with their masculine power. If your knight is wonderful in bed, just tell him about it, because this is the best compliment for a guy. Having done something nice for you once and received a great compliment about it feedback from you, he will want to give you pleasure more and more...

8. Appreciate his intelligence

Compliment his knowledge of politics, economics, business, pay tribute to his professionalism, ask him questions on topics in which he is well versed, let him share what worries him. When your loved one sees your interest in something that he himself is interested in, it will strengthen your relationship and improve mutual understanding between you.

9. Say words of admiration for his professionalism

As much as we wives might sometimes not like to believe it, many men identify themselves with what they do and how they earn their living. Compliment the guy on his work, tell him that you are amazed by his professionalism, note what a responsible position he has, that he makes a great contribution to important and what people need case.

10. Be a little jealous

If a girl is just a little jealous of her life partner, then this increases his self-esteem and shows what a popular and sought-after friend he is. A little jealousy in the most moderate quantities will make him feel like a consummate man.

11. Do you want to give a man a really cool compliment? Praise him in public!

You shouldn’t say beautiful words to your loved one only in especially personal moments one-on-one - tell all your friends, dad and mom, talk about how good he is, list his advantages. This will not only flatter him, but will also prove that you really love him.

12. Compliment his dance steps

Men are divided into 2 groups - those who dance and those who do not dance. Those who don’t dance are courageous boys who don’t waste their time on trifles - they dance beautifully with their bodies in bed. And those who dance at a disco in a nightclub should know that they move better than anyone else.

13. Believe in him and his successful future.

Guys are big dreamers and love it when the girl they love believes in him and supports his dreams, believes that he will really achieve anything, that he can achieve even his most daring goals.

Encourage your loved one to dream - listen carefully to him, ask clarifying questions, give a couple of compliments about his plans and future projects.

Men love those who believe in them.

14. Notice his gorgeous smile

Of course, he has the most charming and attractive smile in the world. Of course, he has the most open and inviting smile. You can giggle, laugh, and have intelligent humor with him.

15. And the best compliment to a man is to never put up with his absence as if it were due.

There is no need to impose yourself and be intrusive, you should not control your lover with authority. But if your loved one is not around, you send him love SMS, saying, I miss you, I feel bad without you. Call sometimes and remind yourself. Ask more often: “How will I live without you?”, “What will I do without you?”, “Thank you for being in my life.”

Every man wants to know that he is playing the most important role in the life of his beloved and tenderly loving woman.

I hope that now you not only know how to praise a guy with affectionate, gentle, pleasant words, but that you will actually use them in daily communication.

A compliment is life-giving water for the flower of your relationship: the more often you water it, the more beautiful the flower of your love!

Molchanova Tatyana

Any man will be pleased when his beloved sends a love message as a sign of her feelings and affection, even if these words are written on the phone. Nice words to a guy, spoken in your own words, a beautiful SMS message will give him a few pleasant minutes when reading and will help strengthen mutual love.

Nice words to your beloved guy in SMS

  • Thanks to you, my love, spring is always present in my soul at any time in the city. So I don't have to think about bad weather or a cold wind, because your love will always warm me and give me the first snowdrops.
  • Darling, I want go with you and look at bright stars, which sparkle not only in the night sky, but also in your eyes.
  • You turned my life into a romantic fairy tale in which I became a princess, and you turned out to be a handsome knight. I want the fairy tale to last forever.
  • Expensive, your tender words and kisses touch the strings of my heart and give birth to the beautiful music of our love.
  • our love bound us with a golden chain, tying our hearts and lives together. If someone, God forbid, breaks these chains, then my heart will shatter into pieces like transparent porcelain or melt in the fire like soft gold.
  • My happiness- to be close to you, my dream is to love you, my joy is to look into your loving eyes and hear your voice.

Interesting! The most common romantic nicknames that girls give to their loved ones are words from diminutive names of animals: “bunny”, “cat”, “bear cub”, less often - more masculine names: “tiger”, “lion”, etc. d.

Nice words in your own words to a guy in prose

Every girl dreams of love, happiness and tenderness that her chosen one will give her. Therefore, kind, beautiful and gentle words addressed to your loved one will help you express to her everything that has accumulated in your heart and soul, and strengthen your relationship with him:

It’s not that difficult to write nice words to a guy in your own words. A man will definitely like a beautiful SMS, congratulations, compliments in prose when he finds out that they were written by his beloved girl.
  • You are the most beautiful and gentle man all over the world. You are my soul mate, who was finally found and without whom I now cannot breathe, speak and live. I remember your passionate hugs, your joyful laughter and your beautiful eyes - I simply cannot live without all this now.
  • I'm madly in love with you, I want to be with you always, hug and kiss you every night and wake up next to you in the morning, knowing that you are here. I have become a dreamy romantic who always smiles with happiness and love for you.
  • Our meeting became our happy destiny, and now I want to admit that I cannot live away from you and your ardent love. I'm looking forward to meeting you, come...

Nice words to the guy, in your own words. Beautiful congratulations

Birthday greetings:

Beautiful congratulations in your own words
(in verse)
Nice words for the guy
(in prose)
I dedicate poems to my beloved,
And I congratulate him on Jam Day.
I wish you faithful and good friends,
Success in your career and joy in life.
I wish you more smiles and sunny days,
And we will be together in sorrow and in happiness!
My dear! I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you to sail on the waves of optimism and irony, and to avoid troubles or accept them with a smile.

I want you to believe in your dream and make it come true, always remaining a faithful friend and loved by me.

Our love will help us withstand any adversity and bring us a lot of happiness.

Congratulations on your new position:

  • I wish yours new position became the starting point on the journey to all sorts of career heights. So that every working day is joyful and inspiring for new projects and their brilliant solutions. Good luck to you, my love!
  • Expensive! I wish you to become the Big Boss, I believe in your victory and your aspirations. May it be yours favorite hobby will bring you success and a high salary.

Nice words for your boyfriend for the night

Modern psychologists advise all people and couples in love to tell their partners more about their love. Especially such words are invaluable at night, so that a person falls asleep with good mood, and in the morning he woke up rested, cheerful and inspired, with new strength that he will need in work and in creating a mood for the whole day.

It is important to know! Pleasant words spoken by a girl in her own words to her beloved guy in the evening before bed will help create a beautiful lyrical mood and evoke good and pleasant dreams.

Here are examples of such wishes:

  • My love, may you dream about our love this night, our hot summer that we spent together. I am always waiting for you, and I will come to you in dreams and in reality when you call me.
  • Good night dear! I wish you a good night’s sleep, sweet warm dreams, and the next day you wake up and greet a new day with faith in success and good luck.
  • Sleep, my kitten! I will think about you and forever remember our kisses of love and the joy of being with you. Tomorrow is a new day, which I dream of spending with you and your love.
  • Darling, I want today I will dream of you so that you will never be separated, even in a dream. Tomorrow will be a new day, and we will see each other again. I love you.

Pleasant words in your own words on the topic: “Good morning!”

Pleasant words spoken to a guy in your own words, a beautiful and warm congratulation on the arrival of a new day - will help create a early morning a spiritual and joyful atmosphere in the house and strengthen love.

The most successful and pleasant phrases for a loved one at the beginning of a new day:

  • Expensive, may good luck come to you this morning, regardless of your boss’s mood and rainy weather. Let the summer sun shine in your soul and warm our love, which will always be with you.
  • Good morning, my fluffy bunny! Let's meet the sunrise together and spend this day just the two of us. I want to show you all the fabulous beauty of nature and my warm heart, which loves you and wishes us eternal happiness.
  • Darling, this morning I am sending you my bird of luck, which will flap its magical wings and drive away all your problems, protect you from troubles and troubles, bring success and a lot of positive energy. This bird is my love for you!
  • WITH Good morning, Darling! I want to tell you in my own words how much I love you. To my love sunlight shone in your sky, brought a wonderful holiday and penetrated your heart along with the beautiful and pleasant words that I say to you. You are my boyfriend, I'm looking forward to meeting you.
  • My dear! I wish you a spring and sunny mood for the whole day, and if it rains, may it fill you with joy drop by drop, and may the lightning charge you with happiness, may the sky light up with a bright multi-colored rainbow and the sun that will illuminate your day and our meeting today .

Attention! Every man (and young men will be no exception), waking up in the morning to the tender words and kisses of his beloved, will say, “This will be a successful and good day!”

Nice words for a guy in the army

Letters from a beloved girl who is waiting for her beloved who is serving in the army:

  • Your photo is with me everywhere, she goes to college with me, writes laboratory assignments and tests. She will be next to me all these months that I will be waiting for you from the army. I love you and dream of spending my whole life with you.
  • Darling. If it’s hard for you there, remember me, I will always support you in everything. I will wait for you as long as necessary, because our love in separation has become even stronger and hotter. I kiss you, I'm waiting...
  • Warm greetings to my soul mate! I miss and hope for close meeting with you. I hung a calendar on the wall and crossed out all the days spent without you. Your demobilization is getting closer and closer, I dream of how we will walk along the night streets and meet the dawn together, how we will go for a swim in the river and bask in the sun. The way you hug and kiss me. Come back soon, love, kisses... your soul mate.

The nicest compliments to a guy in your own words: top of the best

Any compliment or praise will make a man feel more confident, raise his self-esteem and self-esteem, make him strive for high goals or even perform small feats.

Important to remember! Compliments and pleasant words spoken to a guy in his own words, beautiful and warmly expressed admiration for his abilities or achievements will strengthen love and tell a man how much the girl admires him and appreciates him.

Expressing true feelings of admiration and value for your loved one:

  • How beautiful you are, especially when you wear this suit (sweater, jacket, etc.), you look aristocratic, masculine and sexy.
  • I always guessed that you had golden hands. I believe in you and your abilities.
  • I am proud of you, I love you dearly and will always support you in everything. Your creative mind will help you come up with new ideas and solutions.
  • You have a deep and soulful voice. Your hands are so strong and gentle, they will always protect me from all troubles. I feel comfortable and calm next to you.
  • You are very sensitive and attentive to me, I value your opinion and ability to find rational solutions to the most difficult issues in any situation.
  • I didn't expect such a romantic. Our meetings are a fairy tale filled with love and fun adventures.
  • You have a talent that allows you to turn the most uninteresting activity into an exciting event.
  • I want our children to be like you. You will be a better father.

Pleasant words spoken by a girl in her own words to her beloved boyfriend, compliments and praise, beautiful and tender congratulations on the holiday, a letter to the defender of the fatherland with words and assurances that he is loved and expected - all this is proof of their mutual love and loyalty.

As poets say: compliments are a balm for love...

Interesting videos about pleasant congratulations for a boyfriend, man or husband

Nice words and compliments to your beloved man, boyfriend:

Beautiful and pleasant words to a guy in your own words:

Another selection of beautiful phrases for a guy if you are apart:

Oscar Wilde claimed that the right compliment can disarm any man, even the strongest! In the article: compliment technique, examples of compliments for men for all occasions. Disarm men correctly!

If a compliment for a woman is just a delicious candy that she “ate and forgot,” with men everything is a little different. A compliment has the same effect on a man. energy drink, invigorating and pushing to action.

Why is this happening? Yes, because men are rarely praised at all!

The average man lives in a complimentary vacuum:

  • in a male company of brutal guys it is not customary to give compliments to each other
  • compliments from mom in the “mi-mi-mi” style are annoying (this is if mom still gives compliments), and compliments from dad are almost like compliments from brutal guys
  • compliments from bosses make you think of bad news
  • compliments from male colleagues (see the point about brutal guys)

Who will pamper a man with a compliment? Woman!

What kind of compliments do men like? A few important rules

  1. Sincere and deserved. There is a huge gap between a subtle compliment and crude flattery. Crude flattery can cause a completely unpredictable reaction: from joy to disdain. Undeserved praise deprives a man of guidelines and incentives, turning him into a modern Oblomov
  2. There can't be too many compliments. Even the Sun has spots and your man is not always worthy of sincere praise. There are no feelings in an insincere compliment
  3. Never give your boyfriend a compliment based on his comparison with your ex.
  4. In order to say something nice to a man, it is not at all necessary to wait for a holiday and voice compliments during congratulations. This won't be a compliment at all.
  5. A compliment is valuable if it is presented personally and targeted. After all, it is not the praise itself that is important, but the intonation and feeling with which it is said.
  6. Talk only about what you are sure of. The compliment “You play football like Schumacher” sounds
  • like a mockery
  • like outright stupidity
  1. Avoid verbosity and pretentiousness. Of course, Roksolana’s letters to Suleiman are very romantic, but having received such a message, a modern man will most likely experience confusion: “...Your letter dried the bloody tears from my tear-stained eyes, filling them with light, and poured joy into my yearning heart. May your, day of my happiness, all the desires and joys of your soul be fulfilled, may the gardens of your well-being be overflowing with the beautiful jasmine flowers of my love, enchanting as your bright face, oh my ruler, my sultan, my padishah!”
  2. A man is impressed when he deserves high praise
  • act
  • the result of some action
  • choice

A man likes to make an impression - that's part of it masculine nature. This is what compliments should be about: the impressions that He and His actions make on you

How to compliment a man?

Every man has secret buttons. By gently pressing them, you

  • will remain in his memory for a long time (if we're talking about about flirting)
  • you will be able to achieve the actions you need without resorting to open confrontation (if we are talking about family relationships)
    1. The phrase “I need your advice!” has a magical effect on a man! Be sure to consult with a man and appreciate the beauty of his proposed solution with the phrase: “I can always count on your help: your advice is very useful and effective! Thanks a lot!"
    2. A man loves to shine, especially in company. Appreciate his charm and ability to communicate. Make a casual note: “You feel great in any company. All my friends celebrate this! This real talent- pick up the keys to such different people"
    3. Be sure to compliment the man's driving skills. The incomparable Mata Hari stated: “To understand men, you need to understand one simple thing: they are all children!” All boys love to ride cars, scooters, bicycles, etc. Children grow up, but habits remain
    4. “Chocolate” on the stomach, the size of the biceps and triceps are another topic for compliments. But here you need to be extremely careful. It is important for a man to hear what impression his physical form made on you, i.e. the praise should sound something like this: “Your physical form left a lasting impression on me. Where/what method do you train?” And if you take the advice and visit the same gym / trainer / master a set of exercises, you will have a new interesting topic for communication
    5. Is your boyfriend popular with the opposite sex? And does this annoy you? Phrase: “How lucky I am that you are with me!” will attract His attention to you for a long time, because it is rare that a woman will deny herself the pleasure of playing out a scene of jealousy

  1. Let the man
  • make an order at a restaurant for you
  • buy groceries in the store
  • choose meat, vegetables or fruits at the market
  • choose household appliances

Be sure to ask why he chose this particular dish, beer, wine, gadget, etc. Praise his legibility, appreciate his resourcefulness, note his level of knowledge of information

    1. Men's dreams sometimes resemble sand castles. But it is dreamers who change this world for the better. In addition, common dreams bind the couple stronger than the seal in passport. Therefore, be sure to appreciate a man’s dreams and support ambitious projects
    2. Does a man make you laugh? Does he have a great sense of humor? Men consider humor one of the components of the image " a real man" Don't forget to thank your chosen one for filling your life with laughter, and therefore happiness.
    3. Compliments to a man in bed are a guarantee of good and varied sex. And this is useful not only for men's health! Regardless social status, age, education and other characteristics, it is important for a man to be sure that he is “the best” in intimate games. Talk about the pleasure his touches, kisses, etc. give you. Notice how much pleasure his skill gives you, how well you fit together, how his voice excites you
    4. Be sure to rate good manners men, if you want to see a real Knight next to you. “You are so gallant! Next to you, I feel surrounded by attention and care!” - simple words which will force a man to repeat gallant feats again and again

  1. From childhood, the boy is prepared for the role of defender. “The feeling of security that I experience only next to you is very important to me!” - a man needs to hear this and be sure that he is doing everything right
  2. Don't ignore the man's friends, but don't overdo it with praise. Just note that you are very pleased with the fact that next to the person you care about there are people you can rely on
  3. Everything a man does should be appreciated. An incentive to achieve new professional heights can be the remark: “I know how important what you do!”
  4. Don't ignore a man's hobbies. As a rule, men know a lot about the subject of their hobby and are happy to talk about it. If any information makes an impression on you, tell your partner about it
  5. Masculine principles are the holy of holies. They need to be understood, accepted and appreciated: “In modern world It’s so rare to find people with principles! It’s so good that you are one of these people!”
  6. Be sure to note him in the presence of a man strengths in communication with friends or family. Your partner will appreciate it

Compliment a man in SMS

You have been together for quite a long time and the wonderful candy-bouquet period is in the past. Your SMS correspondence has changed a lot

Bring romance back into life with SMS compliments to your man!

A man will be pleased to receive a few tender words from the woman he loves:

  • “And yet, there are men who evoke a very strong desire to have a hot dinner waiting for them at home in the evening!”
  • "All the gold of the earth and all the wealth of the world
    I would give anything to be next to you.
    Only from your love can I be happy,
    And this will stay with me forever."
  • Dreams! Joy! Love! World! Life! Fate! What do all these words have in common? There is only one person - You! And my heart is much more sensitive than myself, as soon as it hears Your knock, it immediately begins to knock louder, more often, as if saying: we are one whole
  • Thank you, my dear, for making me fall in love with you again every day and feel like the happiest girl in the world
  • When I read your messages, I want to hear you as soon as possible... so that the words from paper, from the monitor screen and phone are warmed by the warmth of your voice. When I hear your voice, I dream of seeing you as soon as possible... because the looks sincere words. When I look at your photo, I want to touch feel the warmth of your hands. Let's meet soon!
  • I miss your hands that caress me. I miss your eyes that adore me. I miss your body, from which the warmth emanates. I miss your heart that loves me. I miss you!
  • Before meeting you, it seemed to me that there were no real, strong, self-confident men left, but you completely convinced me of this and showed me that a woman should be weak and defenseless. You taught me to trust you, your choices and decisions and I am very grateful for that.
  • It seems to me that not all girls can say that they are as happy as I am. The reason for this happiness is the most beautiful, smartest and most talented man with whom I am simply madly in love

Compliments to your beloved man in prose

  • Life used to be interesting, but somehow gray. After you entered it, I realized that I was deprived of real happiness, what you gave me and continue to give me every day. Now I am absolutely sure that only you are the person with whom I want to spend my whole life and never part.
  • I am absolutely sure that with you I will simply not be afraid of any problems or troubles. Only next to you my heart begins to beat much faster, and sometimes it even seems that everything around ceases to exist, except for such an attractive pool of your most beautiful eyes
  • The time spent with you is always not enough for me, because no matter how much we are together, it seems to me that only one minute has passed. Thank you very much for the fact that even among gray everyday life, rainy weather and winter cold you give me the feeling of a blooming and very warm spring that is awakening in my soul. Only your arms can hug so tenderly and tightly at the same time, only in your arms do I want to be around the clock, thank you for this, my love
  • There are people you don’t want to part with even for a moment. They are like a drug: the more you recognize them, the less chance you have of forgetting about them. You want to comprehend such people, you want to dissolve in them. They captivate the heart and delight the mind. There are few such people, but they still exist. For me you are such a person

Compliments to your beloved man in verse. Gentle compliments for men

  • My dear, dear man!
    I've been wanting to say for so long
    What is not in any huge book
    My love cannot be described.
    You appeared so unexpectedly
    And mixed up all the paths
    My unknown secrets
    I don't need - I need YOU!
    You're the best, you know?
    Of those who love and are loved,
    You don't even know it yourself
    What have you discovered in my soul!
  • You are a ray of sunshine sneaking through the window,
    Fell quietly on my eyelashes.
    There is tart wine in my glass,
    My dream that I dream about so often.
  • You are the joy of a smile on my lips,
    A sad, random tear.
    You are crazy devils in your eyes,
    There is a narrow path from the thicket of the forest.
  • You are the thin string of my soul,
    A sip of water that saves you from thirst,
    Lamps sparkle in the silence of the night,
    The drug that will kill me one day...
  • You are the first sound of rain on my window
    And the breeze caressing my shoulders.
    You are the one with whom I have been sick for a long time...
    And you are the medicine that will heal me...
  • You have become so important to me...
    So strange, but more necessary than many...
    And the sparks of your fire
    Part of the road was illuminated for me...
    The warmth of short strange phrases
    Warmed my soul with revelation...
    And there’s a wild contrast with the past,
    Suddenly it turned into healing...
    You have become so... necessary for me...
    Although I wasn’t looking for a miracle...
    And the pain of the past is bitter smoke
    Left in crumpled patterns...
    I didn't pray for you...
    Will you close yourself? Will you hide? Will you judge?
    But I live like in a wonderful dream,
    While you exist... As long as you will...
  • A strong man is not a pretentious macho outwardly...
    This is a shoulder and support in everything, if necessary...
    Sober mind, few words, kind heart...
    WITH strong man It's very easy to warm your soul
  • A strong man will not say anything bad about a woman...
    He won’t push others in the back, won’t punish them with counter-evil...
    Will withstand the pain and find the reason for bad luck...
    All because he is a strong man

Original compliments to a man

  • If you get compliments, I'm ready
    I will compose for you like a poetess,
    Take it and print it stupidly,
    The country will be left without forests.
  • Even 99 failures will not stop you: you are sure that you will succeed!
  • Next to you, it feels like life tastes like mint and chocolate!
  • You're a strange person - you never worry about the weather forecast. The main thing for you is that it is always sunny in your soul!
  • Usually girls are called angels. But you are a male angel, under whose wing you want to hide from everyone!
  • I want to savor communication with you, like expensive cognac aged many years!
  • You are shamelessly attractive!
  • You're good without chocolate
  • No one is perfect, but you are unique!
  • A real man is not the one who turns you on new girl every evening. And the one who starts the same thing every evening
  • You are ideal! Well, I'll have to teach you bad things!
  • If the woman doesn't know. what is a hammer and a screwdriver, she has never moved furniture or fixed plumbing, which means she knows a real man... Thank you for being one of these women

Smart compliments to a man

Each of the quotes below can be a graceful compliment for your favorite intellectual.

  • We do not choose each other by chance... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious (S. Freud)
  • Real men are distinguished by the ability to keep their promises
  • I love you not for who you are, but for who I am next to you.
  • Some men, including you, are like fine wine: they only get better with age.
  • There are men with whom we live. There are men for whom we live. And there are those men, when we find ourselves next to whom, we understand that we are beginning to truly live...
  • Good men make a woman happy, and bad men make a woman strong. It’s so good that I’m a HAPPY woman!
  • I am convinced that in order for a woman to look brilliant throughout her life, she needs a good reliable husband, which she could be proud of and walk with her head held high (Galina Vishnevskaya)
  • Tenderness is a better proof of love than the most passionate vows (Marlene Dietrich)
  • No matter how strong a woman is, she waits for a man stronger than herself... And not so that he limits her freedom, but so that he gives her the right to be weak (Angelina Jolie)
  • In order to be beautiful, a woman only needs to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves (Yves Saint Laurent)
  • Honestly, I don't need someone who sees only the good in me, I need someone who sees the bad in me, but still wants to be with me (Marilyn Monroe)
  • Words of love are always the same - it all depends on whose lips they come from (Guy de Maupassant)

Video: How to give an extraordinary compliment to a man|Psychologist Golikov?

You, my dear, are the strongest,
The kindest on earth
The smartest and most beautiful
I'm lucky to have you!

No one else is needed
You'll never find anything better!
If you, my love, are nearby,
I - happy man!

You have life force
I feel so calm next to you,
It’s clear right away I’m going with a man,
who took possession of my soul,
You are gentle, sensitive, but at the same time strong,
You have many elements,
You will warm you in the cold, you will bring coolness in the heat,
You have all the qualities of a man,
I'm happy that you are with me.

My most tender and desirable, you are the most beautiful and long-awaited, you are the most courageous and the bravest, the most cheerful and the most skillful. You are cooler than any superhero, you are my joy and my unearthly happiness.

You are gentle and reliable,
You are the best, I won't hide it.
I can be with you next to me
I need to be myself.

There is no better person
You are affectionate and smart,
You are my hero forever
I love you madly!

I want to tell you, my love -
You are the only one for me:
Beautiful and irresistible
Wonderful, sweet and dear.

You are the clear sun that shines
And gives a sensitive warmth,
You are a gentle and pleasant wind,
It's calm and easy with you.

My dear, my incredible man,
You are my best
You are the support, you are the strength,
You are a secret dream.

You are joy, you are my support,
Your smile instantly drives you crazy,
You are the most sensitive, romantic,
You are my happiness forever!

Sweet, beloved, kind, gentle.
How hard it is to find these.
Noble, loving, diligent,
There are so many qualities of gold.

How much cheerfulness, strength,
So much intelligence and joy in the eyes!
Young, good and beautiful,
Like a prince on scarlet sails.

My hero from a good old fairy tale.
I finally got it.
And I don’t exaggerate one bit,
Because the guy is great!

You are my prince, you are my hero,
I want to always be with you.
You are beautiful, flawless.
You are worthy of eternal love.

You are strong, beautifully built.
We can be happy.
Your shoulders are like rocks.
I became happy with you.

There is no one in the world more precious than you.
There are no others similar in the world.
I want to entrust my life to you,
Only you can I trust.

My most affectionate, desired,
Beautiful, smart, long-awaited,
Swift and strong, dear,
My beloved, unique!

You and I have one heart for two,
Let's keep the magic of our feelings,
Let's be together to cherished dreams strives
And may happiness come true for both of you!

Thank you for your kindness
I really appreciate her.
Thank you for your concern,
You are the best, I love you.

You are so brave to me
Smart and skillful in everything.
You shine with intelligence and wit,
Always by my side.

I won't hide it, darling -
Fascinated by you.
And believe me, I'm very proud
The fact that you are next to me.

You are the best for me,
My main hero.
I can go through fire and water
Only for you.

Incredible facts

Men respond to praise and appreciation just as much as women, and maybe even more so.

Typically, women receive the lion's share of verbal praise when it comes to their appearance and how they make men feel.

At the same time, men are much less likely to be spoiled with pleasant words.

If you want to win his heart, you need to do it more often. praise him.

Here are 6 types of compliments that every man secretly wants to hear and that he will never get tired of.

How to compliment a man

1. Compliments that show you believe in him.

One of the things that makes a man melt is support and faith in him of his beloved woman.

When a woman says any variation of “I believe in you,” a man begins to feel like a superhero who can achieve anything.

"I believe in you"

"I like your determination"

"Whatever you set your mind to, I know you can achieve it. You've always succeeded."

"Of course people want to work with/for you! People trust you and your abilities. You are great at what you do."

"Of course you'll get a promotion/new job. You're talented, hardworking, and everyone knows it. I'm so proud of you."

"You have already achieved so much in life. I am sure that you can continue and do much more. You are able to make the best out of any situation."

2. Compliments regarding body and appearance.

Although men are not as susceptible to criticism for certain body imperfections as women are, many men are still insecure about some aspects of their appearance.

In addition, any person, regardless of gender, it's nice to know that his partner finds him aesthetically attractive.

It could be his arms, shoulders, eyes, thighs or private parts that deserve a compliment, men are not so picky. Here are a few compliments that will touch his heart.

"You look very attractive."

"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you were studying at gym. Don't take your eyes off!"

"You look very masculine today. I like it."

“You look very attractive in that suit/tie/outfit.”

"I love it when you wrap your strong arms around me."

"You are very beautiful when you laugh."

"You're beautiful when you cry."

“You always look so attractive, even if you just woke up and your hair is a mess.”

Correct compliments to a man

3. Compliments recognizing his efforts.

Everyone likes to be recognized for their efforts in a relationship. Show him how you appreciate what he does for you, even little things. Notice and acknowledge everything. The more you value something out loud, the more you receive it. And even if you don't get it, you will make him feel loved.

It doesn't matter if he's taking out the trash, changing a light bulb, or washing the dishes, what matters is that you acknowledge his actions.

"You are so kind to me".

"Thank you so much for making me breakfast, love. I really appreciate it. And it's delicious!"

"You can probably fix anything."

"I love how gentle you are with me."

"Thank you for listening to me. I really appreciate you letting me vent."

"I noticed that you did (this) for me. Thank you for your concern. I really appreciate it."

"I loved watching you play with the kids today. Your goofiness is so sexy. I love that you can sometimes relax and have fun ".

4. Compliments that show you respect him.

Several studies have shown that men consider respect more important than love. While there are individual differences, it is important to note that men want to feel respected in a relationship.

"You are a good person".

"I'm proud of you".

"I respect you so much."

"You get better every time I see you."

"It took a lot of courage for you to admit you were wrong/to apologize/to have a serious conversation with that person. I admire you for doing it."

"I like your generosity towards your loved ones. I need great strength to gain authority, and no one could do it better than you."

"I love how considerate/caring you are with my friends/parents/coworkers. I really appreciate it."

What kind of compliments do men like?

5. Compliments that show you trust him and his ability to lead.

Most men, deep down, want they were seen as leaders in life and relationships. Let him know that you see him this way and that you trust him by saying the following phrases.

"I trust you".

"I'm on your side."

"You've never given bad advice."

"I would follow you anywhere."

"You always give best tips. You're so smart."

6. Compliments that show he influences you.

All men know the feeling when someone so close passes by attractive woman that their knees are weak. The intoxicating attraction we feel can be very strong. Let him know that you feel this way around him.

"I can't help but blush around you."

"You always know how to make me smile."

"You give me very deep feelings."

"I feel like I can achieve so much in life because I have you as my safety net. I always feel your support and that means the world to me."

"Your eyes are mesmerizing. I could get lost in them forever."

"I've never felt so safe and comfortable around other people. I love being around you."

"No one has ever excited me so much. My knees get weak so often."

"You are the wittiest man I have ever known."

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