What to do if attacked by a bear in the forest. What to do when meeting a brown bear? What to do during a close meeting

Multiple trips to “bear” places, where the frequency of encounters with a bear is much greater than with a person, was the reason for writing this guide on how to behave when encountering a bear. What you need to know and remember when going to the taiga...

Having listened to all sorts of stories and advice, having read a wide variety of information, which basically only gets on your nerves, you must take away the main thing! For the most part, the outcome of an encounter with a bear depends on you. There are basic rules about what not to do when meeting a bear.

So, watch your position in space - you cannot be on the bear’s only escape route, and if the bear has nowhere to go, he will have no choice but to “flee” and attack you.

If you find yourself between a mother bear and cubs, an attack is inevitable; meeting the mother is one of the most dangerous situations.

Do not fish in front of the bear; the animal may begin to defend its territory, its fishing spot. And even more so, you should not frighten the bear in order to drive it away from the fish it has already caught. The bear may leave, but after a while it will come back for you.

Prepare food with the utmost care, try to behave as quietly and inconspicuously as possible at a rest stop. Myths that the smell of fire and gasoline repel bears remain myths. The bear is not only a strong, but also an intelligent animal - over many years, bears have learned that where there are people, there is food - and often the bear’s fear of humans is overcome by hunger. Don’t leave leftovers, don’t feed the bear, he won’t leave you behind and may try to take your food by force...

Don't set up camp on a bear's trail; he might get angry at uninvited guests.

Basically, bears have an excellent sense of smell and vision, but have problems with hearing. If you are walking downwind - he will not smell you and will not see you, you risk running into a bear nose to nose. Because of surprise, he can fight, or even attack. Therefore, when making your way through dwarf trees in particularly bearish areas, try to make more noise, make noise, sing, talk loudly, a whistle or bell helps a lot.

But then the meeting with the bear took place.
First, stay calm. Second, KEEP CALM. Under no circumstances should you run away. If you run away, it means you need to be caught up! And the bear even catches up with the horse - there is no chance of escaping from it. The myth that you can escape from a bear by swimming is not true. In Kamchatka, bears swim to islands in the lake. Kronotsky 8 km one way.

Look at the bear, let him know that you see him, he sees you. Slowly, without making sudden movements, remove the backpack and place it in front of you. As a rule, the bear will look at you, maybe stand on its hind legs, and try to hide; bears try not to touch humans. If the bear does not move towards you, try to move away very carefully. If your movement provokes the bear to approach you, freeze in place, saying this in body language: “I am not afraid of you, I can attack in response.”

What to do if the bear does not leave. He may not intend to attack, he may just be curious, just like you. Bears are afraid of those who are larger than them, most importantly - taller. Climb onto each other's shoulders, raise your ski poles and oars above your heads, wave it all, shout loudly, clap your hands, knock on the bowlers - often this helps: sometimes it's enough to just raise a stick above your head, sometimes not... You can really hurt a bear frighten him if you do something unexpected for him. There have been cases when a bear died of fright (heart rupture). But it’s better not to hope for it...

If all else fails, the bear begins to growl, dig the ground in front of him with his paw, and make short lunges in your direction - which means he is preparing to attack. And if he stood up on his hind legs and came at you, then it’s time to defend himself. If you have a gun, then you need to shoot... in the air, of course. There is no gun, you can take a flare or firecrackers with you, they weigh little and produce enough noise and effects. However, not all bears are afraid of gunfire. There are gas sprays for bears - Grizly attack spray. However, you need to have nerves of iron to allow an attacking predator to come within range of the spray can (3-5 meters), capable of cutting ribs with one blow of its paw and opening it with its claws. chest. In addition, the inscription on such cylinders helps in 14 out of 15 cases, it says something...

Push your removed backpack forward towards the bear to be torn to pieces and run to the nearest tree that you can climb. Kamchatka bears cannot climb trees! If there are no trees, then all that remains is to run away, throwing behind you things that can detain him, even if there is no food there, the bear will stop to sniff the find. It can help you quickly get to the other side of the river; perhaps you will be lucky and the bear will not want to get into the icy water.

So once again, the bear is a serious predator and he quite reasonably feels like a master. A tourist is always a guest on his territory and generally uninvited. We must not forget about this and behave accordingly. And yet there is still a difference between bear and bear - its behavior cannot be predicted. As with people, among them there are types with inadequate psyches. And what to expect from this is unknown. And life situations don’t always work out in your favor... So be careful!

Happy hiking!

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Not a single person in the world is immune from accidents, including attacks by wild animals. Indeed, we often learn about animal attacks on people.

In Russia, as in many other places, this can also happen, since in wildlife V temperate latitudes you can meet wolves, for example, and bears. But what should you do if you meet a bear in the forest?

How dangerous are bears?

When these animals meet us, they will no longer seem cute like in the pictures on the Internet. Do not forget that all bears, first of all, are wild predators, which are much stronger and larger than humans. The weight of a bear, depending on the species, ranges from 150 kg to a ton (and for brown bears found in Russian forests, the weight can reach up to 600 kg). They have large fangs, paws and claws that can easily tear apart any living creature.

If a person is unlucky, it is not so easy to stay alive. But there are certain factors that will increase the chances of salvation. First you need to find out the reasons why a predator might attack.

The main reasons for attacking a person

There are several reasons that usually occur simultaneously, thereby increasing the risk:

  • In winter in the Russian tundra the risk is minimal, as bears hibernate, but it is real. Because there are animals that, for some reason, came out of hibernation ahead of time. And there are those who did not fall asleep because they did not have time to accumulate enough fat. Awake bears are also called connecting rods. They are the most hungry, dangerous and aggressive. They can attack because in winter there is practically no food, and if there is, it is difficult to get. A person in this sense is a very easy prey for a hungry beast.
  • Mother bears who have given birth to cubs are especially dangerous. Brown bears give birth between December and March, with an average of 1 to 5 cubs born. Females become aggressive because their babies are rather weak, small and defenseless, and need maternal care so as not to die. This is normal for almost all mammals, whose females give birth and raise their young. Any person or any other creature is perceived as a threat.
  • The period when animals come out of hibernation is also dangerous, because they are hungry, their the main task now - gain weight after a long sleep.
  • In May-June, bears undergo mating season, many males fight for females, so it is also better to stay away during this period.
  • If you accidentally entered the territory of a bear or where a predator’s prey lies, the animal will perceive this as a direct threat and an invasion of its domain.
  • But in summer the risk is minimized, only for a different reason: the animals do not lack food.

How to behave with a bear in the forest?

People usually meet predators by chance: they wandered into the wrong place, got lost, fell behind their group on a hike, etc. If you suddenly have an unexpected encounter with a bear in the forest, what to do:

  • If you encounter a sleeping animal, then you have a high chance of leaving calmly. The main thing is not to make noise and do it slowly and quietly, so as not to attract any attention to yourself and not wake him up.

  • But if you meet a bear busy eating its prey, you should also very slowly begin to move away, but do not let the predator out of sight. If he feels that you are not interested in his trophy, then there will be no point in him being distracted by you. To let him understand this, you need to, while you slowly move away, start talking calmly but loudly (about anything, because our task is to not let the animal think that you are aggressive and you need his food).
  • It’s very good if you met one bear, but he didn’t notice you. You can simply walk away, trying to get out of sight.
  • Never run, because there is no point in doing so, because the bear will run after you as if it were a weak prey. And it’s pointless to run away from a creature whose speed reaches 60 km/h.
  • Do not provoke the animal, do not throw various objects at it.

Remember: it is advisable to be with you so that the animal does not smell you with its keen sense of smell.

If you meet a female with cubs or a group of bears

The most dangerous thing is to encounter a group of predators. Bears usually stay alone, but you can also meet them in a group, if it is a mother with cubs, females and males during the rut, mating games, a group of brothers/sisters who have grown up from the age when they are under the supervision of their mother. The danger of meeting a group is that while one may not notice you, another will and action will need to be taken. And the fact is that a group is always stronger than one representative. How to be:

  • If you see cubs without a mother, you should not be touched, much less approach them and try to stroke them. Most likely, the mother is somewhere nearby, and as soon as she notices you, she will rush to protect her babies. If you meet them separately, leave immediately!

How to escape from a bear if he notices you and is approaching

Do not confuse a slow approach with a direct attack. As a rule, bears first smell a person, but cannot yet see him due to the peculiarities of their vision. Or they only see the outline of a figure, but cannot smell the smell, for example, due to the wind. In this case, the animal may approach slowly to smell or see you. Perhaps, realizing that this is a person, he will lose interest and leave.

Another possible variant: the predator is not going to attack, but you have entered its territory, and in this way it drives you out.

Under no circumstances should you run away. But if the animal sees you, but still starts approaching, try making noise. Knock dishes, throw firecrackers (but not at the bear), shout.

How to escape if a bear attacks?

If the bear is aggressive, there are several options for subsequent human behavior that you need to remember in order to understand how you can escape from a bear in the forest:

  • If there are objects, you can try to distract attention with them and transfer the first blow of the predator to them, placing them in front of you.
  • Don't look directly into the animal's eyes.
  • When the situation is completely bad, you have nothing - no weapons, no objects, and the animal is literally standing in front of you, then you just have to lie on the ground, pretending to be dead. If the bear is not hungry, he may sniff you and throw leaves at you (as a reserve for the future). Try not to move. He may start to flip you over, but the danger here is that he has very powerful claws.
  • But if the beast attacks you, and it’s too late to do anything, then all you can do is fight. The risks of surviving in such a situation are extremely small if you do nothing. You need to cut, fight, aim straight at the enemy’s eyes.
  • Don't confuse when a bear is just trying to intimidate you and when it is actually attacking you. Never act aggressively until he has actually attacked you.

If you have a weapon

How to escape from a bear in the forest if you have a weapon? Having a weapon increases the chances of a successful outcome.

You should shoot directly at the animal only if you did not provoke it, and the bear attacked and intends to kill the victim. This is how a person has the opportunity to survive.

But in any other situation, when, for example, the bear simply follows you, does not attack, but is simply nearby, then under no circumstances shoot. The likelihood that you can kill the first time and get where you need to is reduced to a minimum. And being wounded will only worsen the situation, because the bear will become furious and become completely aggressive towards humans.

It will be enough to simply shoot in the air to create the necessary noise that will force a non-aggressive animal to leave.

How to avoid a predator

The risk of a bear attacking a person in the forest can be reduced to an absolute minimum. To do this, you simply need to avoid meeting him. How to escape from a bear in the forest? To do this, you need to follow the rules that will reduce the likelihood of your meeting:

  • Bears also walk along the paths. They are easy to spot in the forest, so stay away from them to avoid an unexpected encounter.
  • It should also be located on open areas, that is, in the fields and where there is the least forest.
  • Be careful if you come across supplies - the carcass of another animal or fish, most likely they were left behind by a bear.
  • Bears also leave claw marks on trees.
  • At dawn and late at night they hunt fish in rivers. Avoid being close to rivers with fish at such times.
  • Light a fire in the forest at night to make your presence known in advance. Usually bears themselves try to avoid unwanted encounters with people.
  • Do not leave food behind you in the forest and do not feed animals. Bears will get used to it and lose their sense of danger.
  • When hiking or hunting, stay with a group of people.
  • Always dispose of your trash and don't forget your food supplies!


Let's summarize all the tips on how to escape from a bear in the forest if you accidentally come across one. Walk away slowly or don't move at all if the animal is motionless or doesn't see you. If he approaches, then leave, make noise and speak loudly. When attacked, fight, but never provoke a fight. When it's too late to run and leave, play dead. Don't make eye contact, avoid bear paths, use weapons only in extreme cases.

2009 turned out to be a berry year in Karelia. Literally bending down once, you could pick up several handfuls and enrich your body with vitamins. With hunting, everything was also relatively good, although we had to nurse the game for 15-20 km, but, nevertheless, there were results.

Around the beginning of the second week, having gathered for a morning hunting “detour,” literally a hundred meters from the camp, I came across a miraculous painting laid out right in the middle of the road.

An interesting photo, it confirms the vegetarian preferences of the bear’s autumn diet. Some friends even believed that I myself enriched this composition with berries. Pfft, I have nothing else to do.

A little further I found broken branches, stripped bark, another pile, damn, how much does he eat? All these signs seemed to express Misha’s dissatisfaction with our neighborhood. Well, yes, maybe he didn’t like our company’s evening chants!

Jokes aside, how much can you do if something happens? Make Misha your signature couple of jumps, and you may not have time to reload with bullets. I became afraid to hunt alone and got involved with a more experienced hunter. Safer with two! But it was time to leave; no one met the bear. The agonizing wait for the next trip to Karelia began. And then it happened...

2010 in Karelia. The summer turned out to be hot, they say in the republic it reached 35 degrees, and this is the north! Because of forest fires across the country, the opening of the hunt was postponed to September 1. Although no information was heard about fires in Karelia, a trace of a ground fire was still found.

No berries! Well, or almost not. The thought immediately flew through my mind, whether Misha had switched to meat. But many hunters consoled us, saying that a bear can smell it from kilometers away, it doesn’t need problems, it will go away.

The morning of that day... I slept a little, it had already bloomed a long time ago, and so as not to waste more time I went hunting, without tea or breakfast. As I love - one with his 34 tose with a first and a three in the trunks.

Quietly, almost silently creeping along the path, looking out for game, he walked in the same way. I didn’t hear any sound, but as if, like an animal, I felt it. We looked at each other at the same time. My heart rate has clearly increased, because in front of me, about 12 meters away, is a brown bear with an intimidating black color. The main thing is not to panic, for now everything is fine, if Misha wanted something from me, he would have covered the distance of 12 meters in an instant. Now the main thing is not to irritate him with your presence, because he is still standing, he has not left, who knows what kind of thoughts he has!

What to do? When I met a bear in the forest, I immediately remembered a reminder or instruction told to me by old hunters, and I had no choice but to adhere to this instruction. Don't scream, run or climb a tree; the bear does all this better than us. I slowly, without sudden movements, approached a large thick pine tree and stood behind it, breaking the gun in between. With shaking hands, the rush of adrenaline into the blood did its job, I set the bullets, well, everything is not so scary now! I didn’t intend to kill him, although the thought flew by, such a trophy, but I’m alone and if I didn’t kill him outright, the wounded man would not only tear me apart and also all the men one by one. All this time the bear stood in the same place and sniffed, he lost sight of me.

What a shot, I have a camera, I took it out, focused on it, but I remembered the flash and didn’t dare take the risk, you never know! It’s a pity, but while he was turning off the flash, he went into the forest.

Feel better! I decided to have a smoke break. The wind carried the smoke in the same direction from where Misha was coming, why didn’t he sense me and we met almost head-on? The bear was not young, it was big, perhaps his sense of smell was impaired from old age! After standing still for a while, he decided to continue the hunt and continued on his way with caution.

So, what is a meeting between a man and a bear in the forest? For me personally, everything went smoothly. In my case, we can say that this is happiness and luck, this is rare and I was lucky, I experienced many feelings, from fear to joy, and gained strength and confidence. Many of the hunters were jealous of me, but you need to understand that everything could have been different, you need to understand what a large animal is capable of and be prepared to meet it, be sure to carry bullets with you and be ready to make the right decision.

How to behave when meeting a bear?

Brown bears, disturbed by the recent flood in Primorye, increasingly began to come out to people. A meeting with a predator is mortally dangerous for a person, and you need to clearly understand what to do when meeting him. It is worth reading the rules of conduct when meeting a bear in order to know how to avoid an attack and how to protect yourself from a predator if it has already attacked.

What to do to avoid encounters with a bear in the forest?

In the forest, make noise, sing, talk loudly, or tie a bell to your backpack. If possible, travel with a group. Avoid dense bushes, thickets, and windbreaks. Always let the bear know you are there.

It is prohibited to create garbage dumps, landfills, food waste warehouses around populated areas, bases and camps, field detachments, tourist groups, at rest stops and routes, which contribute to the concentration of animals near humans. This problem cannot be solved even by burying organic remains at a considerable depth, since bears, having a well-developed sense of smell, easily detect and dig them up. Food waste it is recommended to remove them (if it is impossible to dispose of them) at a considerable distance from housing; the dump site must be clearly marked with signs and warnings about it must be given local residents. If it is impossible to organize removal on your own or by nearby villages and organizations, food waste must be destroyed by burning.

Having dogs with you that are not afraid of the presence of an animal and have an angry reaction will greatly help protect you from the appearance of a bear. In no case should you use indoor and decorative dogs for protection. Best used for guarding huskies and German shepherds. Remember that pets and their food can also attract bears.

Under no circumstances should you approach the remains of dead animals or the locations dead fish and other natural baits, which are a significant source of decomposed animal food. First of all, this concerns the extraction of the brown bear itself. Remember: a bear disturbed by prey in most cases goes on the attack.

To avoid encounters with a bear, it is advisable not to use bear trails when moving through the taiga and tundra. The paths made by the bear differ from all other paths in that they represent two parallel chains of holes at a distance of 20 cm from each other. You should also avoid driving along river banks and along spawning grounds at dusk and dawn, as well as at night.

How does a bear behave?

A bear's defensive behavior is usually a consequence of the fact that you have violated the boundaries of his personal possessions, scared him, or embarrassed him. A typical example defensive behavior is the reaction of a mother bear with her cubs when she suddenly meets a person. A defensive bear perceives you as a threat to itself and its cubs, or perhaps it is simply protecting its food from you. External signs can range from mild stress to extreme aggressiveness, such as assault.

A bear may come close not only for defensive purposes, but also for other reasons. Just out of curiosity, or because he was used to people. He may be interested in your food. Sometimes bears walk in circles downwind, trying to smell the scent. Being at a short distance, they begin to approach slowly and carefully, ears pricked and heads raised higher.

Bears that live close to people allow them to come closer to them without expressing much concern, especially in places where they are accustomed to meeting people. A bear, accustomed to people, does not keep its distance so strictly, but it invariably remains. Invading his personal space is dangerous.

The predatory bear will be extremely interested and will focus on you as a potential meal. A bear that appears curious or tests you at first may turn out to be a predator if you are unable to fight it off. He will persistently approach you or appear suddenly, holding his head high and ears pricked. Under any circumstances, bears attack people extremely rarely.

How to avoid a bear attack?

Whenever you see a bear, stop, remain calm and assess the situation. If the bear does not know about your presence, you can leave unnoticed, do it quietly, at a time when the bear is not looking in your direction. Watch him closely. Go around the bear, making a wide detour, or go back the same way you came here. The most common situation is when a bear avoids you and you are unaware that it is nearby. The closer you were to the bear when it discovered you, the more likely it was to have a defensive defensive reaction.

If the bear moves towards you, watch closely to see if its behavior changes. Try not to look threatening, stop. Speak to the bear in a confident tone. This may calm him down and help calm you down. Let the bear know that you are human. If the bear can't recognize who you are, it may come closer or stand on its hind legs to get a better look or sniff. standing bear With his paws down he usually shows curiosity and is not dangerous.

You can try to slowly back away diagonally while keeping your eyes on the bear, but if the bear starts to follow you, stop and stay where you are.

Don't shout or throw anything at the bear to defend yourself from it. This may provoke him to attack.

Don't run! You can't outrun a bear.

What to do if attacked by a bear?

If the bear comes too close - don't take a step back! Continue speaking in a calm voice. If the animal stops approaching you, try to increase the distance between you again. At this stage of events, any bear will most likely refuse to continue the encounter and will leave, unless it is aggressive.

There are two main types of attacks - defensive or predatory. Your first reaction in both cases should be the same: not a step back! If you fail to scare off the bear in advance, and it nevertheless rushes at you, your reaction to the attack should be twofold: if the bear is defending itself, pretend to be dead; if the bear attacks you, try to resist it!

If it's a predatory attack, it's your turn to act aggressively. Let the bear know that you will fight if it attacks. The more persistent the bear is, the more aggressive you should react. Raise your voice, knock on the trees. Use loud instruments. Never imitate a bear's growl or scream in a high-pitched voice.

Look the bear straight in the eyes. Challenge him. Try to look bigger than you really are. Stomp your foot as you take a step or two towards the bear. Slowly rise higher. Stand on a log or rock. Threaten the bear with any object that comes to hand. Remember: most attacks stop suddenly.

If this is an attack with a defensive purpose, then at the very last moment fall to the ground. Lie on your stomach with your legs slightly spread, or curl up in a ball. Cover your head by clasping your fingers at the back of your head. In this position you protect your face and neck. Bears often try to hit the face if it is not protected. If the bear flips you onto your back, continue to roll on the ground until you are back in a face-down position to protect your stomach and vital organs. Wearing a backpack will help provide some protection for your back and neck. Don't fight or scream. Stay still for as long as possible. If you move and the bear sees or hears you, he may return and resume the attack.

Any walk away from populated areas is nothing more than an invasion of someone else’s (in this case, human) territory. You should always remember that its true owners are wild animals, since it is their habitat. The bear is the most dangerous and strong beast in our forests. And if you meet him on the way, you need to clearly understand what you can do and what you can’t do, so as not to provoke his attack.

Basic rules of conduct in the forest

Don't try to take over territory

It is known who is the true owner of the forest. If you spot a bear even at a great distance, you should not organize a halt in this place, and even more so, set up a tent camp. It’s better to move away a little, adjust the route and choose another section. The same applies to his numerous traces. Without experience, it is difficult to determine whether the animal just passed by or whether it is used to hunting here, feasting on the gifts of nature, and so on. Perhaps this is his path or there are cubs somewhere nearby. Trying to fit in next door won't do you any good.

Stay away

The bear is not just a hermit. He understands that in the forest he has no equal in strength, and he regards any invasion of his territory as a threat to himself personally. If you encounter a bear in the forest, you should walk around it in an arc, keeping it in your field of vision at all times. As a rule, this is enough to disperse peacefully. In such situations, if not provoked, the bear does not attack.

A special warning for those who like to take selfies. Now it is in fashion, and not only among young people. Such “self-photography”, especially against the backdrop of an animal, implies almost close contact with it. There is no point in explaining how this could end. It is unlikely that a bear will appreciate such a “craving for beauty” and accept this Active participation. A good example close communication with a predator - a recent incident in one of our zoos, when a lady tried to take a selfie in front of a cage with a tiger. Basically, it’s the same thing – playing with fire.

Don't go deep into the bushes

Like any animal, the bear prefers to hide in the thicket. Particular attention to shoots (shrubs, small trees) with fruits. For example, wild raspberries. On a hiking trip you need to move through open areas, and if we're talking about about picking mushrooms and berries, then when moving through the forest you should make more noise, warning its inhabitants in advance about your approach. In an unexpected encounter, a bear may become frightened and rush at a person.

Don't relax and constantly look around

The forest is not your own apartment. It is full of surprises, so you should not forget about basic precautions.

What to do in extreme situations

They can be very different. The most typical cases when meeting a bear in the forest:

  • the animal notices the person, looks in his direction, but does not change its location;
  • the bear is approaching;
  • the meeting occurred unexpectedly, both for the beast and for the man.

How to proceed

  • Walk away slowly, while saying something in a low voice (but not shouting) or humming. And do it calmly, without showing fear. You can even start a “conversation” with the animal, reassuring it that no one is encroaching on its territory. According to experienced commercial hunters, the Russian mat is another reliable remedy against a clubfoot attack. Having felt the person’s confidence, the bear will understand that the potential victim is quite capable of defending himself and is absolutely not afraid of him. Therefore, he will not attack.
  • Stand up in full height. It is advisable to raise both hands, holding a cap, jacket or something else in one of them. The main thing is to appear as big as possible.
  • Stay calm, no matter how scary it is, don’t panic.
  • Fall down and play dead. This is practiced if close contact with a predator cannot be avoided. In many cases, this ends with the bear, having sniffed the victim, leaving. Best pose– flat, pressing his stomach to the ground. There are recommendations that you need to lie on your side, curled up. This is hardly justified, since it is not a fact that the clubfoot will not awaken to simple curiosity and begin to turn the victim over. And he does this with his claws. It’s clear how it will end, even if you don’t make a sound. The bear will leave, but the wounds will be impressive. And it is unlikely that a person will tolerate this. And the loud cries of the beast will only provoke you.

If the bear has left, you cannot immediately begin any active actions. Perhaps he just walked away, hid and watched. Therefore, you should wait a little, carefully look around without making sudden movements, and only then slowly leave this place.

In the event of an obvious attack, when there is no doubt about the bear’s intentions, resist and call for help. Throw whatever is at hand - stones, large branches, earth (preferably in the eyes). Arm yourself with a stick and fight back. Sometimes such a violent rebuff leads to the bear retreating and leaving in search of a weaker victim. The fact is that, as a rule, young, inexperienced and self-confident individuals attack a person. When they feel that they are being “pressed”, they give up further attempts.

What not to do when meeting a bear

Look the bear straight in the eyes

He will take this as a direct challenge and may attack.

Take your dog with you into the forest

Of course, if we are not talking about hunting. If you cannot do without a four-legged pet, it must be kept on a leash, and a short one at that. There are often cases when it was a dog that provoked a bear to attack a person - with its constant barking, or even direct attempts to bite the clubfoot. The beast will not like such an annoying neighborhood, and he will definitely take measures to get rid of uninvited guests.

Stay in the area where the animal is spotted

Even if he moved away, this does not mean that this part of the forest is safe. The bear can change position, secretly approach the victim from the other side, and so on. There are many options. It is better to immediately leave this place and try to get out, if not out of the forest, then into the most open space possible.

Make sudden movements

The bear will regard this as a clear threat to its own safety. And even more so show aggression.

Trying to hide

Firstly, this is a useless exercise, since the bear will detect a person quite quickly, especially if he has already noticed him. Secondly, such actions are a sign of cowardice. The animal will immediately understand that in front of it is easy prey.

Turn your back on the bear

This is for him a signal to attack, because the potential victim has discovered the most unprotected place.

Run away

It makes no sense, considering that over rough terrain an adult bear quickly accelerates to 60 - 65 km/h. By the way, escape is the most bad option. The clubfoot by nature is a hunter, and such human actions will only excite him. He will involuntarily give chase, but the result is predictable.

As an exception - the extraordinary physical characteristics of a person. If you have confidence in your abilities, you may be able to escape. The bear needs to be worn down by constantly changing direction. Since its mass is significant, it loses a lot of speed when turning. In addition, he runs well over short distances, but does not last long over long distances. Consequently, with good physical preparation, it becomes possible to escape. It is advisable to choose a direction so as to get closer to people, the road, locality. This will further increase your chances.

Sneak up on a bear

There are such amateurs - it’s better to look at it, take a photograph, just admire it, observe. The clubfoot has excellent instincts, and besides, he is in “his element” (in nature), so any attempt to deceive him is doomed to failure in advance. He will regard this as preparation for a possible attack, and will respond in kind, and proactively.

Save yourself on a tree

In this case, the chances of salvation are practically reduced to zero. Despite their external clumsiness, bears are distinguished not only by their strength, but also by their agility and ability to climb trees.

The only option is if the trunk is thick and tall enough. Due to its weight, the animal may not reach the upper branches. But how long can a person survive in this situation? But the bear knows how to wait. Therefore, this method of salvation is a last resort.

Walking through the forest in the dark

You shouldn’t even go far from the tent. The explanation is simple. The bear is a predominantly nocturnal hunter, and at this time a person practically does not orient himself. Already there is a clear superiority of the clubfoot.

Getting closer to the cubs

The bear will never leave them alone. If the mother is not visible, this does not mean that she has left, leaving the babies unattended. Well, how any attempts to play with the cubs will end is clear without further explanation.

It is impossible to give recommendations for all cases. But one more piece of advice will not be superfluous. Right choice The way to resolve a “conflict situation” largely depends on knowledge of the bear’s habits. When going to the forest, it’s a good idea to read something. The psychological aspect is also important. If you understand the motivation for certain actions of the animal (protecting its babies, satisfying hunger, and so on), it is easier to assess the situation and take appropriate measures. Then a walk through the forest will bring true pleasure, and will not become fatal.

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