The fastest animals on the planet: top ten. The most powerful animals in the world What is the strongest animal on earth

The animal world is rich and diverse, and each of the species strives to survive in it. Not many animals pose a great danger to humans, and most of these species live far from people. However, there are animals that are not so scary at first glance, but actually hide in themselves mortal danger. This rating of the most dangerous animals on the planet includes both rather small poisonous and large and strong animals.


The list opens with an animal that lives almost as close to humans as cats, but is less friendly and more dangerous. The rat is a member of the rodent family of mice. About 70 species are distinguished in the genus. Two synanthropic species are widespread - gray and black rat. The body length of rats is from 8 to 30 centimeters, the length of the tail is equal to the length of the body or even more, the weight is from 37 to 420. Dark gray or gray-brown tones predominate in the color of the body, but there are yellow, red and orange shades. The toes on the paws are mobile - this compensates for the insufficient development of calluses necessary for climbing.

Rats are a natural reservoir of many zoonotic and anthropozoonotic infections. They carry pathogens of plague, tularemia, rabies, typhus, toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis, rickettsiosis, sodoku and other diseases. In the US, rats bite at least 14,000 people every year. According to the City Disinfection Center, in Moscow in 2008, 506 people were bitten by rats, so these babies are quite dangerous animals for humans. Rats also cause great economic damage by eating and spoiling food and non-food products and sometimes damaging Electricity of the net which can lead to fires. Also, some types of rats cause damage agriculture by eating crops.


The Komodo dragon is a species of lizard from the monitor lizard family. largest representative lizards. Komodo monitor lizards live on several islands of Indonesia, located in the Lesser Sunda Islands group. wild adults komodo dragons they weigh about 70 kilograms, but in captivity they reach large sizes. The tail length is about half of the total body length. The color of adult monitor lizards is dark brown, usually with small yellowish spots and speckles, on their back they have reddish-orange and yellowish eye spots in rows, merging into stripes on the neck and tail. The teeth of the Komodo dragon are compressed laterally and have serrated cutting edges. Such teeth are well suited for tearing into pieces of meat of large prey.

Animals of this species reach puberty approximately at the tenth year of life, to which only a small part of the born monitor lizards survive. Monitor lizards feed on a wide variety of animals - both vertebrates and invertebrates. Cannibalism is also common among them, especially in famine years. Proved that komodo dragons possess venomous bite, they have two poison glands in mandible. The functions of the venom include inhibition of blood clotting, lowering blood pressure, muscle paralysis, and the development of hypothermia leading to shock and unconsciousness in the bitten victim.

Komodo dragons are one of the animals on the planet potentially dangerous to humans, although they do not pose a direct danger to adults. After a bite, you should immediately consult a doctor. The number of deaths due to untimely provision of medical care reaches 99%. Children are especially vulnerable. Monitor lizards may well kill a child under 10 years old or cause severe injury. Cases of monitor lizards digging up human corpses from shallow graves are well known. Monitor lizards they can locate the source of the smell of blood at a distance of up to 5 km. Monitor lizards are endangered and it is illegal to kill them.


Dart frogs are frogs from the family of tailless amphibians that secrete the strongest poison. This family unites about 130 species of frogs of four genera living in South and Central America. These frogs do not have teeth, and there are no swimming membranes on the limbs. The terminal phalanges of the fingers are expanded into suction discs. These discs allow poison dart frogs to move easily through branches and leaves. The sizes of poison dart frogs are from 18 millimeters to 4 centimeters, only some species reach 7 centimeters. The coloration of poison dart frogs is very bright and contrasting, the most diverse in color among amphibians. Dart frogs are painted red, blue, yellow, green, orange colors, according to the general tone, a pattern of various stripes and spots can pass. This type of frog may be an unexpected answer to the question - what animals are dangerous to humans.

The poison of poison dart frogs has a cardiotoxic effect and causes cardiac arrest. The poison is contained in the skin secretions of poison dart frogs, thus protecting them from predators. Many native tribes South America used this poison to lubricate hunting arrows. Most representatives of this family are arboreal inhabitants, however, there are also terrestrial species that live mainly along the banks of water bodies. The poison dart frogs feed on small ones. All poison dart frogs are diurnal and therefore convenient for observation.


The wolf is a predatory mammal of the canine family, which is the direct ancestor of the domestic dog. The wolf is the largest and most dangerous animal in its family: the length of its body (without a tail) can reach 160 centimeters, tail up to 52 centimeters, height at the withers up to 90 centimeters; body weight up to 86 kilograms. In total, approximately 32 subspecies of the wolf are distinguished, differing in size and shades of fur. The wolf used to have much greater distribution in Eurasia and North America. In our time, the total number of animals has noticeably decreased, mainly due to urbanization and mass extermination.

Ungulates form the basis of the diet of wolves, and the behavior of these wild animals has not changed for hundreds of years. Wolves also attack domestic animals, ground squirrels, foxes, mouse-like rodents, do not miss the opportunity to eat eggs, or chicks. Active mainly at night. Of the external senses, the wolf has the best developed hearing, a little worse - the sense of smell; vision is much weaker. Well-developed nervous activity is combined in wolves with strength, agility, speed and other physical characteristics. If necessary, the wolf develops a speed of up to 60 km / h and is able to make transitions up to 80 kilometers per night.

When attacking a herd, wolves often slaughter several animals, tearing their throats or tearing open their belly. Wolves leave uneaten meat in reserve. There have been cases of wolf attacks on humans. Mentally, the wolf is highly developed. This is expressed in the ability to navigate the situation and escape from danger, as well as in the methods of hunting. There are cases when a pack of wolves was divided, and one part remained in ambush, while the other caught up with prey. In a pack chasing an elk or a deer, often some wolves run on the heels of the victim, while others run across or run slowly and, having rested, change the front lines until they exhaust the victim.


A hippopotamus or hippopotamus is a mammal from the order of artiodactyls, the suborder of pigs, the hippopotamus family. One of the largest modern land animals, sometimes weighing more than 4 tons. Currently, the hippopotamus lives only in Africa - about 140 thousand individuals. Previously, pigs were considered the closest relatives of hippos, but now scientists consider whales to be them. characteristic feature the hippopotamus is its semi-aquatic way of life - it spends most of its time in the water, leaving the land only at night for a few hours to feed.

Despite the wide popularity of the hippopotamus, in many respects this animal is not well understood. This applies both to a number of features of his lifestyle and behavior, and genetic links with other animals, physiology and much more. The behavior of these wild animals is marked by pronounced aggressiveness. Male hippo fights often result in the death of one of the participants. Cases of a hippopotamus attacking a person are also very frequent. The hippopotamus, according to a number of data, is the most dangerous beast Africa - from his attacks dies significantly more people than from attacks by lions, buffaloes or leopards.


Rhinos are a family of odd-toed mammals containing five species distributed in Africa and Asia. chief hallmark rhinos are horns on the nose, the largest of which had a length of 158 centimeters. Rhinos have a massive body and short, thick limbs. Each of them has three fingers, ending in wide hooves. Rhinos have poor eyesight, but this deficiency is compensated by a refined sense of smell and excellent hearing. Rhinoceroses live alone, but in the savannas they can also unite in small groups.

During the day, rhinoceroses sleep, and they can be found active at dusk and at night. These are very timid and cautious animals, avoiding proximity to humans. However, if they feel threatened, they attack. And although these attacks due to low vision poorly targeted, they can lead to great strength and a sharp horn to severe injuries. Having accelerated, the rhinoceros can reach a speed of 45 km / h. Adult rhinos have no enemies other than humans.


The African elephant is the largest land animal on the planet, a genus of African proboscis mammals. Includes two modern look: bush elephant and forest elephant. Recent studies suggest that these two species formed 1.9 and 7.1 million years ago. Average weight males is 5 tons, females - 2.5-3 tons, but among them there are real giants up to 4 meters high and weighing 12 tons. The thickness of their skin reaches 2-4 cm. According to recent estimates, in wild nature about 500-600 thousand left African elephants. All species of the genus are listed in the Red Book. Of the predators, only humans hunt adult elephants, mainly because of the tusks. Of the sense organs in an elephant, the sense of smell and hearing are most developed.

In addition to humans, the elephant has practically no enemies. At the moment of danger, the elephant represents a very formidable force. Attacking, he presses his ears to his neck, hides his trunk behind the tusks, which he brings forward with a sharp movement. At the same time, he makes a piercing, screeching sound, reminiscent of a hoarse bugle. At African elephant both males and females are armed with tusks. But females have small tusks. But the tusks of old males sometimes reached a length of 3-3.5 meters with a mass of about 100 kg each. Sexual maturity occurs in an elephant by 12-20 years, and old age and death by 60-70 years. These animals also have excellent memories. They perfectly remember all members of their family, offenders and those who do good for them. They can take revenge on the offender after many years, if they meet again, of course.


The polar bear is the largest land mammal of the carnivore order, close relative brown bear. It lives in the subpolar regions in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. Its length reaches 3 meters, weight up to 1 ton. Usually males weigh 400-450 kilograms, body length 200-250 centimeters, height at the withers up to 150 cm. Females are noticeably smaller - 200-300 kilograms. The polar bear is different from other bears Long neck and flat head. His skin is black. The soles of the feet are lined with wool so as not to slip on the ice and not to freeze. Between the fingers there is a swimming membrane, and the front of the paws is trimmed with stiff bristles. Large claws can hold even strong prey.

This is very dangerous wilds animals, as the beast runs very fast, and one blow of a powerful paw can kill anyone. It is absolutely impossible to even leave with your back turned when meeting a polar bear. IN critical situation experienced people always go towards the beast, showing with all their appearance that they are not afraid of it. At the same time, they make loud pinching sounds, which in bearish language means a threat. Man, by virtue of his structure, is of no interest to a powerful predator. Therefore, the bear never hunts bipeds, but prefers to leave if it sees them in dangerous proximity. Cases of polar bear attacks on humans are the exception rather than the rule.


The African buffalo is a species of bull that is widespread in Africa. This is the largest of the bulls. The weight of adult males sometimes exceeds 1000 kilograms, and specimens weighing 900 kg are not uncommon. The height at the withers in adult males is up to 1.8 meters with a body length of about 3 meters. The buffalo population in Africa has survived, in comparison with the population of other large animals of the continent, quite well, although it is under strong pressure from humans. The African buffalo is a herd animal. Usually there are groups of 20-30 animals that gather in herds during the dry period, but then herds can number many hundreds of animals.

Buffaloes have few enemies in nature, because due to their large size and enormous strength, an adult buffalo is an unbearable prey for most predators. Cows and calves, however, are often the prey of lions, who do significant damage to buffalo herds by attacking in droves. When protecting themselves from enemies, these wild animals of Africa usually show mutual assistance and act in friendly groups. Many cases are described when buffaloes not only drove lions away from the herd, but even killed them. It is curious that buffaloes have a sense of mutual assistance, which is clearly visible when enemies attack.


The top three most dangerous animals in the world opens combed crocodile- a reptile of the family of real crocodiles. This is the most large view widespread among crocodiles. It is most commonly found on the coast of northern Australia on the islands of Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Although crocodiles spend most of their time in the water, we have added them to the list of land animals, not to the list. The ability to make long voyages on the high seas explains the wide distribution of this species. Males can reach a length of 7 meters, and females 3 meters. Adult males weigh up to 1000 kilograms. This crocodile received the name "combed" for a pair of powerful crests extending from the eyes almost to the front third of the muzzle.

Salted crocodile is an active predator. The main food of crocodiles is insects, amphibians, fish, birds. Adult individuals attack large animals: turtles, monkeys, wild boars, deer, etc. Meeting with other wild animals often occurs at a watering place, where the crocodile is looking for a prey. When hunting, the crocodile behaves quite cunningly. At first, he tracks down his prey while completely in the water. Only the nostrils, eyes and part of the back are visible on the surface. When the victim is nearby, the crocodile rushes sharply, grabs it and drags it to the bottom. Crocodiles are also cannibals, but rarely attack on land. Only when the person himself loses vigilance. If a crocodile attacked a person, then the rest can only watch how the predator drags its prey to the bottom. Nothing can be done in this situation.


Taipan is a genus of highly venomous snakes of the asp family. Large Australian snakes, whose bite is considered the most dangerous among modern snakes of the wild animal world - before the development of an antidote for it, more than 90% of cases died from the bite of the taipan. According to various estimates, it ranks third in terms of toxicity in the world and the largest poisonous snake in Australia up to 3.3 meters long. Due to its aggressive disposition, large size and speed, the taipan is considered the most dangerous of all poisonous snakes on the planet. It lives on the coast of Northern and Northeastern Australia and in the southeast of New Guinea. Leads a predominantly daytime lifestyle. Feeds on frogs and small mammals including mice and rats.

Poisonous teeth up to 13 mm in length. The poison glands of the taipan contain up to 400 milligrams of venom, which it injects through its 12 mm teeth. Taipan poison predominantly blocks muscle contractions, which causes paralysis of the respiratory muscles and disrupts blood clotting. Taipan is very aggressive and fast: at the sight of danger, he raises his head, shaking it, then hits the enemy with lightning speed several times in a row. Taipan bite can lead to death in 4-12 hours, while those bitten by other most poisonous snakes a person lives for about a day. In the state of Queensland, where taipans are most common, every second bitten person dies.


So we come to the first place in our ranking of the most dangerous animals in the world, on which the king of beasts sits - African lion. This animal is a member of the species predatory mammals, one of four representatives of the genus Panthera, belonging to the subfamily of big cats in the cat family. It is the second largest living cat after the tiger. Used to live throughout Africa, now only south of the Sahara and a small population in Indian state Gujarat. Who would have thought that the most terrible and dangerous animals in the world are big cats.

The appearance of a lion is very characteristic. This is one of the few predators with pronounced sexual dimorphism. Males are not only much larger than females, but they have a mane, which in some subspecies reaches great development and covers the shoulders, part of the back and chest. The lion is the heaviest after the tiger, the mass of adult lions can reach 250 kilograms in males and 182 in females. At the lions powerful legs, strong jaws, and fangs are 8 cm long, so these predators are able to kill fairly large animals. The body length of a lion reaches 250 centimeters in males and 175 in females. Height at the shoulders is about 123 centimeters in males and 107 in females.

Unlike other cats, they do not live alone, but in special family groups - prides. Lions hunt in coordinated groups and pursue their chosen prey. However, they are less hardy than, for example, hyenas, which means that lions can only run fast for short distances and must be close to their prey during the attack. Lions sneak up on a herd of ungulates until the distance decreases to 30 meters or less.

In most cases, several lionesses surround him from different sides. As soon as the herd is surrounded, they pounce on the nearest animal. Then comes a fast and powerful attack. Predators try to catch their prey with a quick jump. Meeting with such wild animals usually ends in death. The animal pursued by lions, as a rule, dies from strangulation or suffocation. Small animals can be killed by paw strikes. The females do most of the hunting. Males usually do not participate in it, except when the victim is a large animal, such as a giraffe or a buffalo. In nature, lions live from ten to fourteen years, in captivity they can live longer than twenty years.

The strongest animals in the world not necessarily the largest, because their size can be less than 1 mm. Don't believe? Then get acquainted with our rating and learn about the discoveries of scientists who presented an extraordinary list of the most powerful living beings in the world. The top ten indicators were determined as the ratio of size, body weight and weight that the animal can lift or carry on itself. In some cases, the maximum speed of movement that the animal is capable of was also taken into account.


Opens the ten most powerful animals in the world. The formidable predator is one of the largest among its relatives. The body length of a grizzly can reach 4 meters, and weight more than 700 kg. The beast is also one of the most dangerous species animals, which poses a potential threat to humans. And no wonder, because the bear is not averse to eating meat and can easily kill an animal that surpasses it in size. The grizzly is able to lift objects that are equal to its body weight. When hunting, it can reach speeds of up to 60 km / h.


Not only the largest land animal, but also the most powerful. Inhabitant weight rainforest and savannah is about 7 tons, and the body length can reach up to 7.5 meters. With its powerful trunk, the animal is able to lift an object that exceeds its own weight by 1.7 times. This unique organ is a well-developed muscular and tendon system. With the help of his elephant, he can easily uproot trees, carry logs and even lift a car into the air for this giant will not be difficult. In addition, an elephant can easily lift small objects with the help of a trunk. Max Speed, which the animal is able to develop - 48 km / h.


The most powerful animal in the world among cats. The predatory beast has quite impressive dimensions: it reaches 3.5 meters in length and 300 kg in weight. Pursuing prey, the animal can reach speeds of up to 65 km / h. Therefore, the tiger is also among the ten fastest animals on earth. A predator is able to kill its prey with a single blow of its paw. He is able to carry prey that is twice his weight. Boars, deer, roe deer, elk, buffalo and other artiodactyls often fall into the paws of a formidable tiger.


The most powerful animal in the world among birds. A born predator has powerful wings with a span of up to 2 meters. The bird has very strong limbs with tenacious claws, in which it carries prey weighing 4 times its own weight. The prey of the crowned eagle are animals the size of a monkey or even a small antelope. Winged predators hunt a very large animal in pairs: one scares the victim, and the other attacks. The eagle transfers its prey to the nest, where it eats it completely. If the caught animal turns out to be very large, then the bird tears it apart and takes it piece by piece to its nest.


It is considered the most powerful animal in the world from the order of primates. An adult can reach 2 meters in height and weigh up to 250 kg. The impressive size and well-developed muscles allow the gorilla to lift objects that are 10 times its own body weight. In addition, the animal is able to deal with such a powerful beast as a tiger. Despite the fact that the animal is able to move on its hind legs, it prefers to do so on all fours. This is one of the reasons why gorillas have such highly trained forelimbs.


It is the strongest animal among reptiles. These big lizards more than 4 meters long have very strong jaws, the pressure of which when biting is more than 2 tons per square inch. The crocodile is able to bite the body of an adult from the first time. The maximum speed that a reptile is capable of chasing prey on land is 17 km / h.


It ranks fourth among the most powerful animals in the world. It got its name because of the ability to process leaves. Ants grind powerful jaws plants into small pieces, moisten them with their saliva and lay them in storage. So they prepare the soil for growing mushrooms, which will feed the entire colony. Therefore, leaf cutters also have a second name, mushroom ants.

Ants are not only very hardworking, organized, but also very strong. One such little creature capable of carrying at one time an object that exceeds its own weight by 50 times. Ordinary ants carry a mass exceeding only 20 times their own weight.


Unlocks the top three most powerful animals in the world. A medium-sized insect lifts a mass that can exceed its own weight by 1100 times. If we draw an analogy with a person, then this is tantamount to the fact that he could lift six buses filled with people. The weight of the beetle is no more than 2 grams, and the length of the shell can reach 2.5 cm. Its main food is manure, which it finds thanks to its developed sense of smell. The beetle is able to mold a ball of 50 grams from humus and transfer it to its mink, the depth of which can be more than half a meter. Such a dung ball is enough for an insect for about 12 hours. After the ball is eaten, the beetle goes for a new portion.


It is one of the most powerful living beings on Earth. They live in the soil where their population is more than a hundred thousand per square meter. These mites are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. But despite this, microscopic creatures are able to lift a weight that exceeds their own by 1000 times. Such indicators are equivalent to the fact that a person could lift 80 tons with his size. Shell mites are of great importance: these workers, thanks to their activities, contribute to soil formation.

1 Copepod

The ranking of the most powerful animals in the world is headed by. Inhabitant Dimensions sea ​​waters from 1 mm to 1 cm do not prevent him from being the planet's champion among strongmen. The copepod has very well developed musculature, which helps it gain incredible speed for its size - 6 km / h. In one second, he moves a distance 500 times the length of his body. The strength that its legs can develop is ten times greater than that of other animals. If a person could run with the same strength, then his speed would be 2,000 km / h! Thus, it is not only the strongest creature on the planet, but also the fastest. For scientists, copepods are an object of constant study. Similar to their incredible locomotion abilities, engineers want to create vehicles to study sea ​​depths.

Readers' Choice:

We welcome all readers of our site "I and the World". Which of you knows the fastest animal in the world? Well, of course, you say: cheetah. And you will be right! He is the fastest living on land. Today you will read about the top 10 fastest running land animals and touch a little on those who from the representatives of the fauna quickly swim and fly.

Opens our top ten Leopard - 58 km / h

Yes, he definitely won’t catch up with the cheetah if they compete. When the Leopard is chasing prey, it does not waste energy, but gently ambush. It hunts antelopes, rodents, warthogs. Leopards live in Africa and Asia for 10-15 years, if earlier poachers do not kill them because of their beautiful fur. In the 20th century, these big cats were listed in the Red Book.

The sizes of forest leopards are smaller than those that live on open places, apparently it’s more difficult to get through the thickets and big size only hinders. The mass of the largest males reaches 75 kg. It is very similar in coloration to the cheetah and jaguar, and varies in color from pale straw or gray to rusty brown. In Southeast Asia, there are absolutely black leopards, called Panthers.

In 9th place - Coyote - 65 km / h

They are not only sprinters, but also excellent swimmers - fish hunters. They move interestingly, bouncing in length from 2 to 4 meters. In mass, they are significantly inferior to real wolves and weigh up to 21 kg, when wolves weigh up to 60 kg. The fur is more brown, and the elongated muzzle resembles a fox. Maybe the Coyotes are the children of wolves and foxes, and for some reason, related in ancient times?

Coyotes are inhabitants of the plains and try not to appear in the forests. But on the outskirts major cities they are periodically noticed where they like to rummage through the garbage. They hunt mainly at dusk for hares, marmots, ground squirrels and other small animals. In autumn they like to eat berries and nuts.

The Hyena Dog ran up to 8th place - 70 km / h

Its name translates as "painted wolf". But there are also black dogs. were once very common in African steppes and savannahs, but now they are found mainly in national parks. And although it is a relative of the wolf, it is very similar to the hyena.

Low, lean, weighing up to 36 kg. They hunt during the day and always in packs of up to 15 individuals for ungulates: antelopes, old zebras, wildebeest, reed rats. They don't eat carrion. Everyone in the flock lives together, feeds and takes care of the old and sick.

7th place - Elk - 75 km / h

It is hard to believe that this stately and rather heavy (up to 600 kg) handsome forest man is capable of developing such a high speed. But it is so! On the plain, Moose run fast, which may be why predators are not always “too tough”. They defend themselves with blows of their front legs, and even bears are afraid to attack Moose on open area- only among trees or bushes, where Moose are limited in movement.

They live in the forests of the Northern Hemisphere, less often in the forest-tundra and forest-steppe. In total, about one and a half million individuals live on earth, only in Russia alone there are 730,000. Moose are quite tall, and their strongly elongated legs do not make it easy to drink water. They have to go deeper into the reservoir or kneel to get drunk. Males grow large horns, with a span of up to 180 cm and a weight of up to 30 kg. In summer, due to the heat, they are nocturnal. feed on plant food, lichens and mushrooms, and in winter they bite tree branches.

In 6th place - Thomson's Gazelle - up to 80 km / h

Gazelle is the most delicious prey fast cheetahs, but they can rarely catch up with her due to high jumps while running. Although after 4-6 km of constant running, the Gazelle gets very tired and at this time the cheetahs still easily attack. Gazelles live in the steppes of Kenya and Tanzania.

They live in herds of several hundreds or thousands of individuals, consisting either only of females, or only of males. But there are also single males. They feed mainly on grasses, but can also eat tree shoots. The mass of large males reaches only 35 kg.

5th place goes to Leo - 80 km / h

These strong kings of nature are very mobile animals and at a distance of 20 meters they develop the highest speed. The mass of some males reaches 250 kg. In captivity, Lions reach large sizes, because. there is no need to run after prey in a cage. In nature, they live up to 14 years, and next to a person up to 20.

White lions are found in national parks. These are not albinos, just such a subspecies of Lions. Differing from other cats, they live not alone, but in families - prides. They eat, of course, animal food. They hunt at night, sneaking up to prey at a distance of up to 30 meters, surround and attack. Sometimes they attack a person and then become cannibals, trying to kill a person more often.

4th place - Gazelle Grant - 85 km / h

Can run at a constant speed for a long time without getting tired, weighing up to 65 kg. Live in open plains East Africa, avoiding tall vegetation where they can't see the predators in time.

They easily survive where there is almost no water, only on one, even sparse vegetation. They move in herds, but some males prefer a permanent territory. In some areas, the Gazelle is completely destroyed, but in others it is quite common.

Third place goes to Pronghorn - 89 km/h

Although the normal speed of this pronghorn antelope ranges from 60 to 70 km/h, but the maximum speed has been fixed at 89. Therefore, it can easily run away from any predator, because it does not need to rest. A beautiful, slender animal reaches a mass of 60 kg. They live in the steppes North America from Canada to Mexico.

In autumn and winter they gather in herds with a leader, and in summer they are divided into pairs up to next winter. Old males usually live alone. They feed on grassy food: ordinary and poisonous plants, cacti. They drink little, therefore, if there is little water, they survive on herbs.

2nd place belongs to the Jaguar - 93 km / h

A beautiful, spotted cat cannot boast of endurance, and it can develop such a high speed only at short distances. If the victim notices the Jaguar at a great distance and runs away, then the predator does not even try to catch it, because it will run out of steam in a few minutes.

It attacks only if it manages to get very close. Lives in North and South America. In mass, the Jaguar reaches 113 kg. They live alone on their territory up to 50 square meters. km. They hunt small animals at dusk, they can eat a snake, a turtle, they catch fish. They prefer not to attack ungulates.

And we rightfully give the first place to the Cheetah - 120 km / h

The fastest land animal, the Cheetah, usually reaches speeds of up to 98 km/h and can run up to 400 m on level ground. But catching up with prey can develop in 3 seconds. maximum speed up to 120 km/h, it is almost 2 times more speed their victims. But he can't run long distances.

The mass of an adult male reaches 65 kg. During the day they hunt medium-sized ungulates: gazelles, wildebeest calves, as well as hares or ostriches. They catch up with prey by jumping 6-8 meters. They do not attack from ambush, because where they live there are simply no places to hide. Lives in Africa and the Middle East.

I would like to dwell on the fastest animals in the water and in the air. What place do they occupy among their own? Of course the first!

The fastest marine animal -, speeds up to 130 km / h

Research has shown that fish have oil in their jaws that they release into the water. Spreading around the head, the oil reduces friction against the water.

There is another fast marine animal with the same speed - Black marlin.

Who is the fastest bird? The handsome Peregrine Falcon, accelerating for prey and diving, is able to accelerate to 390 km / h

When struck with claws at such a speed, it can tear off the head of prey.

We showed photos and descriptions of the fastest animals on the planet. There are others, but we will not dwell on them today. Liked the article? Share information with friends. In the meantime, we say goodbye to the next entertaining articles.

What is the strongest animal in the world? You can immediately think of an elephant, because it is the largest creature on Earth after the blue whale, but is the elephant the strongest on the planet? Does the strength of an animal depend on its size and weight? How to determine who in the animal kingdom is the strongest? Read the article and you will know everything.

The strongest animal in the world

It doesn't have to be a big animal at all. To rank the strongest animals in the world, you need to take into account the ratio of their body weight to the weight that they can lift, because some of these living creatures are only 1 mm in length. The abilities of some representatives of the fauna are simply amazing.

Animal Rating

Based on the above criterion, this rating of the strongest animals of the Earth was compiled.

The grizzly bear is considered the largest of all bear species. Its height can reach four meters, and it can weigh up to seven hundred kilograms.

The grizzly lifts a weight equal to its own weight. It is known for its power and is very dangerous to humans. Such a bear can open a car with its claws, like a can of canned food.

  • Elephant

Of course, there is an elephant in the ranking of the most powerful animals on Earth. He is not only one of the largest animals, but also one of the strongest. Its weight can be up to seven tons, and the length of the body up to eight meters. An elephant picks up objects with its trunk. The trunk is a unique muscular organ. And the weight that an elephant can lift with its trunk is one and a half times the weight of an elephant. An elephant can easily lift a car with its trunk or uproot a tree. The maximum speed of an elephant is forty-five kilometers per hour. The elephant is very stable, it is almost impossible to knock it down, only if it is attacked by several predators at once.

In India, elephants are used to carry large loads.

  • Tiger

The tiger is the strongest member of the cat family. It can reach very serious sizes: growth up to three and a half meters, and weight up to three hundred kg. When hunting, the tiger can run at speeds up to sixty km/h, making it one of the fastest animals.

A tiger can lift twice its own weight.

Tigers are listed in the Red Book and hunting for them is prohibited throughout the world.

  • African crowned eagle

Among birds, the African crowned eagle is the most powerful bird. Its wingspan reaches two meters.

An eagle can carry up to four times its body weight. It can be quite a large animal. These eagles also hunt even larger animals, but in this case they work in pairs, and after the hunt they tear the prey into pieces that they can carry away.

This is the strongest representative of the order of primates. The growth of a gorilla can be up to two meters in height, and weight - two hundred and fifty kilograms. Muscular gorillas are capable of lifting ten times their body weight. A gorilla can even win a fight with a tiger. Gorillas have very strong forelimbs due to the fact that they mainly rely on them when walking.

  • Crocodile

Among the order of reptiles, crocodiles are the most powerful animals. They reach four meters in length. Crocodiles have very developed jaws that can bite a large animal. Jaw pressure during a bite can be more than two tons per square inch. The crocodile is capable of speeds on land up to seventeen kilometers per hour.

  • leaf cutter ant

These ants are often called mushroom growing ants because they process the leaves, which then become the basis for growing mushrooms. And mushrooms subsequently are the main food of these ants.

Ants are generally considered the most hardworking and strong among insects.

Ants are, on average, capable of lifting and moving objects weighing twenty times the weight of an ant. And a leaf-cutter ant can lift and carry fifty times its own weight.

  • dung beetle

This is a small beetle about two centimeters long, which can easily lift and carry a thousand times more than it weighs. This beetle feeds mainly on manure, for which it received its name. He rolls balls weighing up to 50 grams, although he himself weighs no more than two grams. The dung beetle drags its ball into its hole to a depth of one and a half meters, and so about twice a day.

Their habitat is soil. Shell mites are completely invisible to the naked eye, but these microscopic creatures can lift a thousand times their own weight. These mites are very useful and play an important role in soil formation.

  • copepod

In the ranking of the most powerful animals on the planet, you can rightfully assign the first place to the copepod. This is an inhabitant of the deep sea, its size does not exceed one centimeter. Horsepods reach speeds of up to six kilometers per hour, which is five hundred times their size. Therefore, the copepod can be attributed to the fastest creatures in the world.

Why does such a tiny crustacean need such strength? It's simple - with such a tiny size it is very difficult to resist everyone who wants to profit from plankton. Therefore, such strength allows the copepod to quickly develop speed and run away from those trying to eat it. This system of escape from a predator has allowed this crustacean to develop a population to a huge size. The copepod is considered the most numerous creature on the planet.


The animal world is very rich and multifaceted, and each creature in it is endowed with certain capabilities and qualities. Someone is considered the fastest, someone is the biggest, and someone is the strongest, as can be seen from the above rating. The size of an animal does not always mean its undeniable strength.

Most predatory beast

If you ask someone which animal on earth is the most predatory, then most likely the answer will be as follows: a lion, a tiger, a leopard, a wolf, that is, any large predator. However, these predators rarely eat and gorge themselves for a long time. For example, a lion needs 20 kilograms of meat to eat its fill. And this food is digested for a very long time, as predators swallow meat in pieces without chewing it. Therefore, the lion does not eat so often - 2-3 times a week.

When they say about large predators that they are "vicious", "fierce" or "bloodthirsty", this is not entirely fair. The duels that occur from time to time between predators rarely end in the death of the weakest, since the winner does not seek to finish off the enemy and does not pursue him.

But there is a predatory beast, well known to all of us, whose pugnacity any large predator could “envy”. This beast is common mole. If intersect underground passages two moles and their owners meet, then the duel must necessarily end in the death of one of them. There will be no mercy for the vanquished.

But that is not all. It turns out that this little predator He eats as much per day as he weighs. The mole hunts day and night. Its prey is earthworms, larvae, beetles.

The most ferocious predator is not a lion or a tiger, but a tuna fish. She attacks the joints with violent fury and tears apart ten times more fish than can eat.

However, the shrew is famous for even greater voracity. She eats 4 times more per day than she weighs herself. The most voracious creatures on earth should include the dragonfly. According to the observations of scientists, she can swallow forty house flies whole within two hours.

As for the most dangerous representative of the fauna for humans, this is not a lion, not a crocodile, and not even a shark, but a mosquito. Twice as many people die every year from its bites than from all predators combined.

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