Arachnid bites. Poisonous spiders and their bites: what to do, how to protect yourself. What to do if bitten by a spider

A house spider bite is a phenomenon that affects more than 10,000 people every year. Although spider bites are fatal in some cases, depending on the geographic distribution of the arthropod, they are generally benign and harmless.

There are three types of lesions:

  1. Local. The reaction occurs at the site of the bite.
  2. System. The reactions affect several human systems or organs due to the specific action of the spider's venom.
  3. Allergic. Observed in people with individual allergic reactions to a house spider bite.

Local reactions usually develop on the skin and do not pose a mortal threat to humans, and the last two can affect human health and lead to fatal outcome.

Who are spiders?

A spider is an arthropod insect belonging to the class of arachnids. Modern science has more than 40,000 varieties. Almost all are predators and feed various types fauna (from midges to small birds).

The territory, which previously included all countries of the USSR, is inhabited by more than 3,000 species of arthropods. How can you tell which spiders bite and which don't?

Remember! All arthropods bite.

Spiders weave webs to catch their prey. Some types of spider webs are used to produce silk. When food falls into the trap, the arthropod hunter releases poison into the body. Almost all species are poisonous, but differ in the strength and nature of the poisonous substance, as well as the power of the bite. Small individuals cannot bite through human skin and are included in the “non-dangerous” group, while others easily allow toxic substances into the body. How a spider bites depends on the type and size of the insect. Almost all patients report sharp pain like a pin prick.

Scientists divide spider poisonous substances into two types:

  1. Necrotic.
  2. Neurotoxic.

The first has an effect on blood cells and the epidermis, causing necrosis in various locations. The second type is the most common, since the main goal of the predator is to immobilize the prey, causing dysfunction of the central nervous system.

Why does a spider bite?

Do spiders just bite? They usually don't attack first. A spider bites a person because it senses a potential threat to the animal. If it falls on clothing or skin, carefully blow it off the surface. Do not swing or hit the animal under any circumstances; it perceives this as a threat on a biological level.

Local reactions are expressed by external symptoms. After a bite, a typical lesion is characterized by fang marks (leaving 1-2 separate entrances). Within a few minutes, local inflammation occurs, resulting in a bright red spot followed by induration. Sometimes this may be accompanied by the formation of new red plaques around. Localized swelling usually lasts 7-10 days.

In some cases, a more severe reaction called necrotizing local reactions can occur due to bites from certain species. In such cases, a bubble occurs, followed by the formation of an ulcer with a crater. Wound healing takes several weeks to form a scar.

Systemic reactions are internal inflammatory processes. Sometimes during bites, venom components can be introduced into the body in sufficient quantities to damage several systems. When this happens, most of the venom passes through the circulating lymph. Thus, nonspecific generalized systemic inflammation may occur, leading to symptoms such as:

  • fever;
  • muscle pain;
  • fatigue;
  • enlarged nodes.

Some types of arthropod predators cause blood clotting disorders.

Other systemic effects are characteristic of venoms produced by specific species, for example: the bite of the brown recluse spider ( Loxosceles reclusa) can cause serious red blood cell disorders. The notorious black widow spider (Latrodectus sp) can cause a syndrome characterized by severe muscle spasms, nausea and vomiting, rarely fatal.

Besides specific syndromes, the most dangerous is an allergic reaction either due to a direct bite or contact with spider hair. This happens in tarantulas. Symptoms can range from mild to anaphylactic reactions. The latter can be life-threatening and is considered a medical emergency.

What do spider bites look like?

Spider bites are different and have their own specific appearance. What to do if you are bitten by a spider at home, on the street or in the forest:

  1. Determine the type of individual.
  2. Treat the bite site.
  3. Go to the hospital.

Each arthropod has its own characteristic bite. Let's look at what a spider bite actually looks like below.


The bite of the cross spider is almost harmless, except for the feeling of discomfort in the affected area. The poison used by the predator is low in concentration and is not capable of paralyzing or killing a person. A spider bite looks like a spot white, edged with a red ring.

The first symptoms are:

  • burning at the site of injury;
  • aching joints;
  • slight dizziness.

The human body removes toxic substances within 24-48 hours, after which the symptoms disappear, leaving a slight swelling at the site of the bite.


Tarantula bites are only dangerous for people with allergies. They experience:

  • high fever;
  • local swelling;
  • strong pain;
  • numbness;
  • rash.

When a spider bites, a small wound with a diameter of 2-3 mm occurs. A tubercle appears due to the accumulation of poison under the skin. Bleeding from the wound and crusting, characteristic of other species, are not observed.


If you are bitten by a recluse spider, the symptoms practically do not bother you for the first 5-6 hours, then the following arise:

  • severe pain at the site of the bite;
  • headache;
  • nausea.

Hermit venom is very dangerous because it causes tissue necrosis. The skin turns red and over time a bubble appears, which bursts and characteristic ulcers form, developing into a gangrenous scab.

House spider

A house spider bite looks like two small red spots. This type is safe and does not cause serious consequences. If bitten house spider, you need to apply a cold compress. If swelling and redness occur, take an antihistamine (according to the instructions). In most cases, symptoms of a spider bite go away within a few hours and do not require calling a doctor or hospitalization.


The concentration of venom is very low, so a tarantula bite does not cause serious harm to humans. the main task tarantula paralyze the victim. The lesion appears as two small bleeding spots with some redness around it.


A karakurt bite looks like two inflamed small bumps against the background of a red spot with a diameter of 5-10 mm. Infection with karakurt poison, without timely treatment, causes:

  • high temperature;
  • convulsions;
  • rash on the body;
  • fear;
  • psychological abnormalities (nervousness, screaming);
  • hallucinations.

There are reported cases of death.

It is worth noting that it is similar to a spider in appearance, and according to symptoms. Scientists single out the red fire ant because its bite is fatal in most cases, provided there is an allergy.

How is a spider bite diagnosed?

If a spider is noticed during a bite, it must be preserved and sent to a specialist for identification. If systemic reactions develop, basic studies can be carried out, which include:

  • general blood analysis;
  • examination of liver and kidney function;
  • study of blood electrolytes;

Other diagnoses such as vascular inflammation, infection, allergic reaction other than spider venom, anxiety and panic attack should be excluded.

Spider bite forecast

Despite being a hoax in movies and medicine, spider bites are usually benign. Although skin necrosis can occur and have significant consequences, it rarely causes death. The mortality rate caused by black widow bites is less than 1%. Anaphylaxis is always life-threatening, but it is very rare.

How is a bite treated?

What to do if you get a spider bite? Treatment is carried out symptomatically. Below are various options treatment depending on the types of reactions.

Local reactions

First aid for a spider bite is to clean the injury with soap and water, apply dry ice to reduce swelling, and monitor the patient for a period of time for signs of systemic reactions. Immobilizing the bite site (for example, splinting the affected limb) slows the lymphatic spread of the venom. In addition, a tetanus shot may be given. Necrotic lesions are treated with surgery removing dead tissue, painkillers, sterile dressing, rest.

Systemic reactions

Includes treatment of target organ damage:

  • maintaining adequate fluid status;
  • blood transfusion with extensive breakdown of blood cells;
  • pain relief;
  • injections of calcium gluconate to relieve intoxication.

Allergic reactions

Treatment, as for any other type I hypersensitivity reaction, includes:

  • antihistamines;
  • steroids;
  • adrenaline for life-threatening reactions such as angioedema and anaphylaxis.

Muscle spasms

Treated with an antivenom that targets specific spider bites. Side effects from such therapy include fever, joint pain, muscle pain, swollen lymph nodes and the development of skin rashes.

What to do if you are bitten by a spider while hiking. Providing first aid for a spider bite, what should be in the first aid kit. Features of bites different types spiders

Before providing assistance to a spider bite, it is important to make sure that the victim has encountered an attack from an arachnid. First aid for a spider bite depends on its type.

What not to do if bitten by a spider

  1. Apply a tourniquet to the limb that was bitten by the spider. Metabolism is already disrupted in the affected tissues. Squeezing will speed up the process of intoxication of the body.
  2. Make cuts around the wound. This promotes infection.
  3. Cauterize the bite, except if first aid is provided for a karakurt spider bite.
  4. Leave the victim alone even for a short time.

Help with a spider bite: what should be in the first aid kit

If a person is bitten by a spider, regardless of the type of arthropod, it is required treating the wound with an antiseptic: alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or an unconcentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

If you don't know what to do if you are bitten by a spider because you don't know its name, take an antihistamine. The drug will help to avoid unpredictable consequences from an allergic reaction and must be present even in a minimal tourist’s first aid kit. As an example:

  • cetirizine;
  • diazolin;
  • suprastin.

If a non-venomous spider bite occurs, treatment may be limited to eliminating local inflammation with ointments:

  • prednisolone;
  • kremgen.

Symptoms of a spider bite

A spider bite can be distinguished from a harmless insect bite or shallow scratch by the following symptoms:

  1. forms at the injection site White spot (a couple of centimeters in diameter) with a pink or red border;
  2. within 15 minutes after a person is bitten by a spider, the first symptoms appear, which rapidly intensify:

    Feeling pain and aches in muscles throughout the body;
    - the victim sweats profusely, the face becomes red and swollen.

First aid for a spider bite

What to do if you are bitten by a spider whose species is unknown? Firstly, the bite site is washed soapy water and treated with antiseptic agents. First aid for a spider bite is to: limb is fixed to slow down the spread of poison.

A thick bandage is applied above the place where the spider bit. It should not interfere with blood flow. If possible, apply to the affected area cold compress from ice, a chilled bottle or metal.

Mandatory assistance for a spider bite also includes active watering of the victim. A large number of liquid promotes the rapid elimination of toxins. To avoid allergic shock antihistamines are given.

Even if you are confident in what to do if you are bitten by a spider, this does not diminish the possible risk to the life of the victim. First aid for a spider bite is aimed at inhibiting intoxication of the body before the person is delivered to the nearest medical center.

What to do if you are bitten by a spider, depending on its type

Brown recluse spider bite It is dangerous because it is not felt during the first hours. Lumps or one large tumor form on the affected area, and the skin is very itchy. If in the first two days it does not turn out health care, then rapid death of living tissue occurs.

It is forbidden to expose the recluse spider to a bite high temperatures or try to suck out the poison. First aid for a spider bite is provided according to the standard procedure. Any physical activity is contraindicated. If the situation allows, the bite site is placed above the level of the heart.

Bite yellow spider Sak manifests itself more quickly than in the case of a hermit. The injection site also needs to be cooled, if necessary, the person should be given pain relief and taken to the hospital as soon as possible. medical institution. It is forbidden to cut the bite of a yellow spider in an attempt to remove the poison yourself.

Despite the repulsive appearance that the arthropod has, Phalanx spider bite not fatal to humans. The main thing is to quickly wash the wound and disinfect it. The affected area will be very painful and there will be redness. The phalanx spider bite is covered with a sterile bandage, which is changed every day.

What to do if you are bitten by a black widow spider

Attention! First aid for a karakurt spider bite is most effective in the first moments after the incident. If after a person was bitten by a spider, no more than two minutes, cauterization is carried out. If this time has been missed, this cannot be done.

Cauterization is performed using three matches, which are put together, set on fire and applied to the bite, or two matches are applied to the bite site and the third is set on fire. You can also burn the bite with a cigarette. The protein structure of the poison, located under the skin, is destroyed by heat.

Knowing what to do when bitten by a karakurt spider is extremely important, since first aid in this case plays a decisive role in the fight for a person’s life. Hot drinks are given in small quantities; in the presence of severe pain, an anesthetic is injected (1 ml of diphenhydramine and 2 ml of analgin).

Meetings with dangerous poisonous spiders usually occur in nature: in the country, in the forest, and even in the park. Children are at risk, especially younger age. Having seen a spider, an inquisitive child may want to touch it or pick it up. The arthropod perceives such actions as a threat and bites.

A spider can bite a child even at home. Non-venomous spiders live in the house; their bite is not particularly dangerous. If the house is located in the habitat of poisonous spiders (for example, karakurt), then the arthropod can easily enter the home. Spiders can migrate, so poisonous specimens are often found in uncharacteristic environments.


After a spider bite, you can observe various symptoms. It all depends on the type of arthropod and the individual characteristics of the child’s immune system. Children, unlike adults, usually feel a bite, since their pain threshold is weaker. The skin puncture made by a spider feels like a needle prick. A white spot surrounded by a pink halo forms at the site of the bite. A pinpoint wound can itch, burn, and sometimes hurt. In children, the reaction to spider bites is usually pronounced: the bite site itches, a rash appears around, and allergic reactions often develop. If the spider is non-venomous, then only local symptoms appear, which after a couple of hours either weaken or disappear completely.

A poisonous spider bite can be identified by a number of characteristic features. The clinical picture is complemented by the following symptoms:

  • severe muscle pain;
  • muscle cramps;
  • purple dots or blisters at the site of the bite;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased sweating;
  • signs of body intoxication ( elevated temperature, headache, general weakness).

Diagnosis of a spider bite in a child

A spider bite can only be accurately determined at the moment of the bite itself. Subsequently, diagnosis is carried out on the basis of complaints, clinical manifestations and differentiation with other conditions (for example, bites of various insects). Important role Determining the type of poison plays a role in diagnosing a poisonous spider bite. If a spider has bitten a child in front of the parents, then to facilitate subsequent diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy, it is necessary to pay attention to characteristics arthropod.


The most common consequences of a spider bite in children include allergic reactions. Against the background of an allergy, Quincke's edema, an attack of suffocation and other unpleasant symptoms can occur. Also common complications include secondary wound infection. If parents react to the bite in time, this can be avoided.

Bites from dangerous poisonous spiders are rare. However, if this happens, the consequences can be the most unpredictable: from a malfunction of various organs to death.


What can you do

The bite of even a non-venomous spider can be dangerous due to secondary infection, so the wound must be thoroughly washed (with soap and water) and treated to avoid infection. You should apply a cold compress to the bite site, which will relieve pain and reduce swelling. If parents are sure that the spider was not dangerous, then they do not need to go to the hospital right away (however, this requires complete confidence). After treating the bite site, you need to monitor the child throughout the day: local symptoms of bites non-venomous spiders disappear quickly, signs of intoxication do not appear.

Treatment for a poisonous spider bite is carried out in a hospital. If you suspect such a bite, you must call an ambulance and provide first aid to the child before the doctor arrives. It is as follows:

  • the affected area is thoroughly washed, treated and ice is placed on it;
  • A tight bandage is applied above the wound;
  • Give the child plenty of water to drink to remove toxic substances naturally.

If a spider bites small child, it is recommended to call a doctor immediately. In young children, reactions to bites from even spiders classified as harmless can be unpredictable. In addition, there is a high probability of developing an allergic reaction with all the consequences - from dermatoses to Quincke's edema.

What does a doctor do

When a spider bites, the doctor prescribes therapy depending on the clinical picture and intensity of symptoms. The patient's age is also taken into account. The doctor may prescribe:

  • antihistamines;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • infusion therapy;
  • analeptics;
  • cardiac drugs;
  • antipyretics;
  • local ointments.

Bites from some poisonous spiders (for example, karakurt) require the administration of an antidote. After the serum neutralizes the poison, treatment is carried out aimed at relieving residual symptoms and restoring the body.


Prevention of spider bites in children is the responsibility of parents. Particular caution should be exercised while being in nature. Necessary:

  • make sure that the child does not touch spiders with his hands;
  • choose the right place for a picnic;
  • shake children's clothes and shoes before dressing the child outside.

Parents should have conversations with older children, explaining why spiders should not be touched. You need to look after your child when you visit a place where “ pet“There lives a tarantula spider (today this is a common phenomenon). Prevention of complications arising after arthropod bites involves proper first aid and timely consultation with a doctor.

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Arm yourself with knowledge and read a useful informative article about spider bite disease in children. After all, being parents means studying everything that will help maintain the degree of health in the family at around “36.6”.

Find out what can cause the disease and how to recognize it in a timely manner. Find information about the signs that can help you identify illness. And what tests will help identify the disease and make a correct diagnosis.

In the article you will read everything about methods of treating a disease such as spider bites in children. Find out what effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose medications or traditional methods?

You will also learn how untimely treatment of a spider bite in children can be dangerous, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent spider bites in children and prevent complications.

A caring parents will be found on the service pages full information about the symptoms of spider bite disease in children. How do the signs of the disease in children aged 1, 2 and 3 differ from the manifestations of the disease in children aged 4, 5, 6 and 7? What is the best way to treat spider bite disease in children?

Take care of the health of your loved ones and stay in good shape!

In nature, people face many dangers. If we're talking about spring-summer period, then, first of all, we mean insect bites. And although most spiders do not pose a particular threat to humans, among them there are species that can cause tourists, outdoor enthusiasts or gardeners a lot of unpleasant moments. Let's talk about how you can get rid of itching and redness, as well as what types of arthropod insects are the most dangerous. These tips will become instructions for action.

The most ancient inhabitants of the Earth

Archaeologists claim that spiders inhabited our planet 400 million years ago. During this time, nature has replenished with 40 thousand species of predatory arthropods. Only a few of them pose a real danger to humans. This is despite the fact that they are all venomous, the fangs of most species are so tiny and fragile that they cannot cope with the thick human skin. In addition, the degree of toxicity of the poison may vary from species to species. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Spider identification

To determine if you need urgent Care When bitten by a spider, you first need to identify the species. Save the insect even if you crush it.

Preventing Infection

If the arthropod manages to escape, disinfect the bite with alcohol or wash the affected area with soap and water at room temperature. At the first stage, your main task is to prevent infection.

How to relieve pain and swelling?

A proven remedy - ice pack - will help reduce pain and inflammation. If these measures are ineffective, take a painkiller.

Observation of the bite

The next day will be decisive for determining the severity of intoxication. If symptoms worsen (fever, increased redness, or swelling), a visit to a poison control center is recommended. Well, if the swelling subsides and the pain decreases, your body will cope perfectly with intoxication without the intervention of a doctor.
Currently, scientists have been able to study the venom of only a few species of spiders. For example, a brown spider bite can cause tissue necrosis. The same can be said about some types of house spiders. The poisonous secretions of karakurts are less dangerous; they have a neurotoxic effect, which is characterized by a violation of neuromuscular communication.

Severe symptoms requiring medical attention

Unfortunately, even non-dangerous types of spiders can cause people a lot of unpleasant moments. This happens if the “victim” is prone to allergic reactions. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance if the victim experiences the following symptoms: nausea, weakness, profuse sweating, difficulty breathing (lump in the throat), muscle spasms.

Habitats of the most dangerous species

So, we found out that contact with some types of house spiders, brown recluse spiders and karakurt is potentially dangerous to humans. The female karakurt is also called the black widow. This species of arthropod lives in many areas of Central and North America, preferring warm climate. Some animal lovers enjoy collecting spiders, unaware of the danger that awaits them. If arthropods are uninvited guests in the house, they usually hide in dark, dry places, for example, in a closet, pantry, under a bathtub, in a shed, in woodpiles with firewood, in crevices in the ground and in last year's dry leaves. It is worth noting that a spider bite cannot be considered an attack. With this measure, arthropods seek to defend themselves from human attack.

The most dangerous species: black widow

If you are not a spider collector, you can meet a black widow on a trip to North America. This formidable monster cannot be confused with anything. The female karakurt has a relatively big sizes(up to 20 millimeters in length) and a shiny black body, on which bright red hourglass-shaped spots clearly appear. If a person has been bitten by a black widow, a mark similar to a pin prick appears on the affected area of ​​the body.
The bite site immediately turns red and swells. Over the next hours, the victim may feel stiffness in movements and increasing pain (including in the abdomen). Sometimes when a black widow is bitten, you may experience nausea, fever, or chills. If the victim is an adult, the bite of a female karakurt is not critical. There are proven medications to relieve symptoms.

The most dangerous species: brown recluse spiders

This species also mostly inhabits North America, however, it also occurs in the south of Russia. The appearance of these spiders is not as spectacular as that of the black widow. However, encountering these arthropods is much more dangerous. The body and limbs of the recluse spider have a variety of shades Brown. There is a clearly visible spot on the back, the outline resembling a violin. The limbs of the brown spider are long and thin. The symptoms of the bite are pronounced. First, the victim experiences a burning sensation, which gradually transforms into severe pain.
Within eight hours after contact with the fangs of a recluse spider, a huge watery blister appears on the affected area. Then the bite site is covered by an ulcer, under which decaying tissue is clearly visible. The tissue around the bite site takes on a characteristic red-blue color. Tissue necrosis is accompanied by fever, nausea and rash. Fortunately, the effects of karakurt poison do not spread throughout the body so rapidly, so the bite is not fatal for victims. Necrosis and metastases are removed surgically, leaving scars on the affected area.

Emergency help

Before the ambulance team arrives, the victim must be placed in a comfortable position, eliminating activity. This is necessary so that the poison does not penetrate the blood. The wound should be washed or treated, then a cold compress or ice cubes should be used.
As you already know, this measure prevents an increase in pain intensity and somewhat relieves swelling. To prevent the spread of poison, a tourniquet or elastic bandage must be applied over the bite area (if the limbs are affected). It is necessary to ensure that the bandage does not restrict blood circulation in the problem area.

Sydney leukoweb spider

Australia is home to one of the most aggressive species of arthropods - the Sydney leukoweb spider, which in appearance resembles a glossy tarantula. This species loves the humid environment of the tropics and is very dangerous to humans. Therefore, after contact with a representative of the species, you should not hesitate for a minute; you should contact a poison control center. This is due to the fact that the influence of the poison is spreading at a rapid pace. Despite the fact that the bite of the Sydney leucoweb spider is painful, there are no obvious symptoms on the body in the form of blisters and redness.
Instead, the victim’s face suffers from convulsions, profuse sweating appears, and tingling around the mouth is noted. The antidote can only be found at a poison control center, so the patient must be taken to medical attention as soon as possible.

Until this point, experts recommend applying a splint to the bite site and bandaging the limb with an elastic bandage. This is necessary in order to prevent the poison from spreading throughout the body.

In the spring, when you go to the country, do a thorough cleaning of the house. If clothes for gardening or hiking have been left in the closets, the items must be shaken before use. Do not work in basements or attics without thick gloves. Wear socks under your shoes and tuck your trouser legs inside. This will prevent spiders from coming into contact with your skin. Monitor the ventilation in the house, in in case of emergency Use insect repellent sprays.

Dr. Euna Chi, specialist in internal and preventive medicine

Dr. Euna Chi- American specialist in the field of internal and preventive medicine, graduate of the School of Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Consultant for popular online publications.

Dr. Chi's areas of professional interest include travel medicine, chronic pain management, and women's health.

Spider bites can be not only painful, but also deadly. Often it is even difficult for a person to determine whether he has been bitten. But, fortunately for us, among the tens of thousands of species of these arthropods, only a few threaten humans, and with timely measures taken As a rule, everything works out well.

Spiders can wait for us anywhere, especially during trips to unfamiliar warm regions, excursions or the traditional “rest on a hacienda.” In our article today, Dr. Chi will talk about a rare but very serious summer threat.

- Doctor Chi, why do spiders bite people?

- Spider bites occur much less often than we talk about them. Spiders are not blood-sucking insects, and therefore do not need us for food.

The chelicerae (“fangs”) of most arachnids are not able to bite through our skin even in the most sensitive places. Rarely does any species have a venom so toxic as to harm, much less kill, an adult.

The only reason spiders attack humans is self-defense.

If the spider is scared or feels trapped, it may attack. Moreover, arthropods can consider even a shoe or pocket into which they themselves have climbed a trap.

You can “surprise” a spider if you quickly place your hand or foot on the territory where it lives. And then you will be lucky if your hand was in a glove and your foot was in a boot.

- Are spider bites poisonous?

- All spiders use venom to kill their victims. So yes, spider bites are poisonous. But, as we have already said, their poison is usually harmless for people: hunting weapon Spiders are evolutionarily designed for smaller prey, fortunately for us.

However, there are several species of spiders that produce venom strong enough for humans. Among the most dangerous species black widow, recluse spider.

Although the statistics of these spider bites may frighten the uninitiated, in reality such incidents are very rare.

- How does a spider bite manifest itself, what should you pay attention to?

- The bites of poisonous spiders have few specific signs characteristic only of them. They are very similar to other insect bites.

Swelling, burning and itching may occur around the bite site. Sometimes there is an unusual numbness and tingling sensation around the wound.

Symptoms of a spider bite can be more or less severe, depending on the type of offending spider and your individual sensitivity.

Symptoms of a poisonous spider bite often include muscle spasms, joint stiffness and pain, intense pain in the wound area, chills and fever, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes the bite site may ulcerate.

IN in rare cases, with increased sensitivity, anaphylactic shock is possible: severe itching and redness, rash, swelling of the tongue and respiratory tract, difficulty breathing, falling blood pressure, loss of consciousness.

This condition is life-threatening for the victim. If you observe signs of anaphylactic shock in a person who has been bitten, take them to the hospital immediately. Severe allergic reactions must be treated quickly.

If you are unsure whether a spider was poisonous, it is still worth contacting a doctor to be sure. Correct diagnosis and timely treatment will help you get back on your feet faster.

- What else can a spider bite be confused with?

- Good question: misdiagnosis in this matter is not uncommon.

One recent study conducted in our country revealed that in many states the proportion of such errors reaches tens of percent, and overly vigilant colleagues sometimes diagnose a poisonous spider bite in places where they have never been found.

Particularly striking is the data collected in the United States over 3.5 years on recluse spider bites: out of 216 diagnosed cases, only 35 were confirmed! This is less than ten cases a year for a huge country - the scale of the problem is clearly exaggerated.

Ordinary people, and doctors too, sometimes perceive the presence of a focus of necrosis (dead tissue) as confirmation of a poisonous spider bite. In fact, there are many causes of tissue necrosis: herpes zoster, Lyme disease, MRSA infection, reactions to certain plants (such as poison ivy), etc.

- How to treat spider bites, what first aid to provide?

- When you are bitten by a spider, you must first prevent infection and help the wound heal faster. You should not scratch the wound because there is a risk of infection. Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics.

Immediately after the bite, the skin should be washed with soap and water, after which a cold compress or ice pack may be applied to reduce swelling and soreness.

You can relieve pain with over-the-counter medications from your home medicine cabinet, such as ibuprofen; Paracetamol is less suitable. To block an allergic reaction, you need to take antihistamines as soon as possible.

Avoid physical activity, because sudden movements will cause the poison to spread throughout the body faster. For the same reason, try not to raise the affected limb above the level of the heart.

If a day has passed since the bite and the symptoms do not subside or, even worse, worsen, contact your doctor immediately!

- Among the so-called folk remedies for spider bites you can try baking soda and ordinary potatoes.

Some people advise quickly preparing a thick paste of baking soda and water, which is applied to the bite site. Wait 5 minutes and rinse off any remaining paste with clean running water. If necessary, repeat the procedure at intervals of a couple of hours.

In general, there are many folk remedies, but I am a supporter of official medicine.

- Finally, how can you avoid spider bites in the summer?

- During the hot season, we are constantly in contact with nature, so no one is immune from surprises.

To protect yourself and your loved ones, follow three simple rules:

Wear closed clothing, shoes and socks when walking in the forest and steppe
Zip up your tents at night; check your things, backpacks, boxes
Don't play around and tease spiders you accidentally meet

Dmitry Levchenko

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