Lesson summary “Genetic relationship between the main classes of organic compounds. Problem solving»

In the school course of organic chemistry, the study of the genetic relationship between substances plays a significant role. Indeed, the course is based on the idea of ​​the development of substances as steps in the organization of matter. This idea is also implemented in the content of the course, where the material is arranged in order of complexity from the simplest hydrocarbons to proteins.

The transition from one class of organic substances to another is closely related to the fundamental concepts of chemistry -- chemical element, chemical reaction, homology, isomerism, variety of substances and their classification. For example, in the genetic chain of transformations of methane - acetylene - acetic aldehyde, similar - the preservation of the element carbon in all substances - and different - forms of the existence of this element can be traced. chemical reactions specify the theoretical provisions of the course, and many of them are important in practical terms. Therefore, often genetic transitions between substances are considered not only with the help of reaction equations, but are carried out and, in practice, that is, the theory is connected with practice. Therefore, knowledge about the genetic relationship between substances is also necessary for the polytechnic education of students. When studying the genetic relationship between substances, the unity of nature, the interconnection of its phenomena, is revealed to students. So, inorganic compounds can also be included in the process of transformation of organic substances. This example reflects the intra-subject connection of the chemistry course. In addition, the chain of these transitions is part of a more general one - the phenomenon of the circulation of substances in nature. Therefore, each reaction studied in the course of chemistry acts as a separate link in the entire chain of transformations. In this case, it turns out not only the method of obtaining the product, but also the conditions for the reaction (the use of information from physics and mathematics), the location of raw materials and factories (connection with geography), etc. There is also a problem - to foresee further fate obtained substances and their decay products, their influence on surrounding a person Wednesday. Thus, a number of information from other school subjects is applied and generalized in the material on genetic transitions.

The role of knowledge about the genetic connection between substances is also great in the formation of the dialectical-materialistic worldview of students. Revealing how inorganic substances the simplest hydrocarbons and other organic compounds were formed, as the complication of their composition and structure led to the formation of proteins that initiated life, we thereby reinforce the materialistic theory of the origin of life on Earth with examples. The laws of dialectics, which students learn in the lessons of social science, are used in the study of genetic transitions. So, the question of the genetic relationship between substances at integrated approach does not appear to him as a separate one, but is integral part common in the education and upbringing of students.

An analysis of students' answers in lessons and exams shows that the question of the genetic relationship between substances causes difficulties. This is explained by the fact that the study of the question of genetic connection, although carried out throughout the entire course of chemistry, is carried out fragmentarily, unsystematically, without isolating the main direction.

In the diagram, the generalized formula corresponds to several groups of substances of the same composition, but of different structures. For example, the formula SpNgp+gO combines isomeric limit monohydric alcohols and ethers, respectively, having their own general formulas.

Straight lines on the general diagram depict the main relationships between groups and classes. organic compounds. So, with the help of general formulas, transitions between groups of hydrocarbons are depicted. However, the abundance of lines in the diagram would make it difficult to perceive the main one, and therefore a number of transitions to, it is not shown. The general scheme also allows you to understand the genetic transitions between inorganic and organic substances (the synthesis of hydrocarbons from simple substances and their thermal decomposition), to give a general idea of ​​the cycle of substances using the example of carbon to other elements. You can detail the general scheme using tables of isomeric homologous series of substances, as well as when performing exercise. 16 and 17 (p. 114

Next, we summarize information about intergroup isomers. We note that these include monohydric alcohols and ethers, aldehydes and ketones, phenols and aromatic alcohols, carboxylic acids And esters. The composition of these isomers, as well as singly presented substances in the course (ethylene glycol and unsaturated acids), can be expressed by general formulas. When analyzing such formulas, we identify signs of the complication of substances, determine the place of each group in the genetic chain and reflect this in the general scheme. We carry out its concretization in the lesson and at home when performing ex. 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 37 (pp. 140-141).

We pose the problem for students about the possibility of further continuation of the general scheme based on the complication of the composition and structure of matter. For these purposes, we pay attention to the composition of fats: the molecule contains six oxygen atoms, based on the formulas of hexatomic alcohol (p. 154), glucose and its isomers (p. 152--156), students derive their general formulas. We also carry out a higher form of work, when the students themselves draw up schemes of the genetic connection between substances and specify them. When analyzing the general scheme, we strive for students to note relative nature the relationships between substances reflected in it. We also ask students to show that general scheme can be continued, since the path of knowledge does not end with what has been studied.

>> Chemistry: Genetic relationship between classes of organic and inorganic substances

Material world. in which we live and of which we are a tiny part, is one and at the same time infinitely diverse. The unity and diversity of the chemical substances of this world is most clearly manifested in the genetic connection of substances, which is reflected in the so-called genetic series. Let's single out the most characteristics these rows:

1. All substances of this series must be formed by one chemical element.

2. Substances formed by the same element must belong to different classes, that is, reflect different forms his existence.

3. Substances that form the genetic series of one element must be connected by mutual transformations. On this basis, one can distinguish between complete and incomplete genetic series.

Summarizing the above, we can give the following definition of the genetic series:
A number of substances of representatives of different classes are called genetic, which are compounds of one chemical element, connected by mutual transformations and reflecting the common origin of these substances or their genesis.

genetic connection - the concept is more general than the genetic series. which is, albeit a vivid, but particular manifestation of this connection, which is realized in any mutual transformations of substances. Then, obviously, the first series of substances targeted in the text of the paragraph fits this definition.

To characterize the genetic relationship of inorganic substances, we consider three types of genetic series:

II. The genetic series of a non-metal. Similarly to the metal series, the non-metal series with different oxidation states is richer in bonds, for example, the genetic series of sulfur with oxidation states +4 and +6.

Difficulty can cause only the last transition. If you perform tasks of this type, then follow the rule: in order to obtain a simple substance from a window compound of an element, you need to take its most reduced compound for this purpose, for example, the volatile hydrogen compound of a non-metal.

III. The genetic series of the metal, to which the amphoteric oxide and hydroxide correspond, is very rich in sayases. since they exhibit, depending on the conditions, either the properties of an acid or the properties of a base. For example, consider the genetic series of zinc:

In organic chemistry, one should also distinguish between more general concept- genetic connection and more particular concept of genetic series. If the basis of the genetic series in inorganic chemistry are substances formed by one chemical element, then the basis of the genetic series in organic chemistry (the chemistry of carbon compounds) is made up of substances with the same number of carbon atoms in the molecule. Consider the genetic series of organic substances, in which we include the largest number of classes of compounds:

Each number above the arrow corresponds to a specific reaction equation (the reverse reaction equation is indicated by a number with a dash):

Iodine definition of the genetic series does not fit the last transition - a product is formed not with two, but with many carbon atoms, but with its help, genetic bonds are most diversely represented. And finally, we will give examples of the genetic connection between the classes of organic and inorganic compounds, which prove the unity of the world of substances, where there is no division into organic and inorganic substances.

Let us take the opportunity to repeat the names of the reactions corresponding to the proposed transitions:
1. Limestone firing:

1. Write down the reaction equations illustrating the following transitions:

3. In the interaction of 12 g of saturated monohydric alcohol with sodium, 2.24 liters of hydrogen (n.a.) were released. Find the molecular formula of alcohol and write down the formulas of the possible isomers.

Lesson content lesson summary support frame lesson presentation accelerative methods interactive technologies Practice tasks and exercises self-examination workshops, trainings, cases, quests homework discussion questions rhetorical questions from students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures graphics, tables, schemes humor, anecdotes, jokes, comics parables, sayings, crossword puzzles, quotes Add-ons abstracts articles chips for inquisitive cheat sheets textbooks basic and additional glossary of terms other Improving textbooks and lessonscorrecting errors in the textbook updating a fragment in the textbook elements of innovation in the lesson replacing obsolete knowledge with new ones Only for teachers perfect lessons calendar plan for the year guidelines discussion programs Integrated Lessons

The structure of the molecules of organic compounds allows us to draw a conclusion about the chemical properties of substances and the close relationship between them. Compounds of other classes are obtained from substances of one class by successive transformations. Moreover, all organic substances can be represented as derivatives of the most simple connections- hydrocarbons. The genetic relationship of organic compounds can be represented as a diagram:

C 2 H 6 → C 2 H 5 Br → C 2 H 5 OH → CH 3 -SON → CH 3 COOH →

CH 3 COOS 3 H 7 ; and etc.

According to the scheme, it is necessary to draw up equations for the chemical transformations of one substance into another. They confirm the interconnection of all organic compounds, the complication of the composition of matter, the development of the nature of substances from simple to complex.

The composition of organic substances most often includes a small number of chemical elements: hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, chlorine and other halogens. The organic substance methane can be synthesized from two simple inorganic substances, carbon and hydrogen.

C + 2H 2 = CH 4 + Q

This is one example of the fact that between all substances of nature - inorganic and organic - there is a unity and genetic connection, which are manifested in the mutual transformations of substances.

Part 2. Complete the practical task.

The task is experimental.

Prove that potatoes contain starch.

To prove the presence of starch in potatoes, a drop of iodine solution should be applied to a potato slice. The cut potato will turn blue-violet. The reaction with iodine solution is a qualitative reaction for starch.


to option 25

Number of options(packages) of tasks for examinees:

Option number 25 from 25 options

Job completion time:

Option number 25 45 min.

Conditions for completing tasks

Labor protection requirements: teacher (expert) supervising the execution of tasks(safety briefing when working with reagents)

Equipment: paper, ballpoint pen, laboratory equipment

Literature for examinees reference, methodical and tables

1. Familiarize yourself with the test items, assessed skills, knowledge and assessment indicators .

Option #25 of 25

Part 1. Answer the theoretical questions:

1. Aluminum. Amphoteric aluminum. Aluminum oxides and hydroxides.

2. Proteins are natural polymers. The structure and structure of proteins. Qualitative reactions and application.

Part 2. Complete the practical task

3. The problem is experimental.

How to experimentally obtain oxygen in the laboratory, prove its presence.

Option 25 out of 25.

There is a genetic relationship between different classes of organic substances, which makes it possible to synthesize the desired compounds based on the chosen scheme of transformations. In turn, the simplest organic substances can be obtained from inorganic substances. As an example, consider the practical implementation of reactions according to the following scheme:



acetic acid aminoacetic acid.

1) From carbon (graphite), methane can be obtained by direct synthesis:



or in two stages - through aluminum carbide:

3C + 4Al t Al4 C3

Al4 C3 + 12H2 OCH4 + Al(OH)3 .

2) Ethylene can be obtained from methane in various ways in several stages, for example, Wurtz synthesis can be carried out followed by ethane dehydrogenation:

2CH3 Br + 2Na

CH3 + 2NaBr

or carry out thermal cracking of methane and partial hydrogenation of the resulting acetylene:



CH + 3H2

CHCH + H2 Ni CH2 CH2 .

3) Ethyl alcohol is obtained by hydration of ethylene in the presence of an inorganic acid:

CH2 CH2 + H2 OH + , t CH3 CH2 OH.

4) Acetic aldehyde (ethanal) can be obtained by dehydrogenation of ethanol on a copper catalyst, or by oxidation of alcohol with copper (II) oxide:





Cu + H2O

5) Acetic aldehyde is easily oxidized to acetic acid, for example, by the "silver mirror" reaction, or by interaction with an acidified solution of KMnO4 or K2 Cr2 O7 when heated. Schematically, this can be shown by the following equation (try to write complete reaction equations):


6) The synthesis of aminoacetic acid is carried out through an intermediate stage for the production of chloroacetic acid:

CH3 CO OH + Cl2 P (red) ClCH2 CO OH + HCl





Please note that halogen derivatives of organic compounds, due to their high reactivity, are often used in organic synthesis as starting and intermediate substances.

Tsybina Lyubov Mikhailovna Chemistry teacher Lesson summary.

Lesson summary on the topic: “Genetic connection between the main classes of organic compounds. Problem solving.

Class: Grade 11

Target: create conditions for the systematization and deepening of students' knowledge about the relationship of organic substances according to the scheme: composition - structure - properties of substances and the ability to solve calculation problems.



    Generalization and deepening of students' knowledge about the relationship of composition - structure - properties of organic substances on the example of hydrocarbons and oxygen-containing homologous series.

    Expanding the general cultural horizons of students


    Development of skills to analyze, compare, draw conclusions, establish a causal genetic relationship between organic substances.

    To be able to choose the right algorithm for solving the calculation problem.


    Disclosure of the worldview idea about the relationship of the composition, structure, properties of substances; education of an intellectually developed personality; fostering a culture of communication.

    Be able to work according to the algorithm and with additional literature.

Lesson type:

    for the didactic purpose: a lesson in the systematization of knowledge;

    according to the method of organization: generalizing with the assimilation of new knowledge (combined lesson).

Learning Technology:

    problem learning;

    information and communication

Methods used in the lesson:

    explanatory and illustrative:
    - face-to-face conversation
    - explanation of the teacher.

    table schemas, algorithms

    - Drawing up schemes of transformations and their implementation.

    - from the known to the unknown;
    - from simple to complex.

Types of control:

    current Poll,

    card work.

    Used educational technologies:


    Technology of actualization of personal experience

    Focused technology cognitive development personalities

Conduct form : a combination of conversation with illustrative explanatory material, independent activity of students.

Equipment: computer, algorithm for solving the calculation problem.

Lesson plan

Lesson plan



Organizing time

Prepare students for the lesson.


Updating of basic knowledge


(review of the studied material)

Prepare students for learning new material. Reviewing previously learned topics to identify gaps in knowledge and to address them. Improve knowledge and skills, prepare for the perception of new material.


Learning new material

    genetic connection;

    genetic series of hydrocarbons and its varieties;

    genetically a number of oxygen-containing hydrocarbons and its varieties.

Develop the ability to generalize facts, build analogies and draw conclusions.

To develop students' ability to chemical prediction and the ability to solve calculation problems using genetic relationships.

Develop environmental thinking.

Development of a culture of communication, the ability to express one's views and judgments, and rational ways to solve a calculation problem.


Consolidation of acquired knowledge

Repetition, reproduction of learned material.

Development of this material on assignments in the UNT format.


Summing up the lesson

Perception of a sense of responsibility for the acquired knowledge. Evaluation of students' activities in the lesson. Reflection. Putting marks.



    Textbook: Chemistry for Grade 11 A. Temirbulatova N. Nurakhmetov, R. Zhumadilova, S. Alimzhanova. §10.6 p.119(23,26), p.150(18),

    Workbook exercise 107 a), b) p.22.

1 stage of the lesson

Organizational. Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Updating of basic knowledge.

What does the concept mean"genetic connection"?
The transformation of substances of one class of compounds into substances of other classes;

genetic connection called the connection between substances of different classes, based on their mutual transformations and reflecting the unity of their origin, that is, the genesis of substances.
The key point of the lesson is the creation of a problem situation. To do this, I use a problem-search conversation, which encourages students to make assumptions, express their point of view, causes a clash of ideas, opinions, and judgments.
The main task is to point out to students the insufficiency of their knowledge about the object of knowledge, as well as methods of action to complete the task proposed to them.

To compare means to choose, first of all, the criteria for comparison. Please tell us what criteria you think we should compare. Students answer:

    Chemical properties of substances;

    The possibility of obtaining new substances;

    The relationship of substances of all classes of organic compounds.

2 stage lesson

Brainstorming” – frontal conversation with the class:

    What classes of organic compounds do you know?

    What is the peculiarity in the structure of these classes of compounds?

    How does the structure of a substance affect its properties?

    What basic formulas do you know that can be used to solve a calculation problem?

    Using knowledge about the structure of organic substances, the characteristics of their general formulas, students independently write down the basic formulas and predict possible Chemical properties organic substances.

    3 stage lesson

    Implementation of the genetic link of organic compounds

First option: ethanol ethylene ethane chloroethane ethanol acetaldehyde carbon dioxide

second option: methane → acetylene → ethanal → ethanol → bromoethane → ethylene → carbon dioxide

Third option: acetylene→ethanal→ethanol→bromoethane→ethylene→ethanol→ethyl acetate

work at the blackboard on cards: solving a calculation problem

Task - 1: 6 kg of methyl formate were obtained from methane. Write the corresponding reaction equations. Calculate how much methane was consumed?

Task - 2: How much ethyl acetate can be obtained by reacting 120 g of acetic acid and 138 g of ethanol if the yield of the reaction product is 90% of theoretical?

Task - 3: Oxidized 2 mol of methanol. The resulting product was dissolved in 200 g of water. Calculate the content of methanal in the solution (in%)?

The correct solution of calculation problems is designed on a smartboard.

General conclusion :

We highlight the features that characterize the genetic series of organic substances:

    Substances of different classes;

    Different substances are formed by one chemical element, i.e. represent different forms of existence of one element;

    Different substances of the same homologous series are connected by mutual transformations.

    Knowledge of the genetic relationship between different classes of organic substances allows us to select convenient and economical methods for the synthesis of substances from available reagents.

4th stage of the lesson

Repetition, reproduction of learned material. Development of this material on assignments in the UNT format. p.119(23); Workbook exercise 107 a), b) p.22.

    Brief instruction on homework: §10.6 p.119(23,26), p.150(18),

Stage 5 lesson

Summarizing. Reflection.

Students answer the questions:

What new concepts were learned in the lesson?

What questions caused problems? And so on.

The teacher grades those students who showed good and excellent knowledge during the lesson were active.

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