Dan Brown's new Origin novel is out. What is he talking about? Dan Brown: New Books in Order Dan Brown New Novel

The fifth novel by Dan Brown "Origin" (in Russian translation -) went on sale in England and America. In Russia, it was published by the AST publishing house on December 22, 2017. Circulation record - 250,000 copies! This time, Robert Langdon travels to Spain and seeks answers to the two main questions of mankind: "where did we come from?" and “where are we going?”. A new book everything is written in the same author's style - a mixture of science, religion, history, architecture and art. The novel is set in four Spanish cities: Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Seville and Bilbao.

The plot of the novel

Robert Langdon, a Harvard professor of symbols and art history, arrives at the state-of-the-art Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, to take part in a major discovery event that will "change the face of science forever." The evening is hosted by Edmond Kirsch, the 40-year-old billionaire futurist whose dazzling high-tech inventions and bold visions have made him a world-famous figure. Kirsch, who was one of Langdon's first students at Harvard two decades ago, is about to reveal the secret of an amazing breakthrough... one that will answer two fundamental questions about human existence.

As the event begins, Langdon realizes that this discovery will be far more controversial than he could have imagined. But the carefully planned evening suddenly turns into chaos, and Kirsch's precious discovery is on the verge of being lost. Faced with an imminent threat, Langdon is forced to flee Bilbao. Along with him is Ambra Vidal, the elegant museum director who worked with Kirsch to help set up the provocative event. Together they run to Barcelona to find the secret password that will unlock Kirsch's secret.

Moving through dark corridors hidden history, Langdon and Vidal must escape a terrible enemy whose immense power seems to come from within Royal Palace Spain... and they will stop at nothing to silence Edmond Kirsch. On a trail marked with modern art and cryptic symbols, Langdon and Vidal uncover clues that eventually bring them face to face with Kirsch's shocking discovery, and a breathtaking truth is revealed to them.

Presentation of the novel and reaction of critics

The presentation of the book has become one of the main events of the book fair in Frankfurt. Hundreds of Brown's fans gathered to find out what the bestseller was about. “In preparation for writing the book, I spent six months reading and reading and reading about evolution, artificial intelligence, contemporary art, and more. Then I went to scientists and specialists with questions. And only after collecting a huge amount of information, I began to sketch out a plan for a future book, ”said Dan Brown.

Critics of leading foreign publications (The Guardian, The New York Times, The Telegraph) unanimously say that Dan Brown has remained true to himself. Only in the US, Brown's novel was released with a circulation of 2 million copies, and the translation rights were sold to 42 countries, including Russia. Over 100,000 copies sold in the first week. Such popularity of the author is due to his ability to present historical and artistic facts in a fascinating way, and to formulate scientific and ethical issues in such a way that everyone will understand.

Came out new novel Origin by Dan Brown. What is he talking about?

Brown's fifth book about Professor Langdon denies God and all religions, giving his own answer to the question of the origin of man.

Familiar tricks, a waterfall of scientific jargon, non-stop trips to world shrines and a demonstration of Langdon's transcendent mind. Dan Brown's fifth novel went on sale in England and America on October 3rd.

For four novels, Robert Langdon managed a lot: survive an antimatter explosion, neutralize a capsule with a deadly virus, lose his memory, steal Dante Alighieri's mask and much more. What will happen to him this time? While those who understand English well are waiting for the delivery of the book, and those who read only in Russian are waiting for the translation, ReadRate has studied the reviews of English and American critics and talks about the plot of the novel. No wonder it is called Origin (“Origin”). In it, beloved Professor Langdon (in the film guise of Tom Hanks) will seek the answer to the question of the origin of man. And to do it in ways already familiar to us from previous novels.

The main action of the book takes place in Spain. Good friend Langdon Edmond Kirsch (tech mogul à la Jobs) at a meeting at the Guggenheim Museum says that he has revealed the secret of life on earth. In the presentation he prepared, there is evidence that the act of creation does not need a god, and all the religions of the world are superfluous. Kirsch claims that he has received an answer to the main questions of mankind "where did we come from" and "where will we go after death." In the midst of the presentation, a sniper shoots at the speaker, and Langdon, who was present at the meeting, flees in the company of Ambra, the director of the Guggenheim Museum and the bride of the Spanish king (an allusion to the Spanish monarch Felipe VI and his wife, journalist Letizia).

Well, then everything will be as we like: Langdon needs to solve the password from Edmond's computer in order to start the presentation again and change the world. But he doesn't know who to trust other than Ambra and Edmond Kirsch Winston's personal assistant. And can they, especially after Langdon has been burned so many times? On the way of the professor, conservative archbishops will meet, gray cardinals and even the antipope.

Simply put, people who have never loved Brown's books will find nothing comforting in Origin, but legions of fans will snap up the novel and find it very exciting. The second, of course, is the majority. Only in the US, Brown's novel was released with a circulation of 2 million copies, and the translation rights were sold to 42 countries, including Russia. Earlier, the AST publishing house promised that the book would be released before the end of the year.

The fifth novel by Dan Brown "Origin" (in Russian translation - "Origin") went on sale in England and America. In Russia, it will be published by the AST publishing house, currently Translating into Russian, the release date has not yet been announced (they promise by the new year). This time, Robert Langdon travels to Spain and seeks answers to the two main questions of mankind: "where did we come from?" and “where are we going?”. The new book is written in the same author's style - a mixture of science, religion, history, architecture and art. The novel is set in four Spanish cities: Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Seville and Bilbao.

The plot of the novel

Robert Langdon, a Harvard professor of symbols and art history, arrives at the state-of-the-art Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, to take part in a major discovery event that will "change the face of science forever." The evening is hosted by Edmond Kirsch, the 40-year-old billionaire futurist whose dazzling high-tech inventions and bold visions have made him a world-famous figure. Kirsch, who was one of Langdon's first students at Harvard two decades ago, is about to reveal the secret of an amazing breakthrough... one that will answer two fundamental questions about human existence.

As the event begins, Langdon realizes that this discovery will be far more controversial than he could have imagined. But the carefully planned evening suddenly turns into chaos, and Kirsch's precious discovery is on the verge of being lost. Faced with an imminent threat, Langdon is forced to flee Bilbao. Along with him is Ambra Vidal, the elegant museum director who worked with Kirsch to help set up the provocative event. Together they run to Barcelona to find the secret password that will unlock Kirsch's secret.

Navigating the dark corridors of a hidden history, Langdon and Vidal must escape a terrible enemy whose vast power seems to come from the Royal Palace of Spain itself... and they will stop at nothing to silence Edmond Kirsch. On a trail marked with modern art and cryptic symbols, Langdon and Vidal uncover clues that eventually bring them face to face with Kirsch's shocking discovery, and a breathtaking truth is revealed to them.

Presentation of the novel and reaction of critics

The presentation of the book has become one of the main events of the book fair in Frankfurt. Hundreds of Brown's fans gathered to find out what the bestseller was about. “In preparation for writing the book, I spent six months reading and reading and reading about evolution, artificial intelligence, contemporary art, and more. Then I went to scientists and specialists with questions. And only after collecting a huge amount of information, I began to sketch out a plan for a future book, ”said Dan Brown.

Critics of leading foreign publications (The Guardian, The New York Times, The Telegraph) unanimously say that Dan Brown has remained true to himself. Only in the US, Brown's novel was released with a circulation of 2 million copies, and the translation rights were sold to 42 countries, including Russia. Over 100,000 copies sold in the first week. Such popularity of the author is due to his ability to present historical and artistic facts in a fascinating way, and to formulate scientific and ethical issues in such a way that everyone will understand.

On this page, we have collected everything that Dan Brown wrote - books in chronological order. The list includes both all new books and the most popular ones in order.





Professor Robert Langdon wakes up in the hospital. He does not remember how he got here and what happened to him in the last 48 hours. They try to kill him almost immediately. He will have to figure out why all this is happening to him, what message is hidden in Dante's Divine Comedy, and to prevent the spread of a virus that can wipe humanity off the face of the earth in a few hours. Further


Peter Solomon invites Robert Langdon to the Capitol to give a lecture. After Langdon hears the scream, he finds a severed hand set on a plinth - it personifies the "Hand of the Mysteries". By the ring on his hand, he understands that the hand belongs to his teacher. Robert will need to finish the job started by Peter's kidnapper, decipher the lost word and unravel the mystery of the Masons. Further


Curator Jean Saunière is murdered at the Louvre. Strange signs are found on the body of the murdered. Professor Langdon is brought in to investigate the case. The solution to this case does not lie on the surface - it is hidden in the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci, which the church hid for centuries. The situation is complicated by the fact that the professor is pursued by an angry fanatic under the auspices of his associate and part-time police officer. Further

  • (adaptation of the book for the younger generation)


The presidential elections in the United States will soon take place, the incumbent president and the new candidate are trying with all their might to wrest victory from each other. At this time, in the ice of the Arctic, scientists discover a meteorite, on which there are fossils of creatures of alien origin. How are these two events related? Where did the meteorite actually come from? How to understand where is the truth and where is the lie? Further


Angels and Demons

Death of the Pope. A series of mysterious crimes. After launching the hadron collider, a container of antimatter is stolen. The Vatican Gendarmerie invites Robert Langdon to help with the investigation. He suspects that the Illuminati from a secret occult order are behind this. To save humanity, he will have to go to Rome and find the missing container. Further


Digital Fortress

genius employee national security killed. His colleagues need to declassify the cipher he created, which can only be read using the Digital Fortress program. What is this program really? A way out of the current situation or someone's revenge, which jeopardizes the secret data of the US government? Further

It was Dan Brown - books in chronological order. Bookmark the list, as we will add all new books in order. 😉

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