Statuses about the fact that you are happy. Statuses about happy love

Happiness without loved ones does not happen. I have the right to live happily without you, well, there is only one question, do I want to use this right when you are not around?

Happiness is when the eyes shine, but not from tears, but from love ...

I just love!!! What do you wish!!! Be happy!!!

It seems to me that the greatest happiness in life and in marriage is to be yourself. I don’t want to - I don’t paint. I’m not in the mood - I’ll collect my hair and fix it with a toothbrush ... Therefore, don’t choose a man with pretensions - you will overstrain ...

I am warmed by warmth and care, beloved, in my own hut. After all, the main sun is not in the sky, but in our soul!)))

I appreciate those who cannot live without me. And I do not interfere with those who are happy without me.

What a joy to be loved and to love!

Love ... We all care about this feeling! Inspires, inspires, inspires ... We all strive for love. What is love?

Happy is not the one who has everything, but the one who has a HEART!

Somehow everything became different ... Even better, or something ...

Happiness ... is a very complex life formula, with interchangeable meanings.

Three friends: love, truth, happiness. Truth is incomprehensible without love, happiness is incomprehensible without truth.

As long as we have breath in our chest, we have hope and desire.

Life is infinite when you live! When you see happiness with your eyes! When you can realize - it is Yours, with you and next to you!

Convinced happy people once upon a time they were unhappy.

Sometimes happiness consists in the fact that you do not understand your misfortune.

Life is not sweet honey. Most often, life is mixed with honey and tar ...

When the love of two overflows the cup happy life, then children appear))) with whom you share love, making them happy)

Happiness is not to be found! It is in us! You just have to look there and you will be happy! You and happiness!

How good it is to be loved, happy, healthy and make plans for the future!!!

Our happiness is always in flight. It has no nest, only wings.

The bird of happiness does not mind at all pecking grains from your hand. She doesn't need to be caught. It is enough just not to drive her away.

Happiness is to wake up in the morning and in the rays of the rising sun quietly consider your beloved face ... which is still sleeping.

HAPPY and LOVED - the look is always irresistible! Passions play in their blood and adrenaline seethes! Do not frighten them to misfortune, they do not care about obstacles! They believe that HAPPINESS IS NEAR A SOLID SHOULDER!!!

Recipe family happiness is a search for a compromise, tolerance and love ...

In the hardships of the present, one must console oneself with the thought that there were even more difficult times, and those times have passed.

Misfortune is the best teacher. In misfortune, you can learn a lot, learn the value of money, the value of people.

Note that only those who know how to cry can rejoice! Joy cannot be saved by running away from suffering. One who is constantly afraid of misfortune will never be happy.

When there is no misfortune - already happiness!

I do not want to live without you!!! You are my happiness, crying out, begging. Only next to you I breathe, I live and I'm happy ... only with you!!!

Happiness will appreciate that. who once lost it...

Happy can be not only the one who is truly happy, but also the one who is sincerely mistaken.

I walk with an oblique gait, washing down happiness with vodka.

Do not look at other people's husbands, do not envy, do not admire ... There are many good people, you will find your female happiness! There will be everything, family and children, many bright ones,

Loved ones strive to be happy, but they strive even more to appear happy in the eyes of others.

It seems that there is no reason to worry, everything pleases. But no, life will sneak up from behind and how will it give you ... twice as much happiness :))))

My rule: today is my happiest day of my life. Because most of our lives we live either remembering the good, or hoping for the good.

I don't see what brings true happiness - I must be blind.

I don't know, maybe there are bad husbands... personally, I do my best to make my wife HAPPY!

Happiness ... happens in the head. In fact, it's the only place where it happens.

Tell the world about your unhappy loneliness, and you will know that you are not alone in your misery, but still unhappy in your loneliness ...

Unhappiness is easier to deal with than happiness.

Your desire for happiness can be the cause of someone else's unhappiness.

All that humanity needs for complete happiness is to learn to laugh for no reason!

The happy do not observe the hours, the unfortunate - happy days.

“Bad things happen every day, but you don't get happier thinking about them. So I don't think about them."

Happiness is not planned. It comes suddenly.

Live and enjoy life, be content with the little that you have, love people, nature, sky, stars and achieve spiritual purity...

Everyone's time in this world is limited. So don't try to live other people's lives. Follow your own path, enjoying every moment! And you will be happy!

To everyone who is reading me now - right now, not later - I open the Valve of Happiness to everyone! I give pressure to “hit!”

Sharing happiness with others, you do not reduce the size of your own, but on the contrary, you expand its boundaries...

Happiness is that in every house there is a drop of warmth of two people!

If you can't make those around you happy, at least make yourself happy.

Happiness with an eye can not be happiness ...

In the face of other misfortunes, it is somehow ashamed to be happy.

The happy one's enemies die, the unhappy one's friend dies.

If a person loves you, he will never pass by your unhappiness, even if he is a hundred times more unhappy. In this is great meaning love.

Happiness is collected drop by drop, and misfortune spills in puddles.

Just one call from him and you can go crazy with happiness!!!

When I woke up, I went to the window, looked at the sun and realized that I was still happy.

My friend's husband is a real gift of fate! Well, one of those gifts, when unpacking which you think: “It would be better with money ...”

Statuses about happiness with your beloved, beloved

Happiness is not measured by the number of fans, but depends on the presence of the only one, next to which you will not even notice the rest.

Money can't buy mutual feelings. So if you are loved, you are richer than the richest people on the planet.

You can be called happy if you feel and are sure that you are loved!

Experience the feeling of love is not given to everyone. Any love should be valued: both happy and unrequited. It may be the last strongest feeling in life.

Best Status:
How little is needed for happiness? The presence of friends in "Contact", your presence and a cup of tea with chocolate.

When he rushes from the other end of the city, not having heard the answer to his call, I feel real happiness.

If you are glad that your person is happy, this joy can be compared with love.

Appreciate the time when you are loved, happy, healthy! Make plans for the future and implement them.

Seeing among the gloomy people an open pleasant smile addressed to you, you begin to understand that everything is not so bad in this world, a lot of good lies ahead.

You will definitely find the way to happiness, just choose the right direction =)

Do you want to be happy? Leave the past in the past!

Being loved is more than being rich. Because being loved means being happy. money can't buy happiness

Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning and really want to go home in the evening

Do you know what happiness is to me? Happiness is You and Me!

Happiness is when he, whom even alarm clocks will not wake up, wakes up from the fact that I stopped hugging him.

Happiness does not depend on the amount of money ... But it is better to be sad in a Bentley than in a minibus ...

Being happy is great! Happiness is when your children are healthy!!! (If you agree - put a plus)

Only my heart beats for you.

a girl should give happiness, not wait for it

Being loved is more than being rich. Because being loved means being happy. Money can't buy happiness...

Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his phone number, habits, the color of his eyes. They are beautiful. He has gentle hands and he kisses gorgeously ...

Your smile is a reason to be the happiest on earth, every minute I fall in love with you even more ...

Paradox - than prettier girl, the less likely it is for simple female happiness.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all my former men for those crazy, unforgettable days filled with joy and happiness that I was lucky to live after our partings

In my purse you can find only perfume, with the smell of joy, glitter - the colors of the rainbow and orbits, with the taste of happiness.

She was happy in her seventh month.

Finally, I'm in seventh heaven with happiness. I warn you, you don’t need to substitute the ladder, I won’t get down anyway.

She forgot her lying girlfriends .. she forgot the guys with whom she used to communicate, perhaps even in a friendly way .. she stays at home all the time .. but she is happy .. after all, this was not done in vain .. Having lost everyone else, she found .. happiness .. happy to be with him..

Love is a drug. At first, there is euphoria, lightness, a feeling of complete dissolution. You want more the next day. You haven't had time to get involved yet, but while you like the feeling, you're sure you can do without them. You think about your favorite being for 2 minutes and forget about it for 3 hours. But gradually you get used to it and get completely addicted. And then, you think about it for 3 hours and forget for two minutes.

You should not shout to everyone that you are happy, you should say a little thank you to the one who gives you this happiness.

She remembered how they met ... so ridiculous, and most importantly, she didn’t like him at all ... and now she’s crazy about him ...

Happy is he who is completely sure that he is dearer to someone than everyone else in the world !!!

Female doping is shopping!

How good it is to be loved, happy, healthy and make plans for the future!

good to be beautiful woman, but the favorite is still better.

Happiness is a wedding, and to receive as a gift wedding ring, can not be compared with any emotions.

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.

Every woman has her own ideal of happiness.

love is the happiness of a loved one

Women's happiness is when every morning you wake up in his arms.

Dad and mom made me nice, the teachers made me well-mannered, the teachers made me educated, and my husband made me happy.

Happiness is when you can visit a friend at any time, and he will be delighted with you.

You are my happiness called "love".

Happiness is falling in love with someone who is already in love with you.

Happiness is close, you just need to be able to distinguish it from everything else

Women's happiness is when everyone is at home and everyone is sleeping ...

Happiness to fall in love with a person who is already in love with you ...

I should be happy and I don't owe anything to anyone else.

There is a person in this world whose mere presence fills me with happiness.

They asked me if I miss you. I didn’t answer, but just closed my eyes, smiled and walked away… and then whispered…”madly”

The world was made for me to purr!

I'm fine. I'm happy. I have nothing to please you.

A happy girl, not the one who has many admirers, but the one who has one, besides whom, she does not need anyone !!!

How good it is to be someone forever. And know that these are not empty words. How to share bread and soul and year. Look into the eyes of immensely expensive. How good it is to be someone forever. And to know that he will not leave, will not deceive. And pull out from under any ice. And never stop loving...

For me to be happy, only one condition is needed - your presence in my life.

Happiness is when destiny meets a dream.

Female happiness - I met my ex with a woman, she is so ugly.

Happiness is when you lie next to her and watch the stars fall, and at the same time you don’t make a single wish because you have her.

Every time I close my eyes, I take away a piece of happiness from me ... Because I don't see you

The greatest happiness for a woman is to see how happy her children are!

Statuses about happiness with a loved one - Happiness is when he, whom even alarm clocks will not wake up, wakes up because I stopped hugging him.

He may not be the best, but the most necessary for me.

You stand with a person in an embrace ... you hear his breathing, and nothing more is needed for happiness ...

HAPPINESS for a woman is small warm hands, candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa. HAPPINESS is for everyone who has children!

You are happiness. A little strange and incomprehensible, leading to madness and a terrible fear of losing you. But you are my happiness.

If they ask me what HAPPINESS is, I will answer Happiness is if I am next to You

A woman is happy when she sees the smiling eyes of her husband and knows that she is the cause of this joy.

When you are with your loved one, hours fly like seconds...

Sometimes for happiness it is enough to see the person you miss madly.

You can be Small and Weak only when there is Big and Strong next to you.

Sometimes for happiness it is enough to see the person you miss madly.

A small female happiness is worth a huge male effort…..

Chocolate, eh ... but they say you can’t buy happiness

Know how to find your happiness, and not take it away from others ...

Most happy women like the happiest nations, have no history.

I am the happiest. I love it and it's such a blessing. Everything is simple, like in a fairy tale. Finally I felt what it means to be happy. What does it mean to love and be loved. There is a smile on my lips now.

Her: What are your plans for tomorrow? Him: Make you happy...

I'M HAPPY! for this I have EVERYTHING, even you, dear, you just don't know it yet

You are happiness ... A little strange and incomprehensible ... leading to nervous breakdowns and terrible fear .... but happiness ..

FEMALE HAPPINESS is to feel that everything is fine with you, that you have achieved something, that you have enough of everything, that you are loved and desired, that you have favorite hobby that you have family and friends.

Happiness is when you put your foot on his knees, sit on the couch, and he draws hearts on it with a felt-tip pen

Happiness... this is a dish... for two... differently... just... it doesn't happen..

The secret of female happiness is simple: new shoes, a successful manicure and a bald girlfriend

Happiness is in children!

Happiness for a woman is not only a state of mind, but also a state of her husband.

The greatest happiness in life is the certainty that you are loved...

When I'm happy, I feel like crying, but when I'm sad, I don't feel like laughing. So it's better, I guess, to be happy. So you get two experiences for the price of one.

There would be no happiness, but my husband helped.

Women's happiness looks like a beloved man

All women are beautiful, and the love of men gives them beauty

What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.

Delicate creamy sweet waffle caramel honey here it is, happiness ...

All people bring happiness, but some by their presence and others by their absence...

Male happiness is measured in LITERS. Women's happiness - in carats.

Seconds without a loved one are hours. Hours with a loved one - seconds ...

What color is happiness? - Green. - Why? - It's the color of his eyes

I can smell your perfume hundreds of meters away... Not because it's persistent... but because I breathe you!

The meaning in life is sought by those who have not found happiness in it ...

If you do not know how to use happiness when it floats into your hands, do not complain if it floats by.

Love is a competition between a man and a woman to bring each other as much happiness as possible.

You should not try to make the whole world happy, you just need to help those around you.

It's nice to see a person smiling with happiness. It is doubly pleasant when you are the reason for his smile.

All I need is a piece of simple human happiness, a handful of love, a drop of tenderness and a pinch of care.

All women of the world expect some actions from men, and only a few notice and appreciate pleasant little things. These women are the happiest.

To find out what happiness is, you don’t need to do something bad first, and then return everything as it was.

Loves not the one who swears love to you! And the one that silently makes you happy!

I just believed in a dream and my dream came true.

Know how to appreciate the one to whom you are dear. And do not chase those who are happy without you.

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, turn to him, kiss him quietly and suddenly feel a strong hand gently press me to him, at this moment I understand what happiness is.

You don't have to be perfect to be happy.

Learn to get up earlier. Learn to breathe more often.
And live in a new way. Realizing that this is happiness.

Sometimes, to be truly happy, you have to take a step back. After all, many doors open on themselves.

Learn to let go. Happiness will always find its way back.

All people bring happiness. Some by their presence, others by their absence.

To hell with pink glasses - they don’t suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being happy in the present. To hell with everything - I'm happy!

The best way to avenge yourself is to be happy!

Do you have a boyfriend? - No. - How does such a sweet, beautiful, charming girl not have a boyfriend? - He died of happiness.

Happy exes do not write.

Fuck the past. Live in the present and make the choice that will change your life for the better.

I'm gonna be happy. I will be strong. You just have to wait a little.

I think it's time to be happy.

When tears fall from pain
When the heart beats with fear
When the soul hides from the light,
When all life is torn from grief,
You sit quietly in silence.
Close your eyes, and realizing that you are tired,
Say to yourself, in private:
I will be happy!
Through thick and thin!

I have no idea how I will live without you, but I have no doubt that I will be happy.

Happiness will definitely come, because he is also interested!

There is happiness, it just comes to everyone with different speed! Go towards him yourself!

We are all chasing happiness. And when we find it, we are terribly surprised that it was very close - just stretch out your hand.

Loved .... Roared .... Waited for something ... Sent ... Forgot ... And I'm happy!

I realized that in the Universe there is not only one person who can make me happy.

Don't worry, I've found happiness.

The subscriber is very happy and no longer receives calls from the past.

May the person whom you see in the mirror every day be happy.

To become happy is not only to find happiness, but also to feel it.

I am beloved. I am clever. I am beautifull. I am happy. And it is true.

Statuses about happiness with your loved one. Statuses about parting, love and happy relationships.

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  • A small woman's happiness is worth a huge man's effort.
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  • Girls want to be loved very, very much. And even if someone already loves them very, very much, it doesn’t hurt to be loved even more!
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  • I will create my own small world for myself, and I will live happily there, taking care only of myself.
  • You need to go to the dream with someone by the hand.
  • My heart beats in the rhythm of happiness and no one will stop it.
  • Being drunk from happiness is much cooler than from alcohol!
  • Life is worth seeing in the mirror of a happy person.
  • I am kind and sweet, gentle and affectionate, romantic and caring. And all this is for you!
  • People say that impudence is the second happiness! And how to live without happiness? This is where you have to look.
  • I will reach out to where they are waiting for me, but I will stay where I am appreciated!
  • She parted the curtains to brighten the street. I am beaming with happiness.
  • If happiness has not yet come, then it is huge and goes in small steps!
  • I will go all the way to the end. And in our relationship, I will go even further.
  • Finally, I'm in seventh heaven! I warn you, you don’t need to substitute the ladder, I won’t get down anyway.
  • True happiness is when someone who doesn't fit you doesn't fit you.
  • You know, I'm happy. You call me and I will smile and look at your name. And I won't answer the call. Suffer, dear, but I have happiness!
  • In childhood, everyone was happy. Where did the ability to rejoice and be happy go?
  • Happiness is when the same person is in the house, in bed and in the head.
  • Don't be ashamed of your bad habits. Smoking, wine, impulses of passion - of course, shorten life, but they can prolong moments of happiness.
  • No need to think long about what happiness is! Just do what makes you feel happy!
  • Happy people glow from within. They, like fireflies, illuminate everything around them with light.
  • Do not disturb! Found happiness.
  • And I do not need someone else's happiness. I would like to keep mine.
  • To hell with pink glasses - they don’t suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being happy in the present. To hell with everything - I'm happy!
  • Whoever says that happiness cannot be bought has never bought a puppy.
  • Beautiful smile. Confident walk. A drop of spirits. Heels. And a whisper behind her back: "She's happy all the same."
  • Happiness will definitely come ... he is also interested.

Real happiness is when you hold it tight strong hand and you are afraid to let go, although your fragile fingers are already completely frozen.

You are happy? - And who is this? You're right. Who can answer what it is? - Nobody. Maybe a deep abyss that you're holding on to.

How handsome are you today? Is there any reason? I just finally found what I've been looking for all this time. And what did you find? - great happiness to you, my beloved.

Love is a very strange feeling that brings to life not only joy and happy moments, but also difficult obstacles that you need to fight and overcome them all your life while you love.

Best Status:
It turns out that great happiness is when at night a loved one turns to you carefully, hugs you tenderly and whispers: “my beloved baby.”

Many say that happiness walks somewhere near us. I look around in fear, realizing that he has a worse orientation than me.

I haven't seen such beauty in a long time! There were cops beaten everywhere! Looks like there have been fights here recently. After all, happiness for everyone is to kick off the traffic police!

Slowly drink coffee! Watching the snow fall and people who love summer! And with a feeling of happiness I understand that the long-awaited winter is now online.

There are people who bring happiness and love, there are people who bring resentment and evil, and there is me, and I ... I carry a bag!

For a Russian person, the greatest happiness is to do what is absolutely impossible to do.

Happiness is not in those women with whom you want to sleep, but in those with whom you want to wake up.

Closing my eyes, I fall into happiness ...

Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening.

If you found a horseshoe for good luck, then someone else threw back his hooves.

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love. Confucius

Until the seventh, there was only one heaven left for me ...

Take me by the hair and face so in happiness in happiness.

Tomorrow, the one who reads this status will find his happiness 😉

A smart woman gives happiness, a stupid woman waits for it.

But when we didn't have computers, TV was the happiness of our whole life. 🙂

The greatest happiness in life is the certainty that the person you love loves you...

Happiness is nothing if there is no one to share it with

Happiness has never placed a man on such a height that he does not need a friend.

And happiness was so close... 🙁

Happiness lasts seconds, but memories of it remain for a long time.

We have no right to consume happiness without producing it Show B.

Happiness knows my phone number, but for some reason does not call ...

The authorities do not reduce wages - they remind you that happiness is not in money!

Wow, I almost forgot what real happiness looks like. Happiness ... For the sake of it, you can die.

Do you know what happiness is? Happiness, you only understand over the years, happiness is the absence of unhappiness

Tired of waiting for happiness... Tired of problems... And life without you!

- Excuse me, did happiness pass anywhere here?

The phone was silent ... Happiness simply did not know my number ...

Happiness is not in money, but in how to increase it (American proverb)

Happiness is when all the hangers in the closet are occupied.

Happiness is when they say good things about you, and you are still alive.

Happiness is not a station you will ever arrive at, it is the way you travel!

If you are happy, do not revel in your happiness alone, but share it with the people around you.

we have learned to imitate not only orgasms, but also happiness. Beautiful. sincerely. inimitable. loud and goo.

“The ability to think is already happiness”

- What is happiness? - This is when such a question does not arise.

You can not become attached to people with all your heart, this is a fickle and dubious happiness.

I'm not crying, it's just happiness dripping on the floor ...

Happiness is rationality, purification from false opinions!

It's just happiness - the way home!

Happinnes exists! Not to eat - that's a misfortune!

You spoil me with happiness! Adore you!

Spring. Sun. Joy. Happiness. A smile on your face. Jeans. Keds. Positive. Love.

And I won’t worry ... Dreams, after all, also break into happiness ...

Happiness is not in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do.

I want Orbit with the taste of “happiness” ...

True love shows itself in unhappiness. Like a light, it shines the brighter, the darker the darkness of the night.

Happiness is in the little things! we just don't see it...

People can be happy only on the condition that they do not consider happiness the goal of life Orwell J.

Happiness is not in money, happiness is in goods and services...

Looking for a country called "Happiness". It's very nice and cozy there. They also serve delicious coffee with cream.

Happiness is freedom in the present, satisfaction with the past, hope for the future!

True happiness is when you are happy without apparent reason- just! This is happiness!

For me, happiness is falling asleep on your shoulder ...

After watching the second "Matrix": - What a blessing that "Titanic-2" was not filmed!

My life is always beautiful, and a fire burns in my soul. My God, what a blessing, I'm one in a million!

Happiness is when you want to jump above your head! And, oddly enough, it works!

Happiness is when you see the former with the current girl, and she is dumb! 🙂

Happiness is when you always remain yourself, keeping your "I"! 🙂

Suffering is the only thing that life has not deprived a person of; therefore, when you are happy, remember that happiness is a precious and fleeting gift.

Love is just not enough. She has happiness, but she wants heaven, she has heaven - she wants heaven.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

A good woman, marrying, promises happiness, a bad woman is waiting for him.

Everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness. Good luck!

The happiness of my soulmate is that I don’t have it!)

Yes, happiness sometimes descends to us as grace, but much more often it is victory and overcoming.

If you're not crying from happiness, then stop.

Looking for happiness... I know that I will definitely find it! 🙂

Sometimes happiness falls so unexpectedly that you do not have time to jump aside.

There is not enough money even to understand that happiness is not in them.

When there is a lot of money, it is somehow easier to bear that happiness is not in them.

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. (Leibniz G.)

The one dressed in happiness looks good! Be happy!)

In happiness, one should not be overly self-confident, and in trouble one should not lose confidence.

Look around. Happiness is very close, it is in your hands, and you, as before, still live in the past.

The pursuit of illusory happiness is often fraught with disappointment

Usually happiness comes to the happy, and unhappiness to the unfortunate.

Only the unfortunate knows what happiness is...

Happy is not the one who seeks happiness, but the one whom it found by itself. And let there be 0 lovers in me, but one is enough for me! Love you.

You can’t show that you are absolutely happy, because happiness is easy to frighten away.

My heart beats in the rhythm of happiness and no one will stop it ...

Health, like happiness: when you don’t notice it, it means that it is there.

We will never again be the same as then - in love, stupid and happy, with childish naive happiness in our eyes ...

And so we live ... Exchanging happiness for habits, like a fire for small matches.

Chinese happiness is cheap, and almost like a real one.

The wind gently whispered to me that happiness will not come true soon ...

The best way to avenge yourself is to be happy!

You are happiness. A little strange and incomprehensible, leading to tantrums, tears, nervous breakdowns and a terrible fear of losing you ...

Falling asleep and waking up with you is a great happiness!

Happiness will definitely come - he is also interested ...

After all, the sea does not love anyone, but near it - such happiness.

"Perhaps happiness isn't about getting what you want, but about getting what you need." Coco Chanel

Happiness is when not only it is for you, but also when others around you rejoice

do you believe in happiness? hmm, I somehow believe in the tooth fairy more.

I don't need other gifts. Happy to be with you!

If you can't have what you want, learn to want what you have. Happiness is on the side of the one who is satisfied. © Aristotle

Happiness excludes old age. Whoever retains the ability to see beauty does not age.

Do not part with dreams of happiness, without them your life will turn into a dreary existence.

His lips on my neck, a smile on my face, and a quiet whisper in my ear: “mine” is real happiness.

Hugging the toy, she falls asleep to the music and believes that she will find happiness.

Happiness is when, after 2 minutes of your goodbye, he writes: “darling, will you leave now? I'm bored."

If someone asks me what happiness is, I will bow my head on your shoulder, snuggle up tight and say with a smile: “Here it is!”

All people bring happiness: some by their presence, others by their absence!

And among the crowd of gray faces I am looking for you, my blue-eyed happiness.

Happiness is like health: when it is not noticed, it means that it is there.

Happiness is like a fleeting moment and, sometimes, our life changes in a matter of seconds. Sincerely rejoice in the little things that made you smile!

Happiness is not in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do!

Happiness is when reality is better than a dream. 🙂

Happiness is when the time when you wake up and get enough sleep coincide.

We have learned to imitate not only orgasms, but also happiness. Beautiful. Sincerely. Inimitable.

Simple human happiness has become as unreal as rain in a drought.

Sooner or later, one way or another, everyone will find happiness ...

Maybe I'm a little naive, but I believe that a lucky minibus ticket can really bring happiness!)

What is love? Ahh, I think I know, at first it's the happiness of your life, but when you get dumped, it's awful.

In order to find happiness - learn to enjoy the little things :)

Yes, there is, there is happiness - he sits next to him and smiles sweetly!)

Happiness is when the desired coincides with the inevitable

Happiness is like a butterfly - if you do not catch it, it will come and quietly sit on your shoulder

Learn to let go… Happiness will always find its way back.

How nice, every day, to see in the mirror, a happy person.

you hold happiness in your hands and it seems tiny to you. Let it go and see how big it is

Happiness is good revenge and go to sleep...

Because of the lack of happiness, we climb into someone else's life.

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