What will make you feel. "I allow myself to feel." What feelings do you get when you read this phrase? What's going on inside? Convince you to give up your favorite hobby

Ways that will help you feel better, see yourself as an amazing and extraordinary person - right now!

Isn't it sad how we drive ourselves into depression day after day? If we were given ten kopecks for every time we felt unnecessary, stupid, unattractive or unworthy, most people would have become millionaires long ago.

We enter this Earth, full of abundance and wonder, and all we need at first is a little food, a little comfort and clean diapers. But if we are deprived of some of this, or if a little later on our life path someone will tell us that we are somehow worse than others, little by little we get used to feeling exactly like that. The worst. Unworthy.

And as we receive enough negativity - no matter from the outside or from ourselves - we get used to seeing only mistakes and shortcomings in ourselves. Everything else either completely dissolves against their background, or even if it improves our feeling self-esteem, then very, very, very briefly.

But if we are used to seeing only the bad in ourselves, can we learn to see the good in ourselves? Can we give up what we have believed in all this time and turn our attention to our beauty and exclusivity? Yes, yes and yes again!

This is not only possible, it is necessary to maintain our mental and physical health. Positive self-esteem was and is the basis of our well-being and happiness.

We are desperate to find a way out of the land of self-loathing.

Fortunately, our minds and hearts can change and we can learn to love and accept ourselves for who we are. Just think about how difficult it is to live guided by illusory expectations and disappointments. But by adopting a combination of positive thoughts and actions, you are quite capable of moving out of darkness into light.

As with any new skill or habit, you should start small and practice regularly. At first all this may seem unnatural to you, but after you change your actions and thoughts, your feelings will follow.

Want to feel better? So you don’t need to wait for anything for this! You can start with simple, small daily actions that will help you see yourself as you should - as an amazing, extraordinary person.

Give me some ideas? Here are 99 ways to help you change the way you think about yourself... better side- right now:

  1. Call your mom. For most of us, mother is the person who has always loved and will love us the most, and will certainly try to protect us. Ask her to say something positive to you. And if this is not an option, call the person you can rely on.
  2. Look in the mirror. But instead of looking for flaws in your appearance, focus on your best features. Your eyes? Your hair? Your smile? Focus on them for a minute or so and be grateful that you have them.
  3. Write a love letter. Let your loved one know how you feel about him. Open up completely to him. Be honest. Only by sharing your love with someone can you feel loved.
  4. List your accomplishments. Yes, yes, take a piece of paper and write them down. Anything from winning a tournament to table tennis before the project is delivered on time. Write down everything you think you can be proud of. Look at yourself on the positive side!
  5. Clean up your desk. It also helps clear your mind. Helps you think more clearly and opens the way to creativity. A little work - and you are simply overwhelmed with the thirst to create. Well, the table has become cleaner.
  6. Warm up for 5 minutes. Yes, just for 5 minutes. It won't make you overexert yourself, but it's not a small amount either. Even a short warm-up will help you feel more energetic - and it may well become a habit.
  7. Pray or meditate. Look into your soul. Let go of your ego for a moment. Step aside and forget about judging yourself for a couple of minutes - just be who you are.
  8. Do new hairstyle and makeup. If it doesn't make you feel better, what will? When you look your best, you feel completely different.
  9. Apologize. If you have treated someone badly, apologize. Guilt and shame are extremely unhealthy emotions. Take care of this right now.
  10. Get rid of something. If you have something that you don't need or use, but that someone else could use, give it to them. You will not only feel better, but also clean up your karma.
  11. Make someone feel better. What is the easiest way to forget about the negativity you feel about yourself? Simply put your energy into improving someone else's self-esteem. It's not obvious - but it works!
  12. Change something. If you are truly bothered by something about yourself, try to choose something that you can change and do it - right now. Well, let's. Start at least small.
  13. Write an affirmative message. Find what makes you feel bad about yourself... Found it? Now turn it inside out and write down the exact opposite statement. After all, there is also truth in the opposite. So write it down and repeat it until you can believe it, and then carry this piece of paper with you all the time.
  14. Dance in front of the mirror. Is it possible to think badly about yourself while dancing in front of a mirror? Just look at yourself!
  15. Call a friend. It’s not for nothing that they say that friends are our walking and talking antidepressants. One dose of a friend a day - and you are completely fine!
  16. Talk to yourself (as if you were talking to a friend). Don't have any friends nearby? So become your own friend. How would a friend respond to your supposed shortcomings? Talk to yourself about it, and be a truly loving, caring friend.
  17. Deliver what you promise. If you promised to do something, do it today. Get it off your conscience. It is very positive to feel that you can be relied upon.
  18. Compare yourself to others. Take a look around. You are in a much better position than many. You have a lot of good things. But most of the world lives in terrible poverty and suffering.
  19. Don't compare yourself to others. But under no circumstances compare yourself with the 1 percent (or even less) of the Earth's population who are more successful, more beautiful, or smarter than you. Be content with what you have.
  20. State your dream. If you want to feel good about yourself every day of the rest of your life, write a plan for how to achieve this. Do you have a lifelong dream? So write it down!
  21. Relive your best memories. Find a wonderful, magnificent memory in your past, and immerse yourself in it for a few minutes. Relive all the details and experience the same feelings as then. This will certainly help you rise above the drabness of everyday life.
  22. Feed the birds. Take a piece of bread, find some park and feed the birds in it. They will definitely love you. You will become their personal bird god. They will sing hosannas to you. It’s always nice to be someone’s deity, even if it’s just a bird deity.
  23. Make your bed. A made bed is beautiful. It makes your entire room look better. Are you a neat person? So be proud of it.
  24. Praise the children. Sometimes when we are angry at ourselves, we take it out on our children. Do not do that. Better cheer them up. Tell them what you yourself wanted to hear from your parents as children.
  25. Hug someone. Hug - small, but strong spell, instantly filling us with joy and happiness. If you have time, hug at least all day long. Well, if not, once is enough.
  26. Smile. Smile - the surest way tell our brain that we are happy. True true. Yes, try it yourself.
  27. Imagine loving-kindness. It is a Buddhist practice that helps you gain compassion and selfless kindness—both for yourself and for others.
  28. Turn off your computer and disconnect from the network. It is difficult to feel warm feelings towards yourself if your only interlocutor is a computer screen. Find a living person and chat with him. Who knows - maybe he will tell you something good.
  29. Do more today than you did yesterday. Try to go beyond the boundaries you have set. Do more than expected - at home or at work. Deliver more than is expected of you.
  30. Change your expectations. You don't have to be perfect—or even anything close to it. You can allow mistakes to be made - but even after them everything will be fine.
  31. Let someone else decide. From time to time, shift the responsibility for making decisions onto someone else's shoulders. Let someone else make the right decision or make a mistake - let him do it. Take a look from the outside.
  32. Give up your seat. Isn't it nice to see someone give up their seat on public transport to an elderly person or a pregnant woman? Doesn't this seem like a noble and kind action? So do it if you get the chance.
  33. Sow peace, not strife. Find a way to spread peace and tranquility around you. Life is already full of negativity - spice it up with something else.
  34. Hold your tongue. Just don't say it. Perhaps you really want this. Maybe you even have the right to do so. But it’s better to remain silent and smile.
  35. Start talking about yourself differently. Try listening to what you say about yourself as an impartial observer, and then change your words so that benevolent kindness fills it.
  36. Pretend. Have a low opinion of yourself? Pretend it's not so. Act like it's not true. And pretty soon the content will come into line with the form.
  37. Throw a party. Parties are fun. People like them. They also like those who suit them. And it is not at all necessary to organize a noisy celebration. Just get some fun people together.
  38. Get your budget in order. Yes, I know - boring. But it’s important, so the faster you deal with it, the faster you will raise your self-esteem.
  39. Choose health. If you have a choice between something healthy and something unhealthy, choose healthy. This certainly leads to positivity.
  40. Define what integrity means to you. And really – what? Write it down. Do you meet this definition?
  41. Do something unusual. Give your life a shake-up. Change your routine. Try something new. This will help you feel like an innovator and a shaker.
  42. Appreciate beauty. It is here, all around you. You just need to open your eyes and try to see her. And once you notice it on the outside, it won’t be so difficult to feel it on the inside. In a way, beauty is contagious.
  43. Be more modest. Simply knowing about your talents and greatness is much more pleasant than shouting about them at every corner.
  44. Share your wisdom. Life has taught you a lot. So share this with others - in a way that will help them.
  45. Read something inspiring. Take your mind off the negativity. Find good book, capable of inspiring and uplifting you.
  46. Surprise someone. Do something fun and unexpected for someone you care about. Just preparing for this will greatly lift your spirits.
  47. Share other people's feelings. Try to go beyond sympathy. Put yourself in someone else's shoes and look at the situation through their eyes. Shared feelings lead to empathy, which sows love and healing in the soul.
  48. Change your habits. Do something extra - even if you don't really feel like it or aren't in the mood. This will help you feel better.
  49. Keep it simple. A complicated life, loaded with things, things and tasks will not make you happier and will not increase your self-esteem. Find time in your life, without compromising your values, to simply live.
  50. Bury the hatchet. If you are at loggerheads with someone, come to him with a white flag - even if you are not to blame for the conflict. Take the first step towards healing and peace.
  51. Find a mentor. Find someone whose life or achievements you would like to emulate. Watch and learn, and then act.
  52. Become a mentor. Become one for someone who could learn something from your leadership and example.
  53. Take care of your family first. After all, if you look at it, what could be more important? Try not to forget about her by giving her your time, love and attention every day.
  54. Don't forget about yourself. An important part of caring for a family is right attitude to yourself. Treat yourself with the same love and kindness that you treat your household. After all, the better you treat yourself, the more strength and energy you will have for your family.
  55. Learn to say no. Don't let anyone force you to do something by intimidating you or playing on your feelings of guilt or shame. If you don't want to do something, just say no.
  56. Say yes. Say yes to life, new adventures, new friends, the desire to create, spontaneity. Don't say no when you want to say yes.
  57. Start a new habit. Choose a good habit that you would like to acquire. Start small. Create a clear schedule for yourself, but don't look too far ahead.
  58. Take a deep breath. Learn proper breathing techniques. They are extremely beneficial for both body and mind.
  59. Ask them to stretch your shoulders. A gentle touch from a caring person reminds us that we are not alone, that we are connected to each other, and that our bodily well-being is important too.
  60. Live in the moment. Get your head out of the clouds. Stop living in the past or worrying about the future. The present, what is happening here and now, is the only thing we really have. So turn your full attention to him.
  61. Be kind to your life partner. Just be kind. Kindness benefits any relationship, but especially one like this.
  62. Hang up your clothes. Clear out your house. Take care of yourself and your surroundings. Respect the time and money spent buying what you wear.
  63. Finally pay your bills. If you have long-standing unpaid bills, try your best to pay them off. Negative energy and the stress caused by them hanging over your head will sooner or later drive you into the ground up to your ears.
  64. Make an appointment. If you need to see a doctor, a psychotherapist, a lawyer, an accountant, or anyone else, stop procrastinating and make an appointment. Today.
  65. Do not give up. In any situation, no matter what happens, hold on to the last. Find strength, emotional or mental reserve within yourself. And if you need help, ask for it.
  66. Let off some steam. If you feel stress building up inside you like steam in an overheated boiler, stop what you are doing and gently release it. Do some exercises, sing, shout, and even beat a pillow if it makes you feel better. Let off some steam in a safe way before you have done anything that could get you arrested.
  67. Bake some cookies. Freshly baked homemade cookies can cure anything. Try it and you will understand what I'm talking about.
  68. Remember to remind yourself that everything will be fine. As a rule, this is what happens. Despite all your worries and anxieties, you can find a way out of almost any situation.
  69. Let the universe keep you from falling. Just stop fluttering and let things take their course. Free fall and let the universe catch you.
  70. Embrace fragility. When you feel weak, scared, alone and prone to mistakes, remember - it's all part of human nature. We all experience fragility of mind and spirit at times. Accept it so you can overcome it. Now, and next time, and then...
  71. Stop thinking, take action. Action moves you forward, but completely immersed in thoughts, you are just marking time.
  72. Watch a funny video. It is unlikely that you will be able to laugh and think unflatteringly about yourself at the same time. Watch something funny.
  73. Take a break from your work. Sometimes it is enough for you to take a break from work - at least for 10-15 minutes - to regain seemingly lost strength and remember that life is not only about work and what is associated with it.
  74. Drink in moderation. Alcohol only makes you more depressed. If you are dissatisfied with yourself, excessive libations will only make you worse.
  75. Eat healthy. Sometimes you feel bad because you lack what you need nutrients or lack of energy. Eat foods that help keep your body and mind healthy.
  76. Drink water. More. Even more. Accustoming yourself to drink more water, you will acquire an extremely useful habit. A good habits increase self-esteem.
  77. Start moving forward. Break the path to your goal into small steps. Start with the first one, even if it is small. And... do it. That's all.
  78. Hire a trainer. A coach will help you move further, give your best, to a greater extent unlock your own potential.
  79. Curb your appetites. Spend less. Save money. Try to do without unnecessary things. Make your life easier.
  80. Keep a paper diary. Throw out the thoughts and worries locked inside - and you will be surprised how much freer you will feel.
  81. Have a cup of tea. Just sit down in a quiet place and drink some tea. Enjoy this simple, but so pleasant and calming pastime.
  82. Play with your pet. Your pets love you unconditionally. So immerse yourself in this love and attention.
  83. Dress up. If you look outwardly like a collected, attractive person, sooner or later you will feel like that.
  84. Plan your day. Determine for yourself 2-3 things that you would like to achieve. It is better to do this in the morning of this or in the evening of the previous day. You don't need long list– 2-3 things are enough. It is quite possible that you will achieve more, but if this more includes what you planned, believe me, you will feel much better.
  85. Open up to the world. Don't hide behind your fears or expectations that won't come true. Be a real person - with all his weaknesses and shortcomings. Real man much more attractive than the fake one.
  86. Give compliments. Just say something nice. Make someone's day a little better, and you'll make yours a little better.
  87. Give yourself gold stars. It's incredibly rewarding to reward yourself with a gold star for a job you've done or a habit you've learned.
  88. Learn some new word. It doesn't matter if you study foreign language or write a scientific dissertation - it can be useful and fun! For example, lower jaw in Latin it is “Mandible”.
  89. Work on your flexibility. Flexibility of the body helps reduce pain, improves blood circulation, posture and protects against injury.
  90. Eat another serving of vegetables. You're almost certainly not eating enough vegetables, so one extra plate won't hurt you. Choose something rich in micronutrients, like spinach, cabbage, or Chinese cabbage.
  91. Get yourself a jar for daily savings. Every day, throw a little money there - large, small, whatever you don't mind - and watch how the amount in it grows.
  92. Surround yourself with light. Imagine a white, peaceful, loving light around you.
  93. Plan an adventure. Plan an exciting trip, a weekend getaway - in short, something that will be new and exciting for you. Believe me, even just by immersing yourself in planning, you will already feel better.
  94. Send a funny SMS. Make someone laugh with a funny SMS.
  95. Take a closer look at your intentions. Take a closer look at the reasons why you act one way or another. Do they fit with your principles? If not, don't do it.
  96. Learn a new word. Expand your vocabulary and amaze yourself and others with your encyclopedic knowledge!
  97. Create a home altar for yourself. Designate a special place in your home where you can meditate, pray, read, or think.
  98. Rest for ten minutes. Just rest. Without doing anything. Be alone with yourself.
  99. Know that you are loved. Because it's true... and sometimes it's all you need to remember how extraordinary a person you are.

How do you lift your mood and increase your self-esteem? Leave your ideas in the comments.

"I allow myself to feel." What feelings do you get when you read this phrase? What's going on inside?

The nature of a woman is full of sensuality. But, paradoxically, she suppresses these feelings all the time, tries to extinguish or drown out.

Let's do a little test. Answer these questions with either “yes” or “no.” We will determine the ratio of these responses later.

  1. I allow myself to feel resentment.
  2. I allow myself to feel anger and anger.
  3. I allow myself to feel sad.
  4. I allow myself to feel passion, sexual desire.
  5. I allow myself to desire material things.
  6. I allow myself to feel strong and active.
  7. I allow myself to feel the pleasure of life, body, communication.
  8. I allow myself to feel sexy.
  9. I allow myself to feel fear.
  10. I allow myself to feel joy and happiness to the fullest.

If you have more positive answers, it means you are at peace with yourself and living life to the fullest. If in most cases your answer is “no,” then this article is for you.

Suppressing feelings leads to illness

This is a common truth, everyone knows about it. But when something offensive, unpleasant, scary happens in a woman’s life, then, as a rule, women prefer to tightly seal their feelings and immerse themselves in work, affairs, helping others, just so as not to feel pain or fear.

  • Only a few can sincerely cry when they feel bad. Do it exactly at the moment when it happened, and not five years later at an appointment with a psychologist.
  • Very few women know how to get angry and give vent to their anger.
  • Very few people know how to truly want something and show it.
  • And the worst thing is that very few people know how to be happy and have fun!

What is the reason?

The reason is the inability to truly feel. We weren't taught this. We have often heard phrases like this:

  • "Do not Cry!"
  • “Why are you so sour? Nobody likes such sour people."
  • “It’s more pleasant to communicate with a joyful girl”
  • "A girl shouldn't act like that"
  • "Do not scream!"
  • "Don `t cry!"
  • "Don't laugh so loud!"
  • "Don't worry"
  • "Don't worry"
  • "Don't be sad"
  • "Do not get mad"
  • “You never know what you want!”
  • “Why do you think that all your wishes should come true?”
  • “You enjoy it, but others feel bad. Shame on you"

If we put it all together, all this can be expressed in one phrase: “ Don't feel it!»

In our modern world:

  • It's a shame to be angry.
  • Enjoying is a shame.
  • Loving yourself is a shame.
  • Wishing and talking about desires is shameful.
  • Being sexually aroused and wanting intimacy is terribly shameful.
  • It is a shame to be happy and joyful.

Is not it?

What's good now?

  • Giving everything to others, forgetting about yourself, is heroism.
  • Giving up your desires for the sake of the desires of others is a noble self-sacrifice.
  • Spending all your money on your husband, child and house means being a good wife.
  • Satisfying a man sexually as he wants and hiding his desires and inconveniences for years is a normal fulfillment of marital duty.
  • Giving all of yourself to your husband and children, getting old and worn out at 35 years old is an ordinary life.

Don't you think we live in some strange world?

We live in a world in which it is not fashionable to be happy and joyful. In a world where feeling means being weak. A woman represents feelings. To feel for a woman means to live, to feel life, to experience it and let it pass through oneself! She is one with nature and the elements. The cycle of her experiences and moods can change just like the weather changes. Feelings fill a woman with strength, making her a co-creator with God. They reveal its power. A woman becomes incredibly attractive, and she inspires and makes a man strong.

When a woman forbids herself to feel, she cuts herself off from her strength, from her inner essence. She becomes energetically weak and can no longer be paired with a strong man.

Without feelings - life is gray

How much time a day do you consciously feel the world, consciously experience feelings and emotions? What do you do when you are emotionally hurt?

I place such emphasis on this because many women complain that they do not feel life, that their life is gray and mechanical, that they have long forgotten how to sincerely rejoice. Everything happens as it should and as it should, but it does not bring any emotions. Husband, child, breakfast, lunch, dinner, work and home - everything is calm and the same. But this stability and monotony kills. Then they stop feeling their body, their femininity, their nature. Some people rebel and find lovers so that life acquires some colors, at least some emotions, but this only saves them for a while. And then - pain, from which you again need to hide behind insensibility.

The solution is very simple. You need to start allowing yourself to feel today. Feel the joy with your whole body, let it ring in your fingertips. Feel the sadness and savor it, don’t try to drown it out with something. Live! Enjoy the fact that you are alive, feeling, real! Allow yourself to be angry, allow anger to be. Repeat to yourself at every moment: “I allow myself to be happy... I allow myself to be sad...” (worry, worry, get angry).

You will feel how emotions will turn from destructive into your strength and power. When we do something, it becomes our strength. Acceptance is a great feminine power in itself. Many women will experience fear; there is an association firmly in their minds: if we accept something, it means we agree with it and it will always be so. Not at all!

Allowing does not mean doing it

You will feel it yourself. When a woman suppresses her anger, it does not go away, but only destroys her from the inside, she begins to be sarcastic, and unconsciously take revenge. But when a woman says to herself: “I allow myself to feel anger,” the following happens: it begins to fill her body, and it is only important for her to be aware of it, to breathe through it. You can even say: “ God, I'm going crazy with anger! How angry I am!- and continue to feel it. After a few minutes, this state will leave you and be replaced by peace and a feeling of strength. Let yourself feel the anger throughout your body, don’t hold it back. You can even growl - it helps.

After this, you will no longer destroy anyone - neither yourself, nor your loved ones, nor the atmosphere. This is a healthy experience of emotions. Do the same with joy. Let it fill you, cry with happiness, run around the house, be crazy! Believe me, it is better to be happy and a little crazy than sick, angry and serious.

Accept your desires. You don't have to embody them, but realize that you have them, because in this way you give yourself a choice. When we hide desires in the subconscious, they quickly come true, especially destructive ones. If you have some kind of destructive desire, do not rush to change the thought to another - look at this desire and become aware of it. Accept it as a fact: you have it. And then you can talk to yourself about why it arose, whether you really need it. At least the maps of your subconscious will be open to you, which means you will be able to control them.

And it is especially important to accept joy, happiness, and pleasure into your life. Let them flow through your body, fill you and those around you. If something important and positive has happened in your life, do not be shy about your emotions and tell yourself: “I allow myself to feel joy.” Allowance is a powerful resource female state.

Allowing clears the way for energy

Energy flows through our body like a river. If we forbid ourselves something, a block forms in the body, and the energy not only stops - it continues to accumulate, enters the physical plane, causing illness.

Allowance is the smooth flow of our energy rivers. It makes the body a green, clean planet of life.

When we don't feel ourselves, we don't let others feel.

If we ourselves have put a block on feelings, then it is difficult for everyone else in the family to rejoice and experience emotions. I know one family where in the house a woman suppresses her feelings and desires, and everyone else is also afraid to express them. The atmosphere in their house is tense. Everyone is polite, courteous and extremely tense. Once I happened to see family members in the city - they laughed, joked, were cheerful and full of life. There was nothing surprising in the owner’s complaints that they couldn’t be assembled at home: I wouldn’t go to such a house either.

Look at your family:

  • Do you allow your husband to experience emotions the way he knows how?
  • Do your children know how to be themselves? Cry and rejoice? Be spontaneous?
  • Are you suppressing them with your categorical attitude?

I used to find it difficult to react to my husband’s emotions, especially when he was silent and withdrawn. I twitched, blamed myself, tried to get him out of this state. This began to stress him out, and he began to go outside to “think.” I realized that I was suppressing my emotions and his at the same time. Then I changed my strategy. When my husband was lost in his thoughts, I said to myself: “ I let my husband feel his feelings on his own. I let myself relax" After that, my husband stopped leaving the house to think, and I stopped worrying about what I did wrong.

Then I went further and began to say: “ I allow myself to feel anger, sadness, resentment...“And at one moment a miracle happened to me. IN Once again, when something upset me, I said: “ I allow myself to feel sadness and grief, I allow myself to cry and worry.“, - and I lay down and began to experience it in my body. And the moment I fully accepted these feelings, they gave me their power, and I felt such a powerful surge of energy! I cried, but inside I felt happiness and delight, because I am alive and know how to feel - I, like mother earth, can be calm and can be crazy only because I am alive, real.

Stability and lack of change is death. In life, changes and differences are normal, it’s natural, like the weather. It can't be hot all the time or cold all the time. Change is needed for harmony.

Embrace the mother nature within you. Feel open to change. A feeling woman is lively, irresistible, attractive. She is strong, like nature itself.

When I began to work with permission, I experienced profound changes in the way I saw the world. In the first week, my brain completely turned off :) I couldn’t think at all - I was filled with sensations and almost all the time I laughed or cried with delight and the feeling of life in myself. In life I am a big fan of thinking, but here I was cut off as if from a network. I completely gave up thinking - I just felt everything and enjoyed it.

Then I began to catch a state of balance, to balance between thoughts and sensations, but there were much more sensations. The energy stopped going to the head and began to actively fill the body. I felt more feminine. Men began to actively react to me, but not with lust, but with a desire to help. There was even a case when I was walking through a construction warehouse, and suddenly a massive oak tree began to fall. I didn’t see this, but some man walking behind rushed to protect me. The mass fell on him. Everything went well. But I was struck by how calmly I accepted his action. Previously, I would have tried to break into pieces to repay. But this time I just thanked him very sincerely and mentally sent him blessings.

I realized how much I suppressed myself at one time, trying to meet some standards and rules. I became decent, correct, but at the same time I lost the feeling of life. , in thoughts. I think many people are familiar with this. And if you also want to start living, then start allowing yourself!

Let it be keyword for this week or month. You will see what colossal changes will happen in your life! And you will feel what happiness it is to live, and not think that you are living.

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Questions for self-reflection are worth asking yourself in at least two cases: when everything is good and when everything is bad. It often happens that there are more and more second things in our lives. Therefore, we have collected for you several dozen questions that you need to ask yourself when it seems that happiness is far away and unattainable, and the meaning of life has been lost. If you want to know more about your personality, take a look that will make you think about important things and will help you understand your motivation, as well as understand what you want from life.

Don't skip any of the following questions; if possible, take a notepad and pen and write down your answers.


  1. Answer in one sentence: “Who are you?”
  2. What do you have that all people want?
  3. What's missing in your life?
  4. What thoughts were on your mind? Lately?
  5. Happiness is…
  6. What stands between you and happiness?
  7. What do you need right now?
  8. What does the child inside you want?
  9. Is there one thing you are absolutely sure of? What is this?
  10. What has been worrying you lately?
  11. What exactly are you afraid of?
  12. How good are you?
  13. What fears are holding you back from achieving big goals?
  14. What will you never give up?
  15. What do you want to remember forever?
  16. What makes you feel safe?
  17. What activities leave you feeling like you wasted your time?
  18. What was your most difficult decision in life?
  19. What are you most grateful for?
  20. What deserves pain?
  21. Rank the following in order of importance: happiness, money, love, health, fame.
  22. What's something you've always wanted but never got?
  23. What was your most defining moment in the past year?
  24. What will be the main change in your personality this year?
  25. What do you want to achieve in the next five years?
  26. What is your biggest motivator at the moment?
  27. What will you never do and why?
  28. What did you promise yourself you wouldn't do again, but you still do?
  29. What new things have you learned about yourself recently?
  30. Do you pretend to know something that you don't? What is this?
  31. In one sentence: “What kind of future do you want for yourself?”
  32. What worries you most about the future?
  33. When you think about the past, what do you regret most?
  34. What from the past do you not regret at all?
  35. Has there been anything recently that has reminded you of how quickly time flies?
  36. What's the biggest challenge you're facing right now?
  37. How would you describe your personality?
  38. What never gets you mad?
  39. How would your friends and family describe you?
  40. What is the biggest misconception people have about you?
  41. What do people do that you don't agree with?
  42. What beliefs do most people disagree with?
  43. What is more difficult for you than for other people?
  44. What three qualities do you look for in someone you become friends with in the future?
  45. If you meet someone very similar to you in character, what will be your reaction?
  46. When you think about your home, how does it make you feel?
  47. What is the most valuable thing you own?
  48. If you were to move to another country, what would you miss most?
  49. What makes you smile?
  50. How do you react when you feel unhappy?
  51. Is there anything in your life that you don't want?
  52. What do you need to avoid in order to develop as a person?
  53. What do you need to do every day to be happy?
  54. List your past misconceptions.
  55. What has made you stronger lately without making you bitter?
  56. What will no one ever steal from you?
  57. What did you hate a couple of years ago, but now love?
  58. Was there something you stopped doing that you feel was the right decision?
  59. What do you spend the most time on?
  60. What are you naturally good at?
  61. What things should be taken seriously?
  62. What things should not be taken seriously?
  63. What three things are you not getting enough of?
  64. What fascinates you? Make a detailed list.
  65. What's the difference between living and existing?
  66. What would you do every day if you could?
  67. What makes you feel disharmonious?
  68. How do you know when it's time to move on?
  69. What do you value most about the situation you are in?
  70. What sentences should you answer “no” to and why?
  71. What makes you feel comfortable?
  72. At what points do you act and at what points do you act impulsively?

Some questions require careful thought, others do not. Try to find out which ones exactly. A well-researched question will allow you to understand yourself, find meaning in your activities and move closer to happiness. Think about these things often and sober your mind with questions and answers.

We wish you good luck!

Do you feel more comfortable and comfortable saying “yes”? Let’s face it, no one ever wants to be the person who ruins someone’s plans. If you say no, you may offend someone, ruin their day, or hurt someone's feelings. However, despite all this, ALWAYS allow yourself to say no. “No” should empower you and make you feel confident. And that's why:

1. You are in control of your body.

That's right: you control your body and your personal space. saying no if you don't want to kiss, hug, or even touch someone. The word “no” serves you and you should always be confident in using it.

2. Your intuition is worth trusting.

If you subconsciously sense that something is wrong, then follow that inner voice. will not mislead you. When you hear a loud “no” in your head, think about why you had that thought.

3. You are a brave person

You are strong, capable and smart. You also know what works for you and what doesn't. Saying no isn't always easy, but you have the confidence to say it.

4. It's not the end of the world

Saying “no” will not ruin your life or jeopardize your friendships or relationships. A healthy dose of this word will simply allow you to live the life you want to live.

5. You stay true to yourself

If you start saying no, you are living your truth, your principles. Don't wear a mask or force yourself to do something you simply don't want to do. You only break yourself when you say “yes” against your will.

6. The word “no” is liberating.

You should feel confident knowing that “no” frees you from unwanted obligations. You are an independent person, you have free will to choose how and what you want to spend your time on. Take the ones that will allow you to live a full and quality life.

7. Your voice should always be heard

The word “no” allows you to express your disagreement and voice your thoughts. You have every right to say what you think, just like everyone else. You have a voice, so use it.

8. You are important

If someone tells you that you can't say no, then that person doesn't have any respect for you. However, you are important, and your opinion is important too. Know how to defend yourself and your point of view.

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