How to restore the resource state. The resource state of a person. Rules for the right attitude to yourself

Resource state is a full, balanced, even, harmonious state. In this state, we feel good, we like everything, everything suits us, we are satisfied with life. Resourcefulness is about experiencing the experience of completeness and integrity, pleasure and happiness that I Am!

When we experience fullness, we have a lot of energy, physical and spiritual strength, we are in the Plus. We see and notice what we already have, and it is easy for us to be Thankful and Give Thanks. The world has no choice but to reflect our good to us and strengthen its feedback - what is inside, it becomes from the outside.

Resourcefulness is about the fullness of one's deficits and the satisfaction of needs.

What keeps in a resource state:

To be in a resource state, it is important to have at least a minimum supply of a resource. You can invest when there is something to invest. When at zero, then they don’t talk about investments at all. It is important to take care of yourself to keep the balance in the black. And rely on what is already there in order to complete what is not yet.

It is important to be aware of what I want and what I need. And give it to yourself by taking care of yourself. This is about maintaining a certain homeostasis of the body and constantly "building up" oneself to integrity and a state of happiness and pleasure. Constantly maintaining balance and efficiency between oneself and the world. Caring manifestation to itself. When the needs are satisfied, then I am in the resource!

When we focus our attention only on the deficit and cry about what we don’t have (and where there is attention, there is energy), then we “fall” into a hole – it becomes bigger and bigger. And there is less and less resource to fill it. A "hole" is formed and then we are not in the resource ...

Resource structure

It all starts with safety, and support is the basis! Internal reliance on yourself, on your roots. The ability to protect yourself and ensure your safety, about housing.

Physical layer: everything about quality characteristics - sufficient quality sleep, food that meets the needs of the body, comfortable (high-quality) clothes and shoes, health, rest. Everything that fills the body with physical energy. Quality sex and pleasure for the physical body (massage, relaxation, bath). Self-care people choose quality in everything around them.

Mental level: stability and integrity - a healthy inner world - a joyful "inner child", stable, caring "inner adult", kind and careful, permissive "inner parent". All this is achieved in the process of psychotherapy, working through traumas. Closing of unfinished gestalts and situations from the past.

Energy level: prevention of energy leakage - to maintain a balance of give and take in relationships, maintaining personal boundaries. So that the resource "does not leak", "does not merge". Awareness and understanding that any action or thought, event or meeting is a resource can be a resource, or it can be a waste of a resource. And here, taking care of yourself will not be to lose energy, but to save, to invest in what is needed.

Spiritual level: self-realization in activity, favorite thing. Doing what I love fills me when I understand my mission and what I do is valuable, important not only for me, but also for Others, for the world.

We are a complex multifaceted mechanism that requires fine tuning and care. This is how you take care of yourself and your inner resource. Energy is where attention is, and where is it "here and now" or in the past? In mental dialogue, in dreams, in the future and in anxiety for him or in the past. Where do I send my energy?

Resourcefulness is when we are most effective for ourselves and for others, making ourselves happier and more successful. Our task is to be happy and share our happiness with the world when there is energy to share with the world. Overflowing, we can give not drying up, but multiplying.

The resource state is the optimal internal state of a person. It is based on memories of once successfully completed work, on pleasant states of inner harmony, confidence. The resource state can be used for effective communication, achievement of intended results at any time if necessary.

To learn how to enter a resourceful state, you need to master four steps:

1. Finding memories of success in your past experiences: remember when you did something easily, inspiringly, beautifully - you yourself and those around you really liked it.

2. Find a comfortable place and allow yourself to relive that state of success again.. At the same time, it is useful to ask yourself: “What did I see when everything worked out so well for me? What did I feel about it? What hear?"

3. When the memory of that former situation is restored to a sufficient extent and reaches the greatest intensity, touch the fingers of the right hand to the wrist of the left to establish a conditional connection of the "stimulus - reaction" type. Remember the point you touched and how hard the touch was . In NLP language, this establishment of a conditional connection is called " anchoring ». "Anchor" should be the peak of emotional experience when you feel that now you are able to work even better than in the past, to which your memories relate.

4. Entering a resource state. To do this, repeat the second and third steps, i.e. sequentially and quickly enter the memory of the resource state and re-establish the same anchor, and then simultaneously use the anchor and restore memories. This double procedure is needed to make sure that the anchor (touch or word or combination of both) immediately brings to memory the optimal internal state necessary for successful activity. You now have a means of entering the resource state. In communication with colleagues, with superiors, in the family, at any difficult moment in life, using your “resource anchor”, you will feel a surge of strength that will help you succeed..


As already noted, NLP is an integration of psychology, linguistics and computer programming. Psychology deals with the process of communication, and linguistics deals with the content of communication. NLP offers a special procedure for clarifying the content and meaning of what has been said.. Its essence is in the ability to ask questions, which in NLP are called pointers, or pointers..

Pointer 1: noun . The first pointer is needed to clarify the meaning of the noun.

Pointer 2: Verbs. Needed to clarify the meaning of verbs. To do this, it is useful to ask the question: “How exactly (verb)?”. Those. how exactly the interlocutor is going to do something.

Pointer 3: rules . In a person's life there is a set of rules, usually expressed in words: “should”, “must not”, “should”, “should not”. A person sometimes needs to revise the accepted rules, doubting their necessity and timeliness. So, to the words “should”, “should”, ask the question: “ What happens if I don't do this? What happens if you don't?». If the question remains unanswered, then the validity of the rule should be doubted. . By questioning the rules, we can gain new opportunities and new choices, new ways of doing things.

In NLP they warn: the third pointer is very useful in communicating with oneself, but it must be used with other people carefully so as not to cause aggression of the interlocutor. People don't like it if someone reveals the limitations of their thinking. That's why the third pointer can be set only after achieving rapport with the interlocutor, carefully looking at his response. It is useful to soften the question: “Please explain what you specifically mean, why should we? What happens if we don't do it?"

Pointer 4: generalizations . Designed to avoid errors associated with incorrect generalization. Generalization, on the one hand, is a useful property of thinking, but, on the other hand, generalizations often limit our thinking and cause trouble, which can be completely avoided if we revise it in time. generalization-stereotype, which distorts the "map of reality" of a person and limits his capabilities.

Pointer 5: comparisons . used to clarify comparisons, words such as “better”, “worse”, “easier”, etc.. If you hear: “Better do it,” you can refine: "Better than what?"

Each of you has heard this word - Resource. Each of you has your own idea of ​​what it is. Someone with this word has images of things, money, authority ... Or time, opportunities.

And for me, this word evokes a feeling of a certain state of mind and body. The state from which, as from a magic box, you can take whatever you want.
I will share this experience with you.

In order to be filled with a state from which one can draw strength, one must first empty oneself.

Yes exactly. Like a warm evening shower or bath, where clean water washes away all the dust and unpleasant stuck emotions from the body, soul and mind.

    • Stop first! Wherever you are. Sit comfortably, but with your spine straight and your feet planted firmly on the floor or ground.
    • Relax the muscles of the body and especially the face, inhale deeply and exhale calmly. Let go of all the thoughts that curl around your mind like colorful ribbons.
    • Open your eyes and look at any objects, noting their color and shape. Whatever they are. No need to recognize and analyze them, to define and compare. Just look and observe for a few seconds everything that your eyes will pay attention to. Do this for several breaths and exhalations.
    • Now close your eyes and slowly imagine what you would like to see. It can be a person or an object, a color or an element ...
    • Without opening your eyes, calmly switch your attention to all the sounds in the space around you. Just listen to the noise. It's like the sound stream is going through you and you're just watching it.
    • Now remember the sounds you know: for example, a moving train, the rustling of the sheets of a book or foliage under your feet, a recently heard song, the sound of a loved one's voice. In general, all the sounds that you want or that can give you pleasure.
    • Then turn your attention to any scents your nose can pick up. Notice them. Several breath cycles. And again - remember the pleasant aromas of flowers, fruits, freshly cut grass or your favorite perfume, or maybe the smell of fresh wind?
    • Let go of that as well, switching to your taste buds. Recall the sensation of any taste that gave you pleasure or excited you.
      Several breath cycles.
    • Now remember the feeling of touching a silk fabric or stroking a loved one, the feeling of a hard surface or soft, warm or cold, the feeling of the body in contact with water.
    • Feel your body. The touch of your hips on the surface you are sitting on, the feeling in your fingertips or toes, or even the feeling inside your body.
      Several breaths and exhalations.

In the process of passing through this experience, unexpected and simple solutions to issues often come and, most importantly, the mood becomes light, like a spring wind and a feeling of energy and desire to do something. Work, learn, create, smile.
...Smile at others)

I am not asking you to take my experience or believe me. But you can try and see! :)
And find out what will happen to you.

Upcoming holidays,

Psychologist at the Center for Successful Relationships

You can't force yourself to do what needs to be done.
There is no energy for important things. And even for household.
There is no desire to do what used to bring pleasure.
As if you have forgotten how to have fun and rejoice.
Life seems colorless and meaningless.

The battery in the phone is almost empty and gives desperate signals ... The arrow on the car dashboard indicates that the gas tank is almost empty ... What are you doing? Charge the battery and add fuel to the gas tank. You have just replenished their resources. Now you can make phone calls and drive again. But your internal battery and gas tank seem to be empty. A long time ago. It's amazing how you can still get yourself out of bed.

How did it happen that you exhausted your internal resources and did not even notice it?

After all, you remember yourself as different - full of strength and energy, curious and active, active and focused, your head was full of ideas, projects, plans, everything was arguing in your hands, you were easy-going, you enjoyed life. Why isn't it right now? And how to return to that state?

Imagine a chest filled with treasures. Luxurious riches lie in it: your health, time, support from family and friends, money, knowledge, experience, social connections, skills and much more. You can get all these treasures from the chest and dispose of them as you wish - give, invest, exchange, scatter, acquire something thanks to them. And the point is not in their number, but in the fact that you definitely have all of them. How do you manage these treasures? What are you spending your time and health on? What are you investing in? How do you use your knowledge, skills and abilities?

People spend their treasure-resources without asking such questions. They spend it on sitting in front of screens, empty talk, suffering relationships, unloved work, meaningless activities. They feed with their resources deliberately unfilled “black holes”, trying to remake someone, save, keep, please or please someone. And as a result, they find themselves in a state of devastation.

A breakdown, a depressed mood, irritability, a loss of meaning in life occur when your battery is almost empty, when your treasure chest is almost empty.You do not want to share with others anymore - you do not have enough for yourself.But there are many “shoulds” and “shoulds” in your life, and on them you scrape the bottom out of the latter, overcoming the inner cry “Alarm! Recharge your battery! Replenish your resources!”. Right now you are spending one or more of your valuable resources on some kind of energy-intensive story, but you are not recharged in any way, you are not replenishing your treasury.

Health, time, money, contacts, knowledge, skills, your spiritual qualities and unique properties of your personality, your achievements and accomplishments, beliefs and values ​​are resources. They can and should be shared, but they definitely need nourishment, filling and replenishment. To have something to take, scoop, give.

“First put the oxygen mask on yourself, then on the child,”advise the rules of conduct in an emergency situation on an airplane. This principle also applies to the handling of their resources. If I don't have enough air, I can't do anything. Especially taking care of others. Being in a lot of stress, we can not help and please each other. But an interesting thing: if we ourselves have a resource, then by pleasing others from its excess, we increase our resource!

How to fill the chest of resources if it is almost empty? From a state of nervous exhaustion or depression, a person usually does not see any resources and does not understand how to access them. Having received the advice of a psychologist to “take care of yourself”, he triesforce myselfdo something for yourself. But violence against oneself cannot be an appeal to resources. The more a person forces himself, the less he can receive and appropriate resource. We turn to the resource with joy, as if we fall to the source, exhausted from thirst. But trying to satisfy it instantly is dangerous. Try moistening your lips first. A person who has been starving for a long time is not fed immediately to satiety - in a spoonful, in a piece.

Good news:there are much more resources that can be filled with than those that we are forced to spend! Check out our - with all this and many others, you can fill yourself, your treasure chest, recharge your battery. Based on this list, you can make your own and constantly expand it.

Let's start right now. Slowly, with great care for yourself, gradually increasing the level of difficulty.

Revision Level:

  1. Revision of your valuable resources (health, time, money, material resources, relationships, contacts and social connections). What are available? How do I manage them? What and who do I spend on? Where do I send?
  1. Internal resources (meanings, values, faith, purpose, spirituality, personality traits, knowledge, experience, skills, vivid pleasant memories, achievements). What internal resources can I draw on? What is valuable to me? What am I proud of? (if it's hard to answer this question, I ask what other people admire about me). What am I good at? What pleasant memories fill me with joy?

Level Experimenter:

  1. External resources (people who love and support me; hobbies, hobbies, creativity; travel, road; caring for my body and appearance; intellectual resources: self-development, theater, cinema, concerts; sensory resources: aromas, tactile sensations, sounds and music , movement, dancing, sports).From the list of external resources, I choose what at the moment from my state I am happy to do for myself right now. And I do it right away! I'm tryingto completely immerse myself in this resource and enjoy it to the maximum that is now possible for me.
  1. Having enjoyed I take care of myself , how long this resource state is retained in me and at what moment it disappears. What thought threw me into a state of desolation and impotence? Communication with what person and on what topic caused me irritation, resentment, guilt, despair, apathy?
  1. It is advisable to start keeping a diary in which to record facts and their consequences.
  1. I draw myself a chest, a battery, myself or any other image and incoming and outgoing arrows. What contacts, communication, topics, actions fill me with a resource, which ones take away?

Master Resource Level:

  1. Every day I do something to replenish my resources.
  2. I eliminate or reduce what sucks them out.
  3. As soon as I got into a situation that devastated me, I immediately turn to resources without delay and feed on them!
  4. Before a deliberately devastating story, I thoroughly “recharge the battery” in advance or I definitely plan to recharge after. And let the whole world wait - this is the most important thing!
  5. At a comfortable time, I stock up on resources for the future. I catch a state when I have a lot of strength and energy, remember it, save it for the future.

Good news:the resource state in oneself can be developed! The more experience of interaction with the resource, the faster it is possible to get in touch with it. And then I go to the highest level:

Owner of Your Resources:

  1. In a businesslike way, carefully and with pleasure sorting through my treasure-resources, rejoicing in their abundance, I intelligently direct them to achieve my goals, implement plans and implement ideas.

Bonus:consciously exchanging resources with other people, we increase the amount of resources and opportunities and change the world!

Do you want to always be in good shape, to turn off dozens of mountains, to perform three heroic deeds a day and to be in time everywhere? Then you need to find and pull out the resource state from the nooks and crannies of memory. Don't know what it is? Read on.

Surely you have often had such thoughts:

“All these self-development tips are cool stuff, and I would like to start following them, but I just don’t have the strength (moods, desires, “critical days”, etc.). It's good to talk about all this when you're normal. But when sausages, you don’t want anything and it doesn’t work out. So not for me…”

And here is another example. On New Year's Eve, many people make plans for the future. How will they finally take care of their health, learn this damn English, lose weight with dignity, start running in the morning, take out the Christmas tree - that's all.

Do you know why such thoughts appear just before the new year? Everything is simple. At this time, everyone is preparing for the holiday, which from early childhood is associated with the joy of waiting for gifts.

And even as adults, we continue to expect gifts from this holiday - just all these useful things and positive Wishlist.

After all, this is a real gift - to become healthier. Right? Or learn the language, finally. Also a gift. And I’m talking about losing weight in general. Just a dream!!!

But why don't we wait for all this at another time? Yes, because in the new year all people are tuned to a wave of joy and expectation. This wave picks up all-all-all and automatically bestows inspiration.

And at other times, this simply does not happen. Because there is no single impulse.

That's the inspiration we're talking about today. 'Cause it's nothing but resource state.

To put it simply, the resource state is when everything is high for you and everything in your life is good.

I feel great, my mood is excellent, my beloved person is at my side, work is a dream, the boss is a sweetheart, things are done by themselves, there are hundreds of bags of money in the corridor, there is nowhere to go.

And most importantly - you are happy and satisfied with everything in the world.

Great, right? Do you think this is not for you? Have you ever had such a resourceful state? You are wrong. Or just forgot. Each of us had such resource states more than once. Especially in childhood.

In fact, the resource state is a rather even and calm feeling. Without these happy snot and indefatigable delight.

This is the feeling when you are confident in yourself, you feel enough energy in your body to take on any task. You are collected, you feel good and cheerful, and a jammed record of worries and fears for any reason is not spinning in your head.

That's what a resource state is.

First of all, you need to remember this resource state. As I said, it was in everyone's life and more than once.

Maybe it's your first kiss, or your first successful attempt on a two-wheeler. Maybe it's winning a school competition or making your own soup for the first time.

Maybe going to college. Maybe just lying on the seashore under the rays of the gentle sun, and the whole vacation is yet to come. Or maybe a good purchase that really fit you and wore well.

Do you understand what the point is? Think of any such event in your life when you experienced joy and pleasure. When a person experiences joy, this is already a resource state, even if at the same time he is not all right with money or there is no confidence in the future.

Alcohol and other substances do not count! People also experience joy and pleasure from this, but you understand everything ...

Why remember events from the past? Moreover, they drive many into sadness and melancholy and nostalgic snot.

The task is not to slide into this very nostalgia, but to take from past joyful events that charge of positive energy that they once had. Take it, drag it into the present moment and use it for its intended purpose.

How to do it? I'm telling.

So, you remembered some event from the past that once made you happy and brought a good charge of positive. You may not even remember all the details.

Moreover, we do not remember at all how it was real in reality. That's how our brain works. He does not read any memory, as if from a sheet, but each time he reassembles from the images that sit in our head.

But let's not digress. You remember the first time you fell in love. "For real," damn it! To hot goosebumps all over the body and “this is-he-that-the-prince-on-a-horse-white-scoundrel”!

Remembered? Not? Not enough for all the princes? Hmm… Well, then let it be something simpler and not so exciting.

Say, a trip to the sea, carefree wallowing on the beach and eating unwashed grapes right with the pits. Remembered? Wonderful!

Your task is to feel that moment again in emotions and bodily sensations. Well, with emotions it is clear - you were filled with joy and pleasure. We have already talked about this. Even this is more important, namely bodily sensations.

Close your eyes.

Try to remember in sensations how you lie on a bed or right on the sand. Like a gentle warm wind blowing over your body.

Listen - here is a light surf rustling with shells, and maybe even the waves hiss, running ashore.

Take a deep breath and smell that unforgettable seaweed smell again.

Look around, at the sea, at the distant mountains, at the bright sun, at other vacationers.

Feel the sun on your skin. It's time to reapply the protective cream...

Remembered? Did you feel? Now imagine these memories and feelings as a frozen picture, something like a color and three-dimensional photograph, but with sounds and smells at the same time.

Now you need to place this picture on your virtual screen. Let me remind you that your eyes are closed. You see a dark screen and at the same time your three-dimensional picture of the memory. Now place this three-dimensional picture anywhere on your virtual screen. Wherever you want it the most. Remember this place.

Now open your eyes. All! The first stage is over. As NLPers say, you have created an "anchor".

And when you need to recharge with positive energy again and turn on that same resource state, then you just close your eyes for a few seconds, find your saved picture on a dark virtual screen and immerse yourself in it for a few seconds.

How to do it is completely irrelevant. Come up with it yourself. You can “dive” into it, you can drag it closer to you from the screen and place it next to you or shove it inside your body - your choice.

Don't be discouraged if visualization isn't your forte. Yes, there are visual people, there are auditory people, there are kinesthetic people. It's all completely unimportant.

If sound is closer to you, then build a picture based on sounds. If tactility is everything for you, then, accordingly, attach more bodily sensations to the image.

How accurate the image will turn out is also not important. As I said, we do not remember exactly what happened in real life. We invent a lot of things anew, although we do not notice it. So don't worry about accuracy. The main thing is that you like the image, period.

If your memory is really bad, then you can come up with a “memory”.

And what, so it was possible?

Yes, you can. And it works too, trust me. Think of a joyful and pleasant event. But just try to attach all the senses here in the same way: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and maybe even taste. The more details the better.

How many times do you need to remember the resource state?

Everyone is different. From the first time, few people succeed in creating a full-fledged image. But if you practice, then by the fifth or sixth time it will become strong and bright enough to start working with it effectively.

At the very beginning of this practice, it is useful to remember the resource state 5-6 times a day. Try to stay in it for as long as you can. Then, when you have already trained, you will enter it in a matter of seconds, and this will be enough for it to turn on in you.

The resource state can be changed. If something does not suit you in your memory, then you can easily correct it. And it doesn't matter if it's not entirely true. It doesn't matter at all. If you like it that way, then so be it.

What to do with the resource state?

Use it, of course! As soon as you feel that you are running out of steam, things are not going well, or you don’t have the strength to start a new day in the morning, you immediately remember your resource state, dive into it and fill yourself with positive.

Remember only that the physical body is inert. Any changes in well-being do not occur at the snap of a finger at a time. Everything here is more like a freight train - the locomotive has started, and the last car is catching up with a delay.

It is easier with the psyche, it responds faster to the resource state. So use this property. We dived into the resource state, cheered up, harnessed ourselves to the strap and forward! "Physics" will catch up.

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