Why didn't you get pregnant on the first try? It didn’t work out to get pregnant the first time - reasons, tips, methods. Alternative ways to conceive

Couples who want to conceive a child have a lot of questions. Most often, gynecologists and reproductive specialists hear the following: “Why didn’t you manage to get pregnant during ovulation?” The answer to it can only be obtained from a competent specialist. Also, this article will tell you about the main reasons why you can’t get pregnant on ovulation the first time. The opinions of experts on this subject will be presented to your attention.

Why ovulate? Question for doctors

If you are planning the conception and subsequent birth of a child, but nothing works out for you, then you should contact a gynecologist. You can also visit a reproductive specialist for recommendations and advice.

Women often ask a specialist: “Why can’t I get pregnant when I ovulate?” It is impossible to answer it right away. The first step is to schedule an examination for the patient. Often it includes studying the hormonal background, the condition of the uterus and fallopian tubes, checking for the presence of infectious processes in the small pelvis, and so on. Do not forget about men's health. After all, two organisms are involved in conception. Let's consider the main and most common reasons why it was not possible to get pregnant during ovulation.

Incorrect calculation of an auspicious day

Why it did not work out to get pregnant in Because it was calculated incorrectly.

The release of the egg from the follicle occurs once (rarely two or three) times a month. In this case, the duration of the menstrual cycle plays an important role. The average duration of this period is 4 weeks. In this case, ovulation occurs exactly in the middle of the month. However, this is not always the case. Many women do not know that the rupture of the follicle occurs approximately 10-14 days before the next menstrual bleeding. They believe that this process occurs in the very middle of the period. In a short or long cycle, this rule does not work. To correctly use methods such as temperature charting, testing, folliculometry, and so on.

Fallopian tube obstruction: a serious diagnosis

Why can't I get pregnant during ovulation? The reason sometimes lies in the blockage of the fallopian tubes. This can happen for various reasons. Often this circumstance is accompanied by inflammatory diseases, surgical interventions and some diseases.

Fallopian, or fallopian tubes are a kind of conductor. Immediately after fertilization, the cells begin to actively divide and move in these very channels. By this method, they reach the cavity of the reproductive organ, where they are fixed for the coming months. If there is a blockage in the tube or a so-called adhesion, then the fetal egg cannot reach its goal. Often this leads to an ectopic pregnancy. However, if the tube is impassable throughout its entire length, then pregnancy simply does not occur due to the fact that the spermatozoa cannot reach their goal. In this case, the woman and the question arises why it was not possible to get pregnant during ovulation.

Endometriosis and endometritis - dangerous pathologies

Why can't I get pregnant during ovulation? Sometimes the reason for the lack of pregnancy is the disease. Endometriosis is a process in which the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ (endometrium) begins to spread to other organs. Often this process affects the peritoneum and ovaries. So, even the onset of ovulation and fertilization does not lead to pregnancy. All due to the fact that the fetal egg remains in the abdominal cavity, and does not enter the uterus. As a result, it dies and menstruation begins.

Endometritis is an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity. It also prevents a normal pregnancy from occurring. All due to the fact that the endometrium grows unevenly and cannot provide the conditions for the development of the embryo.

Progesterone deficiency of the second phase of the cycle

Such a diagnosis reports that a woman will not be able to get pregnant even on the day of ovulation. To understand the essence of this problem, it is necessary to know something about the menstrual cycle. In the first half of the month, estrogen is produced. This hormone stimulates the growth of the follicle and affects the endometrium. After the release of the egg, progesterone comes into play. This substance should be released for at least ten days. Only in this case, pregnancy can take place.

Progesterone relaxes the muscles of the uterus, preventing it from contracting and expelling the endometrium prematurely. If it is not allocated enough, then the muscle comes to work, throwing out of its cavity a fetal egg with particles of the endometrium. As a result, the fertilized cell simply cannot attach itself to the wall of the reproductive organ.

Medications taken by partners

Why can't a woman get pregnant on the day of ovulation? The reason may be the use of certain medications. Most hormonal drugs in one way or another affect the process of rupture of the follicle. If you have a similar question, then you need to first review the medications that you are taking.

It is worth noting that in the same way, drugs can affect the male body, reducing the number of spermatozoa and disrupting their activity. During pregnancy planning, you should generally refuse to use medications, unless they are prescribed by a doctor.

sexually transmitted infections

Why didn't you get pregnant during ovulation? The reason may be an infection. It is worth noting that this process can affect not only a woman, but also a man. Most often, infections such as ureaplasma, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and so on lead to problems with conception. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease becomes chronic.

As a result of such a combination of circumstances, the internal cavity of the uterus becomes inflamed. This leads to frequent breakthrough bleeding, cycle failures. The endometrium begins to grow incompletely. The uneven arrangement of the mucosa also predominates. In such conditions, even after it is not able to attach normally.

Varicocele in men

Why is it impossible to get pregnant at ovulation with a second child? The reason for failure may be in a man. With age, the representatives of the stronger sex may experience various problems. Some men have erectile dysfunction. Others are faced with a pathology called varicocele. This becomes the reason for the lack of pregnancy even after intercourse during ovulation.

Varicocele is a problem in which the blood vessels of the testicles in men suffer. They usually expand. This leads to overheating of the organs. Many people know that high temperatures are detrimental to spermatozoa. With varicocele, it is overheating of the testicles that occurs. Because of this, most normal spermatozoa become non-viable. The cells simply cannot fertilize the female gamete in this state.

Bad spermogram: the man's fault

Why can't you get pregnant when you ovulate? The reason may lie in men's health. Not always the woman is to blame for the lack of pregnancy. Recently, more and more married couples are faced with the fact that male cells are not able to fertilize the egg. The reason for this circumstance may be in malnutrition and lifestyle, the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs. Some medications destroy sperm in the same way, worsening its quality.

Normally, male spermatozoa for the most part should move in a straight line. However, this is not always the case. If more than half of the cells are recognized as pathological, then it is greatly reduced. It does not matter on what day the intercourse took place. A woman will not be able to become pregnant until a man receives prescriptions from a doctor and undergoes treatment.

Anovulatory female cycle

Why else can a woman not get pregnant on the day of the expected ovulation? Sometimes it happens that the follicle does not rupture. Such a cycle is called anovulatory. It often lengthens. At the same time, menstruation comes scanty.

Sexual contact in such a cycle can never lead to pregnancy. Even with a good spermogram and excellent health in a man, a woman will not be able to be fertilized during this period. A representative of the weaker sex may have several such cycles during the year. However, if this number exceeds three, then you should consult a doctor for an examination.

At the end of the article...

You have become aware of the main reasons why you can’t get pregnant on the day of ovulation. It should be noted that tumors of the ovaries or uterus can have an indirect effect on this process. Often, a fibroid located in the cavity of an organ simply does not allow the fetal egg to penetrate into the membrane. Ovarian cysts also contribute to disruption of ovulation and malfunction of the corpus luteum. All this can cause a lack of pregnancy even on favorable days for this.

If you are faced with the fact that it is not possible to get pregnant during ovulation, consult a doctor. You may need some treatment. Sometimes it turns out to be necessary for a partner. That is why it is better to go to a specialist together. After the correction, in most cases, an independent pregnancy occurs. Health to you and good results!

Every married couple dreams of becoming parents. And it seems that for this you just need to stop using protection and energetically start having sex. However, nature has created the female body in such a way that conception on inappropriate days or under awkward circumstances is unacceptable. Therefore, such people will be interested in advice on how to get pregnant 100 percent the first time and what to do for this.

Many couples worry that they didn't get pregnant exactly when they planned. There is no need to get upset and look for diseases in your partner, because it happens that the presence of spermatozoa of a completely healthy man, having come into contact with the egg, could not fertilize it.

According to statistics, gynecologists say that only 10% of cases can conceive a child the first time. And it is absolutely normal if pregnancy occurs after six months, or even a whole year from the moment of planning. And in order to increase the chances of getting pregnant, it is necessary to accurately calculate the period of ovulation.

When, with sexual intercourse with activity 2-3 times a week and the absence of obvious diseases in both partners, pregnancy still does not occur throughout the year, then the help of a specialist will be required. Fortunately, modern medicine does not stand still and is able to solve this problem with the help of intrauterine insemination, IVF and other methods.

7 secrets to get pregnant 100%

There is a whole range of very significant nuances that you need to listen to in order to increase the chance as soon as possible. The first step is to visit a doctor, check one and the second spouse for infertility. Calculate the correct cycle for conception and follow the tips below.

Seeing a gynecologist

Women's health is the main element that actively affects the ability to become pregnant. And even if the couple does not plan to have a baby in the near future, observation by a gynecologist is very important.

A complete medical examination becomes mandatory to accelerate the probability of 100% conception. It will help to identify possible difficulties or confirm good health for the subsequent pregnancy under the supervision of a specialist. Parents who are serious about conceiving and carrying a child should be examined together.

Cycle and ovulation control

Pregnancy occurs at the time of ovulation, when the ovary leaves a completely formed egg, and this happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle (when the cycle lasts 28 days, then the 14th day after the end of menstruation is most likely successful). The sperm in the uterus for about 3 days can wait for the egg.

There are other options that can determine a favorable date:

  • basal temperature - during the menstrual cycle, less than t 36.9 ° C is observed, before ovulation it drops by several degrees, when a mature egg is released, it rises more than 37 ° C;
  • at the time of ovulation or the day before it, vaginal discharge liquefies, becomes viscous, dense, pain in the lower abdomen is possible; they will help facilitate the passage of sperm to the egg; the chance of getting pregnant at this point is 50%;
  • Ultrasound is the most accurate procedure for establishing ovulation, manipulations are performed on the 7th day after the end of menstruation by introducing a certain vaginal sensor to contemplate the formation of the follicle, as well as its rupture;
  • You can buy an ovulation test at the pharmacy.

For the best result, you should correctly calculate the day of ovulation. Having determined the cycle, and if its duration is constant, then you can easily set the required day.

Checking both spouses for infertility

Examination for infertility is carried out by 2 methods. The first is the gradual elimination of possible factors. The second involves checking all the causes at the same time. In 30% of cases, violations are present in both women and men.

The survey is carried out in the following ways:

  • observation of patency of pipes;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • determination of rectal temperature;
  • laparoscopy;
  • hormonal studies;
  • folliculogenesis;
  • postcoital test;
  • MAR test, spermogram;
  • tests for STDs.

The last two points are performed by both spouses, and only the woman passes the rest. The examination is desirable for couples who try in vain to conceive throughout the year. If a phased method is chosen, then a man is initially examined, since it is easier, and then a woman.

Regular intercourse

Of course, to conceive a baby quickly, or even the first time, is possible if you constantly have sex with your loved one. During the period of ovulation, in general, this should be done most actively, every day or at least every other day, but not more than 1 time per day. Repeated ejaculation reduces the speed of spermatozoa, which can adversely affect conception.

Sexual intercourse should begin in such a way that at least one of the intercourses falls on ovulation. This technique will increase the likelihood of getting pregnant several times.

Choosing a position for conception

Pregnancy is able not to occur due to some characteristics of the construction of the uterus - a change to the left or right side, an incorrect location, that is, a bend. It is with such deviations that a correctly chosen posture will affect conception.

Poses for intercourse:

  • in accordance with the deviation of the bend (to the right or to the left), sex is carried out on the corresponding side; in a supine position, it is advisable to put a pillow under the buttocks, and bend the lower limbs, press them to the stomach;
  • a position on all fours, a partner from behind - it turns out a deep penetration of the penis.

The remaining theories on the choice of posture are largely false, since conception can be conditioned from the day of sexual contact.

Don't get out of bed right away

Many women claim that after unprotected sex it is good to perform a “birch tree”. Namely, gently move towards the wall and lean against it with outstretched legs, slightly raising the pelvis.

Gynecologists themselves recommend that immediately after sexual intercourse, do not get out of bed, but lie down for 15-20 minutes. And only then go to the shower. This is how the most active spermatozoa will not be able to protrude from the vagina with the remnants of sperm.

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle

Nutrition plays a significant role in pregnancy. When you adhere to the right diet, the moment of favorable fertilization will accelerate.

The following products should be present on the menu for men and women:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • vegetable fats;
  • dairy products;
  • meat (semi-finished products excluded);
  • cereals, legumes;
  • nuts.

The above products help restore the functioning of the digestive tract, normalize the condition as a whole. Also, do not forget about water, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day.

Parsley, dill, celery have a positive effect on the function of reproduction. For 3 months before the alleged pregnancy, you need to take vitamins (folic acid). For better sperm quality, it is good to take appropriate medications (SpermActive, Spermaktin), but they must be used after a doctor's prescription.

In addition, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, go to the gym for no more than 30 minutes, the load should be light. You should not walk or run for a long time, as this will only worsen the situation with ovulation. And most importantly - give up bad habits (smoking and alcohol).

  1. Red brush - effectively copes with female pathologies, promotes rejuvenation of the body, encourages pregnancy. For cooking, you need 1 tbsp. l. shredded spine. The composition is poured with boiled water and within 15 minutes. placed in a water bath. Then the broth is infused for about 1 hour, filtered. Take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. lasting 1 month, after which a break of 2 weeks is made and the course is repeated again.
  2. A decoction of sage. 1 st. l. crushed dried stems are poured with 200 ml of hot water. 1.5 hours the broth is infused, then filtered. Use 2 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. within 20-30 days. During menstruation, drinking this remedy is not recommended.
  3. Coltsfoot normalizes the woman's reproductive system, improves overall well-being. 4 tbsp. l. dry finely chopped plant is poured with 1 liter of boiled water and infused for 1 hour (preferably in a thermos). Take the decoction as a tea, adding 1 tablespoon of honey.
  4. Plantain - used for infertility in men. 1 st. l. dilute seeds in 200 ml of boiling water, soak in a water bath for at least 10 minutes, insist for 1 hour in a dark place, use 2 tbsp. l. twice a day before meals.

There are signs that many women who want to become mothers listen to:

  1. There is such a belief - having photographed with a pregnant woman, you can soon become pregnant yourself. You can also ask who is in the tummy, a boy or a girl, and if you wish, take a picture with the woman you would like to give birth to.
  2. Before planning a child, you can actively engage in needlework, such as embroidery. You need to embroider babies, angels, children's toys.
  3. A man dreaming of a child should present his beloved with pearl jewelry. This stone promotes the birth of a baby.

Conceiving a child in a hurry is a painstaking process that needs the preparation of both parents. In this regard, only with correctly calculated fertile days and other conjugate factors, it is possible to get pregnant the first time.

How to get pregnant the first time? This question is asked by many couples who are planning the birth of a baby. Most women and men believe that no contraception and active sex is all it takes. But is it?

In this topic, we will try to tell you whether it is possible to get pregnant the first time, what factors affect conception and how to properly approach such a delicate matter. We will also share the secrets of how to get pregnant with a boy or a girl.

Is it possible to get pregnant the first time and what affects conception?

There are a number of factors to consider when planning for conception.

  • The duration of the menstrual cycle. More often it was not possible to get pregnant the first time for women whose monthly cycle is less and more than 28 days, especially when it is not regular. This is because the fertile time is ovulation, that is, the release of the egg from the ovary, which falls in the middle of the cycle. In a 28-day cycle, the egg is released on the 14th day. But for most women, stress, excessive physical or mental work, hormonal disorders and other causes can lead to a cycle failure, which will affect the bottom of the egg. Therefore, it is not always possible to predict the exact date of ovulation.
  • Lifespan of a spermatozoon in the female genital tract. On average, the sperm remains active after entering the female genital organs for 72 hours. Therefore, the chance of getting pregnant the first time will be higher when sexual intercourse is performed during ovulation. But even if you count everything up to the day and get to ovulation, then the probability of fertilizing the egg will be only 25%.
  • The health status of sexual partners. Chronic diseases, age over 30, unbalanced nutrition, harmful abortions, operations on the organs of the reproductive system can be the reason why it is not possible to get pregnant the first time.
  • Sexual intercourse in the monthly cycle. Adhering to this simple rule, the percentage of conception is still low - about 10%.

You also need to understand that conception does not always end in pregnancy, since a fertilized egg simply may not penetrate into the endometrium of the uterus and come out during menstruation.

What are the chances of getting pregnant the first time? Let's figure it out. According to statistics, every sixth woman planning a child succeeds in getting pregnant the first time.

Also, experts say that if a woman failed to get pregnant from the first, then it is necessary to continue to have an active sex life and not use contraceptives further. In this case, pregnancy can be expected in the next six months.

Clinical observation of a hundred couples planning a child who had and had sexual intercourse no more than three times a week showed that efforts were crowned with success for six months in 60% of couples.

How can you get pregnant the first time quickly and what is needed for this?

To get pregnant the first time, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • plan pregnancy at the age that is most suitable for this - 20-25 years, since young girls have a regular cycle in most cases;
  • calculate the day of ovulation for several months, as this will significantly increase the chances of conceiving a child;
  • use special tests to determine ovulation;
  • measure basal temperature, an increase in which to 37.4 ° C indicates ovulation;
  • on the day of ovulation to have unprotected intercourse.

There are also other ways to help you get pregnant quickly.

Is it possible to get pregnant after the first time: poses, pictures

Can a girl get pregnant quickly by choosing certain positions for this, and which position is considered the most suitable? This opinion is shared by many, but not by those who understand this topic. Therefore, unfortunately, we will dispel this myth.

There is no magic position that guarantees 100% conception the first time. The chance of conceiving a child is only affected by the day when unprotected intercourse was performed, and this day should be ovulation.

But, perhaps, for the conception of a child, a special position will be needed for women whose uterus has a backward bend, since such a pathology prevents sperm from entering the cervix.

In this case, experts recommend having sex in positions where the man is behind the woman. This position allows for deeper penetration into the vagina and makes it easier for semen to enter the cervix. Also, after coitus, it is recommended that a woman become in the “birch” position (see photo).

Unfortunately, the only true, fast and accurate way to get pregnant has not yet been found. But given the opinion of experts and feedback from women on the forums, we have selected methods that will increase the likelihood of conceiving a child the first time.

  • Taking vitamins. A few months before the planned pregnancy, both partners need to start taking vitamin complexes, which must contain vitamins E and C, as well as folic acid. Also, do not forget about macro- and microelements, such as calcium, iron, copper, selenium, magnesium and zinc. The listed vitamins and minerals will not only accelerate the onset of pregnancy, but also help to give birth to a healthy child, since they contribute to the normal laying of organs and systems, primarily the neural tube.
  • Have sex no more than 2-3 times a week. It takes 8-12 weeks for a spermatozoon to mature, and with one ejaculation, 100-400 thousand spermatozoa come out. Therefore, too frequent sexual intercourse reduces the effectiveness of the seed and it will not be possible to conceive a baby quickly.
  • Folk methods and means. You can quickly conceive a child if you regularly use a decoction of ortilia. To prepare the decoction, pour three tablespoons of plant leaves with two cups of boiling water and boil over low heat for 20-30 minutes, then strain the medicine through a fine sieve. This decoction is recommended to be taken instead of tea, several cups a day. Also, traditional healers advise eating pumpkin in any form, since it is rich in vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

Is it possible to get pregnant for the first time and plan the sex of the baby?

More than one women's forum is replete with the question: I specifically want a boy or a girl, what should I do? Well, we reveal the secret of what can be done and how to plan the sex of the baby.

The gender of the fetus is laid during the fusion of the egg with the sperm, and the sex depends on which chromosome is present in the male germ cell.

The X chromosome is responsible for the birth of a girl, and the Y chromosome is responsible for the birth of a boy.

The following regularities are also known:

  • "Spermatozoa-boys" live up to 24 hours in the female genital tract, but at the same time they are much more active than "sperm-girls";
  • “Girl sperm” live up to 72 hours after entering the female genital organs, but they move more slowly than “boy sperm”.

Given the above features of sperm with X and Y chromosomes, it can be said that in order to conceive a girl, unprotected intercourse must occur three days before the date of ovulation. Before the release of the egg, the sperm carrying the Y chromosome will die, and only the "girl" ones will remain.

Accordingly, first you will need to determine this date using the methods that we talked about earlier.

If you want a boy, then sexual intercourse should be on the day of ovulation, then sperm with a Y chromosome will fertilize an egg faster than sperm with an X chromosome.

More than one specialist will not undertake to answer reliably and unambiguously this question. One woman immediately got a long-awaited pregnancy, and the other did not become pregnant even after the tenth in vitro fertilization.

Experts say that after the first IVF, only 35% of women can become pregnant. It all depends on a number of factors, which include the following:

  • age of partners;
  • the nature of the disease that caused infertility;
  • duration of infertility;
  • the quantity and quality of embryos obtained during artificial insemination;
  • the woman's compliance with all recommendations for preparing for embryo implantation;
  • unsuccessful attempts at artificial insemination in history;
  • partners lifestyle.

If you cannot get pregnant on your own and decide to resort to in vitro fertilization, then you, first of all, need to choose an experienced specialist - a reproductive doctor - and strictly follow his recommendations.

As a result, we can say that, unfortunately, there is no 100% method that would help you get pregnant the first time. You can only increase the chance of a quick conception of a baby with the help of the above recommendations.

Finally, this long-awaited day has come, when you and your soulmate decide: "It's time!" time to have a baby. You stop using contraceptives, spend a lot of time in bed, and you don’t get pregnant quickly and the first time. Why is this happening?

In order to get pregnant the first time, it will not be enough just to throw away all contraceptives and start actively making love. Most couples think that this is the key to success on the way to conceiving a child on the first try, but this is far from the case. There are both folk and medical recommendations for planning pregnancy. Moreover, both of them are quite effective if applied correctly and on time. Let's see how to get pregnant the first time?

Pregnancy from the first time - statistics

Typically, a woman's menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. Of this period, only 4 fertile days. Fertility is the ability of an organism to reproduce offspring. In general, this term is applicable to men, but is most often used to refer to the reproductive function of a woman. The fertility rate is constantly changing in a woman throughout her life, because it depends on many factors - the woman's health, age, condition of the fallopian tubes and endometrium.

Therefore, if the cycle is 28 days, then the probability of getting pregnant the first time in a healthy woman will be 11%. Also, we must not forget that when a sperm and an egg meet, conception may not occur. This happens for many reasons, including the negative impact:

The presence of bad habits in a woman,
excess weight causing hormonal imbalance,
stressful situations
intrauterine interventions,
synechia, adhesions in the pelvis and more.

According to statistics, conception does not occur in 25% of cases. There is only 6% chance of getting pregnant the first time. That is why, if you approach this matter irresponsibly and thoughtlessly, in 94% you will be upset because you cannot get pregnant the first time. And, conversely, you can be among those lucky women who get pregnant from one sexual intercourse.

Women of mature age should think about such a concept as an anovulatory cycle. This is a monophasic menstrual cycle, in which there is no ovulation and the phase of development of the corpus luteum, but the regularity and rhythm of uterine bleeding is preserved. Therefore, including women with age, the chance of getting pregnant decreases. Moreover, if your doctor does not talk about any contraindications, nothing prevents you from trying to have a baby at any age. There are many cases when women gave birth far beyond the terms of their fertility. So, for example, one of the record holders is Omkari Panwar, a resident of India, she gave birth to twins at the age of 70.

Physiological aspects

Any qualified doctor will tell you that the chance of getting pregnant increases significantly if you clearly know the length of your menstrual cycle and calculate the day when the egg matures. That is, to know the days of ovulation of your egg. There is no special way to get pregnant the first time, just knowing this information is enough.
Ovulation is the stage of the menstrual cycle when maturation occurs.

Ways to calculate ovulation

1. Tests

The simplest, but not always the right way to calculate is special ovulation test strips, which are sold at any pharmacy. They consist of special test strips that, when in contact with urine, show the result - whether you are currently ovulating or not. Tests are sometimes wrong, and their main disadvantage is the high cost. In order not to miss day X and get pregnant the first time, you need to do tests at least once every three days.

Another type of test is tablet. The results of such tests are considered more reliable. These are plastic cases with a small window to view the result. It is worth mentioning that such tests are very simple and comfortable to use. To determine the result, you need to substitute an open absorbent element under the stream of urine and after five seconds the result is visible on the scoreboard - this is the presence or absence of a colored bright strip.

Unsuccessful pregnancy or how I managed to get pregnant after many failures (video):

As for inkjet tests, they have the highest degree of reliability in getting pregnant the first time. This result is provided by their special device.

2. Basal body temperature

Basal body temperature is body temperature, measured rectally. This method is used as a means of contraception, and a means for conception. Moreover, if you responsibly maintain a detailed schedule, regularly take readings over several cycles, then this method is considered very effective. When the egg leaves the follicle and prepares for fertilization, the basal temperature rises to 37 degrees. How to measure correctly:

Measurement time - for at least 5 minutes;
it is best to do this within 6 hours after waking up, every day at the same time;
it is better to start collecting from the beginning of the cycle;
measurements are recommended to be carried out for at least 3 months.

3. Monitor yourself and your condition

Many women note that during ovulation, vaginal discharge may be thicker and more viscous, and some also note mild pain in the lower abdomen.

What other ways are there to get pregnant the first time?

Planning pregnancy according to the lunar calendar

Calculation of favorable days for conception is possible not only according to the menstrual, but also according to the lunar calendar. Do not be skeptical about this, because the female cycle is dependent on the phases of the moon. When the moon is in a phase, the same as it was at the birth of a woman, it is then that astrologers advise trying to get pregnant. And from that moment begins the countdown of the individual lunar calendar.

As for the Vedic concept of the family, it does not welcome making love during the day, in the evening and at dawn - only night is suitable for such an intimate affair. Ancient scriptures indicate that those who have sexual intercourse during the day shorten their lives. The Vedas also mention that on Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday "the evil ones rule"(Sun, Mars, Saturn), so these days are also not recommended to try to conceive a child.

Why didn't you get pregnant the first time?

Consider the factors that can prevent you from conceiving a child the first time.

1. Taking medication - some types of antibiotics have a strong effect on the liver, while changing the hormonal background and disrupting its work, as a result, it is more difficult to get pregnant the first time.
2. Lubrication - creates a microenvironment that can reduce sperm activity.
3. The build of a woman - excessive fullness, as well as lack of weight can cause problems during conception.
4. Rarely, but it also happens that too many sperm enter the egg, as a result of which the embryo dies and it is not possible to become pregnant.

There is also a so-called psychological problem that prevents you from getting pregnant the first time. It is called "Baby Expectation Syndrome". I think that every woman who is in the process of planning a pregnancy knows that it is not possible to calmly approach this issue. Especially when the attempts last more than one year. Constant worries and anxieties create an unfavorable emotional background, in which the body refuses to work normally. It turns out a vicious circle "experiences-attempts-failure". Only advice will help to get out of this situation - do not think about conceiving a child and enjoy life. It is not uncommon for a desperate couple who have lost all hope to get pregnant at just such a moment.

If, nevertheless, the problem is not in physiology and not in psychology, then it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis of the body, both for a man and a woman. Today, thanks to modern equipment, this can be done within a couple of months.

How birth control can help if you can't get pregnant

Namely oral contraceptives. Everyone knows that their task is precisely to prevent pregnancy. However, with their help, you can slightly stimulate ovulation, especially when it occurs infrequently.

How to get pregnant quickly (video):

It turns out that the chance of getting pregnant increases while taking birth control pills, since during this period ovulation does not occur, and the ovaries "rest". When the pills are stopped, they begin to work much more actively, as a result of which there is a chance of getting pregnant the first time. Medical staff have long been familiar with this additional effect of pills, so they quite often advise this method of getting pregnant the first time for desperate couples.

There are also disadvantages to this method - all tablets have a rather large list of contraindications, carefully study the instructions and consult a doctor before using them.

Is there a best position for conception?

It will turn out to get pregnant the first time or not, largely depends on the position during lovemaking. Let's consider some of them.

The most common missionary position is when the woman lies facing the man and the man is on top. According to doctors, this position for conception is effective if a woman has a curved cervix that prevents conception. Poses are considered auspicious. "face to face" And "on the side". If you can’t get pregnant for a long time and are diagnosed with a bend in the cervix, do not rush to look in the direction of surgical intervention. To get started, follow these simple guidelines. For example, during sexual intercourse, place a small pillow or a rolled up roll of towels under your back. Then the pelvis will be in an elevated position, and penetration will become more effective.

If with this position it was not possible to get pregnant, then you can go further and put a bigger pillow, in this case the man will need to kneel. This position will be more difficult than the first, but a little more effective.

What to do if you still can't get pregnant? Do not despair and choose poses on your own. Listen to your feelings and your partner, be attentive to each other. Mutual feelings, tenderness and attention will greatly enhance the approach of the desired.

There are also possible positions for conceiving a child of a certain gender. For example, the following positions are believed to help you conceive a boy:

"doggy style"(a man behind a kneeling woman);
woman lying on top of a man.

These positions have not been scientifically proven to help you conceive a male child, but they may help you get pregnant the first time. Such positions during sex will ensure maximum contact of the cervix with sperm. After sexual intercourse, it is recommended that a woman lie on her back a little without getting up.

Get pregnant the first time (video):

And to conceive a child from the first time of a female, it is recommended to make love just in the classical position, since it is believed that deep penetration in this case is not the best option. Before that, it is advised to refrain from sex for 1.5 months.

Traditional medicine tips to get pregnant the first time

Many young couples despair if they fail to get pregnant the first time. Having tried all the ways to get pregnant the first time, they begin to listen to traditional medicine.

Here is what will increase your chances of getting pregnant in terms of folk wisdom:

A decoction of rose petals, which contain vitamin E, with its deficiency, it may not be possible to get pregnant;
a decoction of sage, which must be drunk for two months daily, one tablespoon in the morning, excluding the days of menstruation. A tablespoon of dried sage needs a glass of boiling water;
decoction of the red brush, the method of preparation and dosage is similar to the previous medicine. It is taken as a course for 45 days;
decoction of the boron uterus. Its leaves or flowers should be poured with boiling water and insisted in a water bath. Take three times a day, one tablespoon. This decoction can be used to prevent many female diseases;
just before intercourse, try douching with a weak soda solution. At the same time, an ideal environment will be created in the vagina for a long life of spermatozoa, thereby increasing the likelihood of conception.

Alternative ways to conceive

Even if you have tried everything described above, but pregnancy does not occur, today there are modern methods to achieve results. These methods are based on the technology of in vitro fertilization (IVF), which contributes to the onset of pregnancy. As a result of artificial insemination, twins are often born. Today, on average, it is believed that the number of successful IVF from the first time is about 50%. For this procedure to be successful, a combination of many factors is necessary, one of the most important is preparation for the procedure and the fulfillment of all doctor's prescriptions. These are recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle, as well as a complete examination, including hysteroscopy, immunological and other studies.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) - Dr. Komarovsky:

So if you did not manage to get pregnant the first time - do not despair, contact qualified specialists, follow our advice, and most importantly love each other - and you will definitely succeed!

The work of the female genital organs is arranged in such a way that not every sexual intercourse ends with conception. This is due to both the structural features of the vagina and uterus, and the change in the regular phases of the menstrual cycle. The combination of all these factors provides sufficient preparation of the girl's body for the onset of pregnancy. This is due to the monthly maturation of a new egg, which, according to the idea of ​​​​nature, should be fertilized.

Is it possible to get pregnant the first time? Usually women are afraid of the onset of conception, as they consider themselves insufficiently prepared for such a serious event. But having planned that same sexual intercourse with the help of a calendar, some have a “misfire” - fertilization does not occur. For an inexperienced girl, for whom such a phenomenon is for the first time, the situation becomes a real shock. After that, she begins to visit all the doctors, trying to find infertility in herself.

In some cases, this excitement is not in vain - medical workers find a reason that complicates the process of fertilization. After a thorough diagnosis, a treatment is prescribed that restores the ability to bear children. But in most situations, the cause cannot be established, since the woman is absolutely healthy.

Knowing the physiological processes occurring in the genitals, and the basics of preparing for pregnancy, you can immediately achieve a positive result.

What precedes pregnancy?

The onset of fertilization is directly related to the course of the menstrual cycle. The "top" of this monthly process is the onset of ovulation - the release of a new egg into the lumen of the abdominal cavity. Then, for a short period (about two weeks), she expects a sperm cell in the fallopian tubes. If a man's sperm enters a woman's vagina after unprotected intercourse, the following processes begin:

  • Sperm after ejaculation falls into a special recess in the upper part of the vagina - the posterior fornix.
  • The opening of the cervix is ​​directed to the same part, which is covered with a mucous plug at the time of ovulation. This formation plays a protective role, as it protects the cavity from the penetration of various microorganisms.
  • Spermatozoa have sufficient mobility to overcome this obstacle. Perhaps only a slight slowdown in their activity during the passage of mucus.

  • The head of male germ cells contains a kind of "magnet" that directs them to the egg. They guess its location along the flow of mucus inside the uterine cavity, since this active cell enhances the secretions from a particular fallopian tube.
  • The process of moving can take several days - it all depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The most unfavorable moment for the onset of pregnancy is menstruation. At this time, the genitals remove the old egg and the inner layer of the uterus, so the sperm are excreted along with them.
  • If sexual intercourse occurs during ovulation, then very rapid fertilization is possible - within a few hours.

What happens after fertilization?

More than half of the cases of non-pregnancy after normal intercourse is due to the fact that sperm cannot reach the egg. Normally, the cells that have merged during fertilization form an embryo - a zygote. This large cell makes a long journey, after which it attaches to the inner lining of the uterus. Is it possible to get pregnant the first time if all these processes went well? The answer is not always, since here too the embryo is in danger:

  1. The shell of the female germ cell may be too dense - this will lead to erratic movement of sperm around it. Endless attempts to destroy it will not succeed.
  2. Male reproductive cells are sometimes lethargic and weakened - their strength is not enough to overcome the "protection" of the egg. Therefore, having reached the goal, they will be exhausted and useless.
  3. Simultaneous penetration of two or more spermatozoa into the egg is possible - this causes an excess of genetic information. Such an embryo is regarded by the body as unviable - it is removed during the next menstruation. In this case, fertilization occurs, but the woman does not even know about it.
  4. Much depends on the state of the endometrium - the inner lining of the uterus, as with some hormonal diseases it becomes thinner. During a normal menstrual cycle, this layer reaches a significant size, after which during pregnancy it provides nutrition to the baby. The embryo cannot attach to the thin shell and is also removed with the next menstruation.

Given the above mechanisms, one can be convinced of the complexity of such a phenomenon as conception. A huge number of reasons prevent its onset - this is natural selection. Only the healthiest and most viable babies are born.

What affects the onset of pregnancy?

Is it possible to get pregnant the first time? A positive result is influenced by many factors that are inside and outside the female body. Some defense mechanisms of the girl's genitals can play a cruel joke, preventing the passage of sperm. Moreover, in such conditions, nothing can be done to eliminate them - they are not a disease.

Recently, they are leaning towards the theory of individual incompatibility of partners. A man and a woman can be perfectly healthy, but for some reason their germ cells cannot merge. This can be prevented both by the characteristics of the woman's vagina and uterus, and by the unusual properties of the immune system. In addition to such "exotic" causes, there are real mechanisms that promote or hinder the movement of spermatozoa and fertilization.

Positive Factors

Thanks to a combination of all these features, male germ cells can move towards the egg. Together, a special chemical path is formed, along which the spermatozoa move to their destination.

If a normal hormonal background is preserved in a woman’s body, then there are no problems with these processes.

Good protective factors create a guarantee for the rapid onset of fertilization. Therefore, they try to conceive as close to ovulation as possible - during this period their beneficial effect is maximum. They begin to act from the moment sperm enters the vagina during ejaculation:

  • The seminal fluid of a man is alkaline in nature, which allows them to maintain their activity and viability in the acidic environment of the vagina.
  • The posterior fornix of the vagina is located in such a way that it prevents the flow of sperm from the genital tract.
  • The mucus that covers the opening of the cervix has sufficient viscosity for the male sex cells to “stick” to it.
  • During intercourse, the cervix opens slightly, which makes it easier for sperm to penetrate into its lumen.
  • A healthy egg releases special chemicals that "attract" sperm.
  • The latter have a sufficient supply of energy and flagella to continue moving for several days.

Negative Factors

Despite the presence of all positive mechanisms, there are certain factors in the genital tract. They are not aimed directly at spermatozoa, but only have a protective effect against infections. They prevent fertilization, as they do not have selectivity. And in some diseases, they only increase their negative effect:

  • Too acidic vaginal environment impairs sperm motility, leading to their death.
  • Cervical mucus can be too thick and viscous - most sperm get stuck in it. Those who survived are not enough to carry out fertilization.
  • Any diseases of the genital organs (inflammatory, dyshormonal) cause a violation of the chemical properties of the egg. It does not attract enough male reproductive cells, and they are simply lost in the initial sections of their path.

Preparing for pregnancy

Normally, among women of childbearing age, the probability of fertilization is 70%. This means that two-thirds of unprotected intercourse should end in pregnancy. But at present, this figure is severely limited by the use of contraceptives (especially hormonal ones). There are a number of measures, the observance of which allows you to maximize the likelihood of conception:

  1. Initially, it is worth planning a conception - monitor the regularity of menstruation, calculate the duration of the cycle. Sexual intercourse on days close to ovulation significantly increases the likelihood of fertilization.
  2. At least three months in advance, you should stop taking hormonal contraceptives, as they affect the condition of the female genital organs. It is necessary to skip a couple of "empty" cycles in order to restore the normal inner lining of the uterus - the endometrium.

  3. You should change your lifestyle - hard work and lack of proper rest greatly undermine a woman's sexual health. But you should not immediately take a vacation and fly to hot countries - climate change is also stressful for the body. It is better to switch to an easier mode of work or find a new job.
  4. Changing the nature of nutrition is an important factor in maintaining health. Moreover, a significant role is played not only by the consumed products, but also by the diet. Regular intervals between meals and fractional meals in small portions increase the digestibility of any dish.
  5. You need to balance your diet - the normal ratios of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can be found on the Internet. All meals should include seasonal vegetables and fruits every day, which rarely cause allergies.
  6. And the main action is to give up all bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol reduce the chance of getting pregnant by up to 30%. Unlike men, in girls they lead to irreversible changes that depend on the “harmful experience”.

Details of all these activities can be found in a special antenatal clinic room - the family planning center. It employs specialists who help young families in matters of organization. They try to timely identify hidden diseases or conditions that can adversely affect the onset of pregnancy.

Do not be afraid or be too self-confident - the doctor will not laugh at your problems. On the contrary, it will help eliminate defects in sexual health, and increase the likelihood of fertilization. In most women, a positive effect can be achieved only by the methods listed above, since lifestyle greatly affects the reproductive function of the body.

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