Gymnastics on archery bristles. Mikhail Shchetinin - Breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova. Errors when performing breathing exercises by Strelnikova

one of the Strelnikov sisters, whose existence I did not even suspect. At a very old age, she now lives in Australia, practically immobilized, sick with a serious incurable disease. For more than 60 years, Nina Nikolaevna tried to find her mother and sisters. After the death of Alexandra Nikolaevna, I read about Strelnikova’s breathing exercises in one of the Russian newspapers, where, fortunately, my address and even telephone number were indicated.

The only survivor of the three sisters, Nina Nikolaevna wrote to me about what Alexandra Nikolaevna never had time to tell me.

Their father, Nikolai Dmitrievich Strelnikov, was a handsome man, older than his wife, Alexandra Severovna. She was 17, and he was 37, when they met at Davydov’s singing lessons... Mom, as Nina Nikolaevna writes, ran away from school, and they came to their parents, having already gotten married.

The summer of 1919 found Alexandra Severovna and her three daughters, Alexandra, Nina and Tatyana, in Vladivostok, where they were carried by a revolutionary storm. Alexandra Severovna’s sister Lydia and her husband also moved here to escape the Red Terror. And the girls last saw the head of the family, Nikolai Dmitrievich, at Zima station. Nina Nikolaevna could not tell me anything more about his further fate. All that remains in her memory is that her father played a lot with his daughters, loved to put them on his shoulders...

In 1924, Lidia Severovna and her husband left for Harbin, taking with them Nina, a very weak girl, to help Alexandra Severovna support her family. Since then, Nina Nikolaevna no longer saw her mother and sisters.

“But I was once going to swim across the Amur!” - Alexandra Nikolaevna once told me (she was an excellent swimmer all her life, and in her youth she was even the champion of Novosibirsk).
Now, several years after her death, I found out why she wanted to do this! She dreamed of seeing her sister! But it was then that she met “such wonderful blue eyes” (from a letter from the younger Alexandra to her sister Nina, which she forwarded to me in Moscow more than half a century after receiving it), that ... “Because of these “blue eyes,” she writes me Nina Nikolaevna from Australia, - Shura changed her mind about swimming across the Amur and running away to Harbin. She got married. But unsuccessfully. Mom wrote: “Shura is unhappy in her marriage, she separated. And forget about our existence altogether."

It was 1934, Stalin's repressions began in the USSR.
In old photographs sent to me from another part of the globe, the Strelnikov family is depicted at the dacha with a Chinese cook and at a picnic with friends - White Guard officers. Nina Nikolaevna Strelnikova’s childhood memory was forever imprinted with a portrait of her mother, where she is depicted in full growth next to an ebony chair (“we, children, tried to pick out porcelain medallions in a bronze frame from the backs of chairs”).

Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova was an unusually beautiful woman in her youth. My mentor had that same portrait of her mother in her youth on the piano (unfortunately, the portrait disappeared after the death of A.N. Strelnikova). Miraculously, an amateur photograph was preserved, in which one of my patients photographed me against the background of this portrait.

Fate spared A.S. Strelnikov and her daughters. They were not affected by repression.
In the pre-war years, Strelnikova Sr. already used certain exercises of the future unique breathing system. Looking through Alexandra Nikolaevna’s old papers, I discovered a document from the People’s Commissariat of Health, sent to A.S. Strelnikova, which said: “Your proposal entitled “Method of treating asthma with breathing exercises” was received by the Bureau of Inventions of the Technical Council of the People's Commissariat of Health of the USSR on April 29, 1941, registered under No. 4268 and sent for conclusion. The results will be communicated to you.”

But the war broke out, and there was no time for gymnastics.
How did it all start? Where did this unique system come from?

Countless times I heard from Alexandra Nikolaevna the same phrase that she used forcefully in her lectures: “When I, a young singer, lost my voice, my mother began to look for a way to restore it.

leniya. This is how gymnastics was gradually invented." o Alexandra Nikolaevna did not like to talk about herself, and only from individual phrases, from some remarks, I could imagine how it all began.

They then lived with their mother in Sokolniki, in an old one-story house that once had “stables.” Mother and daughter Strelnikovs were known only in a narrow circle of metropolitan singers. Their breathing exercises improved the beauty of timbre, expanded the range of voices of those for whom singing was a profession, and “made” the voice of those who wanted to sing, without having any special natural abilities for it.
Strelnikova Jr. was very ill at that time. From severe, persistently repeated, always with equal frequency, attacks of pain in the chest, her heart began to give out. The Strelnikovs had extensive connections in the medical world of Moscow, but, alas, none of the doctors, even the most famous ones, were able to help Alexandra Nikolaevna.

And then one autumn night, Strelnikov’s daughter was brought out of oblivion by a sharp pain in her chest, which constrained her whole body and came up like a lump in her throat. “Mom!” Alexandra Nikolaevna screamed. “I’m suffocating!”

There was no telephone in the house, the nearest payphone was a whole block away. Alexandra Severovna, in horror, opened all the windows in the room so that her daughter could breathe easier. But it didn’t get any easier... And then, gasping for air, the youngest Alexandra suddenly thought: “Strelnikov gymnastics!” Not “mine”, not “ours”, but Strelnikov’s! Gathering her last strength, with clenched teeth, she began to noisily sniff the air, taking 4 short, sharp breaths; And after a few moments I realized that I would live until the morning.

It was in these terrible moments that mother and daughter realized that they had created not only breathing exercises that would restore the voices of actors and singers, but something

much more, something that can make a person healthy! This was the beginning of a new health system.


Before the war, Alexandra Severovna lived in Novosibirsk, she worked in the local philharmonic as a teacher-vocalist, and Strelnikova Jr. lived in Moscow, she was invited to sing at the Musical Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. When the war began, Alexandra Nikolaevna moved to her mother in Novosibirsk. Here she led amateur performances, traveling with a propaganda team around the Novosibirsk region,

In 1953, Alexandra Nikolaevna returned to Moscow, bringing three student vocalists. Two of them entered the Moscow Conservatory, the third - the Gnessin Institute. A little later, Alexandra Severovna also moved to the capital. The daughter began working as a teacher-vocalist at the Central House of Culture for Railway Workers, and the mother began working with artists of the Moscow State Stage.
The rumor about amazing gymnastics, thanks to which the voice sounds clearer and louder, gradually spread throughout Moscow. Famous singers and dramatic artists began to come to the Strelnikovs for singing lessons.

People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Kasatkina (then already a well-known actress throughout the country who starred in the film "Tiger Tamer"), who attended classes with the Strelnikovs, convinced the management of the Soviet Army Theater to hire these unique teachers, who eliminated a hemorrhage in her vocal cords in a matter of days , which the Bolshoi Theater clinic could not cure for several months. From the same clinic, phoniatric surgeon V.A. begins to refer singers and actors to the Strelnikovs. Zagoryanskaya-Feldman and otorhinolaryngologist D.A. Shakhova. Student vocalists, as well as announcers, teachers with “broken” voices, directed by phoniatrist V.L. Chaplin, began to come to the Strelnikovs from the lorry room of the Gnessin Institute.

Inspired by the support of scientific luminaries and her success, Alexandra Nikolaevna decides to submit an application for an invention to the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of State Patent Examination (VNIIGPE).

She had something to register. Her breathing exercises not only restored the singers’ breathing and voice, but also had an unusually beneficial effect on the body as a whole.
On September 28, 1973, VNIIGPE, for the first time in the history of music, registered the copyright of a singing teacher for the “Method of treating diseases associated with loss of voice,” establishing its priority on March 14, 1972. The certificate was registered under No. 411865.
How many times will this document come to the rescue of A.N. Strelnikov! How many times will she tell me: “What a blessing that I have a copyright certificate, otherwise I would have been wiped off the face of the earth long ago!”...

The use of Strelnikov breathing exercises in practice has shown that the range of diseases for which it helps is very wide. The central press began to write about the unique healing gymnastics. But along with popular recognition, the rejection of official medicine also grew. High-ranking officials from the Ministry of Health did not want to put up with the fact that some “imposter”, who, in general, had no medical or pedagogical education, dared to enter their “territory” and do what they wanted. we couldn't do it ourselves. Using the latest medical equipment at their disposal for various studies, pulmonologists nevertheless turned out to be, as they now say, uncompetitive with Strelnikova’s technique.

Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova was no longer alive. A few years after her daughter received a certificate granting her the right to invent a “Method for treating diseases associated with loss of voice,” Strelnikova Sr., at the age of 88, died from severe injuries received as a result of being hit by a car. (A terrible coincidence: her daughter’s death will also lie in wait on the street.)

Unfortunately, I did not know Alexandra Severovna, since I met Alexandra Nikolaevna at the beginning of 1978. By that time, she had moved from Sokolniki to a tiny apartment on Tukhachevsky Street. I only saw an old amateur film kept by Alexandra Nikolaevna, in which her mother goes out into the garden and sits in a rocking chair. The frames last several seconds.
“Everyone loved mom,” Alexandra Nikolaevna told me. “And she was very kind to people.” I am completely different, I cannot love everyone!
- Shurenka! - Lyudmila Ivanovna Kasatkina once said when Alexandra Nikolaevna and I were visiting her. - You know how I feel about you...
But what a mother you had! She was a saint!

Only a few years after I met Alexandra Nikolaevna, she somehow admitted that shortly before her death, Alexandra Severovna told her:

In a year, a boy will come to you, his name will be the same as your husband (Alexandra Nikolaevna’s second husband, Mikhail, died in 1943). Teach him everything, he will heal after us!
- Why did you say “to me”, mom? - Alexandra Nikolaevna asked in surprise. - Why not “to us”?
- And I won’t be alive anymore, daughter! - answered the eldest Strelnikova.


Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova was not only a wonderful teacher, but she also had a wonderful voice. She believed that this was largely due to breathing exercises.
When her student vocalists were auditioned at the Moscow Conservatory in 1953, the conservatory luminaries doubted: “The fact that they all sing beautifully and have good training does not yet prove the correctness of the methodology... You, Alexandra Nikolaevna, simply gathered the best amateur singers in Moscow! "

And then Strelnikova stood up and began to perform a “hard labor” performance of Kuma’s arioso (“Look from Nizhny”) from the opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Enchantress". Everyone was numb... Frozen with delight, they listened to the woman whose merits they had rejected just a few minutes ago. Well, of course! Some upstart is talking about his own method of voice production, which goes against all the generally accepted recommendations traditional for singing schools in England, France and even Italy!
The dean of the vocal department, Hugo Natanovich Titz, literally fell into prostration, and the former soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, Professor Elena Katulskaya, exclaimed: “God! What a singer!.. I refuse to participate in this vile persecution!”...

Every time, attending Alexandra Nikolaevna’s home “sabantui”, where singers and actors gathered, whose mother and daughter Strelnikovs once “repaired” their voices or who were simply taught to sing, I choked on tears, listening to Alexandra Nikolaevna perform Neapolitan folk songs and romances by Vertinsky... And the way she sang the Russian folk song “Nochenka”, no one will ever sing again! She had such temperament and passion that it seemed as if her energy could crush everything in its path.

Slender, impetuous, swift... Red hair scattered over her shoulders, a piercing, demonic gaze of burning eyes...
And the voice, this extraordinary voice... Those who heard it will remember it all their lives.
When she sang, I wanted to cry... She sang as if she was being burned at the stake!
"Pagan!" - she said about herself.

This talented woman also wrote poetry. Here is one of her later quatrains:

On the threshold of Winter I want
Getting carried away for an hour, getting drunk...
Without haggling - I'll pay for everything!
And I will never regret anything!

Alexandra Nikolaevna had some kind of supernatural inner sense: she could not explain by what signs, but she absolutely accurately determined a person’s illness; it was enough for him to do a few gymnastics exercises.

Only later, after several years of working together, I realized that by the way a person moves, how he breathes, how he looks, she could tell what he was sick with.

But there were other cases of real clairvoyance. I remember one summer we were vacationing with Alexandra Nikolaevna in the Crimea, in Sudak. Suddenly, unexpectedly, on the beach, she was overcome with great anxiety. I asked what was the matter.

“Something happened,” said Alexandra Nikolaevna and, after thinking a little, looking at the sea horizon, added: “It happened in the theater...” and after a few seconds she confidently and firmly said: “In the Mossovet Theater...”

Here it is necessary to clarify that for the last fifteen to twenty years Strelnikova has worked as a teacher-vocalist at the Satire Theater and at the Mossovet Theater.
The next day in the morning I bought the newspaper “Soviet Culture” at a kiosk. When I read aloud: “Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya died,” Alexandra Nikolaevna shuddered, her face went dead for a few moments...

One evening, coming home from the Satire Theater, she said:
- Mironov and Papanov changed the way they play, and I don’t like THIS.
I realized that she did not like the new style of acting of the twisted actors, but the reasons that forced her to change. Soon, returning from work late in the evening, without undressing, in the hallway, she said in a strange, unnaturally dull voice:
Papanov died,” and, leaning her back against the door, looking with a fixed gaze into the depths of the room, she said quietly and doomedly: “And it seems to me that Andryusha will be next...

She slowly slid down the door to the floor and sat there for several minutes in the hallway, looking with unseeing eyes somewhere into emptiness. Then she stood up heavily (given her lightness and impetuosity!) and, without undressing, walked into the room.
Andrei Mironov passed away very soon...

Strelnikovsky breathing exercises was created at the turn of the 30s and 40s as a way to restore the singing voice, because A.N. Strelnikova was a singer and lost it. Gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova is the only one in the world in which a short and sharp breath is taken through the nose using movements that compress the chest.

Gymnastics was registered by the State Institute of Patent Examination in 1972. Its author, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, was issued an author's certificate number 411865 in the State Register of the USSR for “Method of treating diseases associated with loss of voice.”

The only gymnastics in the world in which active inhalation through the nose is done while compressing the chest.

“A method for treating diseases associated with loss of voice” (the author’s certificate is registered in the State Register of the USSR) - turned out to be a unique method of natural healing of the WHOLE ORGANISM. By activating nasal breathing, gymnastics ensures a high level of oxygen supply to the entire body, improves metabolic processes, and increases immunity. (Indications: diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems, stuttering, neuroses. Gymnastics relieves fatigue, relieves depression, increases sexual activity.)

In addition, gymnastics according to Strelnikova activates the human immune system, helps to overcome stressful conditions, get rid of excess weight and nicotine addiction. The method is an effective additional tool in the treatment of long-term chronic diseases.

Of the four functions of the respiratory organs: breathing, speaking, screaming and singing, singing is the most difficult. Consequently, gymnastics, which restores even the singing voice, that is, the most complex function, on the way to the goal inevitably restores simpler functions, and above all breathing.

The phenomenon of the so-called paradoxical breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova is known far beyond the borders of our country. Her results are truly amazing. With the help of several simple dynamic breathing exercises, some of which are performed by compressing the chest while inhaling, it was possible to stop an attack of suffocation in bronchial asthma, get rid of chronic bronchitis and sinusitis, overcome stuttering, and regain a lost voice.

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, a unique healing method created several decades ago and which has already cured more than one thousand sick people, is finally becoming available to everyone who wants to master and apply it.

Shchetinin Mikhail Nikolaevich- student, assistant and sole creative heir of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, the author of unique breathing exercises. Currently, Dr. M.N. Shchetinin heads the Center for Respiratory Gymnastics named after. A.N. Strelnikova, is a consultant to several medical institutions in Moscow, including the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Why the method “works”

Modern man breathes shallowly. It is natural for him to inhale when he extends or extends his arms. In Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, everything is different, and therefore it is called paradoxical. At the moment of inhalation, on the contrary, a tilt is made. The chest is compressed, and the narrow apex of the lungs is pinched. This prevents the air from diverging, and an intense inhalation purposefully pushes it to its maximum depth. Thus, the air goes into the wide lower bases of the lungs, and they are filled one hundred percent. Much more oxygen enters the blood than usual. Such oxygenated blood “polishes” the vessels from the inside, clearing atherosclerotic plaques from their walls, and expands the narrowed capillaries. In addition, the flow of oxygen-enriched blood to the diseased organ activates general metabolic processes at the cellular level and thus heals it. As a result, people get rid of many diseases, ranging from a runny nose to bronchial asthma. In smokers, a strong air stream removes nicotine plaque from the bronchial tree and vocal cords. Thanks to air massage of the nasopharynx and velum, their swelling is eliminated, as a result, night snoring disappears.

Unpleasant sensations

During exercise, you may feel dizzy, which is due to intense oxygen saturation of the blood. If this does not go away after two or three hundred breaths and movements, you can do gymnastics while sitting. Another nuisance is dryness and pain in the nose as a result of the fact that the air stream massages the mucous membrane quite strongly. This is a natural process and is not considered a deviation from the norm.


The main complex of breathing exercises consists of 12 exercises, each of which is normally performed 96 times. For trained people this takes no more than 20 minutes, but beginners face difficulties. It is especially difficult to take the Strelnikov breath correctly. It is so intense that the nostrils must practically stick together. Exhale lightly, through the nose or through the mouth. Under no circumstances should you hold air in your chest.

Your actions

It’s not worth starting to learn gymnastics on your own, especially if you have a bunch of diseases that have developed over the years. First, consult a specialist who will select an individual complex for you and show you how to perform exercises with contraindications. For example, if you have high blood pressure, intraocular pressure, stones in the liver, kidneys, or myopia of more than 5 diopters, you should not bend low, and if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is not recommended to raise your legs high. The doctor will advise how to do the exercise in these cases so as not to harm yourself.

On a note

On the basis of the ninth clinic of the Moscow garrison of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in the department of physical therapy, Strelnikova’s breathing exercises were used to treat bronchial asthma, pneumonia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, chronic prostatitis and other diseases. Classes were conducted in two groups. In the first, according to the Strelnikova method, in the second, according to the generally accepted method recommended by the Ministry of Health. As a result, it was revealed that treatment using the Strelnikova method is more effective. Rehabilitation time was reduced by more than half. The patients' breathing rhythm improved, shortness of breath, heart pain, fatigue, depression disappeared, blood pressure and ECG normalized, and sexual activity increased.

Allergist's opinion

Tatyana Grashchenkova, employee of the Clinical Diagnostic Center of Children's City Clinic No. 69:

We have been doing breathing exercises according to Strelnikova for more than two years. During this time, more than 100 children aged 10 to 15 years old with a diagnosis of asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma studied in our groups. Most children showed a decrease in cough and the frequency of asthma attacks, and improved nasal breathing. Children who have been doing gymnastics for more than a year and a half have become physically stronger and have become interested in sports, which was out of the question before.

Phthisiatrician's opinion

Zinaida Evfimievskaya, head of the department of the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

In our adolescent department, breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method were carried out for more than five months with sick children and adolescents with various forms of tuberculosis. The first positive results were obtained within a month - in patients who, in addition to tuberculosis, suffered from vegetative-vascular dystonia. Their heart pain stopped, their blood pressure, temperature, and ECG returned to normal.

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Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are a system that combines movement and breathing. It has a noticeable therapeutic and preventive effect on any pathology of the respiratory system.

History of the creation and development of breathing exercises

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova came up with the first exercises for the future breathing exercises complex in her youth, before the war. She applied for a patent, but the advance of German troops prevented her from receiving it.

Both during the war, and mainly in subsequent years, Alexandra Nikolaevna continued to expand and improve her complex. At this time, she had her first patients and followers, including Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin: Strelnikova’s breathing exercises literally saved him from bronchial asthma and the associated loss of voice.

After the tragic death of Strelnikova, her work was continued by Mikhail Shchetinin; Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, the video of which is presented here for your attention, is the most accurate reproduction of the basic exercises of the complex. Shchetinin mastered it directly under the guidance of the author, thanks to which he became familiar with all the nuances and subtleties of the exercises.

How to properly perform breathing exercises?

Their key feature is that they are performed with a noisy, emotional inhalation through the nose. A deep, sharp breath, accompanying certain body movements, has a strong effect on gas balance and the acid-base balance of the body. It activates various compensatory mechanisms, thanks to which the course of various diseases is corrected.

Each exercise should be performed in figure eights. We did 8 repetitions, rested a little.

The inhalation should be sharp and short, like cotton.

The effectiveness of gymnastics for various ENT diseases

Bronchial and cardiac asthma, stuttering, headaches and many other health problems are successfully solved by M.N. Shchetinin; Strelnikova’s breathing exercises in his hands become a method whose effectiveness is comparable to drug therapy and physiotherapeutic treatment. You too can evaluate the effectiveness of this method by mastering its basic exercises and performing them regularly!

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova (set of exercises)

Exercise "Palms"

Stand up straight, palms forward.

Exercise “Palms” (step 1)

We clench our palms into fists and sniffle at the same time.

Exercise “Palms” (step 2)

Exercise "Epaulettes"

We place our hands with clenched fists at waist level.

Exercise “Epaulettes” (step 1)

We forcefully push our hands down, unclenching our fingers.

Exercise “Epaulettes” (step 2)

Exercise "Pump"

Exercise "Pump" (step 1)
Exercise “Pump” (step 2)

Exercise "Cat"

Exercise “Cat” (step 1)
Exercise “Cat” (step 2)

Exercise "Hug your shoulders"

Exercise "Hug your shoulders" (step 1) Exercise "Hug your shoulders" (step 2)

© Shchetinin M.N.

© AST Publishing House LLC

“Dear Alexandra Nikolaevna!

Words cannot express my gratitude!

You are a miracle!

Before meeting you, I didn’t believe in miracles.

Now I Believe!”

M. Mironova

From the author

Breathing gymnastics by A. N. Strelnikova was created at the turn of the 20-30s of the last century in our country and after a decade and a half it was a set of breathing exercises that included in active work not only the respiratory organs, but also the entire body as a whole, all parts body from head to toe.

The official “birthday” of Strelnikovskaya breathing exercises is April 29, 1941. I quote a document from the People's Commissariat of Health, stored in the archives of A. N. Strelnikova: “Your proposal entitled “Method of treating asthma with breathing exercises” was received by the Bureau of Inventions of the Technical Council of the People's Commissariat of Health of the USSR on April 29, 1941, registered under No. 4268 and sent for conclusion... "

But the war began, and the country had no time for Strelnikov gymnastics. And only in 1972, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova received author’s certificate No. 411865 for “Method of treating diseases associated with loss of voice.” I emphasize – “METHOD OF TREATMENT”, not recovery. Certificate of usefulness was given by the clinic of the Bolshoi Theater, the ENT office of the Institute named after. Gnesins and the Institute of Surgery named after. A. V. Vishnevsky.

Alexandra Nikolaevna understood perfectly well that the gymnastics she invented was THEREAL. That is, it does not just “stretch” and “train” the body, like any physical exercises that are done in the morning after sleep or in physical education classes in schools and educational institutions. And it has a healing effect, first of all, on the respiratory organs and with them on the entire body as a whole. Here are the musculoskeletal system, the gastrointestinal tract, and the genitourinary system; diseases of the endocrine and nervous system and much, much more. That is why next to Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova there were always doctors who not only treated themselves, treated their children and grandchildren with this unusually effective gymnastics, but also tested its effect on various organs and systems in the medical institutions in which they worked.

Having been using Strelnikovsky breathing exercises at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for more than 25 years, I never cease to admire its truly miraculous properties in the treatment of various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis.

High efficiency of breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova has been confirmed by numerous studies conducted at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences since 1992.

No medicine in the world can increase vital capacity of the lungs (VC). Only breathing exercises can do this.

Fulfilling the will of my teacher, I patented the gymnastics she invented with three patents for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Again, for TREATMENT, not recovery. Over the course of her half-century of collaboration with doctors, Alexandra Nikolaevna has always listened to their opinions and advice when treating diseases (and who doesn’t have them now?!..) that require professional medical knowledge. She was always happy when doctors referred their patients to us, strongly recommending that they do Strelnikovsky breathing exercises. A. N. Strelnikova also treated instructors, physical education teachers, and heads of various sports sections with respect. But, I was absolutely convinced that their knowledge and practical experience were applicable in fitness, aerobics and sports, and not in medicine. And ONLY doctors should treat her with therapeutic exercises.

That is why I am ready to teach this unique treatment technique to doctors who know the anatomy and physiology of the human body and are able to provide assistance to patients with a variety of diseases. And not only the respiratory system.

Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin

“The only thing I have in life is my gymnastics and my Misha!”

“Our gymnastics is an absolutely independent healing system. It should not be combined with any other healing techniques. If the author of another method reinforces his system with Strelnikov’s exercises, then his “creation” is either ineffective or completely useless!..”

A. N. Strelnikova

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova (1912–1989) – opera singer, theater teacher. In the 1930s she was a soloist at the opera house under the direction of K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. Having lost her singing voice, together with her mother A. S. Strelnikova, she developed a set of breathing exercises, which later turned into a harmonious health system. And now this system is successfully used in the treatment of a number of different diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, and central nervous system.

But, like many inventors, Alexandra Nikolaevna had to go through a difficult path from the rejection of her method by official medicine to nationwide popularity.

She was an absolutely healthy woman until her last day, when she tragically died in a traffic accident. She was 77 years old.

But she left her life’s work – unique breathing exercises – to us, her compatriots. She passed on and bequeathed her discoveries to her student, Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin.

They met when Mikhail Shchetinin was a student at the directing department. He came with his misfortune - his voice completely disappeared. With the help of Strelnikovsky gymnastics, he not only regained his lost voice, but also restored nasal breathing and got rid of bronchial asthma. Amazing gymnastics captivated him with its truly ingenious simplicity and effectiveness. Since then, he has become a follower of Strelnikova, her devoted student and assistant. Following her instructions, he receives a second, medical education and is now completely “immersed” in medicine, testing “singing” breathing exercises into an unusually effective non-drug therapeutic method.

When Alexandra Strelnikova was once asked at a press conference if she had any students, she said: “The only thing I have in life is my gymnastics and my Misha!” Mikhail Shchetinin was next to his teacher for the last 12 years of her life. Alexandra Nikolaevna taught him how to stop an attack in a suffocating asthmatic, how to help the heart, how to get rid of prostatitis, prostate adenoma and impotence, how to deal with seriously ill patients bedridden, how to restore flexibility to the spine and joints, how to make the speech of a stutterer smoother, improve the sound voices of an actor or singer.

Currently, Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin is actively popularizing the Strelnikova method in the press, on radio and television, and is successfully introducing it into the practice of medical institutions. Mikhail Nikolaevich has preserved the richest archive of Alexandra Nikolaevna: her notes, photographs, joint sketches and developments of new exercises. She could have done a lot more, but she didn’t have time...

Mikhail Shchetinin is a spiritually generous and selfless person. He does not skimp on good things: he has given numerous free lectures for the elderly and disabled, free classes with seriously ill children in tuberculosis clinics, and emergency telephone consultations for patients in critical conditions.

Mikhail Nikolaevich says that he is a happy person: he himself was cured, he saves others. Shchetinin’s patients are very grateful to the tireless propagandist and talented student of Alexandra Strelnikova. And there are more and more supporters of Strelnikov-style health improvement every day. After all, Shchetinin gives free lectures at social service centers (CSC), children's centers, centers for disabled children, kindergartens and schools, and military units. And every time his listeners are amazed at the amazing effectiveness of paradoxical breathing exercises. And no wonder: Strelnikova’s gymnastics makes it possible, with the help of simple breathing exercises, to improve the condition of almost any disease in a short time.

Dear readers, we wish you good health and success in mastering Strelnikovsky breathing exercises!

O. S. Kopylova is the host of the program “Dialogues about Health” on Radio Russia.

“I’m tired of kneeling!..”

Dedicated to Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, my teacher, my savior, my sorceress!

“Take off your hats, gentlemen, before you is a genius!”

Robert Schumann

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova! This name was shrouded in legends during his lifetime. “Adventurer”, “hypnotist”, “ignorant healer” - this is how she was called in the highest medical and bureaucratic circles. And she was called a savior by thousands of people who were tired of endless and useless walking from one doctor to another and were already desperate to be cured.

They prayed for her! Those whom she saved from many diseases, often incurable, wished her a hundred years of life! And she... - died... In September 1989... Ridiculously, accidentally, scary... In a road accident in Serebryany Bor, where she loved to swim before the Moscow River was covered with ice. She was an excellent swimmer and an absolutely healthy woman at 77 years old.

If this had not happened, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova would definitely have lived 100 years, I am sure of this. She did not know what osteochondrosis, hypertension, or heart failure were. However... she knew what wild heartache was. After all, the first heart attack that she stopped with her gymnastics was her own, and when she was only in her forties. They lived with their mother in Sokolniki, in an old one-story house that once had stables. At that time, mother and daughter Strelnikovs were known only in a narrow circle of metropolitan singers, since their breathing exercises improved the beauty of timbre, expanded the range of voices of those for whom singing was a profession, and “made” the voice of those who wanted to sing, without having any natural ability to do so. data.

Strelnikova, the youngest, was sick at that time, very sick. Someday I will write about this in more detail, for now I will only say that from severe, persistently recurring attacks of fever, her heart was already beginning to give out. (The Strelnikovs were already well-known voice training specialists and had connections in the medical world of Moscow, but none of the famous infectious disease doctors were able to help Alexandra Nikolaevna).

And then one day, in the dead of autumn, Strelnikov’s daughter was brought out of her oblivion by a sharp pain in her chest, which gripped her whole body and came up like a lump in her throat. "Mother! - Alexandra Nikolaevna screamed, “I’m suffocating!” There was no telephone in the house; you had to walk a whole block to the nearest machine. Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova, in horror, opened wide all the windows in the room so that her daughter could breathe easier! But it didn't get any easier. And then, convulsively gasping for air, the youngest Alexandra suddenly thought clearly: Strelnikovsky gymnastics! Not “mine”, not “ours”, but “Strelnikovskaya”, as if she had already left them and became the property of all people on Earth. Gathering her last strength, with clenched teeth, she began noisily sniffing the air, taking 4 short, sharp breaths. And immediately, after a few moments, she realized that she would live until the morning.

And here, in these moments, mother and daughter Strelnikov realized that they had created not only breathing exercises that returned the voices of actors and singers, but something much more, something GREAT that could make almost any person healthy.

How did mother and daughter Strelnikov create their gymnastics, where did it all begin? Having been next to my teacher for twelve years, I heard countless times from Alexandra Nikolaevna the same phrase that she uttered at her lectures: “As a young singer, I lost my voice. And my mother began to look for a way for me to restore it. This is how gymnastics was gradually invented.” All. What happened before Strelnikova Jr. lost her voice? Alexandra Nikolaevna never told anyone about this. She didn’t like to touch on this topic, she was afraid to talk about it... And even I, her only student and assistant, her pupil, the person closest to her (“What I have in life is my gymnastics and my Misha,” Alexandra once said Nikolaevna Strelnikova at one of the medical conferences, when she was asked a question from the audience: “What is the meaning of your life?”) - I knew nothing about her first half of life. So... individual episodes from childhood and youth spent in the Far East. I didn’t even try to ask Alexandra Nikolaevna about this, I always knew: she would say what was needed herself!

And then, 6 years after her tragic death, a woman found me in Moscow and conveyed news from Nina Nikolaevna Strelnikova, Alexandra Nikolaevna’s sister; the third of the Strelnikov sisters, whose existence no one ever knew. At a very old age she lived in Australia, practically immobilized, sick with a serious incurable disease. For more than 60 years she tried to find her mother and sisters who remained in Russia. After Alexandra Nikolaevna’s death, she read about me in one of the Russian newspapers, where, fortunately, my address and even telephone number were indicated.

And so, the only survivor of the three Strelnikov sisters, already with difficulty holding a writing pencil in her hand, Nina Nikolaevna Strelnikova wrote to me about what Alexandra Nikolaevna never had time to tell about during her lifetime.

“In general, “Shuryonysh” was full of independence. When they fed her 2-year-old (in the photo on the right) - (Nina Nikolaevna sent me a photograph of her sister, the same as Alexandra Nikolaevna had, only in a different pose) - she tore out the spoon and announced: “Sam!” – cheerfully smearing porridge all over her face...

Strelnikov - our father, Nikolai Dmitrievich, was a remarkably handsome man, but older than my mother. She was 17 and he was either 34 or 37 years old. We met at Davydov’s singing lessons... Mom ran away from school with books, and came to our parents - having already gotten married!!!

We, 3 sisters with our grandmother and governess, were sent to Vladivostok to visit our mother in the summer in 1919. I saw my father for the last time at the Zima station. He came out to meet us. He always knew how to play with us, sit us on our shoulders and jump around. He had a good tenor.

Mom's older sister, Aunt Lida (Severovna), completed 4-year medical courses in St. Petersburg and Bestuzhev University (she was a lawyer). At the time of the revolution, they were landowners and had their own estate. In 1919, my aunt and uncle Vasya (her husband) were evacuated on two carts to Omsk to Kolchak, then in 1920 to Vladivostok. We (Shurka and I) lived with my aunt and uncle in Vladivostok for months. Aunt Lida fussed with all her nieces and nursed them (this is how I ended up with her at the age of 5 weeks). Aunt Lida and Uncle Vasya then took me with them to Harbin to make it easier for my mother to support her three children. They took me because I was the weakest. My sisters’ measles went away easily, but I spent a month and a half in bed with fever and headaches. After this, she began to lose her hearing, and her left arm and leg “failed.”

The last time I saw my sisters, mother and grandmother was in 1924. Tanya was 7 years old, she pulled out her favorite toy from her pocket and thrust it into my hands! The correspondence ended in 1934...”

“But I was once going to swim across the Amur!” – Alexandra Nikolaevna once told me (she was an excellent swimmer, in her youth she was the champion of Novosibirsk).

And now, after she was gone, I found out why she wanted to do this. She wanted to see her sister! But... she met “such wonderful blue eyes” (a letter from my teacher from her distant youth, more than half a century later, her sister sent me to Moscow), that...

Nina Nikolaevna Strelnikova at 38 years old. Shanghai

Photo from the personal archive of M.N. Shchetinina

A.N. Strelnikova in childhood

Photo from the personal archive of M.N. Shchetinina

Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova with her daughters at her father’s dacha near Yekaterinburg. On the right – Shura

Photo from the personal archive of M.N. Shchetinina

“Because of these “blue eyes,” Nina Nikolaevna writes to me from Australia, “Shurka decided not to swim across the Amur and run away to Harbin. She married him. But everything ended. Mom wrote: “Shura is unhappy in her marriage and separated. And in general, forget about our existence.”

It was 1934, Stalin's repressions began in the USSR. Two daughters remained with Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova: Alexandra and Tatyana. And it was better not to receive letters from White emigrant Harbin. It could cost lives. The correspondence ended...

“Did I sing?” – asks my teacher’s sister. And she answers it herself: “Well, of course, she sang! And she also developed her own system for staging a damaged voice.” Nina Nikolaevna Strelnikova reported that as a sixteen-year-old girl, she studied singing for a year in Harbin with Solovyova, who was a student of Viardot. Until recently, N.H. Strelnikova taught painting at an artistic college. In old photographs sent to me from another part of the globe, the Strelnikov family is depicted at the dacha (with a Chinese cook) and at a picnic (with friends - White Guard officers). Alexandra Nikolaevna had a portrait of her mother in her youth on the piano. What happened to the portrait is unknown (after the death of A.N. Strelnikova, it was taken out along with other things by a nephew, who is now also no longer alive). An amateur photograph has survived in which one of my patients photographed me against the background of this portrait. Nina Nikolaevna Strelnikova’s childhood memory captured for the rest of her life a portrait of her mother, in which she stands at full height next to an ebony chair (“we children tried to pick out porcelain medallions in a bronze frame from the backs of chairs”). Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova was a very beautiful woman in her youth. “Mom always had a lot of fans,” Alexandra Nikolaevna told me. Strelnikova Sr. owes her life and the lives of her daughters to one such admirer, a high-ranking NKVD official.

“There were days like this,” said Alexandra Nikolaevna, “when my mother’s admirer came to pick us up in the evenings in his official car. He took Tatyana and me to spend the night with his friends on the outskirts of the city, and drove my mother along the hills all night. When he brought us to our apartment in the morning, everything in it was turned upside down. And this happened many times."

Fate spared A. S. Strelnikova and her daughters. After all, even in the pre-war years, Strelnikova the mother already used individual exercises of the future unique system. Anastasia Ivanovna Tsvetaeva in her book “My Siberia” describes her meeting with Alexandra Severovna, who struck her with her determination and great desire to help people when they had health problems.

Looking through Alexandra Nikolaevna’s old papers, I discovered a document from the People’s Commissariat of Health, sent to A. S. Strelnikova, which said: “Your proposal entitled “Method of treating asthma with breathing exercises” was received by the Bureau of Inventions of the Technical Council of the People's Commissariat of Health of the USSR on April 29, 1941, registered under N 4268 and sent for conclusion. The results will be communicated to you."

But when the war began, the country had no time for Strelnikov gymnastics. Before the war, Alexandra Severovna worked at the Novosibirsk Philharmonic as a teacher-vocalist, and Alexandra Nikolaevna sang in the troupe of the musical theater named after K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko in Moscow. During the war, Alexandra Nikolaevna had to return back to Novosibirsk. She led amateur artistic performances, traveling with a propaganda team around the Novosibirsk region.

In 1953, Alexandra Nikolaevna returned to Moscow, bringing three of her vocal students who made an attempt to enter the Moscow Conservatory. Two of them were enrolled, the third entered the Gnessin Institute. A little later, Alexandra Severovna arrived in the capital. The daughter began working as a teacher-vocalist at the Central House of Culture for Railway Workers, and the mother began working at the Moscow State Stage. The rumor about amazing gymnastics, after which the voice sounds clearer and louder, began to gradually spread throughout Moscow. Famous singers and dramatic artists began to come to the Strelnikovs for singing lessons. People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Kasatkina (then already a well-known actress throughout the country, who starred in the film “Tiger Tamer”), who attended classes with the Strelnikovs, convinced the management of the Russian (then Soviet) Army Theater to hire unique teachers who were liquidated from her in a matter of days hemorrhage in the vocal cords, which the Bolshoi Theater clinic could not cure for several months. Leading specialists from this clinic begin to refer singers and actors to the Strelnikovs: phoniatric surgeon V. A. Zagoryanskaya-Feldman and otorhinolaryngologist D. A. Shakhova. Student vocalists, announcers, teachers with broken voices, directed by phoniatrist V.L. Chaplin, began to come to the Strelnikovs from the lorry office of the Gnessin Institute. Inspired by success, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova decides to submit an application for an invention to VNIIGPE. By that time, the Bolshoi Theater clinic had already referred actors and singers to the Strelnikovs for 17 years, the ENT clinic of the Gnessin Institute for 7 years, and in the biological office of the Vishnevsky Institute they checked the results of inhalations on chest compressions using a spirograph and capnograph. The spirograph showed an increase in inspiratory volume, the capnograph showed an improvement in gas exchange in the first lesson. Then people who had been doing this gymnastics for many years were tested. Everyone was breathing great.

On September 28, 1973, the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of State Patent Examination, for the first time in the history of art, registered the copyright of a singing teacher for the “Method of treating diseases associated with loss of voice,” establishing its priority on March 14, 1972. The certificate was registered under N 411865. How many times later in life will this copyright come to the rescue of A.N. Strelnikova, how many times will she later tell me: “What a blessing that I have the copyright, otherwise I would have been wiped off the face of the Earth long ago! »

The list of diseases for which Srelnikov breathing exercises help has begun to expand every year. The central press began to write about the unique gymnastics, which cures many diseases. Along with popular recognition, hatred from official medicine also increased. High-ranking officials from the Ministry of Health did not want to put up with the fact that some “imposter”, who had not only a medical, but also a real pedagogical education, in general, did not dare to not only brazenly get into their clan, but also do something that they themselves could not do, having the titles of professors and doctors of medical sciences, using the latest medical equipment for various studies.

Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova was no longer alive. A few years after her daughter received the copyright for gymnastics, Strelnikova Sr. died, unable to cope with severe intestinal injuries she received during a street accident. Alexandra Severovna was 88 years old.

I didn't have a chance to catch her alive. I came to Alexandra Nikolaevna for treatment at the beginning of 1978; by that time she was already alone, without her mother, and had moved from Sokolniki to a tiny apartment on Tukhachevsky Street. An old amateur film has been preserved, in which Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova goes out into the garden and sits in a rocking chair. This only lasts a few seconds. “Everyone loved my mother,” Alexandra Nikolaevna told me, “from the janitor to the minister. And she loved everyone. “It doesn’t matter to me what they are like,” my mother said, “what matters to me is who I am!”

“Shurenka? – Lyudmila Ivanovna Kasatkina once said when Alexandra Nikolaevna and I were visiting her. – You know how I feel about you... But what a mother you had! She was a saint! The eyes of the People's Artist of the USSR clouded with tears...

Later, several years after I came to Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, she once admitted to me that shortly before her death, Alexandra Severovna told her daughter: “In a year a boy will come to you, his name will be the same as your husband (second husband Alexandra Nikolaevna - Mikhail - died in 1943, she did not marry the third time). Teach him everything, he will heal after us!” “Why did you say: to me, mom? – Alexandra Nikolaevna asked in surprise. “Why not come to us?”

People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Ivanovna Kasatkina does Strelnikovsky breathing exercises

Photo taken by M.N. Shchetinin

“And I won’t be alive anymore, daughter!” – answered the eldest Strelnikova.

After the death of her mother, Alexandra Nikolaevna was left alone and began to fight the Ministry of Health alone. Official medicine demanded from her a “SCIENTIFIC” substantiation of the gymnastics she created (one might think that the more complete and serious the “scientific” substantiation of the method, the more unique its healing properties!). And then, it happens that in reality theory does not always coincide with practice. And “Practice is the criterion of truth!” – Karl Marx once wisely remarked.

People who came to A. N. Strelnikova for help from all over the Soviet Union did not care deeply about the “scientific” basis for Strelnikov’s gymnastics. It was important for them that this breathing exercise would help them get rid of asthma attacks, headaches or epileptic seizures. And what scientific explanations could be demanded from my teacher, because she did not work in a clinic, she did not have a laboratory. Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova was a singer... But, what a singer!..

When many years ago she showed several of her students at the Moscow Conservatory, the teachers told her: “The fact that they all sing beautifully and have a good School does not yet prove the correctness of your method... You have gathered the best amateur singers from all over Moscow!”

And then Strelnikova stood up and began a laboriously complex performance of Kuma’s arioso from P. I. Tchaikovsky’s opera “The Enchantress” - “A Look from Nizhny.” The teaching staff of the commission was in real shock! Everyone was numb... Frozen with delight, afraid to swallow the lump that had suddenly appeared in their throats from such singing, the members of the commission, with fixed, unblinking eyes, stared as if paralyzed at this woman, whom a few minutes ago they had fiercely hated just because she dared to tell them about some kind of... then its method of voice production, which goes against all generally accepted recommendations traditional for singing schools in England, France and even Italy!

A.N. Strelnikova at an outdoor concert

Photo from the personal archive of M.N. Shchetinina

Hugo Natanovich Titz, then the dean of the vocal department, “fell into prostration” in the full sense of the word, and the former soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, Professor Elena Katulskaya, could not stand it, broke down and, sobbing loudly, shouted: “God! What a singer!.. I refuse to participate in this vile persecution!..” And she ran out of the hall.

Every time I was present at our home “sobantui”, when singers and actors gathered, whose mother and daughter Strelnikovs once “repaired” their voices or simply taught them to sing, I choked on tears, listening to Alexandra Nikolaevna perform Neapolitan folk songs and Vertinsky’s songs ... The way she sang the Russian folk song “Nochenka” will never be sung by anyone else! She had such an inner temperament and passion that it seemed as if her energy could crush everything in its path.

It seemed that in twelve years I already knew her entire repertoire by heart and had heard her sing countless times. And... every time it’s the same thing - a lump in my throat, and unexpectedly appearing tears from her singing that were impossible to hold back. IT was necessary to SEE IT!

Slender, impetuous, impetuous... Red hair scattered over her shoulders, a piercing, demonic look of burning eyes - the look of Mary Stuart ascending to the scaffold... (Her favorite heroine is Maria Stuart, her favorite artist is Vrubel).


A friend of her artistic youth once told her: “Shurka, you never have a middle... You love extremes!”

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova

Photo from the personal archive of M.N. Shchetinina

She was like that, all in contrasts. Waking up in the morning, I always wondered: what will she be like today? Kind or as if dissatisfied with something, cheerful or sad?

A.N. Strelnikova had some kind of supernatural inner sense: she could not explain why, but she quite accurately guessed the person’s illness - all he had to do was start doing our gymnastics. It was only later, after several years of treating patients together, that I realized that by the way a person moves, how he breathes, how he looks, she could determine what he was sick with. I remember we vacationed with her in the summer in Crimea, in Sudak. Suddenly, unexpectedly, on the beach, she was overcome with great anxiety. I asked: what's the matter? “Something happened, Mishunichka,” said Alexandra Nikolaevna and, after thinking a little, looking at the sea horizon, she added: “It happened in the theater...” and after a few seconds she confidently and firmly said: “In the Mossovet Theater...” (for the last fifteen years -twenty Strelnikova worked as a teacher-vocalist at the Satire Theater and at the Mossovet Theater). The next day in the morning I bought the newspaper “Soviet Culture” at a kiosk (when we were going to the beach with her). On the beach, I unfolded it and read it out loud on one of the pages: Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya died. Alexandra Nikolaevna shuddered, her face went dead for a few moments...

In the same way, one day, coming from the Satire Theater in the evening, she said: “Mironov and Papanov changed the way they played, and I really don’t like THIS.” And I realized that she did not like the new style of acting of outstanding actors, but something new that unexpectedly appeared inside each of these great artists. Soon, returning from work late in the evening, without undressing, right there in the hallway, she said in a strange, unnaturally dull voice: “Papanov has died,” and leaning her back against the door, looking with a fixed gaze into the depths of the room, she said quietly and doomedly: “And It seems to me that Andryusha will be next...” - she began to slowly slide down the door to the floor and sat for several minutes on the floor here, in the hallway, as if lost, looking with unseeing eyes somewhere into emptiness. Then she stood up heavily (given her lightness and impetuosity) and just like that, without undressing, she went into the room, “flopped” on the trestle bed (we never had beds) and slept dressed until the morning.

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“Our gymnastics is an absolutely independent healing system. It should not be combined with any other healing techniques. If the author of another method reinforces his system with Strelnikov’s exercises, then his “creation” is either ineffective or completely useless!..”

A.N. Strelnikova

From the author

“A person who exercises moderately and regularly does not need any treatment to eliminate the disease.”


The size of an adult's heart is approximately equal to the size of his fist, and the weight ranges from 250 to 350 grams, and the weight of the heart in women is 10–15% less than the weight of the heart in men. At rest, it pumps 4 to 5 liters of blood per minute. Strelnikovsky breathing exercises increase blood flow to the muscles. As a result of its regular implementation, capillaries increase and lengthen (according to capillaroscopy). As a result, blood supply to all organs and tissues of the human body improves. That is why this technique is so necessary for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Strelnikov exercises not only expand the coronary vessels of the heart. While performing breathing exercises in gymnastics A.N. Strelnikov’s blood is actively saturated with oxygen and the blood flow seems to polish the vessels from the inside. Thus, regular performance of Strelnikov breathing exercises not only strengthens the heart muscle, but also renews blood vessels, which is very important for diseases such as hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia and atherosclerosis.

Well-known medications that help to dilate blood vessels have an unstable therapeutic effect, act for a short time and in most cases have undesirable side effects. In this regard, I would like to recall the words of the famous American clinician Michael Oppenheim: “Aspirin relieves acute pain for a couple of hours. Cough medicines do not cure coughs, they only suppress them. Antihistamines do not cure allergies, they only relieve the severity of the attack. Cortisone makes almost everything easier, but it doesn’t cure anything... Therefore, ask yourself more often: “Do I really need this?”

And here is what the famous doctor Tissot, who lived in France in the 18th century, said: “Movement can replace any remedy, but all the healing remedies in the world cannot replace the effect of movement.”

So take your laziness in hand, ladies and gentlemen, and go ahead, attack your illnesses with the help of Strelnikov breathing exercises.

Basics of Strelnikovsky breathing exercises

Attention!!! If you decide to master a set of Strelnikov breathing exercises, start with the first three exercises. These are “Palms”, “Epaulettes” and “Pump”. All exercises Strelnikovsk


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