FHR First Vice President Roman Rotenberg. Rotenberg Roman Borisovich: facts from the biography, career, photo. Rotenberg and personal business

Borisovich - famous Russian entrepreneur, founder of the Doctor Sport chain of sports nutrition stores, sports functionary and, of course, vice president of Gazprombank. His father, Boris Romanovich Rotenberg, is also a well-known Russian figure, businessman, co-owner of SPM Bank and vice president of the Judo Federation.

Business career

Roman Rotenberg graduated high school in Helsinki, where the whole family moved to live in the early 90s of the last century. The young man later received a good education in London (master's degree in entrepreneurial management), and, returning to Russia, got a job at Gazprombank. There Rotenberg Roman Borisovich met Alexander Medvedev, the general director of the Gazprom project, quickly built career ladder and eventually took the position of vice president of the company. Medvedev, by the way, also turned out to be a big fan of hockey in general and St. Petersburg SKA in particular.

In addition to the sports nutrition business, Roman Borisovich Rotenberg is a co-owner of the Hartavall ice arena in the capital of Finland, Helsinki. The Russian businessman is also the owner of the Finnish company Langvik Capital (a hotel and conference hall in a picturesque area) and the local HC Jokerit, which has been playing in the Continental Hockey League since 2014.

Career in sports

It's no secret that the vice-president of Gazprombank is a big fan of hockey and even managed to build a career in this field. Over the years, youthful passion has grown into one of the main priorities, and later it has become an integral part of life.

Since 2011, the new Vice President hockey club SKA became Rotenberg Roman Borisovich. A photo of the main functionary of the St. Petersburg club, with the Continental Cup won in the 2012/2013 season, can still be seen in the St. Petersburg club museum.

In 2014, Rotenberg was appointed vice president of the FHR and joined the headquarters of the Russian national team.

Rotenberg Roman Borisovich: personal life

A successful Russian businessman in secular society was known as a true admirer and admirer of the fair sex, and for a long time remained the desired spouse for hundreds of his representatives.

At the age of 26, Roman met the Latvian model Marta Berzkalnaya, with whom, a few months after the start of the relationship, he married. The newlyweds often appeared in public, and, at first glance, the couple was absolutely happy, but the family did not last long. At the time of the divorce, Marta was in her fifth month of pregnancy, but this factor did not become an argument for continuing the relationship. However, the born child former spouse provides adequate financial support.

Roman Borisovich Rotenberg met his next wife in 2012. A girl named Galina became for Russian businessman civil wife and bore him two children: a girl, Arina, and a boy, Roman. As it turned out later, Rotenberg had another son in October 2015. His mother was a well-known model in Russia - Margarita Banet.

Roman Rotenberg has many positions, and very high ones, - he is a manager, a director of a company, and a sports functionary. Whatever he undertakes, success accompanies him everywhere. But how did this fairy tale begin? From a successful acquaintance. Or rather, the acquaintance of his father, a master of sports in judo, with another judoka.

Roman Borisovich Rotenberg: family and childhood

Rotenberg was born in the family of Boris Rotenberg in 1981. My father attended the judo section at the police academy, and it was at one of these trainings that he met the future president of Russia, Putin. In the early 90s, the country was falling apart, and Roman's parents decided to emigrate to Finland. Therefore, the whole family began to learn Finnish and English in advance. In Finland, Roman went to the third grade. In the new place, Roman Rotenberg fought a lot: at that time, Russians were not very fond of in Finland. It helped Roman that from childhood he attended the judo section with his father.

Then Roman had a new hobby - hockey. He went to the local hockey school, where he spent time from morning to evening. Roman Borisovich Rotenberg always remembered this period with warmth. But childhood happiness did not last long - in 1999, the parents divorced. The mother insisted that her son move to London, where he could study business and make many useful connections. Despite the fact that his father was against it, Roman nevertheless left for this metropolis.

Return to Russia

The study was successful, and Roman Rotenberg defended his diploma, but he did not stay in London to implement his business plan, despite great prospects and returned to Russia. In one of the interviews, when asked by a journalist why he did this, Roman replied that he was drawn to Russia "as a human being."

Returning to Russia, Roman refused the offer of his father Boris and uncle Arkady to get a job in their already successful business. He did not want the employees of their company to say behind his back that he got a job through a pull. Instead, he gets a job at Gazprom Export, although he still had a father. He got him an interview, but an interview is not the same as getting a job. He was hired by the head of the company Alexander Medvedev.

Rotenberg and hockey

Roman did something completely different from what he was taught in London. He prepared press conferences, organized meetings. Roman did not refuse any work, and fate rewarded him. Since at that moment Russian hockey needed reforms, the head of Gazprom Export, Alexander Medvedev, was instructed to develop a plan for the creation of the KHL (Continental Hockey League). Here the talents of Roman Rotenberg came in handy. The company "KHL marketing" was created to implement this business idea, and Roman was appointed deputy CEO.

In 2009, an economic forum was held in St. Petersburg, which was attended by many successful businessmen. There were also representatives of Gazprombank, whom Roman met. Deciding to change his life after talking with them, he decided to go to work in this bank, but difficulties arose. Firstly, he did not have the necessary citizenship, and secondly, he did not have a Russian financial education. The process of obtaining citizenship took three years, during which Roman Rotenberg managed to obtain the necessary diploma as a financier.

Not left in the past and hockey. Gennady Timchenko, president of the SKA hockey club, suggested young specialist become vice president of marketing. Roman gladly agreed and began to engage in a new position in attracting new viewers, selling rights and club paraphernalia, and organizing broadcasts of matches.

Rotenberg and personal business

Everything Roman did was work for someone, but not for himself. Since he loves sports with all his heart, then personal business must be related to sports. In 2011, the younger Rotenberg founded the Doctor Sport company, which produces sports nutrition.

After some time, it becomes clear that Roman Rotenberg is a good businessman, because the company began to make a profit. In connection with the success, he decides to start producing special magnets that give strength and accelerate the healing of injuries.

Roman Borisovich Rotenberg: personal life

With his wife, Latvian top model Marta Bezkalnaya, Roman met in March 2011, and five months later the wedding took place. They live in Moscow and are quite happy. To have children, according to Martha, they are not going to yet.

Vice President of the SKA hockey club.

Roman Rotenberg was born on April 7, 1981 in St. Petersburg. Mother Irina Kharanen had a good position in the city trade department, father Boris Rotenberg, a master of sports and judo coach, taught self-defense at the police academy. grandpa had Jewish roots, director of the Leningrad plant for the production of telephone sets "Krasnaya Zarya".

In 1991, the parents of Roman and younger brother Boris decided to emigrate from the city of Leningrad to the city of Helsinki through the line of Ingrian repatriates. There, Roman, who had studied English and Finnish before leaving at school No. 204 near the Hermitage, went to the third grade of a regular school and received Finnish citizenship. From the age of 11, Roman began to train in the local hockey team. After school, he entered a sports college and planned a career as a professional hockey player.

In 1999, the father broke up with his wife and returned to the city of St. Petersburg. By Roman's own admission, it was risky to build a sports career, so the young man left to study in the city of London. After a year of study at preparatory courses Rotenberg entered the European Business School London at the Faculty of International Business, received a master's degree in entrepreneurial management. After graduation, my father offered to stay to work at Barclays Bank in London, while my mother called to Finland.

Rotenberg decided to return to Russia and find work not in the structures of his father and uncle Arkady, who at that time had already become well-known entrepreneurs and co-owners of SMP Bank. On the advice of his father, Roman chose Gazprom Export, where they could come in handy international connections And foreign languages. At the interview, he met Alexander Medvedev, CEO of Gazprom Export, who is also a keen hockey player.

In 2007, Medvedev began to develop a plan for the Continental Hockey League and entrusted the development of the project to the external communications department of Gazprom Export. The company "KHL Marketing" was created to manage all commercial contracts of the league; Roman Rotenberg became Deputy General Director.

In 2009, at the international economic forum in St. Petersburg, Rotenberg met with representatives of Gazprombank, where Roman had an internship in London. To work at the bank, he had to go through a three-year return process. Russian citizenship and get a Russian financial education, later Roman defended his thesis on the topic “Strategy for the use of market instruments in the field of physical culture and sports” and received a Ph.D. economic sciences.

In the fall of 2010, Doctor Sport, a manufacturer of sports nutrition, was established. A year later, Gennady Timchenko, president of the SKA hockey club in St. Petersburg, invited Roman Rotenberg to the position of vice president of the club. Later, Roman Borisovich Rotenberg was appointed to the position of adviser to the chairman of the board, Andrei Akimov, and is responsible for attracting large clients.

In the summer of 2013, the Rotenberg family and Gennady Timchenko bought out 100% of the Finnish holding Arena Events OY, which owns and manages the Hartwall Arena in Helsinki. In the fall of the same year, businessmen acquired 49% of the Jokerit hockey team, which moved to the KHL the next. In October 2014, Roman Rotenberg bought out the shares of his father and uncle. The intermediary was Långvik Capital, which is now owned by Roman Rotenberg.

Rotenberg was appointed First Vice President of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation on December 11, 2014. Roman's responsibilities include issues of interaction between the FHR and the KHL. In the same year, it became known that Roman Rotenberg had a third citizenship - Great Britain.

In December, Roman Rotenberg acquired 80% of the Telesport marketing agency from Petr Makarenko. The latter remains the owner of 20% of Telesport. The entire team - 60 people - will continue to work. The agency became part of the Sportconcept group of companies. In May 2015, it became known that the deal had not been finalized. The reason was the presence of serious disagreements between Telesport and the Russian Football Union.

Rotenberg joined the Board of Directors of the KHL on January 20, 2015. Half a year later, Doctor Sport had more than 50 stores, which makes the company one of the largest players in the sports nutrition market in Russia. The company is a sponsor of the SKA club.

In July 2015, it was announced that Rotenberg intended to buy Sewing and Printing Production Rossport LLC, a manufacturer of sports uniforms and paraphernalia and the main supplier of Russian sports clubs. By expert opinion, the cost of the share may be about 60 million rubles, with an assessment of the entire business at 75-80 million rubles. At the end of July, the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control expanded the sanctions list, including Roman Rotenberg and Finnish Oy Langvik Capital Ltd.

(11) Entrepreneur, manager, sports functionary. First Vice-President of the Russian Hockey Federation, head of the headquarters of the Russian national ice hockey team, including analytical and statistical departments; Vice President of Gazprombank (responsibility area - customer acquisition); Member of the Board of Directors, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Kontinental Hockey League, Member of the Board of Directors, Vice President of the SKA hockey club; founder of the Doctor Sport company (Vitawin brand, production and distribution of sports nutrition) and a number of companies providing services in the field of sports marketing, media, sports equipment; owner of the Finnish stadium Hartwall Arena, chairman of the board of directors of Arena Events management company; external communications consultant for Gazprom Export


Rotenberg Michael was born in 1981 in Leningrad. His mother, Irina Kharanen, had a good position in the city trade department, his father, Boris Rotenberg, a master of sports and judo coach, taught self-defense at the police academy. Grandfather had Jewish roots, was the director of the Leningrad factory for the production of Krasnaya Zarya telephone sets. Maternal grandfather - Mikko Haranen was an Ingrian, originally from the village of Toksovo in the Leningrad Region, where Boris and Irina once met.


In 1991, the parents of Roman and his younger brother Boris decided to emigrate from Leningrad to Helsinki along the line of Ingrian repatriates. There, Roman, who had studied English and Finnish before leaving at school No. 204 near the Hermitage, went to the third grade of a regular school and received Finnish citizenship. In Finland, he continued to practice judo: from the age of five, his father trained his son and took him with him to sports camps. From the age of 11, Roman began to train in the local hockey team. After school, he entered a sports college and planned a career as a professional hockey player.

In 1999, the father broke up with his wife and returned to St. Petersburg. By Roman’s own admission, it was risky to build a sports career, so he, despite his father’s objections, went to study in London, which was insisted on by his mother, who owned at that time small business for the supply of gas condensate from Russia. After a year at the preparatory courses, Rotenberg entered the European Business School London at the Faculty of International Business, received a master's degree in entrepreneurial management.

Ice in the NHL knows no holidays

But first, let's return to a landmark event in the sports life of Russia, in which Ryazan residents became participants.

Everything was mixed up in the house with hockey. Especially in terms of "belonging" to the seasons. The Ryazan teams have just completed a dispute in the regional championship on a small, Canadian, platform, and the showdown in the regional cup has been postponed until mid-July. At the very height of summer, a team of masters gathered for a pre-season training camp. The elite hockey clubs of the country were preparing for the season with might and main. Of course, on ice. The famous football player of our time, Maradona, was invited to one of these classes of the army club of St. Petersburg. He put on a uniform, went on the ice and even scored a goal.


SKA striker Nikolai Prokhorkin after the KHL regular season match with Jokerit (4:3 OT) stressed that the Jokers are pleased with their game this season. According to the forward, the Finns have a decent team.

Recall that the wards of Oleg Znark interrupted Jokerit's unbeaten streak, which was 15 matches.

Footboard from Vegas. Why Shipachev needs to run from the NHL

NHL rookie Vegas Golden Knights continue their winning streak in the regular season that started. The team of Gerard Gallan has already three wins in three meetings. Alas, the Russian center forward of the team Vadim Shipachev did not take part in any of these games. The 30-year-old hockey player, who signed a two-year contract with the Nevada club for $ 4.5 per season, was sent to the AHL even before the start of the first meeting. The leadership of the "golden knights" explained it this way.

“It's not about the level of Shipachyov's game. This is a purely technical point.


FHR First Vice President, member of the board and board of directors of the KHL and the board of directors of SKA Roman Rotenberg, two-time Stanley Cup winner Phil Esposito and famous coach Mike Keenan entered the international coordinating council"Kunlun", informs the press service of the Beijing team.

It is reported that main task club in the near future is to create a full-fledged infrastructure that will turn it into a powerful hockey organization that includes teams from all levels of the KHL pyramid: a farm club in the VHL, a youth team in the MHL, and a women's team in the WHL.


The First Vice-President of the FHR spoke about the negotiations on the participation of Enkhaelians in Olympic Games ah 2018, the interest of fans in the national team and the relationship of the KHL with the Champions League.


from Saint-Petersburg


- Do you have contact with Rene Fasel about the Olympic Games? The NHL may not let its players go to Pyeongchang...


Roman Rotenberg, vice-president of SKA and FHR, said that full stands are expected at the Eurotour match against the Finnish team, which will be held on February 9 in St. Petersburg. After that, the team of Oleg Znarka will play in Gothenburg with Sweden (February 11) and the Czech Republic (February 12).

“Yes, there will be a full house, and the team knows about it,” Rotenberg said. Everyone expects maximum dedication from our players. Petersburg lives for hockey. 5 million people are happy that the national team came and played in front of them.

Rotenberg Roman Borisovich(born April 7, 1981, Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR) is an entrepreneur, manager, sports functionary. Son Russian billionaire.

First Vice-President of the Russian Hockey Federation, head of the headquarters of the Russian national team; Vice President of Gazprombank; Member of the Board of Directors, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Kontinental Hockey League, Member of the Board of Directors, Vice President of the SKA hockey club; founder of Vitawin (production and distribution of sports nutrition) and a number of companies providing services in the field of sports marketing, media, sports equipment; owner of the Finnish stadium Hartwall Arena, chairman of the board of directors of Arena Events management company; external communications consultant for Gazprom Export.

His mother, Irina Kharanen, had a good position in the city trade department, his father, Boris Rotenberg, a master of sports and judo coach, taught self-defense at the police academy. In 1991, the parents of Roman and his younger brother Boris decided to emigrate from Leningrad to Helsinki along the line of Ingrian repatriates. There, Roman, who had studied English and Finnish before leaving at school No. 204 near the Hermitage, went to the third grade of a regular school and received Finnish citizenship. In Finland, he continued to practice judo: from the age of five, his father trained his son and took him with him to sports camps. From the age of 11, Roman began to train in the local hockey team. After school, he entered a sports college and planned a career as a professional hockey player.

In 1999, the father broke up with his wife and returned to St. Petersburg. Roman went to study in London, which was insisted on by his mother, who at that time owned a small business for the supply of gas condensate from Russia. After a year at the preparatory courses, Rotenberg entered the European Business School London at the Faculty of International Business, received a master's degree in entrepreneurial management. After graduation, my father offered to stay to work at Barclays Bank in London, while my mother called to Finland. In 2014, it became known that Roman Rotenberg has a third citizenship - Great Britain.

In 2005, Rotenberg decided to return to Russia and find work not in the structures of his father and uncle Arkady, who at that time had already become well-known entrepreneurs and co-owners of SMP Bank. On the advice of his father, Roman chose Gazprom Export, where his international connections and foreign languages ​​could come in handy. At the interview, he met the general director of Gazprom Export, also a keen hockey player.

In 2009, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Rotenberg met with representatives of Gazprombank, where Roman had an internship back in London. To work in the bank, he had to go through a three-year procedure for the return of Russian citizenship and receive a Russian financial education (later he defended his dissertation on the topic “Strategy for the use of market instruments in the field of physical culture and sports” and received a PhD in economics). He currently holds the position of Vice President and is responsible for attracting large clients.

In 2007, Medvedev began to develop a plan for the Continental Hockey League (KHL) and entrusted the development of the project to the external communications department of Gazprom Export. The company "KHL Marketing" was created to manage all commercial contracts of the league; Roman Rotenberg became Deputy General Director. On January 20, 2015, he joined the Board of Directors of the KHL.

In 2011, the president of the St. Petersburg hockey club SKA, invited Roman Rotenberg to the position of vice president of the club.

On December 11, 2014, Rotenberg was appointed First Vice President of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation (FHR). His responsibilities include issues of interaction between the FHR and the KHL, as well as the search for additional funding and the marketing strategy for the development of the Russian national team, including attracting new partners. Also, Roman Rotenberg is the head of the headquarters of the Russian national ice hockey team, including the analytical and statistical departments.

In the fall of 2010, Doctor Sport, a manufacturer of sports nutrition, was established. Doctor Sport was founded by SMP Bank, which allocated a budget of $20 million for three years to finance the new project. According to the company, it aims to provide athletes with quality and doping-free nutrition. The idea to create a Russian manufacturer of sports nutrition belongs to Alexander Medvedev, who in 2010 instructed Roman Rotenberg, together with the KHL Medical Center, to study the issue of import substitution. The American company GNC, one of the largest manufacturers and sellers of sports nutrition, vitamins, energy drinks and proteins, was taken as an example of a business model. A year after the launch, according to Rotenberg, Doctor Sport has already reached operational breakeven. As of July 2015, Doctor Sport had more than 50 stores, which makes the company one of the largest players in the sports nutrition market in Russia; the sole owner was SMP Bank. The company is a sponsor of the SKA club.

In the summer of 2013, the Rotenberg family and Gennady Timchenko bought out 100% of the Finnish holding Arena Events OY, which owns and operates the Hartwall Arena in Helsinki. In the autumn of the same year, they acquired 49% of the Jokerit hockey team, which moved to the KHL in the 2014-2015 season. In October 2014, Roman Rotenberg bought out the shares of his father and uncle, which are subject to US sanctions. The intermediary was Långvik Capital (a hotel and congress hall near Helsinki), which now also belongs to Roman Rotenberg. Hartwall Arena shares are now divided as follows: Långvik Capital - 49.5%, Roman Rotenberg personally - 1%, White Anchor Gennady Timchenko - 49.5%.

On July 30, 2015, the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control expanded the sanctions list to include 13 new individuals and legal entities, including Roman Rotenberg and Finnish Oy Langvik Capital Ltd.

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