Zavorotnyuk and Chernyshev want to adopt a child. Biography of Peter Chernyshov - figure skater, host and participant in various shows Figure skater Peter Chernyshov biography personal life

Late evening. Film crew bus. A touching picture: Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Pyotr Chernyshev are sitting on a cramped bench...

Photo: Mikhail Korolev Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshev

They hug each other and drink tea. Nastya has just finished filming, her husband drove up from the rehearsal of the new season of Ice Age. Both did not feel even a slight fatigue. After the words of welcome, I expressed my admiration for the family photo session that took place a few days before our meeting.

Nastya, it was unusual to see you in the photographs next to such adult children ...

Anastasia: Children are growing. And I'm still like a cat that does not let kittens out of its paws, but they also need to master the territory. This is already ridiculous: Anya is 17 years old, she is a student at Moscow State University, studying at the faculty of " graduate School contemporary social sciences". She has a height of one meter eighty. Mike recently turned 13 years old, he is even taller. But I didn't worry about them any less.

Peter: They say little kids are little troubles. The children have already grown up, and there are more worries with them. And the tasks they set before us are bigger, more global.

A.: When Petya is in New York, the children make orders for what to bring from there. Mostly Anya, of course. She calls me: “Mom, I want to ask Petya for something.” I say: “So, don’t touch me! I'm busy at work, come on." And Petya is sent entire lists of orders. I think, having received all this, Petya cannot do anything but run for shopping.

Peter, do you still have to live between Russia and America? As you know, in the mid-90s you moved to the United States, and even became a five-time champion of this country in figure skating.

P.: Now I live permanently in Russia. I go to America because of professional necessity: my ice partner Naomi Lang lives there with her family. I put the numbers with which we, as professional skaters, perform in different countries peace.

A.: Pyotr is terribly modest here, and I will boast: he is now the choreographer of our Olympic team. He was recommended by Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova. I'm bursting with pride for him! Petya delivered excellent programs to the winner of the Grand Prix final among juniors Maxim Kovtun, the silver medalist of this year's European Championship Adeline Sotnikova. They are trained by Tatyana Tarasova and Elena Buyanova. And also a couple of Yuko Kawaguchi - Sasha Smirnov (their coach is Tamara Moskvina). The guys are members of the Russian national team, candidates for the country's Olympic team.

Well, Petya, congratulations! You and Nastya have been together for five years. Confess, is it easy for you to find mutual language with Nastya's children?

P.: As far as I remember, not a single sharp corner arose in relations with Anya and Mike. Everything went very naturally. We quickly formed warm, friendly relations. I think it should be, but I have nothing to compare with. By the way, Mike is engaged in boxing. So it's good that we have with him sharp corners No! ( Smiling.)

A.: When Petya appeared in our lives, Anechka was eleven or twelve years old, and Mike was six or seven. I saw that the children were watching him and appreciating everything: every word, every deed, every look of Petya in my direction. For the fact that there were no problems in the family, you need to say thanks to Petya. He has incredible patience and the ability to listen. I have a different temperament, I quickly boil, I have hasty decisions.

Petya sometimes even stops me. And if it’s impossible to stop, he puts me in a car and drives around Moscow so that I exhale, calm down and return home in a more or less normal state.

These trips are great therapy. I know from my own experience.

P.: So it was before, when Anya began to grow rapidly. Nastya continued to strongly control her daughter, and Anya wanted freedom.

A.: No, my daughter did not burden me with problems, there was no such thing that she went somewhere without warning or did not return to spend the night. I'm just so afraid for the kids...

P.: Then we sat down and talked about how it was time for Anya to be given more freedom. We came to a common decision and voiced it to Anya.

Reasonable. And how did the situation develop?

P.: It turned out that the very fact of gaining freedom for Anya is more important than the opportunities that open up. But we began to save on gasoline. ( Smiling.) After all, it was no longer necessary to drive Nastya in a car so that she would calm down. Everything returned to normal. And Mike has not yet reached this boiling point.

Nastya, we met long before the series "My Fair Nanny" appeared. You were wonderful theater actress, played in "Snuffbox" in the play "The Last" by Maxim Gorky, in " Dangerous Liaisons". In the production of "Passion for Bumbarash" Zhenya Mironov was your partner. Why did you decide to leave the theater?

A.: Combining theater with such a busy filming schedule that suddenly appeared in my life turned out to be completely impossible.

How did Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov react when you told him that you were leaving?

A.: We didn't get to talk much. The situation developed so rapidly that I was forced to send a letter of resignation. Do I feel remorse or embarrassment when I remember this situation? Absolutely not. I can't say that I was spoiled for big, serious roles in the theatre. What you listed is more of an exception. I believe that with the appearance in my acting life cinema and television, I began another, happier period.

P.: As a professional figure skater, this situation is very clear to me. Once an athlete reaches a certain level, they often have to change coaches to keep growing. And there is nothing wrong with that, our entire sports world is based on this. And if Nastya chooses new way, then she does this in order to feel the development.

What, Nastya, you have a sensitive and wise husband! You became famous thanks to television. But television is a tricky thing. The show "Nastya" did not last long on Channel One ...

When I received an offer to become the host of my own show, I was surprised, because stand-up was an unknown genre for me. But I decided to try. And I liked it, I “moved” into this project and fell in love with it. I feel like I grew up because of it. Not in terms of status. By working on yourself, you develop. And this is very valuable.

What about in the cinema?

A.: I starred in the film "The Hunt for the Gauleiter", which will soon be released on Channel One. This is a picture about the war, a very serious and important work for me - I feel as if I gave half my life to it. She also played in the TV series Don't Cry for Me, Argentina!

Petya, do you want to try yourself in the cinema? You have the right look. And the audience loves you - you have been participating in the Ice Age for four years.

P.: Try a movie? May be a little later. ( Smiling.) On Ice Age, I do what I love. And I want to thank glacial period"and Ilya Averbukh ( ideological inspirer of the project. - Approx. OK!) for the fact that it makes it possible to engage in creativity and feel satisfaction from it.

You were introduced to the project “Dancing on Ice. The Velvet season"on the channel" Russia ". You, Nastya was his host, and Pyotr skated in tandem with Yulia Kovalchuk. Has the history of your relationship developed rapidly?

P.: We noticed each other instantly...

A.: But both stopped immediately. I wasn't free then Nastasia met with producer and actor Sergei Zhigunov. - Approx. OK!). In addition, word of mouth reported: Peter is a terrible womanizer, besides, he has an affair with his partner on the show ...

P.:…which was not true. I was the first to speak to Nastya, it happened at a banquet on the occasion of the end of the show.

A.: And for the first time we met on the first day of shooting, which is always very hectic. I ran past the participants, already in a dress for filming, with my hair styled, and I saw young man. We met eyes, and I felt mine. It was like an electrical discharge. I don't even remember if we said hello or not. I just remember his eyes.

Did you know who this young man is?

A.: No.

P.: As well as me. I had a big gap in terms of Russian show business and culture. I was cut off from everything that happens in Russia.

A.: Yes, he could say whatever he wanted! For example, that I am a ballerina. ( Smiling.)

P.: On the project, we saw each other regularly - every week, when Nastya talked with the participants on stage.

A.: But I couldn’t interview Petya, like other participants, - I was embarrassed. And when on stage I had to speak with a couple of Kovalchuk - Chernyshev, I always turned to Yulia. And I saw in the eyes of Peter the question: “Why?” I remember that look of his - calm, friendly, very open. And a silent request: “Please talk to me!”

P.: As a result, we talked at the final banquet, then talked a few more times when Nastya joined us during the Dancing on Ice show tour around the cities of Russia. And then I had to go to Germany. On the eve of departure, I invited Nastya to the ice to give the first lesson in skating.

A.: Petya that day simply said: “Something is wrong in your life. You need to sort yourself out." Then we realized that we would be together.

Nastya, at that moment the whole country was closely following your personal life. Maybe it was in Petra that you were attracted by his calmness and solidity, which you then lacked?

A.: Yes, Vadim, obviously, this is what attracted me. I would never have agreed to star in the series "My Fair Nanny" if I knew the reverse side of popularity. My children couldn't go to school for half a year because the press provoked my ex-spouse and their father businessman Dmitry Stryukov. - Approx. OK!) to various insanities. These were just provocations, such people know exactly how to push a person to start making mistakes. Children could not leave the house, because journalists were waiting for them everywhere - they took pictures, asked questions. I felt like I was going crazy. You become a hostage of this situation, and there is no way to stop and think: “Why do I need all this? I want to get out." The only thing that saved me was my children. I understood that I had to take care of them, to protect them as much as possible from the consequences of the injury inflicted on them. My dad became seriously ill due to nerves. He was very worried about the persecution that unfolded against me, when they washed my bones, invented some terrible things about me. Everything was.

For example, the director of the school where my daughter was studying at that time called her and began to say: “Anechka, tell your mother that her behavior ...” To which my third-grader daughter, without letting him finish, said: “Thank you very much! My mom is my mom. If you want to tell her something, call her. True, I do not advise you to do this. And I'm going to study." My kids are used to taking a hit.

P.: I am glad that I had the opportunity to first meet Nastya, and only then learn about all these moments of her personal life. I recognized Nastya different, not the one that the press wrote about. It was very interesting for me to be with Nastya, to communicate with her. She seemed to me not only attractive woman, to which a man cannot but feel attraction and passion, but also a person with whom you can talk on any topic, learn something new. Those qualities that I discovered in Nastya probably led me to the desire to develop our relationship.

A.: In Petya, I was bribed by another amazing quality - this is a natural feeling of freedom. What I'm probably missing. In that difficult situation he just taught me how to live. For example, we were going to a restaurant. I was trembling, in fright I said to Petya: “We can’t go there! We will all be photographed." I felt like a hunted animal that sits in a corner and is afraid of everything. Petya took my hand and simply said: “Sit down, calm down. Let's talk. What are you afraid of?" Gradually, we started seeing friends again. The tension dissipated very slowly. Peter taught me to look at the world in a new way, to see that it is beautiful. Petya told me: “You constantly live in anticipation of a blow, maybe that's why you get it. See the world differently. Turn the kaleidoscope just a little, and there will be a different pattern.

Over time, I started to get it. We traveled a lot, alone and with children. They just packed up and left. Peter said: “Breathe. You don't have to dress in any special way, you don't need to make up. Put on a hat and sneakers." I started wearing these things and today I get great pleasure from it. In a word, Petya taught me to breathe freely.

I listen to you, I see how you communicate, and I understand how amazingly you complement each other. Petya, are you generally explosive, emotional?

P.: Very rarely.

A.: Rarely! There is one sixteenth of Estonian blood in his veins, but even this small part is very strong.

Clearly, a hot Estonian guy!

A.: And I have strong Cossack blood. This is what saves us. Usually Petya is restrained, smart, reasonable and makes very balanced decisions. But if Petya explodes, he becomes so ... funny, like a five-year-old child! ( Smiling.) Somehow we quarreled. Tired of the bickering, I went to my room and went to bed. Peter immediately flew in and turned on the light with the words: “No, you won’t sleep! All! Like this!" I had no choice but to laugh: "Okay, everything is ok."

P.: It happened once. You as an actress exaggerated everything! ( Smiling.)

Many did not believe in the sincerity of your relationship, they believed that this was another PR. Did you feel it?

A.: Of course they did. And not just us, but our whole family. We chose to ignore it. I recommended to our entire family not to read such publications. Friends called: “Oh, they said this about you ...” I answered them: “Don’t tell me, I don’t need it.” A lot of people ask me: "Why don't you publish rebuttals?" I answer like this: “I don’t want to get involved in this endless argument.” We never react.

This is probably the best decision.

P.: It was my initiative.

A.: Yes exactly. At some point, I got used to the fact that they trampled on me, but then they began to throw mud at Petya as well. I exploded: “This cannot be tolerated!” Petya stopped me, said: "It's pointless." The next day, I cooled down and agreed: yes, it makes no sense. Although very annoying. Especially when they hit the kids. For example, there was a story: some girl was photographed naked, signed the picture: "Anya Zavorotnyuk" - and posted it on the Internet. At that moment, Petya, Mike and I were in America. Anya called: “Mom, here is such a story ...” My girl, a man of incredible endurance, was crying.

Yes, I remember the story with this photo. Guys, let's talk about something more pleasant. Tell me, Petya, can Nastya cook?

P.: He knows how, and very well! ( Anastasia shakes her head in disagreement.) For example, she cooked a rabbit in cream sauce.

A.: It was Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru who taught me. I just wanted to try!

P.: But she was ready! The rabbit was great.

Peter, Nastya talked a lot about how you changed her. Do you yourself feel that you are somehow changing under the influence of Nastya?

A.: I have an answer to this question, but I'll wait what you say.

P.: Does this look like a test? I haven't passed it yet? ( Smiling.)

A.: Can I tell you how I feel then? During the years that we have been together, Petya was able to grow roots in our lives, become a part of me, my children, the country to which he returned. And in this I see my participation. When our relationship was just beginning, Petya and I had one conversation. It was late at night. I suddenly realized that everything, the ice project is completed, Petya seems to have no need to stay here further. And I asked: "Don't leave." Petya then heard me, understood: if he leaves for America, then it will be very, very difficult for me, and it will not be easier for him either. At that moment, we had the only chance to save our relationship. But for this, someone had to sacrifice their usual life. I remember Petya sitting with his arms folded behind his head, looking at me. He said one word: "Good." And that's it. We never returned to this topic again. It was hard for me to muster up the courage to ask him to stay. But it was more difficult for him: at that moment he decided to leave life in the USA, the country that he fell in love with in the 17 years he spent there.

P.: I had to determine what was important to me in life. At that moment, I really chose what was important. I need a family. I need the person I love to always be by my side.

Nastya, what is it like to feel like a mother adult daughter? She has already tried herself as a TV presenter.

A.: Don't even start talking to me about this, because you have no idea how proud I am of my children! You risk spending the rest of the evening, night and morning behind this conversation. ( smiling).

Soviet, Russian, and later American ice dancer


The grandfather of Pyotr Chernyshev, also Pyotr Chernyshev, was a single figure skater, a four-time champion of the USSR in the late 30s. Peter followed in his grandfather's footsteps and started single figure skating when he was 6 years old.

In 1992, together with his first wife, Natalia Annenko, who by that time had completed her amateur career and began to engage in professional performances (the duet Annenko-Sretensky), he moved to Lake Placid, USA, where he began to train at the international dance school with Natalia Dubova. The first partner was novice figure skater and ballerina Sofia Eliazova. It was her mother, Tatyana, who helped Chernyshev come to the States and get a "green card." For four years, Peter conscientiously mastered the dancer's skills. Sophia, who had not previously performed on the ice, also succeeded, but, unfortunately, great prospects she was not in sports. The duet with Naomi Lang formed in Lake Placid, where Naomi came from Detroit at the invitation of Dubova and Chernyshev. In their debut U.S. Championships in 1997, they finished fifth outright. Then the duo moved to Detroit to coach Igor Shpilband. In 1998, they already became third, and from the next season they won the gold of the US Championship five times in a row.

In 2001, Chernyshev received American citizenship and he and Naomi were able to participate in Olympic Games 2002, where they became 11th.

In addition, the duo won the Four Continents Championship twice, in 2000 and 2002.

In 2003, the couple ended their amateur sports career. After that, Peter took up coaching.

Chernyshev also performs at many ice shows. Participated with Naomi Lang in the tour organized by Evgeny Plushenko, "Stradivari's Golden Ice". In 2007, he took part in the television show of the Russia channel “Dancing on Ice. Velvet Season”, in which, together with the singer Yulia Kovalchuk, he won. In 2009, he participated in a similar show on the First Channel of Russian Television, paired with actress Ksenia Alferova. In 2011, he took part in the show of the First Channel "BOLERO" in tandem with the prima ballerina of the Mikhailovsky Theater Irina Perren.

As a choreographer, he directs programs for Russian and foreign figure skaters, in particular, he worked with Yuka Kawaguchi and Alexander Smirnov, Rena Inoue and John Baldwin.

Personal life

The first wife of Peter Chernyshev was figure skater Natalya Annenko, who performed in ice dancing with Henry Sretensky. They lived together for seven years.

In autumn 2008 he married Russian actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Five-time US ice dancing champion Petr Chernyshev opened the Petr Chernyshev School in St. Petersburg. Little is known about this skater in Russia, but in the States he was a popular athlete. Returning to his homeland, Peter married famous actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and immediately became the hero of gossip columns. Although almost everything that is written about Chernyshev is not true. We decided to find out the truth first hand.

- Peter, this year you are celebrating 35 years of your life in sports. The anniversary coincided with the opening of a school in St. Petersburg. Tell about her.

– On our ice in the Azbuka Ice groups, children and adults learn the basics of skating. Here you can see future figure skaters and hockey players. The first steps on the ice are the same for everyone: for amateurs, and for those who set the goal of becoming Olympic champion. We also offer private lessons.

- The school was named after the famous grandfather?

- Right. This is a tribute to my grandfather.

In the 30s Petr Chernyshev was a figure skating champion. He was a very versatile person, he managed to combine work at the plant as a chief engineer with a sports career. Apparently, playing sports contributes to the development of intellectual abilities. I firmly believe in it. Grandpa was the person who brought me to my first sports section. I was then six years old.

“Moving to Russia took three years”

Are your parents athletes too?

- No. Mom Lyubov Vasilievna and dad Andrey Petrovich are engineers by education. They are already retired. Mom at one time gave all her strength to our upbringing. I can tell by example younger brother Alexandra, because you can’t give yourself an assessment, that she did it very well. My brother also knows how to skate, but he was not professionally involved in sports. Sasha is a mathematician, he has two higher education.

– Peter, did you decide to move to the USA yourself?

- Yes. From the age of eight I went to sports camps. He spent two hundred days a year away from home, graduated from school with a silver medal. At the age of 16, when he decided to leave, he was already able to independently decide what to do with his sports career.

What has America taught you?

- Positive attitude towards people. All life in this country is permeated with a positive attitude towards others. Unfortunately, this is not the case with us. Probably leaves its mark on the level of worries and troubles. I can't say that it doesn't exist in America. But in general, life there is simpler. Americans have confidence in the future.

- For 18 years in America, you received citizenship, you probably built a house. It's not easy to pick up and leave your familiar place.

- There was no house, two apartments. Everything was good for me there: I skated, I trained. Didn't intend to go anywhere. But life is unpredictable. Man proposes, but God disposes. I was invited to participate in Russia in a TV show, where I met my love - Nastya. It was really hard for me to leave. My move took about three years. It was not easy for me to adapt to the course of life here.

"I am a romantic"

Are you a romantic in life?

- There is such a thing!

- They left Russia in the early nineties. Do you understand now what the dashing nineties are?

- Absolutely incomprehensible. The cultural cross-section of that time was left behind for me. I did not know about the cult films "Brigade", "Gangster Petersburg". All the actors and pop performers were unfamiliar to me. I didn't know that the American sitcom Nanny was adapted in Russia and called My Fair Nanny. I didn't like him in America. I didn't have the slightest idea who she was. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. I was surprised that Nastya played in this my least favorite series, and even became a star in Russia after that. I started learning about this later.

- Are you a homebuilder?

– No, I am a very flexible person in this respect. In our house, as in the house of my parents, there is a monarchy: we have a king and a queen.

- What is important for you in life?

- Honesty. I am not a supporter of putting material wealth at the forefront, but still I am more inclined to believe that spiritual values ​​make a person richer. By nature I am a philosopher.

- There are rumors that you and Nastya divorced and now Nadezhda Granovskaya has become your chosen one, with whom you performed brilliantly at the Dancing with the Stars project.

- This is absurd! We did not divorce Nastya. We didn’t have any romances with Nadia, or with any other participant in the project. Nastya does not know even half of what they write about us. I don’t tell her about this, not because she will be upset - Anastasia takes this nonsense calmly, but because the discussion of a particular topic takes time.

“It’s not possible to teach a wife to sports”

- With Yulia Kovalchuk, you became the first on the project “Dancing on Ice. The Velvet season". "Ice Age" brought you the second place paired with Ksenia Alferova. Who was easier?

- I was lucky with Nadia, and with Ksenia, and with Yulia. We didn't have sharp corners. All the girls smashed into a cake to prove that they are the best, and showed themselves with better side. For example, Yulia was injured and, through pain and tears on one leg, skated two programs. She has a fighting character.

- Why is it so: as soon as people pair up, they are immediately credited with novels?

- This is a huge, wonderful compliment to us and our art - it means that we manage to play the feelings that are needed.

- People do not believe that artists adapt so quickly on the ice. It seems to many that you train for six months before the show.

Nobody trains ahead of time. Everything happens as shown on TV. Behind the scenes is only that we spend on the ice for twelve hours a day.

- Do you teach your wife to sports?

- I don’t teach Nastya to sports. You remember that we have a monarchy. The queen herself chooses what she wants. But she joins me when she has the opportunity. It just doesn't always work out because of being busy.

- How do you combine the appearance of a playboy with the image of a decent family man?

– Appearance I have from parents. As for the playboy, there are no comrades for the taste and color. But I can definitely say that I am a family man.

Photo by Gennady Usoev and from the personal archive of Peter Chernyshev

Pyotr Alekseevich was born on February 6, 1971. The family lives in St. Petersburg. Grandfather Peter is a figure skater, winner of the USSR championship. Mother and father worked as engineers.

The boy began to engage in figure skating at the age of 6, after 2 years competitions and training camps began. Chernyshev studied well, graduated from school with a medal.


Peter performed alone, he could perfectly perform a triple jump. Many times he was the first in serious competitions. At the age of 18, Chernyshev began to dance on ice, as he was injured. He performed with Pershankova Olga, Elizarova Sophia.

Sophia's mother helped Peter go to the USA and get a green card. The figure skater studied at the school of Natalia Oak, where Navka Tatyana also studied. Peter and Sophia did not achieve significant success.

In 1996, Chernyshev began performing with Lang Naomi, the couple were able to win gold at the US Championship 5 times in a row. In 2001, the skater was given American citizenship, he got the opportunity to participate in the 2002 Olympics, where the couple became 11th.

The following year, Naomi was injured, Peter also decided to complete sports biography. He took up creative work.

In 2007, Chernyshev became a member of the Dancing on Ice show, Yulia Kovalchuk became his partner. Also, the skater was a member of the Ice Age, Bolero, participated in the Ice and Fire show. His partners were Xenia Alferova, Nadezhda Granovskaya, Irina Perren.

Peter was also involved in staging ice shows, was the director of The Nutcracker, Cipollino, Perfume, etc. He became one of the authors of the programs of Sotnikova Adelina, who was able to win a gold medal at the Olympics.

In Russia, Chernyshev opened a figure skating school, which he named after his grandfather. Groups accept both children and adults.

Personal life

The first wife of Pyotr Andreevich is Annenko Natalia, a figure skater. She performed with Sretensky Heinrich. The duet was strong, won the championships of the USSR, Europe.

In 1988, Peter and Natalya got married, the marriage lasted 7 years. In 1996, Chernyshev became interested in Naomi Lang, Suruga invited him to leave. The romance with Naomi continued, but it did not come to the wedding. After the divorce, Chernyshev and Annenko maintained warm friendly relations.

In 2008, Peter married Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, an actress. He fell in love with Anastasia when he saw her in the movie Apocalypse Code, and he met her on the set of Ice Age. Later there was a wedding, Anastasia and Peter signed in the capital's registry office, and got married in the Crimea.

Pyotr Chernyshev is a famous Soviet, Russian figure skater, coach, choreographer, husband of an actress. Born in Leningrad in 1971.

Many people know Pyotr Chernyshev, although this happened not only because of the success in his sports career, but also thanks to his marriage to famous star cinema, host, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. Nevertheless, Peter has achieved a lot as a coach, figure skater, he proved that he is an independent "combat unit".

First steps in sports

He was born in Leningrad in 1971. Interestingly, the young man does not like to talk about his childhood, about the first steps in his sports career. And in general, he does not seem too sociable, does not seek to let journalists into his life, sharing his childhood memories.

Perhaps he believes that he is of much greater interest creative success on ice, his coaching, professionalism, because he is known not only as a figure skater, but also as a director of ballet performances on ice, which are successfully staged in St. Petersburg, in the capital, and in other cities of Russia.

However, it is known for certain that his grandfather was a four-time figure skating champion of the USSR, which happened in the 30s. Grandfather was born in a difficult time before the Revolution itself, caught the Second world war but that didn't stop him from showing his worth. In fact, his grandfather-champion stood at the origins of figure skating in the USSR.

Of course, little Peter had a worthy role model before his eyes, it was such a high bar that he took from childhood. He came to figure skating at the age of 6, which is quite late by serious sports standards. However, he set to work with great desire, worked hard, and his famous grandfather also helped him. Pyotr Chernyshev's parents were not connected with sports, they were both engineers, but they did not interfere in the least and, on the contrary, contributed in every possible way, encouraged Peter's desire to achieve high sports results.

At first, the boy was fond of hockey, but grandfather considered that it was too traumatic and it was better to choose figure skating, which, moreover, was very beautiful view sports. Having immersed himself in training, Peter, at the age of 8, went to competitions or training camps, spending most of his time away from home.

Start of a serious career

Thanks to hard training, professionals drew attention to him. Already in his teens, he was fluent in technique, for example, he managed to demonstrate a filigree triple jump, which was only possible for a few professional skaters not only in the country, but also in the world. He successfully defended the honor of the country abroad, defended not only the honor of the USSR, but later of Russia.

Unfortunately, figure skating is also a traumatic sport, and the young, promising figure skater is no exception. He received a rather serious injury at the age of 18, so he took up dancing and ballet on ice.

Olga Pershinkova was his talented partner, but it seemed to Peter that she did not give 100% on the ice. As he later believed, it was youthful maximalism and very high demands that he made on others and on himself in the first place.

In the 90s, he received a green card, he was invited to the USA as a talented figure skater. He performed with the famous figure skater Naomi Lang, taking prizes in the championships. In 2001, he received American citizenship, and in 2003 the couple was forced to withdraw from the championship because his partner was injured.

Return to Russia, fame

They did not forget about the talented compatriot in Russia either, inviting them to participate in spectacular television projects, where stars participated in tandem with talented figure skaters. Everyone has heard such high-profile projects as "Dancing on Ice", "Ice and Fire", "Ice Age" and so on. He also participated in the show “Dancing on Ice. Velvet Season ”, where Yulia Kovalchuk was his partner. There, the couple took first place, defeating the grace of the judges and the multi-million audience of viewers.

Pyotr Chernyshev is also known as an amazing director, with his help wonderful ice shows were created: "The Nutcracker", "Perfume", "Swan Lake", "Cipollino", which are the treasury of national figure skating.

Since then, many have remembered his name, and the army of fans of the talented athlete has increased. He helped train and program Adelina Sotnikova, who triumphantly won the 2014 Olympics. For the first time, she managed to win a gold medal in women's singles. And it was the first and to date the only Golden medal, which was won by Russian figure skaters in the category of women's single skating.

Personal life

The personal life of this talented and attractive person is of interest to many. Often, various ratings are created, and the skater gets into them, becoming one of the most handsome men countries. He does not like to talk about his personal life, but it is known that for almost 7 years he lived with Natalia Annenko, a colleague in the shop. She currently lives in the United States, married an American, changed her last name, and has two children. But Pyotr Chernyshev, on the contrary, decided to return from overseas and settle in his homeland.

Photo: Peter Chernyshev personal life

The couple broke up, unfortunately, for the usual reason for creative people - a new hobby. Peter became interested in the charming Naomi Lang, a figure skater from the United States, with whom for a long time they trained and performed in pairs. However, a divorce from Natalia further simplified the fact that they had no joint children.

Subsequently, in an interview, Natalya emphasized that they managed to disperse peacefully without a single conflict. And even more. Remembering them life together, only good emotional moments come to her mind. She emphasized that Peter is very responsible, kind and even in some ways soft man.

Unfortunately, the relationship with his new partner Naomi gradually faded away, and it never came to official registration.

In 2008, he married the famous actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, and since then the couple has been living in love and harmony. Yes, rumors are sometimes circulating in the press that this union has cracked, but in reality everything turns out to be completely different. The couple still often appears together, you can see them happy and sincere feelings photos from events.

Photo: Peter Chernyshev and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Peter explains that he first saw Anastasia in the sensational film "The Apocalypse Code", and this literally struck him on the spot. He fell in love at first sight, met Anastasia, and soon proposed to her. And it happened very in an interesting way. When they were walking along the beach in Italy, he said he wanted to take a dip in the sea. And when he got out of the water, he opened his hand and extended it to Anastasia wedding ring, saying that he found him at sea.

As before, his life is somehow connected with figure skating, he often appears on television, his name flashes in the press. Pyotr Chernyshev does not seek to attract the attention of the media mass media purposefully, he still remains a very delicate, gentle and calm person with an unchanging smile and a kind penetrating look.

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