How to add hotspot on android. How to properly set up an access point on smartphones with different OS. Connecting to shared Wi-Fi

A WiFi hotspot on Android is a fairly popular feature. The fact is that the phone or tablet uses the same wireless adapter that is installed on the laptop. The only difference is the data transfer speed. This suggests that mobile devices with the Android platform can be used as a hotspot.

This is a very useful feature that allows, for example, to distribute the Internet via WiFi to a laptop on the road to solve certain problems. In addition, thanks to a mobile phone or tablet running the Android operating system, you can create a local network and combine several laptops for data transfer, joint games, and so on.

What is WiFi: Video

How to share WiFi on Android

First of all, it is worth noting that there are quite a lot of different versions of this platform. Moreover, many manufacturers change its shell, making it original and not like others. Therefore, the name of this function may change. For example, on some mobile phones, we will need to enable a portable hotspot or Mobile AP.

But, despite all the variety, this feature is enabled in the wireless connection settings. How to do it? Everything is quite simple. First you need to open the menu. Next, enter the device settings. On newer versions of the Android OS, go to the “Other networks” item.

If you are using an old smartphone, then open the "Wireless networks" item. On some models, in the settings you need to open the "More ..." item. Further, on all versions of Android, you need to enter the "Modem and access point" category.

Now it remains only to check the box "Access Point". As mentioned above, the name may be different depending on the version of the operating system. Therefore, on older versions of Android, enable "Mobile AP".

Now your mobile phone or tablet works as a portable WiFi hotspot on Android. In fact, this is a full-fledged local network to which you can connect a laptop or other WiFi devices.

How to share Wi-Fi from Android: Video

How to share internet via WiFi on Android

So, you already know how to distribute WiFi on Android. But what if we need to distribute the Internet. Of course, its speed is not the fastest, but in the case of 3G, this is quite enough even for watching online video.

To distribute mobile Internet from a tablet or mobile phone, you first need to connect to it. To do this, call the drop-down menu. On the toolbar, where you usually turn on WiFi, Bluetooth, or other features, you need to find a button called "Mobile Data". This feature may also be called Packet Data or simply Data.

After you turn on the mobile Internet, you will see the corresponding icon in the top line. This indicates that you are connected. After that, it remains only to enable the network distribution function. How to do this is described above.

e. The phone does not distribute the Internet, what to do and how to treat?

Many users face the problem when phone either android tablet starts acting up. It seems that nothing happened that could cause a malfunction, but it does not work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with the fact that it does not turn on or the distribution of the Internet does not work correctly by means of turning on the wi-fi access point. The reason for this may be:

1st: Software failure- i.e. the problem is a software glitch

2nd: hardware failure- i.e. the problem lies in the "hardware" (i.e. - replacement or restoration of spare parts of the gadget is required)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases with problems wifi hotspot working smartphone a or android tablet is to blame software failure, which you can fix on your own.

Fixing a software bug:

Method 1. Pretty simple - go to "settings", find there "backup and reset" in which you choose full reset settings to delete all data. Be careful, using this method often turns out to be effective, but it entails deleting all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone e or tablet e. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if the problem persists after it, see Method 2.

Method 2.

Based on solving problems with communication and network reception phone ov and tablets based on Android by introducing additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a few of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more, as a rule, it is effective. Best of all, it controls the system functions, corrects, and fixes all possible settings and synchronization errors, a small, easy-to-use, free utility for Android devices. You can download the application from Google Play and see its additional options in the description Google Play and you can see additional options in the description. After installing the application, it remains only to launch it. Further, from you, in principle, nothing more is required. The application will take full control of the device functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will start charging 20% ​​faster, and its performance will also increase significantly, which will affect the loading and operation speed of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system runs on 50% faster.)

  • Also, to achieve the maximum speed of data exchange over the Internet, it is recommended to install a high-speed browser on your Android device.

    The Wi-Fi hotspot on the smartphone or tablet does not turn on. The phone does not distribute the Internet, what to do and how to treat?

The "Access Point" function, present on smartphones and tablets with the Android operating system, allows you to distribute Wi-Fi to several mobile devices and PCs (personal computers). The importance of this option can be appreciated if, for example, when leaving the city, you urgently need to access the network from a laptop, but only a mobile phone is at hand. How to properly configure this Android function?

Which smartphones and tablets with Android have a modem mode and can distribute Wi-Fi to a computer and other gadgets

To be able to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, you need a smartphone or tablet with Android (version 2.1 and higher) and an installed SIM card on which 3G / 4G mobile Internet is connected. The design of the device shouldprovide for the presence of a Wi-Fi module supporting one of the protocols: 802.11b or 802.11g.

Similar protocols are installed in almost all gadgets manufactured after 2009, however, for accurate information, you should still refer to the technical specification of the device.

If there is support for mobile Internet from the provider, but the phone does not go online, you need to perform its initial configuration. It implies the introduction of an APN address through which the built-in modem will access the World Wide Web. As a rule, the device requests this address at the first start. In case of problems with the configuration, it is recommended to make a request to the operator and clarify the reasons.

The Wi-Fi sharing function can also be used by owners of CDMA smartphones. In such phones, instead of a SIM, there is a firmware with saved provider settings.

How to set up a Wifi hotspot on an Android phone and tablet and turn it on

Set up a mobile hotspot like this:

  1. Open the "Settings" menu of your smartphone or tablet, then click on "More" in the "Wireless networks" tab.
  2. Select "Tethering Mode" from the list of functions.
  3. Set up a future Wi-Fi network: set a password and encryption method for it to protect the device from unauthorized access by third parties. These parameters are set in the "Setting up a Wi-Fi access point" subsection. Users of Android devices have the opportunity to select the Internet distribution mode. There are several options: via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB connection.
  4. Change the network name (if you wish).
  5. In the "Protection" field, set the parameter "WPA2-PSK". This method is more reliable than others to protect against hacking by key selection. First make sure that the device that will receive Wi-Fi supports the same encryption method. When distributing the Internet to an old device (manufactured before 2005), set the "WPA-PSK" parameter. In the "Password" field, enter the verification code to connect.
  6. After specifying all the parameters, tap on "Save". Next, move the "Wi-Fi hotspot" slider to the active position and wait until the tethering mode on your phone turns on. It should be noted that this will disconnect the current Wi-Fi connection and begin to consume mobile traffic.
  7. To check the operation of the modem, turn on the Wi-Fi search on another device, find the distribution and connect by entering the previously created password.

On some outdated smartphones running Android 2.x, instead of the "Wi-Fi access point" item, there may be another one - "Mobile Wi-Fi router" or "Wi-Fi hot spot". This is the same thing, the principle of setting is similar.

Wi-Fi distribution from a mobile router refuses to turn on: possible errors and ways to fix them

If the network setup is correct, but there is still no access to the Internet, you need to check if data transfer is disabled. The Mobile networks slider in the Wireless networks section is responsible for this function.

If the connection to the network was successful, but the quality of the Internet leaves much to be desired, then most likely the smartphone is operating in 2G mode. To switch to 3G-4G, go to "Settings" - "Mobile networks" and manually select the desired mode.

GSM is 2G (low speed access), WCDMA is 3G (speed up to 56 Mbps), LTE is 4G. The CDMA standard refers to 3G - the maximum access speed is 14.4 Mbps.

The user may encounter the fact that the menu item "Wi-Fi hotspot settings" is dimmed (inactive). To access this item, you need to move the "Wi-Fi hotspot" slider to the "On" mode.

How to create an access point on Android and use it to distribute Wi-Fi: video

Distributing Wi-Fi from Android is extremely simple. With this function, Internet access can be obtained anywhere where there is a mobile operator coverage area. Please note: using such a router quickly drains the battery. On average, a full charge is enough for 3-6 hours of active use.

Using your Android smartphone as a source of Internet access on a computer or tablet is, of course, less preferable than a cable or Wi-Fi from a router, but there are times when setting up a hotspot on your smartphone can really come in handy.

For example, if your ISP is having internet problems, having a hotspot can save you if you have an important job to do, or if you just can't live without memes anymore. 😉

In this article, we're going to take a look at creating an Android Wi-Fi hotspot, i.e. a mobile hotspot that uses your Android phone.

Attention: Not all plans allow you to use a free Wi-Fi hotspot. Please check with your operator.

Setting up mobile hotspot on Android

There is nothing complicated here. By the way, if you have stock Android or something similar, you would probably notice the “Hotspot” button on your device. Especially since it landed in the Quick Settings section of the notification shade.

While the button in quick settings is the quickest and easiest way to turn your mobile hotspot on and off on Android, you'll want to set everything up before using it.

  1. Navigate to your main system settings.
  2. Click the "More" button
  3. Open "Tethering and hotspot mode"
  4. Click Mobile Hotspot Settings.

Enter network name. It is also called SSID, and it will be visible to everyone around.

Select security type. WPA2 PSK is highly recommended, but you may choose not to select it at all if you just want to share Internet with someone nearby.

Now enter password. This is the password you'll need to enter on all your other devices, and share with friends and family if you ever let them connect.

Great news: the hard part is over, now all you have to do is turn on your hotspot. You can do it right here in the settings, or you can use the button in the notification bar.

Make a hotspot through the app

There are plenty of great apps in the Google Play Store that you can use to do the same. But keep in mind that starting with Android 4.2, Google changed its security policy on this issue, which makes it difficult to use applications without root access. To properly configure Wi-Fi hotspots, it's best to use Andoid's built-in features.

It is also important to remember about security when using a Wi-Fi hotspot. You trust the hotspot that you have created for yourself, but if you connect to other networks, we advise you to take a closer look at a VPN.


OK it's all over Now! This is how you create an android hotspot. As we mentioned at the beginning, the best and easiest way to do this is to use Android's built-in tools. But some of you will find it uncomfortable.

Do any of you have other methods you prefer to use? Let us know about it in the comments!

2nd: hardware failure- i.e. the problem lies in the "hardware" (i.e. - replacement or restoration of spare parts of the gadget is required)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases with problems wifi hotspot working Android smartphone or tablet is to blame software failure, which you can fix on your own.

Fixing a software bug:

Method 1. Pretty simple - go to "settings", find there "backup and reset" in which you choose full reset settings to delete all data. Be careful, using this method often turns out to be effective, but it entails deleting all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone or tablet. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if the problem persists after it, see Method 2.

Method 2.

Method 3.

Changing the device software, or, as it is also called "flashing". This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and is solved by contacting the Service Center. For the independent implementation of this task, you need to contact the manufacturer's website of your device, download the utilities necessary for the firmware and the firmware itself, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods brought results, unfortunately, you will have to contact the Service Center to repair your tablet or smartphone.

The Wi-Fi hotspot on the smartphone or tablet does not turn on. The phone does not distribute the Internet, what to do and how to treat?

Viewing browser pages and editing documents is more convenient from a laptop than from a smartphone or tablet. Use your Android gadget as a wireless modem to set up and distribute Wi-Fi using a hotspot.

What is a Wi-Fi hotspot

Wi-Fi hotspot - a station that provides access to multiple devices to a wireless network. A gadget with the Android operating system can act as an access point. Device requirements:

  • the presence of a Wi-fi module;
  • the presence of a GSM / 3G module.

If your smartphone or tablet does not support GSM / 3G, but works with OTG technology, that is, it detects connected flash drives, you can connect a USB modem to it and use it as a wireless access point.

The modem interacts with the tablet via a cable using OTG technology

When turning on the access point, remember: distributing Wi-fi, you consume mobile traffic. If the tariff is not unlimited, track the state of the balance after working on the Internet. Also, an active hotspot increases battery consumption.

How to distribute the Internet from a phone, smartphone or tablet

There are two ways to distribute Wi-fi from a smartphone or tablet - using standard Android tools or using a third-party application. Please note - you can only distribute mobile traffic from the connectionGSM/3G. Unable to set up an access point usingWi-fi network connection.

Setting up an Android device as a router

The Android system, starting from version 2.3.x, allows you to broadcast Wi-fi to other devices. To set up an access point, make sure that the mobile Internet is turned on and go to the gadget menu. Setting example LG G3, Android version 5.0:

  1. Open the menu item "Settings - Networks".
  2. Select "Shared modem and networks - Wi-fi hotspot".
  3. Click "Create Wi-Fi Hotspot"
  4. Set the name of the access point - this is how it will be displayed when searching from other devices.
  5. Select the degree of network security - WPA PSK for connecting computers on Windows XP SP2 or WPA2 PSK for connecting Windows XP SP3 and other systems.
  6. Set a password longer than 8 characters.
  7. Set the maximum number of users that can connect to the access point at the same time.
  8. Go back and activate the hotspot by dragging the slider.

You can enable mobile Internet (data transfer) using the menu item "Settings - Wireless networks - Mobile data".

On Android earlier versions, to set up an access point:

  1. Go to "Settings - Wireless networks".
  2. Select "More" or "Next".
  3. Select "Tethering and Access Point" or "Mobile AP".
  4. Then make the settings according to the instructions above.

After activating the connection, you will see the corresponding icon in the notification bar at the top of the screen.

It is enough to set up an access point once, for subsequent connections it will be enough to activate the function in the network settings or by pulling out the notification curtain at the top of the screen and clicking on the "Access Point" button.

Photo gallery: setting up an access point in the Android menu

Step 1. Open Settings Step 2: Select "Tethering & Network Sharing" Step 3. Select "Access Point..." menu Step 4. Create Wi-Fi Hotspot Step 5. Configure Access Point Settings Step 6. Enable Hotspot When reconnecting no need to configure hotspot

Application usage

Use applications for sharing Wi-Fi access if your smartphone or tablet does not support the standard settings. Notable programs: Osmino, mHotspot, MyPublicWiFi.

Setting up a Wi-fi connection using the Osmino program as an example:

  1. Download the app from the Play Store and open it.
  2. Enter a network name, set a password, and click Share.

The smartphone or tablet will switch to modem mode. To disable the hotspot, go to the application and click "Stop Sharing".

Photo gallery: how to enable Wi-Fi sharing in the Osmino app

Step 1. Download the application Step 2. Specify the network settings and turn on the distribution Appears when you start the program for the first time

Why the Internet does not turn on and does not work through an access point

By connecting the mobile Internet and activating the access point, the user may encounter difficulties. There are three reasons why a Wi-fi hotspot does not work correctly.

  • blocking the connection by an antivirus program;
  • the impact of a downloaded application or virus on the network;
  • OS error.

An antivirus that protects your smartphone in real time can block network connections. Go to the application, turn off the firewall and activate the access point. If there is no connection, uninstall your antivirus program and try again.

Installed applications make changes to the operation of the operating system. Check your smartphone with an antivirus and block malicious files. Use the Application Manager to find out which program has control rights and remove it. Then turn on the hotspot.

If the previous methods don't work, reset your gadget to factory settings. For this:

  1. Go to the Options menu.
  2. Select "General - Backup and Reset".
  3. Click Reset Settings.

By performing a factory reset, you will lose all data stored in the device memory. Create a backup beforehand.

A mobile operator can block the distribution of traffic over Wi-Fi. If you set up an access point on Android according to the instructions and eliminated the errors described above, contact the contact center with a request to check the network settings and blocking.

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter.