Who is obliging obscene language of Jesus Christ. Holy Pavel Gumerov. See what "foul language" is in other dictionaries

foul language

   Foul language (With. 539)

Let's try to understand the psychological mechanisms of abuse, the motives that guide a person, flavoring his speech with this spicy spice. For, as Freud noted, not a single word is said just like that, but reflects our deepest inclinations and desires.

Freud has another observation on this subject. In his opinion, "the man who was the first to throw a swear word at his opponent instead of a stone laid the foundations of our civilization." That is, verbal insult, swearing is a symbolic replacement for physical aggression, which allows you to defuse the conflict in a bloodless form. And the path from brutal violence to a verbal showdown - this is the path of the progress of civilization (passed, alas, not to the end).

As an insult from time immemorial, all peoples have used a variety of expressions designed to belittle the dignity of the enemy (stupid, weak...), attribute to him shortcomings and vices (freak, scoundrel...), as well as wishes for him to become a victim of trouble, not least - a victim of violent, unwanted, unnatural sexual intercourse. The predominance of sexual motives in swearing in general indicates the extreme importance of this sphere for a person - sexual threats and accusations of abnormality (incest, perversion, inferiority) stung more than any other insult. The same Freud is often reproached for his increased attention to questions of sex. But what, however, does the emotional emphasis with which the verbal expressions of this topic testify?

The peculiarity of the current language situation is that traditionally offensive words and expressions in modern language almost lost their original meaning and are used in the widest spectrum meanings, both linguistic and emotional. They no longer swear, they talk obscenities. And if the offensive meaning of swearing is easy to understand, then its wider role in modern language requires explanation.

According to one version (which is quite consistent with Freud's ideas), swearing acts as a means of defusing emotional stress. For so many people the world not very cozy and the people living there are not very friendly. Trying to protect himself from the threatening imperfection of the world and possible aggression from his neighbors, a person responds, sometimes preventively, with counter aggression. This allows you to feel not a victim, but an actively defending side, and the very ability to fight back brings comfort. So, awkwardly hitting the finger with a hammer, we commemorate a woman prostitute not because our thoughts at this moment are devoted to corrupt love, but solely in order to give an answer to the challenge of an unfriendly world. (Even academician D.S. Likhachev, the embodiment of intelligence, according to stories, admitted in private conversations that, faced with the imperfection of the world in the most banal form - for example, stumbling over a bump - he reacts to this with not the most delicate words.) Offensive words and expressions are traditionally considered undesirable, forbidden. But it is equally undesirable for us to attack our well-being. In our worldview, any encroachment on our welfare violates correct order things, and we accordingly react to it by violating accepted norms.

The idea of ​​abuse as an emotional discharge gave rise to the corresponding practical advice, and by no means prohibitive, but vice versa. The British psychotherapist K. Wallace, as a result of many years of observation, came to the conclusion that well-mannered, delicate people who avoid foul language are more vulnerable to stress and, as a result, more often suffer from various psychosomatic disorders. Dr. Wallace advises: in order to avoid neuropsychic overstrain, retire daily (decency should still be observed!) And give free rein to your feelings in the most obscene expressions. At the same time, Wallace, however, points out that his advice is unlikely to be useful to those who already swear many times a day - the "psychotherapeutic" relaxation will add practically nothing to them.

So the advice of an English psychotherapist, albeit indisputable, is suitable for a few. For the rest, abuse has not been able to act as a medicine for a long time because of its routine and familiarity. And this is also caused by very specific psychological reasons. To understand them, let's try to understand why a person first utters forbidden words.

Most adults - at least those who have not yet completely sunk down - agree in one opinion: obscene words are "adult" vocabulary, and a child is not allowed to use them in any case. If a forbidden word flies out of children's mouths, a sharp negative reaction immediately follows: adults seek to stop and punish such licentiousness. But for a small child, such a reaction is not very clear. In the first years of life, a child - a being at first speechless - rapidly masters his native language. All words are new to him. And he actively, like a sponge, absorbs and assimilates them, enriching his vocabulary every day. The child listens to the speech of others, catches unfamiliar words, as if tasting them and trying to include them in his dictionary. Moreover, the baby hears not only the words with which parents address him and which they exchange among themselves, but also those that an untidy red-nosed uncle with an unsteady gait mutters on the street. Small child cannot yet understand why some words are worse than others. For him, they are all interesting and worthy of attention.

When a baby utters an obscene word for the first time, it, strange as it may seem, is completely innocent in his mouth. For him, this is another learned word, almost no different from all the others. “Almost” refers to the fact that the meaning of almost any word is clear to the child, but he is still not able to comprehend the meaning of the curse. He only vaguely feels that such words introduce a strong emotional accent into the speech.

Parental anger does not solve the problem, but only exacerbates it. In the mind of a child, an unprintable word acquires an even stronger emotional coloring. Unable to understand the reason for the strict prohibition, the baby may try to use the forbidden fruit as a symbol of his independence. “If someone can say that, then it means I can too. Just don't make your parents angry on purpose! And the forbidden word begins to flicker in his speech, becoming habitual from repeated use.

As you get older, the problem becomes more and more serious. Obscene language takes on the role of an important symbol of maturity and independence. A teenager quickly learns: if swearing is the vocabulary of elders, forbidden for a child, then you can join the coveted adult world by breaking this taboo. What’s more, it’s an easy job! Will need more long years in order to prove their personal autonomy and solvency by deeds. But you can drag on a cigarette, famously spit on the floor or swear dirty at least this minute!

Isn't the problem that for so many adults the task of personal self-determination has remained unresolved and they have to assert themselves in an infantile teenage way? However, another may well take place as a person, achieve a lot in life, however, from a young age, the acquired habit has already entered the bloodstream, and it is impossible to refuse it. So, having started smoking in adolescence, many then would like to quit, but they can no longer.

It is also important that foul language has become generally accepted and to abandon it in many cases means to oppose oneself to the circle to which one would like or have to belong. Another teenager begins to swear in the circle of comrades, so as not to simply turn out to be a black sheep, not to be branded as a “nerd” and sissy. And with age, this problem only gets worse - the circle of cultured people who avoid foul language is now so narrow that they mostly have to rotate outside of it.

In addition, one should not exaggerate the intellectual level of the average man in the street, for whom to clearly express his thought (if any) - a big problem. For such people, the “rotten word” does not even appear as such, but is a kind of interjection that fills the inevitable voids in wretched speech. Due to the poor vocabulary, it is difficult to find suitable expressions. Then the words “jokers” come to the rescue - they can easily replace almost any word of the native language and cause a more or less adequate association in the interlocutor. And if this trend intensifies on a mass scale, a person will gradually slide down to the intellectual level of a caveman who speaks in ten universal speech symbols.

Is it possible to overcome this trend, somehow get out of the language crisis? The solution to this problem is too complex and requires many steps in different directions. But one of them - perhaps the most important - is seen as a convincing positive example to demonstrate to the people, and especially to young people, that worthy people are above foul language.

Moreover, any thought or emotion can be expressed much more strongly and bitingly in a delicate form. As, for example, in an anecdotal letter from one businessman to his unscrupulous partner:

   Dear Sir! Because my secretary - lady, I hesitate to dictate to her the words you deserve. Moreover, since I myself - gentleman, it is not proper for me to even know these words. But since you are neither, you will understand what I mean..

Popular psychological encyclopedia. - M.: Eksmo. S.S. Stepanov. 2005 .


See what "foul language" is in other dictionaries:

    foul language- foul language... Spelling Dictionary

    foul language- mat, obscene words; strong words, swearing, strong expressions, barking, obscenity, obscenity, obscenity, swearing, strong words, vilification, curses, black words, profanity, swear words, swearing, blasphemy, speech, slander, swearing ... Synonym dictionary Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    foul language- Wed. No one likes to use foul language so much ... as a Russian cultured person ... (dissatisfied, for lack of the right to object, replaces this with foul language). M.E. Saltykov. Abroad. 5. Wed. The landowner ... will once pass by; the man will smell the boyar spirit, ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    foul language- the use of evil, unkind, offensive and humiliating words, dirty, vile, nasty words. Foul language is a desecration of the faith, the opposite of prayer. it is much more harmful than the poisonous gases of factories and factories. It confuses and pollutes the space, ... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture ( encyclopedic Dictionary teacher)

    foul language- ▲ vocabulary obscene profanity profanity. mat. mat remat. fence literatureIdeographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    foul language- Foul language. Wed No one likes to use foul language so much ... as a Russian cultured person ... (dissatisfied, for lack of the right to object, replaces this with foul language). M. E. Saltykov. Abroad. 5. Wed. The landowner ... will pass by once; ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    foul language- public use of indecent expressions. see mat. cf. coprolalia; coprophemia. (

offensive, abusive words; swearing.

Alternative descriptions

Antique patterned fabric.

Judgmental and offensive words; swearing

Cursing, foul language; war

Synonym for war, battle (Utar.)

What is hidden behind motherhood

Rude words as an indispensable attribute of a scandal


Both battle and swearing

Fighting talk

And war and swearing

Bad words

Judgmental and hurtful words

She does not hang on the gate

Speech of foul language

Quarrel, swearing

War, battle

Battle before and scolding today

Swearing, hurtful words

offensive, abusive words; swearing

Vintage patterned fabric

Zh. (book?) plant Polemonium coeruleum, triflora, horse incense, martilova?, magpie, cyanosis, double strength, centrifuge, beauty, bukish (erroneously bukish)

G. quarrel, recriminations, quarrel, discord, disagreement, discord, enmity, enmity; swearing, swearing; abusive, abusive, vile words; fight, pounding, dump, hand-to-hand, carnage; war, battle, battle, battle (see also take). Scolding the right not to be (you will not be right). The first scolding is better than the last. Hard words break no bones. Armor for battle, valley for the world. Thin world better than a good scolding (fight). Better than scolding: Nikola is with us. After the battle, many are brave. Swearing, related to swearing: warlike, military; abusive, derogatory. Scold, scold someone, exhort, tumble with words, scold; speak out, blaspheme; scold, scold. Scold, rebuke, see harrow. scold, scold, scold, scold, slander someone or something with swear words; scold or scold each other, quarrel. How they scold him, joking. what they call, honor, magnify. A deaf man is scolded, but he says: they call for mass. Whoever scolds someone behind his back is afraid of that. Do not praise me in the eyes, do not scold me for the eyes. swear smart, get smart; and put up with a fool, so lose your own. Full of scolding, isn't it time to fight? Having drunk, the peasant scolds beyond the river, but for his sake one cannot drown oneself. He scolds him, but God protects him. a bag, but don’t fight with a prison (you wouldn’t have to put up with it). fight with sin, but put up with a sinner. I don't quarrel with anyone, and I'm not afraid of anyone. Give take; scold run. Fight your own with your own, but don't mess with someone else's. Bread and salt does not scold. Chose him a fool. We got to the fight. The barin will climb in. I chose him badly. Having got together, they reconciled. Don't hesitate, shut up. He was scolded in order. They squabble from nothing. Grumbles, but scolds. We messed up completely. Scolding and scolding. the action of the one who scolds; pronunciation; swearing, swearing, swearing. Curious, about a man, warlike, prone to war, fight; about time, time: full of abuse, wars, strife. Brawler, hunter to scold, quarrel, swear; quarrelsomeness the property of such a person, quarrelsomeness, the desire to quarrel. Brannik is old. warrior, warrior. Branko m. Branikha Vologda. brunch vol. who, out of liking or habit, incessantly grumbles, scolds, scolds, or scolds, swears. Amorousness cf. love, passion, propensity for war, for military affairs. Fighting, passionate, prone to strife, war. Branelyubivy, war-loving; swearing cf. passion for war. Branenosny, carrying, bringing, inviting war. Brane-resistant, stubborn, persistent in battle, brave. swear words containing swear words

Not exactly censored words

Obscene language exists in many languages ​​and cultures. It is from such words that the mat consists. This is a relatively small and closed group of words and expressions, the use of which in cultural community is taboo. This group includes the names of the human body, primarily the genitals (the so-called vocabulary of the "bodily bottom"), physiological functions, sexual intercourse, as well as words derived from them. This also includes some offensive lexemes like a word, in its main meaning serving as the name of a dissolute woman, but more often used nevertheless in an interjectional function - when expressing the whole gamut of human emotions: anger, indignation, amazement and even delight.
The mystical roots of this phenomenon go back to distant pagan antiquity. People of the pre-Christian era, in order to protect their lives from the evil attacks of the demonic world, came into contact with him. This contact could only be twofold: the demon was either gratified by praising him and offering sacrifices to him, or he was frightened. So, they frightened the demon precisely with bad abuse, a demonstration of their indecency. But they called the demon with the same words, demonstrating their obsession, their readiness to unite with him. Bad words were included in spells addressed to pagan deities, and in pagan times a fertility cult was widespread, so all bad words are associated with the sexual sphere. Thus, the so-called mate is the language of communication with demons. It is no coincidence that in philology this phenomenon is called infernal vocabulary. Infernal means hellish, from the underworld.
But how does mate affect a person? This in Lately many scientists and researchers are concerned.
Candidate at the Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences biological sciences Petr Petrovich Goryaev (author new science"wave genetics") and candidate of technical sciences Georgy Georgievich Tertyshny deal with this problem. Researchers have invented a machine that translates human words into electromagnetic vibrations. And they are known to affect DNA molecules. Scientists have found that when a person swears, his chromosomes are twisted and bent, genes change places. As a result, DNA begins to develop unnatural programs. And so the program of self-destruction is gradually passed on to offspring. Scientists have found that swear words cause a mutagenic effect like that, which gives radioactive exposure with a power of thousands of roentgens.
An experiment with irradiation has been carried out for many years on the seeds of the Arabidopsis plant. Almost all of them died, and those that survived became genetic freaks. These monsters, having suffered many diseases, passed them on by inheritance, and after several generations they degenerated. Interestingly, the mutagenic effect did not depend on the strength of the word, they could not be pronounced either loudly or in a whisper. On this basis, scientists concluded that certain words have an informational effect on DNA.
The reverse experiment was also carried out: scientists "blessed" the seeds killed by radiation exposure to ten thousand roentgens, then the confused genes, broken chromosomes and DNA helices fell into place and grew together, the dead seeds came to life.

Orthodox view.

From an Orthodox point of view, foul language is a sin. He was condemned at the Council of Carthage (prav. 71): "With obscene words they offend the honor of the mothers of families and the chastity of others." The one who uses foul language, first of all, dishonors the honor of mothers, impudently scolds the God-established laws of birth, forgetting that he himself was born and raised by his mother. In the Russian people, swearers have long been called blasphemers.
The habit of foul language forms the moral character of a person, hinders his familiarization with culture, and makes him unreliable in relationships with others. The habit of foul language is a sign of the spiritual and moral decay of a person. Rotten speech corrupts a person: he not only gives his soul to the power of demons, but also affects the state of the soul of the people around him, he spares neither the modesty of women, nor the purity of children. “By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matthew 12:36-37).
Site material All-Russian Parents' Meeting.

bad word

They wrote a bad word on the fence.
People walk by and laugh. Those who still have a conscience turn away. Well, at least the children do not yet understand everything ...
The fence became embarrassing.
He raised his eyes to Heaven and prayed:
- Burn me better than endure this ... Ashamed, after all, in front of people!
The sky darkened. Severe sailed thundercloud. A terrible lightning flashed. And the terrible rain began.
And when a thunderstorm passed, everyone saw that the fence, as it stood, is still standing. Only everything is clean. The downpour itself washed away the bad word. And lightning struck the house of the man who wrote it. Well, he miraculously survived.
But - not until the next thunderstorm?
Vicious circle
People said to a man accustomed to swearing:
— Fear God, do not offend His Most Pure Mother! Is it that far from disaster?
Only where there!
He also made excuses:
- So I swear because of these troubles!
And he could not understand in any way where all those reasons come from in his life, after which he again and again has to swear ...
Little parables for children and adults. Volume 1. Monk Barnabas (Sanin)

The Apostle Paul wrote about the "rotten word". In the 4th century, St. John Chrysostom said: “When someone swears with obscene words, then at the Throne of the Lord, the Mother of God, she takes away the prayer cover given by Her from a person and Sheself retreats, and which a person is chosen obscenely, subjects himself to a curse on that day, because he scolds his mother and insults her bitterly. It is not befitting for us to eat and drink with that person, otherwise he will not lag behind ongoing swear words.
Bishop Varnava (Belyaev) writes that shameful talk is “a purely pagan heritage. It is entirely rooted in the phallic cults of the Ancient East, starting from the depths of Satan (see: Rev. 2, 24) and the dark abyss of debauchery in honor of Baal, Astarte and others, and ending with the classical heirs of Ham. The cults of ancient Babylon, the land of Canaan, which practiced the sacrifice of babies, the service of debauchery, fornication, ritual prostitution, and gave the appropriate terminology of ritual spells that formed the basis of swearing.
By uttering obscene words, a person (even if unwittingly) calls upon demonic forces and participates in a savage cult. It is known that the peoples inhabiting Canaan were conquered by the Jews and mercilessly exterminated at the command of God. And this is not at all inexplicable cruelty, but the righteous wrath of God, the punishment for monstrous corruption and the worship of sin.
One of the widespread myths is the assertion that the Mongols and Tatars brought swearing to Rus'. It is ridiculous to believe that the pure, highly moral Krivichi and Rodimichi used to live, who did not know foul language, and then the spoiled Mongols came and taught them obscene vocabulary. No, the roots of foul language are pagan spells, and they were in Rus' even before the Mongols. At Eastern Slavs, like other peoples, in pagan times there was a cult of fertility, a belief in the mystical marriage of earth and sky. At Russian pagan weddings, the so-called reproachful songs were sung, which contained ritual insults to the groom (so that the chosen one would not have to reproach him in family life). With the help of swearing, the pagan Slav also scared away evil spirit, thinking that demons are afraid of matyugov.
Already after the Baptism of Rus', foul language was severely punished. In the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich of 1648, the inadmissibility of foul language in wedding ceremonies is emphasized: so that “demonic songs should not be sung at marriages and no
shameful words were not spoken. There is also mention of holy profanity:
“And on the eve of the Nativity of Christ and Basil’s Day and Theophany ... so that they don’t sing demonic songs, swear words and all kinds of indecent barking are not scolded.” It was believed that a swear word offended, firstly, the Mother of God, and secondly, own mother man and, finally, mother earth.
There was an idea that swearing was punished natural disasters, misfortune and disease. Even under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, foul language was punished with rods in the streets. We are responsible for every idle word, especially the bad one. Nothing passes without a trace, and by insulting the mother of another person, sending curses to him, we thereby bring trouble on ourselves. Let us recall the words of St. John Chrysostom: "Whoever is chosen obscenely, exposes himself to a curse on that day."
For shaming, God allows various troubles, misfortunes and illnesses to fall upon a person. In medicine, there is a kind of mental illness (though poorly understood), when a person, perhaps even far from dirty swearing, suffers from inexplicable seizures. The patient suddenly begins, against his will, to spew out streams of foul language, often very sophisticated. Sometimes blasphemes saints and God. For a believer, everything is obvious. In spiritual practice, this is called possession, or possession. The demon, who is possessed, forces him to utter terrible curses and blasphemy. It is known from practice that this kind of possession can happen, by God's permission, even with children.
Very often, people who are in spiritual darkness hear voices that utter a stream of obscene abuse and blasphemy. It is easy to guess who these voices belong to. Swearing has long been called the language of demons.
I will give an example of how the so-called "black word" works, that is, expressions with the mention of the devil. One person was very fond of using this word in place and out of place. And then he comes home somehow (and there was a table in the middle of his room) and sees that the one whom he so often commemorated is sitting under the table. The man, horrified, asks him: "Why did you come?" He replies: "After all, you yourself constantly call me." And disappeared. This is not some horror story, but a completely real story.
As a priest, I can cite many similar cases even from my small practice.
The devil, unfortunately, is not a horror movie character, but a real force that exists in the world. And a person who uses obscene, nasty, black words himself opens the doors of his soul to this force.
Priest Pavel Gumerov. Orthodox site. About the sin of foul language. 22/05/2008

The Savior says: What comes out of the mouth comes out of the heart - this defiles a person (Matthew 15:18). So, listen, lover of a rotten word, what does your love for him mean: abomination, impurity of your heart ... Can God's blessing descend on the soul of one in whose heart the most impure thoughts and desires nest? .. Can God hear a person who utters his prayer in a tongue repulsive of swear words? “He who speaks bad words,” said one church teacher, “is not worthy to enter the temple of God and touch the shrine; the Guardian Angel cries about such a person, while the devil rejoices; on such God sends various misfortunes and misfortunes.

ABC of spiritual life. Archpriest V. Mordasov

ABUSE, swearing, pl. no, female Words that scold, foul language. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

ABUSE, and, wives. Rude, swear words, as well as a quarrel accompanied by such words. Obscene r. R. for nothing. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

swearing- large (Ertel); “Small and prickly, like hay dust” (Oliger); frenzied (Ertel); clear (Oliger); hoarse (Ertel) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: The supplier of the court of His Majesty, the partnership of the printing press A. A. Levenson. A.L.… … Dictionary of epithets

swearing- frantic swearing, selective swearing, areal swearing ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

swearing- I. Swearing Swearing1, scolding, picking, quarrel, colloquial. squabble, colloquial squabble, squabble crossovers, open skirmish, squabble quarrel, collapsing noise, noise reduced bark, open reduced shootout, shootout reduced swearing, colloquial reduced swearing, colloquial lower, rough hey… … Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

swearing- Swearing1, and, f The same as foul language. Elsewhere, a woman, barely able to stand on her own, with weeping and swearing, dragged home by the sleeve of her stubborn, ugly drunken husband ... (Kupr.). Swearing2, and, f The same as scolding. There was a loud swearing on deck… … Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

G. 1. the process of action according to Ch. scold ott. The result of such an action; swearing, scolding. 2. Words that are used in the process of such an action; foul language. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Swearing, swearing, swearing, swearing, swearing, swearing, swearing, swearing, swearing, swearing, swearing, swearing (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

Contents 1 Insult (according to ESBE) 1.1 General concept insults 1.2 Insult in Roman law ... Wikipedia

swearing- roar, and ... Russian spelling dictionary


  • Theology against foul language, Prekup I .. ... “Swearing”, “scoldling”, “mat” ... The word “foul language” enters our usage at the same time as “God save” and “bless”, replacing the usual “thank you” and “hello” . This…
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