Who is Joseph Prigogine by nationality? Joseph Prigogine. National United Cultural Community

Born on April 2, 1969 in the city of Makhachkala. Father - Prigozhin Igor Matveevich (born 1938). Mother - Prigozhina Dinara Yakubovna (born 1940).

My labor activity Joseph Prigogine (the third husband of singer Valeria) started at the age of 12. At first he worked as a hairdresser in his hometown. In 1985, having received a passport, he immediately went to Moscow. I dreamed of becoming an artist. He had no relatives or acquaintances in the capital, so in order to live in a dormitory, he entered a vocational school. In 1986, he simultaneously graduated from school N27 and college N67 with a degree in thermal and waterproofing. Along the way, he played in a studio theater. Gradually, the realization came that administrative activity was closer to him than a career as an artist.

The period 1986-1988 can be described as “a time of searching for oneself.” First attempt to enter GITIS, work at the Gamma theater studio, audition for films. A young man from Dagestan got into the capital's show business and achieved significant success in an extremely short time. I went to “parties”, studied, met people; there was a goal - to make a career, gain experience, and become successful as a person.

In 1987-1990, I. Prigozhin worked as a tour manager of concert programs. At the same time, he sang on stage and released an audio cassette recording of his songs. His active touring life began in 1988. Currently, Joseph is one of the country's leading producers and managers various shows, concerts, charity events. In total, he organized about one and a half thousand concerts with pop stars throughout the territory former USSR.

In 1989, Joseph Prigozhin was the administrator and organizer of the first show of Valentin Yudashkin's models at the Variety Theater. I. Prigozhin's producing debut took place in 1991, when the Ostankino channel aired his organized Supershow-91 and the television program Club T.

In 1992, I. Prigozhin was the producer of the singer Sona. As a producer, he carried out a musical show dedicated to the European Motorball Championship in the city of Vidnoye. Now Joseph Prigozhin is the producer of Vakhtang Kikabidze, Nikolai Noskov, and was the promoter of K. Orbakaite and A. Marshall. Cooperation with V. Kikabidze, which has grown into a strong friendship, has already celebrated its fifth anniversary.

In 1994, Joseph entered GITIS named after A.V. Lunacharsky. Without interruption from his intensive creative and administrative activities, he receives higher education, graduating from the institute in 2000 with a degree in producer.

In 1996, I. Prigozhin was the producer of the concert, dedicated to the Day independence of Georgia, as well as anniversary concerts dedicated to the 50th anniversary creative activity L.G. Zykina and the 10th anniversary of the group "A-Studio", the first solo concerts of T. Bulanova at the variety theater, the "Golden Gramophone" event (1996-1998); executive producer of a festive concert dedicated to the third anniversary of ORT (1998), a gala concert in honor of the celebration of March 8 (1999). In May 1999, he was the general producer of the Star Laying Ceremony People's Artist Georgia V. Kikabidze on the “Square of Stars” in honor of the artist’s 60th birthday.

In 1993, Joseph Prigozhin initiated the creation and until 1995 was the president of the Father's House Foundation. Its founders were JSC TIEKS, the Russian Film Actors Guild, the Lafite company, Augustkommertsbank, the Kashirsky agro-industrial complex, the Moscow City Bar Association, and the Smal and Partners law bureau. The Foundation's Board of Trustees included such outstanding figures as Archbishop Sergius of Solnechnogorsk, Chairman of the Supreme Board of Muslims, Chief Mufti of Russia Ravil Gainutdin, Chief Rabbi of Russia A.S. Shaevich, People's Artists of the USSR T. Khrennikov, A. Pakhmutova, M. Esambaev, I. Kobzon, L. Zykina, People's Artists of Russia E. Zharikov and G. Khazanov, People's Artist of Georgia V. Kikabidze, Professor V. Zaitsev, academicians V. Werner, I. Sharoev, O. Bogomolov, Deputy Chairman of the Human Rights Commission under the President of Russia M. Arutyunov.

Charitable Foundation"Father's House" aimed its activities at providing assistance to socially vulnerable segments of the Russian population. With his work, he attracted public attention to the situation of refugees from neighboring countries, organized production, created jobs, built housing for internally displaced persons, and developed infrastructure in the areas where settlements were built. Television events were organized with the participation of artists from the CIS.

At less than thirty years old, he created one of the largest audio companies in Russia, ORT-Records. From June 1997 to July 1999, Joseph Prigozhin was its general producer, and from March 1998 to June 1999 - general director. At the end of 1998, ORT-Records was awarded the National Music Award "Ovation" in the category "Best Recording Company".

Within a few months of ORT-Records' work, albums were published by Joseph Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Alexander Marshall, Kristina Orbakaite, Nikolai Noskov, Chris Kelmi, the groups "A-Studio", "Na-Na", "Splin", " Ladybug", "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels", "ShaoN Bao!", "2x2". "Promotion" of solo projects, promotion for little-known, famous and super-popular performers, bringing new stars to the show business horizon and returning old ones - all this is the activity of Joseph Prigogine. He united not only performers, but also their producers, managing to convince them of the feasibility of cooperation rather than competition.His reference book is “All About the Music Business” by Donald Passman, his idols are Richard Bronson and George Martin (the producer of the Beatles).

Since 1994, Joseph has been a member of the Association of Music Producers, Doctor of Arts of the Academy of Alternative Sciences. In 1998, he was awarded the Ovation Award as the best producer of the year. In the same year, the magazine "Company" recognized him as the best businessman of the year in the field of show business. Many articles in periodicals in Russia and the CIS countries are devoted to the activities of Joseph Prigozhin. An extremely hardworking person, Joseph believes that it is not the state that makes people, but people make the state, and the world will be saved not by beauty, but by kindness.

I. Prigozhin has almost no free time. He tries to devote rare moments of rest good books or music. Loves Russian classical literature (A. Pushkin, A. Chekhov, I. Turgenev), the music of Bach, Beethoven, the work of F. Chaliapin, I. Arkhipova, E. Obraztsova, M. Rostropovich, the orchestra conducted by V. Spivakov, M. Caballe , L. Pavarotti. Among modern pop music, he singles out R. Pauls, N. Bregvadze, V. Kikabidze, M. Magomaev, L. Zykina, A. Pugacheva, F. Kirkorov, N. Noskov, A. Marshal, the groups “Time Machine” and “Gorky Park” ", as well as M. Jackson, F. Collins, T. Turner, P. McCartney, Sting, P. Gabriel, Ray Charles.

He loves domestic films with the participation of M. Ladynina and L. Orlova, foreign films with R. de Niro and Al Pacino, films by S. Spielberg and F. Coppola. Among my favorite artists are Caravaggio, Alberdini, Dali, and among Russian contemporary artists - Nikas Safronov.

Life goes on and ahead - further promotion of the grandiose project "NOKS" (National United Cultural Community).

IN Lately The name of Joseph Prigozhin is heard quite often on television and radio, and appears on the pages of glossy magazines and other media in the sections secular news. And no wonder, because Joseph is one of the most successful producers Russian show business, and the group of his companies "NOKS" occupies, one might say, a leading position in music market countries. The production center "KNOX MUSIC" was founded in 2000.

Personal life

Joseph Prigozhin and Leila Fattakhova met about twelve years ago. She worked as a manager for the selection of artists at the Soyuz company. And then unknown to anyone, Prigozhin served as director of Vakhtang Kikabidze. Eyewitnesses recall that at that time Yosya always wore a suit and glasses to look respectable, and combed his hair back (yes!).

Prigozhin was captivated by the dark-eyed beauty Leila. Joseph became a frequent visitor to the Soyuz. According to the recollections of her colleagues, Leila avoided the strange admirer for almost a year. No one could imagine that this oriental girl, who blushed at swear words, would ever reciprocate Joseph’s feelings. After all, Leila was considered the first beauty in the “Union”; it would be difficult to imagine them together.

But Prigogine turned out to be a good psychologist; over the course of a year he studied the girl, his courtship became more thoughtful. And if you constantly see a person with sparkling eyes who never stops repeating how much he loves and suffers, then sooner or later you will say “yes.”

In the fourth year of their relationship, Liza was born... And three years later, Leila left Prigozhin, starting her life almost from scratch. Now she is independent, owns one of the best PR agencies in Moscow, and counts among her clients famous businessmen, restaurateurs, such stars as Vladimir Kuzmin, Irina Allegrova, Alla Dukhova, Inna Malikova, the group "Doctor Watson", and many others. She also has complete order in her personal life.

Meanwhile, two children were growing up in Prigozhin’s first family. Handsome Dima, who inherited from his father the sparkle of his eyes, a sharp mind and the refined features of his mother, as well as little Danae. It is curious that, according to legend, King Danai, in whose honor the girl was apparently named, had many children, as many as 50 daughters. So Prigogine, without suspecting it himself, foresaw his future many children.

Prigogine married for the first time very young. Muscovite Elena is from a wealthy background, intelligent family turned out to be a brilliant match for a visitor from Makhachkala, who upon arrival in the capital often spent the night at train stations. It is possible that it was a marriage of convenience, if you believe Prigozhin’s numerous interviews, in which he admitted that “only with Valeria did he experience a real feeling.” However, the path to the star was thorny...

Prigozhin never hid from those around him that it would be nice for him to become the husband of... Kristina Orbakaite. Pugacheva's son-in-law! And what? Sounds tempting. Fame, influence... There was a moment when Joseph, promising Christina mountains of gold, attracted her capital to his company Nox Music. However, Orbakaite somehow very soon took her share and for some time did not communicate with Yosya at all.

The next chance came when Abraham Russo appeared on the horizon. His famous duets with Christina are also tactical moves of Prigozhin, who wanted to enter the retinue of the Diva, if not as a husband star daughter, then at least as a producer of her new fan.

Prigozhin strengthened his position in roundabout ways - to the surprise of many. The scandal of Ernst and Krutoy, respectively, Channel One and the ARS company, is still memorable. They say that Prigozhin has a direct connection to this quarrel of titans.

For a long time Prigozhin was persona non grata on Channel One as well. But a lucky card appeared in his life - Valeria. The singer reconciled Joseph with many, if not all.

They say that neither Elena, nor Leila, nor Valeria know each other, but their children communicate with each other. True, not very often. It is curious that it is at these moments that Yosya’s dad appears next to them, accompanied by a couple of photo reporters.

Well, Prigogine achieved his goal. He is rich and famous.

All the women and children of Prigozhin

Elena Evgenievna is the first wife, a housewife. Common children: son Dmitry, 18 years old, and daughter Danaya, 10 years old. We lived together for 20 years. Elena lives a secluded life and refuses to meet with the press.

Leila Fattakhova - common-law wife. Common daughter Elizaveta, 9 years old. We lived together for 7 years.

Katya is a kind of model. Joseph dated her for less than six months.

Valeria is the current wife. Children from Alexander Shulgin: Anna, 14 years old, Artem, 13 years old, Arseny, 9 years old. The children are not averse to changing their surname from Shulgina to Prigozhin, but their own father does not give consent.

Joseph Prigogine himself believes that he was lucky twice in his life.

“I met two wonderful women, but Lera is my first love. Before her, I knew what affection, respect, gratitude for loyalty were, but not love,” says the producer. With Lena, ex-wife, lately we have only been connected by children, but we are completely different people.”

“Of course, Lena is offended - divorce was not part of his plans,” Prigozhin confesses. “I left home a year before I met Valeria, but Lena and I didn’t get a divorce at first, and she thought like this: Yosya will take a walk and come back. We continue with communicate with her, but only at the level of “hello, hello” and transfer of money.”

Both wives of Joseph Prigogine are Christians, but only for the sake of Valeria did he agree to change his faith. In the spring of 2007, Joseph and Valeria got married. “My ancestors on my mother’s side are rabbis, I come from an Orthodox Jewish family. But if I, being a Jew, tied the knot with an Orthodox one, that means I accept her faith, how could it be otherwise? My children are Orthodox, since my first wife is also a Christian. And I, having married Valeria, also received baptism."

About common child the couple is thinking about it, but no additions to the family are expected yet.

“It’s her, not me, to give birth,” Prigozhin argues. “We are in no hurry to have a child, certainly not because of business considerations. But Valeria already has three children, I have the same number - they all need to be raised, educated, raised and Then you can relax a little, finally live for yourself. And in general, they don’t plan to have children. If the baby is born in the near future, I will be only happy!”

Born on April 2, 1969 in the city of Makhachkala. Father - Prigozhin Igor Matveevich (born 1938). Mother - Prigozhina Dinara Yakubovna (born 1940). Wife - Prigozhina Elena Evgenievna (born 1965). Children - Dmitry (born 1989), Danaya (born 1997).

Joseph Prigogine began his career at the age of 12. At first he worked as a hairdresser in his hometown. In 1985, having received a passport, he immediately went to Moscow. I dreamed of becoming an artist. He had no relatives or acquaintances in the capital, so in order to live in a dormitory, he entered a vocational school. In 1986, he simultaneously graduated from school No. 27 and college No. 67 with a degree in thermal and waterproofing. Along the way, he played in a studio theater. Gradually, the realization came that administrative activity was closer to him than a career as an artist.

The period 1986-1988 can be described as “a time of searching for oneself.” First attempt to enter GITIS, work at the Gamma theater studio, audition for films. A young man from Dagestan got into the capital's show business and achieved significant success in an extremely short time. I went to “parties”, studied, met people; there was a goal - to make a career, gain experience, and become successful as a person.

In 1987-1990, I. Prigozhin worked as a tour manager of concert programs. At the same time, he sang on stage and released an audio cassette recording of his songs. His active touring life began in 1988. Currently, Joseph is one of the country's leading producers and managers of various shows, concerts, and charity events. In total, he organized about one and a half thousand concerts with pop stars throughout the territory of the former USSR.

In 1989, Joseph Prigozhin was the administrator and organizer of the first show of Valentin Yudashkin's models at the Variety Theater. I. Prigozhin's producing debut took place in 1991, when the Ostankino channel aired his organized Supershow-91 and the television program Club T.

In 1992, I. Prigozhin was the producer of the singer Sona. As a producer, he carried out a musical show dedicated to the European Motorball Championship in the city of Vidnoye. Now Joseph Prigozhin is the producer of Vakhtang Kikabidze, Nikolai Noskov, and was the promoter of K. Orbakaite and A. Marshall. Cooperation with V. Kikabidze, which has grown into a strong friendship, has already celebrated its fifth anniversary.

In 1994, Joseph entered GITIS named after A.V. Lunacharsky. Without interrupting his intensive creative and administrative activities, he receives higher education, graduating in 2000 from the institute with a degree in producer.

In 1996, I. Prigozhin was the producer of a concert dedicated to the Independence Day of Georgia, as well as anniversary concerts dedicated to the 50th anniversary of L.G. Zykina’s creative activity and the 10th anniversary of the group “A-Studio”, the first solo concerts of T. Bulanova in the theater variety shows, “Golden Gramophone” events (1996-1998); executive producer of a festive concert dedicated to the third anniversary of ORT (1998), a gala concert in honor of the celebration of March 8 (1999). In May 1999, he was the general producer of the ceremony of laying the Star of the People's Artist of Georgia V. Kikabidze on the "Square of Stars" in honor of the artist's 60th anniversary.

Best of the day

In 1993, Joseph Prigozhin initiated the creation and until 1995 was the president of the Father's House Foundation. Its founders were JSC TIEKS, the Russian Film Actors Guild, the Lafite company, Augustkommertsbank, the Kashirsky agro-industrial complex, the Moscow City Bar Association, and the Smal and Partners law bureau. The Foundation's Board of Trustees included such outstanding figures as Archbishop Sergius of Solnechnogorsk, Chairman of the Supreme Board of Muslims, Chief Mufti of Russia Ravil Gainutdin, Chief Rabbi of Russia A.S. Shaevich, People's Artists of the USSR T. Khrennikov, A. Pakhmutova, M. Esambaev, I. Kobzon, L. Zykina, People's Artists of Russia E. Zharikov and G. Khazanov, People's Artist of Georgia V. Kikabidze, Professor V. Zaitsev, academicians V. Werner, I. Sharoev, O. Bogomolov, Deputy Chairman of the Human Rights Commission under the President of Russia M. Arutyunov.

The Father's House Charitable Foundation has focused its activities on providing assistance to socially vulnerable segments of the Russian population. With his work, he attracted public attention to the situation of refugees from neighboring countries, organized production, created jobs, built housing for internally displaced persons, and developed infrastructure in the areas where settlements were built. Television events were organized with the participation of artists from the CIS.

At less than thirty years old, he created one of the largest audio companies in Russia, ORT-Records. From June 1997 to July 1999, Joseph Prigozhin was its general producer, and from March 1998 to June 1999, its general director. Based on the results of 1998, ORT-Records was awarded the National Music Award "Ovation" in the category "Best Recording Company".

Within a few months of ORT-Records' work, albums were published by Joseph Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Alexander Marshall, Kristina Orbakaite, Nikolai Noskov, Chris Kelmi, the groups "A-Studio", "Na-Na", "Splin", "Ladybug", "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels", "Shao? Bao!", "2x2". “Promotion” of solo projects, promotion for little-known, famous and super-popular performers, bringing new stars to the show business horizon and returning old ones - all this is the activity of Joseph Prigozhin. He united not only the performers, but also their producers, managing to convince them of the advisability of cooperation rather than competition. His reference book is “All About the Music Business” by Donald Passman, his idols are Richard Bronson and George Martin (Beatles producer).

Since 1994, Joseph has been a member of the Association of Music Producers, Doctor of Arts of the Academy of Alternative Sciences. In 1998, he was awarded the Ovation Award as the best producer of the year. In the same year, the magazine "Company" recognized him as the best businessman of the year in the field of show business. Many articles in periodicals in Russia and the CIS countries are devoted to the activities of Joseph Prigozhin. An extremely hardworking person, Joseph believes that it is not the state that makes people, but people make the state, and the world will be saved not by beauty, but by kindness.

I. Prigozhin has almost no free time. He tries to devote his rare moments of rest to good books or music. Loves Russian classical literature (A. Pushkin, A. Chekhov, I. Turgenev), the music of Bach, Beethoven, the work of F. Chaliapin, I. Arkhipova, E. Obraztsova, M. Rostropovich, the orchestra conducted by V. Spivakov, M. Caballe , L. Pavarotti. Among modern pop music, he singles out R. Pauls, N. Bregvadze, V. Kikabidze, M. Magomaev, L. Zykina, A. Pugacheva, F. Kirkorov, N. Noskov, A. Marshal, the groups “Time Machine” and “Gorky Park” ", as well as M. Jackson, F. Collins, T. Turner, P. McCartney, Sting, P. Gabriel, Ray Charles.

He loves domestic films with the participation of M. Ladynina and L. Orlova, foreign films with R. de Niro and Al Pacino, films by S. Spielberg and F. Coppola. Among my favorite artists are Caravaggio, Alberdini, Dali, and among Russian contemporary artists - Nikas Safronov.

Life goes on and ahead - work on the creation of a new grandiose project called "NOKS" (National United Cultural Community).

Lives and works in Moscow.

No matter where you kiss the producer, he won’t write poetry.
metaeye 03.01.2008 05:48:36

Where you don’t kiss the producer -
he won't write poetry...
That's for sure..

I am alone!..
how hard it is for me, friend...
Where are the eyes?
elbow feeling?
shaking hands?

Like death
invited me for a walk
on a wonderful evening with a candle,
inspired by fire...
and there is emptiness in my soul
and through the echoing streets
I'm wandering drunk with my thoughts
in the imperishable heavens...

I beat crazy mosquitoes
stupefied by the smell of alcohol in the blood,
what is behind the film of skin
feel a frantic pulse...
And I still can’t
create a beautiful syllable until dawn -
I just know,
that I’ll choke on my feelings...

Joseph Igorevich Prigozhin was born on April 2, 1969 in Makhachkala. He came to Moscow at the age of 16. In 1986 he graduated from evening school No. 87 on Izmailovsky Boulevard. He studied at the Gamma Theater Studio. In 1994 he entered GITIS named after A.V. Lunacharsky, graduated in 2000 with a degree in theater management.

In 1987-1990, Prigozhin worked as a tour manager of concert programs. At the same time, he performed himself, releasing an audio cassette with his songs. Since 1988, he has been organizing concerts of pop stars throughout the former USSR. In 1989, Prigozhin was the administrator and organizer of the first fashion show of Valentin Yudashkin at the Moscow Variety Theater.

Prigozhin's producing debut took place in 1991, when the Ostankino channel aired the Supershow 1991 he organized and the television program Club T. In 1992, Prigozhin became the producer of the singer Sona. At the same time, he produced a music show dedicated to the European Motorball Championship in the city of Vidnoye.

In 1993, he initiated the creation of the Father's House Foundation, which he headed until 1995. Charitable organization helped socially vulnerable segments of the population.

In 1996, I. Prigozhin was the producer of a concert dedicated to the Independence Day of Georgia, as well as anniversary concerts dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the creative activity of Lyudmila Zykina and the 10th anniversary of the A'Studio group, the first solo concerts of T. Bulanova at the Variety Theater, awards "Golden Gramophone" (1996-1998).

He created one of the largest audio companies in Russia, ORT-Records. From June 1997 to July 1999, Prigozhin was the general producer of the company, and from March 1998 to June 1999, he was the general director. At the end of 1998, ORT-Records was awarded the National Music Award "Ovation" in the category "Best Recording Company".

On June 1, 2000, Joseph Prigozhin created the record label NOX Music (National United Cultural Community). As the head of Nox Music, he was involved in producing and releasing albums of Russian artists. Certain stages of their creative activity were associated with Joseph Prigozhin by such performers as Alena Sviridova, Natalya Vlasova, guitarist DiDyuLa, Alexander Marshal, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Nikolai Noskov, Kristina Orbakaite, Philip Kirkorov, the groups "Gorky Park", "King and Jester", " Eighth of March", "Dune", "A-Studio", Masha Rasputina, Pascal, Lika Star, Evgeny Osin, Abraham Russo, Andrey Makarevich, Victoria Morozova, Alexander Serov, Alexey Glyzin, Valery Syutkin.

On the night of November 24, 2002, an attempt was made on Prigozhin’s life - his Mercedes 220 was blown up on Tverskaya Street. No one was injured in the explosion.

Joseph Prigozhin’s first meeting with singer Valeria took place on March 12, 2003, and on April 7 of the same year they signed a contract for further cooperation. Valeria became the producer's third wife and, according to him, the first true love. The couple does not have children together - Joseph is now raising his wife’s children from a previous marriage: Anna, Artemy and Arseny.

His first wife Elena gave him a daughter, Danaya, and a son, Dmitry. The second, Leila Fattakhova, is the daughter of Elizaveta.

In 1987-1990, I. Prigozhin worked as a tour manager of concert programs. At the same time, he sang on stage and released an audio cassette recording of his songs. Since 1988, his active touring life began - he organized about 1,500 concerts with pop stars throughout the territory of the former USSR. In 1989, Joseph Prigozhin was the administrator and organizer of the first fashion show of Valentin Yudashkin at the Variety Theater. I. Prigozhin's producing debut took place in 1991, when the Ostankino channel aired Supershow-91, which he organized, and the television program Club T. In 1992, I. Prigozhin was the producer of the singer Sona. Producer of a music show dedicated to the European Motorball Championship in the city of Vidnoye. In 1993, Joseph Igorevich initiated the creation of the Father's House Foundation, which he headed until 1995. The Foundation's Board of Trustees included: prominent figures: Archbishop of Solnechnogorsk Sergius, Chief Mufti of Russia Ravil Gainutdin, Chief Rabbi of Russia Adolf Shaevich, People's Artists of the USSR Tikhon Khrennikov, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Joseph Kobzon, Lyudmila Zykina, Makhmud Esambaev, scientists, lawyers. The charitable foundation helped socially vulnerable segments of the Russian population and attracted public attention to the situation of refugees from neighboring countries and internally displaced persons. In 1996, I. Prigozhin was the producer of a concert dedicated to the Independence Day of Georgia, as well as anniversary concerts dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the creative activity of L. G. Zykina and the 10th anniversary of the group “A-Studio”, the first solo concerts of T. Bulanova at the Theater Variety, Golden Gramophone awards 1996-1998); executive producer of a festive concert dedicated to the third anniversary of ORT (1998), a gala concert in honor of the celebration of March 8 (1999). In May 1999, he was the producer of the ceremony of laying the Star of the People's Artist of Georgia V. Kikabidze on the “Square of Stars” in honor of the artist’s 60th birthday. He created one of the largest audio companies in Russia, ORT-Records. From June 1997 to July 1999, Joseph Prigozhin was the general producer of the company, and from March 1998 to June 1999, he was the general director. At the end of 1998, ORT-Records was awarded the National Music Award “Ovation” in the category “Best Recording Company”. Within a few months of ORT-Records' work, albums were published by Joseph Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Alexander Marshal, Kristina Orbakaite, Nikolai Noskov, Chris Kelmi, the groups "A-Studio", "Na-na", "Splin", “Ladybug”, “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”, “Shao? Bao!”, “2x2”, Masha Rasputina, Alexey Glyzin, Evgeny Osin, Valery Didyul, Valery Syutkin, Alexander Serov, Alena Sviridova. In 1998 he was awarded the Ovation Award as the best producer of the year. In the same year, Company magazine recognized him as the best businessman of the year in the field of show business. On June 1, 2000, Joseph Prigozhin created the record label “NOX Music” (National United Cultural Community). In 2001, the AST publishing house published Joseph Prigozhin’s book “Politics - the pinnacle of show business.” The meeting with singer Valeria, which took place on March 12, 2003, became fateful for the famous producer. On April 7, 2003, they sign a contract for further cooperation. 2007 - producer and ideological inspirer of the program “You are a Superstar” on the NTV channel.

Joseph Prigogine began his career at the age of 12, and already at 16 he arrived in Moscow. In 1986 he graduated from Moscow school No. 27. He studies at the Gamma theater studio. Then the first attempt to enter GITIS. In 1994, Joseph Prigogine entered GITIS named after A.V. Lunacharsky. Without interrupting his intensive creative and administrative activities, he receives higher education, graduating in 2000 from the institute with a degree in Producer-Manager of Concert Activities and Theater and Entertainment Events.

Name: Joseph Prigozhin

Zodiac sign:

49 years old

Place of Birth:

Makhachkala, Russia

Height: 172

Activity: Russian music producer

Tags: producer

Family status: Married to

2,8 /5
(11 votes)

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Joseph Prigogine: biography

Joseph Prigozhin is one of the most famous music producers in Russia, organizer of many music festivals and concerts. He works with such stars as Valeria, Kristina Orbakaite, Alexander Marshall, Didyulya and many others.

Joseph Igorevich Prigozhin was born on April 2, 1969 in Makhachkala in the family of Igor Matveevich and Dinara Yakubovna Prigozhin. Joseph began working almost as a child: at the age of 12 he was already making a living as a hairdresser. But the boy did not see any serious opportunities to realize his ambitious plans in Makhachkala. And he had grandiose plans: to become famous artist. Therefore, in 1985, Prigozhin, having received a passport, immediately set off to conquer Moscow. Since this turning point, the biography of Joseph Prigogine has flowed in a completely different direction.

Joseph Prigogine in childhood and now

At first, the sixteen-year-old boy from Makhachkala, who had neither acquaintances nor relatives in the capital, had a hard time. To get housing in a hostel, he entered a vocational school with a degree in thermal and waterproofing. In 1986, Prigozhin simultaneously graduated from both a vocational school and a Moscow evening school on Izmailovsky Boulevard. But Joseph did not forget about his main goal: along the way, he found time to study at the Gamma theater studio.

Even in his youth, Prigozhin dreamed of brilliant career in show business. But the attempt to enter GITIS was unsuccessful. Without dwelling on failures, the purposeful guy moved forward: he met people around show business stars, attended their parties and even auditioned for films.

Joseph Prigogine in his youth

In 1987-1990, Joseph Prigozhin already worked as a tour manager of concert programs. He also sang on stage and even released an audio cassette with his songs. An active touring life began in the late 1990s. Gradually, he came to the realization that administrative activity was closer to him than the career of an artist.

Joseph Prigozhin became the administrator and organizer of the first fashion show of Valentin Yudashkin. This happened in 1989, and Joseph Igorevich’s producing debut took place in 1991, when “Supershow-91”, organized by him, aired on the Ostankino TV channel.


In 1994, on his second attempt, Joseph Prigogine entered GITIS named after Lunacharsky. And in 2000, without interruption from intensive administrative and creative activities, he received a higher education with a degree in producer.

The first singer to use the services of aspiring producer Joseph Prigozhin was Sona. Now few people remember this “star”. But very little time passed, and Prigozhin became the producer of Vakhtang Kikabidze and Nikolai Noskov, the promoter of Kristina Orbakaite and Alexander Marshal.

Joseph Prigogine

In the late 1990s, the already well-known producer Prigozhin produced grandiose anniversary concerts dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Lyudmila Zykina’s creative activity and the 10th anniversary of the A-Studio group, organized the first solo concerts of Tatyana Bulanova, the Golden Gramophone event, and was the executive producer of the festive a concert dedicated to the third anniversary of ORT and a gala concert in honor of the celebration of March 8th.

The biography of Joseph Prigogine is a series of great successes. In less than thirty years, Prigozhin created ORT-Records, one of the largest audio companies in Russia. From June 1997 to July 1999, he was its general producer, and from March 1998 to June 1999, he was also its general director. Detractors immediately connected these successes with Prigozhin’s nationality, peppering it with jokes and caustic comments. Joseph Igorevich never denied that he was Jewish by origin, but more than once told the press that he was baptized at a conscious age and does not observe Jewish traditions.

Joseph Prigogine

Prigogine easily “promotes” solo projects of little-known, famous and super-popular performers, brings new stars to the show business horizon and quickly brings back old ones. In just a few months of work, ORT-Records published albums by Joseph Kobzon, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Lev Leshchenko, Alexander Marshal, Kristina Orbakaite, Nikolai Noskov, Chris Kelmi, and the groups “A-Studio”, “Na-Na”, “Splin” , “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” and many others.

Under the leadership of Joseph Igorevich, ORT-Records was awarded the Ovation National Music Award in the category “Best Recording Company” in 1998.

Joseph Prigogine, Philip Kirkorov and Valeria

Since 1994, Prigozhin has been a member of the Association of Music Producers, Doctor of Arts of the Academy of Alternative Sciences. In 1998, he was awarded the Ovation Award for Best Producer of the Year. In the same year, the Company magazine recognized Joseph Igorevich Prigozhin as the best businessman of the year in the field of show business.

Prigozhin also managed to unite producers, convincing them not to compete, but to cooperate. Thus, in 2000, his production center “NOKS Music” appeared. Recently, Prigozhin has been one of the most successful producers in Russian show business. His group of companies "NOKS" occupies a leading position in the country's music market.

Personal life

The personal life of Joseph Prigogine is rich in women and children - both his own, from previous marriages, and adopted ones. Prigozhin married for the first time very young. His wife was Elena, a Muscovite, from a wealthy, intelligent family. Prigozhin's first wife was a housewife. In this marriage two children were born - son Dmitry and daughter Danae.

Joseph Prigogine and his first wife Elena

The second wife of Joseph Prigozhin, Leila Fattakhova, worked as a manager for the selection of artists at the Soyuz company. The man was immediately captivated by the dark-eyed beauty. At the time of meeting her, a crack had formed in Prigozhin’s marriage with Elena. New novel flared up, and four years later the couple had a daughter, Lisa. And three years later, Leila left her husband. Now ex-wife Joseph Prigozhina is independent, owns one of the best PR agencies in Moscow, and her clients include famous businessmen and restaurateurs.

Joseph Prigogine and his second wife Leila Fattakhova

In March 2003 there was fateful meeting Joseph Prigogine and singer Valeria. This union brought not only a new marriage, but also a cooperation contract. It was signed already in April 2003. Valeria became the third wife of Joseph Prigogine and, as he himself claims, his first true love. The couple has no children together. But Joseph Prigogine’s personal life has now become full and happy. The couple can often be seen on the covers of tabloids and at celebrity “parties”; Valeria has become a frequent heroine of Prigozhin’s Instagram.

Joseph Prigogine and Valeria

Shortly before their meeting, the producer acquired the nickname “Shrek”, since Prigogine is visually similar to this cartoon character. Prigozhin is well aware of this rumor, which he has shown to the public more than once, but neither the producer himself nor his wife are offended by this comparison. As Valeria told the press, she sees no reason for dissatisfaction; when she watched the cartoon, she realized that this is a positive and very interesting hero, comparison with which is not at all offensive. In 2014, while participating in the Exactly Exact project, Prigozhin took advantage of his resemblance and came out in a Shrek costume during Nikita Presnyakov’s performance, which delighted the audience.

Valeria and Joseph Prigozhin are raising three children from the singer’s previous marriage - Anna, Artem and Arseny Shulgin.

Children of Joseph Prigozhin from previous marriages and adopted children meet and communicate with each other.

Scandal with children

As it turned out, this communication was not ideal at all. In 2016, conflict broke out. Prigozhin’s first wife Elena and his daughter from his first marriage reproached the producer for paying too little attention ex-family. The culprit was named Valeria, who allegedly deliberately incites her husband against the children from his first marriage.

First wife of Joseph Prigogine

Joseph Prigogine really belongs to the first ex-wife much worse than the second one, with whom he parted as friends, but, as the man himself claims, this had no effect on the children. He became absolutely uninterested in the woman who spent all her time at home “doing nothing,” but he left his apartment to the children and supported him financially all his life. Joseph Prigogine himself even wonders how such a scandal turned out with his first wife, while he remained on warm friendly terms with his second wife.

Joseph Prigogine with his son and daughter

But the man considers the claims to be far-fetched. The producer always invested most of the money he earned in the education of children, both from his first marriage, and from his second, and adopted ones. The children visited with their star dad on vacation in different countries. Caring father I even tried to arrange for my daughter Danaya to study abroad, but her mother was categorically against it.

Prigozhin told the press that the reason for the scandal is not the children; Elena wants him to provide for her and uses the offspring as a source of income. And Joseph Igorevich does not want to finance at all beautiful life and young lovers of a stranger’s woman who has never worked anywhere. He refused to pay her millions of debts. But most of all, Prigozhin is worried about the children who, as a result of the manipulations of their mother and her boyfriend, may be left without housing, especially for Dana, who began to support all of Elena’s endeavors and take offense at any help to other children.

Danaya Prigozhina

She reproached the producer for actively promoting Anna Shulgina, Valeria’s daughter, while she was not. To this, Prigogine reminded the press that Anna has talent and specialized education, but Danae, alas, does not. When his daughter came to him with a request for promotion, the father simply asked who he could promote her as and received no answer. In addition, he hinted to the girl that to succeed in show business, given her height, she needed to weigh much less, and asked his daughter to play sports, prohibiting liposuction, which he considered harmful, especially in such a situation. at a young age. Then Danaya wrote several angry comments in in social networks about her father and came to the “House 2” project to prove that she herself could achieve success.

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