The most prestigious awards in the world. Who is the worst: “Golden Raspberry”, “Shnobel” and other anti-prizes What is the name of the anti-prize for the worst achievements

Ig Nobel Prize

For achievements that make you laugh and then think

The awards are presented by real Nobel Prize winners, only with fake noses and makeup, and the recipients' speaking time is limited by Little Miss Sweetie Poo, who after 60 seconds says “Please stop, I'm bored!”

Since 1991, at the behest of founder Mark Abrahams and the scientific publication Annals of Improbable Research, the Ig Nobel Prizes have been awarded along with the announcement of the laureates Nobel Prize. Rarely does an anti-Nobel award express criticism; more often, it draws attention to work with a funny worded topic or a funny subject of research. For example, the research of two Austrian researchers who used mathematical methods to determine whether Sultan Ismail the Bloodthirsty of Morocco may have fathered 888 children between 1697 and 1727.

The medal parodies the Nobel Prize

Russian citizens received Ig Nobel several times. For example, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chemist and crystallographer Yuri Struchkov received a literature prize for publishing 948 scientific works, that is, one at a time scientific article once every 4 days. In 2012, our compatriots received three Ig Nobels. The owner received the Peace Prize for the synthesis of nanodiamonds from old ammunition Russian company SKN Igor Petrov; a prize in physics (“for research on how to carry coffee correctly so as not to spill it”) was awarded to former citizen of the Russian Federation, scientist Ruslan Krechetnikov (together with the American Hans Mayer); The prize in the field of psychology went to Tulio Guadelupe from the Institute of Psycholinguistics of the city of Nijmegen, representing Russia and Peru, for his scientific work “From the left angle, the Eiffel Tower appears shorter.” In 2000, Andrei Geim, a native of the USSR, received the Ig Nobel Prize for his experiment with diamagnetic levitation (making a frog fly), and ten years later he was awarded the Nobel Prize for the practical production of graphene.

"Golden Raspberry"

For dubious achievements in the field of cinema

Sprawling and golden, just like the Oscars

The Golden Raspberry Awards were invented in 1981 by publicist John Wilson, author of a guide to the worst films. The name comes from the English slang expression (to) blow raspberry (tongue) - to snort in mockery by blowing into your protruding tongue. While the Oscars are drowning in tolerance and predictability, members of the Golden Raspberry Foundation, as they say, keep filmmakers in good shape. The 36th awards ceremony took place on February 27 on Broadway - as always, the day before the Oscars. As last year, nine failed nominations were diluted by the berry of mercy: the “redeeming raspberry” became an indulgence for the one who was able to bring his career out of a steep dive. Among the contenders were Night Shyamalan (for the film “The Visit”), Elizabeth Banks (for “Pitch Perfect 2”), Will Smith (role in “The Protector”). Sylvester Stallone received it for “Creed” (by the way, he was named the worst actor of the 20th century when summing up the film results of the century). Other favorites for the 36th Golden Raspberry ceremony included Jupiter Ascending and The Fantastic Four, but in the end, Fifty Shades of Gray took almost all the statuettes.

Runet Anti-Premium

For the brightest, unformatted and dubious projects of the Russian Internet

The informal anti-award was loved by users much more than its source - the Runet Prize, which, for example, did not award Pavel Durov for VKontakte, which is why he launched a DDoS attack on the site with a popular vote. The Runet Anti-Prize remains in the memory at least thanks to the nominations - risky, witty and surprisingly accurately showing key events. For example, in 2014, won in the “Not a Runet Cake” category, Meduza debuted in the “Bombanulo!” section, and “Lentach” became a leader in the “BDSMM and other PR poses” category. Sites that won the anti-award regularly found themselves under the yoke of Roskomnadzor: for example, “Lurkomorye” (winner of 2014 in the “Underground” category) and (nominee “Mom, I downloaded again in my sleep”), it is hardly possible in the same category note the social network “VKontakte”, where there is less and less pirated content, sidelong glances periodically catch the Kermlin Russia account (winner of the “Kitten named.GOV” nomination) and the public “The Decaying West” (“Fun of the Year”). The award did not survive until 2016.

Pigasus Award

For his contribution to the activities of pseudoscience and paranormal research

The Pigasus Award was created by James Randi, an illusionist, scientific skeptic and fighter against paranormal scammers. Back in the 1970s, Randy was involved with the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of Paranormal Activity. The Pigasus Award is another achievement of Randy's in the fight against sorcerers and psychics. The name Pigasus itself is a derivative of “Pegasus” and pig, referring to the expression “when pigs fly” (“when the crayfish whistles on the mountain”). The ceremony takes place on April 1, and the prize is a flying pig on a stand, “which the winner takes by telekinesis.” The award has five categories in total: the scientist who did the biggest stupid thing (in 2012 - Stanislaw Burzynski for selling an expensive cancer drug); organizations - for supporting parapsychological research (in the same year - Pumpkin Hollow Retreat Center for supporting the healing laying on of hands on the sick - “Therapeutic Touch”); The media - for asserting paranormal phenomena as facts; to the performer who fooled greatest number of people; and finally, an award “for the most desperate refusal to face reality.”

Bent Spoon Award

Australian Paranormal Folly Award

Bent spoon given to Australian charlatans

A special anti-award from the Australian Skeptics Society, named after Uri Geller, who allegedly bent spoons through telekinesis. The Bent Spoon Award was won in 2013 by the Australian Chiropractors Association, which refused to insure its members, and in 2014 by Dr Larry R Marshall, president of the government's scientific body CSIRO, for his support of dowsing. The latest Bent Spoon winner is Australian celebrity chef and TV presenter Pete Evans, who was nominated for his praise of the Paleo Diet, a diet based on the supposed ancient diet of people during the Paleolithic.

Bookseller/Diagram Prize for Oddest Title of the Year

For the strangest, funniest and most ridiculous book title

The definitive guide to farting on a date won an award in 2014, but it's not just the title that's outstanding - the book's theme deserves its own prize.

The idea for the prize came from The Bookseller magazine and publishers Diagram Group, who wanted to draw attention to the 1978 Frankfurt Book Fair. Since then, every year, with rare exceptions, a prize is awarded - a bottle of champagne or Bordeaux - to active readers who sent the strangest, funniest or most ridiculous title of a book that was published during the past year. The first nominee for the award was the non-fiction “Materials of the Second international conference by Naked Mice" (1978); Then the following books earned public recognition: “Madame as an Entrepreneur: Domestic Prostitution and Career Management” (1979), “Significant Moments in the History of Concrete” (1994), “The Joy of Sex. Pocket edition" (1997), "Knitting adventures with hyperbolic planes" (2009), "Managing dental clinic in Genghis Khan style" (2010) and many others. The most recent winner was Margaret Meps Schulte's Strangers Have the Best Candy (2015).

Bad Sex in Fiction Award

For Worst Erotic Scene in Literature

The winning scene features a "giggling snowball of total copulation" and a "sexually violent rollercoaster loop"

Until last year, the BSIFA prize was more of a local meme among readers of the Literary Review magazine, but in 2015, news of the award spread throughout the media when it was awarded to The Smiths singer Stephen Morrissey for his book The Lost List. The author described the plot of his book this way: “A team of American runners from the 70s accidentally kills another athlete, thus releasing a demon from him. This demon is the devil in the flesh, and every killer will die. But all this ends up being a ritual of exile, so the death at the very beginning of the book is just an illusion.” The author himself did not come to receive the prize in the form of a naked woman on an open book and did not comment on the situation.


Prize from the newspaper "Book Review" for dubious achievements in the field of book publishing

Not every anti-award has the budget for such a commemorative sculpture

It consists of a twice-broken pen in the shape of the letter Z on a stand, and is awarded in the nominations “Worst Proofreading”, “Worst Translation”, “Worst Editing” and “Full Paragraph” (for complete violation of all book publishing standards), and for “especially cynical crimes” against Russian literature" give "Honorable illiteracy". “Illiteracy” was once received by Andrei Fursenko for the education reform and by Konstantin Ernst with the formulation “as the physical embodiment of the largest rating share of television, which stupefies the common man, separating him from books and reading, from any manifestation of culture.” In addition to them, Anatoly Fomenko has “Paragraph” for “New Chronology” (2004) and Boris Akunin for the book “History of the Russian State. From origins to Mongol invasion"(2014).

Turnip Prize

Parody of the Turner Prize - for the worst works of contemporary art

Shortlisted work for 2011. Called First Class Mail by TeamGB

In response to the Turner Prize jury's controversial decisions, the Turnip Prize organizers say: "You can submit any work to us as long as it sucks." At the same time, the leitmotif of the anti-prize is the hypothesis: “We know that this sucks, but is it art?” Before the final decision, each candidate receives an assessment of his creation: “not enough effort” and “isn’t it crap?” - make it to the finals, and works with the ratings “tried too hard” and “not shit enough” are eliminated. The 2003 winner was James Timms with his work "Take a Leaf from My Chopstick" (raw chicken in leaves). In 2007, the turnip award went to Bracey Vermin with his work “Tea P”, which consisted of several soaked tea bags laid out in the shape of the letter P. This year the winner was the artist Bonksy and his work “Dismal And” - an homage to Banksy with his thematic Dismaland Park, is a piece of wood with a sad muzzle Winning work in the form of an ampersand.

Location London, Great Britain

Years 1999 - present

Golden Fleece Award (1975–1987)

For grant-eating and stupid research

The first prize in 1975 was received by the US National Science Foundation for spending $84,000 on a laboratory study of the phenomenon of love. Later, NSF would again be a Golden Fleece Award winner for analyzing the aggression of moonfish, one of which drank tequila and the other rum. The US Department of Defense received an award for spending $3,000 on research that showed that soldiers should use an umbrella when it rains; Ronald Reagan - for spending $15.5 million from taxpayers' pockets (the money was needed for the re-inauguration). The Golden Fleece Prize was established by the American Democratic politician William Proxmire and was awarded until 1987.

Location Washington, USA

Years 1975–1987

Doublespeak Award

For the most cunning political rhetoric

This anti-prize, established by the National Council of Teachers in English, awarded for the most ambiguous statement. The very first was given to US Air Force press attaché David Opfer for calling the bombings in South-East Asia"air support". In 1986, the winners were NASA contractors who tried to hide the meaning of the Challenger shuttle disaster. The explosion was called an "anomaly", the bodies of the dead astronauts were called "the squad returning to Earth", and the coffins were called "crew containers". Interestingly, in England there is its own analogue of the anti-premium called. Among the champions of absurdity there are Naomi Campbell (“I love England, especially your national food - nothing tastes better than pasta”), Silvio Berlusconi (“I am truthful quite often”) and Donald Trump for recalling McCain’s captivity in Vietnam (“He not a war hero. He was a hero because he was captured. And I love people who were not captured").

Darwin Award

For idiocy. Posthumously

American Larry Walters took a balloon flight

This is one of the most cruel, famous and funny anti-prizes. Awarded annually to persons who have died or been deprived of the opportunity to have children due to stupidity. It grew out of an ancient usenet forum launched on August 7, 1985. Eight years later, in 1993, biology student Wendy Northcutt created a Darwin Award website and, that same year, began compiling obituary books for “human lemmings.” For the selection, Northcutt was guided by five rules: the nominee must die or be sterilized as a result of his actions, self-harm must be as stupid as possible, the person must harm himself on his own, and be over 18 years old and mentally healthy; finally, the incident must be verified. In 2014, a posthumous prize was awarded to a young magician from Spain who tried to use his body as a conductor to light a light bulb in his hand; In 2015, the Darwin Prize was won by a woman from South Africa, who fell off a cliff while trying to take a selfie.

Stella Award(English: The TRUE Stella Awards) - a prize awarded annually for the most ridiculous judicial decision in the United States. It is named after Stella Liebeck, who spilled coffee on herself at a McDonald's restaurant in 1992 and subsequently sued the restaurant, where a jury awarded her $2.9 million in damages.

(Ignobel Prize, Anti-Nobel Prize, Ig Nobel Prize) - a parody of the Nobel Prize, where they are awarded for the most ridiculous and useless research. Ten Ig Nobel Prizes are awarded at the beginning of October, that is, at the time when the winners of the real Nobel Prize are named, and real applicants are presented with them. Nobel laureates, and the awards ceremony takes place at Harvard and is broadcast on American television and radio in several languages. The prize was founded by Mark Abrahams and the humor magazine Annals of Incredible Research in 1991.

Darwin Award("Darwin Awards") - a virtual prize awarded annually to individuals who have died or lost their reproductive function in the most stupid way and, as a result, have deprived themselves of the opportunity to contribute to the gene pool of humanity, thereby improving it. Required condition receiving the prize is the complete absence of direct descendants.

(English Golden Raspberry) is an anti-award created in 1981 by the American John Wilson, recognizing the worst acting, script, director, film song and film of the year. By tradition, the Golden Raspberry nominees are announced the day before the announcement of the Oscar nominees, and the laureates the day before the Oscar laureates. The prize is a plastic raspberry covered in gold spray paint, valued at $5.

« Silver galosh" - an award established by the radio " silver Rain", awarded "for the most dubious achievements in the field of show business." Established in 1996, the author of the idea of ​​the award was Pavel Vashchekin, the ceremony takes place annually.

Anti-premium " Glass bolt“was established in 2011 by blogger Ilya Varlamov and is awarded for stupid or harmful decisions of Moscow officials involved in the “development” of the city. The laureates are awarded the “Glass Bolt” figurine - a symbol of narrow-mindedness and crookedness. Since 2012, the award has been declared all-Russian

Chicken Chicken Award(eng. Chicken Little Award, named after the main character of the cartoon Walt Disney's Chicken Little), full name Chicken Little Award for exaggerated predictions of imminent destruction environment(eng. The "Chicken Little" Award for Exaggerated Predictions About the Impending Destruction of Our Environment) is a comic award established by the Center for National Concern at the same time as the Julian Simon Award, awarded for a sober look at the same problems.

Lantern Rouge(French: Lanterne rouge; red lantern) - cyclist who took last place in the overall standings of the Tour de France; also the name of the prize awarded to that athlete. The name comes from the red lantern on the last carriage of the train.

World Stupidity Award- an award founded in 2003 to reward the most outstanding achievements in the field of stupidity and ignorance. The award was sponsored by the Just for Laughs comedy festival. The 2005 ceremony was held on July 22 in Montreal.

Literary anti-prize "Paragraph" has been awarded since the fall of 2001 in four categories: “Worst Proofreading”, “Worst Translation”, “Worst Editing” and “Full Paragraph” (for complete violation of all book publishing standards). For “particularly cynical crimes against Russian literature” an “Honorary Illiteracy” is awarded. “Winners” are determined by a special expert advice based on reader opinions sent to the editorial office of the newspaper “Book Review”.

Everyone knows about the most prestigious award in the field of cinema - the Oscar. But in this article I would like to talk about anti-premiums, i.e. prizes for the worst or dubious achievements. So, the 8 most popular anti-premiums.

Anti-Prizes of the World

1. Ig Nobel Prize(Anti-Nobel Prize) - The Prize was established by Mark Abrahams and the humor magazine Annals of Incredible Research in 1991. This prize is awarded for dubious achievements. This prize is presented at the beginning of October each year by actual Nobel laureates, and the award ceremony takes place at Harvard.

2. Stella Prize - This prize is awarded for the most ridiculous court decision in the United States. It is named after Stella Liebeck, who in 1992 doused herself with hot coffee from McDonald's and sued him, thereby suing the fast food company for $2.9 million.

3. Golden Raspberry – anti-award, anti-Oscar. The award is given for achievements in the field of cinema. It was founded back in 1981 by American John Wilson. The nominations for this award are announced the day before the Oscars.

4. Silver Galosh - Russian anti-award in the field of show business. The award was established by Radio Silver Rain in 1996.

5. Darwin Award - An unofficial award for the most ridiculous death (or at least for the most ridiculous loss of reproductive function). The prize is awarded to people who died in the most ridiculous way, thereby leaving no offspring behind, thereby purifying the gene pool of humanity.

6. “Glass Bolt” Award - established in 2011 by blogger Ilya Varlamov and awarded to Russian officials for the most idiotic and ridiculous decisions in terms of developing the city of Moscow. In 2012, the award became officially all-Russian.

7. Latern Rouge - the prize is awarded to the cyclist who takes the very last place in the Tour de France race. Translated as “Red Lantern”, this award is named after the red lantern on the last carriage of the train.

8. Paragraph – Literary anti-prize. Created in 2001 and awarded in the following categories: “Worst Proofreading”, “Worst Translation”, “Worst Editing” and “Full Paragraph” (for complete violation of all book publishing standards). “Honorary Certificates” are also awarded.

We are accustomed to prizes being awarded for certain achievements and merits. But unfortunately, the examples that individuals or organizations set are not only positive, but also negative.

In contact with


And some part of society also considers it necessary to celebrate some of the most striking of such negative examples, not so that others will repeat them, of course, but vice versa. This post contains a list of the most famous “anti-prizes”, i.e. prizes that are awarded for dubious, stupid and harmful actions and “achievements”.

Darwin Award
Perhaps the most indisputable anti-premium. After all, it is awarded to those who, due to their own stupidity, died or lost the opportunity to have offspring and thereby removed their genes from the gene pool of humanity. The name of the award hints at the principle natural selection, formulated by Darwin - for the development of a species, the best must survive, and the worst, including the stupidest, must die. For more than a dozen years, the prize has been awarded (mostly posthumously) to many people who have passed away in the most ridiculous ways. For example, in 1996 the prize winner was Krzysztof Azninski, 30 years old, from Poland. Together with friends, Krzysztof celebrated his fast wedding. When one of the guests suggested that everyone strip naked and “go crazy for the last time,” everyone immediately agreed. At first, the guys ran after each other with frozen turnips in their hands and tried to hit their partner as hard as possible. However, then someone came across a chainsaw. Krzysztof's future best man grabbed her and declared that he would show her what real men could do. Before the friends had time to look back, he turned on the saw and cut off his foot. This is where it comes finest hour Krzysztof himself. With a cry “Just think - a leg, this is nonsense! Is it so weak? he cut off his own head in the blink of an eye. “It’s all strange,” one of Krzysztof’s friends later recalled. “As a child, he loved to wear his underwear.” older sister. And how he died a real man».

Ig Nobel Prize
The most famous of the awards for dubious scientific achievements. It's easy to guess from the title that it parodies the Nobel Prize. The prize has been awarded since 1991 and many not only British scientists, but also scientists from other countries have become its laureates. Interestingly, the prize is officially awarded at Harvard, the prize is presented by real Nobel laureates, and the ceremony is broadcast on American television. For example, one of the prizes in the field of probability theory was awarded by the organizing committee of the Ig Nobel Prize to a team from the Scottish Agricultural College. They found that “the longer a cow lies down, the more likely it is that she will get up soon.” There is no inverse relationship - “it is impossible to easily predict when a standing cow will lie down again.” In experiments, scientists were not content visual assessment, sensors were attached to the cow's legs to record the time the cows spent lying down and standing.

Stella Award
An award given to the dumbest court decisions or lawsuits in the United States. The award was named after Stella Liebeck, who, after buying hot coffee at McDonald's, spilled it on herself and then filed a lawsuit against the company because she was not warned that the coffee was hot and could get burned. Then the court made a decision obliging the company to pay almost $3 million in compensation for damage caused. Since American citizens love to litigate, and the US judicial system is full of miracles, there are plenty of nominations for the award. Among the people awarded the Stella Prize, for example, are the following. A certain lady was driving in her car along a snowy road when a pedestrian suddenly ran out onto the road. Not having time to stop the car in time, the woman hit the poor guy, who later died before her eyes. A few days later, the lady sued the widow of the pedestrian she hit, demanding compensation. moral damage. She stated that she peace of mind an irreparable blow was dealt when she watched the death throes of the deceased, and that for these sufferings she was entitled to compensation from the widow. Another American woman went to the store and decided to buy a coffee maker. Four coffee makers in boxes stood on a shelf, one on top of the other in a column. The woman pulled out the lowest box. Of course, the top three boxes immediately fell on her. She sued the store for failing to warn her that if she removed the bottom box, the top boxes could fall on her and cause her physical harm.

"Golden Raspberry"
A popular “anti-award” in the cinema industry. It traditionally marks the most dubious achievements in the field of cinematography over the past year. This award is a parody of the Oscars and is awarded in 11 categories. Every ten years, “outstanding” films of the decade are awarded, and in 2005, the 25th anniversary award ceremony took place, during which the worst films and actors for the entire existence of the “anti-award” were highlighted. Until 2008, the record for the number of collected raspberries was held by the films “Battlefield: Earth” and “Show Girls” - each of them was “lucky” to grab 7 awards. In 2008, the film “I Know Who Killed Me” broke the record - 8 awards out of 9 nominations. The unsurpassed actor in terms of the number of awards received to date is Sylvester Stallone, who has collected over his long career creative life 10 awards.

"Silver Galosh"
Russian “anti-prize”, established in 1996 by the radio “Silver Rain”. It is awarded annually for the most dubious achievements in the field of show business. Since its inception, many people have become laureates of the award. famous artists, officials and politicians.

Another “anti-prize”, which since 2001 has been awarded for the most dubious “achievements” in the field of book printing. It is awarded in four main categories and one additional: “Worst Proofreading”, “Worst Translation”, “Worst Editing” and “Full Paragraph” (for complete violation of all book publishing standards), and for “particularly cynical crimes against Russian literature”, in As a bonus prize, an “Honorary Certificate” is awarded. The “laureates” are determined by a special expert council based on reader opinions sent to the editorial office of the Knizhnoe Obozrenie newspaper.

Runet Anti-Premium
Russian independent award for alternative achievements in the field of Runet - both positive and dubious - “as opposed to” the Runet Prize. The Runet Anti-Prize is awarded to both Internet projects and individuals who, for some reason, were bypassed by official competitions, awards and prizes.

Glass Bolt Award
Established in 2011 by blogger Ilya Varlamov and awarded to Russian officials for the most idiotic and ridiculous decisions in terms of developing the city of Moscow. In 2012, the award became officially all-Russian.

Latern Rouge
The award is given to the cyclist who finishes last in the Tour de France. Translated as “Red Lantern”, this award is named after the red lantern on the last carriage of the train.

What is the Ig Nobel Prize awarded for? For the funniest inventions and research of scientists, which are sometimes brought to the point of complete absurdity. This award is the opposite of the Nobel Prize. Let's look at the most interesting cases of the latest awards, as well as original moments from past ceremonies.

What do you get for an Ig Nobel Prize?

The 27th ceremony took place at Harvard University. As you know, the award is awarded for achievements that are dubious and fake from a scientific point of view. The winner receives 10 trillion Zimbambwean dollars, which, due to crazy inflation, have long been withdrawn from circulation. It is worth noting that in 2009 in Zimbabwe, a loaf of bread cost 50 trillion. In addition, each participant receives one minute to public speaking. This time the winners were interrupted by a little girl, who said that they were boring and uninteresting.


In this category, Marc Antoine Fardine won, stating that cats can exist not only in their usual state, but also take on solid, liquid and gaseous configurations. According to the scientist, the ability to fill vessels with cats refers to the parameters of a liquid, and the complete coverage of the volume is included among the criteria of a gas.

Peace Prize category

In this part, viewers were treated to a statement no less interesting than a treatise on the rheology of cats. The “award” went to a team of scientists who announced the discovery of a new method of treating snoring. This know-how became the original musical instrument- didgeridoo. According to months of research by a group of enthusiasts, playing this device can provide restful sleep for snorers after four months of using the product. The didgeridoo itself is a hollow trunk eucalyptus tree, used by the Australian Aborigines as a kind of wind instrument.

Biology and hydrodynamics

Here the palm went to Charles Foster and Thomas Thwaites. The Ig Nobel Prize was awarded to these scientists for their attempt to transform into an Alpine goat. For three days, Thomas grazed in the meadows, using special prosthetics to bring the conditions as close as possible to the life of an artiodactyl animal. It is worth noting that Foster also transformed into animals. He, in the role of a fox, dug into trash cans, slept in the gardens. The purpose of the study is to get rid of stress state created by modern civilization, and a better understanding of animal life.

Among the funniest Ig Nobel prizes is the award that was received by scientists from Korea and the United States. Their research consisted of studying the most convenient way to transport coffee. It turned out that it is best to carry the drink, so as not to spill it, in a wine glass (while walking quickly). Slow movement involves the use of a standard cup, and the most effective method- covering the mug with your palm, while walking backwards.

Medicine and obstetrics

In the Ig Nobel Prize, the funniest victories were in medicine and obstetrics. For example, neuroscientists from France presented evidence that there is an area in the human brain that is responsible for the love of cheese. According to their theory, in people who categorically do not perceive cheese, this part of the brain looks like a pallidum and a substantia nigra.

A Spanish group of scientists conducted an equally interesting study. According to its results, a child in the mother's womb perceives musical works much better if they are played in the vagina. Moreover, a device for such manipulation has already been patented.

Anatomy and economics

After “liquid” cats, the Ig Nobel Prize in the field of anatomy went to British scientists. This time the object of study was large ears in older people. It turned out that after thirty years this organ begins to grow again. Moreover, this happens more actively in men than in women, which is explained by several objective reasons.

As for economics, two scientists from Australia have proven that the interaction between a crocodile and a person (direct contact) increases the degree of gambling of a person. As an experiment, those who wished were allowed to hold the reptile in their hands, after which the player’s style of play changed, unless, of course, he experienced discomfort and fear during contact with the alligator.

Food sector

Marc Antoine Fardine presented the theory of liquid cats, and scientists from Latin America studied bats. It turns out that these animals have human DNA. It's about about a specific type of flying rodent, the so-called “vampires”. The presence of human cells is associated with disruption of animal habitats as a result of urbanization. In connection with these, the “flyers” are forced to feed on “human flesh”.

Ig Nobel Prize: the funniest facts about famous people

In 2013, the award in question went to President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. He was awarded the prize due to the fact that, in order to avoid violations of public order and undermine the authority of the country, he passed a law prohibiting loud applause in public places. The authorities took these measures in response to protests and discontent among the population of the republic. The punishment was a fine or 15 days of arrest. One of the most persistent violators Under this law, a one-armed disabled person was required to pay a fine of $200.

Back in 1993, the Ig Nobel Prize winner was Robert Feid, who, using mathematical calculations, determined the likelihood of how Gorbachev could be the Devil himself. The probability was 1 in 710,609,175,188,282,000.

In addition to the theory about the rheology of cats, scientists received the Ig Nobel Prize for equally absurd projects. Among them:

  1. The award in question was awarded posthumously to Egyptian scientist Ahmed Shafik. The researcher put panties made of different materials on rats and came to the conclusion that the sexual activity of rodents decreases if they wear underwear with the addition of synthetics.
  2. Professor Mark Avis from New Zealand received the Ig Nobel Prize in Economics. He got it for his work, in which he argued that stones have a distinct personality. This presentation came into the economics field due to criticism of the popular marketing theory of Jennifer Aaker, the main idea of ​​which was that the user perceives trademark, like a celebrity, relating brand recognition to his personality. As a result, Aaker's theory was completely destroyed.
  3. Christoph Helmen and his colleagues received the Ig Nobel Award in the field of medicine. Scientists have found that if a person has something itchy on the right side, he needs to go to the mirror and scratch a similar place on the left.
  4. The winner in the Psychology category was the Belgian Evelyn Daby, who studied the influence of age on the ability to lie. The subjects deliberately told lies, after which the speed with which they did so was assessed. It turned out that over the years, lying is not so easy, and the most skillful liars are teenagers.
  5. A pair of paleontologists from North America (B. Krendel and P. Stahl) examined the remains of Paleozoic inhabitants. In the process, they decided to pour boiling water over an ancient petrified shrew, after which they swallowed it without chewing it. The purpose of the experiment is to study excrement in order to understand which parts of the chitinous shell and bones of the animal are not subject to the digestion process.
  6. The president of the Japanese Security and Investigation Agency, Takeshi Makino, developed a special gel. It made it possible to determine whether a husband was cheating on his wife. To do this, it was enough to spray the spray on the man’s underwear. After contact with seminal fluid, the aerosol turned bright green, confirming the fact of treason.
  7. One received the Schnobel Prize for providing evidence of why some people experience terrible discomfort when chalk or a fingernail squeaks on a blackboard. It turned out that the increased volume of this sound resembles the cries of chimpanzees, warning of danger.
  8. The work of Michael Smith is no less entertaining. He decided to find out which parts of the body react most painfully to a bee sting. To do this, he placed insects on his organs. It turned out that the most vulnerable was the genital organ, as well as the nostrils and upper lip.

In conclusion

One of the strangest competitions in the world is the Ig Nobel Prize. Liquid cats is one of the sections that is considered the most extraordinary and funny achievement of 2017. If you study all the nominations for different years, then among the laureates of this award, almost all scientists have some oddities that are incomprehensible to ordinary people and more serious colleagues.

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