Tree pump in Australia. Eucalyptus tree. Where does eucalyptus grow

Well, what other tree, if not miraculous, could be born on amazing land Green Continent. Eucalyptus has now settled all over the world, but nowhere is it loved as much as at home.

Well, what other tree, if not wonderful, could be born on the amazing land of the Green Continent. Eucalyptus has now settled all over the world, but nowhere is it loved as much as at home. Koalas, of course, have special feelings for him, which do not take anything else but the leaves of this pump tree in their mouths. It is both food and water for them.

These trees are called pumps for their exceptional ability to absorb moisture - they not only consume it in large quantities, but also evaporate it. An adult tree can “suck” and evaporate more than 300 liters of water per day (for comparison, birch is only 40). Therefore, eucalyptus trees are often planted in swampy areas for drainage. And then something useful can be made from wood.

Eucalyptus wood is wonderful - dense, smooth, resinous and heavy (heavier than water), almost does not rot. Sheathing for ships, supports for bridges, handles of carpentry tools are often made from it. Excellent paper is obtained from the bark.

But you won’t wait for the shadow from the miracle tree. Even under the largest representatives (and they are truly gigantic - up to 100 meters in height and up to 20 meters in girth) you can’t hide from the heat - its leaves always turn edge to the sun, apparently, they are afraid of burns. But in such a forest it is light and easy to breathe - the air is filled with the fresh smell of essential oils. And they are known to kill various harmful bacteria. True, for this, the leaves must still be processed, the disinfected air of eucalyptus forests is most likely a myth.

Australians respect eucalyptus for its unusual love of life - frequent fires that occur in the country's dry climate are not able to destroy green spaces. Eucalyptus trees crack in the fire, and after a few days, shoots begin to grow violently from the cracks (the olive was revered by the Greeks for about the same properties). And some botanists claim that in a number of species of eucalyptus, the fruits do not burst unless a fire occurs. That is, they do not just endure fire, they simply need it.

In Australia and Tasmania, there are several hundred species of eucalyptus - scientists have not yet decided how many. According to some sources - 150, in others their number reaches 800. But no matter how many different types eucalyptus trees did not grow on the hot land of the Green Continent, all of them will enjoy the attention and ardent affection of the locals.

Of course, the most correct solution for draining the soil of a garden or garden plot is drainage device . Especially when we are talking about about landscape design and site design is not a question at all. By the way, I have a good article about this on my personal website, with a description of the most proven methods for arranging drainage in garden and summer cottages. If anyone wants, they can read “How to dry a summer cottage?” .

But sometimes there is such a situation when it is simply impossible to perform ideal drainage, for example there is no way to divert groundwater due to the built-up area or, as often happens, lack of finance. And I want to decorate the site, and at the same time it’s nice to have a garden on the site, or at least fruit-bearing shrubs.
In this case, well-known ornamental or fruit plants can come to our rescue. For example, using eucalyptus saved the area of ​​Pitsunda in Abkhazia from swamps and mosquitoes. Of course, eucalyptus does not grow here, but it turns out that there are many other plants with which you can dry and at the same time .

Maple Tatar - photo.

We will focus on the middle lane, what is suitable for it is naturally suitable for more southern regions.
About poplars, of course, you all know that poplar is eucalyptus for middle lane Russia, but Lately and, probably, rightly they began to refuse it, because of the huge amount of fluff during the flowering period, and where there is fluff, there is an allergy. There are also pyramidal poplars, but the shadows from them are smaller and they grow very quickly and at the same time have a low-lying root system. They dry quickly and very often fall even with weak gusts of wind, while damaging our property. Therefore, we will forget about poplars. I advise you to plant only those lucky ones who have a river in their garden. Ordinary poplar strengthens well coastline and creates . Naturally, poplar is not suitable for our garden plots of six acres, its crown can cover a couple of acres.

And now about those plants that are ideal for draining the backyard.

The birch is fluffy.

If you have household plot perfect water drink for him downy birch. A couple of three trees planted at the bottom of the site or a water outlet on the site and the problem of flooding from spring to autumn will be solved. Although root system birch is very developed, the roots do not penetrate deep into the soil, so the trees can be subjected to windblow. Downy birch is the most cold-resistant of birches.
Please note that in the article I have already mentioned local drainage for the second time, if general drainage is not possible, or it is not possible to divert groundwater outside the site, anyway, the site must be planned with a slight slope and local drainage should be drawn to the lowest point. And at the place planned for planting, which will help you drain the soil, arrange drainage well, its optimal dimensions are 3x3 meters. It is even better if there are several such wells, they will be connected by a pipe system and a tree is planted near each.

Pits for planting trees for draining the site, it is also necessary to prepare a little differently than during a normal landing. As I already mentioned, the root system of trees for draining the site is very well developed and lies at a depth of 60-80 cm. In this regard, the planting pit for plants used in draining the site should be a meter per meter in size and also at least 0.8 meters deep. . The lower part of the landing pit should be 50 centimeters filled with a large stone, the simplest and cheapest of all is a slab, interspersed with the ground, the stone (but not the brick) will become a support for the roots and create additional drainage. This method of planting trees used to drain the site should be followed for any plants.

Maple red.

For draining and at the same time decorating a personal plot in landscape design, it is also used alder, larch, ash and Tatar maple. A separate page is dedicated to each of these plants on the site, you can go to it by clicking on the corresponding highlighted word. I will dwell in more detail only on the ash tree at the end of the article, I have a separate story associated with it with landscape design.

What fruit plants for draining the soil are best planted in the garden?

There is only one contender here - plum. Despite this, the plum has so many subspecies that you can easily choose the right one for your garden. Do not forget that the main thing is not the variety or variety of plum, but the stock on which it is grafted. It is the roots that grow in the soil and react to it.
But since an ordinary gardener who purchases plants in a nursery, and most often from his hands, does not have the opportunity to influence the stock, let's do it easier. Just trust my experience and take for granted what is best renklody drain the soil, but they are also more demanding on the soil, so you will achieve successful growth and abundant fruiting of the plum by planting it using the technology described above.


But the least worries and a wonderful harvest of fruits gives thorn plum . There are also a huge number of varieties, the trees are compact, they can be planted three meters apart. At the same time, the thorn plum practically does not suffer from pests, unlike the usual plum. And of course, cherry plum is suitable for completely lazy summer residents. Her modern views have rather large and tasty fruits, unlike those that we are used to seeing everywhere.

And now about best plants, about which in Rus' they compose fairy tales and sing songs. weeping willow. It is suitable for any site, whether it be a garden, a summer residence or a personal plot. The weeping willow can look like a tree or shrub and has over 600 species and varieties. Some varieties of willow, under certain conditions, grow only 20 cm high. That is why weeping willow is considered the best of the plants that help drain the soil and at the same time it easily fits into any landscaping project.

And finally, as promised, a story about an ash tree, from the life of a landscape designer. .

Eucalyptus is an evergreen tree with about a hundred varieties. The most famous are: iridescent, spherical, large and regal, growing up to 100 meters.

Eucalyptus grows in Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania. They have the property of retaining moisture by turning the leaves edgewise towards the sunlight.

The leaves of the eucalyptus tree have high healing properties, they also serve as food for the Australian marsupial - the koala.

Description of eucalyptus

These amazing trees many unusual features. So on the same tree, leaves grow on different branches various shapes. On young branches, soft bluish-colored leaves are rounded, covered with a waxy layer. On older branches, the leaves are rigid, oblong in shape. What do these leaves do? in an unusual way. They are always turned edge to the sun. Therefore, it is not surprising that a big tree, seemingly with a powerful crown, gives little shade. Thanks to this ability, eucalyptus can retain moisture absorbed for a long time. And it takes quite a lot of moisture, it's a real water pump. One such tree can absorb more than 300 liters of moisture during the day. And for the year this water drink drinks more than 100 tons of water. Because of these properties, this tree is often used in land reclamation.

Eucalyptus is an evergreen plant, but once a year it changes its bark. After a hot summer, in March, the bark that has dried up over the summer turns brown, it moves away from the wood of the trunk in bubbles, curls up and falls to the ground in tatters. After that, its trunk becomes smooth and shines with various colors of the rainbow. Depending on the species, after the “corolla”, eucalyptus trunks can be white, green, yellow, blue and red. This species is called rainbow eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus forests are the habitat of very cute animals - the koala. They feed exclusively on the leaves of this tree. It is known that its leaves are quite poisonous, because they contain hydrocyanic acid. But it turns out that this poison has almost no effect on the koala. Then they are specialists in eucalyptus and choose different types of trees in different seasons, at a time when hydrocyanic acid is contained in them in a minimal amount. Well, and then the koala is, in fact, a bear, albeit a marsupial. So he doesn't care.

In the fourth, fifth year of life, eucalyptus blooms. And it blooms very peculiarly. First, a rigid rounded box appears on a separate pedicel, at the end of which there is a bottom. As the box grows, it increases in size and stiffens. Then the bottom falls off and a lush flower tassel appears from the box, consisting of hair stamens. Different types of flowers different color: white, yellow, pink and bright red. Flowers have a light pleasant aroma.

After flowering, fruits are formed in place of the flower. In different types of eucalyptus, the fruits differ in shape, but most often they look like small bells, but closed from below. These bells contain seeds. Seeds ripen for a long time, a whole year, but can persist for several years.

Where does eucalyptus grow?

Of the huge number of trees growing on earth, several species are striking in their huge size, their height reaches 100 meters or more. One of these "green giants" can rightfully be considered eucalyptus.

homeland of this interesting plant— Australia. At home it evergreen tree has over a hundred varieties. Australia is a large continent and it has almost all climatic zones, and each zone has its own eucalyptus trees.

This is a stunted shrub that grows in the arid climate of the desert regions of Central Australia, these are gnarled, unsightly-looking trees in mountainous regions, this is a gigantic, regal and spherical eucalyptus species of great height that can only live in the humid climate of the subtropics. These majestic trees, with ideally even trunks and luxurious crowns, are truly a miracle of nature.

Eucalyptus is a very fast growing tree. In one year alone, this tree grows almost 5 meters. Moreover, it grows both in height and in breadth. Of course, to compete in height with the American Sequoia, the most big tree on earth today, eucalyptus is difficult. In California, USA. a sequoia grows with the name Hyperion, whose height, according to 2006, is 115.61 m. But nevertheless, in Australian Tasmania there is a eucalyptus whose height is 92 m.

Medicinal properties

People have long noticed that it is very easy to breathe in eucalyptus forests. This is due to the fact that eucalyptus leaves emit volatile phytoncides, a kind of volatile antibiotics that consist of organic substances with a strong antimicrobial effect. Phytoncides secreted by the leaves have a beneficial effect primarily on the respiratory system, they give people vigor and health. Empirically, it was found that the main components with healing properties are essential oils contained in the leaves and young shoots. These medicinal properties began to be actively used and now eucalyptus oil is used as part of various medicines such as: pectusin, inhalipt, efkamon, ingacamf, as well as various aerosols and cough tablets. In addition, the leaves are harvested and sold in pharmacies for the preparation of tinctures and decoctions at home. There is probably no such person who would not experience the healing properties of eucalyptus inhalation for colds.

Quite often, eucalyptus brooms are used for colds in baths. This is a very effective tool that helps very often at once. For sore throat or runny nose, it is enough to hold a steamed broom near your face and breathe through your nose for 4-5 minutes. Quilting with such a broom is not very convenient, the leaves are long and the branches are thin. It is better to weave eucalyptus branches into a birch or oak broom.

Although it has been proven in practice that eucalyptus preparations have practically no side effects and contraindications, but in some cases allergic reactions or individual hypersensitivity may occur. Very rarely, skin irritation may occur when applied externally.

Therefore, before starting treatment, it is better to check individual sensitivity to this remedy. In addition, it is not advisable to use eucalyptus preparations inside children under the age of 2 years, as well as adults with impaired renal and hepatic functions, with bronchial asthma, and bronchospasm. It is better to refrain from using them for children with whooping cough. During pregnancy, these drugs should be used with extreme caution. It is advisable to consult an aromatherapist first.

Essential eucalyptus oils are very widely used in the perfume industry. They contain in their composition aromatic substances such as: citronellal, limonene and geraniol, which have very pleasant smells. With their help, stable aromas of rose, lemon and many others are easily reproduced. These cosmetics are absolutely harmless and constantly enjoy great popularity. Detergents: Soaps, scrubs, shampoos, gels with eucalyptus extract are an excellent remedy for many scalp problems. And shampoo-creams with a detox effect practically cleanse the hair of any contaminants, up to tobacco smoke.

You can often hear the question: Is it possible to grow eucalyptus at home? Why not?

Eucalyptus trees propagate by seeds that are naturally dispersed by the wind. But for many years they have been grown not just anywhere, but where a person needs it. These are mostly resort areas. And not only in Australia, but in many countries of the world. Artificially planted eucalyptus groves create an excellent health-improving environment. And in conjunction with sea ​​air staying in such places gives the maximum healing effect for vacationers. Such groves can be successfully used for other purposes. For example, in Israel, several such artificial forests were planted to protect against frequent artillery attacks from Palestine. They grew very quickly and became a real green protective wall.

Well, at home in our climate zone eucalypts are grown mainly in winter gardens, in extreme cases, just in a large pot like any other house plants. Usually in any flower shops you can buy either seeds or ready-made seedlings. By transplanting them into flowerpots, you can create a real paradise with a healing bias in your apartment or house.

Thanks to the emitted phytoncides, your home will always have the cleanest healing air, and will always be at hand. fresh leaves eucalyptus, which can be useful for rinsing or for inhalation. In addition, neither flies nor ants tolerate the smell of eucalyptus. Eucalyptus growing in the house does not require special care, and it looks quite nice.

Last year I went with my boyfriend to rest in. We just rented an apartment, so there was no all-inclusive. But we explored everything Black Sea coast wherever the train could take us. We even got to. But most of all I remember the Sochi arboretum. Especially cable car! A unique feeling when you "float" over the raging green sea. It was there for the first time in my life that I saw a huge live eucalyptus, not his nasty gargle.

Australian eucalyptus - natural pump

He hails from Australia, but as I said, these trees (imported) can also be found in our native lands, near our closest neighbors in Abkhazia or in distant France, Africa and America. In general, wherever it is warm and swampy enough, because it is precisely for the high water consumption that this tree is called a “natural pump” (one eucalyptus is capable of evaporating up to 180 liters of water per day). The evergreen eucalyptus myrtle family and can reach 150 meters high. His Latin name"Eucalyptus" translates as "well hidden" - this is due to the buds being completely hidden in green "capsules" until the very beginning of flowering. And from the eucalyptus, the bark regularly falls off in such tatters, and the tree looks like a huge cat has sharpened its claws on it.


Eucalyptus trees have found application not only in draining the area. Due to the fact that they have dense, durable wood, this type of wood is used in shipbuilding, for the manufacture of sleepers and beams and other products that require increased strength. Eucalyptus leaves contain a large number of essential oils (up to 5%), this determines its antiseptic properties. Most for use in medical The following types are suitable for purposes:

  • eucalyptus spherical (Eucalyptus globulus);
  • ash eucalyptus (Eucalyptus cinerea);
  • eucalyptus rod-shaped (Eucalyptus viminalis).

Due to such a high content of active substances, the tree poisonously for all kinds of animals. Only koalas able to feed on eucalyptus leaves, their digestion and metabolism are slow, it is this delay that allows their body to cope with the "poison".

And also - this is the first tree that I managed to smell at a distance of several meters. It was not the flowers that smelled, as happens with poles, but the whole tree!

Eucalyptus - the Latin name Eucalyptus - is a tall, fast-growing species of trees and shrubs. homeland of the green giants flora is the most small continent- Australia and the islands closest to the mainland. Europeans brought the evergreen eucalyptus (tree) to France in the middle of the 19th century for growing in gardens, and dwarf forms in greenhouses. Since then, these green skyscrapers, natural pumps and a thunderstorm of microbes have spread around the world.

Plant that changes skin

On Earth, there are not many representatives of the flora that are freed from the bark on their own. The Russian writer V. Soloukhin was struck by this fact when he was vacationing in the Caucasus. He remarked that the eucalyptus is a tree "forever rejuvenating". also capable of shedding the bark on its own. For this feature, the tree is popularly called "shameless".

Powerful and durable trunks are widely used, healing essential oil, leaves that eucalyptus (tree) does not shed. The description of this includes many interesting details. For example, the outer layer of the crust crumbles in March, when autumn sets in in the southern hemisphere. Then the trunks and branches of eucalyptus trees become gray, greenish, yellow, sometimes bluish.

Description of eucalyptus

The leaves of the tree are opposite and alternate, and their size depends on age. The main features of the leaf apparatus are the integral form of the plate, the presence of intercellular glands with essential oil. Mature leaves are lanceolate, with a pointed tip. The length is 12 cm, width - 2.5 cm. At a young age, they have a more pronounced silver tint, rounded or

Eucalyptus is a tree that does not give shade, because the leaf blades turn edge towards the sun. White flowers - bisexual, collected in umbellate or paniculate inflorescences, there are also single ones. The sepals fuse with the ovary, and the petals become woody, resulting in the formation of a fruit - a box with a lid. Inside are small seeds that spill out when the valves open.

Genus "Eucalyptus"

Flowering evergreen trees and shrubs belong to the myrtle family. In Australia, in the last century, 90% of natural plantations were eucalyptus forests. There are about 700 species that unite the genus Eucalyptus, most of them come from Australia, only 15 owe their origin to the islands of Oceania.

For over 100 years, eucalyptus (tree) has been cultivated in tropical and temperate latitudes, on Africa and America. Several heat-loving species that are grown in the Mediterranean, the United States, Brazil, the Middle East, and China have become widespread. Eucalyptus includes:

  • rod-shaped;
  • almond;
  • ball;
  • ashen.

They do not have a strong aroma, but they attract bees. These nectar and pollen collectors in Australia prefer eucalyptus. Essential oils of different types of eucalyptus are used in alternative and official medicine, used in perfumery, cosmetology. The leaves of these amazing Australian plants also have medicinal properties.

Eucalyptus is the tallest tree in the world

Trees are characterized by rapid, rapid growth. You can find quite large specimens that have reached only ten years of age. Here are some amazing facts:

  • almond eucalyptus already in the first few years of life grows up to 3 m with a trunk thickness of up to 6 cm;
  • trees under natural conditions can have a height of 12 m in 5 years, a thickness of up to 20 cm, old specimens are known with a height of more than 150 m (30 m reaches such a girth;
  • the height (eucalyptus) of the trunk at the age of 20 is usually 30-40 m;
  • genetically modified trees reach 27-30 m in height by 5-6 years.

The famous Russian naturalist writer K. Paustovsky compared eucalyptus and conifers. It turns out that at the age of five it is amazing plant yields more wood than spruce or fir at 120 years of age.

The benefits of a "green skyscraper"

The height of a eucalyptus tree at 20 years old is the size of a 15-storey building. Fully mature and ready for industrial felling planting at the age of 25-30 years. By the age of 40, trees can be taller and thicker than bicentennial oaks. From eucalyptus get paper, cardboard. world fame received its hard and durable wood, comparable in quality to black walnut. It almost does not rot, sinks in water, repels wood-boring insects.

Eucalyptus trunks are used where the durability of the material is needed. Piles of straight and smooth trees will stand in sea ​​water two decades without signs of decay. Wood various breeds unequally colored, different in texture. Yellow, olive, white and reddish tones predominate, which are especially appreciated in the furniture industry and building decoration.

transgenic trees

It is difficult to light eucalyptus wood, but the coal obtained from it is of high quality. Biotechnology departments of industrial companies have created genetically modified specimens that grow 40% faster even in dense plantings, produce more wood and coal. Plantations of transgenic plants - eucalyptus, pine, poplar, papaya and other fruits, rapeseed, soybeans, vegetables - occupy all more space on the ground. Their experimental cultivation has been carried out since the 1980s in different countries. With the help of these plants, food and raw material problems can be solved, and the ever-increasing world demand for energy can be satisfied.

For more than 10 years, Israeli biotechnologists have been studying the possibilities of industrial cultivation of GMO trees of eucalyptus and poplar. The mass introduction of such commercial plantings is restrained only by laws in the field of biological safety. They regulate the scope of circulation of transgenic products, but are not accepted in all countries.

The consequences of the introduction of GMOs have not been sufficiently studied, but it is already clear that transgenic eucalyptus trees are more resistant to pests and can have an unaccounted impact on the soil and living organisms. Possible consequences associated with in ecosystems. Eucalyptus and poplar spread pollen over a wide area, live for decades, so the harmful effects last longer.

What can be dangerous modified eucalyptus (tree)? Where a transgenic specimen grows, surrounded by natural forms, their mutual cross-pollination can occur. This, according to experts in the field of biological safety, is fraught with uncontrollable consequences. Nightmarish scenes from science fiction films can come true when shoots grow at incredible speed and break through walls.

Eucalyptus in landscape design

The evergreen plant has excellent windproof properties, drains damp soils. Eucalyptus roots are able to absorb an unusually large volume of water, which is why the tree is called the "green pump". A landscape architect will name many other valuable features that eucalyptus has.

The tree at home is grown more and more often, it is unpretentious, requires minimal care. More time and care will be needed to form the bonsai with pruning and the main shoot. In landscape design, eucalyptus is suitable for stabilizing soil on slopes, escarpments and waterfronts to prevent erosion. The plant prefers moist but well-drained sandy loamy soils (pH value - from neutral to slightly acidic).

Healing properties of eucalyptus

Australian hospitals have long hung eucalyptus branches to disinfect the air. Phytoncides secreted by the plant have an antiseptic and soothing effect. Leaf infusion is used in traditional medicine as an expectorant, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent. Infected wounds are washed with 15% decoction of eucalyptus leaves (previously sterilized).

Eucalyptus oil

The most suitable for treatment is the essential oil obtained from the type of eucalyptus ball (ball). As a medicinal raw material, only the old leaves of the plant are suitable. They are harvested in summer and autumn, when the percentage of oil rises. Both fresh and dried leaves can be subjected to extraction to obtain volatile aromatic substances. Eucalyptus oil is a colorless, yellow or greenish liquid with a pleasant smell. This leaf processing product perfectly refreshes the air, saturates it with a useful and pleasant aroma. Eucalyptol, which is part of the oil, has an antiseptic and expectorant effect, helps with diseases oral cavity and throat. It is used in sprays and lozenges for sore throat, flu.

For growing eucalyptus in a room, it is better to use seeds of relatively undersized species, place seedlings and seedlings in a small dish. It will require annual transshipment or transplantation, intense sunlight and good moisture.

The fragrant leaves of each type of eucalyptus have their own aroma, which combines notes of lemon, rose, violet, lilac. Most of all, the smell of oil resembles laurel, turpentine, camphor. In rooms where eucalyptus is grown, trees delight the eye with elegant and useful foliage, purify the air with phytoncides.

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